eugli and uniform system of education. Resolved, That we believe a properly con ducted district Institute to afford one of the lest means of improvement and instruction to the teacher, and that it is the duty cf teaeffers directors and dWizens to establish and maintain aych Institute.". Resolved, 1 hat in the "Pennsylvania School Journal we recognize a periodical, which on account of its intiir.sio morit, and practical applicability of the articles it con tains, should be carefully read by every teach er, end supported by all friends of education. Resolved, That we rejoice to see that the Bedford Gazette has opened its columns to the discussion of educational matters, and that wo therein recognize an auxiliary that witl eiert a good influence on the cause of cummin schools in Bedford County. Ai d, Whereas, a number of the members of this Association, who hare heretofore been ac tive participants in its proceedings; bave taken up anus in ihe defense of our Union and our Constitution,, therefore, Resolved, That deeply as we regret their absence from tbis body of teachers, we at the same time feel proud that tbis Association is represented ID the Grand Army of the Poto rao. Resolved, That wc return our thanks to the ritis ns of Bedford for their kind hospitality n teaobers and members of this ? locution; and to the County Commissioners cr he free uso of the Court House. Resolved, That this Association tender its thanks to the lecturers who have favored us *ith their productions during the present an nual oiesMog. Resolved, That we regret that the educa tional column formerly published in the Bed-, ford Inquirer has ceased to exist, and that we would i>joice to see the same reopened. Resolved, That the editors of the county papers be requested to publish a synopsis of the proceedings of this Association. ir. Dickersoo made some temarks on the f Jowing subject: "How can a reliable and uniform standard cf professional attainment he secured throughout the State?" After which tho ques'.ioo; "Is six hours too long for he school da} ?" was sustained by Dickerson, K nsel, Scott and Geisler, snd approved by Gillion. The '-Singing Class" then sang "lac Evening Star," "ludiau Melody" and several other pieces of music. On motion adjourned to meet for a semi an-nusl session, on Friday, June 20th, 1802, at 14 o'clock, P. M. E. F. KERR, G. SIGAFOOS, Secretary. President. A FIGHT IN WESTERN VIR GINIA. ' -NCINNATI, Jan. G.—A special despatch to the Gazette , fiom Huttonville, Western Vir ginia, stating that the expedition, consisting of 400 of the 25th Ohio, 300 of the 2d Vir ginia, and 40 of Bradshaw's Cavalry, sent out i y Gen. Mulroy to attack Hunterville, was completely successful. They attacked the enemy on Saturday morn ing, consisting of four hundred cavalry and ♦hree hundred and fifty militia, and after skir mishing an hour, the enemy retreated with the loss of eight killed and wounded. On our side none were killed or wounded.— 580,000 worth of army stores and clothing were captured and destroyed. I'GPTleader bave you seen Prof. Wood's ad- j evrtiscment in our paper. Read it; it will ir- j Merest yon. ?25! EMPLOYMENT! ~575~! 1 AGENTS WANTED! WE will pay from $25 to 75 per month, and all ( tpenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. 1 Particulars sent free. Address ERIE SEWIKO MA- • veins, COMPART, R. JAMES, General Agent, Mi- j ' J*i, Ohio. Aug. 6, 1861.-zz MiAIHAXED. in -Snake Spring tp.. on the istinst., by the Rev. it G. W. Reid, Mr. MICHAEL S. EARNEST to MiiS HANNAH FRiEND, both of Bedford coun ty, Pa. On the 81st, ult., by the Rev. G C. Probst, Mr. FHILIP HOLLAR to Miss REBECCA BOTTOM FIELD, bo f h of Bloody Rna. On the 2nd inst., by the same, Mr. WM. LIT TLE, ol Pattonsville, to Miss KATE PEBBLE, of • Friends Cove. On 25th nit., at the residence of J. Sill, Esq., near Bedlord, by the Rev. W. Hunt assisted by Rev. W. Prideaux, the Rev. B. H. HUNT, to Miss RUE. V. SILL, both of Bedford county. On the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. Zimmerman, Mr. ABSALOM KEIGHART, of Bedford tp., to Miss MAKGARETTA KAUFFMAN, of St. Clair tp. On Tuesday evening, Slst ult., by John Smith, Esq , Mr. JAMES MOWRY, to Miss MAR Y CAR DIFF , all of St. Clair township, Bedford county. On the 2d inst., at the St. Clairsville Parsonage, by the Rev. N. E. Gilds, Mr. PETER BERKHI MER, to Miss REBECCA SILL, both of Bedford county, Pa. BEDFORD COUNTY, SB. At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and for the County .t Bedford, on the lbtb day of Novem ber, A. D., 1861, before the Judges of the said Court. On motion of Attorney Shannon, the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal repiesentatires of Dan I. Sleigbter, late of Monroe township, dec., to wit : Joseph and Danl. Sle-ghter and Nicholas Sleigbter, Mary, inteimatrled with John Garlick, who died, and afterwards was intermarried with j John Hall, leaving issue, Adam, Daniel, Catharine, Sarah, Barbara, Abraham and Nicholas Garlick, 1 and Washington Hall and Margaret Hall, all resid ing in Bedford county except Danl. Garlick, whose residence is not known, Nicholas Sleigbter, Sophia, widow of James MrFarland.dcc'd, John Sleigbter, David Sleigbter, Louisa Ann, intermarried with Barclay Markle, Mat'lda, intermarried with Solo mon Feigbt, Rachel, who was intermarried with Abraham Garlick now dead, leaving issue three children, to wit: Joseph, Catharine i.I Peter Gar lick, Joseph Sleigbter, all residing in Bedford co., and William Siciehter, residing in Blair co., Cali fornia, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court, to "e held at Bedlord, in for said county, on the sec ond Monday, the 10th day of Feb., next , to accept or return to fake the real estate of said Danl. ■-leightet, dee'd, at the valuation which has been valued, and' appraised, in pursuance of a writ of ot partition or valuation, issued out at the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, for that purpose directed, or shew cause wby the same should not be sold by order of said Court. 'fiWjgfc In testimony wheretf, I have hereunto llßWwlj set my hand, the seal of the said Court wBSHBP at Bedford, on the 22d day ofNovem- Ivr, A. D. 1861. SAMUEL H. TATE, , Attest, JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff Jan. 10th, 1882 LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Bedlord, January Ist, 1862. Anderson, Sidney McC'.ary, Jackson Arnold, Nathan McCreary, Martin B. 2 Buss&rt, Simon S. Munshour, Mr. Clark, Wm. A. 2 Relin, Rachel Miss Davis, Thomas Reed, John T. Dougherty, Arm Eliza Stuchcook, M. J. Miss Fisher, Fred. Esq. Schaler, Julia Miss Johnson, Annie C. Miss Swearengin. Hugh Marchall, Henry L. Weldy, C. B. Esq, Wolf, Abraham Persons calling for letters in this list will please say they are advertised. WM. RISER, P. M. Jan. 10, 1861. GASH TERMS. On account of the hardness of the times and the pressing demands for cash upon us, we have de ; let mined to come as near to cash lermt as possible. Hereafter we must have the cash for all Orphans' Court printing ; Auditor's Notices, Estrays, fcc.: also all Protbonotary's printing, occasional adver tisements and handbills. Ail new snbscrilrers are also expected to pay tbeir subscriptions in advance. We do not think Executors, Administrators, and Auditors have need to complain at this change o derms. They can almost at any time raise the lew holara that it will require to pay the Printer's bills. It lwill save bother to them, andbe ot immense benefit to us. Old Quarters tsken at par on all kinds of ac ounts. BEDFORD COVJVTY, SS. At. a Court of Quarter Sessions of the BjPeace, held at Bedlord, in and for said HlCounty ol Bedford, on the 18th day of A. D. 1801, before the Judges of th& same Court. Upon the petition of the free holders residing in he vicinity'of Boydstown in said County, setting forth "that two public alleys, were laid out in the said town of Boydstown, in the year 1816, by Rev. Alexander Boyd, the proprietor," and then private owner; both beginning at points on the Bedlord & Stoystown Turnpike road, upon the South, and running tbence North 67 degrees East to the old state road on the North. The one of the length of—leet and the other of the length of—feet ; arid both of the width of sixteen feet, the first being the alley, between lots N05.41 St 42; and the secoud the alley between Nos. 45 and 46, so numbered up on the original and general plot or plan of said town of Boydstown. Also three other alleys, beginning Htpoints on the Turnpike road aforesaid on the South, and running thence North thirty degrees j East to said old state road aforesaid. The ODe of the length of—feet, the other of the length of— feet, next of the length of- feet, all of the width of sixteen feet, the same being the alleys between Nos. 23 and 25 and 15 and 17 and 7 and 9 so num bered upon the original plot or plan of sai 1 town of.Boydstown. Also three other alleys laid out as aforesaid in said Town South of the Turnpike road aforesaid, all beginning at points on said Turn pike on the North and running tbence South thirty degrees west, two hundred and twenty feet, to a twenty foot alley. The same being alleys between lots Nos. Band 10, and 16 and 18, and *24 and 26, and 32 and 34, so numbered upon the orieinal plot or plan of said Town of Boydstown; Also, the 20 feet alley on the Southern side of said town plot, which said alleys have become, useless, inconve nient and burdensome to the inhabitants of said town and vicinity." Whereupon the Court do order and direct that the parties in interest be notified liy publication in: the County papers to appear at the next Court of! Quarter Sessions to show cause why the prayer of j petitidhers should not be granted. By the Court, ] S. H. TATE, Clerk, j Dec 20, 1861. APPEALS. Notice is hereby given to the taxable Inhabitants of the Comity of Bedford, that an Appeal will be held by the County Commissioners, on the days, and at the places specified, to wit : For Colerain Township, on Tuesday, the 7tb day of January next, at the house of A J. Pennell. Southampton Township, on Wednesday the Bth, at the house of William Adams. Monroe Township on Thursday the 9th, at the house of Samuel Mixell. East Providence Township, on Friday the 10th, ; at the house of D. A. T. Black. West Providence Township, on Saturday the j lltb, at the house of J. A. Gump, in the Borough i of Bloody Run. Cumberland Valley Township, on Monday the j 18 th, at the house of Jacob Snider. Londonderry Township, on Tuesday the 14th, at the house of George Baily. Harrison Township, on Wednesday the loth, at the house of Martin* Fuightner. Juniata Township, on Thursday the 16th, at the house of Joseph Follei. Napier Tuwuship, on Friday the 17th, at the' house of J. M. Kobison,in the Borough of Sckells burg. Scbellsburg Borough, on Saturday the 18th, at the house of J. M.Kohison. Bedford Township, on Monday the 20th at the Commissioners office. Snakespring Township, on Tuesday the 21st, at the house of D. L. Deffbaugh. Bloody Run Borough, on Wednesday the22l at the house of J. A. Gump. Hopewell Township, on Thursday the 23 1 at the bouse of John Dasber. Bioad Top Township, on Friday the 24th, at the ■bouse of J. B. Castner. Liberty Township, on Saturday tbe 2-sth, at the house of Mrs. C. Tricker. Middle Woodborry Township, on Monday tbe 27tb, at the bouse of Wm. M. Pearson, Esq. South Woodherry Township, on Tuesday the 28th, ; at the house of David Stoner. Union Township, on Wednesday tbe 29th, at the house of Michael Wyant. St. Clrir Township, on Thursday the 30th, at the house of Gideon D. Trout. Bedford Jioroug'n, on Friday the 31st, at the Com missioners' Office. When and where all persons and corporations feeling themselves aggrisv. d at tbe enumeration and valuation of their taxable property and effects, made pursuant to the seveta] acts of Assembly, in such case made and provided, are requested to at tend and state their grievances for redness, accord ing to law. (The appeals will be held on tbe days above stated between tbe hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 12 o'clock, M ) ATTEST: WM. M. PEARSON, H. Nicoderous, Clerk, 1 J. FEIGHTNER. Commissioners' Offico, J P. J. SHOEMAKER Dec. 20th, 1861, Commissioners. Allegheny Male AND FEMALE SEMINARY, Rninsburg, Bedford Co., Pa. CHARLES 11. GERE, A. B. Principal. MISS A. L. BRIM, Preceptress. MISS L. J. BRIM, Teacher on Piano Forte. THIS Institution, under the supervision cf the above narued persons assisted, by other competent teachers, affords a full coarse in Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Languages, and Belles Letters. In Music, Painting, &c., it gives extended instruc tion. The winter term opens Jan. 13th. Students admitted at any time. Habits of health, system, and promptness, views, morai, social and domestic, are here made promi nent objects ol education. That the physical powers, as well as Mie mental may be cultivated, Calirtheoic exercises are neces sary—here the students meet each day for syste matic exercise. $22 50 will pay for board, including furnished room, room rent, fuel, and tuition in common English per term of eleven weeks. Extras, at modeiate charges, even leu than heretofore, or tbe circular calls for. * Students prepared for tbo highest classes in College. For circulars, or particulars, address. CHARLES H. GERE, Rainsburg, Bedford Count*, Pa. Jan. 3, 1862. BEDFORD INQUIRER. FOR SUE OB TEIBI. 166 acres near Stonerstown—within 4 mile ol ■ Broadtop Railroad—about 100 acres cleared, with ! a two story dwelling house—new bunk barn—stable, &c., thereon erected j also two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a ricn loam and capable of producing every variety of crops of tliis climate. ALSO, Two lots of ground in Broadtop City, with a new two story rough cast dwelling house thereon. ALSO, A house und lot of ground in Ciearville. ALSO, Three tracts of laud in Southampton Township, formerly owned by Wni. Oas, adjoining lands of Arnold Lashley, Artemas Bennett and others. ALSO, A grist mill in the "Dutch Corner," formerly owned by Jacob Beard—within about 5 miles of .Bed lord, with about 40 acres of land belonging to the same—dwelling house and out buildings thereon erected. ALSO, 160 acres best quality of prairie—near the Mis souri river, close to the county seat of Harrison Co., lowa. ALSO, Two one hundred and sixty acre tracts, adjoining Elkhorne City, in the richest valley of the west— the Platte Valley—about £0 miles west of Omaha City, and close to the great national or government road leading west in Nebraska Territoiy. ALSO, 160 actes, two miles above Omaha City, on the great bend ol the Missouri. This tract is well timbered and very desirable. All of these lands were located after a personal inspection audjcaro ful examination on the ground, and can be well re lied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the precise location are in my possession. ALSO, Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Nebraska Territory. ALSO, A Jot of ground in the City of Dacotah, Nabraska Tcritory. Ihe above real estate will be sold at such prices as to insure safe and profitable investments. Notes or obligations of any kind that are good will be taken iu exchange—particularly good bank O. E. SHANNON. ftE3 IS HEREBY GIVES, that on the 13th day of Decem ber, 1861, I placed in the possession of Catha rine Mcllnay, one Milch Cow, two bead ot young Cittle, eight head of Sheep, and five dollars worth of Hay, to remain with her during my pleasure DANIEL 11AM M. Dec. 27, 18G1." Administrator's Notice. IETTERS of administration having been grant -i ed to the subscriber, living in Southampton Townslfip, on the Estate of James Smith, late of said Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them properlv authenticated for settlement NATHAN ROBISON, Admr. Dec. 27, 1861. NOTICE. NOT IC Kis hereby giten that I have purchased at Sheriff" 's sale the following property, sold as the property of Charles Dannaker, to wit i One gray Colt, one bay Mure, one dark bay Mare, one brown Mare, one yearling Colt, (black,) one bay j nicking Colt, one black Colt, one narrow wheeled Wagon, one Wood Sled, one pair Ladders, 16 j acres Wheat in the ground, 12 acres of Rye, 12 I acres Corn, on# Cow, one yeaning Steer, one small j Steer, 10 Shoats, 7 Hogs, | of fiOdoz.Rye, f of 20 doz. Wheat, $ of 200 doz. Oats, 20 bushels Buck wheat, one Plough, and five tons Hay, which I permit to remain with the said Charles Dunnaker during my pleasure. CHRISTIAN A. DANNAKER Dec. 20,'G1.-St. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 2 BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned, Admin istrators of the estate of Jacob Uinish, late ol East Providence Township, dee'd, will expose to sale, by pnblic vendue, on the pemises. on TUESDAY, THE IT.H DAY OF JANUARY, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described valua ble Real Estate, to wit: A tract of land, situate in Rays Cove, in said Township ol East Providence, adjoining lauds of Adaui Hinish on the North, Jacob Ritcney on the East, William Gracy on the South, and John Grove and Samuel Grove on the West, (part of a tract of land formerly belonging to Philip Fisher's heirs,) containing 290 acres and 16 perches, more or less, about 14 acres of which are cleared and underfence, and with a story and a half LOG DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected. 'f ERMS- One-balf the purchase money in hand at the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in one year, with interest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds, or Bonds and Mortgage. IIENRV HINISH, D. FORD, Dec. 13,1861. Administrators. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the subscribers, on the Estate of Cornelius Devore, late of Londonderry Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the name, will present them properly au thenticate?! for settlement. J AMES C. DEVORE, Londonderv tp. JACOB C. DEVORE, Harrison tp". JOH N C. VICKROY, Cumh'l'd Valley tp. Dec. 13, 1861-* Executors. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will expoie to public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY l*f FEBRUARY, next, the following described Real Estate: A tract of land iu Liberty Township, contaia ing about 140 acres, about 60 thereof cleared. The improvements are a LOG FRAME HOUSE, Bank Barn, Spring House and other, buildings; also an apple orcbarl. The tract adjoins lands of George Dillingor, Samuel Brumbaugh, Sr., and Alexander McDonald. Terras made known on day of sale. •• JOSEPH CRISMAN, A dm' r of the Kttate of Michael Heed, dee'd. Dec. 27, 1801. Estate of Win. Anderson, dec'd. ALL persons interested ere hereby notified that the undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Or phans' Court of Bedford County, to make distribu tion of the funds in tbo bands of John P. Reed, Esq., Trustee, to sell the Real Estate of William Anderson, late of Broadtop Township, dec'd, will sit for that purposo at his oflice in the Borough of Bedford, on Monday, the 30 th day of December, A. D., 1801, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. S.L.RUSSELL, Deo. 20, 1861. Auditor. Stray Hogs. CAME to tire farm cf the subscribers in Bedford tj>., shout two months ago, a white sow and two white shoats, each with a piece cfftbe rigid ear, no other marks recollected. The owner ia requested to come torward, prove projrcrty, pay charges and take them away. Jan. JO.-'C'J. GF.O. J). SHOCK fc CO. The Magazine for Ihe Times J . PETERSOOIigiZINE, The Best and Cheapat in the World for Luditt! THIS popular monthly Magazine will be greatly improved for 1862. It will contain One thousand pages of reading f Fourteen splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Fashion Plates! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Patterns ! Eight Hundred Wood Cuts! Twenty-four pages of Music! A'.l this will be given for only two dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of the class of Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOUVELETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1862. iu addition to its usual quantity of shorter stories, FOUH ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETS will be given, by Ann Stephens, Cirry Stanly, Charles J. Peter on, and Era nk Leo Benedict. It also publishes FASHIONS AHEADOF ALL OTHERS. Each number, in additien to the colored plate, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood. Also, a Pattern, from which a Dress, Man tilla, or Child's Dress can be cut out, without the aid of a mantua maker. Also, several pages of Household and other Receipts. CEF" It is the best Lady's Magazine in the Wo r ld. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR! TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Copy, One Year, $ 2 00 Three Copies, for One Year, 5 00 Five Copies, for One Yeai, 7 60 Eight Copies, for One Year, 10 00 Sixteen Copies, for One Year, 20 00 ' PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS. Three, Five, Eight or more copies make a Club. To every person getting up a Club of Three, Five, Eight or Twelve copies, an extra copy of the Ma gazine for 1862 will be given. To every person getting up a Club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Mugaziue for 1862 will be sent. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON) No. 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. IYT" Specimens sent gratis, when written for. Nov. 23, 18.16 THE LIDF'S FRIEND. GOIM'S Linn BOOK FOR. 1869. The World's Favorite. For 32 Years the Standard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United Slates, THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD, and the cheapest. THE LITERATURE is of that kind that can be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy in immense numbers are subscriber for the Book. THE BEST LADY WRITERS in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write for no other magazine. THE MUSIC is ail original, and would cost 25 cents (the price of the Book) in the music stors; but most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained except in "Godey." OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS. ATI efforts to rival us in this hate ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do, many more and infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. GODEY'S IMMENSE DOUBLE SHEET FASHION PLATES, containing from five to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate. Other Magazines give only two. FAR AHEAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN EU ROPE OR AMERICA. Godey's is the only wofk in the world that gives these immense plates, ar.d they are sucb ss to have excited the wonder of publishers and public. The publication of these plates cost slo,o(k> MORE than Fasliiou-plates of the ol i style, and nothing but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them. Other magazines cannot afford it.— We never spare money when the public cau be be nefitted. These fashions may be relied on. Dresses may lte made after them, and the wearer will not sub ject herself to ridicule, as would l>e the case if she visited the lutge cities dressed after the style of the plates given in some of our so called fashion magazines. OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, of which we give twice or three times as many as any other magazine, are often mistaken for steel. They are so tar superior to any others. IMITATIONS. Beware of them. Remember that the Lady's Book is the original publication and the cheapest. If you take Godey, you wiut no other magazine. Everything that is useful or ornamental iu a house can be*(ound in Godey. . DRAWING LESSONS. No other magazine gives them, and we have given enough to till several large volumes. LADIES' WORK TABLE. This department comprises engravings ana de scription# of every article that a lady wears. MODEL COTTAGES. No other magazine has this department. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy one year, $ 3 00 Two copies one year, 5 00 Three copies one year, 6 00 Four copies one year, 7 00 Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 10 00 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 15 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 20 00 And the only magazine that can be introduced into the above clubs in place of the Lady'# Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. SPECIAL CLCBBIXQ WITH OTER MAGAZINES. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Maga zino both one year for $3 50. Godey's Lady's Bock and Harper's Magazine both one year for $4 50. Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent one year lor $6 00. Treasury notes and Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. Bo cartful and pay the postage on your letter. Address L. A. GODEY. 323 Chestnut Street, Nov, 28, 1861. Philadelphia, Pa. CHEAP GOODS. MRS. S. E.j SIGAFOOS, HAS just received from the city, her usnal ' large stock of rich and handsome Fall and Winter Hoods, Such as, Silks. Merinos, Persian Cloths, De lanes, Valencies and Morientigue Silks, at 66 cents ycr yard 1!! Also, a large assortment of Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas and Ladies Coats, — j wiili a rich lot of Furs; such as Capes, Muff's, and Cufft—together with a fashionable lot of j black Silk Velvet — black and fancy Straw Bonnets; ' with Ribbons, Rushes, Plumes, Flowers, Ac., Ac. A raw style of WOOLEN GOODS—Sleighing Caps, Sontags, Wool Hoods, Scarfs, Gauntlets, Gloves, with mbroideries, Nets, Laces, Ac., and all kinds of Fancy Goods, too nunieious to men tion. Alto, a large stock of bleached and un • • bleached Muslins, at 6,8, 10 and 12| cents per yard for cash. N. B. AH peisons indebted over afar months ars hereby notified lo cell and settle their account, without luriher notice, end by so doing save costse Bed told, Nov. 20, 1861. S. E. SIGAFOOS. PROF .WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIIL ANI) BUM lEI3HTOI Is precisely what its name indicates, for whil® pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exbiler ating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thns re stores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach ot all. So chemi cally and skillfully combined as to lie the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted to to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence sooth the weakest stomach. £ and tone up the digestive organs, and allay allft nervous and ether irritation. It is also J fectly exhilarating in its"effects, and yet it bg Wuevcr followed by lassitude or depression ofH ■■spirits. It is composed entirely ot Vegetables® ' "and those thoroughly combining powerfulrw tonic and* soothing properties, and conse-j? ■ qucntly can never injure. Such a remedy hat ft r long been felt to be a desideratum in the jgcal woild, both by the thoroughly skilled InR ■ medical science, and also by ail who have suf-ft M fered fro m debility ; for it needs no medicaid ■ skill or knowledge even to see that debility ft L follows all attacks of disease, and lays the uti- ; J guarded system open to the attacks of many of the roost dangerous to which poor humanity ft is constantly liable. Such, for example, as, , following: Consumption, Bronchitis, In.ft ■ digestion, Dyspepsia, Loss cf Appetite, Faint-P 89 ness, Nervous Irritability, Neurulgia, Palpita ak'tion of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypocomiria, _ ■ Night Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and alia ft that class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unat-ft r tended to in time, called Female Weakness and^ ■ Irregularities. Also Liver Derangments or ™Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Diseases ofay ■a the Kidneys, Scalding or Incontinence of theff * Urine, or aDy geueral derangement of the® (h Urinary Organs Pain in the Back, Side, and ft rj between the Shoulders, predisposition to Slight ft ft Colds, Hacking and Continued Cough. Eiua-k ffciation, Difficulty of Breathing,and indeed weft ft might enumerate many more still, hut we haveC ■ space only to say, it will not only cure the® P| debility following Chills and Fever, but pre-ft vent all attacks arising from Miasmatic In-ft _ fluences, and cure the diseases at once, if at.™ ft ready attacked. And as it acts directly aDdte ft persistently upon the biliary system, arousing ft the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the® 8* excretions and secretions of the system, it wilt infallibly prevent any delilerious con sc. ft queuces tollowing upon change of climate andß water ; hence all travelers should haveabot-ft ft tie with them, and all should ft spoonml at least before eating. As it pre- ■ vents coativeuesa, strengthens the I ft organs, it snould be in the bands ot all persons Mot sedtntaty nabits, students, ministers, liter-ft . ary men. And all ladies not accustomed tow .gmuch out door exercise should always use it. A gslf they will they will find an sgieeable, pleas-Q i gganL nd efficient remedy against those ills® I "which rob them of their beauty; for beauty ft cannot exist without health, arid health cannot ft • exist while the above irregularities continue, i f Then again, the Cordial is a perfect JJj Relief. Taken a month or two before the fina. ft Atrial she will pass the dreadful period Willir Bperfect,8 perfect, ease and safety; There is nn mistake, about it, this Cordial is all we claim for it. ft Mothers, try it! And to you we appeal to" d.-tect the illness or decline not only of voui ft PS daughters before it be too late, but also vovrS ftsons and husbands, for while the former, from® false delicacy, often goes down to a premature ft P gr.ive rather than let their condition be kuownft I gin time, tte latter are often so mixed up with ft "the excitement of business that it it were not• for you they too would travel in the same* downward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilent, and to you we confidently appeal; for we are sure your never tailing aiiectioD will unerring ly point you to Prof. Wood's Kestor .tive Cordial and Blood Renovator as the remedv which should be always on hand in time of need. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 441 Broad way, New York, and 144 market street, St. Louis. Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. Price One Dollar oar Bottle. Sold by B. F. Harry, Bedford. FUBXIIC S A TAN In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, there will he sold at the late residence of Sarah Sparks, dee'd, in West Provi dence township, countv aforesaid, on SATURDAY 2BTH DAY OF DECEMBER next, the following Real Estate, late the property of Sarah Sparks, dee'd, to wit: One tract of land, situate in the township afore said, within two miles ot the town of Hamilton, st the Junction of the Plank-road and Bedford Rail road, three miles of the Borough of Bloodv Run, und one mile of the Chatnhersburg turnpike, ad joining lands of John Kiloy, Thomas Richer, Jo seph Sleighter and others, containing, 153 "acres, more or less, about 85 acres cleared and under fence, with a n W L? s T lor J ed Frame Dwelling House- Double Log Barn, and other out buildings, thereon erected. All improvements have been made within eight years, and the land under cultivation, has been re cently cleared. A line spring of never failing wa ter is on the premises, near the house. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock on said day. Terms, made known on day of sale. For further particulars, address Col. Joseph Vf. late, Bedford, or the undersigned, living near the premises. JOSEPH FISL'FR, Dec. 0. l9gl Executor. Executor ft Hotfce. LETTERS testamentary on the last will and testament of" Thomas J. Blackburn, late of Napier Township, Bedford County, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in Napier Township, aforesaid, notice is therefore giveu to all persons indebted to the estate of said dee'd, to make payment immediately, and those having claims will present them forthwith properly au thenticated for settlement. JOHN W. HULL, Executor. . Dec. 27, 1861. Rail Road Election. TH* Stockholders of the Bedford Rail Road Company, are hereby notified that an election lor President and twelve Directors, will be held at the. office of the Company, in the Borough of Bed fold, on Monday, the 13th day of Januarv, A. D., 1862, between the hours of 1 o'clock and 3 o'clock' P. M and a meeting of said Stockholders is here by called for said purpose. JNO. P. REED, Scc'y. Dec. 27, 1861. y PUBLIC SALE OP ISE.IL ESTATE. TV i Virtue of au order ot the Orphans' Court of -U Bedford County, the subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, in Cumberland Valley Township, on SATI'RDAY 2bth the day of JANUARY, next, all that tract of land, late the property of Zach eua Luroau, dee'd, adjoining lands of Jacob Wertz on the North, Sarah l.uman, on the South, and others, containing 1051 acres, and 164 pereh.s. The improvunenta are a one and a half afory . vlhng House, log barn, and otbtr out buildings; about 45 acres ere cleared and nnder fence, 7 #cr< of which are meadow- balance weil j timbered. There is also a good orchard on the premises. Terms —One half tho purchase money in hand at the continuation of the sale, one third of the resi due to remain in the land, and the balance in two tqual annual payments without interest. JOHN LUMAN, Adm'r. 1 Dec 27,1861, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOE PURIFYING THE 81.00 D,' And for the spvedy cure of the subjoined vart-tics of Disease: Scrofula anil Srrnfntaai Afttrrttnni, such an Tumors, flrrra, Sores, Kruptlout. Pira plen, Pustules, Blotches. Boils, hlaios, and all SUiu l)l>cte*. Oakland. Tnd.,fith .Tune. 13S0. j J. C. AVER A CO. CENTS: I feel it ray dittv to ae j knowledge what your Sarsapsrilla has done for nic 1 Having inherited Scrofulous infection. I have suffered I from it in various way* for yard. Sometimes it burst | out ii Ulcers on ray hands and itrras; soractimes it turned inward and skin is now clear, and I know by ray fee] big* that the dise-nus 1* gmic fVom ray system. "Yon can well believe that I feel what T am saving when I tell . r yon, that I hold you to he ouc of the apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully, Vours, ALFRED B. TALLKY. St. Antlionj-'* Firs, Ttosc or Rryslpelaa, Tetter nid Salt Rliruui, Scald Head, iiir.g worni, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Treble wrltCii from Salern, X. Y., 12th Sejit, ibri, tiiat he has cured an inveterate case of Ih-t.pry. which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of onr Knrwirwill*. and olvn a danger ous atfnrk of Jftftttwid ErytiprJut by large doses of the i sumci say he cures tlic common Eruptions by It con j rtantly. Itronrlioeele, Goitre, or Swelled Seek. Zcbulon i-loan of, I'rospoct, Texas, writes: "Three bottiep of vonr Sarsaparilla cured ractfrorn a Coffee a hidcoaa swelling on the neck, which I had suffered iroru over two years.'' Leneorrlieen or Whites, Ornrlsn Tnnor, Uterine blrrratlon, Female Diseases. T>r. J. H. St. flinnnlng. of New York Citr, writes: " I most cheerfully comply witti the rcoucst ofvonr agent In saying I have found your Saratpnrilla a most excellent alterative lu the numerous complaints for which w em ploy snch a remedy, but especially in Eemute JPiieanet of the Scroflilons diathesis. I have cure-1 many itivet-* orate eases of Leneorrbma by it, and sonic where the complaint was caused bysi leerntio* of the vter'ix. Tho ulceration its-lf was soon cured. Nothing within rav knowledge equals It for these firmale derangements." Kdw.urd S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes: " A daji gcrous omrinn tumor on one of the females to mv family, which had defied ail the remedies we coitld emploc, has at length been completely cured by your extract of STar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advise,', the trial of vour .SsTK.aparilla as tlie last resort before cutting, aud it proved effectual. A tier taking vour remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remain*." Syphilis ami Mercurial Disrate. New ORI.KASS, 25th August, lA*?. DR. J. C- AVVEK* Sir: I cheerfully cuinply WITH the request of your agent, and report to you some ot tit* effects I have re.;ii<- d with vour Sa-.-'iporlUa. I have cured with it.iu mrpr-u tiee, meet of the cora plaints for which it is recommended, " r 'd have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Yf:<(>■" it r >ri \T*r curiul fine of my patients had -Sypl ilittc ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his imbue and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, stead;',v takes, cured him in five weeks. Another was attacked bv sec ondary symptoms in his nose, .and the ulceration pad eaten away a considerable part of it, so that i Kdieve lira disorder would soon reach ids brain and kill him. Put it yielded to my administration of your futrsaparilla : the ulcers healed, and ho is well again, not of course without some disfiguration of the face." A woman who bar. bon treated for the same disorder bv merenrv was suffering from this poison in her bones. They had bee me BO Grasp tive to the vv ather 'hat on a damp dsv she snff'-red ex erueisting pain in her jointv and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarisparilla in a fcw weeks. I know from its formula, which vour agent gave tie that this Preparation from vour laboratory .out be a 'great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable result* with it have not surprised mo. Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, 11. It. liliemnntism, Gont, hirer Coin plaint , JsPEi'Evfinxct:, I'reston Co., V*., 6th -lulv, 1*59. Dr. .T. C. A YER. Sir: 1 have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic Hkettxuiliam lor a long time, which baffled the ski!! of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried yonrSorsararilht. One - bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored* my genera' health FO much that I am l.r better than before I was attacked. I think It a won<*eriY,l medicine. ,T. KKF.AM. j .Inles V. Oetchell, of Bt. Louis, writes: I have lava j afflicted for rears with an egh-ium of the Aftxr, which j destroyed my health. 1 tvi<*! everything. an t every thing failed to relieve me i and I have i\nbroken-down man for some years from no other cues, than tiej-nnpnnmt of the liver. My IK-lov< e pastor,the Gov. air. Espv,advised tne to try your Sarenj.urilln, because he said he fei- w von, and any thing you made was worth trying. Bv the buss ing of God it has cured me, and hss >o purllie 1 mv h! *! •is to make a new i.- m of me. I leel TIKIS agahi. Tlie beat that can be s-.u-l of YOU IS not half good eiiocgh." Schirrns, Cancer Tumors. Eiilargcmmt. T*l reration, Caries, and Exfoliation of tire Boues. A great rarv: *>* of eases have Vett report ed to ns where cures of these formidable eomplahtls have rosnltrd from the use of this remedy, hut opr spa -, lierts will not ad mit them. Some c.f tliem may be found in our Aw:: furnish gratis to all who caiß for them. Dyspcjisia, Ileort Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Melancholy, Ncaraigla, Many remarkable cares of these affccrions have been made by the alterative power of this rru dieir.e. It stimu latcß the vital functious into igorons action, and thus overcomes disorder, which would Ik! sttjipo red I croud its reach. Such a remedy has long la-en repilred by the uec-'asities of the iieople. snd wo are confident that this will do lor theai all that medicine can do. " Ayers Cherry Pectoral, POP. TltE It A Pill CrtiE OP foufrhi, Colds, InSnuiia, Hovrsrnf If, Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient Consump tion, and for the Relief of Consump tive Fntients. in ndranrrd startes of the Disease. This is * remedy HO universally known to surpass tutr other for the cure of throat sod lung complaint*, that it is useless here to publi'h the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wor.deriul oars of pulmonary dicease, have made it known throughout the civilized natio'.s of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of Its effects some living trophy i.i their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and Jungs. As *ll know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too. the effects of this 1-omedv, we not do more than To assure them that it has now ail the vir tues that it did have when making the cures wi-.ich hav won so strongly upon the confidence of raankind- Freparod by Dr. J. C. AYES &> CO., Lowoll, Kass B. F. ll3Dr, Bedford ; Bnrndo!lar& Son. Bloody Ikin ; G. B. Au.ick, St. Olearville j H. Jl. Zook, Wood berry; George Gardill, West Knd ;J. K. Cotvin, Schcllsburg ; D. M. Bare, I'attonsvilie ; aud by dealers generally. Dec. 27, 1861. GHEAT Ell. SR. GEbAISB'S All BIEDHATIC BAD. IS THE O.NLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Rout and Neuralgia, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a medicated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without it jury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living is Yeqnfred, and it en tirely removes the disease from the system, with out producing the injurious effects arisiug form the use of powerful interna] medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medicinal pro prieties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through tho pores of the skin, effecting in every inatunce a perfect cure, and restores tho part# t&icied to * healthy condition, this Umd is also a most pow erful ANTI-AI KBCI IUAA agent, and will entirely re lieve lite system from the ptrnutwu* ellocts of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, arm we are constantly receiving testimonial* of its efficacy in aggravated cases of longstanding. I'aiCK $2,00, to Ate bad of Druggists generally, or can fee sent by mail or cspress, with full directions for use. to any part of tho country, direct frma the Principal Office. No. lOtJ BROAWIY, 1%. lorl*. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors JV*. D. — Descriptive Circulars Sent tft. For sale by B. F. Harry, Bedford. CF"AobNTs IYsNTEti Knutrwiifsi, *, June 28, 1661