Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 08, 1861, Image 4

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    T£IE 2.iMQ U2ll3ii3=l i
pullished every Friday n.erring, in Juliana I
Street, in the brick hnilrilnu. opposite
the ( Menge! House," by
It paid in advance, $1.50; within the year.
-J 0; and if not paid wi'.hin the year, s2.fib wil!
be charged. N<> paper discontinued until ali ar- ■
rearaees are paid—except at the option of th<* !
Editor; A failure ttijKpif* a discontinuance will i
be renirdcd a* a new engagement.
[K?"Su scribeis outside of the C unty must pay
in advance.
JiiverlitemtUt not exceeding a squr<\(lo lines.)
inserted three time a t'r Si—every subsequent in
artion, 23 c<*nts. Lonxer ones in lite same pro
portion. Each fraction of i square counted as
a full square. All a<lvsrtistmieuts u-t spect-lib
ordered for a given time will be continued unti'
fo;hid. A lih-ral deduction will be made to those
who a H*rtis.t l>v the year.
Job Printing of ail kinds executed ueutly and
promptlv and on reasonable terms.
P R0 F £ S 3 I u N A L U A li D 3.
Jnhti P.ilntrr,
W' H.I. protrptl' attend tat nil business ti-
Iru-ted to his care
Of*!e in Juliana Strcit, neatly opposite the
• •Menc 1 Hq<c."
April IS, 1861.-tf
itlornfjr at L;itr mid ia<f Sunder
\T7ILL attend with promptness to ali buie
? V entrusted to hie care.
Will practice in Bedford end Fuho't Counties.
U3P"Offire in Jitiiatts Street, cue doer .North ot
h" '• liKjuiivr" < tiicß.
Dee. 24. 18 >B.
Jitlin Jlijf,
Hopewell PeJiord County.
CIL LECTIONS and all Imsi'i as pert doing to
Ida Oflio will be attended to ptmnptly.
Will aG. attend to the sale or renting of real
estate*" Instruments i writing carefully prepared.
Als>, settling up partnerships and other accounts.
May 8. I*6l.
R. i>. iMIRLAV,
81.8F0K3, PA.,
|7"/ ILL attend promptly an! fiithfuli* to all
h / fogal business entrusted to his care.
on J uli.tiia street, in the building tor-
occupied bv S. M. B trcl.ty, Esq.. dee'd.
March 28, 1838.
Job MANN, G. 11. SPANO.
| AW AAKTNERSUIP—Toe undersigned
-2 J lirve as*< ciate.l themselves in the Fratiii
i; tbo Law. sad will promptly attend to ii bus.
toss - ntrt.ate'i to their care iu Bedford and *<•-
j 'iuing counties.
tyytjrib-e on JaKuaca Street, three door*
south otMengul all is*. and opposite the ran
d'ooeof Maj. Tate.
June 1, —1864. tf.
• WiliuUMii puucJiUij'.y till ccrfiu; yto a ! oo*ratfaes in- j
I | WijJ? 1 tl * rjr Xd4U Ji, nrrjjtbgl, £- cu>J i
• .*.rt-£ta} WM 1 luftafl* i. Y\ l 9cku I J*a *OU! ftfl Ij
| t Ul sltralf, ual gli •./- .."in* w-xrrnsKi, • j
a r T.-m. i-NvanuiiLY cam
'ijtf ■ Ols mZ ralMr-ct, SoUboi. F*. \M;
i'litt i, •s.r.Tn-jl ,s x. T-i , W iijb
„T> ESPECTFULLY tenders his professions
It services t the citizens of Bedford and vi
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, In the
building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofius.
No7. 6. 1857.
Dr. F. C Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
Osspcctfully fenders his services '
i i the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. TI.
may a'ways I t* found (unless professionally en.
gaged, his Drug and Book Store, In Julian
Fob. Iff, 1857.
U.f&bHiy yiaie
Rainburg, Bedford Co., Fa.
CHAULKS H. GEKK, A. B. Principal.
Ml>S A, L. BMIII, Preceptress.
MISS L. J. Bit I'll Teacher on Piano Forte.
THIS Institution, under die supervision cf thi
elxiVe u.tlui d persons -insisted by . iher vuip.*t>'li!
foach rs. tf rls a full course in Math, in itics.
Natural Sci ncea, Lniigu tges. and Be Dos Letters.
In Music, Painting, &c., it gives ex' n led intnic
tion. Tbo winter ttrm open* 'Jut. I7ih Stu.iuut>
edtoi'ten at any tlto*.
Habits of health, system, and promptness, views,
morai, soeltl and -lorn siie, aru hero made prouii-
Itens ol) jets o. edU'-attioU.
That the physical fowets, as wt 11 as the mcutai
may be cultivated, ex-rcWs arc hcees
nary—here the students uieet each day for si stc
ru ttic ex rcis •.
s2*4 HQ will j>ity fr tuard, including furnish d
vootii, rootu rent, fu I, and tuition in couimur
Kugh-h per term of eleven weeks Extras, a:
mode ate charges, even ICJU thaD heretoioic, ui
tlie circular c.ils for.
Students prepared for the classes iu
For Urcolars, or purtioulira. addr. ss.
Bainsburg, Ciuun, Pa.
Dec. 21, 186 U.
Com.U'.'iweakb of Penti'a A In tlm Conrt oi
use of Uusrlotts BtecUniau, I Gonsinon Pleas of
.Davhi St-cckuiau, \ Bell, rd County, No
vs * '3O Fel) t< riu Ifttl,
Job U'Neal. J Vvud. Lxpouas N J
4, Sep4 term lr6l.
And, Ifgl, Join P. Ree.l, EM, .ap
p<dled Auditor to distribute tie funds iu the bin
oi the Sf.eiiff, raised on k. k< i-f dctentkiuts rea'
estate iy virtue of the above writ.
Bj th.* C. iirt
T|jc will attend to the duties of the
ahovt* api oi.itin. iit at iiis i llkje, in Bedloid. o U
WcdiK-sd y the ggi day of O- iober, A. i).,
ut lOo', A. Al., when uit*l wlu tH nil ti
i stcr. a ed ran atlesd. JOHN P. UiHt D.
Oct. 4 , Ibfil. Auditor.
Take a OTIC s
A!' r,Vil • 1# * J <'.9.<l agduct tresspassing on
-A. t.wi |re:n,.s of Lha ku.iwriv r, eiibar by huut
tfsiuug. sh 'l.'tgAickory nuts or g'd-ig ti.roux.'i
tu J fra.r. tie. Is. T 111 IV* > ill he i:;|>n,c. -i
all. without resjsj.-.t to p.-.t,*a, , o J".*a lin^.
I itskjoh c/* < jcit'iMJi luck (try i.uti uu inking lt # aw
of the rubscriber, by giving him hut' t bd ale
GH AHLEi B lli'H.
B i old Tp., Sept. Iff, IcOI.
'| UN SEL ZEl'Jl A"K ail colore at Dr. Jfarrv *e
X Doc. XI, looD,
Aflrst-rste firm of Mm. stone lar.d. in Morrion'
C've. cont linitig ilsiut 181 cf.**, lOOof * Hcit
srt* d.Hte.i and fu lance well timlar.'il. The lrni is
ut il Watered. The ImproVi in nts are a go-.d two :
don Fr.ii..* Hous , L g n<m , I."B Barn.
Ti:er>* i> g.x.d <.'cii.r.' up* n the i r. ii.ises.
lie tfiui 11. j it.a Bloon fiekl, lies half a
little Irom lite ltollidhys uig Tntn(ike. and four
intlea tr.'ttt Mariiitshurg. 1 iiere is ate .dy tusrkrt
tiie t..r*r lor a I kin f* ol produce, and tin laud
is ill a high stale of cuhivitinu.
A '.B> i
ICG acres neir St on ri..wii—within mile ol
Br ..elt.>(i tx i'lo.t —rlMiut lull iter s cleared, with
a two story dxw iling le"Us* — MI W tiilik lrn—stabh*,
\c.. tl'itvMii ereeiet; also two apple otchartls
tier, on, <if lu.i *.* Ii uit. lln soil is t ric> l''.iio
aid! cap.hio oi producing every variety ol crops >il
litis climate.
Two iols if ground in B r *i idfop City. with anew
two story rough dw< li ng hmsc tiKreoti.
A i.
A house and J .t of ground in Clcai villc.
A I S i.
Three trie's of land ii. South-mutton Township,
formeily owned by Win, <l*s, a j lining lands of
Arnold L.tsl.l y, Art. iiio B smli and otiie *.
A trist mill in Hie •*!uitcri G. ' t'.rnieil,.
owned ny Jacob Be id -wi inn a .out 5 nt.b s of
t.ed ord. witli aG u' 4'd acres • land i 1 oiguig to
trie same—dnelliug house ua.l out iu Tilings thereon
Ifill acres b'*s' iju dity "f prjfrie—-xeir tbn Mt
s uri tiver, ci.'Se to the county seat of Harrison
C lowa.
Txvo one hundr. d and 'x y acie tracts, adj dui'.g
Klkhortx City, m the richest ol the wot—
ti-* l'latte Vole) i"out 2'> nnl-s west ot iiiu.l.i
City. and lo tlie gr at II it:>.... lor goverutuenl
and lea'iog we--l lit N.-'iratf-a Tctntoiv.
ICQ acres, two n.ilcs (h.c. Omaha City. <>- the
great liend ol the M issouri. I Ins tnct is well
tituh-rel and v ry dsir.-l*. Ad of tltcse ! nt
Were loctted aft. r a p rs.iiii ;i,i.ctl.iti an I c .r- .
ful t xuiniiiati. .. on tin ground, an 1 eta tie w* 1- re
lied upon l*.r future wotllii. Mips showing the
precise location aie in my p< sscss:ou.
Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Nebraska
A Lso.
A lot of ground in the City of Dacotah Nebraska
Tor iti ry.
Toe amive real estate wit l.r* sold at suc'i pile .*•
as lo insure sal-. u I profit ible investfooi t*.
N?t.-s >.r oi hg.tions of any ki i'i tint are in .!
wiil lie taken In ix h tug —,rti good bmk
no ti O. E. iIIANN'O-V.
Sept 13. 1881.
'lo lie lei pie of Bedford
'P M. I.YNCII, a' lie il r 1 Nu s.*iy. off ra for
1 • Sale at w.l Iric s, . gill. 1 >'.a „ ..| rnil
IT- vs. CoIiM-ting ol all the C'OtC at Varieties "■
ppUjs p at's, peaches puia.s i: >. iris. iie -lum s
q iinct- ami dwarf |.eartic.soi fin s! ki-. la, LA w.
tot. bl ckheny, Kasplietiv, itulutiuz liriiickit'
Orange, G-.ost. ni.-s that vv>ll nt w, ch. rr*
and dutch Currents, Suaxxlicriie.x. C.lost varied, s.
Gr.qie roots of choicest kinds, Jihulnr i and
Asptir gus. also Kv. rgretm Vm-s and C e.*p,-rs a, fif-y v.'ir.cties ol p. rpetu 1 olonuiei's ot ad
cob rs an i shades.
M y stock is letuarka ly thrifty xtnJ w.ll he s-d 1
for cash much lower tiniu tr.-Vcl ng agents are
selling at, who have to bring their stock a great
distance and thereby injuring ti.eiii very niu. U by
exposure. The ab .vc stock is raised in Bedford
u.iunty soil and c innte, and can be had lresh
from fie soil
All orders pronsntly stt-nderl to an 1 trues sent
as directed t.y haeK (<r othji swise. For furtn r hi'Oi
itiitioii addr. s a lew hues to
Oct. 4, 1861. BcU.urd, I'enn'a.
AN txperiet.c.'l workman will la) given liberal
wages and constant . iinn.f. in a xv..|.-;i tiianu
f c'r.rx, il . I p.i.-ati. ii be made in.medial, ly. ote
arqu-.iiHcd w.ih oil liranelies <1 the l u-iiie>B is d<*
sued. A m .tiie.l in .n w.ih a striad i inilv will i*
t>r f*i-. il. All quiring fur luttlier particu
tars, will revive pro }>C attention.
Address tli* su' scrii-er : Bedfor' 1 ; Pa.
Cel. 4. 1861-c
i lIE undersigned appointed iy the f rplmns'
Gouit of Bi-.lf.itl Collnty, to revi wan I • untitle
tbe account ot -s -.uil r AlcGr-vof, Ksq., ui .ul
till) Ex n utors of the 1 ~t will, .vc , of John llan..
in-*is. riec'.f, r.-poit tie tacts -nil t .iistcin.itiou ol
whatever funds niay bo louiid iu hisJlaii.Ut,
j the heirs .f s.i' .]. c'd. wnl ademl to tue cuijes
oi his MJ pointui-iit at ins 111-..* :u B -.iford. on Fii
day , tiie 18.h • lay of O-'lobei, A. I/.. 1861. .it lo
0 clock, A. Al., .-I said d <y. when and where all
parties iuteivstod can attend.
Oct. 4. 1861. Att ht.-r-
THE under., goal apjmii ted iy ilie Orphans'
Gouil. in all.l for li. di.d.l Gi|..t , lo di-H ibiit. t •
assv is ui tlioltl'idsof Win. Gill spi'*. Administrator
of the estate 01 N.chol s k fg. > .e'.|. lo j,n
amongst cr * ait n i to ilio duties of b.-
app.tutui. uf on Tours i. y tb.* 21 b day ufOtt>er, ,at Id ..'rln. k, .*l., ..f mi lil .y, ;t tiis ui.
fi. tin B dftd. w iei, nnd wtieie all parties inter.s
led can app.. r i.' thoj see ptoper.
JullN P. HEED,
Oct. 4; 18'il. Auditor.
LETTERS lestamciitary oil tho Uit will a,,,]
t. statu, nt of Mrs. Ma ry Ann Hnxtoa. |,ie t
S- uthaiijrfou Township, d. cM,ha.l gU*eli printed
to Hi.* Mtoscrilier, resaung in sail fowtisLlp. iu>*ie
is then fore In rehy yiiei to all pea-sons i,„J t K *,,|
tue i sute of said decM, lo make (.ay iii- iii
jtelv. a d in.iso 'l iving > liinis arid prcs*nt then
properly a .th uttOite i toe s itleiio.iit.
1 itEDEiiiCii. LUX TON,
Sep'. 2i, 1801. Ex. cuier
LE r 1 I KS .est;. met.taiy hating h.-en grant**.! to
the kuliaetihi r o. the ot ii ci.el Wi.
tt-of, l it.* of Southampton Township dee'd, ali
p. tso us 'ndeUcd to s .id * st.. |e, are n.*i,fi | to m ike
p.ymnit .mm,.tint H, ant tin dm h.ving claims
sg.tiisl the B line will j, r . seta their ace**uu:s pr..-
l-etly authenticated for s til, m.-id.
Executor, LoiithwUiptou i',
S., lfcfil. 1
F. D. Beeglo, us ) 1., tH ,. Coin I * f C. mm. n
01 IV. If a i>o. t Pi.) sOf Bedford o< untr. N,
J": fo i. May t.-rm 183*. Veil.
Er-*d k. bmuiar. J Exp nas Ao. .!, .ipr lnriu,
Sept. Jl 1861, John P. Reed. E"t<|., n|i|>o*st'*.l
Aul.lor to dtslrihutc the funds in tn.j Slici.lTs
l HI is t is d 0. de of Hafcu t iaia lijj EsUio i.y
vjiiae uf the auta,
_ , By the Coi it.
Tae ua liur-iigno l will altemj t*> the duties of tb
above nppoiutsujuf, at his oiajj in Be iford, on
Moadv the 38th Jiy uf October, A. D.. 1801, at i
10 o'clock A. M., of said day, whoa and whore ail \
parties intcrwied can aitead,
Oct, 4, 19®l Audttor. '
Pnja the entire c.-st for Tuition in the nmst popu I
lur .itot mi cas-fcl C' iDtti'Tfial Pdilin the court- i
try. Ui ward- of Twnvtt HcsnnED yowia mm j
tiom iwr.wrv HOIIT <1 if-ient St .to.-, l ave twin
uct-(] fi.r limitless It-"!* wi'hiu the pant three
> ours. Mint* •>! whom h.tve been < tnployed as Book
Keepers at to I 't i sol
$ano,(IO per Annum,
immcdiati ly ti|u>n graduating. win knew nothing ot
acei-tints wlu-n they entered the College.
QT'Mii later#' toms half price. Shi lu ts enter
at any time, ami review when 'h *y | lease, without
extra charge.
For G<tal- gin- of f(i pages. Sp ■< itn- ns of Prof.
Cowley's Br.sintn* nttd Ornamental Penmanship,
.ltd a large ft peivine of tie Ccli-ge. inclose
twenty five ci-iits in I'nut nr>. Stamps t• the I'rinci-
Feb. 8, 1861. Pittsburgh, l\t.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
r 1 xnK titnfi rsiytic'l invite attention to their latge
1 ami Well grown stock of
riiliir l.\i> OUNMIKST.U TKKKS,
Sltrii'-s. Ac., ttnbr icing a huge and com pi te as
sortment ot
St ami.rid loi the Ore 9# .|, ami llw.irf tor lie- gnr
KSC.LISIf n u.xurs. SPAXr-H CURS
ST If V P.Klf KI K S CL'H li A,\ TS ami UOOStC
bhKBIK.S'. in grett v.iii-. y.
GH r IP£S % i / C/iuic d Kinds.
ASPAiIAGUA. RHUBARB. Ac., ire. Also a
tine stock of well formed hu-hv
auitible for the Cemeterv and Lawn.
llliCllllifills TICiliS
*t>r street plrnting and a general assortment of
Oru .uieuta! Trees 4- Flowe'iti;
Sir I übs.
I!(I>KS of rhioce vanti.a, CAMELLIAS. BED
Onr stocU is remarkably thirifty and tine, and We
off r a ..t ; ric* - to s it tire tinres.
H7"Cai..l .gnes mail- d to ail applicants.
A.idresa hDll'.Utl) J. KVAN.-v CO ,
Central Nurseri. a, l'urk, Pa.
Sept. 20, 1801.
ITltlf. L FII.LKR would respectfully an
i'i. trounce t>. Iter friend# in Bedford County, ami
to the pill.lie general (", that she has leaned t> rII
term ol je is. toe t* ge ami Conveliiut Illicit hotel,
a! 'he corner of Pitt and Juliana Slr. ets, Bed
'Old Pi., kronen IS the •' U" A >IIIN'G TO X Ho
TML.'" arid lati ly kept tv Mis Cook.
Ti s h.'tis • is bejng th -ri ti fitted and r- -
f:imis' oil and is flow open for the r.a tjition o*
gu -ts. Visit o's to the -BEDrOKH SPRINGS,'"
and persons atteuditig Court will find tin: house a
| pie •s tnt and quiet temporary h< me. Every atten
tion will lie paid to tire ac orii nod .lion and com
[ Ibit of guest a The t .hit- tvill at all he sup
nP-dwith the Tresr the markets ntfoil. Charged
" il: be moderate. Ext'lisiv. s'ahiil g is attaches
I It# this li"t<l ilid a Careful and competent hustler
aill he in attend ing*.
Special attention will he I to tbe u.coramo
da'i"ii of the (arming community.
,March 20, iB6O.
Paper Unitsring mid Painting.
sribseribi" wi-is.sto iif.nm the pitb'ic thai
I In-intends etirryl.ig on the Paper Hanging ami
I P.ii iting bus:in in e*dford, an I vicinit . He
wilt put out w■ rk, a: the shortest notice, nud on
the most reasonable t mis.
lie has .1 sample hook of a 1 kinds of wall paper,
which can Ire seen at his office, an 1 paper can la
had from Mm at city prices.
He may he seen at Cue old I.VQIUEU office.
April ti, iB6O.
1 HE undersigiied aj.| oir.te I Ait iter to disirihuti
tlm tun la in the It mis of Joseph \V . fomlirta *u
Executor "f Eur, ih-th HI • It, dee'd, will meet the
parti s intrresred at ins . die-, HI B diord, on the
loth day of October; 1861 it I n'c'cpk. I*. \l.
Sept. 20. 'Htil. Au itor.
No.icc lo Isfpviars.
THE Assessors (elect) of tbe Townships
end B.uoughs are hei< by notifi-d tu nast at the
Coliuni-snmers . ffice, or. Friday tic I till day of
OcIOIKr rreXf. at 10 o'ci-ick A. V|,, to r. c. ne their
i o .ks, iiistiuctiotik &.. U\ order the yoiu
liitssieii.-ts. 11. MCUDEMUS.
Bept. 20. I8l -e Clerk.
ALL i rival t Jamil, r% eml huitl keeprri, shi-ul I
. litl ly iiiiei ct tire v hi i of using 'lcfoN.'t.jt
T.IATID LEAVEN, in eoutieclioti with U ur tor in is
tng l ie.i l. rolls l lickwlieit cakea anil pasllU*. This
C .mpotimi is free Iroai .II im| itrities For aa eat
th: i rug and.Book btorc, ol Ur B. F. 11 airy
Aug 20,
THE u der.sigiied U| pointed Autitor to dltril)Ue
Hie fin ds in tit- hands Josef b IV. T'Miilitisiiii,
I Vdni lii.-ti.iti r of the K-t ite of Jos pii Black
I il. c'l. (vill niiot fh • pirties inter. Sled at ids I.llini
: I I B d ornil too latbdiy of October, lb'il, ut
10 o'.l.ick, A. 31,
Sept. 20, 1801. Auditor.
I i:E Pamp let L w.s lur the se-shiri tif If 61,
have I evil received, •and aro now ready for hufnbtl
(ion to those eotitlnl to l-'Ceie tlieiu.
I'. TATE, Pioth'y.
Protu vs IMHc •, Sept. 20. 1801.
i V7"HU cin gut good Rific Pew. 3
R k del. H liter Proof Gun Q
Cips. and Leul, at FakQi Iliad FJ?
aUT*?! N w Grocety.
May 10, lfcfil.
\C I l ' Mercerrl nrg cl I
UJ Stone ami E H then Ware, just JJ
received ut FauQcuAa* J*ew , .
May 10. 1861.
Administrator's Illjtico.
LE 1 T Kit sof Administration hn'ing been gr int
ed t> Ihrt sUa-cri'l'T oil Hi." I stale ol
Briimhi'uh. late of M.d ile .Voo i'sirrv Township,
d-e' l all |K!IM.I|S aro notifl • 1 to mike payment
ilunit'ilitciy, and-those having . lain* ag linst tlie
si'ii* wII proseut tbeiri prop, rly ntheu'icitcl for
a tslalOX fIiiUMiSAUGII,
Aug. 1861, Adiu'r.
Northern Ligh*
TH cheapest and best light in use, can be had
x by buying OuJ Oil peiiccilv pue, iuodutous
and fro from auioke whiio burniug, at SI.OO per
ga'lon, at H. 0- ttaaior' Drug ."store.
Nov. 1, iB6O.
!>rurjfs and Books.
h. c. bfamo,
Juliana Street, Itrdlord, !*.,
.litthe Siitnl formerly occupier!by Dr. F. C. Rett me
rmr-WTn TXHIOLESAIE and re- Wftth,
■'.'ckMfy \\ tail detler in Drug*.
I Medicines. Chemicals Dye MKOJUT
Sinlf*. Oil*. I' tutfs. Varnishes Turpi n
* tine. Win <>w Cass. GI IMW ire. he. Jus
received a large stuck <>f A met lean, French, an
Kngiisk ;.Mrin<iery. ADo a eieat variety of fine
Soups for Toilet use. Tooth pastes. Hair Tonic*.
Hair I)ye*. that will colour Various *hai"es. lioin <
light lirown to a j.-t hlaek. Tootii, Nail, lluir. Slut,
ving, and Clothes brushes, Coin's Porket Knives,
Pocket Books. Portmonp |a. Seg ir cases. <fc.,
Also, have ami will keep constantly on ham! a
alipp'v of Coil Oil. Burning fluid ami Caimiiine.
w tli a great variety of the most modelu ami bes'
stvle ol coal oil anil fluid lamps.
Pure Wines and Br indie* for medic tt nse. Fin
vi.ring Ext! tel.* ami Sale • of all s.iria. Fine Segars.
Snuff*. Chewing ami Smoking Tot, ceo.
II <ving tie- agency lor nil the principal patent
modioli,e* in use will keep u full supply constantly
on hand.
Also, dealer in Book*. Ac., eniisisting t.fGen
graphical. Sci ntific, Religion. Poetic il. Historical
!, iw. Medical. School ami M i*cell tti.-ou- Works ii.
eonnection with a groat v irl-ty ol plain and la net
S'ationerv, Cp. Note. Post.and wrapping Paper.
Blank Books, of every sizi and iju -lily. Diartes
Blank I>• ed*. M ortg.-ige*. Not'ami K.ccipts.
rry- Orders prontptly Ailed and * if'sfu tion guar
■inteeil. with regard both r t rice hint quitity.
try* Physici ins. Prescriptions careiidly and at
curdcly coinpoumled ai all hours of the day or
Dec. 9. 185'J
! liili dt'lphiii.
..1 Renerolenl Institution fsta'lishel by special Kn
daament. for ,'ic Jleh fof the Sick and Din ressci
offnetrd with Virn rut ami F/d teauc Diseases. and
I especially for the Cu euf Diseases .f Hit Sexual
| Or nan*.
[\TKDIC \L ADVICE n'ven prat is, by the Acting
■"I- Surgeon. to all who apply by lett r. with
• description ol their con Bti-n. (age, occupation
hihi * ot life. Ac..*) ami in c is.-* of t xtretiio pov
erty. Medicine* 1 iir is'ietl lice ot charge.
VALI/ABLE KK PUB TS on Spcrn.atuirhaei ami
other Disns' i, ol ihe Sexual organs; ami on itie
NK W REMEDIES employed in the Di-pelisarv,
sent to tiid . fßict d in ir' letter enve|o|*, tree
ol eluiige. Two orlhrie St.nips lor postage wit'
be acceptable.
Address. UK. J. SKILI.IN HOUGHTON, A •*.
ing Snigeon. 11..wad AsS-ci.ii inn, N". 2 Soull
Ninth Street, Ptulol lphia, Pa. Bi order ot Hit
Directors. EZRA it. HEART WEEL,
OKI). FAIIiOHir.D, Secretary.
Nov. lti. 1860.-.-/.
H AVING dcbt of our own to par. we respeet
Inlly .-ail upon nil persor a knowing tliemnlrcs
! to l- in i ur delit, to pi, up—
Tt is notice is not intended for those of our
friend* who pyus pr imp 'y. hut e pecialD fojr a
certain 1-rg-' class win, haviig pur.'lms ii' our
good*, never Double tuetuseives about piynig tot
Ihe * ime-
Many of the latter having had the use of our
capital so long, must really imagine they have a
better right to ii thui ourselves.
To lias cl s* we now sa\, in langnage which wa
llop • they will not rnisiui wr*'*nd—trr t cput at leas
a pillion uj menu in their ha a's —to u ret ou: own
Ratul.ri —and it kind invitation* to -pi-\ taj *
avail not w \vi 1 try a hatsltci tln-Ugh it pleasant
ulttcdv—and Velv shortly.
Aug. 16. I*6l. 'a. B. GBAMKR & CO.
BKbFOItl), PA.
fj HE *ubcril>tr. ii -ring renovated and rrtfundshef
1 t; is old cstaj lisii il House, is now prepared
to receive gliosis. lie invites his friends mil the
irav -liiig pill-lie to give luui a caii. Having new
fu-i illire. be*ar IH-1* and evcytling neu- .-s ry ti
•vudel lieartv ciieer to tho>e In want of a It-mpori
ty iti me, lie f! liters iiitnself that tt,--*e who sea)
with htm. nil- fi-i-l tlmmselve* it the ruht pi ice.
He is fit ly prep-ired to receive visitors to the
priuc. and all hiving business with the courts or
Ami le stabling and carriage house is attached to
the Hotel.
Boarders will lie received on favorable terin*.
April 13, 1660.
Jinim MILLS.
'JAIIE iulmtrriiKT rospectfull v In-g* leave to if-
K. t-u III Ids patrons an I the pul-lie gem rally,
that be still cootiuu • to in itiufaetiire atv I keep
eonstaii'ly on hand, cl-dlis, ets*iiuers. s tin-tts,
fiiiincls. lilaakeis, IM-.-.. .uj of ivldc'i. h : wid scl
• heap for cash or ixcluiigc fur wool, also
Carding aud Fulling,
or wideh he wool I .-all *pec-;d atfeiiti-m, u* he
|io*ses> s sup rior tacilitii s ami tiutchiii ry. spe
-1 em 1- adanled lo this i.ranch of the htiMii *>. an I
feels ent.fl lent ho do work sup nor lo any
oth'-r establishment til lh.- county.
H/". eiins tor carding an I li.l ing >tncly o islt
All tetters on business si ouel lie direct- d to Be-I
foid Pa., where tlicjr will receive (.rorupt at ten
lion. JOHN I.U !Z.
April 9, I*ol.-*
r JIIIB sto-d-lnd lets id tlie Bedford Mineral Springs
J Company, are hereby niiitini ib.t tito aunu .1
• leeti-m oi Pit sui-iit and Uireetorv of s ilomupi
llV, will tK' held at itie iiedtord Springs, on Thurs
day, the tenth day ol O-.'o ir, u xt. lu tweou the
hours ol one -oi l t'lree o'clock, P M., of -ai i daj.
11. W. ANDr.K sDN,
S< pt 27, 1861. freer-tary.
For Salo.
Vstdend ti gold K iglisfi (, -aver Watch, for -sale
clieap. Kaipiiru at :Ins olfl;o.
Aug. 'Ju 1861.
AN exciltent uiluteal KERO^ENK just received
at Dr. II irvy's Drug 1111 Book Store.
N-'V. 9 led).
C' R / I'K It'n f>, fi ni tie lo ft ur v, • !d,
I fli.ert kII#. 11 IJ i th', NiilM ry.
| Oct. d. 1861.
lIOCK I OWDEK J.l received, ami for sale by
MiUCh 22. 1861. A. L. DEFIbAUGU
SIIKT ..WD W ) >L, all colors,*t Dr. Jury's
Dec. 21, 160
VI irg, iwsorttneut of Ciothni;- i.* sale cheap
at Shoemaker's store
DWAIiF peir 're-, s, at Lyncb's N uis ey.
Oet. 4. in® . J
J," 1-11 l—A large sto- kof .Macksre-1 and lleiT.iig
. Ju*t received, and R> saiu choup at J. V
I ol ccuiakcr tt Co*s. cheap store.
I i. iif 22 186,9.
Afl; j'Ui/si unuWi/MiA of Kerosene X*i, t> * an i
Savies just recsieeU at Dr. H irry'# Drug un-i
; Hook store.
j Nov 'J.
I>hAUTll nUTlose* in bloom now. suitTiM7i~To
J whiter blooming in tlielvuse, atLyuch 3 Nur
Oct. 4, 18'JI.
1 111. (.111,. IXI UIiSJL HEIIEUV.
For Sprains and Proisn. Burnt and Scalds,
li.'.tumnlic and .\'vriridic Pains, Swtl
tirms, SI iff Joints, Paralysis, or
JVi/mb/it** of In Limbs. Pains
in the. IP east. Side or Hack ;
Sere 7li/o' t. 'PotAh *1 che,
Frosted Feet. &rc . 6cc. %
Jind for Ihe F'e'ief
o, Lain Jjnijwhere
and Everywhire.
This is a moss perfect preparation, nr.d seldom
fiils So d|(Mwl. I' is l am.less in its f fleets iut
j orerlnl to rilicve Pain, it you use it once yon
will no! likely Iv without it again. You will find it
u Constant lioo< bold frii nd. giving ease and rclicl
ijuM when needed. Keep it constantly < n band
; and it will **v yen ttjai.y lours of jain ai d euf
jf. rig. '• here is Itatdly a pain it will not easj.—
i T1 ere is iurdly an accident that wili occur where
\ it u ill not be usetul.
1 one of your family get burned or scald
ed. cover the burned past wMI acbth of several
thicknesses vi I with the "Minder Pain," ai d
k p the cloth saturated with it. lu a sl.ort time
litw .1 dia si' tie fire OU'. Jt w i.l Cause a Jirick
ling s i s-^lioi — m t!:e fire Killing out. Keij.
it Wet Will: tile "•Master of Paltl" Ulltil the paili
and pud hue eves. s. Let tile wet cb.lh stay on
| tor six or iglt lioirs. gftei wldcli apply some
healing oilitnii'tit or swee. oil. 11l nearly all Cases
! i I' Pain oi Soreness ot be Chest. 'lluo.t, .Sid,-,
j Rack, spine, J .•In I S or Joints, it Will give relief.—
j it ub it on fiet ly with the hand r with a tlmnei
; cloth until the skin In conn # heated and l Uu.i .g.
j For soreio s of the throat tub it on until it pro
! duces a llltie soreness.
for Cttup use it in connection with the Cuugb
Syrup, By I'llv ing d on the chest,
j For Rheumatism and 11 deep seated pains, i>
j ill- pain is not renniVeii by tunning with
: tile 'mud, lay a cloth wet wita the I qui.l over toe
i put nflocied, ui.d pass a waroi smoothing iron ov r
I d-
For Pi ins in the Bresst, Side or the same
i may he done,
r-u Tovthochv, dtopit on Cotton, and appiy it
i the tn rvu 1 the to..tii,-also rub tho gums ami
■ eliei ks with It.
■ For Frosted Feet, apply .he '"Master cf Pain"
, rerly . end dry it in heiore the fire.
j fir Head ache ruii it on the forehead.
; I 1 is ealkd ••Master of Pain." I did* not give it
tliis loiiin—l don't liKe the name. IVh-u 1 first
; ■ oiiiiueueed m king ii it. w-.s without name or label.
■ 1 • aide it ud sold it by the ounce at my ifiug
! ; t re. I had m. id-a then of making a business
of it. Vome who bought it cth'e 1 it -Master id
Pain, and by this mnie it became km.hi: for many
mil. s imi no. And fiuai'y, when i hid i itiul
printed 1 w s cnmpeihd to a a opt the name, lor by
Ih .t "lame d was known After ail, tho mine 1?
not so v. ry inappropriate. It ia used to alleviate
or roictive pain. 1: is put on wherever there is
pain. Sometimes, it will cause pain, but the result
alway; is freedom Irom pain.
Header—try" it—take a bottle with you—use it
whenever occasion requires- give it a for trial.
Prepared by IV. K. Shriller, Westminister Md
and f> r sale by II 0. Ke.uuer and Adam Fergu
son, Bedford Pa. ; ri. B. Itaiusey, aud VYm. Stat eg
4 Co., i.loody Kua ; Johii Nycuiti 4* Son, Fair
view; I>. A. T. Black, Kays Hill; N.N. Koon>,
Wil.owGrive; .!. S. Shell, Shelisburg ; F. L>.
Beeglv, M. Chursvilio.
Nov. 9, ISCb.
wit (iiiOIERY.
Turner of Wi-sf Pill and Juliana Si.
Tin: fuhser'ber is op. uing at fids well known
stuiui, u w. II s lee ted stock o| ColllectiOQSlicS,
TOUICCO Segars ami Groceries, COns'sting in part
..f c< flee, i rown, enmlted and pniveriz "1 sugars,
r. lined and golden svrtipi. baking mola-ses young
by ."on. imp riil ami black tec, chocolate, corn
| starch and 11.coring i vic's. clonic, corn hrr.nms
p. inted buckets, d'l-ti g 11. scrub, h<r-e, shoe,
tooth ami hair h mil ouffciimurizs. u di as
plain and fancy candies. t:Uit.-d candies ami fl rnr
•••I j dlic ; mill r, 1 Utter .ml sW rt crackers -
/•' rs/gw 'riits. i ia> gs, I nuns tig*, riiS'b-
J prune*, di es variants, citron*, fiua-rts. w.hints
on nids, i.lw.onls. pea i us-; fubicco congress
(dog. sweet pliidati in, natural, rough ai i
reoly, Lynchbutg, sum king, a superior a ticle.
cut and dry. ie.. Arc.. Organ, open, s.x Ii 1
•tpinisli, and a v nlety of oth. r brands. Ihe pun
| lie are respectful y invited to give hm a call.
Pic.knica and May parties supplied i.t very reason
abl • pi ices.
Ail kinds of country produce taken at the high
est in n ket price.
Apr 1 2G. 1861.
TIIG sntis riher respeetfiil'y announce* to the
public, tli it he his leas-d the above named 110
tel, in rhe <d I an I Weil known Globe build',tia. for
merly owned ami occupied by Mr. John Youag,
th I recently it the orcup me af Jiiirithm rlortou.
dee'd, where he w.ll he iipy to aej hi# friends,
ami th - trat ling pulilic generitly. Persons at
tending Court tite respectfully invhe I to give him
a e dl. lie plalg-s hints -if thi he will d i al! its
bis power to rend- r Ins guest a comlort-ilile.
Wis Table will be s ipnli.-J -vith the choicest dcl
•vt ics the in wi'l ff rd.
The Bed Rooms will contain clean and cotnt t
tide btsl-linr.
The Bar w.R supplied with choice liquor
TheUttli e will bo attcndcU by a carelul an at
tentive Itoi tier.
Boarders takeh hy the day, week, mon; and
Bedford. Xor. 2, 1860.
'JXIIK Mtbsvriber h re by • ff rs it private sdc
I two briea dwelling houses, slatted in the
town of B'oody Hint. Potfi hitises ur new and in
g .>.| i rdec, the iota are the it-n 1 aise.
'I he tnsciiNtr occu; iso oid thehonses, and
will chcctfuiljr shoaf both to .ny one who may call
on him. JOHN M'ELiIANY.
Juit,) 21 1861 -tf.
BI.AN K 1.1- mpiioii Ju igmuid Notes,Exoi uf.ou"
Suiutnous, S.ii.pajuas, CousLablc Sales, ike.
A supitior article,for sale ut this o;Ko
Aprtlß. lha!.
•'IXiiK SCILNGK of G incaiiun and art of Teaoh-
I i"g. by John led A. J4., at Br. iluiry's.
Dec. 21. 1869.
CALfTa d see a large an 1 oeautiful ass- rturcn
of coal oil 1 .tups, of the latest atyh s Just re
wived and for cheap it 11. 0. Reamer's Druz
Nov. 18. 1860
O 5 " M' r.Gt) Corn starch, tue best article - at" i> i
flair v's.
I fee. 21. I -60.
lY* R*i I vLGS RhGGiFTi for tbe million at
ITJ. Ir. 1! .iri '#
I. c 2t i-iiu
JEKOSENF; LAMPS at Br. Harry's.
IV ' Bee. 21, lbtiU.
Goad News for the Unemployed.
25,000 ADEN'S WANTED ! !
Alt persons desirous of procuring an azenoy la
t hit* '
Should send on Jhiir names at once, enclosing a
r c 'l' i,D P I ,J J postage, and joceive by
reiuru of mail '
s Contaiulhg
without risk, together with
Relative to this
To insure prompt aud satisfactory dealing.. a<L
dress all orders to
ttEORGE G. E\m,
May 10, 1360.
For foughs, folds, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough, Jsilßia, Bronchitis,
filling of LUood, Pain aad
Weahnefs of fbe Breast, Dif
ficuhjr of Breathing, &c.
From the Rev. Samuel YingHvg
BEDFORD, NOV 3, 1890.
Mr. W E. SuatsEr.—Dear Sir: Upon several I have used your Balsamic Cough Syrup,
in my family and also on one occasion myself—-
when worn by frequent preaching, and with tb
li .ppicst results.
BcbpokdNov. e. ledo.I e do.
W. E. SntuHra—?ip : .\. yon are about to Intro
inc. l your Balsamic Couth Syrup into onr C< uaty-
I will give;. uu my experience with it, which yoB
ire at libcrts to us * it y.u think proper, some
'w.. y"rs ago a box that lost on the Pennayl
va i i C 'nttal R. It. foun ( it. way to my sture.
ope*e(i the box ,nd tound it to contain your Balsa
noc Cough Syrup. I In t never hear.l of it at that
tim- t tit a Mr* from your state hap
pened to he present and said it was < tie ot the best
cougti rem.-dies in use and luppeoing to need a
c nigh medicine i:i mv family I lieterrTkned to giv.
it a trial, and so we'd pie i.-eJ was I with its effects
that I gave buttles ot it to my friends all of whom
agree with nie in prorouncing it the best cough
remedy they have ever met with. MTohave used it
for Loughs, L' Ids, Croup uud tVhooping Cough,
and in every case it gave the most signal relief.—
Tours truly,
I used in my family some of the C ngh Syrup
r.-fared to hv Mr. I erguson, and concur in
the opiuion ixpressed by him.
\y o used Shiners' Bdsimic Caugh Syrup and
coiui Jt-r it the best Cough Medicine we ever used
Prepared by W, E. Shriner, Wes' minister Md
and for s <le by H. C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson,
Bedford Pa. ; K. B. Hamsey. aud H'm. States ft
Co.. Blol<<>- Run ; John N cum At Son, Rays Hill,
N. N. Koons. Willow Grove; J.S. ScheiL Shell*
• tick ; P. I>. Beegle, St. Ciiitsville,
N o v. U, lb(W -zz
vir u • of an order ot th : Orp bins' Court of
He lord County, tin re will be sold on tlw
premises, > -ii Saturday 21 day of November, next,
it one o'clock of mid <t.y, the following Real
Est .to, Lte the propelty ol B.tij.tnia WigftalJ,
(J 10 tr ic <>f h'.d situ ite Ij Southampton Tawse
ship, Bedford Canity, alj lining linla of Philip
Clb g ha:i, J h i M>n and iViliiim IVigfldi and
, others, niiimpi .vol a id well tirnb.-rel, with white
pnoan 1 other timber, cont lining 113 acres taoro
or 1.-sa.
(l ie otb r trict of fan 1 In samo township, ad„
j it.ii.g lan is i f Philip Clingman. Jonn iVigd II
au l others, contouring 29 acres, unimproved.
A tend an c will be given an, A tortus mide kaowa
on day of sale by
Adm'r >.f- BFNJ. tV'IGFIELD, J.-o'i.
Oct. #, ltftfl.
LE I'l'littn at try. on the lad will an 1
t Siameiit, >unael Sdl. late ot St. Jiair Towa
s op, lie U.<r I G-> uriy dMi l, hivi i, >• a {."artel
t>i ean won ,%, r,iii ,g i i 3• R {f , was up,
notice i t .ereliire giver to ad it tal.ntoi u
Ibe eatilC'd sudd o I, la OH:p.,o:i ~3)i-ili.ilil.
ili.ilil. , aud ibiao oaving old os, iv.ll peasant 43ids
IvuLwitb, propjny ajtuautiausl far s:uJ • &>3s.
DA.slixL. iVALTait,
; Uct. 11, IStJI, ISxaautor.
NPJI.Mi LOillll
'IIIIE su w-rlbirs have r-ft'ived fh r jhopS
and will otfjr all who may fivor us with a call—
great bargains—*t! Kin Is of nouotry- produce
received tor goods, also Cu ni.eri.aa 1 Bank Notes
and namy ot tue Virginia
May 10 It.
* LL Kiu is of Groceries just received, and far
an. s 1.: cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No. 1.
Anderson'. Row
June 29, IS6O.