a?H33 XiSJ €&Tj XXXIESIEX I putliubud every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, Hi the brick" bail-ting, opposite the "Mengel House," by £*AVID OTEJS. TERMS : U paid In advance, $1.50; within the year, .00; and It'not paid wi .bin the year, $2.50 will he charged. No paper discontinued until alt ar rearages are paid—except at the option of the Siditor. A failure to not ify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. oG?~Su. sciibera outside of the County roust pay j in advance. ! Jldeeriutmmh not exceeding a square,(lo lines.) j Inserted throe times for $1 —every subsequent in- j sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro j portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A libera! deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of ail kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. PROFESSIONAL CASJ> S. - John Palmer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. v CTE/11-ff* promptly attornl to all business en \ V trusted to his care. Office in Juliana Street, nearly opposite the '•Jfenjo-I Honne." April 19, 1861.-tf # W. I,3 mi EArELIER, Attorney at Law cad Land Surveyor VSTILL atteud with promptness to all busie \ V entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fulton Counties. C7"• t® •!! .Ttwrntot* Is- i ;; ly , tfji .:w t * • .ra T -fn £.••!, •-, auj i. ' • L\h|4 m. i v all me ratioriS war- Aui. TV T INVARUBLY C.\S; 1. f , Oil ■, . i:,< P.m.-ei, -.:orJ, Pa. sV? | t • -'-ThJ, c:i. B. F. T> ESPECTFOLLY tenders his professions J V services to the citizens of Bedford and vi eini';-. i- o and Wuddcnee on Pitt-Street, In the Lu;' formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofins. N >v. 6,1857. Er. F. C Eeatn.Gr, Pityaician and Surgeon. Dtipct tftiHy tenders his services t> j **- t-a citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He rcuy always be found (unless professienallr en. gag.d) at his Drag and Book Store, ia Julians Fob. IP, 1857. . GO AND c REEDS JVEW FJ3LL AND WUTTER GOODS To be sold for cash or procure or.*y. P. A. 1> E > wishes to ii-form his friends and the pnbiio g-neriilly. that he has bough! cut the Stock of t r- :! e', -1A COB HEED, ai.d in addition, is recoiv irg icons r'hilcdt Iphia, an elegant New Stock t-'is hougl • t Panic Piicts, consis ing o ILtT Qtffii/S. F.c-nt and Sheet, Matt a tut Cap s Groceries, i vrdvenre Qnuuttcore, <£c. Ail of wt.ich b ••■s bn ■: ' 00, iit at the Lowest Net Cssh Prices, sa-:l will e s#. 11 unprdctdenttdly low for Cash or Co- rdry En dure. Pr;; 'pie if at m Niraiilo S xpeaCe is lietter tiian a Sb>w ch.iiicg," cm adopt the language of the Pott: • Ccrnc Ore, Come All. this roeb. shi.ll fly, Fn DI if.* firm base ss tcon as 1." Nov. 8, lbdl. P. A REED. Teachws Wf.ELJ, Board of Scho ! Directors of Monroe a. i own*: 10, avid e.nploy seven or eigfct gzod, i, i . i--, \pply iiuutjJiatoly to the Kbsctibtrs at C.v v. !.-. OLIVER IT'HIT ON, Fruiicnt. J. 15. 'Tj v-reswrtß, Scel'a. Nov . lid Jodi.-* •• • ;• '- ■ • -I lay \> two ye.trs ~g >, and .a.-S. tiavjrg m y un.-.i: 1 j i-lgments aid not a, eel Hxm, I tUi ; fire notify ail persons so indebted to iiLi .' i .t * ' *,\ iivjf.t, a* no !as&?r in luigeuce e-acv wi.l beg. •a. Ai]persons uoiresponding to i!.:v v t!t-j :i , i net conjpLin if more cojts aceru'j to their fndvb' -1 less. JAM SS if. BAEXDOLLAR. Eioody II in, J.in. ;J, liiG2.-i:* ilalii Istr;i io r'.q soiiep. Li - .. 1- Rs *>f sdmin.-drati m htvjnq b?en granted tii tin sn'wcribt-r oa tho estate of .Maranda Kiddld, d .-•■ ■ I, ill persons intsirtwd t-> s-.11 eg tot- am b'-roby notified to miki Imm-liito pay m ,r 't vni tho'-d having c'aifns sjiinst tlw stnic \vB p'os nt tlieir aeboasts properly autheoficite I tor settlement. JOHN W. CHI S.MAN, ,-Um'r. Jan. 3, 1802. MM I HBr BLANK Exempfioa Judgment Summons, Subpoec-ts, Constable Salts, &c. i for sale et this tfliis. KEW GROCERY, I ( orucr ol West Pitt and Juliana St. | TI3SJ subscriber is opi ulng at this well known ; stand, a W!-'.l selected stuck of Confectioneries, | Tobacco. Sugars and Groceries, consisting in part j of coffee, tawn, crushed and palverhMfd sugrrs, t refined and golden syrups, baking tnola-ses, yottng | hyson, hnperi*! and black tea, chocolate, corn j starch and fD.voting extracts, cluase, corn broom#, painted buckets, tiustn g, wall, crub, horse, shoe, tcoth ami hair biushe-S Conficlionarict, such as plain and fancy candies, fruited candies and flavor ed jellies; water, butler and sweet crackers.— Foreign fruits, oranges, lemons, flgs, raisons,,; pro lies, dates, carrsnts. citrons, fil' eits, walnuts,- erc.iin nuts, alnipnds, pea nuts; Tobocco, congress plug, sweet plantation, natural leaf, rough and ready, Lyrichbuig, smoaking, a superior a'ticle, cut and dry, fcc., Stc., Cegars, opera, six>-s, h li ] Spanish, and a variety of other brands. Ibe pub- j ! lie are respectfully invited to give h;Ut a call. All kinds of country produce taken at the high est market price. But no goods sold on credit. J. B. FAKQUIIAR. Nov. 8, 1861. i . . Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscribers, ou the estate* of B. iL Uat ehison, late ot Bedford township, dee'd., all persons indebted to sai 1 estate, are hereby notifieu to nuke iuinodiatu payment, and those having claims against the same, will present theiu proper ly authenticated lor settlement. JOSEPH UUTC'-ISON, JX liN W. SCOTT, Nor. 1, 1861. Aduirs. CASH STORE* TnS undersigned has purchased J. Reed's stock of Merchandise, and wdi continue the trade at the old stand, and sell positively for teady pay only. Goods told low for cash, or appro ved country pro duce. I*. A. REEIJ. Nov 8, 1861. iiSAi)! KKili! HVADI the undersigned have n.td Roraback's it Compound Chemical Soap, for washing clothes, and cb.-eifally recommend it to the fami lies of Bedford as an article of indhpe ;saMa utili ty, cieaosing tho clothes with one t lird the labor ari l tluio usually occupied by use of trie common soap. 3lis. Ax.me D. SBCCK, Mrs. LI:CI.\D\ Memt. <•' u AI. S. Hartlhy, o " Elmisa OVER, Mrs. Maey ELSE none. J. B. FAtjqrtiia is A#cnt for the silc of Fimily Wrights for the Sorongh of B -dford, and any who may wish to purchase a Wright, tu will furnish with enough soap to give it a fiir trial, and will givo then a Fsm.lv Wright gratis if he does :iot demonstrtte the fact that the soap can tie made at a cost of one cent per pltvvl, Fiv? pounds will put out a large WRshtnr, and by putting the c'otiios to souk in tha evening, thi-y can be put our by 8 o'clock, in the m-iniing, thus saving three fourths of the day and a great deal of labor and sickness. Mary families give from s'f to 75 cents per week, for washing, who, by this method can save from 529 to Sod per year. Don't fail to c.ail soon. Bedford, Nov. 15, 1861. Howard Association, Philadelphia. A Severolent Institution established vg special Kn dou merit, for the Relief of the Sick av.ri Distressed, afflicted wt'/i Vim cnl and Epidemic DL>eases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the. Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tha Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, haYii s of life, Re.,) and in cases of extreme pov erty. Medicine# tun ished free of charge. VALUABLE liEPORTS on.Spermatorrhea, and other lin uses of the. Sexual organs; end on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in seakd letter tnvtlopea, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J.SKILI.IN HOUGH TON, A"', log Suigcon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l*a. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, Dissident. GEO. FAIRCIIILD, Sccr.taty* Nov. 16, i860.-, z ADM/JJs TRMTORS NOTICE. LETTERS of edministwtion, having leen gran ~ ted to the subscriber, on the ezt t of George Ickis, late of Bedford Township, dee'd. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby nntifiisl to make payiio-nt immediately, and those having claims a > ,inst the same will present th-ui properly authen ticated for settlement. JOHN IV. JCKE3, St. Clair Townsli.p, A jniinis'rator. Oct. 25,18(51.-* Fiimwlilrfs. THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on the pietnis-s, OP SATURDAY the Ist of FERRUAP.Y, next, the foltowir-g Real Estate, to wit: One tract of land situate in Napier Township, Bedford County, containing 137 acres and 101 perches and allowance, 73 acres cie red an i under fence, about 6 acres of which is meadow. The Improvements are a two story Log House and double Log Barn. A good never foiling spring of water near the door. There is also ati apple or ch.ud of choice fruit on this frict. Sale to COB metice at 1 o'clock, P. Ai., wbeq terms will be made known. HENRY TAYLOR, Acting Er'cr of Estate of T.cs. IJeCrearn, dee'd. Jud. 3, 18 *2 jj OWAKL) ASSOCIATION. I'l.E delplfn-f 11 the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Dietuses, and tipecialy Diseas es of the Sexual Orgtrrt. Medical advice given Gratis by tho Acting Sur geon. . . V lual le REPORTS on SPERM ATORRFKEA or SLMiX AL H EAKN.ESS, ai.l ott.er Diseases of the Stxuii Organs, and an the NEW REMEDIES en-ployed in tho Dispensary, gent in s ulod tetter envelopes, free of eh.-rgi*. Address Dr J. SKILLIN II OUGHT FN, Howard Association, No. 2 Bouth Ninth St, pec. 2D.-61 -ly. Pl l delphia, pa. AiuUfor'ti .Hutice. IN the matter oi the citation of Samnol Smith, Executor of William Smith, dee'd. the um'.er tigntd sppoioteJ Auditor to ascertain tho facts, report wl i n the legacies are to he paid, &e , will altera to the duties of the appointment, on Thurs day, Jar.nary lith, 1862, at lis < tflcc in tha Borcug'n of Bed!,nl, when all desiring can altcr.d. K. D. BARCLAY, Auditor. Dee 27, 1861. fYTOUCK is hereby given to tha Board of Mili o. v tary Auditors of the Connty of Bedford, anil abo to the different collectors of" tho Townships ' and Boroughs of s M C iuity, that thev are re- ' quired to meet at the put lio ilonse of Col- John Hah r, in Be.lford, on Wednesday tise Ist day of Jbo. 1862. at 10 o'cl>ek. A. M., for tiio purpose cf auditing fho .Vli'litary accounts, and where logsl ex tueratioos ind lutr meats will be 1 ®ade. LE MU E L KV A X 3, •Brig. Goo. Ist Brig. 16ih Div. P. Jf. Brigadier General's Ofhco, Nov. 22, 1881. Ilxecutui's Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to lbs subscribers, oa the rotate of Patrick LUd< y, late of Cumberland Valley Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to ni I esfato are noti fied to make payment hnrue-JUtvly. and those hav ii g claims against the same will present ihera pro perly authsnticatod for *-ttiern u t. v ■ mm JAMKS haney, I fig. HENRY J. BHUNNER. Dee. 27, ,8ll I BEDFORD mmiwm. THE NEtf-ftJljtl TKIBCNE. j NEW VOLUME. On the seventh ol Septem ber. 1861, THE NEW-ROKK WEEKLY TRIB UNE coinmeiic-d the twenty-first year of its uil ! tenee: THE DAILY Th IBUNE beingß' ine months | older and tho SEMI-WELRLT TRIBUNE sme what younger. Firnn ro ttmu twenty years, tins journal has labored in what its Conductors have Lit J to be the cause of llimisnity, Justice and Free- j I dorn, endeavoring; to radii rate the condition fjbu ! I oppressed and unfortunate, tj honor and cn- | ! courage usifel exertion in whatever sphere, and, to j | promote by all means the moral, iuulkctual and j j material advancement ol our country. It has aimed to be right rather than popular, and to es- , | pousu and commend to-day the tiuth that others ! ; may not be witling to acceft till to-morrow. In • i pursuing tb is eour.M*, mistakes have doubtless been ' I made and fuilts committed; but, haviup in all j things incited our readers to think and Juige for themselves rather than adopt blindly our own or I others' conclusions, we believe wo. may fa rly claim for this journal the credit of having qualified its I renders to detect one address for §2O; nd any larger numln r at the lattar rate. For a club ot twenty, au extra copy wi'l lie sad. For a cliih of forty we send Tun DAILY TRIBCXE gratis one ye r. lYecklij : three copies for $5: eight copies for $lO ; and any larger number at the rate of §1 2D eai-ii per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To cmos of Twenty we send an extra copy. fwenfy copies to one address tor S2O, wjth one extra to him who suds us the club. For each club ot One fi au,; red. THS Dtut.R~l nißcitE will bo Mtiit gratis for one year. VVir. n drafts cm be procured it is much safer th i.i to remit Bank Rids. Tho r.atr.e oi the tl'Sca and Htatc should in ull case* bo plainly written. t'ayment ahv;ys in advance. A.! lr •?:!. THE TRIBUNE, NO. 154 Nassau St.. Xow-Y"i'k. Nov. 1, lti6l. Rriigs and IBooks. if. 0. REALISE, Julian it Street, JUedfurd, PJS., .?/ Ike Slant formerly occupied by Dr. F. C. A'c.-t tmr WJ HGLESALE and re- jsfWmm v N.~' v'V tail dealer in Drugs, AJ-fAWjiNf \ J Medicines, Chemicals. Dyo witiLo2s*e*r "'*4\ Stuffs, Oil*. P-lints, Varnishes, Turpr n- tine, Win'ow Glass, Gltsswi'.re, Ac. Jus received a large stocK of American, French, an English perfumery. Alo a great variety of line Soaps for Toilet yse. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonics, Hair Dj-es, that will colour various shades, from a tight brown to a jet black. Tooth, Nail, Hair. Sha ving, and Clothes brushes, Combs. Pocket ifnives, Pocket Books, Portmonn is, Segar caseu EE 11KI ES, CURRANTS aud GOOSE BERRIES, in great variety. G R.I PES, uf C fvoic it Kirgs. * ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, Sac., &c. Also a flue btock of well formedjjbushy EVLEGIvSEirS, •uitabla for the Cemetery ar.d Lawn. DECIDUOUS TREES for street plauting and a general assortment ot Oraamektal Tre M 4r Fistverlug Shrubs, ROSES of rhioce varitics, CAMELLIAS, BED DING PLANTS, &c. Our st.n-U is t -natkahly tlxirifly and fine, and we off r it it prices to si-it the times. LrTTbib 1 gin*s mail d to ail applicants, j Address ED WAKD J. EVANS MCO , Central Nurseries, York, Pa. Sept. 20, 1861. Turnpike Election. HAHE Stockholders in the Somerset nd Bedford X Tninpika Company, will take notice that an el 'ciioii w l! be held at the house of P-ter K . llil leg s, hi Allegheny Tewasbip, on the fieri. Monday, the 6th dsy oi January, next, to tlecta President, six Managers and a Treasurer, to conduct the ; affairs Oi said company the ocfueinz year. BENJAMIN KIM MEL, Dec. 20, 1861. Prut. Public Salo cf Heal Estate IN ST. CLAIRSVILLE. By virtue ttf on otd r rftbe Oiq 1 its' Court of Bed Ibid County, I will expose to public sals on ibe j r turns, in St. ( loirs l ilia or, Tuesday. 31 it, D-.mr.lcr vexl. tts'. Real Estate of Evt; Axx Lit tLß, rii c'd, i-( t sistmg cf fwo Lots of Ground. i utnbcrid in ti . j in of*, d town 7 N 8. aoj iniug David B. tz 11, Geotge liinolirg. Peter Amicß and Sills* heirs, fientii g cn Main rireet, er d bav ii g ibncct erected a 2 TIO ST OK 1* FRjIjIIJS lIOVSE, .d L( g Frame Ucsise a- i Static. litis ptoper'y contains a lu.vi r-tailing spring of water, ai d has r.lso good fruit on it. 'i'oims made known on dav of sole. O'. E. SHANNON, Acim'r. BISSOLBTifII firm heretofore of-sting and trading tinder JL the name and tit'e of J. M. Shoennior h Co., 1 a to-a th; day dissolved by n ntn d consent. All persons knowi-ig riu-ms Ives indebted to said fir. -lb-till ou J. .I. Siioem iki r is authorized to utile tie bocks ar.d notes <>i' aiced in the hands of an officer lor col lection. A word to the v.,so is sufii ieut. J. Si. SriGEMAMEK, & CO. Bedford, Oct. 11, lbtil. A CARD. Tl:o subscriber bavina purchased, the goods of the Ide firm of J. M. Shoemaker S Co., auil in ad dition hiving reeeivod v large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, he wiil sell strictly t Mtd F.ri ite, arc hereby notified to make papuiont Immediately, cn l ihog-a hiving claims -itainst the .s riie- wilt pre.-ent them properly authenticated for settlemeut. JOHN W. SCOTT, JOSEPH HUTCHISON, Nov 1, 1881. Adrnrs. E>c SJinutica luq-.rire>lr>. THE Hadtrvigned, >|>pointe.l Gmnmiari'iner by tho Court of Cdmtuou 11 ' is of Bedford coun ty, to *v*orf:i: w hetlier Abr.lmra Sill, of St. C*l air township, sail county, be a lunatic, or not, how long he has been, Ac., &■%, will attend to tho I tore. Nov. 16, 1860. A LL private jamilies end hefel keepers, should A fully comb' er the value oT using the Cosets TE.'.Ti.p LtAVKN, in connection with II >ur for mail ing bread, rolls, buckwheat cakes and pastry. Ti.ia compound is five from ill impurities. For sale at the Drur and Book Store, cf Dr. B. F. Dairy. Aug. 30, 1861. WASHINGTON HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. MRS. S. FlMiEtl wc-njl respectfully an-; nounce t< ber fiieivdsin Bedford < ou'ty, ami to the public generally, that she has leased (Sri term of yens, fie large and conreuiat brick hotel, at the comer of Pitt and Juliana Struts, B d ford. Pa., kr.own as the "WASHINGTON HO TEL." and lately kept by Mrs. Cook. Tf s house is being thoroughly refitted and re funds! e l. stal is now open for the r.-e. pii- u of gui tts. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS," and persons attending Court wiil dad the house a pie is nt and qui •; temporary home. Every urti n tion nid he paid to the *Cv<-;nmod .lion uad corn fort of gues's. The table tvilTnt all times be sup plied with the best the markets afford. Charged will be moderate. Extensive s'ablitg is attaci.es fo tids hotel and a careful and couiiieteDt hast en will be in attendance. Special nttenti n -Aiil he paid to tho accoiuaio clarion of the farming community. March 30, 1869. Ptiper imaging and Paiaiiug, rpHE subscriber wishes to inform the public that 1 A. he intends carrying on the Paper Hanging u Painting business, in fclfor i, and vicinti . lie •wilt put out work, at Ibo shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Tie has a sample liook of a d kinds of wall paper, which can be seen at his office, and paper can IK had from him at city prices. lie may he seen at the old IHQIREX office. April 6, 1660. SAMUELRADEBAUGH. To the People cf Bedford AND COIATIES. r p M, LYNCH, at Bedford Nursety, off rs for r • si le at war prices, a general stock*" of (rud trees, consisting of all the c! oic. st varieties of . pr.'es, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, quint, .and dwarf pear trees of fin st kinds, Law. lor. blackberry, Raspberry, including Bnnck.e's Or ago, G iosb Trim that will net mildew, cherry and dutch Currents, Strawberries, finest Yurie;its, Grape roots of choicest kinds, Rhubuh and | Asparagus, also Evergreen Vines arid Creepers Hot s, fifty varieties of perpetual bloomers of all colors and sliades. My stock is remarkably thrifty end will lie sold j I for <■ iot much lower tl.an traveling agents are soiling at, who have to I riug their stock a great diaMuco and thereby injuring them very much ly exposure. The cbovo stock is raised iu Bedfoid County soil and climate, and cuU be had fresh from the soil. All ordais promptly attended to and trees sent as directed ly hack or oth rswise. For further intor niation address a few lines to T. M I.YNCH, Oct. 4, 1861. Bedford, Penit'a. DISMISS Piin'SSßSllii'. THE L-v P I'fnersi ip heretofore i xi>ii g be tween the Undersigned, un ler the us mo ot Sunt k Jrvdin, having b.vn dissolved by mutni! consent; all poisons tn .1 tosii l i firm by in to, Kk account or otherwise, are hereby requeue d to c.!l without delay upon A. King, at ;>e a largo au 1 be tiuifui assort men J oi coal ;l I 'm; s. of t ie Int.-si sryb s just re i iv. 1 and for sdo cheap at 11. C. Reamer'* Drug Bt<>ro. Nov. 16, GO coru starch. th-best article at Di Harry's. Dec. 21, 1660. lITIIB. IIALE'3 iIiSUEiPTS for the million at if A Dr. Harry's. Dec. 21, 1860. ANT excellent ar tide of KEROSENE J.ut received at Dri Harry's Drug and Book Store. Nov. 9 1860. T>EAUTIFTTL Roses Tr bloom aow , suitable fo i winter blooming in the hauao, t Lyach's Nor erv. Oct. VLL kinds of Groceries just received, and for a do cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No. 1. Anderson's Row June d 9, 1860. lIAKD TIMES MADE EASY! m Good PJev/s for the Uneapfoyed. 1000 CILhWES TO MAKE MONEY* 6.\'E MILUOS DOLLARS WORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-PLATE B-WIRB TO BE DISPOSED OF ON . Al¥ EATIRELY SEW ORIGINAL PLAY. 25,000 AG EN] 8 WANTED ! ! All persons desirous of procuring an agencv la this NEW ENTERPRISE, send on nameg at once, enclosing • three cut to pay postage, and loceiv* by return of mail I PEESIL'JI CITALOSPE Containing OUH IffDUCSMENTS, \rbich afford A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE HOIIL? without risk, together with FILL PI STii FLIES Relative to this MMM. PMBIJ d o insure prompt aud satisfactory dealings, ad dress all orders to (iEOItGS ii. EVA AS, 433 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mar 10, 1860. EHSXI-JXR'S BMIC CCEEI! SYRRP. Tor Coughs, Colds Croup, Whoop ing Ceugli, i! ma, fSrcaehifis, fepiHmg of Blood, Fata atd Vteakiifss of the Broast, Dlf fkaity of BreatUiug, &c. From the Itev. Samuel Yi-.igllng. Eemord, Nov. S, 1860. Mr. W. E. SHRIUES —Dear Sir: Upon several occasions I have used your Bals imfc Cough Sv nip. wi lav faa:s!y an 1 s-so on one occasion myself— when v.n.rii by frequent preaching, and with the ! h ipi ieat results. SAMUEL YINOLINO. Banronu Nov. 3, 1850. W. *l. Shuiser —Sir : 1-. yon arc about tn intro lue ■y,ur -i ■ Isa.i ioCo\ ch Syiup into our Ct unty* I will •y< u uiv >x -erie'ice wiib if, ivhien ">m t* nf ' rt'■ to us* it you think iry r, B'ituo wo ye -rs .go a i>s licit w,s lost on tf ; IVnnsyl vui.is Cnti.l It. ii. foari i its w . to i,,\ stole, ojn." 1 tie* b-*.x il l i:ind if •> • :r i:i y-.ur iia'su !vr hr 1 • >*! i' U tint tim ■ hut a .Mr, Aughinb,wef; IV >ni y,r.r state hap p rnd to bo present ami s-aiu if v..is .ne ol tim hert , cough rem -'its in us.* *nrl happening to reed a ohmill tn licine In my family I iet**rinined to giro it a trial, and so we 1 pieced was I with its .Sects that I gave bottl-s o? it to ray friends all of whom agree with mo in pronouncing it the best cough remedy they have ever met with. We have used it for Coughs, 0> Ids, Ore lip and Whooping Cough, ami in every caso it gave the moat signal relief.—, Yours trulv, ADAM FERGUSON". I used in my family some of the C >ugh Syrup r. 'ered to by Mr. Ferguson, and fully concur in tbe opinion expressed by bitn. WM. AGXEW. Wo used Shiners' Balsamic Caugh Syrup and consider it the best Cough Medicine we ever used LEVI SMITH Prepared by W\ E. Shriner, Westminister Md and foruale by 11. C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson, Bedford Pa. ; E. B. Ramsey, aud Wm. States & Co., Blocdy Run ; John Nycuni ftc Son, Rays Rill; N. N. Kouns, Willow Grove; J. S. SchaU. Sbeils bu. it j P. I). Beeglu, St. Clairsrille. Nov. 9, lbtJO.-za SI I! LI EL, 33E33F0Y11>, [ THE subscriber rrsr ■ctful'y anncunc.cc to the I public, that he ins I> s-hi the .'e named Uo to', in the 01-t ami weii known Glebe baitdinz, h>r rnerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Y •nag, > md recently In the occ.'.nancy of Jonathan ilortoU, letp'i, wlmr* he will be ha; py to see his friends and th traveling pnfc'hj pen..rally. Persons at tending Court .ma ri'S'inctfuHy Invited to give bin: a call, lie hi*ns:!i" that he will do all in his power t-> rend* r I is guests comfortable. li s r.;! b* wi',l lie • ipp'i" l 'Vitb fhJ chicu>t del icacies the mar. . ' will tf Ad. T .* : ! .'i R -oiiis .• I c mr tin A an tui c-nnf.tt aide last lirur. The Bar w>!l im supplied with ch ica liquors. T: Stib .* ct. *, 1831. Family Fl.nf, Cwild anl Rye .J Cbon, r.,r -vite at F-irqot.ir'suew Grocery- Ai i. 0, 18*51.