I?JE2 3E3 IJ XIO-JEIIO. ! pullisbed every Friday morning, in Juliana j Street, in the brick building, opposite* the "Mengel House," by DAVID OVER. TERMS: 'J paid in advance, $1.60; within the year, ' —00; and if not paid wiibin the year, $2.50 will he charged. No pup or discontinued until all ar rearages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. ry?"Su scribers Outside ol the County must pay la advance. Advertisements net exceeding a square,(lo lines,) Inserted three times for sl—.-very subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in tlio same pro Stortion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time Will be continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will bo made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of til kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable tertus. P it 0 F E-S S 1 0 N A L C A II 1) S. Jolin Palmer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. promptly' attend to all business en trusted to bis care. Offieo in Juliana Street, nearly opposito the "Mengel Uouso." April 19, 1861.-Iff j. w. L][.\(;fafelteß, Attorney at Law and Land Surveyor WILL attend with promptness to all busie entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fuiton Counties. in Juliana Street, one door North of ha "Inquirer'' uti ce. Dec.-I, 1868. 1 ohn Major, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Hopewell, Bedford County. COLLECTIONS and all business pertaining to I his Office will be attended to promptly. Will also attend to the sale or renting of real estate- Instruments of writing carefully prepar.-d. Also, settling up partnerships ami other accounts, May 5, 186 L R. I>. BARCLAY, ATTORNEY IT LAW, - BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. on Juliana Street, ia the building tor merlvoccupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1868. JOB MANS, G. 11. SPANG. JAW PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigued J have associated themselves in the Praticc in the Law, and will promptly attendto al busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. [EyOtßce on Julianna Street, three doo s south ol Mongol olluse and opposite the resi danceol Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG J*une 1, —1854. tf. psis W '. tiU-n4 - \ Ij I ko us ..a Tcelfc liwf, r i s ' i!ami, die., aud I |i . uwtli iMtrtrtJ, frs a :t<. to onuro *oi. I || nw-iaraW, H.K! *ll oper*Uo:i* varr.-4.uid. jW T.rnu INVARIABLY CASH: Vjyf o- on Eit Pit m-et, lkte^son , 3 Row June *JO, 1860. HARD TIJtftES MADE EASY! Good News for the Unemployed. 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MoNBY. ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTU OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SIL V E R-P LATE fl-W AR K TO BE DISPOSED OF ON A A ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN. 25,000 AGENTS WANTED ! ! Ail persons desirous of procuring an ageney m this NEW ENTERPRISE. Should send on their names at once, enclosing a three cent stamp to pay postage, and recejve bv return of mail A PREMIUM CATALOGUE Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS, Which a (Tor* A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE lOIST without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this mmm pmi I To insure prompt and satisfactory dealings, ad dress all orders to GEORGE G. EVAAS, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, PniLADKLPajA. May 10, 1860. SHRINER'S BALSAMIC COUCH SYRUP. For loughs, Colds, Croup, IVfcoop ing Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Dif ficulty of Breathing, <£c. From the Rev. Samuel Yinglimg. Bedpord, NOV. 3, 1860. Mr. W. E. Shriser— Dear Sir: Upon several occasions I have used your Balsamic Cough Syrup, in my family and also on one occasion myself— when worn by frequent preaching, and with the happiest results. SAMUEL YINGLING. Bedford Nov. 3, 1860. W. E. Shkiner—Sir :As you are about to intro duce your Balsamic Cough Syrup into our County I will give you my experience with it, which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, soma two years ago a box that was lost on the Pennsyl vania Central R. R. found its way to my store, opened the box and found it to contain your Balsa mic Cough Syrup. I had never heard of it at tha time but a Mr. Aughinbaugh from your state hap pened to be present and said it was one oi the best cough remedies in use and happening to need a caugh medicine in my family I determined to give it a trial, and so well pleased was I with its effects that I gave bottles oi it to my fViends ail of whom agree with me in pronouncing it the best cough remedy they have ever met with. We have used it fur Coughs, Colds, Croifp and Whooping Cough, and in every case it gave the most signal reliot.— Yours truly, ADAM FERGUSON. I used in my family some of the Cough Syrup refered to by Mr. Ferguson, and fully concur in the opinion expressed by him. WM. AGNEW. We used Shiners' Balsamic Caugh Syrup and consider it the baet Cough Medicine we ever used LEVI SMITH Prepared by W. E. Shriner, Westminister Xd. and for sale by H. C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson, Bedford Pa. ; E. B. Ramsey, and Win. States & Co., Blocdy Run ; John Nycum & Son, Rays Hill ; N. N. Koons, WiJlow Grove; J. S. Scbell," Shells burg ; F. D. Beegle, S*. Clairsville. Nov. 9, 1860.-22 UNION HOTEIfc BEHDFORU, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces to ths public, that he has leased the above named Ho tel, in the old and well known Globe building, for merly qvvned and occupied by Mr. John Youog, uad fecently in the occupancy of Jonathan tlortofi, dee'd, where be will be happy to see his friends and the traveling public generally. Persons at tending Court are respectfully invited to give hits a call. He pledges himself that he will do all in his power to render his guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest del icacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and corofri t able bedding. The Bar Will be supplied with choice liqnors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hoetler. Boarders taken by the day, week, month and [ year. JOSEPH ALSIP• Bedford, Nov. 2. 18&0. DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE. rUHE subscriber v hereby otfhrs at private sai® ltwo brick dwelling bouses, situated tn , town of Bloody Run. Both bouses ar new and i* good order, the lots are the usual size. The subscriber occupies one of tbe houses, ajja will cheerfully show both to any one who may call ODhira. JOHN M'BLHANY. Juna 21, 1861.-f. G' RAPE Roots, from om to four years oil, •neat.kinds, at Lyneh's Nursery. Oi*. 4, 1861. EXTRA Family Flput, Corn Meal *nd Chop, sale at Farquhar's new Grocery | Aug. 9, iB6I.