tioiij horses, teats, eighty wagons loaded with Quartermaster and medical stores, which fafl lUtocuv hands. Our troops had possession of the entrenchments yesterday morning. After reaching the opposite side of the rivor the rebels dispersed in every direction. Two huudreil dead and wounded rebels were picked up on the Bold. Gan. Zfflieoff-r was was found in a wagon, mortally wounded. Our iosa has not yet beeu definitely ascer tained, but it must have been considerable. i he Surgeon of the Tenth Indiana regiment telegraphs that bis regiment had seventy kills ed and wouuded. Gen. Thomas's division embraces sotno of the best regiments iu this department. As fur as t can leoro, the .Ninth Ohio, Tenth Indiana, Second Minnesota, Eighteenth IvegttlarS) and Fourth sod Teo'b Kentucky regiments were among those engaged. Colonel Manson's Brigade, including the •leurh Indiana, Eighteenth Regulars and some Kentucky Regiments, roiuforecd Gen. Thomas. Curing -Saturday night they made a forced march ef twentyfive miles through heavy roads, am.] managed tn arrive three hours be kftwe the eouiineuooment of the fight, iu which *uey toqk glorious part, in spite of their fa* *igue. The tenor of all tba official despatches goes to show tbst the affair resulted in the uinU brilliant victory of the war. No prominent officers ate said to be killed on our side. Gen. Scfcoppff was nnablo to cut off the retreat of the enemy, owing to the bluffy char acter of the country, and the obstruction of all roads by felled timber. CINCINNATI, Jan. 21—This morning's Go zcllf has advices tint warrant the prediction of an early alvanee c.f tba army in Kentucky. '1 ho wcatbor is uuw the only htndcri ng cause, everything else is ready and in fine order. Xlie Ohio river has risen seventeen inches list evening, and is still rising at the rate of an inch per honr. Tbero is cow fifty iwo feet, four inches, in toe channel. The following named persons living in Scbells burg and vicinity, have contributed socks, yarn, money and knitting—which articles have been sent to Ilaris'ourg sad Port Royal, for the nee of the soldiers composing the two companies fiom Scbeils burg, Bedford county, Pa. Mrs H Rosen burg knit 2 pr, Miss Lizzie Rosen barg8 v Aica.E Poorinan 2, MariaPeormau2,Nlss. E Poornian 2, Rebe ca Sleek I, Mrs Ann Poorman 2, .Mrs Bioinboch 1, Mrs Goiipber 2, Mrs. Kopns 2, Mrs Dull 1, Mrs Fisher 1, Mrs Dewalt I, Martha Smith 2, Mrs R icrdon 2. Mrs Aan C rouse 1, Mrs Eve>liler2, .Mrs Adam Dull 1, Mrs Colo 1, Aun Hull 1, Kate Border 2, Mary Mowry 1, Mrs Bocli m.iii t, Mrs 51 ary Smith 2, Maggie Schell 2, Mary Statler 1, Lottie Dewslt 1, Rebecca Ann Miller 1, Miss Sonde iiunu ft, Ann Touiilson 1, Eve VVirtz 1. Kate Parr 1, Maggie Ewalt 1, Susan Long I, Mrs AM Eaiy 5. Mary Ealy 1, Curie Paly 1, Mnrgaretta.Miller I, Annie Dull 1, Vania Dull 1, Louie Dud 1, Auuie Kiter 1, Kate E Schell 1, Mrs Mary Bowen 1, Louisa Bo wen 2. Mrs Martin Riley 1, .Mrs D Sr.vder 2, Malvina Riley 1, Eli2 J Rile* 1, Maria Laue 4, MrsK J Borders, Mrs Ann Bord -rtt, Jennie Keroerer 1, Mrs J W Miller 1 Mrs Catharine Blackburn 4, Mary J Long 2, Carrie X ..mr 1, Amanda Kemercr 1, Mrs Hannah Car te! on 2, Evie Dannasec 1, Mrs Sarah Fraznre 1, Ma E. Grouse 1, Mrs Lizzie Cobler 1, Eliza J. Miller 2, Ann Maria Miller 1, Eliza Golvin I, Jen nie Cf/lvia 1. Mi- Kurtz 1, Mary J. Statler 1, -Mrs J - • zure 2, MJrv Mortiruore I, Em.ni.Morti- Bioia I, Mrs John Sill 1, .Mrs Mary Sleek 1, Mrs Ann Border I. Mrs Maria Jiirkheirner 1, Susan Long l.plrs Bri Jdlebroosfi I,C.dhjrine Dannikor 1, Mrs GUbra'h 2, 51 rs Ltndsey 1, Mrs Mansfield 1, Mrs liochman i, .Mis Geo IV Williams 1, Mrs Sarah E C tl 2; Martha S Coaley 2, Mrs Eliza Richards 2, Mrs Abraham Blackburn 1, Rebecca Blackburn 7, Geo Blackburn 2, Mrs Adams 1, Mrs R W Mil ler 1, Mrs David Way 1, Mrs Benj Yore 1, Mrs Martin L Conley 1, Lydia G Canley 1, Mrs Leon ard Fight I, Mrs Margaret RoUinot 1 Mrs. Jas Al lison 1, Miss M iry E Allison I, Elizabeth Allison : 1, Mrs Scholf 1, Mrs Nancy Garlinger 1, Mrs i M aria Schell 2, Mrs Mary Hoke 1, Mrs Mary j Fcust-er 1, Annie Horn 1, Amandi Horn 1, Rev. D. 11. Riter 1, Emanuel Statler 1, Duncan Mc- Yicktr 1,1 Conly 2, John E Colvia 3. Mrs JohaS Seheil, yarn 4 cuts, Mrs 51 Rock 4, Mrs- C Colvin 2, Mrs Nancy Garlinger 2, I W Knip ple 2, .Mrs John Williams 4, .Mrs C Williams 2, Mrs Frank William 2, Mrs Catharine Hul+fi, Mrs j Bei.j Hull 4, Mrs Zigier 1, Mrs Peter Hull 2, Mrs j J VV Hull 6. Jesse R.Smith, h. Airs McAlillen 2, j Mrs GeorgeFeaster s|, Mrs Mary Hoover 4. J S ' Mary A Young 4, Mrs Jacob Fisher 2, Bliz Crorle | Mrs Catharine Ridenhour 2. Hannah M.y 12, ' Harm h Hancock4, L> Sl-.;k 2, L -wis Ris'.ing & Son 11. Rebecca Hall 1, Miss MvCr.ury 1, Mrs j Jio ; i-; an 2 ! i V ! ton 2. Mrs Kite Luksns ■ 2, Anthony Smith 4. Mrs Hiner 2, Kate Vor; 2. Airs H Oyltsr 2. Miry Back 7. Airs Joseph Sseek 8, Daniel A Gr tilth 2, Miss Alary A Elak bur i 4, Catharine Cuppet 2, J. Blackburn 7, Ju-'.Hti Shrader 2. Hattie Berkley 2, Mrs George El is 2, Airs Elits Kog'rs 2. Lucinda Rogers 4. Mrs John Wonders 2. Mrs Job i Rn Vser 2. Mrs. Jas Carson 2, Mr< s. Hin ton 2, Mrs 0 Blar-kbura 2, .Mrs Chas Hillegas 4, J H ilillegas 4. .Mrs J:-* Long l, Mrs Geo Bowser 6. Mrs Corley 2, Mrs. Jas Mullen 2, Mis I Clark 1, .Mrs Geo Gump 2. Matilda Sttiefci y .2, Mrs Nidkum 2. Jane ciark j Mar;ari lioiq* i i 4, Mrs iVm. Colvin 4, Eliza ' Tn\ 'or 6, Mrs Saml Horn 2, Lavi iia Burns 5, j Mrs Cornelias Whetstone 2, Mrs Beity 2. Doctor H. V. B ram well, cash 25 cents, Carrta > Coi lev 35, Mary Hoke 50, Annie Coiiiu 50, I Susan R'rthb A ch 50. Mrs Margaret Coip 25, Alr3 I Bnr ier 25, Rev B fl Hunt 50, Julian Williams j 50. Mrs Herbert Blackburn 50, Mrs Geo Beckiay i 25. Jesse BSackurn 50. Ruth Clever 25, Susan a a | Gejer 25, Mrs Chas Hdlegas 50, Sarah Keyser • 50, Sallie Black 50, Emma Frazure 31. George ; Alailen 25, Sarah VVirtz 25, John Sluckey 25, D Border 25, Aliss Geo Colvin 25. Peter Schell 50. j With cash received bought 26 pairs of socks, ! making in all 206 pairs. * Mrs A.J. SNIVELY, Mrs. E.VI.MA SCHELL, Mrs. ANNIE STATLER, ELIZABETH D. BONN, Soliciting Committee. THE NEW SECRETJRV OF WAR. The history of Hon. Edwtn M. Stanton 4he oew Secretary of War, is not so woll known as it ought lo he. Never having been a politician, he has no obsequious frteuds to, write biographios for him. A correspondent gives us a few facts on the suhjaot. He be gan the practice of latv in Stcubeuviiie, Ohio, having studied in the offi.se of Duffel L. Col lier, Erq., now a venerable resident of PiffT sdeiphia, who bus retired from the profession. Mr. Stanton begin to practioe in partnership with Col. Geo. VV. McUook, a brother of Brig adier General Alexander MoOook. Alter a higniy saocssiul career in Sieubenvillp, he remove 1 to Pittsburg, where he soon took high rank at the bar. He first became well-known as a I >vyer to this State and to tho bar of this ity a* counsel m the celebrated Wheeling )>•: go Case, which was tried hero t;n or ti- ive years ago. White residing iu burgh, Mr. Suaton was io partnership with Judge Siitler. v A few years ago he UtuVed to Washington, where he soon obtained a Urge and lui a-rive practice. Hip honorable coor .c- I jtioD whfc the Govereptcac a* s Attoiyey G nvt-i a), during the closing days of President Buch anan's administration, is well known to the pablie. To-day he enters upon his duties as head of the War Department, and we are confident that iu that position he will give oew proof of his ability. HsP'Reader have you aeen Prof. Wood's ad vertisement in our paper. Read it; it will in terest you. $257 EMPLOYMENT! $75! AGENTS WANTED! WE will pay from $25 to 75 per luontb, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Erik Sswiso Ma cuine, Cohpaky, R. JAMES, General Agent, Mi lan, Ohio. Aug. 6,1861 .-zf ______ To the People of fiedfotd County : The proceedings of the I'eriusylvnnia Leg islature have, no doubt, informed you, that your constitutional rights as freemen have been respected. You are not for the present session at least meio servants of the citizens of Somerset ; county uui bound to comply with tbeir de j mends. A full examination of the question has j made the case so plain, that none, or at least j very few, cau be found to justify the union of j the two counties for the choice of lieprr.senta ' lives under tbo Apportionment Law of 1857. Although tho whole committee chosen to try tho cn.-e did not sign the Report, yet not one ol their l umber has yet been willing to do b) your light id "hose your owu Representa tive. I shall U9e my best efforts to prove to tho public that the confidence you reposed in me on the second Tuesday of Oo'eber last, was not misplaced. While I havo no objectii nto a difference of opioton on the part of any of my fellow citizens, I cau not sec how the fact that 1 owe my election to the peipie of Bed ford county and not to those of Somerset can, in any way reuder me less able to represeit jou or to change my sentiments a s a sound, ipffou man. To thoee who see fit to charge upon tiiO'a desire to enter the Legislature for ulterior purposes, I have ody to say that I offered to the fiiends of tho lata gittiug lottu bar aud to himself, that if he would aid in the j passage of a law to separate the two counties I in the future I won'd withdraw from tho con i ie.-t nod permit him to occupy the place during | the present session. This preposition wis re ! fused partly open ibe ground that it would be granting too much, and oartly because it would probably tu'.ke a "yearling" of tbe gentleman cbnseu by toe people of Somerset to represent theciuniy of Bedford. I theu determined that the rights of the people of Bedford couu | tv should be vindicated or at least it- should cot be iuy fault if tbey were again outraged. ; Li hay b.ieo charged apou rue that the appurtion i uicot bill of 1850, tu attaching Uriitria and ; Fulton to Bedford was aliko uncoottff at tonal, aod tbet I served the people in that District, i A m-.re reading of the Argument submitted to , ne coiiiinittee will show that the District of 1850 was ban*d upon a different principle arid was net tiabio to the constitutional objection. A reference to tbe journal of 1850 will show tbt I voted sgcinst the final passage of that 815 nrd en (Semination of the returns of'the election of 1850 will show 'hat 1 received a m-jarity of the votes cast in Bedford county. This chnrge is theref re only made by iho-e who will nut make an examination or who can not understand the question after they have examined it. There wtli probably 1-c some expenses it tending this contest. Tbe State is Gist re quired to pav jr, thfin the Btte is authorized io draw upon the county for og my follow citizens. 1 had no Bdutiments to conceal from you cither on political questions, aud no conduct or actions of any pjrs >u or persons shall cause me to de* p>rt from thi advocacy ot thoso principles, publicly expres scd, either upon tho one ques tion. or upon ths other, und the doctrines which 1 bad claimed when 1 received your suf frages shall be advocated here to tho best of my ability. JOHN CESSNA. Harrisborg, Jan. 18, 1861. i/iUDLM). THE Preside - t and Managers of tlis Clmrabers i-urg and Bedford Turnpike Road Company have declared a dj .iciend of use per cent, on the capito' stock of said companv, paj'ttbleou demand. vv. ii. McDowell, Chambersburg, Jan. 24, 1862. Tres. BEDFORD tWvVTY, SS. .'IIISTV* "jh. a Court of Quarter Sessions of the jV— . held at Bedford, in and for said |fi 'v 1 s --i"V]jCounty of Bedford, on the 18th day of '' von> ber, A. D. 1861, before the s Judges of the same Court. Cpoit the petition of the free holders resi ling in ho vicijiity'ot Buydatown in said County, setting forth "that two public alleys, wero laid out in the said town of Boydstown, in the year 1816,by Rev. , Alexander Boyd, the proprietor, and then private ' owner; both beginning at points on the Bedford & I Stoyatown Turnpike road, upon the South, and running thence North 57 degiees hast to the (.Id I state road on the North. Tho < of the length : of—feet and the other of the length of—feet; an.l both of the width of sixteen feet, the first being the alley, between lots Nos 41 Xc 42; and the second the alley between Nos. 45and 46, so numbered up on tbe original and general plot or plan of said town i of Boydstown. Also three other alioye,beginning at points on the Turrrpiko roal atbresaid on the i South, and running thence North thirty degrees | East to said old state toad aforesaid. Tbe one ol" i the length ot—feet, the other of tho length of- - feet, next of the length r.f— feet, all of the width of sixteen fact, the same being the alleys between 1 Nos. 23 and 25 and 15 and 17 and 7 and 9 en nuin- ] bered upon the original plot or plan of sai 1 town ; of Boydstown. Also three other alleys 1 rid our: as aforesaid in sard Town South of tho Turnpike rosd aforesaid, all beginning at points on said Turn pike on the North and running tlicnco South thirty degrees west, two hundred aud twenty feet, to a twenty foot alley. The same being alleys between lots Nos. 8 and 10, and 13 and 18, and 24 anil 26, and 82 and 34. so nurubeied upon the original plot or plan of taid Town of Boydstown; Also, the 20 feet alley on the Southern side of sai l town plot, which said alleys have become, useless, inconve nient and bnrdensonae to the inhabitants of said town and vicinity." Where upon the Court do order and direct that tho parties iu iuteust be notified by publication in 1 the County papers to appear at the next Court <>t Quarter Sessions to show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not be granted. By tho Cwrt, S. H. TA?E, Clerk. Pec 20, 1861. BEDFORD INQUIRER. MAH.R.IEJr>. On list; loth, inst., by Rev. David Wolf, Mr. Francis Bixler, to Alias Catharine Ickes, BOTH of Bedford tp. On the 9th inst., by Rev. Charles Cleaver, Mr. David Moshoe. of Bedford Co., to Mia* Sarau Whetstokr.ol M; Ctnntllsbrrg, l'a. thin tin; J4th itist., by the. R,v. 11. HccketniAti, Mr. Thomas O. Sleek, of St. Cliir, to Miss Emma ZjMMEasofßedford tp. On the 6th itist., at the resilience of John Bonnet, in Southampton tp., by Rev. B. A. Cooper, Mr. Hexey F. Ferris, of Allegheny Co., Md., to Miss Jemima Blnnet of tho lorntur place. Ori the same day, at the same plice, bv the same, Mr. Geoikje R. Hamilton, to Miss A.R. Dulon , both of Allegheny Co., Mil. On the 16th inst., by lite Rev. G. C. Probst, Mr. John G. Koh.m, to Mies Malinda Melott, both of Kast Providence tp. TUB LtU liti SiND. COtIEV'S liIDY'S BOOK FOR 3.QC3Q. The World's Favorite. For 32 Years the Standard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United States, THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD, aud the cheapest. THE LITERATURE is of that hind that can terior to any others. IMITATIONS. Beware of tliem. Remember that the Lady's Book is tile original publication and the cheapest. If vou take Godey, you witi r no other magazine. Everything that is useful or ornament<, in a house can Ikj found in Gortey, DRAWING LESSONS. No other magazine gives them, and we have given enough to tiii several large volumes. LADIES' WORK TABLE. This depart in ent comprises en rrivings and de scription* of every artieio that a lady wear#. MODEL COTTAGES. No other magazine has this department. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy one year, $ S CO Two copies one year, 6 00 Three copi s one year, f, Hi) Four copies one year, 700 , Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club. It 09 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy fo the person sending the club, 1> 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending tfie cinh, 2) 00 And the only niag.zine that can be iatrvduced into the above clui s in place of the Lady't Buok is Arthur's Home Magazine. SPECIAL CLUnniXO WiTH OTHER MAG.IZINU. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Maga zine lioth one year for $3 50. Godey's Lady's Bock and Harper's Mcg'.zine both , one year toi' $1 50. Gooey, Harper, and Arthur will all three he sent j one year tor snor. Union Township, on Wednesday tbe 29;h, at the i house of Michael Wyant. St. Cirir Township, oa Thursday the 3'Jth, at the , houaa of Gideon D. Trout. Bedford Borough, on Friday the 31st, at the Com mi.'siotiers' Office. When and where all persons and corporations j feeling themselves aggriev d at the ccim ration ' and valuation of their taxable property aid effects, ' nif.do pursuant to the several acts of Aswan ofy, in j such ease uiade and provided, ate reque'ted to at tend and state their grievances for reitneia, accord ing to law. (Tho appeals will bo held or tho days above stated between tbe bouts of 9 o'click A. JI . , and Pi o'clock, M ) Atiwt WM. M. PSABSON, j 11, N used emus, Clerk, 1 J. FFIGHS'aIE. ' C"r,.fnis: loners' fjffiee, V P. J. SilOf?! AIvKR I IV?. 20th, 186 j. \ Ch'tanti-aloners. i SHERIFF'S SALES. Br virtue of sundry writs of Fi, Fa. Vend. Ex ponas and Lavari Facias t<> tue directed, tiiefe will be sobl st the Court House in the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday the Bth day of February, 1862, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following ddhcribed Real Esnte, to wit: One tract of laud containing 272 acres, more or less, about 150 acres cleared and under fence, with •i two-owi-a half story weather-boarded dwelling honse, double log barn, granary and other out thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjuiniirg lands of Owen Ash. Htzekiah Baikman tad othars. Also one trect of land con taming 400 acres more or less, about one acre cleared, and under lence, with a story anil half log dwelling house thereon erected, aojolning lands oi Jonathan Uwens, John Gordon and ot Iters, all sit uate in Southampton Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Leasare. Also, One lot of ground conntaing II acre more or less, all of which is cleared and under ler.ee, with a stoiy ar.d half log dwel iug thereon elected, adjoining lauds of Solomon Lidig, Michael Stroup aud others, situate in Juniata township, Bedford county, ami taken in execution as the property of j Hat man Waller. ALSO, One small tract of land containing 6 acres more or less, nearly cleared and under fence, with a story and half log dwelling house thereon erected, adjoining lands oi John Bfidcbaiu, Charles Colfelt ami others, situate in Bedford Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of William Johnson. Also, All the interest ol Defendant, John McCanles. in th s following dt'BcritHd tracts of land, situate in the Township of Btoad Top, Bedford County, viz: One of tlietu beginning at a post of thin, and now land of William Figara, thence South eighty-six degrees West three hundred and twenty perches to a post (formerly a white oak, gnn<') in the line cf land B< lon ting to John Savage's heits, thence by said land, Souto one and a half West twenty nine pcicbe* TO A POST, A corner; thence | 'loutu < G'ey, Esq., Foreman, Alvcy Boy lon. Thomas Growdcn, William Gray, Frederick M< ncb, Salul. D. Broadt, David Roland, sen., Wm. Derremore, Joseph Fisher, Esq., Michael Wsureh im, J is. H. F:azier. Andrew Divert, George M<>ck, Henry Weits, William Ritchey ot WM., Vacfttl Brangle, David F. Buck, Sand. Dreurdng, Etq.. H- xry W. Fmitb, Jacob L. MAY, John Corlev , Jr., Michael jVertz, Abraham Johnston, JOIM Brown, Esq. LIST or FZHT JURORS drawn for February Term, D6B. ARJth*w Murray, John K.rr, Jacob D. Fetter, .John A. K•., S tnttV'l P'triy, John Lowry, Jacob Mil'er of Henry, William ros ter, George B uuett, John Aivistn It, John F. Low-; ry, Jacob Lwig, Michatd L. I'utt, J rtV- Georga W. Figird, Broad Top Tp. S.H.TATE, Clkkk's Orvxtsa, f Ci.rk" j Bfd"-rd, Je. 17, 'o2.* ) PROF .WOOD'S RESMM'iIE COBDUL AND BIOOD 2ERSFAT6B I Is precisely wfiat its name indicates, for wbiie { pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, txhfter ■ "ting, anil strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews tho blued # all its original purity, and thus re stores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the or.lv preparation ever < fie red to tho world in a popular toria so as to bo within the leach ot all. So chemi cally ami skillfully combined as to f the most powerful tonic, ai d yet so perfectly adapted to as to act in jterfecl accordance with the laics of nature, and hence sooth the weakest s.'nnach. Ps and tone up the digestive organs, arsil silly nervous and ether irritation. It is also per-kJ feetly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it Dgs | never followed by lassitude or depression of i ga spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables© t and those thoroughly combining powerful |sJ tonic and soothing properties, and cokse jgqcetitly can never injure. Such a remedy 1 uisjw i Jong heeu felt to he a ugbly skilled injE "medical science, and also by all who have sul- M fj fared fro a debility ; for it Deeds he nieiJic.il @9skill or knowledge even to see that debility Wi I follows all attacks of disease, and lays the ur.-L system open to tbe attacks of many ul 5 of the roost dangerous to which poor humanity p* is constantly liable. Such, for example, a*'. , agthc following : Consumption, Broiiclut is, In-Bfj Dyspepsia, Loss cf Appetite, Faint ■ ness, Nervous NeuratgU, PuipUa p. t ion of the Hentt, Melancholy. Hypoeondria, eW Night Sweats, Languor, GiddfTiißs, an t alio. MtffStt'class of cases, so fesrtu'ly tatai ff anat-K r tended to in time, called Female 11 tnkuess and' ' j ml Irregutaii!its. Also Liver Dorsngmviits or fi Torpidity, anil Liver Complaints, l>is ases i tW 1 k icidiiitys, Scalding or Incontinence of theH '* Uiine, or any dcrangtment (4 thefg Urinary Organs, Pain in tbe Bsc;:, fSidvq aukgj fN between the Shoulders, predisposition to Biigldr-j -!- Colds, Hacking and Continued Cough. Eftta-k f",ciation, Difficulty of Brestiiiog,and in it acts directly ||l persistently upon the biliary system, arousing the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, ail tbesßf * <-xcreti< us nnd secretions ol' tile system, it £8 will infallibly pri venr any "deliierluus 7:3 ''juenci s following u; ou cbaitgo of cllmato ani'. t" T* water; hence aH fravelt is should have a hot- ' Qtie with them, and all sin uld Like a tan lei. tag spoon ti;l at l'. sst lieiore eating. As it pre-fB * vesfi costiveiiess, strength ens the digestive it should be in the bands ol all persons -i seitt ntary n ■s. sn.heuts, luitiisters, liter- Jg arv num. And all ladies not accustomed tu|? much out d"r exerci-e should ulways use it. thry will they will find auagteeable, pleas-H pfdarit, and efficient rvnaedy against tfio.-e ills W 3* wliich rob them of th>h beauty; for b;uty cannot exist without health, and health cauunt W ■ exist while the above irregularities continue, q - Then ag'dn, the Cordial is a perfect Motber't|x * Relief. Taken a month or two before the linui UB lr.nl she w ill pass the drcaufuf period witt. y perfect ease an-f safety; Tort is i.o mistake Ms alto,it it, this Cordial is all we claim for it.— g 6 Mothers, try it And to you we appeal to j .detect tlio illmss cr deciice not cud., ot your db daughters hi fore it be top late, but also yourrN s'li.s and husbands, for w iai-. the former, ft.a. false delicacy, often g< wit: Joseph acd Paul. Slighter and Nicholas SLighter, -Mary, intermarried with John Garlmk, who died, and afterwards was jnteimarried with John Hall, leaving issue, Adam, Daniel, Catharine, Sarah Barbara, Abraham and Nicholas Gzriick, ! 11 n ighttr. riee'd, at the valuation which has been valued, and appraised, in pursuance of r writ cf of p.riloit<,nr'i • Tnmori, i'lem, Horn, Kmpt ions. F:s:<- ple, ruttl)r, Itiotrlio, itoils, and all fikiu Ulscaneo. (> < Ki.vNn, Tnrt.,C.th .Time. tssx .1. C. Avbr .% Co. f-nt*: I feel it mr duty to nr. JjßowU'doo what yottr SnrMiparills lifts done for me. IfWnKy intierßnd a Snwftitons iafv.-fiw. I have 'ofti-rcd from it in various ways for year*, Conn-time* it Httfst o-.it in Ulcers on piw and arms; sometiam . (t turned toward and iHsfrrrs'il me at the rtomarft. T*.i fratj a it broke out i urnd an alterative 'Sin'iaparlllal, for I knew from yo-.tr n tntion tin t itnv thing von > must lie (food. I *eut to Ciuehtturti .ond got it, and used ii tiU it enred m*v 1 took tt, ns you advise, hi atnnJl doses of a taspoonful oe- moatli. and used almost three bottles. Now and h- •■'.'iv skin soon b"fpm to form under the setib. which a'fer a while fell off. My skin is now clear, ami I know by nty fr—itiurs that tlie < w.is> is (jonr- front my system. You ma well betieve that 1 fe-1 what I am njring trim t Ml you, that I hold you to He oue of tie' spo-tlea of the age, mid remain cvt-r trrateftdly, Yours, ALKKKft B. T ALLEY, fit. Anthony's Vire. Rose or Kry|ii< 'at, Tetter niul Holt RSienwi. ficftltl Head,lliurf. worm, Hove Eys, Dropsy. I>r. Robert M. PIT ME writ 'S from RSHM, N. Y„ lath Si jjl . sj i. that In- Seia cured an inveterate ew of />r. />s,V. whieli Jhreaii ?'. :• staidly. Bronrhofflr, Goitre, or fiwelled YerJc. Zi hulon bfoan of. Prospect, Texas, write .: •- Y: -o bottle* of yonr SarsaiMriils ctn-i me ft , m /fast . t hideous swelling on t!ic neck, which 1 hod suffere I I'TOSH over two years." Lrurar-hnta or White*. Ovarian Tomer, Uterine Ulcere, tlon, Female Disease :. T>r. .T. p. Civuui:-i York flitv, writ-. : • wo" rhcrfuHv-comply with th" ntjiMt of your a;' u <■ acvin.j I have jotmd v-uir Sorssmmti? a most c-x - !( •::£ at tern if- in the mire. -ous eugapb.iists for wl.lcit u • e..i jtl.iv such a remedy. font e*pc. i By in Kvne'e. is.-> of the fitroMosn (ihUxsla. 1 lave cured tunny hiv emt cose* of Jxtnenrritr.-n hy it, ami some w-ttcrc ifor comoini. t was oanscti by ulceration of the uteru*. Th < u! ■-r.iicm jtr--if was sotth cured. Jtotliinfj witbjo tar knO'-vlcflTC ivir.slc it for those femal" lirrjri;'-- . —lr.' 1 JidwcitlS. Stsburjr, Al-i. writes: '• A < - pr •~n orerrf one oftne fem ties ta my fiuni'v, which hn ! defied !l fir - remedies we could cmf.-loy. i at lcfipth Ivni completely cured ity your extract oi' f : trlfi.-. O-sr r.iiy dsi-o'i thought iiothing ! -it ex tinn ecu! I y.fTord f it- ', bat lienrtvhsed the tri.-.! at - ..i - Satfito.ll iila on tti i last rorort bofuro ctitiirtjr. an ' - pro veil effect t!. Atl-t takhtflr your mncdy dgtt weeks" n rrymptoi:! oi'tin dis.-iuc r.'iuit'W." fiyph'.lls and Mcrccrtal Oiicasc. Xriv Out.issv-;. r _Mh Aucnst. Ifis?. Hn. J. C. Avon. Sir: ? .-Soer.iiHy with the retjucst of votir -,evt, ruvl rcji.irt to yci some oi tic tiT. cts I iiev c r: .ui, :! with year S :r..,cp"u i'in. I have cured wi-'i it. i i my practice, most of the com plaint:- for which it is renin mended, .vd hove fociid its e'es-ts truly won i -rfui in tin- curaof Vevcrr: <:ii •■Vr ex - rHy'tit". One of my patrads had Sypl i! it ;c i• 1 -. in hi throat, which were eon*Bßtiasr hiu palate and litd t p of bis mouth. Yur Sarr-apariila, ett nitly take,-, cured him i:i five w-k". Another \v : - rtt-iekeil by see bin.'ary symptoms ia his HOP... mid tie- ui.s-rirtton In I 0 ii-.-u uway co'isidomUl • part of it, so that 1 boiie-.c th.* di- .rder would soon n*eh Ids brain and kill iiim- Bulb yi. ; .: to toy o:'u,ii-istruli of vaut fini uj-arii!?.; ;i,o ul-rs b> r.led, (mil be is , i| ns...in". not of course witllot Htßic disOjrnratiou of the fere. A WOMB trlut had ler i treate*! ior the * "i disorder l,v mcrewry was sn£" iiu;; from thl • poison hi her bone*. They h.e! lieeame to ee s.' li.. ;o 'be weather that on .* dejiio dfiy fcUe biiScrvd • x eriiei.'.tiag' pain in her joints mid hones. >!:e, too, a5 cared eiitin ly by yonr Sarraparilla in a few -.reeks, f know from ils formala, which your agent gave me, thai this Preparation from your iutx-ndory must be a r,-.t remedy; conserjuetrtly,' these truly remarkable rcauiU wilU h have not surprised me. PrstcruaUy yours, G. V. I. YRIMriJ, sf. T>. Rbcnmatlsm, Gout, Liver Conplaißi. Ib-pr.i-E.viiKXcn.-Plrestcm Co., Yn-. "th .t ; tv. P". J. C. AIEK. Hir: I have been r.fii rit'i spsjn fu! ' hronic Hhrantrrtirr., for a to-i-r tiui;-. which Imflldi the skill of phyejeiaas. ami stuck to use in spite of ail the re: .eiiics I could find, until 1 trie I yc-'.frSajv.;parilla. On.- bottle eared me in two weekft, mid mtunsl nyf general hi drh'so raneli that 1 am f-r b -rter than lre I ss attacked I think It a wonderful nmiieii.e. J. FREAK. Jules Y. GeteJicii. r-f Hi. ieie.i--, writes: " I l ave 1,..-.' afui-*.* . ■..: \I .n in-a for some years from no other wtaoc tli'aVi rfPrangntc-A of the i.ircr. My beloved y:-ror, to -it -v. Jlr. Die to trv yotsr fiarsajmrilla. hikvin- - he • uid iie knew you, and any ttikio you mc.'e as worth tryi-. *. By the hf.-s. toft of Qotl it ii is cmvVi me, and Jjus i> my lii >o 1 as to make a new man of itre. f : ! vmj:i cc sin. Tiix best that eaa be s.ui] of yon is not half go i! enon h.'' Scliirviss. ( sneer Tmaors, Knliii-geracnt, t'f eeratiun, Caries, actil FxColiatlon of the BO Acs. A (Treat variety of e.v-"-c hnv- 1.-en reported to us where cor, s oi" tie-,, tonal lable .v.idpl..UU have r .- .i:itej fior.i the use of this jreinec'y, |jii bar so-v- hero will not ad mit tliem. Seme oftl'om may be ftmnd.in our Am oi Almanac, which flu* agents i. !oiv named art-pk-.iso-i , furnish gratis to ftil u-fio call for them. Dyepepjia. Tleayt Plsrsse, Fit*, Epilepsy, Mrlanelioly, Senrnlyia. Manr rcmarknM" cures of these u.T,huve issm iri" ie liy the aher.itive psovt-r of tills ivieiße-jne. It otjmu late* the vit. l fiim;thnis into fispmne actic-.i, imd Ota* orereomee disorder* wtii.-U would he suprtos d Heyotul ils reach. Such a remedy has long boa rcfluintd bv tiie Eeeeositiea of the people, and we are eoufident tliat this V'iH do ior tin ui nil that luedlciue eati do. Aysr's Cherry Pectoral; FOR THE ncri") crnr. sir Coui;!i, C'otds. bifneuin, Hnsrsrneif, C i-ottp. Protu!ilt!. IneipieatCsnnußp tiou, find for the Relief of Consump tive Palh-oti, ir advanced v etage. ofthe Disease. This is arcni dy f:o uriven sHy known to surpass an* other ior the cure of throat s-: I inng comphiiutk, that ii. is u -el -~;: her-' '•) puM! h the cvi lor eof its virtues. Itr. it I'ii r.liert ( xoellence for conglia and colde. and its traiy wonderful cures of pulrnor- ry "i , i:-e, liu.e mu'k' in 1 ama tiiro,;--' out the civilued iuiti.iv. ; cf the e.nii Few are the . .pini-mitfes, or evt-n fandUcs. anions ibern who have not some personal ex peri nee of lis eacnji- . For .e livin:-trojilij- i.i their ihhlst of its victory over tin; subtle Mi.d ii.-aigerc.ns disorders of tho throat iai-i ! .u;r*. As nil know tiie dmtdfnl fatality of tiiese dhonbrs, su.j rs tlicy knew, too, the effects of this remedy, we need m. do more than to assure them that it baa now cJi TITD VU* tuee that it did have when snakier the curve wtoch I s- e WON BO atwagly upon the Confidence cf manktnd. Praparcd by Dr. J. C. AYES &- CO., Lowell, Hass. B. F. Harry, Bedford ; BarndollarA Sen, Bloody Run; G.B. Anick. St. Clenrrilie j H. J|, Zook, Vfoodlvr.-y j George Gardill, West End; J. 1 Colvin, Sojitllsl'ttrg; D. M. Bare, Pattonsv '' -; aud l>y dealers £sfieT*lty. Dec. 27, l?6l. M RHEUMATIC W IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout aud Neuralgia, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES It is a conveniently arranged Band, containa medicated compound, to be worn around the W iat, without injury to tho moat delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required, and it en tneiy removes the disease irom the system, with out producing the injurious effects arising lorm tiie usi'of powerful internal medicines -vhteh weaken and destroy tlni constitution, and gire temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medicinal pro prieties contained in the Band, come tn contact with live blood and reaches the disease, through tiie pores of the skin, effecting in crerv toatacce a perfect cure, ami restores the parts afflicted to .' healthy cuuditioti. This baud is also a most erlul ASTI-MEBCUEIAL agent, and will entirely re lieve the system ltotll the pertucietii . tf'.-cis of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured io . uvv. days, aaa wo are constantly receiving tosti'm-ni il* of its i fftcacy in aggrsyated cases ot long atan-.m* PRICE $2,01), to he bad of Drusgista generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full for use, to any part ©f the ootyatry, direct fr"P) the Principal Office. ;So 493. UROAWAY, N. lrlc Q. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors K V . B.—DttcrxpH** Circular* Srnl . Fov salt- by B- F- Harry, Bed'ord. KTAOFSTS WI.MD Jun: 2S, Ifll