f}i£ IBflfrrrfl BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY, DEC, 10. 18(& The Ixqcirf.r is a better medium than any other paper, for communicating with the people of Bed ford county. It has a circulation of over twelve hundred and steadily increasing. Advertisements in this paper, reach a thousand readers more, (hat they would, published in any other paper that cireu ates in this connty. tf. Wanted.—An apprentice to the printing business will be received at this office. A boy fifteen years of age or upwards, of good iuteligence, the more edu cation the better, of good habits and industrious. To such a boy a good opportunity will be offered, to learn the art of printing, and the additional opportu nity of improvement and advancement in his educa tion. Brooks Series of Arithmetics for sale at introduc tion prices, at the Drug and Book Store of Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford Pa. Agent. To Our Subscribers. Our subscribers are reminded that it requires niou ey to print the Ixijcirek. Every thing we use costs money. Will our subscribers bear this in mind and remember us the coming Court term, if not sooner? ££nt?" All subscriptions paid before the first of De cember next will be creditedat our advance rates, of two dollars a year. If payment is delayed after that time, the rates will be increased, in accordance with our publications, ffesf" After the first of January next no paper will be sent out of the county, unless paid for in advance. We hope our subscribers out of the county will not take this amiss. But the large and thus far increas ing expenses, in the printing business, makes us fee that iu order to carry it ou successfully, a cash sys tem as nearly as may be, must be adopted. We learn with regret that Captain Frank Holsin ger, of Woodbury, attached to the 9th Army Corps, has been seriously wounded in the right arm, below the elbow. We wish him a speedy recovery. A small boy of Mr. Wiliiam Wolf, residing Dear "The Mills," in Bedford township, fell on last Wed nesday and badly fractured his right arm. The child has been for some time afflicted with paralysis of the left arm and side, which has caused him to suffer at times with spasms, which were the cause of the fail that has thus doubly afflicted him. Exemptions l nder the State Draft. The following extract of a letter from Inspector General Todd, has been furnished us for publica tion : "In regard to exemptions," says Geneaall Todd, ''the citizen owes allegience snd as a consequence service tt> both State and National Governments, and exemption from service iby reason of having paid Commutation, put into U. S. Service a substi tute, or having served over two years ia the army or navy of the U. 5..) under the provisions of the Act of Congress for enrolling and calling out the National forces does not relieve a party from the service he owes the State nnder her Militia laws.— In reference to persons who have served three years in active service see See. 9, Act of 4th of May 1 - )4. (This Act exempts all who have served three years. — ED. I.vqrntKß.) The certificate of disability given by the Physician of Enrollment Board of U. S. should not per se, be regarded as sufficient evidence of disqualification for State service. Each board must determine its own exemptions in the manner prescribed by law. The 3d Art. Sec. 2d Act of May 4, 1864 requires the party to make an affidavit of the I facts on which he claims to be exempt, but does not appear to require corroborate ng affidavits, the Commissioners are to judge whether the facts set ; forth are sufficient grounds for exemption.'' COL. WILLIAM*T. CHAPMAN. The following letter has been handed to us, an nouncing the death of the gentleman whose name i heads this article: TOPEKA, Mason Co., 111., \ December 1, 1804. > MIL WM. CHAPMAN : Dear Sir —By request of Mrs. Chapman, I an nounce to you the sad tidings of the death of your honored son. Col. Wm. T. Chapman, at his post of honor. He died of Chronic Diarrhaa. on the morn- ! ing of the 23d ult., at Pulaski, Teun.. after a renew- ' t d attack of the disease for two weeks. Thus dies for his Country an affectionate husband and father, an honored son, and a most highly esteemed neigh bor and friend. Most respectfully yours, DANE. MARSH. Col. Chapman, we learn, was a native of this place, and, with some interruptions, resided here until, in the vigor of early but matured manhood he removed to the west. He was a printer by profession, and for several years prior to leaving, had been the editor and proprietor of the "Bedford Inquirer,'' which he conducted with much ability and success. He removed to the State of Illinois and settled on a farm, where, successfully engaged in its peaceful pursuits, he resided until the breaking out of the war, when, without any hesitation, he exchanged the in offensive garb and implements of the husbandman for the arms and habiliments ot the soldier. He en tered into the contest with all the energy of his na ture, and by his bravery and good conduct soon rose to the position he held at the time of his death. His services were chiefly, if not altogether, in the Army of the Cumberland. He was in numerous engage ments and was repeatedly wounded: and although he j suffered much from his wounds, as well as from im- j paired health, and was urged by his friends to retire I from the army and return home, he heeded no coun sels but those of patriotism, and heroically remained j at the post of duty aud honor, until stricken down ! by the fell destroyer. Thus has fallen another of our patriotic men, who, ! hating and resisting treason, willingly and nobly laid I his life on his country's altar, to save and perpetuate j the national existence. To the aged and bereaved parents, and to the mourning family aud friends, we tender our warmest ; sympathies. MH.TTARY Officers and Soldiers should have ; Brown's Bronchial Troches, as they can be carried j m the pocket and taken upon the appearance of a Cold or Cough, which if neglected, may terminate in something worse. As there are imitations, be i sure to OBTAIN* the genuine Brown's Bronchial Tro- . which are sold everywhere at 25 cents a box. DIED. LEADER— Killed, on White River. Ark., l.y a guerilla. J Orii. eerg. WILLIAM LXA-DKR, son ol" Major Henry Leader, j Lerrieu Springe, Michigan, aiul formerly of Bedford, . aged about SO years- LEE.— OU the 4th of December, in Cumberland Valley, 1 '<• hr ou P< 'LLI.IM FBANCIS HAI-KSB, EON of Andrew and ; vsllM, Lie, aged 3 months. LOOK 101000IHTERESTSI Farmers, Mechanics. Lawyers, Doc tors, Preachers, and ali. | Buy Your Goods ai the Bargain Store of G. R. & \Y. OSTER, ! Who has just received an elegant assortment of NEW WINTER GOODS! Embracing, Black Silks, Bombazines. Cobertrs, Alpacas, Mohairs, Lusters, to uton Cloths, Poplins, Heps. Silk Piu ids, Wool Delaines, latest styles, American Delaines. Prints, Ginghams, Checks, Table Diaper, Ticking. Ballard vale and Shaker Flan nels, Cnon Flannels, Scarlet, Sol ferine and Grey Shirting Flan nels, Sheeting and Shirt ing Muslins of stan dard marks, Mi ners Flannels, Linsey, Blankets, Ladies' Furs —Muffs, Capos and Cuffs—Ladies* Repellnnt Waterproof Cloths, Fbawls and Circulars, Cloths, Cassiiners, .Satinets, Tweeds and Kentuc ky Jeans, for mt-D and beys' wear. Hosiery, Gloves, Neck Ties, Shirt Collars nml Fronts. Merino I'udershirt# and Drawers. Hats and baps, every style, quality and color. Boots and Shoes, in great variety. A Targe assort ment of QUSENTSWAHE. GROCERIES:- ( boice Rio Coffee, Extra Young Hy.-r,, Imperial and Oolong Teas. Sugars, Syrups, lOee, Chocolate? ."-pices, Salt, Cheese, Chcwiug Tobacco, and Segars of choice brands. Together with 1001 other articles to which we call the attention of buyers. Bedford, Nov. 25, ]S/54-2m Bedford Insurance Agency. Intsurance Oo m a. 11 y , WILKES.BARIIE, PEN.NA. CAPITAL A S IBP I AS, - - $150,000. ASSETS. Stock not called in, $50,000 Bills receivable, PO t)(50 V. 8. 5—20 Bonds. 25.000 Temporary and call loans, GOOD 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock. 6,180 50 shares First Nat. Bank at Wilk: .s-Barrc. 5,000 50 shares Second Nat. Bank at Wilkes-Barre. 5,000 46 shares Wilkes-Barre Bridge Stock, 2,560 Heal Estate, j 519 Judgments, 102 Due from Agents und others, 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank, 1,842 DIRECTORS: 11. M. HoUenback, L. li. Shoemaker, R. I). Lacoe, John Eeirbard, D. G. Drieshaeh. Charie? A. Miner, 8 t Wart ham?, R. C. .Smith, C. B. Fisher. Charles Dorrance, M m. S. Roes, (J. M. Harding. 0. M. Hon.; VBA' K. President L. D. SHOKB AKKR, Vice Pres't. R. C. SMITH, ejccretary. iETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, //A R TFO111). ASSHTS . S.T,OC.k virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Fulton J) County, the subscriber will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, On Tuesday the 21th Day of December, IMH, a tract of land situate in Taylor Township, in said Coun ty of Fulton, adjoining lands of Ludwick Fisher, Abraham King, David Stephens' heirs and James Devens, Containing 100 Acres ami 8 Perches, about 50 acres cleared and under fence, of which about 5 no res arc meadow, with an apple orchard of young trees and a number of plum and cherry trees, and having there on erected a TWO STORY LOG HOUSE and Log Stable, with an abundance of good water. The land is the 1 est quality of tied Slate and is near the great drove Three Mountain Road. Terms Cash at confirmation of the sale. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. DANIEL SAMS, Dee.2,18€4-ts Admr. of Jacob Weaverling, de 'iL ORPUAAS' COURT .SALE REAL ESTATE.! BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned, Administrator cf the estate of Joseph Brinkey, deceased, will sell at j nblic auction, on the premises, on Thur.Mlay,22d Ray of December, at 10 o'clock, A. M., all that valuable farm, late the resi dence of said deceased, situate in Junittta Township, o:i both sides of ' te Bedford and Stoystown turnpike road, adjoining lands of Andrew Stailer, Win. Fnusier, James Burns, Catharine Dannakcr's heirs and others, Containing 300 Acres, more or less; about Seventy Acres cleared and under fence, with a Dwelling House aud Barn thereon creeled; also an apple orchard thereon. This land i< well timbered, and will make a suitable site for L tannery, having sufficient water power and an abundance of bark timber. Terms reasonable and will be made konwn on day sale. There will also be sold, at the same time and place, the personal property of Mrs. Brinfeey, consisting of a Horse. Cattle, Sheep, and Household Furniture. A1 , one of Boycr's celebrated Fanner's Mills. LEWIS A. STATLER, nov2slS64ts. Administrator. VALUABLE F/M FOE SALE! FX Hopewell Township. Bedford county, near Wishart's i Mill, on Yellow Creek, about four miles from Hope well Station on the 11. A R. T. R. R.. and within six mile? of the Broad Top Coal Mines, which affords one f the best markets in the country for alt marketing a former can pioduec. It ordain? Two Hunred Acres good limestone land, about One Hundred una acre- • of which arc cleared and in a good .-.ia;. oi teiti ati .a - convenient to schools aud churches. It '. now oteup'a-j by Henry Clapper, who will g-.ie pa. t'> s < ..ilia.,; i ■ - ••' it any information desired in regard to the bind. 1 r ;ur thcr information, address it. B. WIGT. President Glamorgan Iron Co., Nor. 18, 186-1. - Land : ■ M. PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES! rnilE sit! ,-rib-r h • jut ret: !' I where ho -has purchased ftd .-gig- d: 1 PHOTOGRAPH i-'RA VIES,, Iliot ograpli Albums, of all styles. hid ling from 12 • 2dn piott • ' rlc?.- va rying from "5 cents to $26.00, suitable for tltepoekr; or the parlor. Photographs. AinbrotjjW-s, MeVJtn "p. s. J;., e., tab. i as low as -f> cent . Pictures of every kind and i< ---rij -f-m eoph ' to. suit th, Album size or life ise.cn the racist reasonable tonne and in the most dur ' manner. • luitruetioivs in oe :• ,-t given on i -1 v; • > term*. Skylight Gallery, opposite the IV i hh. j Hotel. Bedford, Jane . ■ - T. R. GETTY:-'. NEW FIRM. HAYING this av a.- • ... Ui .I with C. L. Bnek in the mercantile business at New Er.t rp-be. heivafd-r the business wiil be t. '.nsu-.-ted in the nan.o o ; D. F. Bun & Son. D. F. BUCK. New Enterprise, N. v. 1, i. 'it. ■ rnilE old bo ,k? are in the bands „L I). F. '.m-i. for -ct .JL tleinent. Ail persons having unsettled accpunta are respectfully re-juested to e ill and settle, by giving their notes or otherwise. Thankful for past favors, we solicit the patronage of all prom] ' paying v-o l„iner.-. All kinds of country produce bought or exchanged for goods, for which the liighestj market price will fco 1-ai 1. D. F. BUCK 4 S i-N. New Enterprise, Nov. 1, [oct.2S,'6L] ( BANNVART'S TROCHES, For the cure of Hoarseness. Throat Diseases, ttc.. 'are especially recomwe'ndfd to Ministers, Sinners xnd persons whose vocation calls them to spea.% in public. Head the following TESTIMONIALS, from some of our Eminent Clergymen. HAKfusECRG, Feb. Bth, 1364. C. A. HAVWAHT— Dfjir itir ; I have used Brown's Bronchial Troche?, Wistar's Lozenges and other prepara tions for hoirsem .-? and Throat Trouble?, alid in compar ison with them all. <-nn eheerfally eommenvl your own. as a most admirable specific for publii! speaker? and sin gets, ia cases of Hoarseness, coughs and cold; I have found th;?m serving in time of need most effectually. To C. A. BANNVART— Dear Sir : In the h libit of speak ing very frequently, and in places v.bere the vocal organs nre very much taxed, I have found the need of some gen tle expectorant, and that want ha? bi: n supplied in your excellent Troches. ( consider them very far superior to any Lozeugee that T have ever used, in removing speedi ly that busk in ess of the voice arising from its too f: pent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addresses. Yours. Jtc., JXO. WALKER JACKSON, Potior of the Locvti Street Methodist Chm ch. To C. A. BANNVART— I)-nr Sir: —Having use 1 your Troches, I aia free to say they are the he! t I have eve; tried, aud tairc great pleasure in recoUiiacisalng them to all persons aflic'e l with soar'thfoat orhuykixirss of vei::c arhing from public speaking or singing. Yours. Ac., G. RAKESTP.AW, Pastor of Riihje A renat Jiclko'iiti Church, i-S- I agrej with Mr. Robinson as to the value o Baanvart's Tnwbc?. W. C. O-ATTELL. Lots. Pa.'tor of the 0. >V. Presbyterian Chtirch. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CJ. A. BANNVART & CO., IIARRISBURG, T'A., To whom all orders shoal 1 be odilret-ci. Bold by Druggists everyichete. April 29th, 1864. UNION HOTEL. VALENTINE STECKMAX, PROPRIETOR, West F*itt Street, 13etlfv>rcl, Pa., (Faruterijf the Globe Hotel.) 11HE public are assured that he has made atnpe ar rangements to accommodate all thai, may favor kii with their patronage. A splendid Livery Stable attached. fap'r6L NEW GOODS! - j . : - i rilili- iiJi ; iT-ig-.- rl have jus!"tmeSieu a latere and varied JL assortment of W INTER O ODS, • hinhmwing man* varieties of i dirt?? new an 1 beautiful. i ipying o hand* large stack j.mvkmm to the laic ad ! vfcnec, we are en iKlcd to offer garjaiu; tliar cartiie! be had Khfwhfrf. i Ob r friend-, easterners. and gpn&raTly :frß rc .ipertftiHv invited tf. eaii and examine our- took and price* j before pa. i. as w • are determined to rell at abort ' I'J ■' then ay ensuring large sales. tort#* v. ..i a, produce, •& months credit to custo mer? who w:ji pay us promptly. terg i on all account? after matuiitT. : Bee. 2) 2561. .y. j;. ORAjMBR"* CO, XEW CAR PETING. A LARGE supply—cheaper than you east make.— Also lloor Oil Cloth?, all widths, at dee.2,'64. CHA HER 4 CO S. Ladies Dress Goods. FRENCH Merinos, Thibet Cloth?. French All Wool 1 Rips end \\ 00l Delaines. all colors. Poplins, Mohairs, Cob; rgs, Alpacas, every fashionable color, cheap at i I.A.MER 4 GO'S. Imp ortaut. I>EFOKH you spend your cash for winter clothing, call .) at Cramer A Co'?., and see how lew you can buy overy des.;ri| ;.',o of-goods. They have on hand a large stock and wili sell at short profits. dec.2 Information Free ! TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Ineom- j peicncy. Proieature Decay, ah'd Vodthful Error, actuated bv a desire t > benefit others, will be happy to furnish to oil who need it, (free of charge.) the roeipc and directum? for waking the -.raple remedy use! in his-ease. Fufferers wishing tCiJtrofir by the advert'ser- bad experience, and possess a sure a id valuable remedy, can do so by address, tag him at oht'S at his ;> ace of buaiucss. The Reeipo and £u i reformation—of vital importance to alt—will be chcer fuly sent bv return mail; Address , JOHN B. (HiDEN, No. 60 Nu.--au Street, New York. P. S.—Nervous Sufferer- of both aexses will find this mforicuti- r. invaluable. dec.2,'fil-Siu. Yf ASHOOD :• How Lost, How Restored. iVJL Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated k)say on the radical core (without med icine) of Ayr'rn-torrhra. or seniinel Weakness, Involun tarv Fcmi. el 1..,-teg, /<.■ ltency. Mental and Physical In capacity. impediments to Marriage, etc.: also L'on-t:nptiom, ]>*?;. and j if. induced y sei: indulgen.e cr sexual extras -.tgmaee. At ft" Price in a sealed envelope, only fi cents. Th* celebrated th: in this admirable esixY !eartjr iemouetrates, rum a thirty year* successful practice, that i tho alarming 1 sequent;.. tof >. -if-abuae may bo radically cured without the dan porous use of internal medicina or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of euro, : at once simple certain and effectual, by mating of wnich every -uSorer, ao matt r what hi* condition may be, may cure hi;': elf cheaply, privately. and radically. ' -hi hi Lecture -honl'! be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of sis cent , or two post stamps.— Address the publisher#. OH A A J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New i'ofk, Po.'-Office box !556. June 17,'Gi-tf. FOUTZ'B CELEBBATED HOUSE A.ND CATTLE P ©W DERS. rnniiSE Powders have proved, after a trial of several L yritv.- m be uperior to any preparation of the kind l u.:c. 'fia: chief or' these powders l! oi'he fi-'t that fhf. are eotep od of medicine- that b re Las : TO, T' up: #r-.J PniifVing properties. The i.Wntiv-: trtru:-, 1> at the st-.-ma -h and inteitines, ts; u. livs stretit" i t-. tiio sjht.rn of the Doric, ar.i ito purifyintncu. jm-s o-ir.tatEed in tbcm cleanse the i- .. y ih Atii-a ;< r a vigorous and healthy th. ct; ihe'ii improve#Dieaiad,strength to be ap; sti ---d Avec gloe y skin—tins in;proving the sppearanee, vigur and spir it vS tli'-' no !e animal. 1. . r ■ .T.'Jors arc not intended, as mot powders are to blJi>; n-iiatal, so as to give Lim the appearance of cing ;'.vt Vi ken not ready so—but to remove the disease .ir.d pr .aoLetis gciuralhealth. Ih; ■ powder# a :'i strength, a the.stomach and intos : ines. in e thcru from offensive matter, and bring them ja he thy -tali. They are a sure prevention of Lung ■ i t,; -d a• • ••:;!:! rem ly for all diseases incident to ' '••• Jlqrse, as Gland >eh -v.- f ,t r, Di.- mpcrs, Foun der, Heaves. Slavering, Coughs, Fever* lavs* o: Appetite . I Vital Er - -y, Ac.—There powders, if ust-d two or tbr-■-ii ■ ' a>• ... thr •.. li the winter and spring, your hor av. .11 to.. yr gi . th- Dung Foyer Cpjic vi'.Botts. A i't-vv Uccs o'" the e p v ' ?rs v-jA je;c ,iithe worst -cough, on any horse. Ware-owner- ofiWrses to feed a few of the - powders every year, they might save the lives of many valuable hone-:. Xjocrws. The p.-- -fie thfs powder pe? esse* in increasing the quantity - ; milk iu i-.-ws, ghc* it an importance and value which >h I; 1 place it in the hand# of every pel eon keeping a c tvn In fa'tt ifeg cattle, it- gives ;hein anap. po; ite, loos*, n.- their .ad- and mac 3 Ihem thrive much faster, ■ • XSTOCS^^- In oil ,uc ighs, ulcer.-- in the lungs ;ad iiver, A... 1; p ; 'hi from half a paper to ;v paper of these powder* in a barrel fi vviil, the above diseases can bo cur dor entirely prevented. By using these powders ;h -!: cholera Can be | rov-ctrd. Prepared ul; bv, .A. * iret A Bro. at their Whole sale lire A Pictont Medicine L'ep t, No. 115. Franklin St. Baltim ■ - M L For #ale 1y H. Iwu..r. , I !•;•. B. F. ltarry and i'ru-rri- an Irt >r-.kc pert tij nghcdt the FuHci States. Tht-u pe-wocK can i - ha 4 at tnanuiacluree' prices of Johc- iicii .vay A Powder, X•25 X rth Third St. Philadelphia; Act Promptly and Certainly IX" ALL STAuES OF ! CONSUMPTION. Tber immediately increa the xtreHytk and deeper the < ah;- of'ilo pale bto "I. th y subline the Ckiii* and f'e— .:r, and diniiai. ii the EspecJorntio*. They checl the > a>, alway-. in froai 'eren to famrfccn tlayti The oppr>;.'e. is at once inri-jnm'cd, and the patient mpidly 'v.-- --A; the i* i /!: arrtl the dijfieult bnnlhfag are * pcc-lity'relic -eA: the steep • beoomoe calm and refresh ingg the •••(•.• iftoa# rtgplar and i. .ALL IliE 11LX ERAL JTY TILAT SKI.SIS- MAKV2LOUS— J. F. Churchill, :r Total Lass of the v.c 0/ the ,'.it II ■,) r ; C i dilute** ; E.rc --'' e I'ulence* ; ATuit Ste< ntl, Lust aj Appetite, ffeart-Bunl, Oppression of the Atcncff k after, or Siuittpj of tke StoM'Jeh before ■ athr:: IYe.nk'or Sour Stanieh : Irregularities of the It, rets : No'late f'umplextion ; Derttngemsf* of the l.ic tr 11 r Kidneys ; H' forded Cr'ro eth, or JMhtged Jtsntiiion' ehil-i.? Kxtre ■■ >si< . to d, Ac. 4. - is the iveral ste.gosof ' Y RL N, I^'A, EESPRCTFULTA" informs thefr friend*. and the pnb -I'C in tu-rcrai. 'hat they are receiving and keep con stantly on band a large and well selected stock of For eign and Domestic CKDOXDS, gI'CH AS Cloths, Cassimers.SSatinets, Vesting*, CoUoudeJ,Ac., Ac., Ac. Ladies Dree# Goods. Silks, flhitllier, Deiaines, Poplins, Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Irish Linens, Ac. |> EADY MADE CLOTHING In great variety. Men's and Boys' Coats, Pants and Vests, Made in the Latest and Best Styles. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Gentlemen? Mi.-sec', Boys, and Childrens weax. OTIONB, Hoaerv, Gloves, Scarfs, Neckties, Dress Trimmings, Braids, Laces, Ladies A Large and Well Stock of QROCERIES, CIOFFEB, TEA, SUGARS, j gl'R UPS, RICE, gPICES, AC., AC. CTHEWIXG A Smoking Tobacco of the Best Brand* J Drugs, Oils, Paints, Medicines A Dyo Stuffs,. HARDWARE, | RON, NAILS, Ct PIKES Ac., Ac. iO KEEP On hand a well selected stock of all kinds, and consider it no trou ble to show goods. Call and seo before purchas ing elsewhere. No Cf Oi>Dß misrepresented to effect sales. All goods war- A ranted as represented. yy E BUY All kinds of produce for which we pay the highest prtce in CAFH or GOOD?. We buy our goods for Cash en tirely, uud can offer great inducements for persons to buy of us. CALL AND SEE US. sept.9'64-tf. J.M. B. A SON. NORMS, STERNE & CO., DEALERS IX W ATCHES, JEWELRY AM) PLATED WARE. We offer to ]'Urehc?ir? throughout the United State? a Urge and splendid assortment of Jewelry and Plated Ware of evert- description at prices which defy competi tion. ARTICLES SENT BY MAIL Fiibe or Chakgk. For the benefit of persons wishing a neat, pretty, and useful article at a moderate price, we attach the following price list: Ladi handsome Neck Chain singieatone imita tion Diamond Ring $1.00; Cluster imitation Diamond Ring s2i Heavy Plated Vest Chain SI .25; Heavy Plain Ring- '. wi:i stand the strongest acid) §1; Heavy Plated black enamelled Sleeve Buttons 50 cents; gents single .-tone or cluster aeration Diamond Pins SI; magnificent Bracelets handsomely chased Medallions $1.25; Pen a:. 1 Pciku viib oxU utb-n case $1.50; Ladies' beautiful Revolving Pin -ar be worn on either side) $1.25: Ladies' mall Jet or Garnet Bin $1: handsome ladies'set of Pin unl liroji.- Coal; Carbuncle or Opal sets $1.25; fancy Watch keys SI: Ladies' Long Guard and Chatelaine Chains $1: genuine Gntta Pereha Pins for hsir or like ness $1: .Seal Rings $1: red or black Ball Ear Drops 50 outs; children's handsome Carbuncle or Coral Armlets •-): \ est ib A ~ fancy patterns, 50 cents; Carbuncle .Studs and Sleeve Buttons $1; Silver-plated Butter Knives $1.50 ;e: pair: Si! , r .fated Spoons $2.50 per half dozen. AO "rticlm Warranted to yire satisfaction ar money re fit 11. led. All r-ier Slled immediately. A liberal reduction in price will be made i-u orders for a number of articles at ode time. Address# all orders to XOREIS. STERXE A CO-, Oct. 7. 1>64-3in 3ill Walnut St., Phila., Pa. CHEAP CORAER ! FABQUHAR'S REFI TATTON FOHSBLLISO CHEAP STILL MAINTAINED! \V7T ar now receiving at " Cheap Corner," a very lhrge ? \ stock uf Spring and Summer Fashionable Foreign .-ind Dotncsiie Dry Goods, uf every variety and style. TO THE LADIES. Call aad examine our stock of. CALICOES BALMORALS DELAIX'S. HOOP-SKIRTS, ALAPACAS RIBBONS, SBAWLS, CUFFS .t COLLARS, HATS, HEAD NETS, VAILS, COMBS, HOSIERY, TRIMMING .. GENTLEMEN , Come .aid sec our assortment of COTTON ADES, COATS, JEANS, PANTS,; i.ATINETXS, VESTS, CASSI MERES, BOOTS CLOTHS, - G.UTERS, LINENS, SUSPENDERS, MUSLINS, SHIRTS, DRILLS, NE'K TIE CTll OCEKIBSI COFFEE. 31*0 A K, .MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SPICES, ALL KINDS Tobacco and Segars. Congress, Flounder, 0!J Yirghlia, John Anderson, Na tural Loaf, and all kinds of Smoking Tobacco and Scgars. 3SiHaviag adopted,the CASH SYSTEM, we arc dai teriiuucd to --li at v ery small prolii, and the jfuUir, who have so kindly patronized ns, arc respectfully invjfedto call and examine our stock. J. B. FARQUHAR. Juliana Street. Bedford, June 17, IS6 t-t£ ~~'¥ LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Pti&lishet 111 Sealed Enrtlope, Price Six Cents. A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radi cal Cure of Spcrtnatnrrhata or Seminal Weakness, Invol uut&ry Ewi.-si -as, Sexual Debility, and Impediment* to Marriage generally. Nervoweness, Consumption, Epilcp ,-v, and fit-; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. By ROB'T J. C'ULVERWELI. M. D„ Author of the Green Book," Ac. The World renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from hie own experience that the awfui consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medieiuc, and without dangerous surgical opera tiqns, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a eiodo of cure at once uertain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under -cat, to an any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cent*, or two postage stamps by addressing. CHAB. J. C. KLINE A CO., 12T Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box, 4M9, DYSPEPSIA, ' * • ; ' f / • AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARE CURED BY 110 ( > FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, These Bitters have performed more Cure* GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION! HAVE MORE TESTIMONY I Have more rc*|Mrt*tlcpeople to voueh for (bent Than any other article in the market. We tlejy any One to contradict this Assertion, AND WILL PAY SIOOO To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us, that is not genuine. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WII.I. CUBE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, xnd Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach. Observe the following symptoms! Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Co nstipation, Inward Piles, Fulnesss of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dis gust for Pood. Fulness <>r Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Suffo cating Sensations when in a lying Posture. Dimness ut Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Prespiration. Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, back, Chest, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits. REMEMBER. THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT ALCOHOLIC. CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY* AND CAN" T ALIKE DRUNKARDS, Hut it the best Tonic in the World. READ WHO SAYS SO: FROM THE HON. THOMAS 15. FLORENCE. FROM TME HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January 1, ISM. Gentlemen.—Having stated it verbally to you, I have no hesitation, in writing the fact, that I experienced mark ed benefit from your lloofland's (Jv rman Bitters. During a long and tedious session of Congress, pressing and oner ous duties nearly prostrated me. A kind friend suggest ed the use of tho preparation I have named. I took his advice, and the result was imprc vement of health, renew ed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtained. Others may b.; similarly advantaged if they desire to be. T ruly your friend, Tnoxas B. FLORE^CB. From John B. Wiekersharn, Esq., firm of Wieketskam A Hutchison, the celebrao.-d Manufacturers of Fancy- Iron Works, 258 Canal St. lam the recipient from you of one Of the greatest fa vors that can be conferred upon mac. vtsr that of health. For many years have I suffered from one of themost nn noying and debilitating complaint? that the human fami ly can be afflicted with, hronic Diarrhea. During tho long rune J. was suffering from this disease, I was attended by regain x physicians, giving me but tem porary relief. The cau seemed to remain until I was induced to try 11 ooffand Gut-man Bitters. After the use of a few bottles of tha t valuable medicine, the complaint appeared to be complc jsdy rradicated. I often inwardly tl emk you for such a valuable specific and, whenever I hav r sm opportunity, cheerfully recom mend it, with full c< mfrience in its reliability. Truly f'frars, JOH.N B. WICKEBSHAJI. New York. Feb. 2, 1361. From Julius L oe, Esq- firm of Lee A Walker, the most extensive Music Publishers in the United States, No. 722 Chestnut Street , Pb kidelphia. February 3th, ISM. Messrs. Jon r* A Evans—Gentleman r—My mother-in law has been , c greatly benefitted by your Huofiand's Ger man Bitters' A a t I concluded to try it myself. I find it to be an invalr able tonic, and unhesitatingly recommend it to all whoe re suffering from dyspepsia. I have bad that disease t ts most obstinato form—flatulence—for many years, an- 1 . your Bitters has given me ease when every thing else . had failed. Yours truly, Jcnrtrs LEE. From the Hon. JACOB BROOM, Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1863. Gen Jemen: In reply to your inquiry as to tho effect produced by tho use of lloofland's German Bitters, in m y I" imily, I have no hesitation in saying that it has been high Jy beneficial. In one instance, a ease of -dyspepsia of thir teen years' standing, and which had become very dis tressing, the use of one bottle gaTe decided relief, the sec or d affecting a cure, and the third, it seems, has confirmed U _ie cure, for there has been no symptoms of Hs return for 1 he last sii years. In my individual uso of it I find it o be an unequalled tonic, and sincerely recommend its uso to the sufferers. Truly yours, JACOB BROOM. •1707 Spruce St. Rev. W. D. Scigfried, Pastor of 12thBaptist Church, Philadelphia, December 26th, 1383. Messrs. Jones A Evans— Gentlemen: | I have recently been laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of tha nervus system, nuin erous remedies were recommended by riends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Hoofland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried thexn, and whose favorable mention of the Bitter? induced me also to try theiu. I mast confess that I had an aversion to Patent Medicines, from the "thousand and one" quack "Bitter?" whose or. !y aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community, in a sly way; and the tendency of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicine preparation, I took it with happy effect. Its action was not upon only the stomach, butnpon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that Ihavederivodjgroat and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully y 2 s, W. D. SEIGFRIED, No. 254 Shackamnxon St. From Uic Rev. Thos. Winter, D. D., Pastor of Roxbor ough Baptist Church Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: —I fee! it due to your excel lent preparation, Hooflnnd German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it ha? obtains,l. 1 have for year?, at times, been troubled with great disor der! nmy head and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bittc-s, I did so, and have ex priencod great and unexpected relief; my health has been every materially benefited. I confidently rseom mcn.i the article where 1 meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good ef fects. Bespeetfully yours, T. WIXTKR, RoxboTough, Pa. From Rev. J.B. Hrrman, c.fthe German Reformed Church, Kutitown, Berks County. Pa. Dr. C.Jackson;—Respected Sir:—l have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hoofland's Bitters. lam very much improved in health, after hav ing taken five bottles. Yours with respect, J. S. HXRRAX. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the Signature of "C. M. ZiU'liSOß" is on the Wrabper of each bottle, PRICE. Single Bottle One Dollar, or a Half Doz, Iter 95. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but sond to us, and we' will for ward, securely packed, by express. Principle Office and Manufactory. No. 681 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS. Successors to C. M. Jackson it; Co. For Sale by Druggists and Dealers in prwytowa in I the United States.