TELE IJwQ^IREIiL published every Friday forcing, in Juliata Street, in the brie.; building, opposite ths"Mengel flonse," hy DAVID OYER, TERMS : ll paid in advance, $1.50; within the yea r , -.00; and if not paid wi'.hin the \ iar, $*2.&U wil h charged. N" paper discontinued until all ar rearages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A fail .re <■ notify a discontinuance wiii be regirdcd as a new engagement. scribera cuiaide ol the County must pay ia advatme. JdverUscievta not exceeding a square,(lo lines.) inserted three times for sl subsequent in aertion, 125 cunts. Longer ones in the game pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. Ail advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A lib ral deduction wili be made to those who adt crtise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable tortus. PROFESSIONAL CARD S. John I'almer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. YT7II,IL promptly ntter-d io nil business en f T trusted to bis care. Office in Juliana Street, nearly opposite the '•Mi;n.;l I! uc." April IS), 1881.-tf J. W. Attorney at Lara and I and Stirreyor VST'ILL attend with promptness to ell busies V t entrusted to bis cure. Wifl practice in Bediora end Fulton Counties. tjyOffice in Juliana Street, cue dorr North of h*> "Trfquir•!*'' office. Dec. 2d. 1858. Joati Major, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Hopewell, Bedford County. ✓"tOLLE-ITI ON T S and til huvi'i ss pertaining to V,? hisOtS:* will be attended to promptly. Will aim attend to the sale or renting of real cetat-3* Intra n.oi!s of writing carefully prepared. A's, selling up partnerships and oilier account a. May 3, 1881. R. !. IIAIUBAY, ATTORNEY IT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., tyJ ILL attend promptly and faithfully to all * f legal baita*a ; *'o*rusted to li 3 care. (b?"Office • * *♦. in ' ire building tor merlyoac .>, f>v S- M. 8ar0i..,., ?'g dee'd. Mar" -:S, 1858. JOB MANN, * G. 11. SPANG. JAW PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned J have associated themselves in the France it tire Law, and will promptly attendto al bu**- nsss entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad. j doing counties. cybfHce on Julianna Street, shree doors south of Mongol oH tse and opposite the re*i d -cco Of Msj. Tate. ft SPANG J\i& 1, —1554. tf. iA'". L * '''j IF I ' ilj H I.OICCMCaI I '. |i Lr/LXiuVi U Li™lJ □!' ii | * r . : Jt-ri •►. ru-1 y.y or. I c y nperatioc* in- i; rj i -• * i a T • ; >••!." -t •, >•*•; tlatvd, 4t- * i CT<* , v r * ■* •*"•! - i) w-trrasicj. UT Tern, l:rr.VUjfLV CAtlt | V-,' cr' Es r.:ni!,.r, tAu.iv. \VT mi L f . F. Illßttf T) ESFhCTi ULLT tenders hi# profession# IV services ts tba citizen? of Bidford and vi cinlty. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11, n otitis! Nov. 6.1857. Dr. F. C E.earaer, Physician and Surgeon. Respectfully tender# >is services . Fie citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may a'wavs be found (unless professiena'.iy en. g ign-t, at hi Drug and Book Store, iD Juliana Feb. 10, 1857. AO TICE OF jWQUJS/IIOJY. WHEREAS, Daniel Sle'ghtor, late of Monroe Township, 8 dfor,l County, do .'d, died, Bsiza i of the following Seal Estate, to wit: Oic Irict ol laud, being the msnsivn place, con taining on:* h ;n ir ;d and . ighly acres, more or 1- ss, situ ltd in Monroe Township, nnd County ol B-d --fjrl, nf.ros ni leavipg issue, tea he rs, or the r >i! lren of heirs, to wit: Alary, intermarried with John Girlick, wjo dicil and afterwards was married with John Halt, end Is now dead, leaving issue SjVen . hit Iron, v,z ; A I nn, Daniel. Catharine, Jvirab, Barbara, Abraham, and Nicho'ns Gaiiick, Wubtagtno Hal! and Margaret Hall, all residing in Bedf-.rd County, except l Gar'ick, whose re.-idonco ia uukuowo, Nicholas Slciphler. Sophia, widow of James G. McFarlaud, n. intcrumi i.ed With Barclay Mirrlsjr, Matilda, intermarrieU with Sal. Folg'ut. Kaohel. who was iu tor married with Ahrahwu tiarlick, and is wow dead, leaving Issin three children, to wit: Joseph, Catharine und Feicr (tarliek. J n Slighter, a!| resufing in Bedford G runty and William Sloigfctor, residing in Blair 0 'Unty, 0 Jifornii. Notice is therefore g'ven that in pnrso. H3OO of a writ of Partition oi Valuation to tue di rected, J w.'l proceed to hold *n or Valuation on the promises, on Tuesday the 29.h •lay of Octoler, 1861, when and where all parties rrwy attend if thuv see properj * JOHN J. 033 SNA, Sh-ijiDT. BherU" s OSae, B-ettord, Oct. 4, 1861. BWRB RAIL iiOiO. NOriGS TO SOBiCBIBRRS. Al] dafiiiqiif nt Bubseribors to the Captal Stock of the Bedford Kail Road Company, are hereby noii fleti, that they will be released Iron# the payment of the i'i per -cunt am Interest chirgeaMe under the charkr of the C< mpany, by m uting pay of the tnou'v due frctn Ciew withta ti.irty davs frem the li)th day of October, Jn6i; or by giving tiieir notes payaMe with Interest from date, By order ot ihe board, J. P. REED. Treasurer. O;! llth. 1 d. situate in Broadlop 1 Towi ship, Bed tor d County, sir,inted in the name i ot tVilti.iru Line. March )0, lti''2, containiiig 111) litres ami allowance. &c. ALSO, one o!In r tract of land situate in tliv Township an 1 County ■ f, a--joining \\ illi ni L int's tract, with 1 j dwelling In uses, one Foundry, one M.-ehine Shop, one Saw MilA, one Colliery, one Blacksmith Shop, and other oul-budding# tliereou | erected. ALSO, one oth r tract ot land situate in Town ship ami County afoiesiid, adj dning Thomas I)a --vi.-; tract, wai'at.t- d in the name of John Chtviog lon. April 1-t, 1792 ; containing 88 J acres, and al j lonance. The i'nprov. noma on lilin tract consist [ of a dwelling house, with 5 acres ofgroaud cleared j and und r f ALSO, ope < tlrer tract lan.d, situ ite in Town ship and County af uesaid, aoj,,pijit tin* two last tracts above nit ntiormd; w.irr uted in tbe name of Joseph Wiilntus, ALirch ltith, 18(2; containing 483 uere# an ! 38 perches. ALSO, tine other tract of land, situate in " own sl ip and County afor said, a 30 a res are cl red and under fence. AL*O, nil the riliht. title atid interest, of the : floje-well Ca' aid Iron C"moinv o', in. and to. I paits I f Sev-ral cor liguous tract-, of jmd, S'tnate i ' '' 1 Low Cr ek. Tlop.-w 11 Townv'ep, County at ~ td. fo'np ising a stat f. r wafer works, on 1 Yellow Creek, aforesaid, atid an oar hunk on the | Uiver Mountain, bring part# of scTet#! warrants, in ;i,* nauio < f Hannah Monfgomerv. Ifohert Monf j K'imery, Rebecca .Voims. Stephen Kerr. Hunter. Decker. Lane, Gt ff'ih. Fwnriz. F orr -stcr, and j Hinish ; containing (B>o acres, in ore or L*?s, to. ] gether with ail thrir right, title and i"ter.*st ac. ; rtnini:. or that may accrue to them under deed of M ilium Law to Jonathan Lesley, d ted the 19th | day of November. ]?80 ; on these premises there I * s encttid i dwelling h >us *, and 4(1 acres arc clear, ud and under fence ALSO, all the right, title and iitarett of t'*e Hopewell Coal end I**on C*inpmy, to a certain ip*!"i'i of 1 nd, in Hop-well Township, Bedford | -N'Uiity, cntaining 26 iter s, more or l s, übch i Mi.likens an t Benedict purclns * ! by Articles of I agreement dated the 4th dav of \rtrc'i. 1837, from Jaccb lliK'ir. more fully d.*sciiiied i*i agreement with Stephen tVeiinar. d tted M ITC!I th_* 4:h, 1860. On ttii fi'ac* tf,,-re is an on* bank ALSO, all ore mine# ore leave lights and other mineral Hgt ts under the siid atficle <>f agreement above nrtiiHoried ; the above described jirop,*rtv being known as the Hop.-well Iron Works, em bracing a writer power of the Kaystown branch with Furnace. Forge and Sawmill thereon erected ALsO, a'l th t certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situie, lying and being it, the said Township ot broadiop. on the lianks or the Raystown branch ot the Juniata, al joining linds surveyed in the nauio of Montgom ry and otner lands of tin* si 1 party of tQcinil part, containing 21) acres and tiS pevches and allowance. Ac., h 'ing tl,o s tnv ;nct of I I'd which Henry V. Clmse, of Broad Top Tp . in the County of Bedford. Penn'a, and B,rha:a. his wo e . by tndentcie dated the Oth day of #ugu>t, 1850, arid recorded in the offi e for rec rriing 'tteds. te* sold for cash. JOHN J. CEaSN\, Sberitr. Sheriff's GSi;e, Bedfor 1. Oct. .8, 1861. BEDFORD COUMY, SS. At an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in run} for the County of Bedford, on the 2d day of Sept. A.!)., 18'l, before the jo :ges of the sii I C >i*r; On motion of t>. E. Shannon, Court grant a rule upon the heirs and representa tives of Eliza Cclvit), late of Schclisburg Borough, deceased, to wit : Jane SchelJ, deceased, leaving [ issue, Abraham C-, Charlotte A., James If.. Mar | tin and Edward Bcnc!l, the last two of whom are iniiiois, who have (or their guardian Robert M. i ay lor, Esq , James resides in Indiana. Ahr.iii im, Charlotte and Martin, r side in Ohio, and the other* in lb dfor 1 County, Clot lotto?, interio irried witll Martin Reiley. Eliza, intermarried with do- *rt M. Taylor, Esq., William, George M.,Cb..rbs \V., Margaret, intermarried with John M. Kobisatt, Reuben and John E.. ail .residing in Bedford Court ly, to be and upp -at, at an Orphans' Court, t, he held at B dford. in and for said Coqnty, on the third Monday, 18th day of N tavern tier, next, to < xcept or refuse to take the real estate, of s id Eliza Cojvin, dee'd, at the valuation, which hr.s be. n valued ami appraised, in permisnce of a writ of Partiou or Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' C "urt, of Bedford County, for that purpose direc ted or show cause why the mum should Lot ihj sol 1 bv order of t! e enid Court. ®lu testimony whereof, I have here- I into set my hand and the se-il of the j -aid Court, lit Be Herd, the 18th day lof Bepi., A. D.j 1861. B. 11. TATE, Alt. St. Clerk. J'MiM J. Ck ea.\*A, Sbriiif. OATS mmi IZ nr.A BU-SHKLS OF OATS wanted immeli ately. for wlich the CASH v.ill he paid up n it* delivery nt Cau.p Thomas. Cnmberiamt, M D II K. BUTLER sfrvnilig. DAVID L. SUTEBd. Oct U, 18Jj. BEBFOEB INQUIRBSL i x /"/ /'■/ I 585.00 Pays the entire cost for Tuiti ri in the most pnjiu ami su c-i*s- —ful Commercial School in tbe coun try. Upwards of TWXVB HI.NDRKD young men from TWTNTY-EIGHT d-fl'crctit States, have been ed ucti.d for business Is-re within the past three v ears. some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at s -1 o-i.-s of $-2000,U0 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered tho College. KJ~Mmisters' suns half j>rice. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra i barge. For Catalogue of EG pages, Speckm-us of Pfof. Cowley's Business and Orna ueiiial Penmanship, and a large Engraving of ti-e Coll.-ge, inclose i wentv five Cents in Postage Stamps to the Princi pals. JENKINS A SMITH, Feb. 8, 1861. Pittsburgh, Pa. " por m OR TBABS. Afirsi-r.ite farm of linn stone iat a City, and close io thegr nt n .tioiial or government read lea-ting west ia Nebraska Terntoiy. A LSO. IGO acres, two miles above Omaha City, on the great I>end ot Die Missouri. This trict is well tuub rol and very desirable. All of these 1 nls were located after a )#ersonal in|K-ctiou and care ful on the ground, an I can be w- il re lied upon for future wetliti. M ips showing the precise location are ni my possession. ALSO, Th r e desirable lots in Omaha City, Nebraska Territory. A, A lot of ground ia the City of Dacotah Nabr -ska Teni.i-ry. Tl r itiovo real estate will be sold at such ptic< s as to insure t-ab, and profitable iiivesttu'-Lt.-. Notes or obligation*of-anjr kind that art* j;o- l w-t 1 be taken in exchange—partLularlv good b>nk '> O. E. SHANNON. Sept 18, 1861. Trees! Trees! Trees! f Sllili undersigned invite attention to their large 1- slid well grown stock of Kiiin AM) U, TURKS, Shrn I*, 1 *, Ac., embracing a Lugo and complete as sortment of API LKS, PEARS, PEACHES. PLUMS, CHERRIES, APRICOTS, and NECTARINES. Standard tor the Orchard, and Dwarf for the gir den. ENGLISH W \LNUTS, SPANISH CHF.S NUTS, HAZLENUI'S, Ac., UASBEKRIES, STRAD BERRIES, CURRANTS and GOOSE BERRIES. in great variety. GRJVPES , of Choicest Kinds. ASP AH AGUS. RHUBARB, Ac., Btc. Also a fine stuck of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suit ride for the Cemetery and Lawn. BECIDIIODB TRfIES for slret-.t plauting and a general assorfment of OrnDiuaatal Tree# 4 Flowering Slirub#. ROSES of rhioce vuriti.-s, CAMELLIAS. BED DING PLANTS. Nc. Our stock is remarkably thirifty and fine, and wo of!'- r it it j>rioes to suit the times. Catalogues maih-d to all applicants. Address EDWARD J. EVAN'S * CO , Central Nurserus, York. Pa. Sept. 20, 1861. Alifghtiij A!ale AND FEMALE SEMINARY, Rcdford Co., 1£. < HARLE3 11. GERE, A. B. Principal. MISS A. L. BfilM, Preci-ptreaa. MISS i,. J. BRIM 1 uaeher on Piano Forte. TIHS Institution, under the supervision cf the above named jiersona issisti d by other competent tencb-ra, nil ,rds a full c* urse in Matheinaties, Natural Sci iices Langauges, and Belles Letters. In Music. Painting, Ac., it gives extended inHruc lion. Tbe winter firm opens Get. 17th Students admitted at any time. llaMta of health, system, and ptoniptncss, views, morn, social and dom stie, are here made promi nvnt oi j >i-ta o education. Thai ihe jihysii-iil i-uwers, as wi-11 as the mental may be captivated, Culutheuie exavclies iiro neet-s --nir y—hi re lite students meet each day for sj ste malic, exercise. §22 DO wid pay for heard, including furiiishid room, room rent, fu 1, aid tuition in common Engibh jter term of eleven weeks. Extras, at nrodeiate charges, even Ins than lieretofotc, 01 the circular CaifS for. Stn-letite prepare! for tbe highest classes in Colli go. For circulars, or particulars, ad-lr- ss. CHARLES II HERE, • Rainsburg, Buofurd Ciumv, Pa. Dec. 21,1806. A Q imtjat assortment of Kerosenu 'L imps ami " U Shades just received at Dr. U irry's Drug ami Book store. Nov 9. 1860. BEAUfIiUL Roses in biooin now , >citalic fo winter btoomhig in tbe house, at'LynelFd JM ur sery. Get. 4, 18 1. D'V AU V jiear t rc. s, at Ly :teh's H ors -y. Oct. *, 186 i. MENGEL HOUSE, JULUjYjZ STREET, BEDFORD, PI. TTIK subscriber, having renovated and refurnished this old established House, is now prepared to n-Cfive guests. Mo invito* Ha friends an-1 tho traveling public to give him a call. Having new furniture, new beds and everything recess iry to rende! hearty cheer to those lit want of a ry home, lie flatters himself that those who stay with him, will find themselves at tho right place. He is fully prepared to receive visitors to the spring, and all having business with the courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage bouse is attached to the Hotel. Boarders will be received on favorable terms. ISAAC MENGEL, JR. April 18, 1860. MrnME fTIHE subscriber respectfully begs leave y Mrs Cook. This house is lieing tli -roughly refitted and re furnished. and is now open for the reception oi guests. Visile's to the • BEDFORD SPRiXGS,'' and persona attending Court wiil find the house a pleasant and quiet temporary home. Every atten tion will IK- paid to the accommodation a,id com fort of gucs's The table will at all la* sup- I pli'-d with the best the markets afford. Charged ' will be moderate. Extensive s'ablii.g is atttciies ! to this hotel and a careful and competent hostler ! will In.- in .:tet)d 'i:ce. Special af tent ion will be paid to the accommo > dat ion of the farming community. March 30, 188 U. i Paper Hanging and Pnintiug. r pHE snbscHbcr wisttes to infmm the public that 1 he intends carrying on the Paper Hanging and Painting business, in Redf-uf, nut vicinit . He will put out work, a: the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. He has s sample bo->k of a 1 kinds of wall paper, which can be seen at his office, aod paper can be had lroui him at city juice*. lie may bo seen at the old I.VQIRCR office. April 6, 1860. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH To (he People of Bedford AND A DJMf I\S!\'W C(HJ.\Tir,S. fit M. LYNCH, at Bedford Nuraety, i-fl' rs tor ' X ■ sale at war jirices, a general Dock of Iruit trees, consisting of all tho choicest varieties of apples, jiears, peaches, plums cherries, nectarine*, quince and dwarf j>ear trees of tin.-at kinds, Law. ton Blackberry, Raspberry, including Briuckte's Orange, Goosbcvries that will n. t mildew, cherry and dutch Currents, Strawberries, finest varieties. Grape roots of choicest kri-ls. Rhubarb i.n-i Asjiar igns, also Evergreen Vines and Creepers KOMS, fifty varieties ol pirpctu-1 bloomers of all Colors an-1 shades. My stock is remarkably thrifty and wil] lie sold for cash much lower than traveling agents are Selling at, who have *o bring their stock a great distance and therebv injuring them very much by exjMisure. The above stock is raised in Bedford County soil and c'itu le, and cau be had fresh from toe sod All orders promptly aft-n led to an! tro-s sent ss directed by back or oth--rswise. For further infor tuatiou address a tew lines to T M LYNCH, Oct. 4, 1801. Bediord, Fenn'a WAHTLP. _ AN experienced workman will be given lilieral wages and constant employment, in a wolen tnanu f.c'oiy. if i-pplieatii.D be made inimediat- ly. O-ie acqusinted with all branches <-t the badness is de sired. A married man a small l-tnily will be |ir- fered. All letters, u quiring for Imttier particu lars, will reseivu pro- pt attention. Address the sulscriber at Bedford; Pa. JOHN LUTZ. Cct. 4, 1861-c CALL a d see a Urge and beautiful assurtmen of Coal oil lamps, of the latest sty 1- s just re reived ami for sale cheap at 11. C. Reamer's Drug Store. Nov. 16, 1860. OS VVECO corn starch, the best article at I) ' Harry's. Dec. 21, 1860. Mfi a. llAiji. i HEOliiPr.-s for tiia mitUoo at Dr. 11 irry's. Dec. 21. 1860. \ N excellent mttcleoi KEROSENE just received ii. it Dr. If irry's Drug and Book Store. Nov. 9 1 806. F't It APE Rett*, fa-ts Hi- to f< uv y,*j HJ, \J finest kinds, at's Nursery. Oct. 4, IMG. HOuK I'ttvYDEß just received, and for sale by March 22, 1861. A. L. DEFiBAUUti SHETLAND WOOL, all oolors,at Dr. Carry's Doc. 21, IH6O - ZEPHYR all Colors at Dr. Harry s I Dec. 21, 1806. I MASTER OF PAiN. THE Gltl.i KXTEItMI. IIESKIIT, For Sprnins and Brrng'S. Burns and Scalds, lihtuinatir. and . \ evratgic Puxns, Stsel lings, Stiff Joints, Paralysis, or JS/umbiins of he Limbs. Pains in the B'tast, Side or fiaik; Sore Throat. Tooth Ache, Frosted Feet. Sfc . ttfe., And for the Belief o, Puin Anywhere and Everywhere. This is a most perfect preparation, and seldom f.tils to dogood. It is harmless in its rffeets but I poveriul to relieve Pain. It" you use it once you will not likely be without it ugain. You woll find it n constant household friend, giving iase and relief jest when needed. Keep it constantly en hand a nil it will sine you many hours of pain and suf |fi rii g. There is hardly a pain it will not eav— I There is hardly an accident that will occur where | it will not be useful. ; Should one of your family get burned or scald led. cover the burned part will) a cloth of several I thicknesses wet with the "Master of Pain," and ! keep the cloth saturated with it. In a short time !it w 1 draw l! the fire oui. It will cause a priok j ling nsatiot—thi< is the fire coming out. Keep j it wet with the "Master of Pu,n" until the pain I and prick ling ceases. Let the wet cloth sta\ on I lor six or light Louis, after which apply some | healing ointment or sweet oil. In nearly all cases j of Pain or Soreness of the Chest, Throat, Side, . Back Spine, Limbs or Joints, it will give relief.— : Hub it on freely with the Laud or wifh a Annuel I clolll until the skin becomes heated ami burning. For soreness of the throat rub it on until it pro duces a little soreness. F< r Croup ue it in connection with the Cough Syrup, by robbing it on the chest. For Rheumatism and all deep seated pains, it th' pam is not speedily removed by-rubbing with the hand, lay a cloth wet with the liquid over the pait tiAected, atid pass a warm smoothing iron over it. For Pains in thw Breast, Side or Bad;, the same I may he done. For Tooth-ache, drop it on cotton, and ipp'y it . D> the nerve of ihe tooth, also rub the gums and I cheeks with It. For Frosted Feet, pply '.he "Master of Pain" ' reely, and ory it in beiore tin: Are. For Head ache rub it on the forehead. It is calleit ".Master of Pain." I did not give It thie naiio —I don't like the name. When I first eomiut need m iking ii it w..s without name or label. I made it nd sold it by the ounce at my Drug Store. 1 had no idea then of making h tiusiue-s of it. Sof.'ie who bought it cahe-i it Master of ! Pain. Nt by this name it became km wn for many miles round. And finally, when 1 had a la'>el ■ printed 1 was compelled to adopt the name, tor by that name it was Known After all, the name is not so very in ipproj rial -. It is used to alleviate | or remove pam. It is put rn wherever there is pain. Sometimes it wia cause pain, but the result alwayi is freed-Itu trotxi pain. Reader—try it—take a bottle with you—nse it whenever occasion j- quir. s- g'ive it a fiir trial. Prepared hy IV. E. Shriner, VVesttninlater Md. and f- r sale by 11. C. He itner auil Adam Fenrn son, Bedford Pi.; K. B. Haiusey, athl U'm. St iti if Co., liloo-iy Rao; J-ho Nycun. Sou. F-ur i lew ; !>. A. T. Black, R ye Hill; K.N. Koons, W'il.iov Gr< Ye ; J. S. Shell, Shcllsburg ; F. D Bei-gl--, -1 I'l-lrsV lie. Nov. 9, 1*6(1. Hrufs and Honks. H. C. BEAfiIT]R, Juliana Bcilt'vrd, Pa,, ■itlke Stand formerly occupttdby Dr. F. C. Men mc Medicines. Chemicals D - v Stuffs. Oils. Punts Varnishes Turper- i tine-Win i-;vr G'ass, Gh'ssw.ire, Jus received a large stock of American, French, ati ' Kng isb Al-yiug the agency lor 11 the principal paten' j medicines in use will keep a full supply constantly j on hand. Also, dealer in Books. &c.. consisting ;f Gen : graphical. Sci tiiiflc. Keligous. Poetic 1. Histories' j Law. Medical. School and Miscellaneous Works it. connection with a great variity of plain and fancy 1 Stationery, Cap, Note, Post,and wrapping Paper. Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries Blank lh eds. Mortgages. Note and K.-ceipts. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guar an teed, with regard both to price and quality. Physicians. Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded at all hours of the day oi night. Dec.9.1869 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, FhUoddphin. .1 Bencvole .t Institution established by special En- i dowmoni, for lite Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted U't/A Tir i ent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases yf the Sexual Organs. jIYEPICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting JJ. Surgeon to ail who apply by letter, with a descriptii n of their condition, (age, occupation, hubi sot life. \e..) and in oases of extreme pov- j erty. Vt-diein i tur isbcl In-,-of charge. VALUABLE RE POL TS ouSpurmatwrrhcea, and other Diseases of the Sexual organs; and on the NkW RKMEi ■ IE3 empl yed in the Dispensary, sent to the etfiict d in sealed letter envelopes, free „of chaige. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address. 1)R. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ac.', ing Surgeon. fL-w-rd Association, No. 2 South N intb Strc- t, Phillphiti. Pa. Bv order of the Directors. FZUA D. HEARTWKLL, President. GEO. PAIROHILD, Secretary. Nov. Itt, 1860.-7.1 NOTICE. H AVING debts of our own to pay, we respect t'ully - ill upon all persons knowing tht-nmlves to be in our dobt, to piv up— This notice ia not intended for those of our friends who py ih pr itnp'ly, hut especially for a certain 1-rgo c'lss wn hiviig purchased our goods, icver trouble theinaeives about paying tor tint sune- Mmy of the lifter hiving had the nse of our capitil s-> 10-ig, lu isi roai y iruaglnu they liavo a Ivett-w right to it thn o'trse!ves. fo Una i-l,ss wo n>w say, in iangntge which we hop - thev w l' n-it lawun ersun I— at w.nt at least tt p>r/i>it of inttM 1 1 their heiU —to uiee our own ti.ibilitlo-f—iij if kiu! invitations to'-piiy up" avail no*—v : ,vi 1 try a harsher though unpleasant remedy—ui) t iat 6 ry s.iortly. Aug. if}. IdiJ. A. B. GRAM LB & CO. BLANK x>EEDSv A superior article,for sale at this offlc April 8, 189. lUTE SOIKNCB givssf, D:f fieuifj of tirextkiag, &e, From the Ret. Samuel Tingling. LS.DTOSD, Nrr a, 1530. Mr. W. E. SHRIKEU—fir: Upon serera occasions I have ured your Biis.mic Cough Strop, in my taniiiy and ;ilo on one occasion raysril— when worn by frequent preaching, and with the h ppiest resiilis. SAMUEL TINGLING. Beppokd Nov. h. 1860. W. E. Srrwkb—Sir :As yon areabout tnintre due your Balsamic Cough Syrup into our County' 1 will give viu my experience with it, which yon are at iita-rt. t. use if you think proper, some wo years ay a box that tv-s lost on the Pennsyl va .ia Central R. B. found its way to ray store, opc-ed the box and found it to contain your Balsa mic Cough Syrup. I had never heard of it at that time t ut a Mr. Aughi: baugh from your state hap p-wed to b- i res, nt and said it va ■ ne ot the beat c< ueh r in- 'ii-s "in -:s. -md happening t a need a csugh medicine : .it family I determined to giro it, a. trial, and bo -d pletst i was I with its effects that 1 gave bot.l. s rd il to my iriends all of wr.ota .gree with me in pro- ouncing it the best cougk r nieoy they nave ever met with. Webave used* tor * nugli, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cougii, and in every case it gave the most signal relief— Tours truly, * ADAM FEKGCSOX. I used in my family sonue of the Cough Syrup refered to by Mr. Ferguson, and tally concur in the opiuiou expressed hy him. WM. AGNEW. We used Shiners' Balsamic Caugb Syrup and consi ier it the best Cough Medicine we ever used LEVI SMITH Prepared by W. E. Shriner, Westminister Md and for site by 11. C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson, Bedford Pa. ; E. B. Ramsey, and Wm. States 4 Co., Bioirfy Run ; John Nycum A Son, Rays Hill; N. N. KoonS, Willow Grove; J. S. Scheil, Shelb burg ; F. D. Beegle, St. Clairsville. Nov. 9, 1860-as . HON HDTEL, BSEFOHr>, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announcos to the public, that be has leased the above named Ho tel, in the old and well known Globe building, for merly owned and occupied by Mr. John Youog, h l recently in the <>ccupncv of Jonathan Gorton, dee'd, where he will be haj py to see his friends and the traveling public generally. Persons at tending Court ate respectfully invited to give him a c dl. Ho pledges himself that he will do all in ids power to render his guests comfortable. II is Table will be r.tppliud with the choicest del icacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and eomiU t able bedding. The Bar w4l be supplied with ehoice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful an 4 tentivo hot tier. Boarders taken by tbo day, week, mont* and yen l ". JOSEPH ALSir. Bedfonl, Nov. 2, 1830. DWELLING HOUSES s>m saix r |TIIE BUlwcnber hereby offars at private sd* L two brick dwelling houses, situate! la town of Bloody Ran. Both bouses ar new an 1 " g )'>d order, tbo lots are the usual siss- The subscriber occupies one of the houses, stJ will cheerfully show both to any ouo who my c *' ouhiui. JOHN M'EGHANT Juuo 2J.1881.-ir. EffiS! ELIIS H BLANK Exemption Jubgincat Notes,Exe<.u f -on Summons, Subpoenas, Con>;able Sales, or s at this office. |7 SKOSENK LA MPS at Dr. Harry's. ?V Dec. 31, fS6O.