I jar jgrdfard Snquittr. jsttitG cr CKJOST CorxrY Cotourm.—The j | >B CocaT Commia- wiii rae*t on Tnesday of r , ; Aag. Sid) at 1 o'clock P. 3L at ice, j igton Hotel in Bedford. G. W. RUPP Chairmac. I -v:.>x MASS Mnmro.—Tkere will be a Mass using, of tic Union Men of Bedfotd Connty in the . tt Hoase on Tuesday evening (Aug. 31st) of I -j* week. I ■>; --LrTe be a tsm out of al! the friends of the j k>* a=d krrers of Uhetfjf. Lav and Ordtr. <--Aers frora a ii-tance will >e la attendant*. Ig. w. p.rpp |; v -. Lrt Sec. Ckairmam. Co- Coax. I aw AmtEvnce, fa boy about sixteen year? old, - and industrtoosi to learn the art of printing j p be received at this office. 1 in mediate applica- I - ?hould be made. tf. ! Tee IvonwE* * a better medium than any other Lper, for ccxnrannicatiag with the people of Bed j I-d county. It has a cucaiauon of over twelve Liired and steadily iaeremsmg- Adveixtseasenta j this paper, rr ach a thousand readers more, than I y woui-i, "published ia any other paper that iren ew is this county. V. -DtwocwjiTtc Cx.r*."—-The meeting of the demo-, sic csah Saturday evening was well attended.— ( M' er? made a speech in which he declared his dines- to go in for any eandi-is-te. war or peace. snT piasfbrm to defeat IJaeoln : whore he said Evt be defeated at all haxanLs." The President. - HartW made <-vn*e retr.ark. the biirdea of | jeh was that the Presid-nt was a "very modest I j," tso he said.) "These are solemn tiiaes,"" ae hoped "nobody wouldn"t ,T joke. A cc>minit • wa? appointed to procure "instructive speakers." I . hope tee committee will be sneeessfaL I g#,lf. Householder and B. F. Myers have -ent vsjnalde iegtslasive documents, for which they I Lnr oar thanks. 7=£ S-ixserset brass hand will discourse Union, at the Court House next Tuesday evening. I ~isellKErno.—There will be a camp-meeting ' I ; 2#ar Reasantvilie oa the land of Mr. Samuel | fr#-< commencing Sept. the fffh. IS. B. Xc huckstering will be allowed. H. B. So miners P. C. I Tvr sacrament of the LonPs Supper will be ad- I: - : lathe Presbyterian Church next Sal.-'-.u-.H. I m Pev. Mr. Zahaizer of Huntingdon will aanst He Easter. m*E>aC. —The Hon. Alex. King. President I f * his judicial district arrived at Somerset on I . .• ay eveninr and was serenaded at the Rossi •y lie Union Braes Band. His Honor rt- j ft. -i to the compilmet in a Lehtriag uiaiiiier. — ; 9 9 Ss6" M"e would nmte our friends attending Court ft a week to par a visit to Gears' Potagiaphie Gal ft T- - py-'-site toe ""'Washington Hotel." sad exam- j ftn* hw hw—eifil pirtaree. They are very haudwe] ■ • of PhotagracLie art. and are no' - irjxss- B aarwhetf; for beaciy of siyle and finish. Any 9 •* wdsfeing tf;e.ire aiwiwt p rtrait of thea- I -• saemki not foil to eaii up Mr. Getrrs. as ■rj-fy .nanoi get as aae pictarei ;aywhere else. * I Krmrrs or rar Brajsixr. OF Ch#**e2jih XC.— 9" - TtUfrafrk ssys .- I a iaam fhat wetwal citaens of ÜbaiiiT'* ilniy j 9" we 'novate iusaae on account of the loss of their j ft---,,. -riffliw-trt fjfi' *g: fom*K- 4r~*r. tJBI tiSEJ-t " I 9.<- - th<- nan t-?. a gestlesaa* wb- had been en- i |rtig-f in V.-loess for yeaj-s. was takes thr -cgh this ■ I- :.y r tww ag-.. re ■'faforxjse of the ewsfera s . ; -tvma. A ternl-le day of wkT#!B| L< M store f T - # fifn-i; who destroyed Chaiahersbbrg sad idlghuoi j -t of ao many f it* aatiwnx''' A T., —Daring eoart-wesi. a will . • • time for o.ir o?d bscril*rs to depoate a ft-'-- 1 ~ 2" ,i v." st i>er ©ffi.-.s thog|tw*6&& not |-ier- ] that tsaey w;. i > ?m(m oh "depweile" subject to j A f -this cflfcnoctfoa." as they saj down at the ] ~r ti y rniiil mjiimaf, lliff it aIH alto 1 - a rey 'goad time, for s-v subseta*rs to come j vsrd. pay la ad".*#*®, for she snd here- 1 ~-er Ire rapeetardy.-happy i c the eejoymea? of • ac'w3e:ge ;idfcrl as dfi.utd people ought to be. | Bw-Tarßhotc.—lh". H. Hadeoa has received x-thor-! :: jc, GOV. Curtis to recruit r.riameeiy under th> J foe hundnd ihonsnd cstlL The remits raised by ] - " :-rwr. wiii be -tjed.fenl to this to the JVrjj ocr quota, which is twensy-tsiae- The L I bsns^Tprid ty the -tiro-riL is four hnr.br-i doi-.. •in :sr one year § wmtr. The Covenant boea-1 one hasdred defers, and the pay effi-rfre# do! ® asec-th. make# a total of six handred sed ] -uy two do Jars a year. A Mscnxc of Uaaoe sen w* heid ia the Cjsrl' - -ve. Thursday ereaiag uePh IBJS.. to form * saa. c. it. The aisendaace was xlra r owiug to va ' s ewnaeae priartfod of which were apaiiy. Isdif if. A committee' was appc-lated to report a it of argaafeaik®. Messrs l>arfeomiw aad Over aah* a "Jew remark', a*d she Untoa Cab—"that "■ to the iTfo laft. 4 -asger atteudtnte and greater enthusiasm is "TfidentJy Uffolld. We are Irfonaed that ,#osee "*ST wtdthen try t© -take a or ao, ocgasioAL haw* The !.->raer eriianr of this roper caving a few * -v 1 * 4*aiion* to the bwnisg of Ch—wbual>ng, seat -u ale# to the rfairiT s a tear, place, they wrv- en "JJMy He bow pretmri.Bg aaodber sett 'X he* of the Irqrrxra while aa-Jer hi# cowtroL vad to .F®e* felkwiag BOS. whaA he wtl jay a Lbesal turn: Juiv 2-s, lhsS. \p r V 14 ' • 2?- Sept k 11. aadlß. jSSSasdMarehgi. IWt He also desire# toaMM4ei a fi* Sfejrffo for the last two rear# S ihe foik-wiag no#. JaiV 18. j 2?NW 161 . other j " ; 2** ttokn very aexm. I think there ! to iswkjj csijed ami ocurpaa*# famed all ei<* i of catoi.ng the fokves f *' Lyach law a* they do is. aaaay fdaoes **JtoSl, ifactfciagilKwiEide. Had a* zidgi to Jyw4MiMafewatfthe &d-.wk tototiii aw, übctc*as wj£as the h-reeia. ***.' *® wilrag to go tcto aav arnetre f*" aajetaabfcag terAea sp. 1 arosSi fit? :•: : tT 6 * ** ochere mtereMed c thas sofeji— * . ewnag a harat i# jElerested m thai 22St' | rtajMMrpSaa to wait s2l aforr she rfok*. brfore tto door ioffoed. ' T ? Asg. ifed iso. Yocn aiy. €. f. Tiua**. MARRIED. At h reeidecsc in Cnkm Twp„ on the 7 t.t. by Thomat OHr.am. Est).. Mr. Isaac Wentt. of Co. K, 55th Re?;. P. V. V.. to 51U* Behetra Claar. of Fnion Bedford eoaaty Pa. "*. Ei-icr. a- d Miss Ear? Can*r. ai! of the vicinity of Woodbary, Be. ford oonnty Pa. DIED. In Svwitftampton twp.. Anmrt 16th. Mr*. Maty Mills, aged 76 years. 16 months and 25 days. InsJL'nico Twp., on the 30th of July, nit, Mary b-ms m. infant daoghtcr of Ttonu and Mary Ann aged 9 months and $ day*. In Sehallfbarc. August lf"'a. Jame* Edwin, infant son of Charier and ElaaVctb Colvm. aged 4 month* ana 23 days. Mar 7th o!t.. t Wm. R. Amieh. a member of Co. E, l.'.ith Ktgt. P. V.. agod !-. 11 month-' *c4 davs. May 7th aIU Coijcsml Wm. Ake. a member of Co. E. ISSth Bnrt. P. r. Sged 27 years 6 taeeCss. and 26 day*. The above named soldier! were k.'3ed i® the hattie of the Wilderness. Although buried on the 6t-:l of battle, yet appropriate servfoea ware held ar home for the eom. fort and ccwaeiaiion of the families, friend* asd relatk-ns, Jwly 34th- Jnse leti alt. Sergeant Isaac M. latler. * Eiembw >4 Oe. K, aotb Regi. P. V., agtd 23 years 3 tacnlfe? nici 22 days. Accost 7th ins!.. Tobias Mock, a member of Co. E, 50th Best. P. V., aged 25 jisnia, 3 mosth* nod 12 days. The farmer was killed before F'eter-baig. and the latter died from the effect* of w-jands, at Xew York, and hit body was irosght koo* and interred at Marietta as the 14"h inst. Mieaael Carle, died Jwly lath, aeod 33 years, S month* an d 21 day*. John s. Carta, died June sth. aged 52 years, 0 month* and 29 day*. Jnsrt't Wiis.jß Sleek, died July 2d, aged 2 year* and 6 EK-ij the. Mr*. EUrabeth Ksipyle, died July 19th, agod 23 years, 4 mwath# and 24 day#. 0. B- Mock, died Aaga*: 12th. agsd I year, 6 month* and 14 day. A. Liiievia ftscft. died A agar: 15lh 4£ed S years, 7 n*oisth# and 9 day*. On the 12th of July. 1 i' 4. of wwods, near W'asbing tan. Paiiip B. Bwven, son of JoSa W.. and Mary Bowes, sged 34 year*. 7. month# and 21 day*. The deceased tra* a man of good character and loved and respected by ail who knew him. He entered the serve® of his roue try is the 24th of February, 1i44. was a member of C, A, 61st Regt. P. V. Be was engaged in all the hath- e.b tertei ltU— in the fV Lldrrafc--. He vu a ferare soldier and a true patriot, ever a! hi# post. He wa# formerly a resident of Bedford coanty. bet at :L* tint of his enlist ment resided in Indiana county, Pa. The deceased leave* a wife and fur children, with a large circle of friends to means im lose. H fcß while fighting the 'battle* of hi# country. He SO* a soldier's grave in c- tspcupoariksp with many a comrade who fail with him in that hotly contest*! , act.,a. Pea* to his a-he#- W. a. t. ; il cir cTtisf:ar:its. I'Bts*** liasscrtiL Tan. ai.v. The bene&dai effeta# twsaitsng from the use of tfei* Remedy and it* extenm c : for Coaghr. Cold# aod Throat Amctim, has bBX-arh: oat many inttaUw. aw**- of which coßtaiss ißjarisas is grel ent*. The Troehe# Lave jarorcnf their tfiScaey. A XCMSER of vcar* have elapsed icce the iatrsdae : tira of HOSTETTER-S CELEBRATED BITTERS fa ? thy public. The prejudice in the mind? of many per>in# j against what art: den smiaased {*t*at ve-lklnet at Swt • neatly retarded a.* sale: !•: a* is virtoe# aoj merit* be- ' tame known. tk: hairier of prejedk* ' srsrtkwvE. 1 and the drmand nutwt i #. rai ,ily tLa. in a few year* ! scarcely a Vtßege esisted is the Tviitsd States in which j the aJSjcted haa aot eapevienced the benefits arising frirrij islbMits ■ fed for vetsiemenl. J. B. UCBBtIBBOV, Aug. 35ts. J - >4.—ft. AciLitiknur. Estray. (I.AMK to the prsTa : rev of the eahsert'eT. is Bloody . rlnn s}-.r.rtjrb. ratsriay. Aoswst fti. -,r - ;r g gray Imiarir. ferna *s4 e batfti .a 'l* figkaw- *d.nwe ' atant and tnLL heavy faret fl.re Lttra wt the head, j two white k4 fees. The wwaer it ittwee- tm *X. MT n'ft La# V?t jny W asri B.tard. and I -wars sa perwm fr '-n trwgiißg or Bzrtoj-.-zs t-r a my c - I wEI not MT stav cf be* aw-r" Citanvtiif. Apj, Iff, 1t*64.-3s JOHX IIAXX. HE vDy caste us •■r ;?.% -T.MAE-HAL. ~ sntt*m Djsmjs r. I'ujL > &** ** ntaraa, Angoss *. 1664. j The B -tr I jf Ear " lacs: of the Sixteenth D -t;k-s o* Pennsylvania" arRI h-Aj. dariy sessions at fbtjkc'w* iwmizerKisr oa Monday, she 35th inst_ for the vrrisics and sonerfes .f Set Sat* of fwesrsa ewrvifoi a# Hal to I- military -forty, Pere who sbjv he imprcjieriy earrße v*y. oe A -rifoj gm-nf An ■'* ?5e jo*"-*- —r. -art rv:!ri4 to wypfar. tr-rr their awE liahHitj-B>e i-ave their siaa# urieken !m the LtU. Pes'-E- wfesj.atsr. s tanking xptiieari*a to ha-.t tfceiy Easot# stnckm off for any c f the i>..*vg*ang S*i betti-r a-U:te* -,f fo the Board of Err .-vJltsect. f r the- fuyiM if jw-craie3ag -j® ptoof# tfji! Will he reunited before mat is r perooeal apphAtsen. AS letter# mast *4.:e list fowajtip atut owigty j-a wjsicfc ts* writer i* enroSefo. Tie Bav-J v . ihauk - itisens for isfoTSsatium s>f pea-toe* mi-r-tperky see'dt-d ftwm the earolhnrnt. as vreHs# for the aatae# 44 mii-Jnty i* 3 -sersoooSy saSSe**wr©4 is hvis the wnreet of aff jerve* ! sot so itafe'e stricken firs.* the lista: wbtbr it t evrnafiy It* dirty ne.4 insesrwt ts see thai avs* tirspitriy imidc I* demlEtery fonty eseape entoJate#.:. It the defy aC aw eiwaec* to sew that 4e!j*fHM 4adß ed iser. are arre'"--! tsl hrongbt Wfkt the p. -arnyf Ea mffiaoest. Eo-:h Bcresgh aai Inwnehip |* ebapgwi with -he dory off famiii ing 1-# /off Drafae-i soea bere t*-ibm delsx-wse-rt who report thewm6w* wr oo" wiii no# he regarwoi s# deserter#- feet al vwed to fsrniac *nb*r.tra te- ®f poy imnimilnriiin, if not tunned by the Baard.— In tie-e ea-es, the tWscfcss r-zj y" i kloia credit % pro*jfi nrtre*- C<:i*en# of scWientti whose 'wrdee* have been in- j ertaetd by the fac-ar- of large iw of drafifed, *nm !*. j report, ire .t#cred tiaaj tfof tirtf; will fai mfm 11 fin every j tan st the llgfckt lEO. EYfoTER. Aug. 12. 4*®®. 4 Pre. Mmr_ I6ffc Dat- Pa. WASHIXOTOX HOTEL. JiEOFORp, Pa.. WM. DIBERT. PROPRIETOR# THE fsthsi-riher wonld xntfeeiiiiiy annnwri to hi# firiesd* 5* Bedford CowntT. and tie ynbiie gKrally that be Ea* leased fog a term id" vears, thj# bugo and wrsifs* brick bwtei. at the twnoer dff ha asi J.K,.,.. Ktreeta. Bedford Pa., known a# the WA?HIXGT>X HO TEL, axd fwnwij kept by Mrs. Filler. Tk, Hrtv-e i# bevag tSKr-wghiy re-fitted and jw-fkr awhed, aad i* mom erased fee ,he reeejwiim of eaeat*- Tisvtwrt to the BED 1 -ED >?RlXtig, iai person* s feu-'-xxg Const, will find thi# Hows* a pkensnnt nmd tjriec temv-.-.-asy 4>*w. Kvety attestssw wiii te pwad bo the i aewwaamodafosm and comfowt f gscasa. TV TABLE wIS as *H :am s Wayßtl wish (he best ■ the mask*'* aS-ei Cbasgw# wi3 be medterete. ExfeE?ive !rta.'#iig k atiacbtd tn tin EobeL and at ; ESJtfa. and oswfwswsi B-tfer wi£ be in aweeaex-re. Bbatha will be pmd to the acev-mmodarios. of j the far*sag twaamiasiity. C >'* Jii* llonre Da£y. j r nnliji excepted, as 6| wVi-oeiE, A.. M. aai 2-i-rioe* P. M.. so cemneet wife, the ants# going East, famn Mii: DoSn- Btafian and Bfoody B*x A otmsh org! sbo jewve tri-weksv. •> Tnwl*j" Tswr*day aa-i ffmni Inj) for SooomwL The nowfa* paisife will find is ilreiifoC/ to shear *4vantage to *** I with Lax. ; * MIULEAM DIBERT. ■wdfoid, Jane 24,1564. Notice to Tresspassers. IBEBEBT forewarn aH pervon* from TREfoPAS?IXG s* Tie **u ve Farm. - the jmrjom- of Hnn~xg, Fith 1 ; !*£- gashersxgGreew#, Rcrric#. - pMwsngthrongktbets,- 1 J. T. SI/JXAMER. * DMIXISTRATDRTS X#>TICE. w * xae E* rf Owtfos PemsyrL -afe of CW&asn twp- Bedford Co, - *v iSLw =E-fort%ntd by tie f Bc-xfosri waaty. A3 POWMM mfoteed * afofi Eetole are bwesy lyarf s® xk mnefiate awymmat. and thorn bar: xg riiian* ag*aa mid Ertaac vi pre-ext ttea ? 50 Paid James A. Headrasoo. far baaliag dirt. Ac. $ 64 50 Paid W. F. Mag oa anler (or cleaning street. f IS 311 Paid Patrick Walls for baa I rag dirt. $ 3 31 Paid Itanl. Border vfeas'FOG town dock. $ 21 JO Paid Shack A Bagfey cleaning hm. H f Paid Son dry perrons acting nigh- watea- $ 61 92 Paid Leri Arstw Water Mailer. Ac. f M4# Paid Joia Minuseh fismg 6. slo®. *509, FL.WS AND AND ail eehaemdieat NPT HE FOR FFTY doiinrs or SOME mnltiplc of FFTR dollars. The s jZsf WII! be traasanitted TT the ow test frae of transportation RIARGE* as SOON after the rweipt OF the FIIFAS! Cartificate of DEPOSIT as tfeey can be prepared. As the A'STS iraw ia.'CNN FROM AGFTR 15. rtaking DEPOSITS 4 ;''IEEJSENS TO that DATS MAST PAY THE IN TEREST SENSED FRAEO date OF SOLE to date of depcil, Parrie* DEPEOITING rveitydie FFCONAPM doSars AND -J ward.* for THESE .t rat any ce time wiR 4 e ali>we* f*> of nu-*;■* i* Aeperittas IE I*. C. N•-*, :ks sS i- p*yi is tk* bert i>el*Jiajt ■£■ -f tfee .t; '.-T. *si it t libera! iotafßit -o lie Bote? for ii:t j--m lUI privilege of tett trnaQ i bow rwtk *t- lit** per owl- per xassxa. for the ccmat rare for -— ; 7i dL" :• t. 1 -•- ■ " :oa mime per *w*f. jwratM. u4 before lie - lis* rrvsetctn w ri per eect, C. g rtociu t# over turoty per est It *i3 ke e that tie atta*! ;•• S em ih'.f kwa. at tie trwui aorkel rate. I* s't jet* "ka tew per <*wt- per —warn. Its Exemption from State or lasietpai Taxation E *fi4t £rs>SE a£ tie we kttt easaaersuA, a Att of C -ijrr-.-** apflt elf W< oarf Tremamry *."■ fr-ir-m Isetmi iaMiu. tte tit average, lit eseisp tks sepacks, or <;] ccasaaß ßSJ-M+. aty, i* pieipnl for payment, while tie whole pro perry of tLe mwMj* bfU to ware tit 4iU:'t f al2 tie tASgatiwwj of tie Usfeeij State*. WfcSe tie puciT < Err* tie Bkot* fibetal terra* foe sU JoaMb a heEwnaa lias tie very rtrs® jper. apoeai will at to tie loyalty ami patnotsna of tie people. Irxps>a£* oerstease* WTS be seeorj for tit Aepoekt- Tie party suit ewion* spot *e oeiyaawi t --tiitife tie ieeaivibw of Bines twysiret aad! wiefisr Tier ire t be ni is feSaak or payable to orte, Wbes t tadoreoi it sraet it left witi tie oArer necivisg tie Repeals, to be forwanlrd to tie Tnacrp liepartieest. SrtifnrnsTl vta BE mmtmrmm by tie Trcaswrer of tie C|#nl flsSt, at Wasiiißgotw. lie ateeeal A*eioi 4e*ig£xte>j lifiwiJirKf, as! by tie FIEST limsil BISK OF ILfIMSA, asi by ais Saawetai iaci* wbkb are 4epo;Une of pab- Sr wnwey. aaii AIL EEXPECTABLE EAAi'X AND BA.VEESi knwgiawt tie oowsuy will give farther mfoematloa as j AFIPT'ED EVEKT FACILITY TO ?rBSCRIEEB£- Asg. 12. JiAA-JjE JH C LEAR THE Hoi * OF FLIES, CbE datcher ? celebarted LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, A Beat, .cheap rtir?. aT to sat. Every aieet wci kffl Sfort SOLD EVERYWHERE K/.LNCH. EICHABD* A CO_ litk ill Market StaX Pi'U Wpt/va. Wioteadß sgweta. (jst-St. White i Moor's Matt Coffee, CONTAESCKjI apertateof tbf lt JavaCA. Tie woelA. Pte ?• *u per pwasd. For ts't at tie bar psftwtd G. K. i T. OeTfL March 1*- ISA*—s*bte4 to aao Eitaie are hereby Mtifedl to (Eai: payrsect rsuaefiaSeJy. t d tibae iarfig ttaiae •****■ '•* aasi* wis p*nH tiftea feoperiy —tiwrtkaMtoj I** aubanat PETER g. HILLBSAS, jacob b. hille;ax. JojJ I. 1 WUt> A YEgJ r | 'Bt Bl>A£rlgaeA iariag taluw ArCTIOIfEEB'S LICENSE, Fir Beiifwsi. Center*, atort ia msrntat to si* -essiaHßt af tie CoB?T. AACsfcef. JOHN DELL. J*t 1.. S4-4S. fix Mile Baa. BcAwri C*L.Pa. U. & 10-40 IJOMIS. THESE Bond* are iwteil under the Aet of Congrew of March Xth 18*4. whichjinplim that all Bond* issued under this Art. shall bn EXEMPT FROM TA XATTOX by or under any rinte or municipal authority. Subscription* to these Bond* are received in Tnited Su4e of No. tiunal Bank*. They are TO EE REDEEMED IX COTS, at the pleasure of Iho Government, at aiyr period wt few ri> tra tutrmnr* tkom fortg year* from their date, aad un tß their redemption Erie Per C ent. Interest M ill be Ppid, i* Coin, wc Bwtlt of not over on* hundred dol lars annually. The interest is payable tei*t*i, thefpith aad ability of private parties or stock companies cut separate coujßsanisi e* only is pledged for payment, while for the debt* of the Cnited States the whole property of the coun try is holden to M-cure :ip paymest of i. ii prinripie and intcrect in coin. These Bon is may be subscribed for in rums from f6 op to any inaptitude, on the satwr term*, and are thur made available U< the smallest leader and the largest capitalist. Tbey can be converted into money at asy moment, and the holder w:R have the benefit of the interest. It may be useful to wate is this connection thai the to tal f.'t iri deid ©f the Fnited State* on which in teres* ir payable tT* on the 3d day of March, Is#4. was fTCE,- J i~t i.tM. Th * tn*ert on this debt for tkc coaling fiscal year wili befilfi. while the >.-a*tta*-rrease in gtdd far the current fi*ea.' Tear imdiaz June 3#th. 1565. has been so far at the rate of over fIfiI,6OO,MS per annum. It wiil be teen that even th' pre*et gr.id revenae* of the Gavcn acal are largely in ex"*s of the wast* of the Treasury for the payment of gold "otews. while the re cent increase of the tariff will dtmbtle** raise the annual receipt* from customs on the same amount of importa tbst, t05156.WW.66i percamwm. Inttraction* to the Xa;i*a• Banks actlaguloaa agent • were not issued fnB the Failed State* Treaeury until ! Marsh 26. bat is the fir't tirce week- <' April tie sub- j senptiocs averaged aw that Tea Million* a Week. Subscript: .®* will be received by National banks whrrh are depositaries of ik- mosev. and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS !hrough-.ct the'. -matry, acting a* agent* of the Ntr ral De|--sstory Banks./ wis! furaDh farther information oe appiicatioß a&d AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SrRSCEIBXBg. = Mas 13. IriSLdm. BANNVART'S TROCHES, For thcirt of Hoarteat**, Disrate*, dr.. 5 art espttiaßg rerommsmded to Jfiaistrr*. Siagert rod person* tthoae retstlio* tali* them to speak in paMir. Baij^r -IWB *US. expat ill. fart rfceerfsOy etas*ti. roar •*0 a* ' i a tfcott ada. /aid* i>r pciik ;pekt> itd singer*. , J -.1 *.<*■ U arseix-.;. eittghj am; tke rccal organ; j ate >4.7 awi UiA I ha--- ft. and she MO! of torn* pes •-F ff " ray. l&al T*ei hate been ;e;.f.iied 1A roar ' fit* ! Tr>. .- •*. i eanrh j*r tares rery far to • a®* 1.-. its 1 ban eras g
    u) ii.2 ywi. j iy 'iii heAia--- .d the r>-s*ear;dsg fr jj it ;&< fA/jneit i a*t. atd a;-.irAj tsw rsftyArt-ser* of lite delirerr of teilttssct. Years, h;_ JSC. V A LKKE JACKSOJT, Post*.- of tie lee: vet Street Metiuediot Ckurti. f T® C. A- Bifftitt— ltenr Sir I —Harm; ssei TOST at- I iK free ? say 'iirr are itir beat I feu** ectr tried. Amd tat* (Ml ji!tir;n ia rseooeaiTOitisg the® to i aii f!BI"KG. PA.. To who* aS 'trices staaM W vifrowL scey bp Ihstggijts ere-ryu Ke't- Afri tint.. 1 <(. PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES! THE sabtcrilier tea* jn< nuir4 frva Ps.iadeipkui |P * tor tea* pcrrteaatd a arje asd acaeet #tck of PHOTO GRAPH FRAMES, Photograph A-ll>iiin>i, (Bf jJj Bjrtef, tecMiag frm 12 te 2W 1 |ttore. at prie** - Tj-iuj fraos 7a ant* • so f2*J# .le for si* j-*ctees ti piilw. Ptewtograptes. Aa'.-rotype*. Ac, fo, uhf a* jv* a* 2s Cttt) ftdow f wn acA l* S tie Aftaa *:■ jar :2 *iae, oa lit aw reacxsjltk */nu u4 us sLt ( etai*r. la-tra-rtwe* is Ike Mrs pir* os jswrferai* Irm •-kjrSptet (JjSbt. wM'/U tit Haul, Eert&aA, J *c* i T. IL'iBTTT?. C O STA R' S VERMIN EXIERMIfIiTORS. f •*■ KaU. Mte+, Rxxaclam. %**. W Bop*. lan. Waalfaa. 4f- ImMUOBPUata. t ** tk. AaisaaK Ae. Pat try. is 25 wat Mini Jj.W Bo if. BotJlr-f. ai# F3a.te. $3.4* ar AiU# kw fee Hvte*, Fatelia At. "©alp ißfcffiStefa reaatriie* taos-wa," " i"re irwm ttmmmM," '•yi of sterir te* w die." l t<* *£ IrruTjri'.f ** * Brtxilrrt rrajwbere. *fa*4eaalr a a£ iarpt eilse*. jSSff"' ! f Beware !!!of £ wwtASe-- ;:ia:i3*- iS£: -CofU/f" suat s* ©a eaea Eo T Bat tle, acd Flask. lfre t* tear. pStTAtii.ww Hi£*wt Capo. Cf" I' nan f|—l Ttcfsx. . 4'l Bnaawswalr, Jfr-w Terte. JSP- -.1 tee a., aiawieaia ua retail 1/npj rryort a iminlsiMe f (l as:tjf rtaeaaaii.' is tie bsaa4* of Jeter- Oars®, E**~ 1-issciair tratot af tie *"* of *i3ifaa Eorfie. . Alt*. •' se *-t-atiri ar *f Jaeraip. ttea) jsdaetaßeu* it ArESTS. £ead .-ftasey for f trrolar. •HEIS A CO~ 42 9mA TAawl Etncte Piiia. Jss a 17. TIVQPP'DQT A JL# JL fcSJEr aLI JEr >9A J9L^ AXD I>IS®!4SS RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARE CTHEIs BY IIOOFI .AND'S 6ERMIN BITTERS, the. cheat stre.vgthexing TONIC, |lnwe Bitters hate perform** more Cares GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION! HAVE MORE TS%I*ONI % Bw mi)r< rfopwuMf (a * oiwh for (brut Than acy other arlieis is the Market He rj rymptoms! Resulting fro en Disorders of the Biyeltive CoastipaikiE. Inwyrd Piles. Fclans; of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the rteiiti. Xaaeea, il cart to re. Di*- X*t fer Food. Fulness or Weight ia tie frtourarh. Soar Eructation*. sinking or Flcfctering at (be Pit of the ; iriomaeh. rrtinadngof the H4 Harri.fi and Diff ait Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart. Choking ur Swffo | eating Renjaiir,- when in a lying Pofture. Vwpesf of Vj- >n. Dot* or Weht before the Sight. Fever ap-I Dull Pain ia the Head, Defietetgy of Pre* pirn: bo. Idl-.y. of the Skin aad Eye-. Pain i- the sida Book. Cheat. Limbs. he. Sodden Flashes f Heat, the Fleuh, Coiisiact Imagining* of Eri!, and gte*.; Xte yuesrioa of Spirit* REMEMBER. THAT THIS BITTER SIS NOT ALCOHOLIC. I CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKET.s | AND CANT MAKE DRUNKARDS, fi/at ia tkr treat Tomir. fa the H'erU. READ WHO SAYS SO: fro.m the hot. tkoxh k. floxehf. FROM;"HE HOT. THOMAS B. FEItKE.VI F, FROM THE HOS. THOMAS B. FIX)XEX(X. Washington, January I, 1M. OeatktEen.—Earing stated it Terbaiiy to roa. I hare an heeitati-t. in writing the fact, that I experienced au.'i ed l*aefi: fnvm year fldtduf* German Litter*. Daring a leag and tedSeau eetrios of Congress, pre .sing ana mjAaiou that tke bnuaa futi. !r tas M aS ietett rilt Cbr aie Ltiarrbea. INretjp toe loop time I i> saßeris; fra ftii tif rsae, laas at wo-led br repoiir piiTtAias*. firmx ®o< t-s! tem. pKTarr relief. Tse'easae aeemal f. rentals Kistil i mm* Mm*! totrr Ha/,t .iA 4 Ikrass Bitter?. After tke ut of a few Iwtliw -f aat r aiaable mediae*, tke MBpiaitl mppearad to k> iwisitVeMiT ' I eftea r*r4ir tkask raa iter seek a vairiHe rpariS* as A wbr£.-rt er I ta tas os.!J.rruo itT, - eerfallj teom ssesd it. aah fsii toaSfieaoe A its aialilirr. Twit Ttran. Jos* B. Ykiemus See FA t !M>t. frtin Jb!o Lee. Km, itrmof Lee A K"aite-. the filafire 11.-r Pti !WT ia the I'aiiri ewe*. S'a 7JJ (heitfet Strytt, phijaii-Jphia. Fefersarr hih. ISH. M-wtk J A Eras?— Ge&tkmaa: —Mr mvber-;n iaw i. • kf*s *• pn aiiy S-estine4 kr yar II- -. S..bs'; ier mmsi fc:a.-r$ that 1 eimflniltd to trr it mrseiC 1 iol at to keaa !-ioakk nr-s:. a&4 Minitatisglj- 1 m nmmia I it to all wkoare satf:sr from tiytje*.-- .a_ *J hare h* tbe fu&fff*. Tmfj yocre. JACOB BBOOM. lifi et. Bcr. M. Pb.ladeljAta. Dem'er 24th. 1J43. Mi—l. Joaet A Evas;—Gentlemen;—l hart mtaflr ktes Inkormg under the didresring (feck 'if aeeooafaueied by a ptsetratwe of tka serronr jr.rtess. Xammront remedies were resomatetsded by fricctir. and acme of them hat with nat rtheC Yocr HooSsad't Gremaa Bitter; were neoaaatecded kr per- or who had tried them, and whoa* tarorahir meatioa -jf tW Bitter* atdneed as* aiw Jo try them. I aert nvaftse that I Wi an aretmam to Paten; from the ~ 3 i iaaij|i< aad onC" gajari "Bister;" wk'oelr aim . u'sdi ar u/. |jaar t -.4* 4*rircywiativa it ka*ot*aimi. Ikatre fee year*. at timtvz keen rrisiiAr-} with ptl 4i*r4*r fes my tea* *err* ryaw. I **# j4-. uetpi tie arttete afere I met milk eaac* rue Hart* sßywrauaad kare mc iry icasy of tktir eforU. BsafwcsfadSy yosr*. T. fino, Baxfeareagi, Pa. Freaa Bel. J. 8. Htrwa. rf lit enaaa Reforasaei Cfcanly Katitnaa. Btxkt Cooaty. Pa. _®e. C. Jaekaoß : sjr i—l Bare twea trahM wisi 1/Tiyfaiir'j tattlf year*. at nk. PRIC E. Sialic Battle Oae Dollar, or a Half Do?. for 95. BkU yw *tn iisspttMl kaie tla article. 4*c if j*a; i>Z ifj it fftfwriitk®* ilua mar be fre>4 ai it* dam. tea meed ta u. id we will turmiri, aeewreJy jacked../ try raw Prlacipal ®* and s nofadorj X 0.631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS. fimooouem U> C. M. JvrknuH dr (Jt*. F Sale by Drsgibti aad Bedm ia emy um ia :2se liaised States. X. E. Wis kr tie aja,?,f(t-ian* ? lie •ad! v r J{ ce*_ rice, Ac WS &USe. • mxt *4 tU aire iciate a.~. i lie tiej>w u> lot eaaauMK. tee tbat iiict Owe Dlfw" i* s tie wraj-gcr afVwi tmtie. NEW GOODS A* OAK HALL! BLOOxrz- nxntsr, PA, J. B. WILLIAMS & BROTHER, 4 XXOUXCK to tb-ir eo*fc>mer and ;he j.nWW s D J\. w*i. that they awe iwswving * lunge eatonmvm at Xesi tiwji, *e& as JDTtIT OOOI3S :! RE.V S WEAR, rLs: CLOTHE?, A.-VIJIEREK &ATIXLTT?. COTTGKADKF. SOIBTIXti FLAXXFLS. Ladies' Dress Goods. Black and Fancy StUtr, Jtaßk-'. Pttpftn?. wifK e large Aeaeruoeut of Print*. Ginghams, Jfliiiuif, Cheek*. TirUap, 4. NOTIONS. NOTIONS! 6kTi, Ilomn, laio Trirattiagr. Rteitt, llraiJt, le, 3fiat'i ChiT4.j FtdKaas, REAM-MADE CLOTHING t CCATf, PAST?. AXI> VE?Tr. both CVic aodCasmer t made ta the m* rt appro ted styles. Bears, SHOS, BALMRAL k ASB gahice. For both Ufw' a*4 Gentfrei*< Wear. HATS, CAPS, gOyXETS, FLOWERS. RUCHES, SHAKERS &Q. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, STATM3FAKT, SCHOOL BOOK. O . WALL A-\I) CTBTAIX PAPERS. Carpets, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS AID MITTIXGft. GROCERIES! COFFEE, SUGAR* SYBUP?, molassks. IE.VP, ePXCBS. Ac.. A*.. 4. fo. PROVISIONS. FI?H, HAMS. Iplaits and renr-ranA) hIIOFLDERS AXD eix>B.. t^UEENSWABE. GLASEWABE, LAMPS AXD FIXTURES. CLOCKS AMD LOOK IX G LASMfc WOnD-piX-W A T?.TTS BUCKETS, TUBS, CHUKSS, BfrXFMF, * . TOBACCO. 5 I*rje to mB either br WW!e or Retail. MteS, PAINTS. OILS BYE-MIFFS if. A assortment of the ®st reliable Pat. MH.-ion. COUNTRY MERCHANTS •sptdie-1 wHb Essece** and Oils ai CITY PRICBS. THE DRUG DEPARTMENT I is ttsder she nqwrririoß of Dr. Mats, one f the oM suc i r-amfiieked Dragi,-. t in tbe toat irr. fiat Pevsiriasa it'l other*, rait -iepea-4 v*n £ est jag rei-juGe artictes. iAb-Aii -fee ab> -eartkfae will be *M at prices ta rtut •he cifeaMas -<•- of ail. No Trouble to Show Goods I TERMS—Cash or ProdUce. wulees by agtwa bou. No credit' bnperthww .*it hoaUa, vUbutl inieret.. Bloody Bas. J ant IT, Isottf CHEAP CORNER! FARQUHAR'S REPI'TATIOS FOR SELLBG CHEAP STILL MAINTAINED! E are rownrt : vs*r ar "Ckeapt i'nr • r." a w> hr| ? rieei of >prier a?wi ftatimtT F*hiv&aide Fotvijw aad PooHtie Dry Good*, of erery ratwsj u4 ySe. TO THE LADIES. Call art! exrttlrae our -en of CALIO'>EA BALMORALS yKLAIN.% IIOGP-P-KIBT?, ALAPAC AS jtlliJßOVr. SHAWLS, k COLLASA, XIAI>\ HEAL XET.-. FAILS, COMHS, liOfIKET. XL J MM IX 6.'. GENTLEMEN, Coaae atfi etc ear aaaartasca! af COTTOXADES, COAT?. dEA X. PAXTS, SATIXETTS, VE.-TA. CAJO-IMERES, ROOT* CLOTHS, GAITKKF, imXr", FUBPEXDKBS, MCSLIXS. £BfKTS£ DRILL?, XITK TIES GROCERIES: COFFEE^ SUGAR. JfiBtiSSEF. ?YBl"Pf. SHCB, ALL KIXM- Tobacco and Hegrars. Flcoaoaer. ba Ardemea, Mat en! I>eaf. ami all kwd* af s-fcht; Ttliesiw aad Rtrr. BSbJbviac ftihphei- the CAb'H SlrTi)!, we are da 'eros.aed I aaii at rear ' staff ptwdt, aid Hue pehtic. Sb, hare w- ioAdfy jatminl a#,acci*fpaetfHl; s*ra#4 to eaii aed tuauM r dL J. B. FALGLHAR. JcJia-* ftltaC BejfopL low IT, I*4-4 (f ' Wanted. 1 i U I 1 oaDS OF BARK, for wtiafc per card, 1 VV 'jr the bi(fcwt auchtet pciee. wUi he jr:rea. JOHX A. HOWRY. • &rrir / foe / if* of Tag*** 4c Mmmrm. J*pc a. I KiC tf Houipl WAXTEI' .—Use adrwrtber wants t met a li'isae. pert of a Boas*, is orstarfk Rwagh af BadforJ, eas fas a hadhr f fw wr tin pasoa,. A Iter price a; be paid. Far faiibtr jHcrtscaian ifttjtare at 15, t L'ftfcfe 's4f JsKfHMT. Bedford, A S . IT. IR4.tC LUMBER. . iUO,OOD fc-a af aeaersid LL'MBL. far mis at dies w Aiigr Jf iXSau WANTED, TEAM? baa< LUMBEB t* BedfonL 4e Far ptr f iealart caii at mf ,mtdc*ea. JW fs-u ? h* -BBCI