BKDFOKD. PA.. FRIDAT, J A3. 25. 187 j; . Whew! Old Boreas has had a high old time of it the last several weeks Snow, snow, and blow, blow, have been the charac teristics of the wcalber. The old chap has t.ikeu a peculiar fancy to making great mounds, pyramids, aud castles of snow. Each lane, road and street can boast of its natural curiosities of this nature. Horses, r'.eigba and bells, belles, robes and parlies are i-i demand. Whew! how the wiud blows, the snow chills, and— the ladies sigh for the next invite. Well, blast it, let them sigh, we don't envy any body's pleasure. But gentle fair one. vou wrapped in furs and fine wooi- R. as, aud you gay beau, with your robes and shawls, do you ever think of tho poor. Re member that each shrill whistle of old Boreas .rries a pang to the heart of some poor mother or wretched babe. Oh! while you Toliu pleasure do not forget those who are in want! Give, and give freely to those who are destitute! DISSOLUTION*. —Muj. W.I. Johnston lias withdrawn from the firm of S. E. Henry and Co., having sold bis interest to Mr. Christ Long. The firm now con-ists ol fi. E. floury. T. 8. Johnston and C. Long, all of whom are clever gentlemen and who v.- ill spare no pains to av o in module their customers. Vve are plea- d to learn that our friend, the Major, intends starling a first class store iu the Spring. We wish all parties success.—Hun don Journal FIRE—QN Friday last about twelve o, clock, noon, ilio carriage shop belonging to Meng . A Gahegao, situated on Washington street, near Bath, took lire in the basement story, and almost instantly the frame iabric was in flames, th - fire having communicated to the paint,. varnishes and oils with which the room was ' re l. Indeed, so rapidly did the fire spread that i: was impossible, at the time it wax discovered ,o save any of the property. The proprietors were both at dinner, and reached the shop iu time to see the flames spreading with increasing rapidity and fury. The engines were early on the gronud, but unfortunately tbey were useless for a time, as b thwere frozen from having been left standing with sac .or water in them. The Juniata, the smallest engine, was the first to be put in working order, and then not until the adjoining dwelling house ot Mr. J. E. Greene bad caught from the flames, which lashed with unquenchable fury oveT and around it. Fortunately, almost ~11 the furni ture etc., iu t] .. d.v ailing, was removed before it caught. Tiie other In s adjoining the con:!:-..ration, —th • r-k f i'r. Snare, and tbtf frame of Mr. Murray,—were saved through the ©xev.ious of our citizen': but it was with the greatest difficulty that a blacksmith shop to the rear was prevented from catching. It is the belief that if the large engine—the Phoenix. —had been iu lit condition, the dwei ling house of Mr. Greene would have been protected but it was not until the whole buil ding was in flames thai it commenced to play at ail. The unfortunate men lost heavily. ■' l r • M i,. el lo iin the neighborhood of sl?* he had also some lumber, window frames, etc., for a new house, destroyed, besides a sleigh carriages and tools. Mr. Greene s loss is about the same. The house cost him > l l I".'. which he had recently paid for and was about having it insured; he and wife lost some valuable c lothing. Neither qf the parties had hired their property, and they have aceoi ingly met with almost a total loss; but we are pi a-ed to note thai the proverbial liberality of our citizens is being extended to them, who. all being in limited circumstances, are in need of the same. It is not positively known how the fire originated, but it is thought that some shav ings in the shop had taken fire from the :ove. — Huntingdon Globe. 1151 END'S COVE CONTINUED. I.tTi Kk FROM I'H.fiHIM. In resuming the subject of our last week's article, we remark thai the soil in Friend's Cove, with the exception of small patches on the ri. untain slopes and spars, is limestone of an excellent quality, and quite productive. Pilgrim has been informed that its fruitlul uess for a long time remained partially unde veloped—the result of a defective system of husbandry. Persons yet living, remember full well the period when the proprietors of the very best farms, did n -t raise a sufficien cy of wheat to supply their families with llour. Their attention, in those day-, being chiefly directed to the cultivation cf corn, rye ami oats. The distillation of liquor, pmre rye whiskey, was quite a business in those lays of" yore. Much of this liquid fire, (as it has been called in modem times) was convey ed to Bedford, and elsewhere, and exchang ed fin flour, it Tting anterior to the forma tion of temperance societies ; the more prom inent families retained quite a sufficiency of the ardent, for domestic and social pnrpo -cs. The sturdy yeomen and matrons, the young men aud maidens, not being fetter* 1 by the chains of teetotalism, were wont to spend their wiut;evenings "merrily, right merrily. " The ouwar inarch of progress in pt 3u d a re:; arkubT charge. If there T, a solitary distillery remaining iu the Cove, the fact has not come to the knowledge o: '.ho writer. The use of the social glass, fiudi Title or no favor with the more cultivate*: aud refined portion of the Coxites. Theii ad van • meat in agricultural. eience; has beer so dei '. h 1 of late years, that their caparioni barns and graaeries are eneraliy erowdet with ph ry ! Besides an abundant supply o the staff of 11 fe forborne consumption, bund reds of barrels of flour and thousands o bushels of gram, are sent annually from thi Cove to meet the demand in other localities Ihe indications are that the greater portioi of it? land-holders are not only in comforts ble circumstances, but likewise rapidly in crea-ing in wealth. Considerable architectu • rnl taste has been displayed in the erectio oi dwelling houses. Many of the swet homestead®, which dot and diversify the lovt !y plain, are capacious and well planned. A matters of natural euri -itv. eveml rivulo ] supplied by mountain springs— reaching the ! valley, disappear and wind through uuexplo , red channels, beneath the surface of the earth for n considerable distance, then burst , forth a pure and strongly flowing fountain. j One may be found at the residence of Mr. I Henry Smith, and another at the homestead i <>f Mr. Saaiuellames. It may be proper to rem art:, fn-pisitni, that the gentlemen just named, are not only possessed of excellent social finalities ; but also of pure patriotism, dtar and unfailing as the pellucid waters of an overflowing fountain ! As a faithful chronicler, It is oar dniy to state that in some aspects, there is yet room foi improvement, iu Frieud's Cove. No turn pike or macadamized road winds through this lovely vale. Its highways and byways, at certain seasons, are in such n state as to ren der travel difficult. The Covites are never startled from their prayers or medita tions, by the rumbling of Railroad curs, aud the shrill screaming of the steam whistle ; no such improvement having as yet been at tempted amongst them. Travelers here, have not the facilities of the antiquated slow ly moving stage coach, to aid them in their ingress and egress. The iirst telegraphic line for the especial benefit of the inhabitants of its principal village, is not as yet established! There are two post-offices in the Cove, sup plied with raaii matter twice a week. The route extends from Bedford to Flintstone, Maryland. The mail is carried on horse back. When the roughness aud dreariness of part of the way is considered, the conclu sion is irresistible that that heroic carrier, must have ihes jHrsectrauce of iianuibal, and the palit/tce of Job ! Pilgrim's sympathy is with this heroic cquestriau, in his toilsome and frequently recurring journeys. The anti quary having not as yet arrived, we abruptly close for the present, with much love, for kind friends. Pll-081-M. PBTEXD'S COTE, January 22, 1^57. X. 15. Pilgrim has learned that the val iant charge, made by "Uncle Toby,'" cpon literary thieves aud their confederates, has I produced some squirming amongst the under \ graduates of Snyder College! It is whis- I pered that the spurious L'ncle Toby, denied the paternity of his literary children ! What an unnatural father ! Shame ! shame ! ! Let him forsake his evil ways, repent and sin no more. P. TUB legislatures of New i'ork,lllinois and Kansas, ratified the Constitutional Amend ment during the last week. A DISPATCH to Senator Stewart, from Vir ginia City, announces the re election of Sen ator Nye. It caused great rejoicing among Republicans in both Houses. EVERYBODY writes its compliment to Cap tain Samuels of the yacht Henrietta. He : seems to have followed a straight path across | the Atlantic as unerringly a- if it had been 1 staked out on both sides. | GEN. Piu otv, who made contracts with a | number of freedtuen to work upon his plan ■ tation in Arkansas, is said to have rai-ed | 3,000 bales of cotton this year. THE Juniata JicpubUcai says : --it is cur rently reported at Harrisourg that Governor Curtin Las purchased the dwelling of if. C. J >nr4irvgrtori - ■* i AL a I ——-J purposes taking up his permanent residence in that city." G EX. SIM ox CAMPHOR wa.. born in Lancas ter county in 17!9, aud is, therefore, sixty eight years of age. He is still as vig irons as most men at fifty, . THK receipts of the Atlantic C able art grea' r, under the reduced tariff, t m they were before. Both cables are iu excellent order, but the present business does not occu py in transmission more than four hours per day, and that on one cable only. A PETITION, addressed to the Illinois Legis lature. asking for an amendment to the Con stitution, so as to allow negroes the right ol suffrage, is being circulated in Chicago, ar> numero:: !y signed. It is to be eirculaf throughout the State. , THE Judiciary Committee are TO call a large number of witnesses to invefgate various acts of the President. Reverafoem bers of the Cabinet and the Riesidcn"' reti nue, which accompanied Mr. Johns® ou IDS late tour, are upon the list. CIIAIH.ES READE, the English np'i s R has commenced an aetion for libel, f the Su preme court of the Southern Disfot of New York, against C. H. SweeUer, lA- i0 y Gard ner and Henry Sedley. ptopr to ' s °f the Round Table. The alleged Hf consists in severe criticisms of Griffith^* l "" l !- fb e damages ure laid at $2-".000. Coxcrr.R.EST resolutions se d the Senate of Missouri, approving Go* J ">r lietcher s course in .-upprc.- Tug outlafy in Lawrence and other counties, and plfeb'S him support ininea-.in s nce -ary the su premacy of the laws. ! Snrp.r-AIIV START©* f l!| rncl over to ! Secretary Browning, of^- ! c Interior Depart. ! aient. lor safekeeping, l ® chair occupied by Pr< : lent l.incoln w* l shot by Booth at Ford's theatre. It F hcen in the cmtody of the War DepartmA rince the night of the assassination. A DISPATCH fronr cur Orleans announces , , ~ „i i .i..... J the arrival of Gen" l overman there, and a contemplated B6^ il ® vcmen * * n Mexican af fair?. Nothing known of the statement in official circles. General Sherman's ar rival there is .st 'd to be very probable. Tin: ntTtsF.' of Cincinnati support six places of po ,; worship, with an aggregate of fifty-four bdred worshipers. They sus tain two da/hools and two schools for reli gious iiistrnM" only. They are very char Stable a? AC- having erected a hospital at | a cost of d-W- "'- I spend annually $23,- tH>O for tii' oor an ®' suffering of their own j comniuni , Mi unf of both Houses are flooded with I letters jiciting l asses for divers persons, . their wf friends and children, ft ; un , ders tof-hat for the year 1857, the Penr.syl ; vnr.ia /'d will grant passes to members only. ( at.d !?*I i Heatiohs thus fir made from any f juart have remained unanswered. Mem bers'tf 'heir constituents to relieve them f frer/ lesc importunities. The Dead-Heads arefdentlv in a precarious condition. pOßOivu to ft report from Jamaica, of a i 3 person? who attended religious wor . s fin . tfed church, and 02,033 to other denomi . eons, viz : WesJeyans, 37,570, Baptists, n lb-'. 121 per cent.); Presbyterian?. 7,055 ; ; t jorav.ans, 0,0.70; London Missionary fiocie .. 4 . 0,7-0: Roman Catholics, 1,870; American , fission?, 775 ; Jews 500 ; and '.ho Church of eetland. 450. A raTiK fight took place at Goldsborough, nine miles from Harris burg, recently. Twen ty-one rounds were fought, lasting thirty - eight minutes, Collyer, of Baltimore, whip ping McQuade. The principals were arrest ed and taken to York couuty. The mill was largely patronized by roughs from Hai risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Ma ny persons walked from Harxisburg, through the snow, nine miles, to see the fight. THE Legislature of Kausas have adopted a joint resolution to amend the Stale Constitu tion, so as to restrict the suffrage to loyal men. An amendment excepting those who had been in rebellion, but could show an hon orable discharge from the United States ser vice, was voted down. The ratification of the constitutional amendment came up upon a reconsideration and was unanimously adopt ed, the Conservative Senators voting in the affirmative. THE Methodists probably have among them the mostliberul givers of munificent donations to their particular cause of any religious de nomination in the world. In the United States alone the Centenary collection now toots up over $3,800,000, aud it is not all yet in. It will undoubtedly reach $4,000,000. Of this sum Daniel Drew, of New York, gave $300,- 000 ; Mr. Baldwin, of Ohio, SIOO,OOO ; Mr. Rich, of Boston, $70,t)00, and many others from $20,000 to $50,000 each. THE Directors of the Pennsylvania Rail, road have adopted the following resolution : Uesolved, That this Company will decline to issue free passes, except for purely charit able purposes, and such others as in the opin ion of the President may be absolutely re quired by the interests of the Company. Fur ther, that no officers of this company but the President, shall issue free passes except to employees when traveling on the business of the company, unless specially authorized by the President. THE Telegraph reports Hon. Charles D. Drake as elected Senator from Missouri. We presume the vote referred to is that of the Republican caucus of the Missouri Legisla ture, and not that of the Legislature itself. It. however, secures his election. Mr. Drake is one of the foremost lawyers in the West : j a man of great ability and force of character and of the radical stamp. lie will prove a valuable accession to the Republican side in the Senate. We shall be disappointed if he does not immediately take a commanding po sition in that Lady. THE Commissioner of Pensions has issued the following circular: A pplieants for increase of pensions under the Acts of June 6 and July 25, 1866. and their agents, are hereby informed that such applications filed from and after the Ist day of January, 1*67, cannot possibly be adjudicated before the 4th day of March proximo, when the semi-annual pay- I ment of pensions is due. The original cer tificates of all army pensioners should not be J forwarded with the applications for increase j filed between this date and the 4ih of March L next, but should be retained by them, and surrendered only upon a call from this office. Tlsaitdeu- Stevens. _ Speaking of the Old Commoner, the llar -lis burg Telegraph says it "has been the hottest supporter and sincere admit er of ring Mr. Stevens, career in Congress wo have never h. -itafod t defend bio course and insist on the \ urity This motives. He Jis a great man an unequalled advocate and | legislator. In the position he now holds he should and will Le kept a long as he desires to oauoy it. It affords us great pleasure thus tJ .reiterate our devotion to and admi rarior for. Mr. Stevens; hut while doing so we wreal-o cot: trained to a-sure him that in fcc Senatorial contest which has hist • el xsfi he was deceived by the counsels of t ialj" friends, who took advantage of his marnanimous nature to drag l.iui into a tjfiit which they had provoked and could . pt sustain, purposely to let its entire force '■urst on his head. Mr. Stevens was brought ,16 Hairisburg with dust in his eyes; lie kft v with his heart full of resent tm . 1 Jit for those who had .so villainously deluded him. It is only fair to remind those who participated in this trick, the Old Commoner hn~- a dangerous habit of talking, and that he may possibly talk on this "-uhject." —— - - - ■ MARRIED l ! ec. L'tb, ! 66, by IU:-.-. J. I". T.illhcli];, at the . fi 1< ,cc of the bride's father, Mr. I>. M. WON- DkllS. to AIl-5 -\i AiLl ANN, oiiiy Mr. H übert 0t: all of Napa r tp, Bedford c„. On the 10th ::;- f , by the Rev. 11. Hc-ckennan, Mr. UEOK..K KUDU'S to Mr*. MARY H.UtT ZEL, both of Snake Spring tp. "n he 20th Sntrt.. by Rev. I. Ilcili.ian, Mr. JONAS c. J MI. ER to Mis* ELIZABETH SMITH, both cf this county. DIED Jan. 2d. 1 -67, near West Milton, Miami co., O. of congestion i.l' the lung*, ANN CATHARINE, | id Ni'thauiei and Elizabeth Yore, for i ~i:L.l y of Bedford Co., I'a., aged 1 year 6 luontha and 2J day s. On the 17th iujt., ELIZABETH CORNELIA, daughter ol Jau.cs and Rebecca Armstrong, ol Snake Sprink Valley: aged 6 years, 5 in ntht and 15 days. This very interesting little girl was taken sick on that day, whi -h, above all other day* in the year, is mo.--' interesting to Christian children: Christina- day. Whilst thousands of other chil dren rt." joyous and happy in celebrating the Savior's birth, she was markc 1 cut as one ol those interesting ones, early to be transposed to the heavenly world, an l be gathered into the Great Shepherd, who .-aid "Suffer the little childicn to eouie unto me and forbid them not, for of such ig the kingdom of heaven.'' May the good Lord comfort toe heart* of the bereaved parent , PASTOI. Ilostrttcr's Stomach Hitters. M DBHHOOM IM IT A TfONS. Success is* the "picvalent cradle" of innumerable humbugs. No sooner bed II OS TETTERS STOMACH liIT TERB made their mark in tlie world than up sprang ah t< f imituticttfr, and The fniri" of the great rt torativc grew and spread, the ptctif erou * crop of poit -nous mocker tea thickened. JSut the true medicine has lived them down. One by one they hare disappeared. When the bellow- of puffery, which kept alive the feeble fire cf their borrowed reputation, ec;.*c.l to • ! JUT, tlioy ceased to live, and thus tuey continued to coino and go. Meanwhile, iIOSTETTKJVS LITTBKS, the great protect i-.*c ar.d r media? tonic of the rgc, have progressed in popularity with each FUcooed ing year. Their meet as a means preventing and curing the diseases resulting fr*in malaria, unwholesome water, and all unhealthy climate influences, has been boar.die."-, and a.a remedy | I r Dyspcp- ia, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, | General Weakness and Debility, and all complaints ! originating in In digest ion, they nr= noW admitted to be SO peri OT to any other preparation ever ad -1 rertiscd or prefpribed. From the houic market, ; to which afew year® ago they wcri imbued, their J sale has been extended into e*. cry £tut< in this ! Union, over the whole of South *nd Ontnl -Amer ica, Mcirlc©, the West Indie?., the Sandwich Ir ! lands, Australia, China and Japan. Home and • f.-riigii f? -timor.y . h >\ :!; •■!--• t ter's Hitters are the i-ost vemarkaHc tonic and ■ inviirorant now befor 'he work'. l)r Schcnek's Pulmonic Syrup. This great medicine cured by Dr. J. 11. Schenck the proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy sicians pronounced his case incurable, when he oommenced the use of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored ia a very short ti:i., and no return of the disease has been appre hended, for all the symptoms quickly disappear ed and bis present weight is more than two hun dred pounds. Since his recovery he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures cdectcd by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. I)r. Schenck makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has lorge concourse of pa" tients, and it is truly astonishing to foe poor con sumptive# that have to l>e lifted out of their ear riages, and in a few months healthy, robust per sons. Dr. Schcnek's Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake I'iils arc generally all re quired in curing Consumption. Pall directions accompany each, so that any one can take them without ceing Dr. Schenck, but when it is cenve nicat it is best to see him. lie gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Kespir oinctcr his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the twj likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the la#, stage of Consumption, and the other as he now ta in perfeet health, nro on Government stump. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers' prico jH.S-i per bottle, or $7.50 the halfdtzcn. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Schcnek't Prin cipal Office, No. 15 North oio Street, Philadel phia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Dcmas llames J- Co., N. Y.; S. S. Hunce. llaltimore, Md.; Joan D. Parke, Cincinnati, Obi..: Walker A Taylor, Chicago, 111.; Colins Dies., at. Louis, Mo. Nov. 16:3dwcnuily. A Cough, A Cold or A Sore Throat, KKOLIKI: IM.'LEDIATK AIT-:'. nox, '.so snorin BK ctmcsts. If ALLOWhI) Is I WISH., Irritation of (he Limes, a I'eriiiaiKu I t iii out Disease or t .>u*uiiijitioii, is orrns THE RKSLLT. imou.vs BRONCHIAL TROCHES HAVING A nnntt'T ISSLVEVE TO THE PAHTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE REI.IEP, l or IlroiK !litis, Astlimn, Catiirrli, (on Miiuptirc and Throat IShenwa, TEOT BES ACE I SEP V.ITU ALWAYS GOOD ST'CCE&S. SI.VGEBN A.MS rilll.it SPEAKERS wiil find 7'th J day of I'vl ruury, 1 7. Martin (. • rdel vs. Paul Bouse. Jae. H. Longenoekcr vr. Jor. M. Shoenfelt. Sam'! Strnyer rt al vs. Chap Madden. Sain'l Clark vs. Win. Sleek. Pius Liti'c's adm'r vs. J no. W. Heeler's admT. Bloody Run School List. vs. W. Prov. S. Ilist. Thus. W. Blackburn's Kxr. v*. John Mullet, al. 11. k B. Railroad vs. Wm. T. IJaugherty. S. uio • vs. Ssm'l Corn's adm'r. Same Jno. G. Clark, Same Jno. W. Cri.-man. Sam'l T. Flack vs. Rich. Lang ion. C. Fockler A Sou vs. Geo. Roalcs et. al. Cornelius Devore vs. Wm. B. Huffman. Mary Potts vs. Anth'y Smith i wife. Madam k Spang vs. Evorsolc. Martin <' rdel vs. David Byers. Eluck A Wharton vs. Homer Nciee. Jacob Stuikinius vs. Sophia LutegaielL Certified .Jan. 21st, I*'.7. Jan. 25. 0. E. SHANNON, Proth'y. riJAYERN LICCKSL'j. 1 The following named persons have taken out petitions for tavern license, and notiee is hereby given that the same will be presented to the Court of •luartcr Sessions to be held at Bedford, on the 1 ltli day of Feb'y next for allowance: J. li. Grccnough, Sexton Borongh. David Wcimcr. Cleorville. 11 in. M. Pearson, Woodbury. Isaac Jlengcl, Bedford Borough. M it. T. Grove, Bloody Run Boruugli. I>. A M. Ott, Bloody Kun. Ifcnry Thick, Weodberry. Rachel Nangle, St. Clairsvillc. James L. Prince, Saxt n. jan!B 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk. L) A KG A INS! BARGAINS! > BARGAINS! I> AT THE BEDFORD CLOTIUXG EMltt, I am now closing out my V."INTER STOCK ; f Kloil>¥-HAl>i: i LOTHL\ at prices way below former rates. All Wool Coats 810.00 to 15.00 " 44 Pants G.OO to 8.50 " " Vests aSO to 4.50 44 " I'aats & Vests as low ns 810. A few Ovcr-eoats etill BDFOItD Atn Orphans' Court heid at Bedford, in ■and for the county of Bedford, on the 1 o'h day of .November, A. U.'tSW, before the Judges of the - aid Court: On m nion of John M< .very Esq., the ■Court grant a Rule on the heirs and legal repro .-curative- of Artemas Bennett, iate of .touthamp ton township, deeea-d. to wit: Lideah Bennett, widow of the said A. Bennett, dee'd; Abraham 8. Bennett, of Allegheny county. Md.; Mary 8., i-i --fermarried with Chr: t pbtr Walter, residing in the State i f Iowa; Chat !cs 8. Bonnet, George Bcn :nett, Daniel 8. Bennett, Barbara, now dead, who was intermarried with John Lcasure, and who has left issue, four children, vis: Jemima, Mary, Re becca Ann and Atsey, Mary, intermarried with Thomas Ecascie, Artemas A. Bennett, and Tasty Bennett, to 1 c and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, in anil for the eounty of .Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 11th day of Februa ry next, to accept or refuse to Like the real es tate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of s writ of partition and valuation issgad out of our said Court, and to the (sheriff oi said eounty di rected, or show cause why the same rhouid not bo sold. [l. s.] In tosiiar ny whereof I have hereunto -ot toy hand and seal of tho Ci art at Bedford, the 2"th d:ty of Not. tuber, A. D. I-6b. ft. t. SHANNON, Clerk. Attest: - ,)t;*JtT STEI ,Jf . N, ShtT. jan! - CJHKUIFF A ARE. ' O By virtue of writ of vend, exponas and fieri facias • • n.e directed, (here will be soid at the Court Jloure, in the Borough of Bedford, on SA T . RDAY, the !'th -. iy . f 1 -. i ,-uary A. D. 156", at 10 o'clc k A. M., the following real estate, to wit: One tract of'at ! situate in hi'-crty tp., Bedford ffKHTftT..' - ■■ : - ■ -'-'a right, tide, one hue . : c try a:.-, about fifty acres cleared a.: . t U : : has :ng th: re- n erected a good !wo .. Bog U-use, wi s kitchen attached, spring 1 . e, ' .\vn, cr i p, and ether out buildings, therein. Also, two apple orchards thereon. Adjoining l-.nds of 0e. Rhodes, Wil liam Liltic, I'hi in .' r, r-- ! - h rj, and taken in excc-u . as t!:e ; roj rty f W3Ham S. Ei-tri ken. ALSO, ATI th: 'icfcnlant' sigh; title and inter est in av.d ; : tr.. t of In .v. ritaining one hun dred .ad tw a .-res or less, about 50 acres clear 1 and under fen ; having thereon erected a two story fog boose, spring boue, dry house, bank barn and other out h. a.-cs, and saw mill thereon etcet d j. r.a apple < re-hard of choice fruit t'cre n. ds : • c re Reads, Wm. Flnck, ' ■ : . Lit 0 hers, and taken in exe cution . p. ptriy : Win. S. I.ntriken. ALSO, . ' fi.e d ten-ia right, title and in terest in an 1 ... a tract of land situate in Union township, Bedford county, containing about 100 acre- more or b - •, about 60 acres cleared and un der fence, with r. two story log house and log barn hereon: adi -ining lands of Christian Brig gle, Maihew M-rechca.i, and others. AI.MJ, All defer. hint's iuterc.-t in and too a tra- t . and, cot.raining abo I acres, more or lets, about 20 tic res cleared and under fence, with a two story and a half log dwelling house thore i,-t en reed, a j-dnit r 1 t-.d- of J seph Stifilcr, Samuel .Archer, and oth< r ALSO, All the defendant's interest in and to a tract ot iand containing I'CO acres, more or less, about It' ii res cleared and partly under fence ■with a story and n half log house and log stable then- a erected: adjoining finds of George Nisely, Duv: i Lewis, dee d, ana others. Al. U.Ait defet-lor.t's in teres t in and to a tract of land containing a'- ul_ a: .more or less, about So acres cleared -nil ut.der l'euic, with a two story Log Hon" and Bat k Bart: thereon erected, ad joining lands of John Bo cr, Samuel Walters and others, and reiJtd in i taken in execution as property of Dai id C M t ori:.: ROBKRT Slii: K.MAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Jan. 18, Is . '. J > EUISTEU'A NOTICE Iv All pc -ons interested are hereby n lifted that the folbiwing named aecotmtnnti, have filed their : -'III■ re in tho Register's Office of Bedford county, and that tho same will he presented to the Orphan?' Court in and fur said county, on Tuesdny the ISrh day of February next, at the Court 1! use, in Bedford, for confirmation: J. i• niimini :raC :i junt of James M. Smith, idtnini iratur of the estate of William Say; v, late of St. Uir n.-hp, Bedford eounty, dee'd. 2. The are-'rent of J-siah luiler, Execntor of the la.-1 Win and Teslaincr.t of Jackson Dibcrt, iate of Woet I'rovidcnee township, Bedford CO., Pcnn'a. dec'tl. 3. Th ; Administration r. 'eount of Duncan Yickc-, administrator of thc~Cstate of John Culp, late of rehcllsbnrg. deceased. 1. Th; :ec . nt of Thomaa Oldham, administra tor of the estate of Joseph li. Corle, late of the Count-, of Randolph, State of Indiana, dee'd. 5. T ■■ accoirr.- ofThoma? Oldham, Esq., ad roini rtitor of the estai of Eve King, late ot Union tp.. dee'd. o. Tin final ae 'net t John 8. Stuckey, one of the lixee. tors of the la.t Will and Testament of g.-mrel 8. Stuckey. b:'e < .. ye- lann, -iec d. 16. iho Final are'-unt of Isaac F. drove an Sarah A. Orcve, ndministrators of the estate i Je-se tlrovc, late of Bloody Run Borough, doc - 0. Iv SIIANN'tN, Register. | Jan 11. 15 7 / < HAND JURORS lj>ATu67 F ' h,U " 7 T ' ra ' 2 ' J MoDjn y William Egolf. j liaj: of i-ktit Ji uuns usiirj pos samk tkp.m. i t)iclj '' Thoa Johns, I ] £?\' U ' A - J - Morgan, l-aaicl Barley John Shoemaker, ! Joseph Slefcfcjr, Thorns lffiler> Thomas B Smith, Jason Hank# Gabr.ell Bur.eet, Cornelia,, Be'vorc David Figart, U. 11. Walker, Joe. C. Edw.irds, Simon Nycum Aaron Reed, A Jain Geller,' Jo:-. Weavcriing, David Miller, James Arm iruug, FrancisDonahoe, WiUiain Ralston, Capt E Eichclberger, Srß.nel I.ognc, Dr Asa Duval Jacob Claar, Christian Miller, Stephen Wcirncr, 11 Clay Lasbley, Daniel Heltzel, I'eter 11. Shires, Km Fwartr. welder, Jacob Bowser, J. I. Gepnart, Josejih Miller, iViPiaiN Bowles, Dr. J, Comphcr. i Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 24th day of November, A. D. 1866. ISAAC KENSINGEK, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest.- Jury Commissioners. JOBS U. Ptsnvn, Cl'K. janlS Huntingdon A broadtop railroad —On and after Thursday, Jan. 10, ISC7, Pas ■rengcr Trains will arrive and depart as follows: Aceom Express lA f XS Accom Xpress P.M. A. M. SIDINGS A.M. P. M 114.04 le 7.50; Huntingdon, ar11.22 ak4.15 f.2l "-'.lO MeConnellstown 11.02 4.24 4.31 8.18 Pleasant Grove, 10.50 5.16 4.50 8.31 Markl&slurg, 10.38 5.00 5.06' 8.54 Coffee Run, ! 10.22 5.45 bll 0.02 Rough A Ready 10.14 4.36 •".2 0.14 Cove, 10.02 4.24 5.30' 0.1 - Ft-her's .Summit 0.58 4.20 Sexton, 1e9.43 1e4.05 le 9.4', ' in Ait 3.55 10.03 Riddlesburg, , 2215 10.11 Hopewell, 2.27 Dh29 Piper's Ran, ' 2.09 10.59 TalesvillO) • 1.47 11.11 .Bloody Run, 1.34 : 11.13 M. ur.t Dallas. !.:;n 'snours~RUN T "branch. i.e 9.4' Sexton, Ait 9.30 Alt.'!.oo I 10.90, Cool ato&t, 9.15 2.4j 10."5 Crawf rde 9.05 2.35 An 10.15 Dudley, 'le 9.00 le 2.30 Broad Top C'ity. Jan. 1:67. JOHN M'KILLIPS, Supt. 7'o the (-Woor, ll:e Jnetici !of the Peace, and (' lUtaltlc# in t'te diffcren' Totonehij/e in the Co . Cy of Radford, Greeting: Kxow ye that in pursuance of a precept to tee directed, under the har d and tho sea! of the Hon ALEXANDER KING, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in tte .Sixteenth District, Consisting of the counties cf Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office ■f the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of eßpita! and other of. fender therein and in the General Court of Quar t r Sir,: of the I'ea e; and W*. G. Eich i tz an ! JAMES Bcras, Jr. £]., Judges of the >ui Court, in the same County of Bedford, yon ud c :ch of you are hereby required to bo and py nr In yonr proper person.-, with your Records, Recognizance-, Examinations, and other remeni ;..nn-, l-ef re the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, •■t '< <"'■ art of Oy- r and Terminer and Genera! Jail Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be holden for the county of Bed ford, aforesaid, on the '■! >' -j of Febnrary (5- tg the 11 ih dag,) ' . in the f rer. ■ c • f that day, there and To ' , M rhine-s to wlit.ti y. Jir offi ces pertain. • ■I . en under my hand at Bedford, on the 26th of November in the year of onr Lord, 1866. jan!B:S7 ROBERT STECKMAN, Shff. rjVIAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM, J. 1-67 (11th day.) Con ver. Duff 4 Co. vs. Isrscl Oppenhcimer. B. W. Garretson vs. Jno. W. Beeler's Adm'rs. IF mer Neicc vs. Wm Woy. Gideon Ilitcchew vs Adam U M:iler. E. A. Fockler vs Jao A Ranm. Uiiah Aciams vs Sarah Pierce's Exrs. Dav i 1 11.1 icr vs. Huntingdon A I!. T. R. R. li. W. Garret.son's use vs Isaac Miller. Kiir. M. Bndcnthal vs. Emily Wolf. Fame vs. Angelino Earnest et al. Fame vs. Sarah Sleek. Certified January !4th, 196". janic 0. E. SHANNON, Proth'y. iAUTION TO TRESPASSERS.—AII persons VJ are cautioned against Hunting or otherwise trespassing upon my farm, as X am determined to enforce the law again st ail disregarding this no li e. ELENOR M. MAT. Harrison twp., Jan. 11, 1867.3t TTXLCUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters tcstainenta lii ry having been granted to the subscribers, Executors of the last will and testament of Peter Earns, cf East Providence tp., deceased. Notice is hereby given to al! persons indebted to said es tate to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. GEORGE KARX, E. Providence. DAN'L SPARKS, W/Providence J.ui.l I:6t Executors. -TATE OE SAMUEL WALTER, deceased. 1 J Letter* of Administration, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county, upon tho estate of Samuel Walter, late of Union township, Bedford CO., deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified and required to make immediate payment and those having claims are requested to present thcmf'T immediate settlement. HENRY B. WALTER. Jan. ll:6t Administrator. 17 STATE OF WILLIAM BONNELL, dee'd. ili Letters of administrate n. having been grant ed to the unior-igned by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of William Bonnell, late of Londonderry township, Bedford co,, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no- i tilled and required to make immediate payment, j and those having claims are requested to present them for immediate settlement. JACOB TROUTMAN, Jr., Janl!:6t Administrator. ntSfl STORE FOB SALE. The subscribe* will sell hi? DRUG STORE, lo cated in Holliiiavshurg, Pa., containing, DRUGS. GLASSWARE,PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, AC. The terms are one-half in hand, and the balance in three and ix months. Persons desiring information in re gard to this establishment will call on Taos. W. Hi cnr>, at Adams' Express Office, Bedford, or on Wv. C. I\r at the Tvqrtnrtt Office. Jan 11.:3t H.B.MARTIN. \ I.L INTERESTED J\. Will pie? o remember our Book? will be rcady for settlement JANUARY I, ISS7. Th c interested are respectfully notified, they ■ rciti* their aieoiiMtf. Thanking all who have h ret. f re complied with our terms. We also, in form all. who neglect to do so, they will find their clai: in the hands of an officer for collection, si- v dav? after date named above. A. B. CRAMER A CO. Dec. 1, 1 -en.;3m. E TATE OF JACOB r.rrSEL, DKCBASB*. Letters testamentary having been granted to the ur: lersigne dby the Register of Bedford county, np> n the estate of Jacob Bciscl. late of the Town ship of St. Clair. County of Bedford, deceased, ' persons indebted to said c-tato arc hereby no tified and required to make immediate payment, and those having claims arc requested to present them for immediate settlement. JOHN ALDSTADT, Jan. I:fit Executor. i> fiT Wedding Card", Business Cards, Bib Heads. Circulars, and all kind of Mercantile. ; Blanks, neatly and expeditiously executed at the Inquirer Job Office. B" MeTcLYMYER A CO., . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SToYFS, TINWARE Ac., • No. 1 "Stone Row," Bcdl rd, Pa. E. V. HOWRY Has Jest returned from the East with a fine as sortment of FANCY AND MILLENARY GOODS, and has now opened, a variety of handsome Win ter Bonnets, liats, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, 4c-, of the very latest style Also, a variety of j FANCY DRESS GOODS French Merino, Plaids, Wool Delaines, Alpacas, MaaHn Delaines, Gingham j, Calico, Muslin, Flannels, Opera and Plaid Flannels, Cloths for Coats and Sacks, Radios' & Children's Furs, Coats, Cloaks, Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, oolen Hoods, Balmoral Skirt#, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Kidd Gloves, Ladies' Buckskin Gauntietts, Cloth and Fleeee- Lined Gloves xor Ladies anu Children, Black Lace Veils, Ber aoge and Grenadine for Veils, Pocket-Hand kerchief?, Nev.k-ties, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Eureka Hair Restorative, also, Mr*. Hill's Restorative, DRKSS TIiIMMINGS, W Buttons, all kinds of Toys; also, tho very best marie, and finest Ladies' and Children's Shoes that can be bought in Philadelphia. She is deterininad to sell her goods anc* do her work as Cheap as the Cheapest. She hopes her friends and patrons will call and examine her goods, as sue feels satisfied that they will recommend them selves, in quality and price to refined taste and good jugdment. Nov 2—ims B.TATE AM. REA. Mr?. Tate has returned from the City with a splendid selection of BONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, VELVETS, SILKS, RIBBONS, and every thing belonging to a Millinery Establishment. Wo desire to call your attention to our FALL STOCK. OP Ladies' Dress and Cloak Trimmings of my own selection, such as Ornaments, Buttons, Qui pure and C!eeny Lacos, Coras, Tassels, Fring es.-, Velvets, Ribbons, Belting and Trimmings gen erally. Mrs. Tate 4 Miss Rea flatter themselves that their late novelties will not bo surpassed by any. having given their personal attention to all the branches of their department. The acknowl edged superiority as regards their reliability and tho patronage, extended to them renders commant unnecessary. Mrs. Tate procured while in Philadelphia a FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKER who is now ready to make Dresses, Cloaks, and Children's wear. Ladies may rely on being axti. tically fit ted, and their work finished in the m-st prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest possible price. Catting and basting dono promptly. Girls wanting to learn Mantua-Making must apply immediately; a fine opportunity is given them. Oct. 19 3me PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! T JRs. G-ETTYS' NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, BEDFORD, IFUA. The undersigned has fitted up a new Photograph Gallery THREE DOORS WEST OF DR. HAR RY'S DRUGSTORE, where he.iVprepared to make PICTI'KES of ANY SIZE AND STYLE DESIRED, from the smallest Breast Pin sire to Life Size. He also keeps a large assortment of ;FANCY CASES, POCKET ALBUMS, ALBUMS EOR THE CENTRE TABLE, Gilt & Rosewood Frames, GILT MOULDING AND ROSEWOOD MOUL DING for frames, CORD AND TASSALS for hanging frames. He will also copy pictures from AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, ENGRAVINGS, &C. and enlarge them to any size desired. Having all the late improvements in the art, and being en gaged in the business longer than any other man in the county, he'can assure his customers that he will make better work than can be had at any other establishment. He was the FIRST to in troduce the Ambrotype, FIRST to Introduce the Melainotype and Ferrotype, FIRST to intro duce the Photograph, and he is the only one who can make THE BEAUTIFUL ALBYTYPE, or PORCELAIN PICTURES, of recent discov ery. TERMS: Twenty-live percent.Less than any other place in the county. NOT. 9-3ms. T. R. GETTYS. rjiRfUMPH IN DENTISTRY. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By the use of Nitrons Oxide Gas, and U attended with no danger whatever. TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for. Special attention will be made to diseased gums and a cure warranted or no charge made. TEETH KILLED to last for life, and all work in the dental lino done to the entire satisfaction of all or the money refunded. Prices shall correspond with the times. I have located permanently in Bedford, and shall visit Sebellsburgh the Ist Monday of each month, remaining one week: Bloody Run the 3d Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of my time I can be fonnd at my office 3 doors Sooth of the Court House, Bedford, Pa. IV 31. W. VAN OKMER, Nor. 23, 186.6. Dentist, C. FETTERLY, Has jn.'t received a splendid lot of llM'l DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy Dross Goods, Silks, French Alorinoes, Alpacas, Delaines, Flannels, Mnslins, Prints, Cloaking Cloth, CLOAKS and ZFLTIR/S, Shawls, Skeletons, Balmorals, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Buttons, Velvets, Ladies' Dress Capes. Ac. A handsome assortment of Em broidery, Mourning and Lace Goods, Ladies and Children's Shoes, with a great variety of notions, and a handsome assortment of toys. Her stock consists of every article kept in a first flass Fancy Store. Thankful for past favors she respectfully asks a continuance of the public patronage. Nov. 9-3 m. Agents wanted /or tx <■ .Vot Popular and beft felling Subteription Rook' publifhtd. We arc the most extensive publishers in the United States, (having six houses,) and therefore can afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than any other company. Our books do not pass through hands of Gener al Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do,) therefore we are enabled to give our can vassers the extra per cent, which i* usually allow ed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will sec the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. (tar series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly North and South. Old agents, and all others, who want the best paying agencies, will please send for circulars and seo uur terms, and compare them and the character of our works with those of other pub lishers. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Pa., Boston, Mass., Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, II!., St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, V* Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Bil Heads. Circulars, andall kinds of Mercantile Blacks, neatly and exiteditiously executed at he lx'Qi IKER Job Office.