Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 08, 1861, Image 3

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    IV FALL Mill
THE undersigned have just open
ed a large and elegant .assortment of
We respectfully solicit a call by
all in search of real bar
gains. The old credit,
never pay system having exploded
for the present our terms
will be—
Nov. 8, 1861.
To be sold for cash or produce only.
I*. A. REED wishes to inform his friends and the
public generally, that he has bought oat the Stock
--of his broth©', JACOB REED, and in addition, is
receiving from Philadelphia, an elegant New Stock
of Goods bought at Panic Prices, consisting of
DBY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
'Groceries, Hardware, Qtutnswart, ire. All of which
■nave been bought at the Lowest Net Cash Prices,
vnd wiß be-sold unprocedentedly low for Cash or
Country Produce.
'J'he undersigned, determined to act upon the
that "a Nimble Sixpence is trotter than a
Slow cm adopt the language of the
''Cottle o ne ' Come Ail, this rock, ahall fly,
From its firth base as soot! A* I"
Nov. 8, 1861. P. A REED.
THE Law Partners}ip heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, under the name of Sing it
Jordan, having been dissolved by mutual consent;
all persons indebted to said fftmi by note, book
account or otherwise, are hereby requested to call
without delay npou A. King, at Bedford, and mks
settlement. Attention Jo this Matter may save
costs. . KING,
Nov. 8, 18C1. FB. JOa? ANT .
NEW VOLUME. On tha seventh of Septeni- '
UX£ commenced the twenty-first year of its exis- j
tecce.* THE DAILY TRIBUNE being some months ;
older and tbe BKMJL-WEEKLY TRIBUNE some- [
what younger. For .more inao twenty years, this
journal has labored in whiu its conductors hive felt
to bo the cause of Humanity, Justice and Free
dom, endeavoring to .meliorate the condition of tbe
oppressed and unfostnnate, to honor and en
courage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to
promote by all means the moral, intellectual and
material advancement of our country. It has
aimed to be right rather than popular, and to es
pouse and commend to-day the truth that others
may not he willing to accept till to-morrow. In
pursuing this course, mistakes have doubtless been
made and faults committed; but, having in all
things incited our readers to think anfl judge for
themselves rather than adopt blindly our own or
others' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim
tor ibis journal the credit of having qualified its
roaders to detect and expose even its own errofs.
To develop the minds ol tlie young by the most
general, thorough and practical Education, and to
encourage and stimulate Productive industry,
through free grants of Public Lands to actual set
tlers and cultivators, as also through the protec
tion of immature or |iecalisrly exposed branches
from too powerful foreign completion, and among
the aims to which this journal has adhered through
good and evil report, and which it steadfastly com
mends to American patriotism and philanthropy.
A a to the Civil War now devastating our coun
try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion
more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, than was ever
In fore known—a Rebellion in the interests of the
few against tbe many—a Rebellion designed to
raise higher tb walis of caste and tighten the
chains of oppression. Having done a'l we could
without a surrender of vital principles to avoid this
Wat, and witnessed the forbearance, meekness, and j
long lettering with which the Federal Government
sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear
duty, with that of every other citizen, to staud by
the nation and its fairly chosen rulers, and to sec
ond with all our energies their efforts to uphold the
Union, the Constitution, and the supremacy of:
the Laws. And, though the Rebellion has become,
through usurpation, deception, terrorism, and
spoliation, fearfully strong, we believe the Ameri
can Republic far stronger, and that the unanimous,
earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will insure
its overthrow. But on all questions affecting the
objects, tbe scope, and duration of this most ex.
fraordinary contist, we defer to those whom tbe
American Peop'e have clothed with authority,
holding unity of purpose and cf action fndispen
salde in so grave an emergency.
In a crisis like the present, our columns must be
largely engrossed with tbe current history of tbe
War for tbe Union, and with elucidations of its
more striking incidents. We shall not, however,
remit that attention to Literature, to Foreign Af
fairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops, Markets,
Ac., which baa already, we trust, won for
i'HE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its
solemporaries. Our main object is and shall be to
produce a comprehensive newspaper from which a
careful reader may gain a vivid and faithful bisto.
ry of the times, not merely in the domaine of Ac
tion hut in that of Opinion also. A a our facili
ties for acquiring information increase with years,
we trust that an improvement in the contents of
our journal is perceptible, and that, in the variety
and fulness of iuttlligence afforded, we may etill
hope to "maite e,aeb day a critic on the laat." In
this hope, we solicit a continuance of tbe generous
measure of patronage hifbwto accorded to our
journal., .
DAILY TRIBUNE (811 isauea per annnm) $6
SEjII-WEELY (104 issues per annnm) $3
WEEKLY (52 issues per annum) $3
To Clubs- Semi- Weekly • Two copies for $6 ;
five for $t 1 25; ten copies to one address for S2O;
and any .larger number at the lattor rate. For a
dub of twenty, an extra copy will be seut. For
a clnb of forty we send Ths Dailt Tuibosb gratis
one year.
Weekly : three copies for $5 ; eight copies far
$10; and aßy larger nnmber at the rate of $1 20
each per annnm, tbe paper to be addressed to each
subscribe*. To clubs of Tw .nty we send an extra
Tweaty copies to one t for S2O, with one
extra to hiip who sends us tbe dub. For each
cjub qf One Hundred. Ths Dbilt Tarsuxs will be
sent gratis for one year.
When drafts can be procured it is much safer
than to remit Bank BiNa. The name of tbe Post-
Office and State should in ail cases be plainly
Payment alwavs in advance.
Address. THE TRIBUNE, No. 164 Nassau
St., New-York.
Nov. 1, 1881.
Administrators * Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been gran
ted to tbe subscribers, on tbe estate of R. U- Hut
chison, late of Bedford township, dee'd., all
persons indebted to said estate, arc hereby notified
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same, will present thorn proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
Nor. 1,1861, Admrs.
Administrators- Notice.
T.EFI ERS of Administration having been gran
tea to the subscribers, oa the estate of Hamilton
Scott, lite of Bedford Township, dee'd., all
persons indebted to said Estate, are hereby notified
to make papment immediately, and those having
claims against the same will present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 1. 1861. Admrs.
Public Sale
THE subscribers, executors of the last will and
testament of Rinehart Rcplogle, late of South
Woodbsrry Townnbip. Bedford County, dee'd, by
virtue of the power given to them by said will, will
expose to sale by public vendue or outery on
A. D.. 1861, at the late residence of sa'd deceased.
In said Township, the following described Resi Es
tate, viz:
A tract of land sitnate in said Township of South
Woodberry, containing about
being the mansion property of said dee'd. adjoining
lands of Darid L. Replogfe, Christian Koehendar
fer and David Brumbaugh, with about 125 seres
cieaicd uiid under lence. The improreiiiente are a
good Log Framed House, two stories high, with a
frame kitchen attached, a large frame barn, a large
wagon shod, a stone spring house, a frame black
smith's and carpenter's shop, a smoke house, dr*
house, carriage shed and nn orchard of very choice
fruit. There aie alae upon the property a good
Btons tenant house and stable. It is one of the
best and most completely improved farms in Mor
rison's Cove. The land >s limestone and is in a
high state of cultivation and is well watered having
at least Sevan never failing springs upon it, and al
together the property is one of the most excellent
aßd desirable in this section of the state.
ALSO, a tract of timber land, situate in said
Township, containing about forty-tour acres, ad
joining lands of David O. Hoover, David Stuckey
and others. This tract will be divided and off red
in three pieces, or together to suit purchasers.
The sale will commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of
said day. Drafts of the lands will he exhibited,
aaa tlia terms of sale made known on day of sale.
Executors of the last will, &c.,
of Richard Repiogle, dee'd.
Oct, 25, 1851.
BY virtue of aundry writs of Fi. Fa., Vend. Ex
-1 ponaa and Levari Facias to me directed, there
Itiil be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of
Bedfor-, on Saturday, the 16th day of November
ISo. at lfJ A. M., the following deicribed
Real' Estate, :
One tract of land confining 34 acres, more or
less, about 40 seres cleared and fence, wit.'* a
two story log house with kitchen nttacheo, small
spring bouse and stable thereon erected, adjoining
lands of Leonard May, John Metzgar and othms,
situated part in Juniata and part in Harrison
Towiish'.f s. Bedford County, and taken in execution
as the property of Conrad G. Stube.
The undivided two thirds parts of one lot of
ground fronting on Pitt Street, in Bedford Borough,
and extending back about 240 feot to the Raystown
branch of the Juniatta River, and numbered' in the
general plan of said Borough, No. 195, and having
thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house,
and frame carpenter shop, adjoining lot of Andrew
Middleton on the east, and lot of Eli Rouse on the
wot, situate in Bedford Borough, Bedfora County,
and taken in execution as the property of Martin
E. Bartgis.,
One tract of land containing 105 acres, more or
less, about 6 seres cleared and under fence, adjoin
ing lands of Simon Kitchey, Adam Hinish and
others, situate in East Providence Township, Bed
ford County, and taken in execution as the property
of David Ritchey.
All Delt , IVru. Figard, bis right, title and in
terest, in and to one tract of coal land {containing 60.
acres, more or leas, about 16 acres cleared and un
der fence, with a cabin house and log stable there
on erected, adjoining lands of Wood, Devereux A
Co., John L Lane's heirs and others, sTtuat-d in
Broad Top Township, Bedtord County, snd taken
ic execution, as tbo pmpertj of Wra. Figird.
One tract of land containing 800 acres, more or
less, 80 seres cleared and under fence, with a story
and a haif log dwelling house, with kitchen attach
ed, and double log barn thereon erected, adjoining
lands of Jacob Boor, Moses Dicken, Jonathan Hen
drickson and others.
ALSO, one tract of land containing 60 acres,
more or less, about 12 acres cleared and under
fence, adjoining the shove described tract, Jacob
Boor, Jonathan Hcndrickson and others.
ALSO, one other tract of land containing 76
acres, more or less, adjoining lands ol Oliver Heu
drixson, widow Brant and others, and all situate in
Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County, and
takeu In execution as the property of Fetir
S mouse.
One tract of land containing 76 acres, more or
less, about 80 actes cleared and under fence, with
a two atorv rough cast dwelling houso, spring lmase,
snd log stable thereon erected, also an apple
orchard thereon, adjoining lands of James O'Neal,
JClias Clarke and others; situate in West Provi
dence Township, Bedford County, and taken in
execution as the property of Christian Stoner.
One tract of mountain laud containing 250 acres,
more or less, adjoining lands ol James Roliins,
John Cessna, Esq., and etbets, situate in Coierain
Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution
as tne property el Robert Somerville.
By virtue of a special writ of Elocution, upon a
jndgment t in an action of ejectment, the following
i described real estate, to wii: Two lots of ground,
sitnate in the town of Wood berry, in saui County
i ol Bedford; being lots numbered "seven" and
"eight" in the plan of said town, bounded on the
north by lota of John Dilta, on the south, by lot of
Dr. Samuel Smith, and on the east, by main street,
with a two story atone dwelling house, frame shop,
bank bam, and other out buildings thereon erected,
and taken ia execution as tbe property of John and
Patrick Burns.
JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Ofßco, Bedloril, Oct. 26, 186).
PUT down for trial at November Term, 3rd
Monday, 18tb day, 1861.
Henry Smith etal vs. Reuben Smith
Catharine Fiekea " P. W. Lawrence ot al
H. Flock's Exo'rs Christ. Bowser
Caldwell, English 4" Co. " John Cessna Esq
• • " O. E. Shannon Esq
J.C.M 'Lanahao etal use • A. J. Snivety Esq
B. Boyd et al •' Joseph Seller#
Artemis Bennett " Win. Oss et al
' John T red well Joseph Holler
Elisabeth Donaldson Hesekiah Ghaney
t Catharine Trieker • George Tricker
Som. 4 Bed. T. R. Co. • Davis A Bowles
George Cart Wright " John Cessna, Eq
Francis D. Saupp " Fletcher A Bannon
Sewell Stewart < Patrick Barns
D. Washabangb " W Anderson's A'r et el
Daniel L. Martin " John Bensor
Charles W. Cofvfn " Wm. P. Scbell, et al
Adam Crovle " George Beagle
Catharine Beals nee " Val. B. Wei tr.
Jacob Keely David Patterson
Collins, Dull 4" Co * E. L. Anderson Esq
" " " •' John Cessna Esq
" " " " Nicholas Lyons.
S. H. TATE. Proth'y.
Proth'ys Office, Bedford, Oct. 25, 1861.
EXTRA Family Flour* Corn Meal and Rye
Chop, for sate at Farquhar'a saw Grocery.
Aug. 9. 1861.
ALL persons interested, are hereby notified, that
the following named accountants have filed
their accounts in the Regis!ei'i Office, of Bedford
.CoUnty, and that the same will be preseuted to the
Orphans' Court, in and tor said County, on Tues
day, the 19th day of November, next, at the Court
Bouse, in Bedford tor confirmation.
Tho account of Daniel Young. Administrator .f
the estate of William Young, late of liopewelt
Township, dee'd.
The account of David MWler, Esq., Administra
tor of the estate of Melchoir Fisher, late of Harri
son Township, dee'd.
The account of Jacob Fisher, Guardian of
Amanda Hammer, now Amanda Sleek, minor
child of John Hammer, dee'd.
The account of Martin Boor, Administrator of
the estate of Mary Ann Boor, late of Cumberland
Valley Township, dee'd.
The account of Willißm KeefTe, Administrator,
with the will annexed, of John Keeffe, late of Bed
lord Township, dee'd.
S. H. TATE, Register.
Register's Office, Bed'erd, Oct. 25, 1861.
NOTICE is hereby given that the account of
Wm. Trout, committee of Nicholas Boor, a luna
tic, has been filed in the Protbonotary's Office, and
the same will be presented to the Court of Common
Pleas, in and for said County, for confirmation, on
Tuesday, the 19th day of November, next.
S H. TATK, Protb'y.
Prolby's Oflice, Oct. "5, 1861.
DRAWN for November Term, 3d Mondav, 18th
day, 1861.
John Smith, Esq., Thaddeus Hoenstine, Anthony
Zimmers, Jos. DitD Esq., John Ftighter, Michael
Naugle, Henry Gayer, Benj. Valentine, Robert
Stockman, Asa Silvers, Tobias Snider, Joseph
Mitchell, David Pluck, Henrv Mower, Jr., Daniel
Fletcher, John J. Potter, IVin. J.ysinger, William
T. Chapman, Esq., John Ford, Hiram Davis, Aroa
riah Wilson, .Michael Hartman, Wm. Rock, Jr.,
Hezekiah Burkmau.
List of Petit Jurors, drawn for November Term,
3d Monday 18th day. 1861.
Daniel May. David Shank, Jeremiah Mentzer,
Wm. Kiser, Jacob Harshberger, John Byers, Jr.,
John Bauroan, George Diehl, Peter M. Barten,
Bazel Browning, John Shafer, Joseph Snowden,
George Blytnire, Jacob H. Bnnn, Abraham M. Pi
per, Daviil Miller, Esq., Jacob Carsbman, Samuel
Niuedemus, Thomas Grove,' Thomas W. Horton,
Esq., Jacob Smith, Michael Shafer, Wm. Leary,
Jackson Morgart, Daniel Imler, Hugh Wilson,
James C. Devore, Samuel Mixil, Samuel Car
penter, Joseph W Tomlinson. Henry Yout, John
B. Fluck, Esq., Peter Hull, Philip Felton. James
J. Mcllhaoey; George Gb'ssen, John Cypher,
Moses Mclivaine.
Oct. 2f>, 1861.
IN the matter of the citation to Jacob Biddle,
Trustee of Peter Bidu.'C, to tile an account of Ida
tiUPt. The nndersigced appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas of Bedford County, to take the
evidence, find the facts, and report the same <Q the
aforesaid Court, will sit for the purposes of his ap
pointment, at his office in the Borough of Bedford,
on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, next, at 10
o'clock, A. M., when and where, all parties inter
ested are notified to attend.
Oct. 25,1861. Auditor.
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, living
in St. Clair Township, about the Ist June, last,
thirteen head of Sheep, all white, one with a bell
on, several with borns—a piece out of the ear of
each—no other marks recollected. The owner or
owners are requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pav charges and take theui away,
Oct. 25, 1801. SAMUEL CLARK.
| ETTERS of administration, bating been grau
ted to the subscriber, on the estate of George
Icki*, late of Bedford Township, decM, all persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make
payment immediately, and those having claims
against the same wiil present thetu properly authen
ticated for settlement.
St. Clair Township. Administrator.
Oct. 25, IJ*6l•
THE firm heretofore existing and trading under
the name and title of J. M. Shoemaker A Co.,
has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
firm will sal! on J. M. Shoemaker who is authorized
to settle the books and notes of said firm. AH ac
counts not settled by the Ist of December, 1861,
will be placed in the hands of an officer for col
lection. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Bedford, Oct. 11, 1861.
Tbe subscriber having purchased, the goods of
the late Arm of J. M. Shoemaker A Co., and in ad
dition having received a large supply of
be wiil sell strictly for cash er produce or on fonr
months credit to good and punctual customers, at
tne old stand of J. M. Shoemaker & Co. Call, see
and examine for yourselves at Anderson's Row.*
Oct. 18, 1861. J. M. SHOEMAKER.
MRS. E. Y. MOWRY has just returned from
the city with a now stock of fashionable
sucb ss Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Plumes, Floun
ces, Rushes, Taps, Laces, 9cc.
, Velvets of all colors, and velvet ribbons of all
widths, corded siiks and silks of every variety.—
Ladies dress caps, black aod white, also rephyrs
and Shetland wool of all shales, sewmg silk of all
colors, cheap for cash.
Ladies call and examine for yourselves. Store
East Pitt St.. opposito Mr. R. Fyau's.
Oct. 18, 1861.
IS hereby given to all concerned that at tbe next
Orphins' Court, of Bed r ord County, tbe und-srsign
ad will Rsk to t>e discharged from their office, of
Esecntors of tbo last will und testament of Jacob
Shart&er, dee'd.
Oet. 18, 1801. JACOB SUAIiTZER.
In the matter of the application ot Eliaa Del),
Executor of John Snowberger, dee'd, to sell or
mortgage the Real Estate cf said dee'd, to pay
debts, the undersiaoed, appointed to take tbe
testimony and report the facts, will meet the par
ties interested at his office, in Bedford, an the llth
day of November, 1861. st 1 o'clock.
Oct. IS, 1861. Auditor.
THE undersigned appointed to distribute tbo
money arising from the sale of tbe Real Estate of
VPm. May, hereby givea notice, that, he will for
that purpose, meet the parties interested, at his
office, in Bedford, on Saturday the 9th day of No
vember, next, when and where all may attend.
Oct. 25, 1861. Auditor.
NOTICE is hereby given, thst I intend applying
to the Oiphana' Court, at next November term, for
a discbarge as administrator of the estate of Alien
Conley, late of Napier Township, dee'd.
Oct. 25, 1861.-* URIAH CONLET.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas to me di
rected. there will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on
Saturday, the 2d day of Nov., 1861, the following
Real Estate, to wit:
A'ceitain tract ot land, situate in Broadtop
Township, Bedford County, warranted in the name
ol Wiliiaui Lane, March 16, 1802, containing 110
acres and allowance, *ec.
ALSO, one other tract of land situate in the
Township and County aforesaid, adjoining William
Lane's tract, with 15 dwelling houses, one Foundry,
one Machine Shop, one Saw Mill, one Colliery, one
Blacksmith Shop, and other out-buildings thereon
ALSO, one other tract of land situate in Town
ship and County afoiesaid, adjoining Thomas Da
vis' tract, wairanted in the name of John Cbtving
toc, April Ist, 1792 ; containing 83J acres, and al
lowance. The improvements on this tract consist
of a dwelling house, with 5 acres of ground cleared
and und< r fence.
ALSO, one ether tract of land, situate in Town
ship and County aforesaid, adjomiug the two last
tracts above mentioned; warranted in the name of
Joseph Williams, March 16th, 1802; containing
433 acres and 38 perches.
ALSO, one other tract of land, situate in Town
ship and County aforesaid, adjoining Jus Williams'
tract, warranted iu the name of Win. Lane, August
12th, 1829 ; containing 168 acres and allowauce.
ALSO, one other tract of land situate in Town
ship and County aforesaid, adjoining the William
Lane tract, warranted in the name of Jos. Williams,
March 14th 1807; containing 8 acres and 144
ALSO, one other tract of land, situate in Town
ship and County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Isaac
Grove, Joseph Williams and others; Warranted in
the name of Mordecai Williams, Aug. 14th, 1790;
containing 14U -acres and 78 perches and allowance,
the above mentioned tracts of land being on the
east side of the Kaystown brancn of the Juniata
River and containing al*>ut 1300 acres, be the same
more or less, on tb's tract there is ejected a dwel
ling bouse, and about 5 acres of ground are cleared.
ALSO, one other tract of land, situate in Town
ship and County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Isaac
Grove, and others, warranted in the name of Mi
chael Sipes, 1793; containing 100 acres, more or
ALSO, one other tract of land, situate on the
west side of the Knyatown branch of the Juniata
River, in Hopewell Township, County aforesaid,
opposite Hopewell Iron Works, warranted in the
name of Frederick Swartz, dated Dec. 2d, 1786 ;
containing 91 acres and allowance. On this tract
there is an apple orchard and alKiut 80 acres cleared
and under lence.
ALSO, one other tract of land situate on hoth
sides oi Yellow Creek, including mouth thereof, in
Hopewell Township and County aforesaid, warran
ted in the name of James Fiper, containing in all
about 119 acres, the improvements on this tract
consist of 5 houses, one grist mill, one barn, and
30 acres are cleared and under fence.
ALSO, all the right, title and interest, of the
Hopewell C<>a! and Iron Company of, in, and to,
paits of several contiguous tracts of land, situate
on Yellow Creek, Hopewell Township, County af
foresaid, comprising a seat for water works, on
Yellow Creek, aforesaid, and an oar bank on the
River Mountain, being parts of several warrants, in
the name of Hannah Montgomery, Robert Mont
gomery, Rebecca Monns, Stephen Kerr, Hunter,
Decker, Lane, Griffith, Swartz, Forrester, and
Hini'b ; containing 1850 acres, more or less, to
gether with their right, title and interest ac- j
eruing, or that may to them, lifter deed of j
William Law to Jonathan Lesley, dated the If*''l
day of November, 1830 ; on these premises there |
is erected a dwelling house, and 40 acres are clear, j
ed and under fence.
ALSO, all the right, title and interest of the j
Hopewell Coal and Iron Company, to a certain j
parcel of land, in Hopewell Township, Bedford ;
Jounty, containing 26 ncres, moie or less, wh'ch
Millikens and Benedict purchased by articles of
agreement dated the 4th day of March, 1837, from
Jacob Finch, more fnlly described in agreement
with Stephen Weimar, dated March the 4th, 1860.
On this tract there is an ore hank
ALSO,-all ore mines, ore leave lights and other
mioeral rights under the said article of agreement
above mentioned ; the above described property
being known as '.he Hopewell Iron Works, em
bracing a water power of the Kaystown branch
with Furnace, Forge and Sawmill thereon erected
ALSO, all tint certain tract, piece or parcel of
land, situate, lying and being hi the said Township
of Broad top, on the banks of the Kaystown branch
ot the Juniata, abjoining lands surveyed in the
name of Montgomery and other lands of the said
party of second part, containing 20 acres sntl 68
perches and allowance, Arc., being the same tract
ot l ind which Henry Y. Clause, of Broad Top Tp.,
in the County of Bedford, Penn'a, and Barbara, his
wife, by indenture dated the 6th day of August,
1856, and recorded in the office for recording needs,
Ac., in and for Bedford County, record book, A.
E , page 84, the 19th day ot August. A. D. 1856,
granted and conveyed to the Hopewall Coal and
Iron Company, their successors and assigns. Tho
improvements on this tract consist of one house
and stable, shout 20 acres are cleared ami under
And all the above described property taken in
execation as the property of the Hopewell Coal
and Iron Company, am! to be sold for cash.
JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oflice, Bedford, Oct. 18,1861.
At an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and
for the County of Bedford, on the 2<l day of Sept.
A. D., 1861, before the judges of the said Court—
On motion of O. E. Shannon, Esq., the Court
grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representa
tives of Eliza Colvin, late of Schellsburg Borough,
deceased, tq wit: Jane Schell, deceased, leaving
issue, Abraham C., Charlotte A., James H., Mar
tin and Edward Schell, the last two ol whom are
Illinois, who have for their guardian Robert M.
Taylor, Esq., James resides in Indiana, Abraham,
Charlotte and Martin, r.-side in Ohio, and the
others iu Bedford County, Chailotte, intermarried
with Martin Reilcy, Eliza, intermarried with Robert
VI. Taylor, Esq., William, George M., Charles W.,
Margaret, intermarried with John M. Robison,
Reuben aud John E.,'all residing in Bedford Coun
ty, to be and appear, at an Orphans' Court, to lie
held at Bedford, in and for said County, on the
third Monday, 18th day of November, next, to
except or refnse to take tbe real estate, of said
EUzaColvin, dee.'d, at the valuation, which has
been valued and appraised, in persuance of a writ
ot Partion or Valuation, issued out of the Orphans'
Court, of Bedford County, for that purpose direc
ted or show cause why tbe same should not be
sold by order of the said Court.
®ln testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and tbe seat ol tne
said Court, at Bedford, the 18tb dav
of Sdit., A. D., 1861.
•Attest. Clerk.
Joh.v J. Cesssa. She/iff.
C ft/in BUSHELS or OATS wanted immedi
t/jUUU ately.for wlicbti.e CASn will be paid
upon its delivery at Cump Thotnas. Cumberland,
Quarter Master 2nd Potomac Reg. Home Brig.
Get. 18, 1861.
Old Postage Stamps,
OLD postage stamps and envelopes, will be ex
changed for new ones, at the Bloody Run Post Of
fice, lor aix days from the date of thia notiee. Af
ter that time all letters with the eld stamps upon
tbem will be sent to tho dead letter office.
Oct. 18, 1861.-* P. M. Bloody Run.
Whereas my wife, Rebecca, has left my bed and
board without any just cause. 1 therefore warn all
persona from harlioring or trusting her on my ac
count, aa I will pay no debts,of her contracting.
Oct. 11, 1861.
Is precisely what its name indicates, for while
pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhiler
nting, and strengthening to thp vita! powers.
It also revivifies, reinstates aDd renews the
llood in all its original purity, and thus re
stores and renders the system invulnerable to
attacks of disease. It is the only preparation
ever offered to the world in a popular form so
as to be within the reach ot all. So chemi
cally and skillfully combined as to he the most
powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted
to as to act in perfect accordance with the law*
of nature, find hence tooth the weakest stomach, m
and tone up the digestive organs, and alliy all™
nervous arid other irritation. It is also per. Li
exhilarating in its effects, and yet it is A
■| never followed by wtssitude or depression of f":
f spirits. It is composed entirely ot Vegetables*?
those thoroughly combining powerfuljtt
■ tonic and soothing properties, and conse-55
r quently can never injure. Such a remedy Iho-R
■ long tieeu felt to be a desideratum in the mcdi- ;.j
cat world, both by the thoroughly skilled inH
y medical science, and also by all who have
■ fered from debility ; for It needs no
v. skill or knowledge even to see that
attacks of disease, and lays the un-i
■ guarded system open to the attacks of many
the most dangerous to which poor humanity
*gis constantly liable. Such, for example, as. .
■ the following : Consumption, Bronchitis, l:i.fl|
■ digestion, Dyspepsia, Loss cf Appetite.
nnms, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, P alpha
■ tion of the Heart, Melancholy, Hyj oc in iria, ft
Hi Night Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, au l alii
r tnat class of cases, s.i fearfully fatal if unaf. ™
tended to in time, ealh-d Female Weakness ana
I Torpidity, and Liver Cotnpl nuts, Diseis"* ol id
the Kidneys, Scalding or Incontinence of tin ffi
Urine, or any general derangement of thaW
Organs, Pain in the Back, Side, ari lbk
■' between tlie Shoulders, predisposition to Slight
Colds, Hackine and Coutinued Cough. Ktua-L
Agciation, Difficulty of Breathing, and indeed we A
* might enumerate many more still, hut we havcC
PJspace only to say, it will not only cure tbt
debility 'following Chills and Fever, but pre- s|j
I vent all attacks arising from Miasmatic In U
fluences, and cure the diseases at once, if al ™
readv attacked. And as i: nets directly *"<!■
persistently upon the biliary system, arousing D
P* the Liver to action, promoting, iu fact, all the W
excretions and secretions of the system, it
will infallibly prevent any delilerious const'. ■
quetices following u:on change of climate annj
Q water ; hence ail travelers should have a bo'. ft
kgtle with tbem, and all should take a table—
J spoonful at least before eating. As it prc-HI
■ vents costiveness, strengthens the
*0 organs, it should be iD the hands of till persons
■ of sedmtaty nabits, students, ministers, liter- A
men. And all ladies not accustomed tn™
■ much out door exercise should always use
they will they will find an agreeable, picas-H
■ ant, and efficient remedy against those illw
whicli rob them of their beauty ; for beauty
- • cannot exist without health, and health cannoi™
'exist while the above'irregularities continue.
nr.'l'hen again, the Cordial is a perfect Mother'sS.
■ Belief. Taken a month or two before the final iff
trial she will pass the dreadful peri'*d with,
■ perfect ease and safety; There is tin mistake J
uttot t it, this Cordial is all we claim far it. — fig
■ Mothers, try it! And to you we appeal to' j
If dated !he illness or decline not only of yourfe
daughters before it be too late, but also yourM
• sons and husbands, for while the former, from V
| false delicacy, often goes down to a prematurely
■ grave rath.-r than let their condition he known
™in time, the latter are often so mixed up withW
the excitement of business that it it were not
tor you they too would travel in the same*
downward path, until too late to ntrest their
fatal fill. But the mother is always vigilent,
and to you we confidently appeal; for we are
sure yeur never tailing affection will unerring
ly point you to Prof. Wood's Restorative
Cordial and Blood Renovator as the remedy
which should be always on hand in time of
need. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 441 Broad
way, New York, and 144 market street, St.
Louis, Mo., r.nd sold by all good Druggists.—
Price One Dollar per Bottle.
Sold by B. F. Harry, Bedford.
WHEREAS, Daniel Sleighter, late of Monroe
Township, Bedford County, dee'd. died,
seized of the following Real Estate, to wit :
One tract of land, being the mansion place, con
taining one hundred and eighty acres, inure or less,
situate in Monroe Township, and County of Bed
ford, aforesaid leaving ten heirs, or the
children of heir, to wit: Mary, intermarried with
John Garlick, who died aud afterwards was married
with John Hall, and is now dead, leaving issue
seven children, viz: Adam, Daniel, Catharine,
Sarah, Barbara. Abraham, and Nicholas Garlick,
Washington Hall and Margaret Hall, all residing in
Bedford County, except Daniel Garlick, whose
residence is unknown, Nicholas Sleighter, Sophia,
widow of James G. AtcFarland, dee'd, John
Sleighter, Daniel Sleighter, Louisa Anna, intermar
ried with Barclay Marcley, Matilda, intermarried !
with Sol. Feight. Rachel, who was intermarried J
with Alwaham Garlick, and is now dead, leaving
issue three children, to wit: Joseph, Catharine and j
Peter Garlick. Jos. Slighter, all residing in Bedford i
County and William Sleighter, residing in Blair
County, California.
Notice is therefore hereby given that in pursu
ance of a writ of Partition or Valuation to me di
rected, I will proceed to bold an Inquisition or
Valuation on the on Tuesday the 119 th
day of October, 1801, when and where "all parties I
may attend if thev see proper:
JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Oflice, Bedford, Oct. 4, 1861.
W" HERE AS the Honerable Francis M. Kiit
mfll, President of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas in the counties composing the 16th Ju
dicial District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jaii Delivery, fertile
trial of capital and other offenders in the said Dis- j
trict—and A, J. Ssively and John T-atio*, Ea
quires, Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas
and Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer,
and general Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capi
tal and other offenders in tho connfy of Bedford—
have issued their precept and to me directed, for
holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General
Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer
at Bedford, on MONDAY the 18th day of Nov.
next. Notich is terebv given to all the" Justices ot
the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within th,.
said County of Bedford, that tbey be then and tbvro
in their proper persons, with their rolls, recordse
and inquisitions, examinations and other remem
brances, to do thooe things which to their offices
and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also
they who will pros, cute against the nrisoners that
are or abail be in the Jail of Bedford County, to be
than and there to prosecute against them as sba!
be just.
JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bedford, Oct. 2, 1861.
All delinquent subscribers to the Captel Ste tk of
. the Bedford Rail Road Company, are hereby noti-
I fiod, that they will lie released from the payment of
I the 12 pyr centum interest chargeable under the
. charter of the Company, by making- pay of the
money dlie from tbem within thirty days from the
10th day of October, 1861; or by giving their notes
j payable with interest from dato,
i By order of the board, J. P. REED.
' . - Treasurer.
Oct. lltb, 1861.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compound remedy, in which we hare la
bored to produce the most effectual alterative
that can be made. It is a concentrated extract
of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other
substances of still gTeatcr alterative power as
to afford an effective antidote for the diseases
Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is belicvod
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
of immense service to this large claa of our
afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
iment on many of the worst oases to be found
of the following complaints:
OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole
class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OF
This compound will be found a great pro
moter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel *.ae foul humors which fester in the
blood at that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulceroua
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural, channels of the body
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,
or sores; eleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the hlood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has not all the virtue that is claimed
for it, but more because many preparations,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of these have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we have ground far
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed to enre. In order to secure their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bottle,
Price, $1 per Bottle | Six Bottles for $5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do mere than
assur' the people its quality is kept up to the best
it ever has been, and that "it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Costivenets, Jaundict, Dysptpsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,
Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and
Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a
Dinner rill, and for Purifying the Blood.
They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi
tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the
best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a
family physic.
Price 25 cents per Box; 5 Boxes for SI.OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States
men, and eminent personages, have lent their
names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
insertion of them. The Agents beiow named fur
nish gratis our AMERICAS ALMANAC m which they
are given; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand AYER'S. and take no others. The sick
want the best aid there is for them, and they .should
have it.
All our Remedies are foT sale by
B. F. H.irry, Bedford ; BarndoUar Ac Son, Bloody
Run ; G. B. Aniick, St. Glearville ; J. Brent-man,
VToodtvrry; George Gsrdill, West Endj J. JJ,
Colvin, Scbellsburg; and by dealers generally.
Sept. 28, 18C0.
Rheumatism, Rent and Neuralgia,
It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a
medicated compound, to be worn around the Waist,
without injury to the most delicate j>ersous, no
change in habits of living is required, and tt en
titely removes the disease from the system, with
out producing the injurious effects arising form tbo
use of powerful internal medicines which weaken
and destroy the constitution, and give temporary
relief only. By this treatment, the medicinal pro
prieties contained in the Band, came in contact
with the blood and reaches the disease, through Jhe
pores of the skin, effecting in every instance a
perfect cure, and restores the parts afflicted to a
healthy condition. This band is also a most pow
erful ANTI-MERCURIAL agtnt, and will entirely re
lieve the system from the ptrntetous effects
oT Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few
days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials
of its efficacy in aggravated cases ol long standing.
Pmc* $2,00, to be had of Drucgists generally, or
can be sent by mail oi express, with full directions
for use, to any part of the country, direct from
the Principal Office.
!*o BROAWAY, W York.
G- SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors ,
-V. B. — Dttcriptive Ciroilers Sent Fret.
For sale by B. F. Harry, Bedford.
June 28, 1861.
ALL kinds of Groceries just received, and for
sile cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No- J-
Anderson's Row
June 29, 1860.