Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 08, 1861, Image 1

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~V V R---
s&pXdSzr Qjr r -
Fro,7i Forney's Press.
Liaes cc thi; Deaih of Col. Biker.
O ! let the solemn drama bo beat,
And hannets low y wave ;
Let dews of sorrow hatha the feet
That io'.'ow to the grave.
Xot wailing trumpet*, softai-d slow/
Their n;<>uritful tale impair j
The stroke that laid the patriot low
lias smote the nation's beait.
No peer, nor garter -d kn : ght, forsooth,
But, far more high and proud,
A man of royt.l birth, in truth,
Lies cold in martial shroud.
With want ho struggled years aloae,
And penury's keen sting;
But Nature stamped him lor a throne,
And ri t ht has crowned him king.
A monarch he, of vast estates,
Where'er the brave cm gi;
A htro, for be fought the f.tus
That press the beggir low.
And when tie fhg our father* bore
Was ph-rctd ly traitors through,
The aim t! at succ> red hiru of yore
Susiaiued bis country too.
Full in the face of tieason's hordes,
in council and in (h id,
lie bstt'.ed with his burning words,
And smote with glittering steel.
But O ! that high strung heart is rout
By the rude tiattle-storm ;
And pallid in his mildewed tent
Slumber the soldier form.
Let none but freemen bear him thence,
Let nouu but patriots weep;
When Freedom i urns her pure incense,
Let his proud ashes sleep.
Back oa the prairies of the West
His martyr feet have trod ;
Down by the bluo Pacific's breast,
Lay him beneath the sod.
The scusct glow on mountain p3ak,
The moonlit lake's embrace,
The rich hues tkat the autumn streak,
Shall cheer his resting plsca.
The winds that sweep the snowy verge,
The floods from ago to age,
Shall swell to him solemn dirge,
The soldier aud tho sage.
And while the mountain cedar grows,
Or stars burn iu the sky.
With those who fe.-l a nation's woes
His name 5h.,11 nev.r die.
PHILADELPHIA, October 23, 1*61.
THE 1! AL.IFOit.YI 4 itES ciJU T
The country will be profoundly affected by
the intelligence 'hat the Hon. K D ll.k r.
Senator froru Oregon, Col. of the California
Regimen', reciuitrd in Philadelphia, aU 1 com
mander of a brigade rnn-tly made up of Phila
delphia rejjimeu's, wi killed iu battle on Moil- '
d-tjr, near Leesturg, Virginia, while gallantly '
leading his uieo into the fight. A more noble I
and patriotic statesman aud soldier did nut
live, and it is a sad, sad task to chronicle his
untimely death.
Senator Raker's life has been almost a re- j
roance. He is an 'ld Pi iUdelphisn. "nd of
Qiaker lineage. 11-a unees ore were J l ] uglish :
Ptionds. Col. Biker himself was horn iu j
Jvogtaud, but was brought to Puiladeipbia when j
au infant, where he, with ay unger cro.hei, \
woie left orphans soon after their arrival
1 rtis calumny Jft thou no tesouroes hut to '
work their way tiir-.ugb tho world wttb their j
own hands. For a while young Baker, the 1
pica'tit Senator, worked sa 4 hand loom weaver i
ia a small m.uufauti,ing establishment near
thirteenth and Siuth strecn, where the Imm
upon which he I .bored is snill t-t.adiug. Uia
iikefy, now, to beootaa at) object of interest.- I
Before lie reached manhood, be p.d aim? t
lentigo to the stti !y of the law, ol left Pad*
wie'pljw for the vire.t West, fits pit so being
bfib , he and his joti>r brother eroaei the
Allegh. niey and w.nt through Ohio and lusii
an, ailths w.y oaf.mi, a .tl mey reached the tiv. r, which tb*y descended ia * es
noe, and at last found themselves on tbe broad
pranieeol' Illinois. In this dtvte OJI. Biker
look up the atady of Rip U ja a regular way,
a- 1 wwu mic for hi<e|*|f a o iaiuvea at the
eir of Bpriogfitld, where be ut-t—iojistituct
colleagues an j sniuetioiea as dvjr>aris—
both ih dooeosed I>jogUa aud Pretidjut b u.
U''°g "f active rniud, he t>ok part Iu the
P' I tea of Illinois, hut as ha w.s a Wuig, aud
•u a Urungly D moeraiie S'unr, he did not up.
pear to put>!tj life until ISIS, when h i was
Uceted t 0 Congress. Shortly after this, the
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, Ac., Ac—Terms: One Dollar md Fifty Cents in Advance.
M X'e-iu W.r lnvi-jg occured, ho r Ue I * reg
ime! t in this State, ami went on' to rei- force
Gm. Taylor, Uetcwning Itotu - * •* a hearer of
despatches, a'n r several in otths* service on
I the llio Blende, ho resit tied his seat iu tjon
urcs, but lu"9 : iiiuiie list, ly resigned and
rejoined hts regiment. He ptrtieipvted iu the
j siege of Vera Cruz, and iu ih bloody st ruu
j gle in OerroOorlo, and nt'-er G ti 'ral S tiel is
i rveeivod his af pire> t y ; U ort .1 w.uni 1, .at tt
j let er h tttl , CVI. B.ker to >k c niiuiau i of the
; brigade.
After the wr was over. Col. B k>r wis
I ag'lio ele.'t • 1 to C i tyr >ss f. niu 111 it >is, wh Te
-he *erv>-i with di.tinu.ioii .lurtui; ft • se-stutis
'it ISID mid ISSO. li'.s ed Vetiilirotis sptri'
soon 1-d it Mil t.. j new fi :id. In io" of
j-a cotiltact with die I'.IMUI It .iiroa i(J itiip.-
n_i, he raised, e,j nppd. and led to the I,th
j tou.s, four hundred m il, with whom lie survey-
Icd and c!ered tttooh of tho of tliit
Mip'nt tjt highway. Here, in o >111:11 >0 with
i many of his l.bottis, lie w-.s s iz ->j wi>h tuo
|dea;ly f>tn.iu. fever, mi l iie.iiy 10-t his life.
| ll returned to liliii.ds wi h b .to i and
I foituuc Very uiueti imp.iied, and in 1552 went
j With h's Nlnitl to t'eilfoiDK. In S.ulriUC •
i co, Cnl. Baker swell t >k a fiont rank hi his
j pto'assioti of th' !'W, atft uetj'iiiod a most !ti*
j cratt'e pf ictto •. ll.i f,un as a I wyer aw 1 or
ator penetrated <v- rv part f rema'ki
1 ble Stai. But ti > was famm- d o a., au or
; atot, and 1 t- panegyric of B.oderick, ov r taa
; body of the uutt>r> .1 S -oator, is > t ; i ,, hive
beer, one of the grind s' i-xhit.i ions of fcrved
eleqw ever ee n or heard on 'hi- comment.
But little more Iluti a veer ago, tho sptrtt
of heittg -till iu full Vf If Iti tils
t.l ear:. Col remivet t> Oeg on. Sits
character an i fame had precede I hi.n, and
writ iuuuedi itely a!t-t his >.rtiv.i he w.s
eltc'ed to the Son,ty of the United St.te.s for
five years, line tu lis it rtit cs as . p trio',
be a second tin. , und.-r al.teist x .ctly amiiiar
ciieuiijs'iliiiS, 1-ila-ilo the i* )h> s of tie leg.
tsi-tor for tlie armor of a seiner.
At the outhre -.k of the re'• i!i-n he raised
a regiment called the Caiftrnia B giuitwi'A
mostly culia'e iin this city. S ins -J UM ly h
added atiothir batta ioi. to it, also ut i'otli
delphiitif. N•'sa iti d wt'h 'i.t-, he tinier
took the organ j.tin. of btigide. wh*.di he
successfully eccotitplislied out of sci'er.l P.n!-
ade.pfita legimeuts. ji was it the h'ad of
j one of these that fee lost his litj, f.liing in do
; f-nre rf his cnuutry'g lifo aud lienor—. Pftilu.
| Inquirer.
The Confederates Getting Discouraged—
"Uneasiness and Distrust" Feit in
Regard to their Leaders.
The Kichmoti I VVh g of the l£th instuat makes
i the loll: wing i--r.iark.i l ■ ft.,s< itions :
I Ail the indicstiorm point to n Jong war. At otic
tinm We had h.jped licit thy ilash—t fi-- dm ot our
j volunteers unrestrained, hut s.mpli auidad l.y aide
Generals—woul 1 have jil.i.t.-d our i.oi.*rs h.-f-*ro i
frost in the tit-art of tho ertetm's country aw I con
quered an honor ib! peace. Hut a ditf.jreiit policy
has d. We of til. Snutti who Wv-rj to a'- |
tack, adopt -it a syale u wf defence, an.!, so :
f.r, I avo uniformly w lit -d the uivinne of tho ,
foe Tnis may no the s tfor p'icy, hit we hvj j
never ,bin to it. Our c nwv ctiou
is that a victoii us olvauce into ih--au-onv s con- |
try is the "lily roil to a listing ant honoraoie
peace. U'u taus? fight ami we must c oiq-nr l.ef .r-: •
wo can nuke a tredy. if we cannot .h. this we,
! must suluuit to the f.te of the ivo"k. r piny. The ;
j enemy have dominion ov *r the sea; lie c.n as,ail •
ju* st almost ii.nuin.-rable points: he can plund .-r
! >.ur coasts and penetrate our rivers. He is supreme '
'in the Chesapeake May ; he commands the Polo- 1
tmac; he h s possession of M.r iui l, ot No th- f
j western Virginia, an lis c >n'ea for Missouri i
, and Kentucky. While he I hoi tens our wholje nst,
lit: III.y aw il us ut any point of our extend-d \
frontier. This whole aim >u >u iu tst on al.eie 1 he. j
fore wo can hive pe.cson any terns compatible t
with f-obor ai d safety.
| We liV" never heard <d any pi in suggested for
f iff cling this deaira'-Ie nlt. rainoi aln.rt of cirryii.g
I the war into the em-mi's coin try. Wlieu west md ;
j on the defensive, and the eu.-iny is n.trei.c .e l on i
; this side of th.< Potomac, it is impossi I. lor us to
dest-ov td.s su. ietriecy at st. or prevent his pre.ii ,
tory iueursii ns on <ur coist. d' are .-u j ; -te 1
to 1 i the li'oadVilitagt aif a delt-mm-w toi in.
|<U flute -lur ition, or to ape ic.. dictat- d t.y I tie eu
eiuy. T'.e pousit.ility <i| our ti'-ces-. is not wi:l>- i
inta ig of a-ctdent. To prer.u; ..ur iuijjugttiOa j
or eXli-riniu >li ,ri is all w > cm h >p • f>r
We have no skill iu str.t -gv, and know r.otli
of t' e m aua tth: comma 11 of our tare t ;
hut ;t is all that is lott to i.s, we hid as Well
he lookitii-out for tortus of snhut ssioti, au 1 tlie
sown rthe hitter. All endless War which If iris no i
opportuiiity for either victory ot revenge is a bout
less Uliiieitaking.
Too Southern people wt.o havo ofT r-d them
selves an ith ir..l for the pr.ufjcution ot tlti- wir,
ami who have reposed implicit confidence iu the
men etttius e l witu i:s conduct, h ve I I for
something he'ter.- It is u•!to no disgilisetl that a '
8 ne ol uucastui Ss and distuiit is gra lit illy slip,
planting that gemr .us confidence. A su-picioti i,
gut. n.' ground tint all th - of our
positim hive not Ifoaii pr .flced tiy as they tniglit
have Oeen ; that tb i wir his ut been pros -cuiod
wiih the vigor ami on -rgy deui uide-l by tiio enter. |
gency. V\ e hear uiutt. rin,- an 1 c >tnpl uutH, apart
Ir.iui those connected Willi toe qaa term .st. i. coin,
inisftiry and uir.tiicd 0 partuiuuis, gn.wi got tof
the j>potutiu ut ot s > many eivili ,tu t<> hig > rotn
luamitk .Moby of these app'-l .tiueuts hive
tbe country w4> ot ooiuj great dts
Tile Traitor Vullaudighaiu Rr
Tb Ooßfrewioobt distnot iu Ohio, mis-rep.
rueeuted by Uw rebel aya pthiar Vallundu
Aa* *1 the recent elcctioo over J>OUO
Uoion IU Joiity! Ai the diatviot at the last
Freidnuial electioa g*o * uiajirity agsiagt
LIDOULN, tbo traitor Cuogreesuiaa utigbt rc
grd it as s notice to joiil (
Wink atsuiall injuries r.titer than so-rigo ,
thetu. If, to destioy single bee, you throw
down tiic hive, lusieai of otto LDCUIV you have i
a thoUsßlld. ,
What s una ins Icaruod is ot iinpurtause, <
but what lie can do, and what Us will do, uro I
more sigtiifioiuit imugs.
Frirntfi'. AilhiU I i'elh \cer.
A.\'O niEH Aifoixr.
. Titn accounts hav hreu so eohfumd art! in
| auurate witieii w < seer, <,f i|.|, bi'tie,
j w iah !in be-ti rp'-e<.,n!e>i hy dm r-*p .rts of
! lettar wri'ers and p nic iink-.r- as M-ei-idi'tnl
| 'o t to L .deril ifiu-" as Wall as Moody but which,
jin truri), wis so eui'iietji|y . hotiorahie to r|.e
j eour#sn nod conduct of our tr.< ips. tut w
are glid to -'.e ab.e to I oaodaad'urn ,ijf r,-ad'- : f8
; tli • sunj .itie.l correct history of th* hiiii.ui
; affair, for which we .-ire in 'eitted to * verv in
; t'-lltgei.t ro'uieihan, who w-s near the .-.cctta
wIIHII 'fie t. .1 t|o wi< f 'Ug'l', w i • a trr w tt is iu*
; f'rtii-l liuu-i'ilf a i'h rtu iv Iv of thep.r>ieu
lar-ot 11 • eog igooi-in ail tio'ij-s s, itilwno
lef K Iw.r-I'- Ferry d.y bd.e yesterday.
In one r.-p.i t tho itigsg.-uiei.t tl M. tiday
j• Harris!lt's 1 lnttd by G.-n. Baker's
jof M.j r U -it. Stone's advancu, w*s btip.i.g
the iiiot reiuxkihlo it, tlm worli's
! 0 .-ijcteeti it4if>irs%i men J.
who licl 1 out for dine hours ugati.-t >nt ovet
wii-luting force of ibe ii< my, little ttiore
th. n.lf have rtturned to their e.uips on !m
Maiyiaod shine. On rare ouci.-inos iu 11-
hi-toy of battles itiseueli a per centajje of
10-S been wilUeseed. It atiUnd .I.' ly attest
! 'Uj' c o! o .ur.gfi and .I.ring of the an I
; wi.! s'att I tilt* I'hrciiiOpy so if this wr.
An imprer-iou tun>i tpcori. it with regard
to .it 'no rule ot tnis bittle on dangers he r-p
--ut ittou <>t tin avrvivovs, >itid does great inj i—
lice to the real cliara.t.r and results of tln -i.t, s devised aud planned by G jii
StotP'. Tnnugll our troops haV" How 6,-en
wi lidrawtt f.oiu tbs Virginia chore m l til
lines of rebel pickets tinW o .ilfruUt E iwaruV
F r. v, a chingeof jlati we are not h-ro to
<i s :us. we dcaiie tiiat it f>U tul.l not be forgot
ten bow gallaut y an 1 weii th* er ..sing of to
i' t'Ui.O was won, to of and thwiriin.*
the ilit nitons •! tin riuuny. Nit to -pe gol
t<l>-' i.opresstoHs w. desire to correct, we hi v.
! lu .'iie u, the. tesuit ot the ca.efill iuve-tio,
|iWrtis id i> |nit-: WHO visited the l .oali
ty and lite c unpi ot regiiu :uls ■ tigged, and wi
re gteatly tui-t -keti it it do ti*.t app. ar tbere
; Itoin in li tt*sp ots the veiu-nt w s
a real ant] valuable one, though put chased <a<
: fa.' .vy los.
| Tits Aneiny w*re in p-.s-.-M-hm of the Virgin
it shore, aud lutiy ad.i-e.l of G *tt. Stent's ins
t-ndad iu .vem'nt Tnere are two t'e.raes ao oss
the Po'otu.c at that—oue of tlifotu U *a
r >d\*, at the bead of ilirri-oa Island, a '"Hff
narrow tract of four hundred acres, in mid
s're.iu, an i tbe other H 1 ward's F-*rry,six miles
below, on the. direct i-nu<t trout B-.oh-sviile
L e-burg It was Gn S one's phn to div- tt
the .ittentinri of the fiieaty from both these to
tt.trd pooi, of i,ts own fcli-ciion, live miles
above KJw.rd's F try, atjl.e fo t i 11 airi-siiti'.-
| (-land, ami by linking teint of throwing over
bis whole c lunto .t tint imite the tehel
i attack. while at K w,rd* Feirv, thus left free,
. <l.o uiain lutiy could be in-'ie-l actus-, without
i bindermice. And j tst this was done.
If we are under-too l in brief statement
j tbe fact wl.l stand th.t the little foreo of tin;
gallant and laimu.t d Bak<-r becatue as it w.-rc
: lorlorn hop... which, m fearful risk and re
sii't t'i iheiu-e v. 8, pu.eha-.rii immunity nd
site crossing for the body,
j Got. B.ker received the order (or his
iticnt .>n Sunday. The raine evening Oap'ait.
I'itiibrick a> d Lieut. 11-jwo, of Cad. id. vet*
loth Mttr-Mchnretcs, twenty im u, crossed
the tiver at the p-ntit at eve indie.t" d, at.o
in de a thornugli r-coonoisanc-e to wi'hiti a utile
and a II .If of I. Tslncg, and r.-tured repor'itig
tl at no on uiv 1.-.d bet-n seen. All 'hrougl
th-t night, t*y fscilt ies tor far t.
ineonipletd and for the ptl p .se,
G*n. li-ker was thmwi ig ov n r; ami
a' daybreak t'.e first line was formed a i Bull's
Biuff, H'riout cig!ity ft-ut above the river. .11 r
iog ti the top an area of several hundred acres
surrounded by trees. Save in tbe ann'e to the;
sot'hw'st, where a clearing .ml ..rtifield j
wi-h tmooru iu tht yhocks, opened out to th. i roa-J.
Ino f'.rce of 0 'it. linker was HHBU' 1 7lX'
Ul"le op of'broken rcyiuj' n's. The
M iisnclitte tn 15 !i lini 700 in MI present, the
til) h Al I*H''IIIIH3 tr "iilj. t iretf companies. (he
(I.ilifiirnin Bug.he about 6(JO men, and the
ruw.u> (N Y ) Ivtgiwout (wo or three cm
ptnied. lucre iu ulsiino hnwuzrs of
Uioketts' United St >l6l battery, dr. wo by
'big rope-, Mini 000 James's r-fled pun of the
Kinnie i-land buttery, to the command of
wliioii Ij -'ireo'iri* Biuuiliull vya* detailed froui
■be N< vt Voik 0 h.
'1 lie first nit'iik of rhe enemy wis uiade a
bout si* o'clock, froui iude tifla pit.s in the
corn field, This was met w th a gull .lit olnroe
of the .\l.iss;i ;|iuscct,is 15 It, vvtio druvu the
em my from their coverts at the point of ttie
biyonet* A.'ter -limp woik f.>r some three
bin t> along the whole f otit of tha loile line,
the cm-uiv b ing kept in cheek with the thtee
pieces ot aitiilery, they themselves using only
rifle* ami cavalry carbines in ihe action, a lull
took place; during ulnch would p; e r, fmiu
the very uiiM ppicli' itsioii General tin no liatl
designed to create, ib>t lebsls were drawing
tlictr whole liue fain above ana below to
sitt-Uttihcu the centre of their liuc, which they
L> litvcd te be ibrcatcued by the Lead of our
inaiti columu.
While nur tioope were rating Iheir dinner,
about two l*. 31 , tbe rebel firing recommen
ced, at short r 3 ringe, from a line extending
on three sides about our biitlu front, from a
ttioiig the trees and from tint tree lop-. iuny of
which w ro lull of sh-trje-ah'i)iers Froui this
time until night full the light knew uo cessa
tion. We R-mmit write its details; they press
uh"u u- fioui every b-uJ, and the account
would poises* welt nigh the ti-l mcboly and
tragij interest of "Lnveweir* Fight. '*
About four o'clock Geo. Biker tell, pierced
Iby four to 'rtal wouuds The rebel shsrp
sh"'er pick- .1 out the • fB->'rs with unerring
; aiiii- U .ty one cup*, .in iu the M is.s-.ebi*sct s
1? iff i*c i.t ti, C|.i tin I'niibii k r.-tiirno i to their
camp- the other -tx, with five lieu'enants, are
tui-sing—several ko >wn t> i.e kd! d. The
enure io-s act ti >wit as "mis dug" to Colonel
HsV n- 1 regiment is thr-'O.toi'idred and t iirtv
one an.*ti nearly half of |iicir itumtxr in tlie
fi hi They were meruit* t in Worc s'er
.i>>fnwy. ijaiil G *o. l fe"r: "II >d I tv .re
rfgijß-nts like the Midm hu > 'to Kli.iith,
I would cut tu viv.y in i-i. -bag " Th-' oh
er regiiueu's diiivJl and suff.-red nearly a*
evening came Col. sue
ceediujj j., tl| C go mm iml at th-* dvath of Got
Biker, orders ti f-.riu i-. o- lum't <nd et|t
th-trwiy dowti the riv.-r bank to E'wird's
I I -rry. with 'lis h pu of rncliiig G-n S'.oie's
coium,til. At t tis j iiicure a.i.m inittou gave
out mil tho left of t |j. line; t. Ie Wtju V troops
'heie w .vere.l, bin w re su-tained by tiu
tie and right, though hopeless ol success a. -uclt odds. Aii order w.s then given
to re'reat ;i.;r-'ss th" liver to II trri**,||'s Isl.ud
■o I Col. B-veils -b'ploy-'d his Fifteenth -<s
skirmishers to cover tli# retre t >!o vtt tite blnff
Here colli Iteuues the Siddeat f- .turc * f the
fi/hl. Th* of. n-of transport w r-t io.ulrq-i at*.-
cVtii when the lie crossing tvas r-'gular >o 1 in
order, and failed utterly at 'lie rn-b lli.t '- ik
pi ictf. The scow was oveiluded and swamp
•<l, Hi rawing its l.urden the at .ant
Mmy were drowuo-i: uiiny w-re sh >t while
-wi iiming the stream; m.iiy w>-re t.ken prists
m-rs on • (ie itink: an I, ott the e.idei.e-' of sev
r it otiijers, in. ti v of the wounded wire bayo
ii*t:v-J with'.iii lu.roy. Tboy retreat d to
Hirnso'i's i-| ml, white c >vered hy th* Thini
tl'i'.J • i-l Kid b .ttery; they m .iutaiued 'hci.'
p .siti.n; do-heroic lieu 1 . I't ituhiU, though
•V >uq Ie i s"Vrelv, iuii.ii- g .01 b inj Clrri-d
n* the, arms of lux> a II erg from g to £'!*>.
tireermg their r.uge au I firing u oooily as ti
>tt a pii's.lo day.
Thus ended the light at Il.rrisou's 1-land,
aiiti uieaQwbiic its purpose b.d b> eu gHtned,
the main body lt>d crossed, ami were in
posi in) on the Virginia side, with only light
skirniishittg, in which Gen L.niev received a
• ■all in bis ankle.
Gen. B.tiks, the sani" night au I on T'i"-d.ty
Wis tii'vit.g up his riivi-ioti from But nestowii,
nine Uiil*'s below Puu'esvi'l", arid on Wedu -ss
•lay began o *o-stng to j -in Gen. Sume, and
the work w.s within a few hours ot completion
when, at Gro o'clock F. M. tin \Wdii.-sdj,
the order from headqu .rters (Gen. Mc
C elUii, will liis -luft. being on the spe ) to
cross the liv. r with tbe wh b: fore., in ti o
Mry iar.ii aide, .nd tiijs #i- i ntii. lv ao.-om
plislnd by- Tlmisdiiy uiurtitng, icsviog 'a\-
bresk not t Federal s iidt.-r on the Virginia
51.0r.-; and a few hours la'cr i|c reb. ! p ck< ts
w re again tbrowu forward to the ferry ou that
I' was our purpose of explaining the relation
of this titht to Gen. S one's ero-sii g of the
riv.-r, and in that resptct i. is woitlty >.f all
prai-e, at.d would have d >tie honor to the
bravest Veterans of X p 1. on. It diwg oof
j dim their iaureis th .t their brave Nelt-sicrtficn
has been reu'lered of no by .. subsequent
I'ltitige of p'n. it is not our purpoat to
>-ti icize or iu our power to expiiin.
Sioee it is most ut'lik-ly there w',l! IMJ anything
like adequate fupply of l.ltor lor Working j>< oplo wi'itvr, nor id. the war i.s over which can only
he finished up when the Governtiieiit has un ado
quale supply of troops, wo cannot sou why ei.list
nt- nts should not he rapid. There is ample . h dec
of as'ivie.— i.i li.-r in the in fat. try, the cav.i'ty, or
the iirtillory—for or the v. luntrer forces
—both tor throe year*-—and it will t.e sevit hy the
foil -wing that to. b Iter wages cm bo hoi Sup.
pose a private to have reived one year, and that
la ing the end of the war. his account with the I
Government, reduced fo c.t.-h valn.tGn, would \
st about t tilts:
For 12 mon'l.'s' [nty at SJ3 ter month. siu6 00 i
For 12 monllitr con.uiutalion li.r clothing,
at i 42 00 |
For 12 mouth's* commutation for rations,
at sl2 144 00
For bounty, " 100 00
For grant of 100 acrcu of land (ia pros
peei) MO 01
Total for the year, $ .02 00
And supposing ids average trivel from tiic pi ice
of enrollment to the place <>f muster to be two
hundred utiles, he receiver S3O. (fifty cents for each
20 m les) ami the s.m.* on discharge ; aud if in
tho cavalry service s2> "in ad .ition.
W ASUISOTOX Oet. 2"> - I am eu tlil dto give you
the condition >.f alf.irs at Kdw.iid's Ferry. Roth
Gen. Bank's and G.-n. Stone'scomni.rids, that lia.l
crossed the. I'otom <c. are m.w on this *i.lo, not even
si picket guard ..c. unyi .g t'n> Virginia sho r e.—
Tl.ese roninaarnls bud just reached the enemy 's
I-nd in safety, whell orders were received for them i
to r.-ticat in goo I order.
1 The Cabinet were in session yesterday, hist night
and are to meet :ig tin to-day, having under con
sideration, it is siii, important military matters.—
Rumors have prevailed oxtensivi ly tiiat Gen. Me-
Clell.ut hue tciidcndhia resigns'ion. but there 14
i the highest authority for stating tint there is not
j the least foundation lor them. It is understood,
! however, that Gen. MeCiul.ut li.ut given very da.
! C'ded intimations tit it his coumitnd of the army
; ipust uot he interfi rod with.
I'he tnov.'iuent ui ido on Tuesday nt Edwards'
Ferry, was orderod lnvu as a sinij lo reeononissanco
in (dice, which wis precipitated into an engage
ment, when no idea existed of an advance oi) Looa
hurg. There Is gre it tan It SeUl-w ho>e. I Ulider
i stand that the N ivy m-sut ebirgea tho Idauia
of the i losing of the Potomac t n the War Depart
ment, inasmuch as the 1 alter ret used to supply a
regiment of wood-choppers to clear tho points of
J the Potomac of trees ->o that the rebels could have
| no shield for the erection ol their batteries,
j There are tho best of assurancea lor stating that
j Government will not permit the Potomac to re
main blockaded much longer.
| I J) iy of and Praise.
In ik' rame nnit hi/ the militarily of Ihe Cam.
manor ill i of Pennm/ln-nii, Aviuu.w G
t'CRTIN, Gnrernnr of soil Cnmntpntveallfi.
WIIKRK VB, every good gift is from above
nrt'l SOOIPS down t< its front the Almighty, to
whom it is moot, right and th hoi:j leo .July
of evrrv people to render tb-oka for Haa.nter
eies: Therefore. 1. ANDfIKW G IN,
Governor of the C%iimi nwe,lth of Hcr.tisyl
v.tia. <lo re.-..iiiuiond o the people of this
('. in innws.l b, t'-at tbev set spurt
1 TntritsDAY. 2Srn op NOVEMBER .VEST,
as a d■ v "f <d. , niii Th .t.ksgivmg to G"d. for
' liaving rtrep-ir.-.j our eorn and watered • tir fur*
! rows, an I Messed the l-bor >-f the b'tsbatld
llHTl. and r.wned 'he year wi'li His goodness,
in the mere an of the grotind stnl the gaiher
tti2 in of th" f-nits thereof, so that our b.rtis
re filled with td'tityr AND for having looked
i f.vnruldv on this Cionnaonwc-.lth and -treng'h
' ened the b-rs of (or g.t>s rii? bi'**sed the
ch'dd'en n i'l.i t her, uml made Ui"n, t. be o£
one iij'iid. and preserved peace in Iter b> rders;
15 -s'-ehiiig Him also .-n bebalf of tbeje Utt -'ed
S'uies, that nsir be'oved oontitrv may have de
liverance ftetn these great and appuent dan
gers wherewi'h sh i.s compassed, si.d tio-t HP
wili it.proiftilly still t'.e not rage of perverse,
violent, unruly rebellious people, and make
j t l n*m ele-Jt) hearts, and renew a right spirit
within their, und give them grace that they see the error of their ways a fid bring
forth trni's inert for repentance,and,
in i.|l godliness and h>"t"sry, ohe>lieiit!v
it. JJ sb<>!v citim'tnltti"tit.s, and in smb-nia-ion
j to the j.j-t sto I manifest authority <>f tbo re
ptiMic. so that we i<-a*ii>ig qoit and peaces
able life, tn-iy contiuu >(ly <ff-r ut>> Iliui cur
1 erifi'-e of prst-e ar.d thanksgiving,
j f
- li. > sc.l of 'he State st liarrisb rg, toig
i /—— ) s xt-enth dsy of October, in the
; le-rof our Ivrd, one thousand eigh' hundred
| n i six'y one, and of the Commonweal'h. tbe
t-ightvs'X'h. A. G CIJIII IN'.
Secretory of the VommanwenPh.
k BiiTefivs.
Breckinsesher to Republican.— "Tlie voting
in tbe arrnv wis an ou'rage—it oueated Iler
berling, Nimson, Koolter and L-uderbnrr. out
of their election. These ftauls to bo
thrown out."
IL publican —Why—how ro?—Beaause thej wouldn't nilow I
the P :.">ct ats to iotc.
Republican- —Win didn't you teil tne th"
other day ilia: ueaily all who for oar are Democrat:-?
I'reeks. slier- Well tbyy are bu! ll)3V
didn't Ist thetu vote!
Republican—Who didn't?
Brack -eshvr —Why the liepublUant didn't
but if even they did, thoy oompelied them to
vote tlie K. publican tteke'
Republican— -nt I can't understand how
only a few Republican soldiers cm compel so
unity Democratic sd- iers to vo'e one w.y or
-nr.other, utties* the latter were cxwirds, ami
t' is I know is n>>t tho case, for oil our sol
•iters it re l.rave men, wo , I t'liuk. know how
to do th.-ir own fighting mid their own voting.
Bre. k-e-K-r—4V-11, if they were not com
prlied exactly they ware humbugged into it
fouM-bow. At all events it isn't right to let
sol tiers vote, when tbey all go on-* way.
Rej übiieou—Then surely tlmy ought to
throw out the returns frni Lower Towatueu
sing, for the ie tln-y w-nt jn-t as stroug the
other way, wi h this differ, nee, that the sol
diers fight for their country, t.d ougiit to have
the fir-t and clearest right to vo'e—even one
way -for 'ho <\ii\'ititnoo, the Union and our
glorious fi ig. wiiiJ.-t you democrats, to,be peo
ple iu To wa turn si ng htdieve all n>rls of lies
shout the iolu.iiii.rration, .nd frigh'en litem
into the hebet th it every m it) mu-t sell hi.
prope. ty it. order 'o pay his tuxes to suppo. t
th • war wine . your Southern D- uiotrala brougst
ab i it.
Breck-eaher—l deny it that the S udieru- j
ers brought on this war. It was tbo Black
Republic HIS.
Republican-—Who attickcd Fort Sututer?
And vl stole our Foils, Arsenals, Mint*, aud
Custom Houses dou South?
B.eeks—Thy weren't stolen at all—
th.y belonged to tbe South, and tho a Juitun
trsiion have no right to eweteo them.
U publican— Yes, I see y.>u arc a aecession, and had you lived in the days of (bo llcva
olutien, you would h.vo been a torv.
Bret kitoe.-li lidge—That's not true— l would
have been a D.uiocr.t ut lam now. 1 don't
wont anything more to s*y to you, for I won't
t' culled u secesstoiii-r t, v v ,. u „ r al) y o ther
man. Exit. ALucA Chunk Gtzeltc.
'I h n lei account of the fight. at Ball's ip po Lltshi d in the Richmond papers of
the 23d and 24 h end like ill other of their
military exploits ia grossly un*guiii*-d sad mis
ifpresebttd. Geo. Jtbuaoo statu that they
*.vi re of p. scd by ndte regiments end five
baMetka if our tioipe, wbfo i' 'swell known
that ar did out have over 1700 men iu
8i ti"n. Iloy tbo ftnie that the Uni"it Jom
w.s IdOO killed tid wounded moi GOO pnso
n t>i 'no tlist they cup*tired 1200 a vud of
aims ai d fiv million. A# we bad only one
< atiD'ti and two hi'Wi'zers, which we to thrown
n.t. the Potomac by onr uieo, this st.teuirui ia
<qu.11 y fuse with the rest, 'ihe great jiotut
ot their it port is the admission ol their own
loss, wbitb iaput dowu at 300 killed and
wounded, which greatly exceeds ours, our loss
being uiaiuly in the number of piLoucrs taken.
Our whole ctsuulitics in killed, wounded
and prisoners will uot much exceed 700 men.
V0L.34, M 4-5.
| D 3* Ml communication* for this department may
! fcf- addressed to the .Editor, at Bedford, Bedford
s county, Pa
j As . change of residence will reader it im
poastil e for u to conduct t iis depsrtmect any
; longer, we feel that a wotd of apology is duo
> j our readers, for the many imperfections of
thought and expression, which have rhowa
, themselves during our ei.ert experience in the
i Sanctum . When we made arrangements for
the establishment of su E iucauonsi Column,
' we had no iQttUtion of doiDg uli the work.—
i it ws done that the teachers of the count?
' "
tntaht .have au opportunity loejpiess them
selves to each other arid to the public, upou
those matters which pertain to their profession,
and assurance was given, that a hearty support
I worn J be ex eaied to the undertaking. To
the shame of our teachers, may it be that
but one communication baa been received.—
Docs net this show s deplorable lack el inter
' est on their past? If they tie not ears enough
I about their work to lake soma trouble for its
j advancement, how CUD they expect those who
i do Lot fuily understand, and who are naturally
' I opposed to it, to essist them? Many of the
I cit x-oi uf this county, ss nil teachers know,
have very erroneous notions as to what free
1 j schools are. Some or the close fi,t*d, miser*
| ly ones, look upon them as something intended
j to rob th< qj of their money: others eoo-id*r
, them as the nut series f "rascals" and "scoun
drels," and though they seek the uosistance cf
educated men iu the transact ion of their bui
--tie-p, they hurl all kinds of invective t the
: education wbiob they themselves lack; many
j others look upon iberu as io.ti:ntiozs to be
toler.t d, because the l.w requires it, yet of
not mucli account; while vers Jew appreciate
the full advantage, and understand tb prac
tical operation of our system, snfsjieß!!y tve!|
to promote its interest. There are so many
opponent#, that no marked improvement can
be made until there is -mme change in public
•pillion. Aid ftu > bat the teachers can ba
instrumental iu cauai;.g iho ebaoge? A'o ono
• l-e takes any activep-srs, and they do ooteeeta
inclined to.
As our county p*p 3 rs are uiore generally
I read than any others, the discussion of*the
! subject in their oolumns, will exert a more
wide-pread influence tb*n acy other agency at
Mtritniod; and it was in view of this fact that
we consented to take the trouble, which, troia
tiic lack of time has been considerable, to pre
pare whatever might be sent in for publica
Tba articles we have published, have been
wiiiten hastily, and only upon such subjects aa
j seamed most appropriate to the time. We
| trust that an tudulgent public wiU overlook
1 ibe errors, and consider the iutentioa rather
than the act.
Owing to a careless oversight, our firat ar
ticle Ciitto out full of errors (nearly all of
which were not in the manuscript, and its op-,
pcarauce provoked severe criticism frcmsotns
writer in the Gazette. Had not the intention
to injuria personally, beeu so apparent; and
his at titles manifested such a viodictivecess,
wo should have accepted the criticism in *
trieudly spirit, and apologised at the time.
We are satisfied with fte indirect effect of
that article however, as it caused the estab
lishment -of a teacher's column, which has
beeu pretty well supported, in the other
piper. We hope it may le permanently st
t-iued, and believe, it may be productive of
m icit benefit to the cause of popular educa*
tiou iu the county.
TUti -*K>O2OC-lI.4TfC VOTE.
It will be our proviueo and duty to keep
: our white washed Democratic neighbors book
ed up byway of remembrance iu refercnoe to
that great •'Democratic Army" vota which
they alleged would Do polled * c d counted on
the Secoutl Tuesday." Hera are a few
ibe vote of Volunteers, so far as heard
A™' J a * S fo,iows - wo '* tbo average for
all •Jinxes —tba tfrst column indicaaing the
whole vote poll off: * *
G*i boa County, "d 63 Democratic 26
Bedford, 8 Companies, 180 '*3s
JJeikhf ! 8 LbmpaoiOs, 21)8 M **oo
8-.mcrsot, 0 Lk>m. lljj) s to
Westmoftsuu, *•
Fayette, 0 Companies, 141 • * (J5
ClM! field „ J4
One Company iu Somerset Count? has 80
Ivcpuh.ioaos to one Democrat ss appear* from
the leoorded vote. We will o-utiyuo the sub
"Hcwrus" otiuis to oar observe:u*k—
Ike Gncensburj HeialJ.
The good deoda that most soaa prefer thit
their tatuers should leave behind them, arc
real estate deed#.