CARRIER'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONK OP THE BI2FOHB IHGUIRER. Jan. 1. 1863. KIND PATRONS — Wishes arc welling from my heart And bubnling from my mouth, Like gonial springs from mountains start. Or zephyrs from the South; Meandering they fiind their way From deepest depths of soul; And with the South wind's dulcet lay, They speak the heart's wish whole. May all your hatd tiraas bo forgot, And panics cease to trouble; May sorrow no mort. be your lot, But alt your joys bo double; May all you do in good improve, May you in wealth increase, And trom your hearts may grief remove, Audall your cares decrease. Success may all your efforts crown, Y our hearts he strong and bold; And smiling meet the world's dread frown, When friends turn "shoulders cold." May clouds which darkness o'er you. cast, Dissolve their gloomy pal!*, And may the chilling adverse blast But lightly on you fall. May your children's much-loved (aass Blcom with rosy health; Tour homes bo the seats of graces Alore desirable than wealth, For health is Nature's richest boon; And childhood's truest iriend; It robs life of its greatst gloom. Against its ills defend. Then, as I've wished to others well, Wby not a wish for me 1 Who weekly brought you news to tell From continent and sea. As "-JIONET" is the surest prop In this and every land, I kindly wish you now would drop A QUARTER in my band." Through life my thanks shall follow yon, And mem'ry oft will dream Of the liberal hearts and silver'd due. And the faces sparkling gleam. Where'er through world my pathway be. In times of gloom or bliss, My mind will wander back to tbee, And ofttby kindness miss. KIND PATRONS, —I suppose you will wonder at mefoi not continuing my address to you in rhyme, but the fact is, the machine's broke, and with all my turning, 1 can'Ugrind out another line* I 've greas fed it, but it wont work. Was ever a "devil" In such a fix before 1 I had a lot of pretty things, and good things too, about our Country . that I wanted to say to ycu in verse, but the jig's up, and I'll have to give you a dish of prose. Well, you'll not care this time, will ycu, dear Pations? Just indulge me in a little plain, sensible talk, without any foolish poetry, this once, and I'll promise to haro the old machine repaired, and in good run ning order by next New Year's Day and I'll give you so me "poetry then that will artonish you. It will be seme of your double extra, superfine, ne plus ultra poe try, and no mistake. I had hoped this New Year's Day to sing a song of praise, in honor of our dear native laud, once more resting in peace and harmony, under onr old, time honored Ensign of E P-iurtbui Unum but my hopes, like those of many other patriots, have been doomed to disappointment. The rebel horde s of the South nro still in arms, against tbci, rightful government but there is one comfort tbey are getting pretty sick of their bargain. Well I hope their sickness may have a salutary effect up on their health, when they do recover. T hey have had a slight attack of lunacy, 1 hey have been mad, ravin' distracted, insane, out of thoir head, gone crazy, and appear to have lost their sence's besides, but who u Dr. Abraham gets through with his course of treatment, they'll probably be better, if they don't they'll die, that's one consolation. The old, superannuated British Lton, too. is begin ning to growl and show his teeth. The old fool has showed iris teeth before a couple of times and then be quit showing them all 'fo i const," and if Jonathan gets about one more kick at him, he'll have no teeth to show. But Patrons, I need not go on talking of matters that you know as much about as I do. We know onr cause is a righteous one, and must succeed. Our foci are becoming weak er. Urged on by wicked and designing dema gogues, the people of the south have been led as tray, but they will never be successful. Already, are tbey sadly reaping the fruits of their doings, and bitterly will they repent that they ever bore arms In a rebellion against this beneficent and glorious government. Our armies will be successful, ami we may hope that the san of an other New Year's Day will shine do wn on onr nation, no longer sev ered and distracted, but united and prosperous as in day gone by. , " I hen conquer we must, for our cause it is just, And this be cur motto, tn God u our bust Ana the star spangled banner for ever shall wave O er the land of the free and the home ol the bravo.-' THE CARRIER. GASH TBRihS. On account of the hardness of the times and the pressing demands for cash upon us, we have de termined to corneas near to cask terms us possible. Heteafter we must have the cask lor all Orphans' Court printing ; Auditoi's Notices, Estruys, &c.: also all P rot bo notary's printing, occasional adver tisements and handbills. All new subscribers are also expected to pay their subscriptions in advance. We do not think Executors, Administrators, and Auditors Lave need to complain at this change o deruis. They can almost t any time raise the lew „bolars that it will require to pay thePricter's hills. -It lwilt save bother to theiu, andbe of immense he ih fit to us. bid ( tuvtlcrt taken at par ou all kinds j>f ac oubU Estate of Wm. Anderson dee'd. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that the euders gtu pf Broadtop Township, dee'd, will t for that puipOfo at < dflce in the Borough of Bedford, on Monday SO" 1 da >' 'December, A. D > mi, it 10 o'clock Ar M * of _ 3.L.KLS&ELL, Pec. 20,1601. Auditor. Counting House Almanac for 1860. to & H 2 H os 1 f ? | ? 2 §• g* §• g. a 2 o ? * * * | J" " t *2 JANUARY. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 FEBRUARY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 MARCH. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 APRIL. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .29 30 31 JUNE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "* 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 . OCTOBER. 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 81 NOVEMBER. ' 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ' 80 DECEMBER. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BEDFORD COUJYTY, SS. JTiJiixiaML. At a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held at Bedford, in arid for Raid of Bedford, on the 18th day of November, A. D. 1861, before the .I edges of the saftre Court. Upon the petition of the free holders residing in he vicmity T of Boydstown in said County, setting forth "that two public alleys, were laid out in the said town of Boydstown, in the year 1816, by Rev. Alexander Boyd, the propiieter, nnd then private owner ; both beginning at points on the Bedford A Stoystoifco Turnpike road, upon the South, and running thence North 67 degrees East to the old state road on the North. The one of the length of—feet and the other of the length of—feet; aud both cf the width of sixteen feet, the li.'st being the alley, betweike on the North and running thence South thirty degrees west, two hundred and twenty feet, to a twenty foot alley. The same being alleys between lots Nos. Baud 10, and 16 and 18, and 24 and 26, and 32 and 34, so numbered upon the oricinal plot or plan of raid Town of Boydstown; Also, the 20 feet alley ou the Southern side of said town plot, which said alleys have become, useless, inconve nient aud burdensome to the inhabitants of said town and vicinity." Whereupon the Court do order and direct that the parties i:i iuterest be notified by publication in the County papers to appear at the next Court of Quarter Sessions to show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not L. granted. By the Court, S. n. TATE, Clerk. Dec. 20, 1861. "appeals. ~ Notice is hereby given to the taxable inhabitants of the County of Bedford, that an Appeal will bo held by the County Commissioners, on the days, and at the places specified, to wit; For Coleraiu Township, on Tuesday, the 7 th day of January next, at the house of A J. Fcnnell. Southampton Township, on Wednesday tho Bth, at the honte of William Adams. Monroe Township on Thursday the 9th, at the bouse of Samuel Mixclt. East Providence Township, on Friday tho 10th, at the bousvpf 1). A. T. Black. West Providence Township, on Saturday the 11th, at the house of J. A. Gump, in the Borough of Bloody Run. Cumberland Valley Township, on Monday the 13tb, at the house of Jacob Suidcr. Londonderry Township, on Tuesday the 14tli, at the house of George Bally. Harrison Township, on Wednesday the loth, at the house of Martin Feightuer. Juniata Township, ou Thursday tha 16th, at the he use of Joseph Foilei. Napier Township, on Friday the I7ih, at the bouse of J. M. Kubison, in the Borough of Sckells burg. Schellsburg Borough, on Saturday the 18th, at the house of J. M. ltobison. Bedford Township, on Monday the 29th at the Commissioners office. Nnakespring Township, on Tuesday the 21st, at the house of D. L. Deifbaugh. Bloody Ruu Borough, or. Wednesday tbe22dat the house Of J. A. Gump. Hopewell Township, on Thursday the 23d at the bouse of John Dasher. Bioad Top Township, on Friday the 24th, at the bouse of J. B. Castner. Liberty Township, on Saturday the 25tb, at tho house of Mrs. C. Trinket. Middle Woodherry Township, on Monday the 27th, at the house of Wm. M. Pearson, Esq. j South Wood berry Township, ou Tuesday the 28 th, at the house of David Stonor. Unien Township, on Wednesday tne 29tb, at the bouse of Michael Wyant. St. Clrir Township, on Thursday tho 80th, ai the bouse of Gideon D. Trout. Bedford Borough, on Friday tho 31st, at the Com missioners' Office. When and where all persons and corporations feeling themselves aggri-jv d at. the enumeration and valuation of their taxable property and effects, made pursuaut to the several acts of Assembly, in sucb cane made and provided, are requested to at tend and state their grievances for redness, accord ing to taw. (The appeils will be held on tho days above stated between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 12 o'clock, M.) Attksti WM. M PEARSON, 11. Nrcodenius. Clerk, J J. Ff'IGpTNEK. Commiftrioners'O'hce, V F. J. SHOEMAKER Dec. 20tb, 1861. ) Commissioners. BEDFORD FOR SALE OR TMA3E. 166 acres near Stonerstown—within J mile ol Broadtop Railroad—about 100 acres cleared, with a two story dwelling J.ousf—new bank barn—stable, As:., thereon erected; also two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a rieh ioatn and capablo of producing every variety of crops of this climate. ALSO, Two lots of ground in Broadtop City, with a new two story rough cast dwelpng house thereon. ALSO, A house and lot of ground in Clearville. ALSO, Three tracts of land in Southampton Township, formerly owned by Wm. Dsn, adjoining lands of Arnold Lashley, Artemas Bennett and others. ALSO, A grist mill in the "Dutch Corner," formerly owned by Jacob Beard—within about 5 miles of Bedford, with about 40 acres of land belonging to the same—dwelling house aud out buildings thereon erected. ALSO, 160 acres best quality of prairie—near the Mis souri river, close to the county seat of Harrison Co., lowa. ALSO, Two one hundred and sixty acre tracts, adjoining Elkhorne City, in the richest vaiiey of the west— the Platte Vailcy—about 20 miles west of Omaha City, and close to the great national or government road leading west in Nebraska Territoiy. ALSO, 160 acres, two miles above Omaha City, on the great bend ol tne Missouri. This tract is well timbered and very desirable. All of these lands were located after a personal inspection and care ful examination on the ground, end can be well re lied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the precise location are in my possession. ALSO, Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Nebraska Territory. ALSO, A lot of ground in the City of Dacotah, Nabraska Teritory. The above real estate will be sold at such prices as to insure safe and profitable investments. ' Notes or obligations of any kind that are good will be taken in ixchangc—particularly good bank notes. O. E. SHANNON. M mmrM? jscics JBST ~ IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 13th day of Decem ber, 1861, I placed in the possessien of Catha rine Mcllnay, one Milch Cow, two head of young Cattle, eight head of Sheep, and five dollars worth of Hay, to remain with during my pleasure. DANIEL UAMM. Dec. 27, 1861.* Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration having been print ed to the subsciiber, living in Southampton 1 Township, on the Estate of James Smith, late of said Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate arc notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them properiv authenticated for settlement. NATHAN ROBISON, Admr. Dec. 27, 1861. NOTICE. WTOTICE is hereby given that I have purchased at 1\ Slid iff's sale tha following .property, sold as the property of Chailes Dannaker, to wit:- One gray Colt, one bay Mare, one dark bay Mare, one brown Mare, one yearling Colt, (black,) one bay sucking Coit, one black Colt, one narrow wheeled Wagon, one Wood Sled, one pair Ladders, 16 acrts Wheat in the grouud, 12 acres of Kye, 12 acres Corn, one Cow, one yearling Steer, one small Steer, 10 Shoals, 7 Hogs, § of CO dnz. Rye, f of 20 doz. Wheat, J of 2QO doz. Oats, 20 oushels Buck wheat, one Plough, and five tons Hay, which I permit to remain with the said Charles Dannaker during my pleasure. CHRISTIAN A. DANNAKER Dec. 20,'61.-31. Pii¥i7ic sale OF VALUABLE I=2. 2 BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned, Admin istrators of the estate of Jacob Hini/h, l.ite of East Providence Township, dee'd, will.xposeto sale, by public vendue, on the pemises, on TUESDAY. THE ITH DAY OF JANUARY, at 1 o'clock, P. 11., the following described valua ble Real Estate, to wit: A tiaet of land, situate in Rays Cove, in said Township ot East Providence, adjoining lands of Adam liinisk on the North, Jacob Uitehey on tho East, William Gracy on the South, aud John Grove and Samuel Grove on the .West, (part cf a tract of land formerly belonging to Philip Fisher's heirs,) containing 200 acres and 15 porches, more or less, about 14 acres of which are cleared and under fence, and with a story and a La If LOG DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected. TERMS- One-half the purchase money in hsDd at the confirmation of the sale, end the balance in one year, with interest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds, or Bonds and Mortgage. HENRY HINISH, D. FORD, Dec. 13, 1861. Administrators. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the subscribers, on the Estate of Cornciins Devote, lute of Londonderry Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly au tbeaticaten for settlement. JAMES C. DEVORE, Londonderv tp. JACOB C. DEVORE, Harrison tp*. JOHN C. VICEROY, Cumb'l'd Valley (p. Dec. 13, 1861—* Executors. PUBLIC SALE " OF HEAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will expose to public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY Ist FEBRUARY, next, the following described Real Estate : A tract of land in Liberty Township, contain ing about 140 acres, about 60 thereof cleared. The improvements are a LOG FRAME HOUSE, Bank Barn, Spring House and other buildings; also au apple orchard. The tract adjoins lands of George Dillingcr, Samuel Brumbaugh, Sr., and Alexander McDonald. Terms made known on dav of sale. JOSEPH CRISMAN, Adm'r of the Estate of Michael Reed, dee'd. I)e<*. 27, 1861. ' pUBLW SALE OF REAL ESTATE.. BY virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the subscriber will ctl'er at 1 public sale, on the premises, in Cumberland Valley Township, on SATURDAY'Ioth the day of JANUARY, next, all that tract of land, late the property of Z*ch tns Luman, dee'd, adjoiuing lands of Jacob Wertz on tbo North, Sarah Luman, on the South, and | others, containing 109 acrca, and 164 perches. The improvements are a one and a half story Log Duelling House, log, and otbek out buildings; about 45 acres are cleared and under fence, 7 cr< sof which arc meadow woll limbered. There is also a good orchard on the ! premises. Terms—One hlf t' e purchase money Jn hand at the confirmation of the side, one third of the red dim to remain In the land, and the biliocc in two cqiißl annual payments without Interest. JOHN LUMAN, Adm'r. Dec 27,1851. The Magazine for Ihe Times ! rETEisso.vs mm, The Best and Cheapest in the World for Ladies THIS popular monthly Magazine will bo greatly improved for 1862. It will contain One thousand pages of reading! Fourteen splendid j Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Fashion Plates! [ Twelve Colored Berlin Work Patterns ! Eight Hundred Wood Cuts! Twentv-fuur pages of Music! All this will be given for only two dollars a year, or a dollar less than .Magazines of the class ol ••Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOUVELETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed lo write originally for "Peterson." In 1863. in addition to its usual quantity of shorter stories, FQUH ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETS will be given, by Ann Stephens, C'rry Stanly, Charles J. Peter on, and Frs nlc Lee Benedict. It also publishes FASHIONS AUFADOF ALL OTHERS. Eacli number, in addition to the colored plate, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved ou wood. Also, a Pattern, from which a Dress, Mao tilla, or Child's Dress cau be eitt out, without the aid of a mantui maker. Also, several pages of Household and other Receipts. CSr" It is the best Lady's Magazine in the World. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAH! TERMS—AL WA YS IN AD VANCE. One Copy, One Year, $ 2 00 Three Copies, for One Year, 5 00 Five Copies, for One Ytai, 7 60 Eight Copies, for One Year, 10 00 Sixteen Copies, for One Year, 20 00 PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS. Three, Five, Eight or more copies make a Club. To every person getting up a Club ot Three, Five, E'glit- or Twtlve copies, an ixtra copy ot the Ma gazine for 1862 will be given. To every person getting up a Club of Sixteen, two extra copies ol the Magazine for 1862 will be sent. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 03?"" Specimens sent gratis, when written for. Nov. 23, 18.16 THE LADY'S FRIEND. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR xeef3. The World's Favorite. For 32 Years the Siandard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United Stales, THE BEST L'WY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD, and the cheapest. THE LITERATURE is of that kind that can be read aloud in tho family circle, and the cleigy in immense numbers are subscribers for the Book. THE BEST LADY WRITERS in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write for no other magazine. THE MUSIC is all original, and would coit 25 cents (tho price of the Book) in the music stors; but most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained except in ! "Godey." OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS. All efforts to rival us in this have censed, and j we now stand alone in this department, giiing, as i we do. many more and infinitely better ecgraviugs j than are published in any other ivork. GODEY'S IMMENSE DOUBLE SHEET FASHION- P BATES, containing from five to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate. Other Magazines giee only two. FAR AHEAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN EU ROPE OR AMERICA. Godey's is the on'y woik in the world that gives these immense plates, and they are such s to have excited the wonder of publishers and public. Tfco publication of these plates cost SIO,OOO HORK than Fashion-plates ot the oil style, and nothing but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them. Other magazines cannot afford it.— We never spare money when the public can be be nefitted. These fashions may be relied on. Dresses may* be made after them, and tho wearer will not sub ject herself to ridicule, as would be tho case i! she visited the latge cities dressed after the style of the plates given in some of our so, called fashion magazines. OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, of which we give twice or three times as many as any other mag tzine, are often mistaken for steel. They are so superior to any others. IMITATIONS. Beware ot them. Remember that the Lady's 1 Book is the original puhlicition and the cheapest. If you take Godey, rou wnt no other magazine. Everything that is useful or ornamoutal iti a i house can be found in Gottey. DRAWING LESSONS. No other magazine gives them, and wr have given enough to fill several large volume). JLADIES? WORK TABLE. This department comprises engravings ana de scriptions of every article that ah ly wears. MODEL COTTAGES. No other magazine lias this department. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy one year, $ 3 00 Two copies one year, 5 00 Three copies one year, 6 00 Four copies one year, 7 00 Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the pergon sending the club, 10 CO Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 15 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sun-ling the club, 20 00 And tho only magizine that can be introduced into the above clues in place of the Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. BPICIAL CLUBBING WITII OTHER MAG AZINES. Godey's Lady's Bcok and Arthur's Home Maga zine both one year for $3 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine hath one year for $1 50. Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent one year lor S6 00. Treasury notes and Notes of nil solvent bawks taken ut par. Be caretul and pay the postage on your letter. Address L. A. GODEY. 823 Chestnut Street, Nov, 23, 1861. Philadelphia, Pu, MRS. S. E. SIGAFOOS, HAS just received from tho city, her usual Urge stock of rich and handsome Fail and Winter Iroods, Such as, Silks. Merinos, Persian Cloths, Da • lanes, Valencies and Morionligue Silks, at 66 cents ycr yard 11! Also, a largo assortment of Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas cud Ladies Coats,— with a rich lot of Fure; such as Capes, Muffs, and Cuff's—together with a fashionable lot of black Silk Velvet—black and fancy Straw Bounds; with Ribbons, Bushes, Plumes, Flowers, 4tc., &c. A new style of WOOLEN GOODS— Cups, Sontsgs, Wool Hoods, Scarfs, Gauntlets, G fives, will) ID broideries, Nets. Laccs, &c., and nil kinds of Fancy Goods, too numotous to men tion. Abo, s large stock of bleached nud un bleached Wuslirs, at 6,8, 10 and 12| cents per • yard for coiii- I N. B. All persons indebted over sixrr.onths nrs beteliy ratified to C&II stid settle their account, i without tun iter notice, ami ly so tioicy cave costs-j j Ltdferd, Nov. 2'J, ltCl. S. E. SIGAFOOS. PROF .WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND 1L HE! IIIIWII I precisely what its name indicates, for while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhiier atiog, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original parity, and thus re. stores ami renders the system invulnerable to attack* o( disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to l>c within the teacli ot all. So chemi cally sod skillfully conii Ined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted to <24 to act in perfect accordance willT the lout of nature, and hence sooth the weakest stomach. fTs and tone up the digestive organs, and allay al nervous and ether irritation. It is also pet-Li fectly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it ij?3|' B never followed by lassitude or depression O.'LJ spirits. It is composed entirely ot .Vegetables™ • and those thoroughly combining powerfulaa Jx tonic and soothing properties, and conse-gj Oqoently can never injure. Sticii a remedy bispt r long been felt to be a desiiet .turn in the Weal wotld, both by the thoroughly skilled inaß ■ medical science, and also by all who have suf-|p Jjfered frou debility ; for it needs uo B skill or knowledge even to see that debility Ea L iollows all attacks ol disease, and lays the un-L Xguarded system open to the attacks ol many Jjj pi of the most dangerous to which poor humanity 8® is constantly liable. Such, tor example, as , athe luiiowing : Consumption. Bronchitis, In. S3 "•digestion, Dyspepsia. Loss cf Appetite, Faint.T ' |3|riess, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpita *ton of the Heart, Melancholy, Ilypocontlria,. W Night Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and ali&j that class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unat-pS r tended to in time, calh-d Female Weakness and Wlr regal antics. Also Liver Derangmcnls or and Liver Complaints, -Diseases ofW .W the Kidneys, Scalding or Incontinence of the 3 [3 Urine, or any general derangement of the.*v H Urinary Organs, Pin in the Back, Side, an I£2 gv between the Shoulders, predisposition to Slight"" M Colls, Hacking and Coatittued Cough, Ktoa- Pciation. Difficulty of Breathing.ami indeed weß .Jmight enumerate many more still, btit we havefei H8 space only to say, it will not only cure the Biicbility following Chills and Fever, but pre- & vent ail attacks arising from Miasmatic ID H tfluenees, and euro the diseases at once, if ai * ready attacked. And a* it acts directly and El persistently upon the biliary system, arousing C the Liver to actiou. promoting, in fact, all the*' JL excretions and secretions 0/ the system, it B will ififsllibly prevent any riejitericus (g quinces following upon change of climate ami 3 water j hence all travelers shunld have a I tie with them, and all should take a tabic— fa*spoonful at least before eating. As it pre-ti ver.ts coaiiventss, strengthens the digestive j id oigatis, it should be in the hands of all persons r->- tejof sedt ntaiv nabifs, students, ministers, liter-m ary men. And all ladies not accustomed tajf. out door detect the illness or decline not only of yourgi f|S daughters before it be too 1..t0, but also yourLJ la sons and husbands, for while the former, from © . false delicacy, often goes down to a premature jd H grave rather than let their condition be kuowngn gsin time, the iattcr are often so mixed up witiipw ■ the excitement of business that if it Were not® for you they too would travel in the same® downward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal; for we arc sure your never failing affection wil; unerring ly point you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator as the remedy which should le always on hand in time of need. O. .J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broad way, New York, and 1-14 market street, St. Leuis, Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Sold by B. F. Harry, Bedford. PUBIiYo SALI3. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford Cnnty, there will be soid at tho late residence cf Sarah Sparks, dee'd, in West Provi dence township, county n foresaid, on SATURDAY 28TIIDAT OF DECEMBER next, the following Real Estate, late the property of Surah Sparks, dee'd, to wit: One tiact of laud, situate in the township afore said, within two mites of the town of lUmiitun, at tho Junction of the l'lank-road and Bedford Rail road, three miles of the Borough of Bloody Run. and one mile ol tho Cbaiubersburg turnpike, ad joining lands of John Riley, Thomas Richey, Jo seph Sleigliter and other 3, containing, 153 acres, more or i *ss, about 35 acres cleared and under fence, with a Two Storied Frame Dwelling House- Double Log Bum, and other out buildings, thereon erected. All improvements have been made within eight years, and tho land under cultivation, has been re cently cleared. A fine spring of never failing wa ter is on tho premises, near the bouse. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock ou ssid day. Terms, made known on day of sale. For further particulars, address Cel. Joseph W. Tate, Btdfoid, or the undersigned, living near the premises. JOSEPH FISHFR, Dec. 6. jgg| Executor. Executor'n Soticc- IETTERS testamentary on the last will and _i testament of Thomas J. Blackburn, late of Napier Township, Bedford County, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in Napier Township, aforesaid, notice is therefore given to all persons indebted to the estate of said dtc'd, to make payment immediately, and those having eliiuis will present them forthwith properly au thenticated for settlement. JOHN W, lIULL, Executor. \ Dec. 27, 1861. j Rail Road Election. THE Stockholders of the Fedford Rail Road Company, are hereby notified that an election ; for Pr. sidei.t arid twelve Directors, will be held at I the c iSceof lhoComp ny. in the Borough of Bed ford, in Monday, the 13th day of January. A. I).. i 1862, between the hours of 1 o'clock and 3 o'clock, P. M.; and a meeting of said Stockholders is here by called for Mid purpose. JNO. P. REED, Sec'y. Dec. 27, 1861. Auditor's Notice. IN the matter ot the citation of Samuel Smith, Executor of William Smith, dee'd. the under eigiud appointed Auditor to ascertain tho facts, report wbi n trie legacies are to be paid, &0., will attend to the duties of the appointment, on Thurs day, January 9th, 1862, at bis c-flice in tho Borough | ot Btdlerd, when ell desiring can attend. R. D. BARCLAY, Auditor. I Dec 27, 1861. I.uirotico litqulroiKid. j rpllE undersigned, appointed Commissioner by X the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford coun ty, to ascertain whether Abraham Silt, of Rt. Clair township, sntd county, be a lunatic, or not, hew long h- has been, fcc., tea., will attend to the duties ot th.- appointment, at his 1 fllce, in tho l!< rough of Bedford, on Monday, January 6th, lto2, when all wishing can attend. K. D. BARCLAY, Dec. 27,1861. FEI- "AYM'S CATHARTIC S;.TPTIJIIIB. I . fl', Ato yon hi*, fv.-ME, ad com ! ■■•''■ ptt's>. ..J, Ar. yor wet Of order, SBS#§o With }-Bf ?>•••::• •'.T.'IU'JV-!, awl JISFRPI tour IW-'.iv : TRI'IIINIMRT >!te * | •fn -~ | 'toc*c ayaHy-ioois at y O;k-h Uh r.,^ w ;;,4jv T..'"..Slnw**. Horn* LIT WIIASIW!* i- mxi&g T L *'•; Via I *o>, nu i KI'HI ibe averted by h IH ir vi HI- right rcin.-ITY. VV'IM' AVW'-. PHI*, and CLEAAART ISESI'A* IT "*V I I est the • .'-I*--. 1 IIIJIIIORA jut- V" ri-'R tii ■ bloo.i. anil 1 t ruv ? ? 'r%a rniveon unobstructed in health lulfe'-'{£■- '■*•■■-'■ C ■ el--tin Thev'sfiihilhiti'theftroc fk, '*V/■■■'"'■> "k. thm* of the body into vigorous 5 Alii w.Avfv? activity, piftfyThc zvatem ft-otu f , ithe obatracboaa whisk maka WSI&NFE; - *?'':*■■-% DISEASE A c-. H ecttlc *OTIW — —where inlhe ho-lr ; and o!>*truct< its rit'intl fttnefkms. TU **•. if not relieved, react upou tln-mmlves ami tin: anrcawuUae orgspn, prod'tdmr r-.1-cral cral runiray.-ilUBj, *>■. a -iilob, n*>jr wvl bvttio 1 Ate A vera l'.rb, Bwl see how 'lircctjr they restore Mw tjaiiiral ac tion of the artti!*!, AUfl vwii it tirs buoyant fccl'ax of hcallh nsr.hb Yi'i'.ai.'< tr ts and r > -iV .ar.--nt ia tnu til *t*l ETVL COMMON CR>T'IV.-L IT, T. TRW HI ni--" ty OF #I portt-V nnl ; . -on* •-<• '■■ !i" !"'ty, they an: rapi lie. ctmw of thevn -nc . '! by hc w.rao jn: No.: eh . k v th- virt::- t'leac Pal*. rin noijlivt to • "i iioy them v.'in a wn'Tc-rijo irotw tin; tlisor D--TI TH.-O .-NR- ; ' . Si"" iicii: t irvm l fit f-'ifn* of t?II pvi !ci
    V, FAi. IS5*. tir. AVBft: Vo ir PiUa ire t'i - inra-Oi-l of nil thit ia ffieat i-i m - ii:: I-• Tlmr liavc .!.:■ 1 Ul." litlii' tiani-'itt-r 0 ailerons-ori-s ujr>:i ti-.r! ris a"I '• that had p.ore.-i i;i";i:"v !• for v;i*. ff f tn-' T '' r Ir:a iwcn l-r'-T trrfir <<• IraS! .IEL WILH M-RT .N-\*-im •on lair AFEL.I ami -in her inir. A-ter our cl-.ihl • .* eured, aim also trial vo-jr Pfiia, and tiirv lia.-n her. ASA SIOftCIiIDGK. AA a F-NMILY P.syctr. typm.JJr. B. ir. €■■■•■: ,vP Or'tmf. V-i'.ir I'ilU are the prit)-t of pirjea. Their exeollejit tmrpaa any catilhrti s w p-.sw*w- Th -y KM mad, hut v; • cortai'i .ri-l i.l in f : n ir i"'i*.-1 o.i tf;j bo . ils, wrliic'i makos tiiem iuy.ild.ibi - Uiui i-i llio ihuiy tre.'vtinoiit of diaearv. • licailacht, fjlrit IlcailucUc, r*il fitasiath. F/trm ])r. EJiezrtl Boy V-.-.- - r. Pr.A'.t A v ft: I a;i ii a .nvor rot mt-ti tan -11 Ants I hare r t.-i I .vi'ii y. ur t m i thstfer tiiaa to aay nil li nt "ivr hynl Kith ■> ''; itiri' "l '1:1 if. I plant jrrcat .ir on au --1 ' ii '■ ii. in sny ilailv. conicst \i ill 'ii- antl l- i' ; a* 1 > tu. t yojir l*ula affor.i a ! tin; liiftit We hare, I <;. ooi-i io valab Uietn Highly. L'ITIL": T: :, "AY !. Ll&>. PIT. .1. <\ A V-VT. Pir t T hare 1> ■••* n-i Jr-lfy cur-.-d of tii" v.- ;t 1.-- ../: . a;ty b-i ly can 1: -tt, by a jioso crtnu of ■ r Pi'.;-, i- s. ir< to aris-i iroin ii foul stomach, tvhib i tltcy eVeauaa at .. '' i f'l: I iirvc uml yo-ir 1'i!!. ::ir p.n, rat and f." - I'll PRII Tiio ever line you "Hit l t':-:rn. t.- f .to RI:-T i.o r - say thov are the lent .-.-iUtiu'fi-3 ire eatpioy. J inir rem ht(U;F action on the :ver is o'-.i.-k an-1 .ieil :-:, emiae- Vj-i ••:(! t!H-y .are an a-lmirali!-: r.u : -ly for derail: • • t:*;-! of that o-'wrt. In in-.i. 1 have - i tem *swud a .vac of > --VOM* - •■ user > o > -siu.-.te U -t it o'-i not r alflyyioldta i.ivat. L iut-.-.-.I dlv yo:.V . ALLONAO BAIX, "I. ©., i •-. Hit Mxriie Jl: .pits', Dj-jtattry, DfirrJirei, Utlat, AVcrmi. From Dr J H. Grcca, of C'tl myo. Y IRR PI!: . :■ "h; !R. I-EIY IN my prartle-I, MD I Tml.l tliffli: In ct-tmaa a* or • of ".in: t- st nperim-ts 1 havj ercr fonnA Their Utor ,L\- ••*'•••* apoa the live* MAKE* tu :n au exeelleat mui-ily, when jfi.-.-a in am ill dMufor billons I'y.wnii'rn ml tVtrti - . Their ruaar-eostiag m ikes fliV-in wry i-'-cjitadila cu i conreaicut lor the u£ > of jvoaien an 1 coil Ir u. Eytpcjda, Itapur';,*- of the Clatl!. Prom VXD. J. I'. Baator of A trent Ckurih, Boston. lift. ATKE : I have use I vonr !*i'? < wilh extyaonlinayv sum- a 111 my fimiHy nu>s rr.r.njr (i.-JR: 1 am v.iile:i to viut ia cirir-.'RI. To remilst. - T.i or, uv* of lugsstjiu and purify the bloo l.tii y a.— t ie very U'tt remedy I lit'-* ever kuoivn, an 1 I ca I eouliiieiiUy las-ouimyml tfi-Bn I my ftieudii. Yours, J. V JllMifo \Y \ it.y.tu", AYyoiin;{ Co., X. Y.. Oct. SA, i.nJi pRAfl?IR; f K'u lli!:ry Catiiirli- Pills in tuyprsev tiee, au.! 3ud th-iu an c.-.i..lleiit p real ire to DTNUW tbn eyttcm ami pttrit'y the f-t: •tain:. • •' the Wootf. JVUY c STEACAAX, M. D. CciuUpitioti, <'nitlvc::r T, Suppression, ltlienmcUiun, Geat, Seuralgis, Droyiy, VsrslysU, Pits, etc. I'.-mn Dr. J. !' Vu.nft -, A' i.'rr.:.*, CnOfielo. Too much cauuet IM; >NI! OF your J'.ils for l';E cr.ri of eoitirevet*. If oth"r of our iritoruity liavc found iMieflimciou* ;i ! li.ii', they sftbuHJoi:i me in prociuiu 1 H for n- h<-.i .of • m.u!fit;i i-i who su.fcr from that eo-.apl-.iut, wii. 'it, aid-, oifrii pad enoarh i i iturtf. Is t'r- priyx'.uor o- o t' ft am wont-. 1 • -1 rot.*& to •' i the :;vv-r, Vul your TiiisiJßtet that organ aai cure toe Vim r.v.N .Vr=. K. Si;: /'■ ■ i. /OIL rv4 rZtiiclfe, Dost in. T FI-EI one or ttro LARGE do.- --. of your P;:!'. take* r.I IHS PRR.pi • TIMI. R.I vl.EI.t MII DIVES OI tlie hntn.-iA FT:- LION when W:..illy or P lippr-NSC.', SN-I'FFB. *• I-y ofectaal t E;V--E THE tta.; l.N-i .. -..5 t.-prl worxtt. Thy r.rr- M IBU. !I the ! I PHYSIC vve HAVE OUT I reeoo.- nu NJ r.O other to my padeuis Drvm the fl-w Dr. li,"-';e-,nff!l# 'lio-Ii ! Efitl. Bftttr.-A. I't'i. ncx enn IT-IIIUF ;xws it - ttitlaa, vvhieli ENDED ia hr jnie ,;-E SIIItI.-tm. >t.vii!.ih4 niinj; I hsitlioh- t of PHY-1 '.'sua, tii" diseav jrrciv v. wn vi. ' vr.n- a-, until ly the !vice of your . x. vllout I.JTSU it biitlauy- . I'r. *.|.-,*ek..":jio.,> ' y"r lulls. Tin-r t " h w-r-.- slow,bet ill re. 1 y strcrtejlii the aw of thrw. 1 r.rv no-.v ,-ntirrTy w. d. -T; FH? < MITKK, HI.""".! Iter re'. Is,, H 3 V "" .- • "J. 1 .i. Ayi.ll i I In re 1- • ! i - y.- •! curnl, b* r,:*. Of lie -■ -L.I—A 1 —A G.OU.ul'ii tbta .1! II .:: -' .F 1 B.S Jor YEARS, \ IXC'K:.' P SLTOKI.L tfy ?'■ I-I r" IH.-I VTI' !: r-.I'.V'FI-t r<>- 1 i:: "eri iry, WL.I ;H, :il;itotj'.rh a n-rs-I* l.-. SKI!'!!! JIAU ;V, it -v ji;. iut-J.utle.llA>- >c. T.'tisac • i UO IN . ... ..!<.' .1 Mil" 1.11.1 A \I1: -. er. rrise, 35 ccr-ts per Bocc, or 5 Boxra for !>>. PRSUSRSD LY Dr. J. C. ATER tu CO. IOTCV., XUJ. B. F. Harry. Bedford : Barrdollar & Son. Bloody Run I G. I>. Audck. St. Clear? ill© ; H. 3W. Zook, Woodbvtry ; George Gfttdiil, WEST End; J. K. Colvin, ScbeHuburg ; D. M. Bare, Pattousvilie ; aud by dealers generally. Dec. 27, 1661. RA SSM MI, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR WLIEUEIATISM, Goat and Neuralgia, AND A PURE CURE FOR JiLL MERC VRML DISEASES. It is a conveniently arrnnged B vnd, containing A medicated cotapound. to be worn around TH W.-ist, without injury to the moat dolicato PERSONA, no change in habits of liviag is required, aud it OU tirc-iy removes the disease from the system, with out piodncitig the injurious effects arising form THO use of powerful internal tnedicirea -vhieh WEAKEN an-1 destroy the constitution, AN-L giro temporary relief only. Ily this treatment, the medicinal pro prieties contained in the Band, COME in MUTANT with the blood and roaches the disease, through tho pores of tho skin, effecting in CRETY instance A perfect cure, and restores the parts afflicted to A HI-althy condition. This band is also a MOST pow erful ANTI-MKUCI'&IAI. agent, umi will entirely re liere the system from the pcrmcioaj UIT-ETA of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured ia FEW diys. ano we are constantly receiving of its flicacy in aggravated cases of long standing. Raton $2,00, to ho had of Drusgrsta gencraPy, or can ho sent hy mail or express, with lull ilir-MTions for use. to any part of the country, direct from tho i'rincinal Office. -T'O. 400 BKO4W4Y, W, SORK. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors JV*. B. — Descriptive Cityufart Sent free. For sale by B. F. Utrry, Bed'.-rd.. K7*AOKSTS WASTEB Ermwtta. /a Junu 28, 1661