THE INQUIHSB. published every Ft Way marring, in Julian* Street, In the brick building. opposite the "Mongol House," by S4 VIII OVEE, TERMS : If paid in advance, 1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid within the year, $2.60 v, id ; be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar learagea are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Ky-Sf.bscribers outside of the County mast pay in advance. not exceeding a square,(rO lines,) inserted three times for sl—every snbsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted ns a full square. All advertisements not special!j ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those wbo ad\ crtise by the year. Job Printing of ail kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. PROFESSIONAL CA M D??. O. e. M'TOIIPjV AT LAW, Bedford, Pa. WILL prorortly attend to all business entrust (4 to his'care* Office on Pitt Street,' ir-.-e doors east of the Bedford Hotel. He will *Uo attend to any surveying business that may be en trusted to him. NOT. 4, 1853. R. Si. K JU LAr, iFT 011 \\ 1T ii A \l, BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and uithfuliy to a., legal butiac?Ben r niate£ to hi* car ®* By Office on Julian* Street, in the building or merly occupied by S. Al. Barclay* ( * c d. March 28, 185b. Jon MANN, O. 11. SP AN a. I" AW .PARTNERSHIP-—The undersigned J have associated themselves in the i laticc of the Law, and will promptly attendto al busi ness'intrusted to their care, in Bedford and ad niniag counties. {jgwOtSeo on Julianna Street, three doors south otMcngel oilnse and opposite the resi dence of Ma j • Tate. MANN fc SPANG June!,—lß J. W. LIXtJEAFELTEK, Attorney at Law and ' and Sarveyor* *Tji7ILL attend with promptness to all business \ V entrusted to his care. Will practice iii Bedforu and Fulton Counties. in Juiiana Street, cue doer North of tha "Inquirer'* office. Dec. 21, 1858. it | J H . , ;t i p ,„, ■to 3ll_..p.raea •>- • | L i •v T. .is VAtsi.ieev <" to. I ] |,V' o: ■ v ■-•-!. J- • . N>.< ( j -_- -. -wu, j Dft. M. F. HAH MY RESPECTFULI-H* tenders hi* professiona services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street. In the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofius. NOT. 6,1857. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. Respectfully tenders his service® '< the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, lie may always be found, (unless professionally en gaged; at tiis Drag an 1 Book Store, in Julians St. Feb. 19, 1857. " EM RHEL, THE snbscri'oer respectful'y announces to the public, tht he has leased the above named Ho tel, in the oi l aul well known Globe bunding, for merly owned and occupied by Mr. Joba Youcig, isd recently in the occupancy of Jonathan t! orton. ilec'd, where ho will be happy to see his friends, and the travMiiog public generally. Persons at tending Court are respectfully invited Jo give him a call. Ifte pledges himsr-lf that he will do al! in his power to render his guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest del icacies the market will -ffoid. Tbc Bed Rooms will contain clean and comf : t ablc beduiug. The Bar w.H be supplied with choice liquor l ' Tne Stable will be attended by a careful an r at tentive ho: tier. Bo*rh*rs taken by the day, week, monf' and ysa-. JOSEPH A LSI P. Bedford, Nov. 2. l&JO. " Irs. s. irim. HAS just rctUTr—l from the Cities with a large stock of WINTER GOODS. anch ns DRFJiS GOODS of every sty's.® at, i Kibbocd®, Flowers and, lt:-.n C'wikes, new sfj i-, Fur Gapes and YifUnim ■ • ,Targe ate-r:-.cent. Nov. 2, 18b'). EXBCUTOkU X OTICE~ OTICE is hereby given that Letters d'esfanx n- j J.l tary, on the w: i of John, L"e of Colt rain Township, Pcdford County, lave b . n ■ granted by the Register of said County, t the i subscriber-—all persons it;-, ".r.-d to the stato are -notified to make iuiro< the cloth saturated with it. In a short time it will draw ail the lire out. It will cause a prick ling sensation —this is the fire coining out. Keep it -wet with the "Master of Pain" until the pain and prick ling ceases. Let. the wet cloth stay ou for six or eight hours, after which apply some healing ointment cr sweet oil. In nearly all cases T Pain or Soreness of the Cheat, Throat, Side, Back, Spine, Limbs or Joints, it will give relief. — i Rub it on freely with the hand or willi a flannel cloth until the skin becomes heated and burning. For soreness of the throat rub it on until it pro duces a little soreness. For Croup use if in connection with the Cough Syrup, by rubbing it on the chest. For Rheumatism and all deep, seated pains, if the pain is not speedily removed by rubbing with the hand, lay a cloth wet with the liquid over the part aflocted, and pass a wrm smoothing iron ov-r it. For Pains in the Breast, Side or Back, the sjme may be done. For Tooth-ache, drop it on cotton, and apply it to the nerve of the tooth, also rub the gums and cheeks with it. For Frosted Feet, apply the "Master of Pain" freely, and dry it in iajtore the fire, i For Head-ache run it on the forehead. It is called "Master of Pain." I did not give it this name—l don't like the name. When i first commenced making ii if was without name or label. I made iT afd S-JM it bv the ounce at my Dntg Store. 1 had no idea then of making a business of it. Sortie who bought it called it Master of Pain, and by this name it became known for many miles roun.i. And finally, when I had i label printed i \va compelled to adopt the name, tor by that, name it was known. After all, the name i* not so very inappropriate. It is used to alleviate or remove pain. Jt is put on wherever there is pain. Sometimes it will cattse pain, but the result always is freedom from pain. Reader—try it—taken bottle with you—use it whenever occasion inquires- give it a fair trial. Prepared by W". E. Shriner, Westminister Md. and for sale by H. C. Reamer and Adam Fergu son, Bedford Pa. ; E. B. Ramsey, and Wm. States <5- Co., Bloody Run ; John Nyeuni 4 Son, Fair view; D. A. T. Black, Rave Hill; N. N. Koons, Willow Grove; J. S. Shell, Shellsburg ; F. D. Beegle-, St. Clairsviile. Nov. 9. is<;o. SHRINER'3 BALSAMIC (TIM SViil P, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, WLoop ing Cough, AstUuia, lironchilis, Spilling of Blood, S*aiii and Weakness of the Breast, i>if fieuUy of Breathing, ,Ic. From the Iter. Samuel Tingling. BfjiFtirtn, Nov 3, 1860. Mr. W. K. SUHI.VER —Dear Sir: Upon several occasions I have used vonr Balsamic Cough Syrup. in my family and als <>ti one occasion rays-if when worn by frequent preaching, aud with the hap; iest results. SAMUEL YIN' CLING. REWORD Nov. 8, IHJO - E. SHEISI U —SIR : As you are about t" intro duce your Balsamic Cough Syrup into our C< unty. I will give you my experience with it, which jiiu are at liberty to uso it you think proper, some two year® ago a bos that was lost on the Pennsyl vania Central R. R. found its way to my store. ' I opened the box and found it to contain your Balsa mic Cough Fyrup. J had never heard of it at that time, but a Ir. Aughinbaugh from your state hap i pened to be j re sent and said it was < tie of the best cough remedies in use and happening to need a | caugh medicine in my family I determined to give it a trial, and so well pleassd was I with its effects that 1 gave bottles of it to my friends ail of whom agree with mo in proroupeing it the best cough [ remedy they have ever met with. We have used it ; for Coughs, C- ids. Croup and Whooping Cough, ' and in every case it gave the moat signal relief.— Yours truly, ADAM FERGUSON. I used in my family some of the Cough Syrup refered to by Mr. Ferguson, and fully concur in t is opinion expressed by Mm. WM. AGNEW. We used Shiners' Balsamic Caugh Syrup and consider it the best Cough Medicim- we ever used. LEVI SMITH Prepared tqr IV. E. ShrJier, Westminister Md and fiw silo by H. C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson. Bedford Pa. ; E. B. Ramsey, and Wm. States A i Co., Bloody Run ; John Nycum & Son, Rays Hill; N. N. Ko< ns. Willow Grove; J. S. Schell," Shells burg ; F. D-Beegie, St. Clairsviile. Nov. 9, 18C0.-ZZ l)!SSI)LlTIr' "PABTMIIS THTE late firm of J. REED & CO., been disiolvcd by mutual consent, and the books ot the firm, with tho of the late firm <4 lice 1 ii "tnnich, left in the 1 nds of eir at- i tormy J. P. Reed, and Urns.- of jcob Reed, for ; Sttflemeut and Colier.'ion, atui a'l c-.uc. rued desitir.g ! to save costs, must call iaimt tarely and mak- \ settlement, as there cat: be but l.ttle de ay aff- dcd. . JACOB REED Will now continue the business on the cash and produce system. He will do business on th. I "7art" so that he can sell goods at a cheaper r ' SAY. T!i<* tmfir*L'GtNl tmvlnjf |Wil P: v ifei?vvr nUSfPNKYU* SPECIFIC IIOM'FOPATHIC RFMSl>ft in fHnnH*-* with th* inosi satisfactory ri*#ul(j| t :tf • ft*!; oonti (ir;tw in their purity. ai e'he.tej-, *erfrtly rcofmirneuHi then* to ail pcr*oit: vD't fW)i hnvf .%*.{"% rc- U**h>, an 1 efficacious reu,*Hes at. hand for private or do i% ... . . The W n. Ho*:rer, editor of *• The Northern Inf?e l*iuienJ," Att'mrn, N. X. : the Uev. K. 11. Cre*sryj D.D., Iter tor of St. Feter'* Churoii, Auburn, N. V. ; tlf !L-v. g I. Ives "Obaplaiti of the Aybum Stoto Prison; the Kev. S|tcncer M. Kire, New-BjM.ftfrtL Mag* the ?!-v. Allen Steele, IsVv-Ynrk C^mference; §Le Rey. Sai ■; lei XU'Toh. oone Conference. X. V. ; the Kv. P. S. Pratt. Dorset. Yt. ; the T'.ev. John K. It l hie, Ituffa!■>; A. C. Uitrt, Ks-i.. lßf:u, X V ; 'he Hon. N1 !>•>*% P u VnJ, Me.: tli -ii >n. Schuyler C >lf:<, S !, Iwt.; the Hon. Oem*<** llu:ut>hrevs t X. Y. ; Henry D. I, ivfj., h iuorof The Ohii. Srat* v;ri:|!, C >Kn\h. 0M>; the Hon. It. H. (h ii;:• , Mnline, 111.; the H • •;. Tn -mio J. Chris m. M'ntf r*tlo Fin • ti-.e Hon. J s'ph nehrorlct, f'lca, X. Y. *. W'm. Ih Hi'.;, IX<3., CtirA, N. V. ; A. S. lVart, fcsq., i'Dea, X. Y.; .1 .■•}!■ - S'luftlieU, Xnshville, Tenn. LIST OF SPECIFTC RKBfEDfES. 1 X > 1 —For Fever, Cutestan t lnftwm/wtloT!. 2.—For \V>no Fey* r, Vvvrot ihrlie. Wetting the Defint*. %'i vrr!eo. Citfriera Tnfatitu n, and Sunr.ner Ce*tfnlHfS. ' A F- So. s.—For Ootie, (VijJcrs, Dvsentery. ojt BUmxljt Flux. —f\r Chnler.i. Cholera Morbus, Voinitinfl. Xo. 7. —For Coucr!;s, o'>i!s. luflueioia. a:*u i Neurai4*. <>.— p.,r iacbf, Vertigo, Heat and FuUaeai of tl-.e Xj,. R —]>%*spicp! \ Pn.i—For AVeak and Derange! Stomt;b, Caastln.ition, nrul lAeer Coii|Juut. Km. u.— 'Foa ftiJiMifdW ! 1\ finite. —F *r I.e i 'orrhen, Prt>fue Sfcssesj ajd Bearing I) >*ro of Femnhs. Kn. I:J.—F r C'< up, II arje C >u?li, ! id B"calnine. N.,. 14. —Su.r K>im;u PILLS —Fur F.rv -nd:& % Kraptlons, ! v - . ...ifs >w t 1 f* Fare. X,>. i.A,—tluKt'M\Ts' Piua—For Palo, Lameness, orSbre to "s in t'.ie Ottrtb R *#*fC, boh is, >r Limbs. —p r * • rar n 4 Ar te, Cb'Q F *vct . D.r-b Ague, CM \r : '••• \ A•. . -v . • r f.... ■ • Intbii r>-i y. - % I Eye Faft C. —For Catarrii, of standing or recent, either with ! obstruction or |-rutuse til^charge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating iis violence and shortening its course. In all aoute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Croup, Rheumatism, ami such erup tive Useasvs a Keartc? Fever, Measles, ami Kry.-!j vla% the advantage of giving the proper rermdies k ob vious, ant Tin ali sucii cases the Fpccifica act Hie a charm. The entire enseal b often ar: e?i-d at once, and in all cases the violence of the attack Ls moderated, the disease sbortr eitcd, ami rerwlered less UangeitHia. CuugLa atiu Cuius, tvbich are u such fgenueat occurrence, rad wMch *> oflfen Ivy the 4to4*tSw vi Lrotnddlia and prion, znay ail be at otice curetl by the Fever and C cgh Pi.;*. in ail chrome dke iaw, eu- h n? Dy*fpa!a, V nk Ftuiaach, CojiStipatio;., Liver Co; iplaints, Pees, 1 en*ii I>■ -bHity, ar.d Irregularities, old Sleadaoaiii, S*ie or Weak Ky*-% Cat •rrh, &tll Kbeutn, and othei > • -• whose projer applicathm uiii afford a cure i;- alu every instance. Often t!n*curc of us: * ;.v hri-nicdinh ulty, sum as Dysjvejtsia, Piles or Catarrh, lleadac v ,a or Fentule Mck tiess, S;as more than paid for tin* cJelttt times over. FP.TCK. C.ise of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book • Case of 20 vials, and Book, i 'niti 4 Case of imnibrrcd b-axea, imd Hv*k... "2 Case of t >.>xe, i.imsWrtNl. i I' •' 1 Single numbered b*.\es, with dire-'fiocs 25 cent*. Single lettered boxes, vriti. directb'ns. .. . .Nd cents. I>arge cttse of 2 ia. vials, for planters and phyakhms.. ..sls ALSO SPKCTHC?. FOR ASTHMA OR Prfrinsir.—o|>prv B,j et, DIIRcjiI, Labored Breathing, attended with Cougn and Expectoration. Price, 50 cents per bor. Foii La a Discharges iXb DK.irsKS^—Disehargi s the Far, the resm* 'i Scarlet Fcve.-, slea-i*-, or Meiruria's. For XoVcs in the Head, HarPu -s -> Hearing, ami Kinging In the Lars, and F. ir aeltC, Prb c. s**l ce*4 per box. F=U: N-Hi'l ' M. —r • ,•_•■ •.• j Iw.;.irnt ed Tonsils, S .einngv a:*l Old f*l' < .-s v ScTt>fnlwn* Cadtexy | i Children. Price, Ml cents per box. | FOR Ciucrrai. Dksiutv. —Ph\sh al or Yervf>?: Weakness. EUher U e result of fii kiM* . Lx. essive .\b-ii niti n, or Kx bausting D>* barges. Pri *, Cv ents per t x. For Dropst.— A**cumn,ali • Tijcdd Swelling*, * iifc I Scanty Secretions. Piice, Ml eerc per b'kr>--> front rM.'.g or P iff, cM0 jer b. v. Foe I'RiWART Diseases*. —F r Gravel. Rnnat Calculi, DifS cult. Painful Ufiuati'Ht, Disc u*a of ti , KMnej *. Price, 50 centa tier box. Foit S **ix*L Fmishi ivs.—T tarv D" a^hr gea rt:A O.n*e<|oetjt Pfosirath.n H I Drbi'hy, fiad Re-:;i?s of fcvll Habit*. Tim :n ;st s'l.-ctm- il ond efl. -t.t i <\ h known, ftiirl he reded upon as n cure. Pri *e, with full direc- IVr*!.i i! vho *ris* to place tbeir.selves under the profet sioml car*-, or u> .cir!< a.lvkc of Prof. ll*'mphkevs, can d* ?o, at hi* odlce f*>2 Broadway, daily from > A.M. to S P.M. or by letter. OT P. BY M\!L T over 'he " : ire; ' x c \ .-if •..!"••*.•• S •'.••! ■ • ■:■■'■ ->. N>-Yrk, ai'.ii t!i* ■- (■ itnly rrt'ir r-i .* li.ati ar 1 T i"sa, fne 'rl.iir>;c. AtiKNTS W NTi D. —Vw - ' n" nrtlvf,-l -i*;: tor lU -il f 'tr Hirr. iu ,vry i ••' .-loimoin*!, ro tlic L'r.'trM StoJ.i. A-klrc. I>r, K. li■ tll'llltl i i .tc Co. X Uwnr-vi.v, Stw Yhiik. Sold hv 11. C. Reamer. May 4,*1560. I MENGEL HOUSE, JULLIX.I STREET, BEDFORD, PA. 1* IIE subscriber, having renovated and rethrf.ishtr: this old established House, is now prepared to receive guests. lie invites his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Having new furniture, new beds, and everything neccss.ry tc render hearty cheer to those in want of a tempora ry home, he Hatters himself that those who stay with him, will find themselves at the right place. He is fully prepared to receive visitors to the Spring, and all having business with the courts or Ample sfabiiug and carriage house is attached to the Hotel. Boarders will lie received on favorable terms. . ISAAC MENGEL, J. April 13, 1860. w&wmmn. I HE. undersigned have just received a large and general assortment oi Fill; l\D WINTER GOODS, Otyt present ut k i< Ht'* irf> f° i specifulb invite our IrteitJs aid *cu>iomers. to ; c-id and exajni e cpiality and prices. ba* or prompt v ix month-* havers, rnav e\ 1 pent 'iinl will be offered 0r,.,, , r p ever b-utirv—nil kinds ot e-u itrv wn ' ! A. 15. Gii.\ lEit, & CO Oct 23. ~ MSB! MB ! ! fJL ANN Exemption Judgment Autos,Execur. on? Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, 4tc. for gab? at this office. BLANK LLEL)^ A superior article,fe-r sale ax thiß offic April 8, 18a8. THE SCIENCE cf Education nnd a# of Teach ing, by John Ogrlea A. M.. at Dr. Htrrv's Dec. 21, 1800. ' J . ALL and see a Large and aruttrttoenf v *f coal oil ]•5 can be had anywhere, consisting in part of prime ! Kio Coffee, Sugar, ail kinds and prices. Syrup'and j Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Spices, Rice, To- > baeoo, Segare; Cora Starch, Dye Slulfs, Cocoa, : ! Stare!), Cheese, Ginger, Candlt-s, Mustard, Paints . ; and Oih, Turp"tiwe, Fish, \e., &c., Thsokiu) for 1 past idvors they hope to receive a liberal share ot j public patronage. To Cash Buyers and to persons of undoubted j standing, who are willing to settle once a year.— 1 Great Bargains will 1/r givers. Call and see. J. M. SHOEMAKER & CO. ! April 13, 1860. Paper Hanging and Painting* r JAIJB snbscriber wishes to inform the public that j J- be intends carrying on the Paper Hanging and ; Painting business, in Bedford, an 1 vieitiit . lie will put out work, a: the shortest notice, and on ; the most reasonable terms. He lias a sample book of ad kinds of wall paper, I which can be seen at his office, an! paper can be ! had from hirn at city prices. He may be seen at the old IxQinaEr. office. April ti, 1800. SAMUEL RADEBAUGIT. WATCHES, JEIVELRY AMD SIL YERWARE. tN/ E would respectfully inform our friends, pat- Y v rons and the public generally, that we have ; now in store and offer wholesale and retail, at the ! i lowest cash prices, a huge and very choice stock of ! i IVATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLAT- j : EI; WAKE, of every variety a;ul style. Every description of Di.otoxo Home and othei j ; Jewelry made to order, at shoit notice. CTAIi i • goo is warrant*" 1 to tie as represented, i .V. B.—Particular &f ten'ion given |o the repairing | : of Watches and Jewelry of everv ricsrr.ption. STAUFFER A HARLEY, j No. 622 Market St , south si ie, Philadelphia. March 22, 1861.-3 m AUDITOR'S A OT ICE. THE undersigned appointed Auditor, to dis. : tribute the l'u. ids in the hauls of tit' Sueriff, ar- j ising from the s tie of Philip Gosler's interest in j ; the Bedford Mineral Springs property, will attend 1 to the duties of said appointment at his office, in Be iford <n the will id John Snow* ! berger, late of St. Ciair Towns tp, Beh.rd Coun ty, dee'd., iili persons indebted to si d are requested to make immediate payment, and tie s<- haviag claims thereon will piesontthe sriaediily autiie.iticatv.a for se.ttii.tuent. ELIAN DELL, -March 8, 1861. hxecuror. XDtoISISTR IT OA'S NOTICE. NOTICE is her*by given that letters of Admin. ; istratioo, havo boon gr. nted to the uiiders'gned on the estcto of Mrs. Elizalasth Tpnton, tlec'd, o! ■ Napier Townrhip, Bedford County, Fa., all p rsons i indebted to s.iiu estate are requested to imku pJ.v tnerit, and those having clauus thereon wdl pre sent the S.IUIO du 1" anthetittcstmi lor set!L ,-,-.1 nt. SHAD E' if UIN TON, Adm r. March 5, 1861. j t Dtau.iful asscrime t .t Kerosene Damps . •>.! I t\. Bii rks jV*d rtcrivi i at Dr. Harry's Drug end Bock store. Nov 9, 1860 VN trcetleui at tick of KEROSENE just received ■ at Dr. HarT's Drug and Book Stor •. Nov. 9, iB6O. I ALL kinds of Groceries just received, and for i s le cheap, -t .Shoemaker's cheap store. No. I. Anderson's Row. June 29, 1860. ! —A large stock of Mackarel and Herr ng . Just received, aud fo sale cheap, at J M. Sho-uraker it f'o-'s. cheap store. June 22, 1860. 4 large assortrti tint of Ciothing for sale clleap, - at Shoemaker's store * SHETLAND IVOOL, all colors, at Dr. .Firry's Dec. 21, IHKO MACARONI Cheese,Cruckeia.crystalised lru'. and gum candies, for sale by A. L.'DEFIBAUGB, July 2t), 1860 Kerosene lamps t >r. Harry'#. Dec. 21, 1840. ZEPHYR Pd c- lors a; Dr. Harry a j I pee 31. • 1 Ih ujrs and Books. H. C. KEAMEE, Juliana Sfrotl, Hedrord, Pa., j JU tkt autmt ior merit; oc-a/.itdby Dr. F. C. Jh.i mtr WHOLESALE and to- rffTWtm V".~y , ' "•' deafer in flrnva jrbrJfrZ& Med.'.ines. ChmicaJs, !)rt W 'W*. 3*{•% VaruiAeT Trrpen ' '. V" • ' w V' Olassware, 4c. Jus received a large si" cj . f An ed. sn, French, aD ■■mi \-u •••• it : . "ty. Al-o I ifut vaiiety oj t) ne .Soitpa ior i.-H.i I.te. 10. to pastes, flair Tonics, air j>y.'h. r :t *•„. . ei,, v. shoTcs, from a i,g.t brown t,. . J idttcr., Tm !•. Nail, flair, Sha ving, and Clothes brn-i .**, CV.r.,- # . p „j. pt Knives, i ocket books, I ortniOtrf<>ha, cases <.c Also, have and will kp constantly on hand a supplv of Co t Gil. Burning fluid and Camphine, a great variety- of t!:*, n. st modem and best styi" 0/ coal oil and fluid lamps. Pure Win. and Rrandfea for medical use Fla voting Extracts and Spies of all sorts, FineSer jmifi . Chewing end Smoking Tobacco. * II ving the agency for all the principal patent i.v iiiclr.eß in use will keep a fall supply constantly ' 03 bum). Also, denier in Books, &c., cor.i.ting rf (; eo . graphical, Sci mtific, Keiigous. Poetical, HLtorlcai . Law. M* lical, School atel Misccllaneouj Works ir. connection with a great variety of plain and fancv Stationery, Gap, Note, Post .and wrapping Paper Bhnk Books, of every size and quality, Diariti. Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notaand Receipts. Orders proinj :!* filleil satisfaction guar , anteod, with regard both to price au ! quality. Physicians. Prescriptions carefully and sc j enrately componr.ded at all hours of tire day or ! night. ; Dec.{9, 1859. AKD CONFECTION .ffiY. j atHE um'ersrgnt'd las jmst received ami keeps j _L constat tly on hand the following articles : 1 Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur rants, pi ones, raisins, figs, almond?;, filberts, cocoa 1 uuts, gr.uind ruts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream nuts, candies iu variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco ! and cigars, allspice and pepp r, apices of all kinds, , baking soda, cream of t: rter, t, Bp?;nr, brimstone, 1 canister and keg powder, shot, - • * "nl lead, grain and grass fccyth.-s, wbe-.ting tools -ash tuba end boards, indigo, extract logwood, .-opperas, alum j and ma M• •r. oii, polish un<: Jfason's blacking, s'-v t*p:ti.', duslf.-ig stove, shoe -id scrubbing, s, clothes, hair, tooth an • fl sh brushes, hat ani infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses ■ and port mt.nojes, pocket awi nienmrundwm itooks, bonnet and r. and gum combs, "rklding" and flue combs, brae and b< eis, j>ens, pen-holdeis, penknives, scissors, irnife-sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, v .din strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs :ind .-parables, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, anil many other articlea of a similar nature. Tbe pat ronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. July 1, 1859.-zz HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rhiladelpljiß. • f fienevole-.i! FiilimUon established by special En p do:: for tkt Jidirf of Ike Sick and Distressed, ajfhcied xriik Firm e;U and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for lite Cure of Diseases / the Sexual j ffrgrtiij. "if EWOAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting i - ' ■ '.! *!! apply in iettef, with a . 'h.-criptMii ! then 4 c-•**-!iti -n, (age, occupation, habi 8 of life. Ac .) and in c*s,-. of . xtreme pov -1 '-rtv. Mo'tii-if* ■ ::;••• tie •of charge. \ ALUABLK i* r. PORTS on Fpermatwrhoei, and i S-Xiial organs { and on the NI. W 1!;..>1i,i YES emj l'iy-d in the Dispensary, sent to the nffliet din led letter envelopes, free of clmrge. iwo r three it.mps for postage will 1 be acceptable. A idr ■-s. DR. .T. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Act. .Surgeon, II >w rd .Association. No. 2 South Ninth Sti t, Pbil ei. lpl.i t. Pa. Bv order of the Directors. EZRA i>. HEART WELL, - President. GEO. I AIROIIILD, Secr< tarv. Not. 16. 1869.-? z | • CRE.IT BHSGMS ' ! \T/iinnr. fn rodnce onr stock lew as nosfl *' b! 'y spring, wewill oflferevety description WINTER GOODS cost—f"r c -h— Ready ma le Clothing st hxf Price— call and see lor yourselves J A. 11. CRAMER & CO. ; Jan. 18,1861. V.I L persons indebted to the subscriber, are * hereby pot'fi d 'o call and settle their ae comits before the first of April next, or they wfl be Lett in the hmds of a Justice forcolfertion. SARAH E. POTTS. Feb. 15, 1851. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. dETTERS tesLimi ntary having lieeu granted to the snl-scTtiwrs, living in Napier Township, 00 the st.-.v f Jar.ies U ll;ams, late of said township, | o.e'd. all persons indebted to said estate, are noti- I fl>'d to :nik" payment iiemcdiatelj, and those bav 'rig claims .'ge'ist the s.iaio wpl present them ! pi'iperlv aut'ienticftted for scttienaent. JO'f . WILLIAMS, B. F . WILLIAMS, J AS. ALLISON. April 5 ISnJ.-f CJIUTIO.\. *.\ -1 >tiee that I bare left ray wife, and warn j 3'l j*ron ti* f to Dust her on my account, as 1 !ui d< i <■:r.ii :* : *>et t-. pay anv dsbts of her con ir-tcii: L?. JOSEPH KfeODSSUft. lr Kfdg. AptilA. 1881.-* Til ii'flfk OWNER! " 17°" ?h " of my patrons in Union, St. II CI . P ' r L, c n .krrrr!rg >-id South Wood erry • -f •*. ! - 1 in - -.j th**m that I will I " >t prac'\ shim's n Surgery in the comiag - my mm ft e ttieir liberal pt --1 '"l *' 1 ii'-i ?•-" inlortn ruy patrons, shid : r< ' '*•" •>♦ I'd Surgeon; Coxkod ■ •■■•ujso " l {>• a ■■; n the above named Town ; ship*. Mr. Deiling, n!>r See years experience, has won 1 ! - 1 ini a reputation unequalcd in this part cf 1 the country, and tb' Pa die will find him an expert hand in the who!-? Vertere:.jrian seienee. D. D. BSHLEMAN \Voodb*rry, April 19- AOT/CE. AI L pcrscrs interested, are heteby notified that ♦he underaigued, administrator ot the estate of JCD ph VV,yan,;'!■ -\ ;il L WORKING, Aoril 12 iSCi. Adm'r.