TJE33 USTQIfIIIBH. published every Friday morning, in Jcliaua Street, m the brick building, opposite the'• Mengel House," by DAYID OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, .00; and if not paid within the year, $2.50 will ha charged. No paper discontinued until ail ar rearages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. 'A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. K?"Su scribers outside ot the County must pay in advance. .Advertisements not exceeding a square,(lo line-,) Inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by thejear. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. PROFESSIONAL CARD S. John Pklmer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. promptly attend to nil business en v V trusted to his care. Office in Juliana Street, nearly opposite the "Mengel Hou-a." April 19, 1861.-tf J. W. LIVGEiV^ELTER, Attorney at Law and Land Surveyor W'ILL attend with promptness to all entrusterto his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fulton Counties. dtp-Office >n Juiiana Street,cne doer North of ths "Inquirer" office. Dec. 2i, 18-53. John Itlajor, , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Hopewell, Bedford County, COLLECTIONS and all business pert-lining to his Office will be attended to promptly. Will also attend to the* sale or renting of real estate- Instruments of writing carefully prepared. Also, settling up partnerships and other accounts. May 3, 1861. R. I>. BARCLAY, ATTORNEY IT LAW, BEDFOE3, PA., tjfj ILL attend promptly and faithfully to all J / legal businesseu'rusted to his care. [CP—Office on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1858. JOB MANN, G. 11. SPANG. JAW PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned J have associated themselves in the I'raticc in the Law, and will promptly attend to at busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. oS~Office on Julianna Street, three dooß south ot Mengel oU use and opposite the re?i drnceof Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG June 1,-1854. tf. |i ! WII at -:wl r-mirl".• y n-wi ! '.r to 1! a;* ration* In- t I I.J , •—* i' *• - anti Iji |j Ca • . • I r.tte, r>!-I n .-• ■;:-.G . j mrriat* 1. TV Tf-ni- INVAUf >.BtY CASH. XVfL. E - > ■' : *. e- ■ Aft ji- ; ----- -- - ~ Dtt. B. F. HARRY RESPECTFULL? tenders his professions services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and Asidence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hollas. Nov. 6,1657. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician ar.d Surgeon. O pectfUlly tenders his services to J-A the citizens of Bedford and vicinitv. He may always be found (unless professiena'lly en gaged; at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St* Feb. 19, 1857. GO AND € REED'S A'EIV FJILL AND WINTER GOODS To be sold for cash or procure or, T y. P. A. REE O wishes to inform his friends and the public generally, that lie has bought cut the Stock of his brother, JACOB KEED. and in addition, is receiving on Philadelphia, air-elegant New Stock of Goods ' ought at Panic Prices, consisting o DRT GOODS, Boots and Shoes, llats ar.d Caps Groceries, Hardware, Queenswart, fc. All of which Lave been bought at the Lowert Net C\sh Prices, and will be sr.ij unprectdented'v low l'or Cash or Country Produce. The undersigned, determined to set upon tbe Principle that "a Nimble Sixpence is belter than a Slow Shilling," c-n adopt the language of the Poet : "Come One, Come All, this rock, shall fly, From Its firm base as soon as 1." Nov. 8, 1861. ' p. a. REED. Teachers \V.inled. TFIE Board of School Directors ot Monroe Township, will employ seven or eight good, competent teachers. Apply immediately to the uLscribers at Cleaivifle. OI.IY ER HORTON, President. J. S. MissEasMtru, Seci'y. Nov . 22,1861.-* Notice to Bridge BuKdcrs. PROPOSALS will b3 received at (be house of John Bridah im, on Tuosiay the 10th dtc be feailt on the pi m of the Plank Koid Bridges.) Proposals will also ha received on Wednesday ib'i 11th day of, 1861, for repairing the i-idga across the Juniata, at Bloody Run. "The pro . :vls Will he rerrived at the' Bridge, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on sail day." By order of the Commissioner!!, • NICODEMU3, Clerk, Nov. 29. 1861. AUDITOR'S ~>\~OTICE. Tlrl nn-t -rsigned, appointed Auditor in the mse of Simon L. Slubr vs Adam Furguson, in tlm C tof Common Pleas, November Teim, 1861, | V ' 1 meet the turtles in interest, at his office, in ; t! - borough of Bedford, on Wednesday, the Bth I • yof J >nu try, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when j and where all may attend. JOHN PALMER, Dec. IS, 1861. i mGRCfERY, Comer ol West Pitt and Juliana St. THE subscriber is opening at tbis well known stand, a well selected stock of Confoctionaries, Tobaeco. Segars and Groceries, consisting in part of coffee, brown, crushed and pulverized sugars, refined and golden syrups, baking molasses, young hyson, imperial and black: tea, chocolate, corn starch and flavoring extracts, cliease, corn brooms, painted buckets, dusting, wall, scran, horse, shoe, tooth and hair brushes; ConfecHanaries, such as plain and fancy candies, fruited candies and flivor ed jellies; water, butter and sweet crackers— It reign J mils, oranges, lemons, figs, raisons, prunes, dates, currants, citrons, filberts, walnuts, cream nuts, almonds, pea nnts; Tobacco , congress plug, sweet plantation, natural leaf, rough and ready, Lynchburg, smoakitig, a superior article, . cut and dry, &c.„ &c., Cegars, opera, half Spanish, and a variety of other brands. The pub lic are respectfully Invited to give him a call. All kinds of country prodnce taken at the high est market price. But no goods sold on credit. J. B. FAKQUIIAR. Nov. 8, 1861. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscribers, on the estate of R. II • Hut chison, late of Bedford township, dee'd., all persons indebted to said estate, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH HHTCNISON, J NUN W. SCoTT, Nov. 1, 1861. Admrs. CASH STORE. THE undersigned h is purchased J. Reed's stock of Merchandise, and will continue the trade at tbo old stand, and sell positively for ready pay only. Goods *old low tor cash, or approved country pro duce. P. A. REED. Nov 8, 1861. RE ID ! READ!! WE the undersigned have used Roraback's Compound Chemical Soap, lor washing clothes, and chceifully rcommend it to the fami lies of Bedford as an article of indispensable utili ty, cleansing r parcel of ground, lale tbe property of Joseph Keagy and Barbara, bis wile, viz: 17 seres. mora or less, of limestone land; adjoining lands of G. R. BarndolUr, Joseph Bassi-r and others. Said land being all cleared, and having thereon •aecteda story and a half Log D Wei has House, fratno stable and saw mil!. There is also a fiuc bearing young orchard on the place. Turns. —One third in hand, at the confirmation of the sale, hslauce in two equal annual payments ther-after without interest, to be secured by judg ments or Bonds and Mortgage. JOSEPH M. SHOENFELT. Guardian of the minor children, BARBARA KEAGY. Nov. 2S, 1861. $257 EMPLOYMENT! $75~! AGENTS WANTED! WE will pay from $25 to 75 per month, and nil expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. P.ii Pcuhirs sent free. Address Erie Sewing Ma chine, Company, R. JAMES, General Agent, M : ; lan, Ohio. Aug. 6, 1861.-zz €Z3 iss: NOTICE is hereby given to the Board of Mili tary Auditors of the County of Bedford, and also to the different collectors "of the Townships and Boroughs of s.;id C untv, that they are re quired to meet at the public House of Col- John Haffer, in Bedford, on Wednesday the Ist day of Jan. 1862, at 10 o'clock, A. St., for the purpose cf auditing tha Military accounts, and where iegal exonerations arid abate merits will be made. LEMUEL EVANS, Brig. Gon. Ist Br.g. 16th Div. P. M. Brigadier Generai'a Office, Nor. 22, 1861. Cxecutor'tt Notice. LETTERS testamentary baring been granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Patrick II mey, late of Cumberland Valley Township, deed, all p.-rsons indebted to said estate are noti fied to make payment immediately, aud those bav ingcluitas against the same will present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JAMES HANEY, HENRY J. BRUNNER, Dec. 27,1861 BIBFORO IFIOUIREIL THE NEU-VORK TBIBIB. NEW VOLUME. On the seventh of Septem ber, 1861, TttE NEW-KOHK WEEKLY TRIB UNE commenced the twenty.first year of its exis tence: THE DAILY TRIBUNE being srce months . older and the SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE some what younger. For more than twenty years, this journal has labored in what its conductors have felt : to be the cause i t Humanity, Justice and Free dom, endeavoring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and en courage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to. promote by all means the moral, intellectual and i material advancement of our country. It has • aimed to l>e right rather than populat, andtoes ! poit3n and commend to-day the truth that others | uiav cot be willing to accept till to-morrow. lu j pursuing this course, mistakes have doubtless been ; made and faults committed 5 hut, Irving in all ! things incited Our readers to think and Judge for ! themselves wither than adopt hlindlv our own or j othcts' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal the credit of Living qualified its i re dors to detect end expose even its own errors. To develop the minds ol the young by the most genera), thorough and practical Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive industry, through free grant?of Public Lands to actual set tiers and cultivators, as also through the protec tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branch* a iroin too powerful foreign competion, and among the aims to which this journal has adhered through I good and evil report, and which it steadfastly cotn ■ tuends to American patriotism and philanthropy. As to the Civil War now devastating our eoun ] try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion j more, wanton, wicked, inexcusable, than Was ever before known—a Re'>rllion iu the interests of the few against the many—a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten the chains ol'oppression. Hiving done a I we could without a surrender of vital principles to avoid this War, and witnessed the forbearance, meekness, and long suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, we held it our clear duty, with that of every other citizen, to stand by the nauon and iis fairly chosen rulers, and to see ; oud with all our energies their elf arts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and ihe supremacy of the Laws. Atld, though the Rebellion has become, through usurpation, deception, terrorism, and spoliation, fearfully strong, we believe the Ameri can Kopu'lic fur stronger, and thai, the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts and bands wi'l insure its overthrow. But on all questions affecting the oijects, the scope, and duration of this most ex traordinary contest, we defer to those whom the American Peop'e have clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose and of action indispen sable in so grave an emergency. In a crisis like the present, cur columns must be largely engrossed with the current, history of the War for the Union, and with elucidations of its .more striking incidents. We shall not, however, remit that attention to Literature, to Foreign Af fairs, to Agricultural Progress, t Crops, Markets, Ike., Ac., which has already, we trust, won tor THE TRIBUNE un honorable position among its cotempcraries. Our main object is and shall be to produce a comprehensive newspaper, trorn which a careful reader may gain a vivid and foiU.fnl histo ry of the fimes, not merely in the doiuuine of Ac tion but iti that of Opinion also. As our facili ties tor acquiring information increase with years, we trust that an improvement in tiie contents of our journal is perceptible, and that, in the variety and fulness of int lih'ence afforded, we may siiil hope to "matte each day a critic on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continuance of the generous measure of patronage hitherto accorded to our journal. TERMS. DAILY TRIBUNE (811 i axes per annum) $6 SE.d I-VVKEL Y (104 issues per annum) $3 WEEKLY (5'4 issiKs per ahntrai) S3 To Crams— Semi- Weekly: Two copies for $0 ; five for sll 25; t.n copied to one aridreis for S2O; and any larger number at tho Utter rate. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty we send TUB DAILY Tumrxu gratis one year. Weekly : three copies for $5: eight copies for $lO ; and any larger number at the rate of $1 30 each per anuum, tho paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address lor S2O, with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each club of One Hundred. THE DKILY TNIBTNX will be sent gratis for one fear. When drafts can he procured it is much safer ' th in to remit Bank Bills. The name Of the Pret- O'Cce and State should in ail cases be plainly written. Payment alwavs in advance. Address. THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau St.. New-York. Nov. 1, 1861 . Orugs and Hooks. H. C. EEAMER, Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa., M the Stand formerly occupied by Dr. F. C. Jlio em WHOLESALE and re , ■.■* V f tail dealer in Drugs, ff t ) \ j)i- / Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Giiiil T / Stuffs. Oils, Parnta, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Window Glass, Glassware, 4-c. Jus received a large stock of American, French, an English perfumery. Aho a great variety of hue Soaps for Toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonics, Hair Dyes, that will colour various shades, from a light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Hair. Sha ving, and Clothes brushes, Corn' s. Pocket Knives, Pocket Books. Portmonnaii s, S.'gar cases, i- vilic on Ta Jay. 81 at, D:cimber_ i ext. t! e RIAL E. ii re of LVL AXN LIT TLE, dt-e'd. consisting of Two Lots of Ground, numbered in (he plan of said town 7 A 8. ifoj iuing David Wt-izill, George BinorHng. Peter Antics and Sills' heirs, fuming on Main street, ar d hav ing tbeteon erected a TWO STORY jF ILSME HOUSE, A Log Frame House and Stable. This property coniuins u mvtr-foiiing spring of water, and has also good fiuit on it. Teints made yiown on dav of wle. O'. E. SHANNON, Adm'r. BISSSLIiTiOfI. THE firm heretofore existing and trading under tbe name and tit'a ofJ. M. Shoemaker A Co., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will will on J. M. Shoemaker who is authorized to settle the hooka ar.d notes of said firm. Ail ac counts not settled by t e Ist of December, J s6l, will lie placed in tbe hands of an oflicer for col lection. A word to the wise is sufli ;ient. J. M. SiIOEMAMER, A CO. Bedford, Oct. 11, 1861. A CARD. The subscriber having purchased, tbe goods of the late firm of J. M. Shoemaker A Co., and in ad dition having received a Jarg supply of FALL. AND WINTER GOODS, he will sell strictly for cash cr produce or on four months credit to co 1 and punctual customers, at the old stand of J. M. Shoemaker A Co. Call, see and examine for yourselves at Anderson's Row. Oct. 18, 1861. J. M. SHOEMAKER. ' If ill 11 WINTER GOODS. TOE undersigned Lave just open ed a large and elegant assortment of FILL ISO ViiXTEII HMDS. We respectfully solicit a call by all in search of real bar gains. The old credit, never pay system, having exploded for the present our terms will be— CASH OR PRODUCE. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Nov. 8, 1861. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of Administration having hern gran ted to the subscribers, on the estate of Hamilton Scott, late of Bedioid Township, di-cV.., all persons indebted to suit Est r t.;e valut) of using the Cosor.s- THAT, I) LEAVES, in connection with fl mr lor mak ing bread, rolls, buckwheat cakes and pastry. This 1 compound is free Iroar nil impurities. For sale at the Drug and Bock fiiore, o! Dr. B. F. Harry. Aug. 30, 1861. "WASHINGTON HOTEL, ttEOl Olt 11, PA. jft TRS# S. FfLUEiR would respectfully an .ITJL nounce to her friends in Bedford Comity, and to the public generally, that she has leased for a term of years, the large and coneenint brick hotel, at the- corner of Pitt and Juliana Supers, B-J lori. P i,, known as t"3 "WASHINGTON Hi.) TEL." and lately kept by Mrs. C- ->k. This house is being tin roughly refltt ;-d and re furnished. and is now open for the reception ol guests. Visitors to the '-BEDFORD SPRINGS," and persons attending Court will find the house ? pleasant and quiet temper try home. Every artt -j --tion will be paid to the accommodation end com fort of guests. The table will st all times be sup plied with the best the mtrkets afford. Charg. d will be moderate. Extensive stabling is attaches to this hotel and a careful and competent hastier Will lie in attendance. Special attention will he paid to the accommo dat ion of the I 'arming community. March 30, 1860. . Paper Iliißgifij and Palming. r riHE snbscriber wishes to inform the pnblic that A he Intends carrying on the Paper Hanging and Painting business, in Bedford, and vicinit- . lie wiii put out work, a; the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. He lias a s>; tuple book of ad kinds of wall paper, wldch can be seen at his office, and paper caa-be hail from bin at- city prices. He may be seen at tne old IXQIUES office. April 6, 1860. SAMUELRADEBAUGn. To Ifce Pfiplc of Betlfard AND Al> JL : 3.YIN>' COVIVTIES. ril M. LYNCH, at Bedford Nursery, offers for A • sale at w.r prices, a genenil stock of fruit trees, consisting of .all the choicest varieties of >es, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, ncswiines, quinu .and dwarf pear trees of Boost kinds, Law. ton Blackberry, Raspberry, iuchnliiw Brinckle's Orange, Goosbtrri-.s that will not mildew, cherry and dutch Currents, Strawlmrries, finest varieties. Grape roots of choicest kinds, Rhubarb and Asparagus, also Evergreen Vines and Creepers, Bos s, fifty varieties oi perpetual bloamers of ail colors and shades. Mv stock is remarkably thrifty and will he sold for cash much lower than traveling agents are selling at, who have to bring their,stock a great distance and thereby injuring them very much by exposure. The above stock is raised in Bedford County soil and climate, and can be had fresh from the soil. All orders promptly attended to and trees sent as directed by' hack or otherswise. For farther intor niatiou address a lew lines to T. M. LYNCH, Oct. 4, 1861. Bedford, Pena'a. DISSOLUTION - PMSSBSAIP. THE Law Partnerslip heretofore existing be tween the un 1,-reigned, under the name of King ft Jordan, having been dissolve 1 by mutual consent; all persons indebted to said firm by note, book account or otherwise, are hereby requested to c ill wi'hout delay upon A, King, at Be.Hold. !,, id tu -k' settlement. Atuutiou to this mutter may save costs. A. K-iNG, Nov. 8, 1851. ER. JORDAN. CALL and see alargo and beaatiful assortmen of coal oil lamps.