Areount of Ihf Victory IB Western Virginia GJR&ETTS FOnCE COMPLETELYROUTED. Detail* of flic Battle of Rich's mountain. BKVEBLT. July 12. Yesterday morning Gen. McClellan ordarel four regiments (the Bth, 10th, and 13th Indiaou, and tha 19 h Ohio) to proceed along the Hoe of the bills southeast of the enemy's eutreneheJ camp, ou the Beverly road, where it crosses Rich's Mountain, two miles east of the enemy's po sition, with orders to advance along the Bev erly road, and attjek the east side of the work Gen. o .lellan M being prepared to assault the west side as soon as the firing should an nounce the coniDionceujtTit of ilie attack. The capture of * courier, who mistook the road through the enemy's enmp for tha route of otjr troops, placed the enemy iu possession of the movement. When Gen Rosenerwrl reached the Beverly toad, at two o'clock, after a most exhausting inarch over tho mountain*; he-found the eue my posted on the opposite si in of tho road, aboii' 800 strong, with two cannons, holding a strong position, paitiaily fortified. Au engagement immediately tok place, aud Con tinued for 'hree-quartors of an hour, when ♦he rebels were tot illy routed, with a loss of 300, including ten officers and both caunon.— About 75 of the killed and 75 wnuuded are in our ban-.-, besides 100 prisoners. The road was between two bills. Our troop*, -Icsccuding a steep declivity, were gre few men with their sick, and their cannon, eq" p-ge and transportation : A tapid march was then made by General McClellan to Beverly, passing General Rosen cron'i' command on the road, with instiuctiou* to follow quickly. At Beveriy it was ascertained, Lte in the dav, that the rebel forces at Laurel Hill had retreated, moving towards Romney. Our to tal !-** is not more thau 11 killed and So wounded. The foregoing report has been approved by Gen. McClellan. DESPATCH PROM M'CLELLAM IN REFERENCE TO THE FIGHT. WAsntN'GTON. July 13 —The following despatch fi.Mii Geno.dl MeCfeiiau w.-> received to-day a; it.-e Artnr Headquarters; BKVEBLT, July 12tb, 1861. COL E. D. TOWNBEND, D. C. "The sncceg* of to-day i* all that I could desire. We captured sit brass Cinnotis, of which one is rifled, a'! the cneuty'v osrnp cqdL p*g and trnnsportatic-L, even to hi* enps.— The number of fonts will probably reach two hundred, ud more than sixty wagon*. Their killed end wounded will amount to fully one hundred and fifty, with ono hundred prisoners, mud more coming io constantly. 1 know al ready of ten officers killed aud prisoners Their retreat is complete. "I occupied Beverly bv * r.pi 1 march.— Garuett abandoned his camp early iu the m.irntug, leaving much of his equipage. He cauie witbio a few miles ef Beveriy, but our rapid march tamed him hack io great confu sion, and he is uovr retreating on the road to St. George. 1 have ordered Gen. Aiorris to follow him up closely. '•t have telegraphed "for the t*n Pennsylva- < tiia regimen's at Cumberland toj.on Gen. Hill i at Rivtlcabnrg. The general is concentrating ail hie troops at Rowlesborg, and be will cut off Gsroett's retreat near West Union, or, if possible, a'. St. George. "I may say that we have driven out some ten thousand troops, strongly entrenched, with the loss of 11 killed and 35 wovnded. The pro* vision returns bere show Garnett's force to have been ten thousand men. They were Eas tern Vuginians, Ter.nesseans, and Georgians, and, 1 think, Corolinians. Tc-morrow I can give full details, as to prisoner*, k*. '•1 trust that General Cox has, tiy this time, driven Wiseoatof the Kanawha Valley. Iu that case I shall have accomplished tte object of liberating Western Virginia. "1 hope the General-ill-Ohief will approve ; of iny operations. G. B. McCLELLAN, •'Mr.j. Geo. commanding the l>opt. of Ohio." j Farther Details or the Dich Mountain Battle. Retreat of Gen. ClarueU's Command. CINCINNATI, July 14.— A special dispatch to the Commercial , dated at Beverly, says that Gen. McClelian'a advance division is moving rapidly towards the Cheat Mountain pass. — The rebels burned the bridge.* at Hatfonsville, j aud will bnru the Cbcat Mountain bridge, but this oannot delay us an httur. At Rich Mountain 131 dead rebels were found Our wounded are doing well. Ten commissioned rebel officer* were killed and captured, including Oapia.n biepwith, of Pow hatan ; Captain 1). E. Langcll, late of tho United States army; Captain lrvin, of Bruns wick, dangerously wounded. Drs. Tyler and Wall, late of tbe United State* army, are pris oners. Soiue Georgians and South Carolini ans are among tbe dead, but the dead are geu crally from JE s ero Virginia. This morning, Colonel Pegram, who com manded at Rich Mountain, sent a letter to General McClellan, offering to surrender him self and bis command of 600 men. Their surrender was aoeeptcd, and tbe prismtr* will probably march io to day. Tbey are much tedueed by hunger. Probable Surrender of fol, Pe gram 8 Com rand, near Beverly. WASHINGTON, July 14 —Tbe following des patch bas been received at tbo headquarters of toe army here; Report of General McClellan to Lieutenant General Soott, dated Btverly, July 13: "1 have rooeived from Colonel Pegram proposi tions for bis surrender, with his office™ and the remnaot of bis command, say 600 men.— | They are said tl the rebel fo.ces has been completely dcieated. \Ve l ave all his baggage aud 1 guns. His army is completely de- 1 in unshed. Geu. Gsrnett is among the killed. Tiie re' .'ls nro now completaiy annihilated in ' Western Virginia. Our loss is thirteen kill ad, and I not over forty wounded. The eiumy'sl >ss is fully i two hundred killed, aud we have taken over oue : thousand prisoners. Seven guns hive been taken in all. I still look with hopes to the capture of the remnants •>! Gar- ' uett's army, by Gen. liili. The troop* defeated were the crack Regiments ■ ot Eastern V'irginia, aide I by Georgians, Tonnes- I seeaus and South Carolinians. Our success is complete aul Secession is killed in this part of the country. (Signed.) GEO B. MCCLIXXAN, MAJOR General U. S. A. INTERESTFo¥~MIUTI\S- Bl MARTINSBCRG, V r -4.. July 9.— Uapt. J .hn H. filler, of ttie volunteers, wa on piek t guard last night near t e bouse of Charles J Faulkner, hte Minister to Prance. Yesterday Ms wife entered the lines 4id remain j st tier house until late oo Morjiiay afternoon. b!m procured a pass from M ijor Spear, of the i Tweu'J third Pennsylvsiiia Regiment, who ha§ b'.eu occupying the position ot I'mvost ■ M arshal of this place rinoe our troop* i are ' r.v d h rCa Captain Filler refused to let her p--=* w tL * [ carriage filled with la tt ice, peis, and other J vegetabUs for tbe Use of the Confederates j under A pass frotn tbe Marshal. Bbe however 1 at leuijib procured a pass from Gen. Patterson, ' under which she passed out of the lines with un aristocratic air, having two negroes and in Iri-b servant, fsbe has two sons in the ! Coufedcrte army. Mr. Faulkner's enetaies here quain'ly remark tiiaj be was never known ii be on ttie weak sid6 with his own consent, i When be is it is through a mistake as to bow public opinion jumps. Tuny say sneeringly that be will not declare himself uutil he has discovered which party will succeed in retain ing power in Virginia. It is thought that bis ; character is very well daguerteotyped in this opinion. O.NE OF THE HUMANITARIAN MOVEMENTS OF OUR TIMES although little kuown as such, can ! hardly be over estimated in its importance up- \ on the well beiDg of our widely scattered j communities. The population of the Ameri* can States is in many sections so sparse, that skilful Physicians are hardly available to them. Vast numbers of out people, are obliged to employ in sicknesa, such medical ( reiief as they can hear of from each othoa-, or iudeed any they can get from any quarter. — Hence arises the great consumption of Patent Medicines among us, greater by f*r than in • any of the old countries, where skilful physi cians are accessible to all classes. Unprinci pled men have long availed themselves of necessity, to palm off their worthless nos trum*, until tbe word has bocomo synonymous with imposition and cheat. One of our lead ing Chemists in tbe East, Da. AYKR, is parr i suing a course which defeats iuiquity. He ! brings not only bis own, but the best skill of our times to boar, for tbe production of tbe best remedies wbiab can be made. These are supplied to tbe world, in a convenient form, at lew prices, aud the people will no uiorc buy poor medicines instead of good, at tha same oost, than they will bran instead of flour, j The inevitable conseuuenaj of this is, that tbe vile compounds that flood our country are disj j carded for those which honestly accomplish j the end in view,— which euro. Do we over- , estimate its importance, in believing that this j prospect of supplanting the by-word medicines, with those of actual worth and virtue, is i fraught with immense consequence for good, ' to the misses of our people.—[Gazette and 1 Chronicle, Peru, la. TLe fifteen reserve regiments of fennsyl vania have been accepted by the govern* men*.—A dispatch dated St. Louis, July 13, says, that the rebels lost 700 killed in the lato battle between tbe loyalists and traitors in that State.—Seveial piratioal privateers have been committing depredations upon our coins mere. the government has sent out vessels to capture tbmo.— A skirmish took place on SaU urJay in Virginia between Col. BidJle's men and tbe rebels. Tbe rebels wore repulsed. A wagon "filled with plunder" was taken from tbem, four rebels were captured, two Jtilled and a Dumber taken prieoutri. BEDFORD ITOUIRHR. For the Inquirer. CAM? W Itares, July ti, 1861 DSAA iNqLiaxn t There bus lie en nothitig of particulai i .uiest transpiring in cump worthy of note, for sum ? tune, except tile jiroceedings on the 4th, wfjch Were oi unusual interest . In the mum - ■ ing a til ess parade look plvce, iu which fh • entlr- Regitn -fit |. .nfciiiat'-ii, alier which a lerivnt prayer i wis oil. red in b.ii'd! of t.'.c coos.- tot u'eeli we are ■ figl'Htig, by toe R v. D tvjil Akin. ClicDai I u ition ; ot I tidepi n ence vi i> tU.u rj ul and the bin t dis j coursed '•llail Columbia.''* X-x' aunllress was i delivered, reviewing some of the causes which lead Ito the present difficulty. The address was spirited; tnat portion which protested against cofnproniiseiug with traitors, was received with vocder >uscheering. Ibe band then played "The Star Spangled Ban ner/' " Ynikee Do<>die," and "The Bed. 'Vliito and Blue." The proceedings were v-ry spirited ami the utmost good feeling prevailed. We were til -n ' dismissed, and in the aiteruoou went up into the [ city, where the proceedings were magnifi cut, there j being the grandest display ol bunting it has been i our lot to witness, as nearly every house had ihe I flag flying to the breeze. The city was crowded i with people, and the booming of cannon, was heard i all day. • Young America"' too performed his part : well, fire crackers, t.irpedoes, rockets and pistols ki pt the streets in a glare until a lato hour in the ; night. Wo returned to camp well satiscfil, that the peo ple came fully up to the standard iu point of patri otism. We received a very handsome present from Mr. J. B. Cnslnerol a box ol provisions which came quite appropriate, us a contained quite a quantity ot sweet cake, an 1 souie very nicr poaches, which you know are luxuries not often enjiyed, by the soldier. In refttrn, we would tender our sincere thanks to him, and bis estimable lsdy fat the kind tavor. Our Regiment is at length completed it be ing the fcth in the reserve corps Col. Hays com manding. Our company is "Company F." As lota were cast tor toe invurable positions in the Regiment, w lell back much farther (ban is desira ble. W'o are still without our uniforms, and mucb dissatisfaction prevails among the men, on this ac count, as many came away expecting to be uniform ed immediately, on coming here an t consequently brought an insufli ieiit quantity ct clothing with them to lust until the present. We ave the assurance however tt at this debet will be remedied this week, as the uniforms will l.e furnished for Ihe uiiiiiv I regiment. We have uot yet received out arms, but expect thera with our Uniforms. Our health h .s lieen tolerable so far there being no very severe cases of sickness liut, many have beeu iadtspueet front diseases incident to the season. There Was a fiae shower this afternoon, which cooled the weth er considerably. Yours, Ac. F. 11. For th'. inquirer. SCUELLSBURO, July 13, 18G1. MB. EDITOR : In last v.eck's number of the Ga zette, we ' lice n short iti m saying that tli ise tueu who 1-tt SclwFsburg to aid Col. Wallace at Cam, war. not the Black Flunnoed Riflemen niidcr the comniaiid of Captain Muliiu, but the Hoinc Guard, citiumandiu tj Ctptain Sctic'l. \Ve the pi of saying that such slate...--; t i.ot true. Not that we xn ull speak deprcciat i. .;ly of Copt. Sclieli, for We hi litve to be a good man, but we are always willing to '-give honor to whom honor is due,' and ii honor is due ; to any out tor tuning fie lead in that movement it is to Ca[ i. Aliiil.n. Yes, Mr. Editor, and eiti zt :, at Li; w • saw i.iiu at enly dawn in town and we he i i hiui say *-if I can get ten men to follow tiie 1 will go and fight, foi the Stars and Siiip"S, if ne. it be or fill iu the slruggle." And tre ewtiiug came 88 had made up their nimds to j.o. It is true there was no regular organization, they were not ah membeis ol Capt. Mullen's com pany. He said in* wanted a company ot good men, wi.hmr to face any langer, and when such a com p.ioy was ia s. d, ne htrusi lf was willing to occupy any {!ac< iu t. It was an easy matter to de termine wno would have commanded, us we heard uot less than ab say that Mullii; wusth-dr man. No tuattei how much the young Lieutenant ol the Home Guard, who fl wishes!} borrowed swotd and sssh, vi iy talk of ' :s skid in inihuiy tactics, or how JOt.iy time he ...ay ibfoitn the E iftOT to pub- i lish such ati ait;cl-*, wc htst the iK-ople will look j ovei In., vi ikriess. Yi-uia, li. M. J. Ti.o 10th I'eiißsyivania legineuf, reserve J j.iij-, will be iu HjdiMfii o i to-tun i row, Situ ; ur'lsv, oti tbtir way to the seat ot "Var. Col Foinej has betu cltcled Seureinry of i the Senate. have you seen Prof. Wood's ad- i vertisetnent in our p#per. Read it; it will in terest you. Sltmounrrmnite. Legislature* We are authorised to announce the n'ame of Gideon D. Tront, Esq., oi' St. Clair Township, as i a candidate lor Legislature, subject to the decision ' of the Republican County Convention- * Associate Judge. We are authorized to announce the name ol Mr. : William Gephait, of Bedford Township, as a can- j didate for the office of Associate Judge, subject to j the decision of the Republican County Conven- i tion. * j Conuly Treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr- i John K. Jordan, of Bedford Borongh. as candidate loi Treasurer, sulject to the decision of the Re- 1 publican County Convention WE are authorized to annonceJhe name of Mar- : tin Milburn, of Bedford Borough, s a candidate ; for Treasurer, subject to the decision ot the Re publican County Convention. Commissioner. Lieut. Win. Keeffe of Bedford Township, will be ] a candidate lor the nomination of Commissioner, ! subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. MANY. * Ma. EDITOR :—You are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Henry P. Diehl, of Coleraiii } Township, as a candidate for the office of County j Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re- j publican County Convention. MANY. MR. EDITOR :—You are authorized to announce j the name of Joseph S. Riddle, Esq., ol Union | Township, as a candidate for the office of Couuty 1 Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re publican County Convention. MANY, i Poor Director, MR. OVER :—Mr. Adam Ulrich of Middle Wood berry Tp., will be supported for Poor Director, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. MANY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration on the estate o Elizabeth Schreiuet, lata of Middle Woodbuty Township, dee'd, having this day been gtanted to the subscriber residing in South Woodbury Town ship, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment imme diately, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ALEX. IIOLSINGER, June 28, 1861.- Adm'r. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned appointed Auditor to distribute the funds In the hands of Samuel Griffith, Admin istrator of Elizabeth Griffith, dee'd, will meet the parties at his office, in Bedford, on the 2Srd of July, 1861, at I o'clock, when all interested can attend. J. W. LINGENFELTER, July 6, 1861. Auditor. PUBLIC SALE ;Of ViLUiJiJ REAL ESTATE. . BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of j Bedford County, ;lie undersigned will off r lor sale \ at public unction, on the premises in Monroe Town j ship, on Friday, 23rd of August next, all th" following described vgluetile Real Estate in and acj ..ning tbe town of Cleurvilie, late the prop city of Jonathan Harton, dee'd,, the undivided cue third of a tract of land adjoining tbe lowti ot Ciear ville and land of Samuel Sniwly, containing af.oiit i 3 ACRES, with a two story plunk house, frame sta ble, and other out buildings thereon, ALSO, a tr ,ct ol land adjoining the •above and iand of William Grubb, all under fence and containing about 7 acres; ALSO, s lot of ground In the town of (Jie&rville, adjoining Win. Roobius, Sau.uel Suive'y and otbers. with a-frame-shod thereon. ALSO, on (be premises, on Saturday, 24th August next, th" following described Real Karate, to wit: a val uable Tavern-stand in the Borough of Bedford, known as the Union Hotel, being a 1 ,rgc and com modious briek house, v.iih cunvcuii-ut staining and other convenient out buildings, treating on I' tt Streit, adjoining lota ot J olio Cessna, Esq. and Sauniel At iV'm ,V. Shuck. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of the respective days, when the terms will he made known by OLIVER HO'JTON, Adrn'r of Jouatoan liorUtß, doo'd July 19, 1861. " iiliiiiilli: nilllEliS. BBIGADX IriSPECrOR's ttFFICE, f BEDF .RD, July 12, 1861. } IJiving been instructed by the Adjutant General to collect al' arms in the C lUnty, to wit : M uskcts, Rifles and Equipments. Captains ot companies, privates or citizens, having any anus in tbei' pos sion, are hereby notified to hind thein over "r send them to the undersigned, without delay. Persons failing to comply with this request will he proceeded against according to law. When the arms are ri mutinied th •)' will be pro periy distributed to organized companion in thi County. A. J. S.4N3OM. Trigade Inspector, Ist Btigado 16th Division. July 12, 1861 .-c Biair County Morrail School au ; ! Seminary. FALL TERM BEGINS AUG. 12TH, 1861. DAILY iistruction given in the Theory and Practice of Teaching. Boarding $1,50 psi week. Tuition in full English and scientific course $6, s 2 per qu trier ot ten weeks. For circular containing fu'l p irtjcul -r. address. OS BORNE At DICKfcRSuN, Principals, M*i tinsbi.rg, Bl.iir Co., I'a. July 12, 1861. liilL RfllD MITHE. | A meeting ol the Stockholders of the Bedford Rail Road Company, will be held at the alfi v e of j the Company in the Borotign of Bedford, on Sat. ; turday the 27th day of Juiy, inst., for tfic purpose I of considciiug the propriety of accepting or adopt ing, a further supplement to the act incorporating said company, approved the first day ofMa\,A. D. 1861. JOHN P. REED. Secretary. July 12, 1861 -b ADMLMSTRSioR S AOI'ICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Robert Barnet, late ol Middle Woudb-rry Town- JlilTlTig litftfU gratilcdt to CDe §u : 'ur valuable H-dr ! Kcsrorji!ve. and wiiich you hare published in this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous : enquiries touching the f cts ir th" case. The en quiries are first is it a (act of my t a'.itation and | name, as stated fn the eommmiication; is true "t all therein containe.l; third, d< cs '• v hair sli.i i t.mii tie to 1 in go .1 order .ad of lis ural color 1 To all 1 cut and a swer invariably jes - My hail is even better that, in ay stage ot tuj life ! f ; r 40 Vet's past, more s >f'-, thrifty, and lietter i 1 colored ; the same is irue "i my whiskers, and the i ' lily cause why it is not genera.!y true, is that li e substance is washed iff lv fttqcunt ablution of ihe tace wlwu it care were us. <1 oy wiping the face i in di s ' connection with the whiskers, the same rmu.l w:lt toiluw ast! • hair. 1 have been in the 1 receipt el a great number of letters from ail parts ' * of New England, asking to-- if ny hair still con tinues to be yood; .is there is so much friu iin Ihe manufacture and sate ol various compounds as 1 well as this, it has, no doubt bi.-i-n imitated and i'een use,!, not only Without j-.v good •ff et. I but to absolute mjury. 1 have no: us d any < I . tour Restcralive ot *-; v account tor some months, and yet my iiair is as good as ever, aud hundreds have examined tf with surprint, a* I am now 61 years oi l and not a uray hiir in my head or on my face; and to prove this f ct, I send you a 1 >ck of m hair taken oil" the pi t weeit. 1 ivie'ed your favor of two qiiuit bottles last summer, for wriicH I am very gratrtu! ; 1 give it to my trie nits <.|i i thereby induced them to try it. ruany were skepti cal null! alter triai, and then purchased and used it | with Uuiv Tsal success. ! i.l as.; as a favor, that >t u send me at st by which i c,n discover fraud ' in the Restorative, sol i by many. I fir, vvul. ui authority frpm yon. A pur - urtici*' \>iiJ insure success, and L believe where goo I etf-cis d> not follow, the tail .re is caused by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. 1d m!i jury duty as heretofore, to kc-p you apprised f tie continued effect on my hair, as i assure all wii i enquiie of rue of my unshikeo opinion of its \a:i abie results. I remain, dear sir, yours. A. C. RATDOXN. Aaron, Hun Kv , Nov. do. I*s* PROF O.J. WOOD: DaarS.l :—I would certainly j lie doing you a great injustie • n-d to ma-re known to the world, Hie won crfnl. as well as tb" n :■ r. pected result I have experienced I rotn using OXF. i (utile nl yout Hair Restorative. After using every kind of Kevtoratßvs -xf >nt, hut with ut succe-s. and fi idicg my bead oea: 1/ destitute of hair, I was fi .aiiy iu iucc.l to try a bottle of yotlt Hair K- | storative. Now, candor and justice coup- ! rue t i j announce to whoever may toad this, thai I now 1 possess a now and hc.ut.ful growth ol hair, which 1 pronounce richer and handsomer thin toe ori,:- j tia! was. 1 will therefore take 0.-oisiiwi to recom mend this invainable remedy to AU, who may 1. .: ' tne necessity ol it Kespectfuliv yours. REV. S. ALLEN EKO< K. P. S —This testimonial of my approbation lot your valuable medicine (as you tre a War of) is : unsolicited : —-nut if you think it worthy a place ' among the rest, insert it you wish ; if not destroy i and say nothing. Yours, Ac., Rev. S. A. ft. Th" Restorative h put up in bottles ot three ! si*es. viz : large mediuui, and small, flu small j hoi If y a pint and retails for < tie dollar per bottle ; : the mediums hold at least twenty per cent more in • proportion ItiUK ibe mtD, rctillta Awe two ttoiAnlw per bottle ; the large holds aqu irt. 40 per cent. more in proportion and retails tor S'i i buttle. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 441 Broadwiy, N. York, 114 Market Street, M. Louis, Mo Ami | > il i by .1' g -o 1 Ltrugirts and Fancy Goods Dealers For sile by 13. E. Harry, Bedford J u!y o, 1801. | ml| IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR j Rheumatism, S A.L. BRIM, Preceptress. MISS L. J. BKIM. Teacher ou Piano Forte. THIS Institution, under the supervision ef the above named persons assisted by other competent teacher*, affords a, full course in Mathematics, Natural Sconces, Languages, and Belles Letters. In Music, Painting. Stc., it gives extended instruc tion. The summer term will etuuience, Thursday Aug. Ist 18-il. Students admitted at any time.. Habits of health, system, and pi oniptness, views, moral, social an I domestic, arc here made promi nent objects o! education. That the physical powers, as well as the mental may be cultivated, Caluthenic exercises are neces sary—here the students meet each day for syste matic exercise. s*3'-2 50 will pay for beard, including fnrnishtd room, room rent, fuel, and tuition in common English per term of eleven weeks. Extras, at moderate charges, even less than heretofoie, or the circular calls for. Students prepared for tbe highest classes In College. For circulars, or particulars, address. W. Vl\ BRIM, Rainsburg, Bedford County, Pa. Dec. 21, 1860. PUBLIC SALS OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of tho Orphan,' Court of Bedford County, tho undersigned, mlniniatra tor of the Estate of Sophia Diehl. iate of South ampton! Township, dee'd. will sell at public out. cry upon tho premises, ou SATURDAY, THE 20TI1 JULV Tr M, tbe following described Real Est*' v >t ; One dwelling house and lot ot gr, - . i, s':i- 'o in tho lowneb'p aforesaid. Adjoining lands > il liarn Adams, Esq., avid libgh Wilson, In said Township, now oecupieO by John A. Dietl. Teruas made known on iiav ot sale. HKXEKIAH O'NEAL, June SI, 1861. Adm'r.