Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 03, 1861, Image 3

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    pe 'Vord Co. Teaehers' Association.
The Association met pursuant to adjournment,
on d was called to order by the President.
Rev. G. C'igafoos led in Prayer.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
a sd the roll called
The Constitution and By-Laws were read, and
opportunity giren for joining tho Arsociation.
Mr. D. M. Wonders was chosen a member pro.
tens., of the Business Committee, and they reported
a Programme for the afternoon.
A Committee on Resolutions, consisting of
Messrs. Fisher, Wonders and Kinsel, was appoin
The question "Resolved that all teachers should
attend a .Normal School, at least one term, before
taking charge of a school," was adopted, Mr. Siga
foot supported the affirmative.
On motion-the discussion was closed, and mis
cellaneous business was taken up.
Too Business Committee reported the order of
exercises for the evening and the meeting ad
The Association was caliedto order by the Pre
sident and the minutes of the previous meeting
-read Mr. J. (f. Livingston read an essay upon the
thome, "The Teacher and his Profession." Miss
L. C. Arnold read s beautiful essay upou "The
Education of Women."
Mr, Racb then delived an interesting and in
structive address, handling his theme, "Discipline
of the Mind," in a masterly manner.
"The association was called to or'er and a song
entitled "The Star of the Evening," was sung by
several gentlemen.
The Business Committee reported as follows :
The association will meet in Bedford, on Mon
day, Decem!er ?3 I, 1861, at 1| o'clock, to con
tinue in session until Saturday HOOD.
Messrs. A. N. Raub, W. W. Brim, John Pal
mer, Geo. Eigafoos, Sarnl. 11. Tate, J. \Y. Dicker
son, of Martinsburg and J.J. Slut /man, of Som
erset, wore appointed Lectureis, Messrs. D. M .
Wonders, Z. F. Kt-ir, J. C- Gyer, C. W. Green,
J.N.Rawlins, John Kin*?), J. H. Miller, M.S.
Campbell, John E. Satterfiold, J. A. Livingstone,
J. Lehman, J.C. Long and Missis S E. Mont
gomery, L. C. Arnold, Lizzie P. Blaekbnrn, llollle
Tobias and Miss Hetberington, were appointed
Essayists for the next meeting.
The' Committee on Resolutions report-, !.
Kestlved, That we, as a portion r f !V; . ushers
of Bedford County, knowing t! • ncy of
Teachers' Associations, are deform ryotu
ste ihein and encourage thein by our pr,.t
Htsolred, That the failure of teachers to periomi
the duties assigned them in the Programme, v
the Business Committee, is discouraging to :Lo
itdcharspresent, and tends greatly to retard the
progress of edncition in the County and that all
such are justlv censurable by this Association,
where-there has been no providential interference.
Resolved, That this Association request a
of Miss Arnold's Essay for publication.
Resolved. That we tender our thanks to the Di
rector* ol Bedford Borough, for granting us the
use of-the flail.
Resolved, That the editors of the County papers
be requested to publish the proceedings of this
A Committee of three, conristing of Messrs.
Fisher, Miller and Livingstone, were appointed to
wait upon Mr. A. Jf. Raub, and request a copy of
his address for publication.
A Resoleti&a, That the President have tho pow
er to appoint a corresponding Secretary pro. tern.,
whose dutv it shall be to correspond with those
who are appointed to perform duties at the next
meeting, and publish the names of all wbo will ac
cept at least one mouth previous to the meeting,
was carried, and Mr. J. G. Fisher was appointed.
Messrs Sigafoos, Fisher and Green were appoin
ted a-Committee ot Arracgeratuts for the next
Adjourned to Monday Dec. 23d IS6I.
A. N. RAUB, Prca'L
C, W. GRZZN, Scct'y.
On Thursday the 11th inst., James Hughes, re
siding on the iarm or W m . Hull, in Napier Town
ship, went out for the purpose of cutting rail tim
ber. The tree which he was felling split when
partially cnt down, and struck him and fractured
hts aeck, which, it is supposed, caused instant
death. A jury was summoned by John W. Hull,
who, together with Dr. Ely, of Scbellsburg ex
trained the body, and rendered then verdict as
above. He was a poor man, a day laborer, and
bis left a wife and four children, the youngest about
two weeks old to mourn his loss. There is no
wuloty about his age, but he was supposed to be !
•bout rears. Truly "in the midst of life we j
•re In death." B. IV. J. !
Wasbingtoo, April, 29.—Rumor having
•latad that a battery bad been thrown up by
the Virginia troops, at the plaoe called White
House, below Fort Washington, on the Poto
mac riwer, an actual examination wis made,
yesterday; of the ground there, aud for a mile
or two all round, and nothing of the kind was
any where discoverable.
The Charle&tcn Mercury earnestly protests
against the advice of certain Southern journ
als whioh urge an immediate assault on Wash
ington, acd its occupation as the Capital of
'he Confederate States.
The Alexandria Gazette says that General
L* has ordered the release of General Har
txy, who was stopped at Harper'# Ferry on
sis way to Washington, and mentions a ru
mor that Jefferson Davis is to come to Rscb
m*od this week.
Stephens Laa returned to Mcctgomeay.
, j
L i# a well known fact, that the people of
are loyal to the -Cousinsun and the
-t,k,n. but there have been tin liter reports
eoßcerewg the Governor, acd die operations
feeee-sioai!.t conspirators which it was fcar
ei ' ""ght bring the Seutflsra revolution iuto
'he borders of the gal!-, -t little Stete. We
"joice to find that the? reports are not tree.
Burton has tu- fu ly -.cms out io
"•fpoost to the Preaidrrt'* p .U:ostion Icr
uotriers and in a ebon rim? we amv expect
■ u * BHare quota to Is in dir. flsJd. We are
T-i'te fure they will prove to be srnorg the
bravest and best of the defenders of the ooun
* k 1 ;;- Philadelphia Bulletin,
April 26.-Gimraur Wat.
urtOß, tf Delaware, ba.. irt-utd Lis proclema
i caitinga out, the volunteers of the f>uu?
Mend the Uaiou.
The express from Titusville, on Thursday,
brought the news of a terrible conflagration
which occurred at Rouseville, fourteen miles
below the former place, at 4 o' clock ou Wed
nesday. The particulars, as near as wo could
glean them are as follows: —A party of men
were drilling at the u Merrick Well," and at
about 3 o'clock struck the largest vein of oil
and gas flowed from the well in a four iuch
stream, and spouted into tbo air to the height
of fifty feet, with a rushing sound. Prepara
rations were made to save the oil, and while
dipping it from (he ground into barrels the gas
with which the at/uospbero had become charged
ignited by some means uukoown, and exploded
wi'h the noise of thunder, which was heard at
a distance of fix mile*, las'aotiy the whole
neighborhood was in flames, and burning with
the fierceness of a volcanic fire.
Four men wore burned to a crisp at the weil
where the explosion took place, aud a fifth,
Mr. 11. It. Roos*, of the firm of Rouse, Mitch
ell & liruWD, was so baldly burned that his
I bowels piotiuded and his body was almost
! completely robbed of its skin and flesh. He
j was not expected to live twenty minutes when
! persons were dispatched to Titusville for j hy
scians. These persons, stated that the flames
spread from well to wcil, and bouuded over
the ground in every direction as if chased by
a whirlwind, and that all 'he derricks and com
bustible maitcr in the vicinity would be
| destroyed. They also stated Heir fears that
large numbers of p nous baa suffered death.
At the moment they left many were missing
and the utmo-t confusion prevailed.
It seems that there arc a large numlgr of
wells on the ph-t, many of them only thirty
fee* apart, aud as the iigbt we seen to grow
brighter, fiour Titusville, late on Thursday
OJ ruing, with sudden and vivid flashes, it is
lUt rcasmable to suppose tint the cutire flats
have lecu burned over.— Erie (Pa.) Dispatch.
Stop the tnif plies 'o the Rebels—is the word.
Nothing is allowed to pas* down the Ohio river
i lor the benefit of the Rebel Tnitors. At Cvn
; rinaui a guatd vessel has been stationed on
I the river?, to search al! vessels. Every one
i who aids and comforts the enemy with supplies
of aoy kiu-I, will be seized and tried for their
I lives.
j The Slate of Ohio, iu four -Jays frotn the
issuing of the President's Proelam ition, res
ponded to her quota of t! irte&c regimen's
(10.000 incn,) J holds in reserve,
equipped aod supplied at the Sta 1 's sx reuse
A bill appropriating 51 000,000 !o- nrmi'-g
the militia,-has passed both branches of the
Legislature unanimously. This is tbc way to
i -support the best Government iu the world.
it i* stated that four times (be number of
. voiueteers which Peuusylvaoia wis requi red
; to furnish fr the war, have been offered to
i the Governor. There is no doubt but that
Penusylvauii herself could do tnoro 'han fur
nish the whole 75.00G required. Well done.
| old Ivejstouc!
{JO-.D UNION FAMILIES.—Among the vol
unteer* from Montgomery county who ennli
: ed themselves to figbt for the 'rftars and Stripes,
were six brothers from Plymouth township,'
by name of Stitch five brothers from Norris
town by name of Sctsi!,(?ons of Gen. Win.
Schull.) -md four, also from Norristawu by
oatue of Diamond.
THAT FLAG - -The while fli<r reported to
have b#eo borne by tho Massachusetts regi
ment when it fought its way through Balti
more, was the regular Massachusetts standard.
It is a flag of white silk, with Ihe arms of the
Union on one side, and those cf the leiate on
the reverse. Jl lastnchutttts froops ask no truce
with a mob of traitors.
MESSRS. WM. U. DCKF, and 0. 0. COCH
RAN, two of tba most accomplished business
and ornamental penman in tbe United State?, !
will hereafter be the aseoeia'o professers of
Penmanship in Duff's Mercantile College. On
reference to our advertising columus it will he
seen that tbey propose to test their title to this
claim by comparing their writing with tb : f
any penmen iu America. This enables persons j
in all parts of the country to see at cncc where
t'o fcest panmen are to he found.
I'xRRYSViLLE, Mil. April 26.—Three citi
zen*, of Baltimore have passed through here
for the North, confirm the accounts of injuries
suffered by tbc Union oiem there. They bad
been waited on by a squad of General Trum
bull's troop*, attd ordered to leave at once.
They all seemed to have leen in comfortable
ciicotnst.nces, and one said be w;s worth
s■lo,ooo, but bad left wi'b only 75 cents io
b;s pocket, and walked io this point.
A gentleman who left Washington oo
! Wednesday night, says that the Seventh New
York Regimei t positively arrived that afrer
! noon. Two thousand additional troops had
| arrived there. All was quiet in Baltimore,
! thongh the people contioue much excited.
A private letter from Baltimore dated last
•jveniug, says that tbo oity is quiet again.
Trio Federal troops are passing over the
railroad from Annapolis to Washington, with
out interruption, AND there seems to he DO
desire or intention to interfere. The conser
vative rantiflMßt is now predominating again,
and the Union men seen; more hopeful to-day.
few days since, Judge William Lawrence, of
Logan county, Ohio, caused tbo following or
der to be entered upon tbo journal of his
"It is hereby ordered that the aberiff of
Logan county be, and is hereby directed, nt
overj term of this Court, to ereet upon tho
dome ot the Court House in Bellefontaine, a
suitable standard with the flag of tbc Ameri
can Union thereon, and the same aball tberc
remain during the sessions of this Court, as
an evidence of devotioo to the 'Constitution,
the Union, and the enjerrcemtnt of the laws.'"
County Treasurer.
?VE are authorized to annonca tbu name of Mar
tin Milturn. of Bedford Borough, an a cand-dato
for Treasurer, sutject to the decision ot tiu ite.
publican County Conreptkm.
On Tuesday evening, 2-3.1 alt., .it the bouse of
the t ride's mother, in Bedford, by Btv. T. Uey
<!en, Mr. John Bonis to M islivsrah K. SaUpp.
The happy couple bare our bast wishes f.r the:
'uture happiness- ;may ii>< y live long to enjoy the
Jwys ot wedded life, and none of its sorrows-
On tbc Jtlst inst., at the residence of William
Field s, by Kev . N. E. Uilds, 31- John W. FieUes
to Miss Catharine Keesy, both of Union Towaibip.
On Monday, the Bth Bit. Miss Margaret R. Fil
ler. in the 20h year of her age.
The death of this young lady is deeply felt, and
widely mourned. Attractive iti personal appear
ance, winn ing in manner, pleasant ia her intercourse
witb a'.!, and adorned wih many traits ot natural
loveliness. She was admired and loved by all who
knew her. To her natural endowments of mind
and heart , which secured the esteem and affection
of her acquaintances, were added, we trust, the
rtei er adornments of religion. Interested in the
covenant of Christ, with views of the plan of sal
vation remarkably clear, and exercises of mind
though not strikingly marked, yet such as indicate
the special operations of divine grace, "we mourn
| not as those who have no hope." Deeply convinced
| of sirduloess. and pctsnsrded that there was noth
ing between her and perishing but the blood of tins
Lamb, She sought an interest in the atoning saeri.
Ifice. pleading the Saviours prosiise ; '-ark and it
shall be given unto you." She was not a ooni
i miming member of the church. Although she
j had in contemplation pnbtic profession of religion
| several months before bet decease, impaired health
j and other causes prevented. She occasionally ex
' pressed a strong desire to live, and was liopefn!
with regard to the issue of her sickness, until near
j the last. She once remarked to the writer that
i she had been prayirg much 'hat God would pre
pare her for an early death, or, if it was his will to
prolong her lifo, that she might henceforth live to
bis glory. She spoke but little to others with re
gard to her prospects, hut her thoughts were evi
dently much occupied with eternal realities. In
: the still hour of night, when she supposed others
j slept, she was heard to repeat those words of the
Saviour which form a part of that tender fatewell
j addrets to his disciples; <-In my Fathers house
, are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have
told you." After an mteriuption, hy a par xysm
of coughing, she resumed the discourse which
| s.-cmid to furnish a subject of devout and pleasant
| contemplation. On another occasion, the evening
j of her death, when a christian friend was rending
j one of the Psalms, she anticipated the reader and
; quoted iu a clear, culm voice a passage refering to
ike nork ol r-demptior.. and the harmonising of
the divine attributes in the blood-sheding of Christ;
"mercy and troth are met together ; righteousness
and peace have kissed each other." Her last
thoughts were given to tin Saviour aid his work.
She said she was prepare! to die, and soon aller
j without a struggle or a groan, fell asleep, we trust,
i ill .!• ses.
This case of hopeful conversion, as we regard it,
should not encourage presumption, or postpone
ment of preparation for death until "the eleventh
hour," when many seek to enter into lif- and are
not able. VVe refer to it as un exemplification ot
j God's grace, and the Saviour's willingness to re
ceive those who come to him in the way of God's j
i appointment.
I The mother of the deceased, for many years a j
widow, has now Committed to the grave six (laugh- :
j tcrs and one son. G<ui's dealings are often in
scrutable. "Joseph is not, ami Simeon is not, and
j ye will take Benjamin away, ail the.-* things are
ag i'nst me." Such was the Patriarch's 1 uucnt.
But the hand of vigil in' love was n all his affile.
■ tions, and the night of weeping w is succeeded t y a
! morning of joy. To the hewild-ro 1 and mourning .
| parent infinite Love says: "Whit I do thou know
• est not now, but thou shaft know hereafter."—
j Through grace, confi ling faith in iv respond: "It
' is the Lord, let him do what seenicth him good."
"Judge not the Lord by feeble sense
But trust him f r his grace;
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face."
At the Forks of the road in Napier Tp., after a
shoit illness. Elizabeth Stocky, in the 1-Sth year of
| her age.
j Tli.? subject of this notice, whose amiable dis-
I posit ion and aflbctionate manner won not only the
: love of her tatlwr mother, brother and sisters, but
, the esteem of all who knew her, took the diptheria,
! and after eight days, the three list ol which
t were spent in the most intense suffering, her spirit
I winged its way to heaven.
The day before her death she desired to be
: baptised, and she was accordingly received into
1 membership of the Evangel Church,"
j by tho Rev. Yingling.
She se*nid to hive no ftars of death, but said
she was going home , her latest breath was spent
in exhorting her father not to weep for her as she
i would soon be happy.
Lilt up your heirts afliicted ones,
In faith O kiss the rod,
[ Zton is now dear Lizzy's, home
Zion the home of God.
You have the blest assurance now,
She to heaven has gone to rest,
Through a long eternity,
i L 7 pon her Saviour's I reast,
Ceasu weeping were her dying words,
Know this and strive to live,
Ever ; as sbe in'readinesa,
Your lives to God to give.
On the Ist ult., at St. Clairsville, John Berk*
heinier, aged 33 years, 6 months and l'J days.
On the 19tb ult., in Onion Township, Daniel Mc-
Dounwld, aged 81 years. 5 months, and 19 days.
On the 20th ult., in St. CUir Township, Sarah
Ann A-'lisou, aged 19 years, 1 month and 19 days.
On the 13th ult., Mr. Samuel Whetstone, 3ged
69 years, 11 montlts and 6 days.
On the 28th ult., Mrs Sarah Dichl, aged 80 years,
3 months and 23 days.
Public Sale
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Bedford County, tie subscriber will sell at
Public tsa!e, ou <he premises, in Napier Township, j
onTuesdiy the 18th day of June, next, the fol.
lowrng tract of laud, being the Real Estate of
Aaron Good,decM, adjoining lands of Jesse Biack- j
burn, Adam Otto, James O. Robinett and others,
and containing forty acres and allowance,' about
twenty-five or thirty acres of Sai l land are cleared
an 1 under fence—about ten acres of which are
meadow. The other improvements are a two story
log dwelling house, stable and other out buildings, j
with a good thriving young orchard; a pump is
near the door, and there is plenty of excellent wa- j
ter on the place.
The sale will commence at 10 o'clock, of the day
above mention-d.
TERMS :—One third in hand stthc confirmation
of tho sale ; balance in two equal animal payment#
without interest, to be seemed y waive* Judge
May 8, 1861—" Adm'r.
To my Pafrous and all Others Inter
THE map of Bedford Connty, Is now nearly ready
for distribution, but in view of the war
troubles, Ac., I deem it piopcr to hold it over a
while—hoping matters will shortly Like a more
favorable turn. Since, however, the map is thus
far completed, circumstances will compel ma to
deli#, r it ere very long.
May 3, 1861.
MRS. E. V. MOWRT bas just received from the
city an elegant assortment of good*, comprising
bonnets, shakers, flits, nbbonds, flowers, rouclu-s,
bonnets, frames, iadios dress caps, It c , &c. Also
a good variety of materials for making bonnets,
such as black crape, black mode and n superior
bl ick material for .Misses bonnets, white crape.!
si. AS of all colors and varieties, which will he mads
to order. They have been carefully selected by j
a uiHi-iery float the east of long experience- and
good taste, whose services !m been engaged fer
the con.i.ig utiien. Having orought low fci cash
we ate determine 1 toecii iovv lot cisa or its equiva
Terms strictly e#h.
Her place of business is on e ist Pit t street nearly
opposite Robert Fyan's Store.
May 3, 1861.
I E ITEKS of Administration on the Estate of
-i-J Michr.el FJuck, late of Hopewell Township,
dee'd, haying been cranted to the subscriber, liv
ing iu the town .! Hopewell, ail persons indebted
to pnil estate. are notified to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims ag-inst the same
, will present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. SAMUEL S. FLUCK,
M*s 3, 1861. Adm'r.
I PROPOSALS will lie received at the bouse of
Gideon D. Trout, on Saturday the 18th day of
; May, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the erection
j ol a Biidge over Du lining's Greek, at Griffiths
; lording, ia St. Clair Township. Plan and specifi
j cations may be seen at the iiouse of Gideon Trout.
By order of the commissi oners.
May 3, 1861. Clerk.
THE subscriber will sell at private sale, the farm
situate in Juniata Township, on which James
Burns, (of Thomas.) now resides.
This farm contains 118 acres, about 80 acres
cleared and under fence. Tlie lan 1 is good wheat
land, and in high state of cultivation— about 14
acres of excellent meadow. Also a first rate
! orchard, of all kinds of fiuit.
The improvements are a good two story Rough
: Cart He use, large Bank Barn, an i other outbuild
ings. For turther particulars, call on the suUscii
ber, living In Londonderry Township, Bedford
| County, Pi. DAVID EVANS.
May 3, 18G1.
I'UU are ordered to parade in Schellsburg, on
Satuid y the 11th of May, inst., lor inspcciiop, in
i winter uniform, with pinme, and ten i ootids of
cartridge. A full turn out is earnestly desired.
By order of the Captain.
W. J. SMITH, O. 8.
May 8, 1861.
Jolin Major,
Hopewell, Bedford County.
COLLECTIONS and all business pertaining to
his Office will be attended to promptly.
Will also attend to the sile or renting of real j
estate. Instilments of writing carefully prepared. ;
Also, settling up partnerships and other accounts. |
May 3, 1861. j
Corner ol Wrsl Pill and Juliana Si.
THE snbscr her is opening at this well known !
stand, a Weil selected stock of Confectioneries, !
Totmcco, Segars and Groceries, consisting tn part j
of coffee, iruwn, crushed and pulverized sugars, !
refined and golden syrups, baking molasses, young ;
hyson, imperial and Mack tec, chocolate, corn ;
starch and flavoring cxtrac's, chease. corn brooms,
painted buckets, d'tstttg, wall, scrub, horse, shoe, j
tooth and hair brushes; Confectionaries, such as ;
plain and far.ev candies, fruited candies and flivor- i
ed jellies; water, butter and sweet crackers.- {
Foreign Jmils , oranges, lemons, tigs, raisons. ,
prunes, dates, currants, citrons, filberts, wilnuts, j
cre.m nu's, almonds, pea nuts; T<J>acco, congress j
plug, sweet plantation, natural leaf, rough and ;
ready, Lynchburg, smoaking, a superior article, •;
cut and dry, Jc., Ike., Cegars, opera, slxr?, half ;
Spanish, and a vmlety of ether brands. The pull- .
lie are respectfully invited to give h'rn a call.— j
Ficknics and May parties supplied st very reason- j
able prices.
All kinds of country produce taken at the high. ;
est market price.
April 26, 1861.
>TtHE uniformed companies, composing the Irt
1 Brigade, 16th Division, P. U. M., will parade
for tiie purpose of inspection and review, at the
following times and places :
llopewell Hides, will meet at the Town of Hope
well. on Monday the 6th day of May, next, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
Pat tons ville Rifl s, will meet at the town or
Pationsville, on Thursday, the 7th day of May,
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Bloody Run Bines, will meet at ths Borough of
Bloody Bun, on Wednesday, the 6th day of May,
next, at *lO o'clock, A. M.
Clearv.ille Blues, will meet at the town of Clear
ville, on Thursday, the 9th day of Mav, next, at
10 o'clock, A. M."
Bedford Rifles, will meet at the Borough of Bed
ford, on Friday, the 10th day of May, next, at 10
o'clock, A.M.
Black Plumed Rifles, will meet at the Borough
ot Scbellsbtint. on Saturday, the 11th day of May,
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Cumberland Valley Blues, will meet at the town
of Cenlerville, on Monday, the 13th day of May,
next, at 10o'clock, A. M.
Ctptains of Companies, will pleas take notice of
these orders, and notify their companies accord
ingly. They are also required to make return of
tlieir companies for the year 1861, at .the time cf
the above named parades.
Brigade Inspector, Ist Brigade. 16ih Durisi >n.
Brigade Inspector's Office, Bedford, April 16.
The Only Commercial Collage In
the ('iiion Conducted by a
Practical Merchant.
OVER 6XOO STUDENTS have attended it <rotn
30 different States. Four Silver Medal*
have been awarded Defies System of Booking ; and
the new Circnhr just issued contains letters fiom
Students in Phdadt-lphia, Baltimore, New Orleans,
St. Louis, Cincinnati etc., proving it to be the
best kuown. NINE FIRST PREMIUMS were
recently awaraod the Penmanship of Mr. W.M. H.
DUFF, who with his associate Frott-ssor, Mr. C. f".
Cochran, are undoubtedly the best penmen iu '
Harper's Edition of Duffs Book Keeping
postpaid 1 70 j
Duff k Duncan's Gems of Penmanship, 6 00 !
I)urf & Dunci-n'i New Sell >ol Copy Books
6 number*, ">4
For samples of Messrs. Duff if Cochran's Busi
ness and Ornamental PeDtnausbip, with, the
new Circular iff 64 pag-.s, ioclose 2o cents iu stamps
to P. DUFF c SON.
April 19, 1801.
John P-rimer,
WILL promptly attend to all business en
trusted to his care.
Office in Juliana Street, nearly opposite the
••Mengel House."
April 19, ISGI.-tf
John B. McGirr,
OFFICE on Juliana Street, with William M.
Hal). Esq.. Bedford Pa.
April 19, 1661. z
rpuE undersigned, Executors' of the estate of
JL John L. Ingrain, dee'd, 1-ito of Blair Town
ahip, Blair County, will sell a number of lots lying
on the PI ink Road and near the Jackson lotel,
v John Allen. Thelots are in a d< -
aide locality an i valuably, Posous wiahiug to
uy or examine them, will be a ceo turn 'dated by
Caiiiag on the executor*. Sale will commence at
1 oM >ck, P. M , of said day, when the terms will
be made known. n. M. INGRAM,
April 12,1661. Executors'
OF Foreign and Domestic Goods, Wares, &c.,
in Bedford County for the year 1861.
Bedford Borough.
Close. Tax.
Oster St Cam, 13 10 0C
A. B. Cramer, $ Co. 18 10 00
Nicholas Lyons, 14 7 00
Jacob Reed, 1* 10 OC
Miss Margaret Fotterly, 14 7 0C
S. 4- W. Shuck, 14 7 OC
Robert Fyan, 14 7 0C
J. M. Shoemaker St Co., 14 7 OC
Mrs. Sarah E. Sigafooa, 14 7 OC
Isaac Lipple, 14 7 0C
Agnes Saupp, 14 7 0C
John Arnold, 14 7 OC
W'm. Hartley, 14 7 OC
George Blvniire, 14 7 0C
Dr, B. F.flarry. Drugs, 14 7 0C
Dr. H. C. Ream..:, do 14 7 OC
A. L. De&banpb, Confectionary 8 6 OC
Jacob Br,;linger do 8 5 0C
John Hater, Ten Pin Alley, 7 6C
do do Biltnird Table, 75C
Reed, Hupp 4t Sehell, Bankers, 10 Ci
John J. Luther, Eatiug House, 10 OC
John G. Minnicb, do de 10 OC
James Farquhar, 14 7 0C
Bedford Township.
Bedford Spring Co.. Li! ard Table, 7 5C
do do Ten Pen Alley, 7 5C
John S. Ritchey, Distillery, 10 0C
Broadtup Tou nship.
John F. Lowry. 14 70(
| Langdon h Smith, 14 7 <X
; John Foster, Eating House, 10 CH
j do do Ten PiD Alley, 76C
Colcrain Township.
! A>. C! James, 14 70(
; James 4 Barnhart, 14 7 IK
1 N. C. Evans, Confectionary, 8 5 0C
Cumberland Valley Township. ,
j Thomas Grouden, 14 7 C<
j John May. 14 7 0'
j Daniel Anderson, 14 7 C
■ Jacob Anderson, 14 7 01
East Providence Township.
!D.A. T. Black, • 14 7(X
j John Nycum, 14 7C(
j John Lauderbaugb, 14 7 C",
Harrison Township.
j Valentine B. Wertz, 14 7 01
Jacob C. Devore, 14 70(
Juniata Township.
; George Gardel, 14 7 01
L. N. Fyan, 14 7 W
: William Keyset, 14 7 CK
Hillegass k Mowery, 14 7 0C
Frederick Hillegass, 14 7 CK
i Hillegass & Hanlev, Distillerv, 10 Q(
jL. N. Fyan, " do 10 Of
Liberty Township..
Jacob Fockler. 14 7 00
Lewis Putt, 14 7 0C
Monroe Towns kip.
; James R. O'Neal, 14 7 CK
Daniel Fletcher, 14 7 CK'
Isaac Grove, 14 7_ <
Sapitr Township.
John Waid, 14 7 (K
George W. Blackburn, 14 7 CK
Schetlsburg Borough.
Isaiah Conlev, 14 7 CCJ
A. B. Bunn, 14 7 0C
John Smith, 14 " W
John S. ScheU, 14 7 0C
E. Stiller it SOD, 14 70(
Jacob Miller, 14 7 (X
Duncan McVicker, 14 7 CC
John E. Colvin, 14 7 OC
Swike Spring Township.
Nicholas ROODS, 14 7 O<J
SI. Clair Township.
G. D. Tront. 14 7 0C
Sinr>n Hurchman, i 4 7 '"J
F. D. Beegle, 14 7 Or
.Miss Ann C. Smith, 'l4 7 CK
Nathan Wright, 14 7 ft
G. B. Amick, 14 7 00
George Kinesling, 14 7 o<l
Josiah Blackburn 14 7 o<i
B. F. Horn, It 7 00
Southampton Township.
Henry C. Lash ley, 14 7 00
John Cavender, 14 7 00
. West Providence Township.
Jan-.cs M. Barndollar, 14 *7 00
J. B. Williams, 14 7 00
William Sfites, 14 7 0U
Simou Sha/er, 14 7 00
P. G. Morgert, Tea Pin Alley, 7 50
Daniel Broad, Eating house, 10 00
Charles Blike, do do _ 10 00
John C. Black, Confectionary, 8 5 00
Eli Ramsey, Drugs, 14 7 00
John Gilbert, 14 7 00
Thomas Ritchey, 14 7 00
Middle Woodberrv Township-
H. M. Neal, 14 7 00
Andrew Baker, 14 7 00
George H. BarndolUr, 14 7 00
A. L. Beckhoefc 14 7 00
Jacob Breneman, 14 7 00
Joseph Dtl I unow C rfectionary, 8 600
Samuel Longcuesker, do 8 5 00
South Woodberry Township.
David F. Buck, 14 7 00
Daniel M. Bare, 14 7 00
Samuel Oster, . 14 t 00
Jacob Kauffinan, 14 7 CO
Robert Ralston, 14 00
Union Township.
Win. Lambreth. 14 / 00
Londenderry Township.
T J. Porter, 14 7 00
George R. Bailey, 14 7 00
D. V. Evans, 14 7 00
There will be an Appeal held at the Commission
ers Office, in Bedford Borough, on the 4th day of
May 1861. LEVI AGNEW,
April 12, 1861. Mercantile Appraiser.
Swords beaten into plow shears and spears into
pruning hooks.
ing located in the oil stlli'of John C!a*r, imme
diately east cxi Jobnßrico'a hotel, Bedford, Pa.,
. am r.ow ready to do ail work in my line, SUCH ...
horse shoeing, wagon making 6tc., &c., in the best
style and at prices to suii the times. I earnestly
solicit a liberal Bhare of the patronage of all wbc
may need wo kin toy line. Call down nnd heai
the "music of the Anvil," and give mo a trial
April lb. 1861. WM. OOOK.
JlttlTi Mil
rriHE subscriber rospectiully begs iear- to ia-
X form his patrons and the public generally,
that be still continues to mannfaeture and keep
constantly on hand, cloths, c.issimers, satinetta,
flannels, blankets, &c., all of which he will sol]
cheap for cash or exchange for wool, cJao
Carding and Fulling.
for which he would call special attention, as he
possesses superior facilities and machinery, espe
cially adapted to this branch of the business, and
feels confident he can do work superior to any
other establishment in the county.
for carding and fulling strictly cash.
All letters on business should be directed to Bed
ford Pa.,whers tbey will receive prompt atten
tion. JOHN LI7TZ.
April 9,1 &G 1 .—25
~Wf ' nicer than terries that measure 3to 4
YY inches in circumference. Also 40 or 50 varie
ti s 4 perpetual blooming Roses, Climbing Vines,
Grape Roots, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Cherry.
Cumin, Fruit Trees, Nc., still in season to pit .t
ail of the shore. T. M. LYNCH.
April 19, 1861.
or King's Evil,
:• ft -<t .•{•• Ikeasc, a< rnption of the
b ■ t'f wbieu this tiudi becomes vitiated,
-ad i 'r. ileing in the circulation,-it
r. -rva.i the v. i, .i- !<edy, ar.d may burst out
u i.- t—>n any • ;rt -,f it. Xo organ is free
Ir m ita-tacks, nor U there one which it may
not destfut The .-erofuknts taiut is variously
cn-ned iy u, reorinl di*eac, low living, dis
mtirrwd r j.oi.-ioti'y food, impure air, tilth
•<• liitlty habit-, the diytewi, vices, and,
a i.v :■ a.!, by the venereal infection. What*
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending ** from parent* to children
unto the third and fc.urth generationindeed, —-
it >• ;iu* to he tiij rod of Him who says,'l
will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon
their children,"
Its e."act* c -ntrnetcc by deposition from the -
ban: 11 cf corrupt or ukrisai matter, which, in
ti. liver, sod internal organs, is termed
th eles; j:r thj glaad*. swellings; and on
the - ;rf:ice. eruptions or sores. This foul cor
rrptiv.u rh,' i genders in the blood, depresses
tile energies of l.fe, so tliat scrofulous constitu
t: >.is not only v 'ifTcr from scrofulous com
plaints, but they Leva far loss power to with*
id the it tacks of other diseases; conse
<i'< "ly. nit numbers perish bv disorders
v. r. . Si, .dthoi.yh not scrofulous in their nature,
arc still r :ui red fatal hy this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
e:ijKitc thhuman family has its origin directly
in- tu mtnfuioua contamination; and many
d'.iif ctivc dicca-of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, it dc-- tl, <rf ;,il the organ?, arise from or
nr. 1 aggravated hv the same cause.
0.-.e quarter of ail our people are scrofulous;
their pet-ions arc invaded by this lurking in*
feet-rii. and the r health is undermined by it.
lb rie: ie it from the system we must renovate
f - ; . an alterative medicine, and in-
V:z ■' :t hy healthy food and exercisa.
situ, a .. ;_.dirie v.;- supply in
''} which the medical
tin's can n.-visit for this every
*'• • t"cr-.i;ing aud t ?al malady. Itiscom
.'t' d'r r. th? mnst active rtmedinla that have
been vfi tc- itl for the f xnurgation of this foul
dtv— ■- from the blood, the rescue of the
M front f- detractive consequences.
It ;- for the cure of
*.-■ -oty t.—rfvla, hut clso those ether aJTec
'- ' ? which arise from it, such 2S Etu-pttve
. ;, or, lhtrua, Pi-STTI.SS,
*1 i i. Beats* and Erwi.i, Trrious. Tetter
a' - Scald Head, Riscvosm,
lii.i-fiiaii.iM, STrmuTicand Meuccriat, Dis
ia-is. L'l.or r, ftvf-itfi.A, Debility, and,
in da. i. u -'-tM-iAisri ar:?isg from Vitia- W'
" ! vR iMPt Flood. 'ihe popular belief
i j ■-. • •rih-ar blood" is founded in truth,
tf -'■ -c - ■ te- ration cf the blood. The
p;,,r, nipjT pun, se and virtue cf this Sarsapa
•'w •* purify nd negem-rate this vital fluid,
w tl v.;,i ...m.d health is tmpccaille in
•x; •-... cd r mtiratians.
Ljeiz cathartic Pili3,
*.-e in romn°wd i'-at i i, within the range of
i un et.u rarely wiJistend or evade thc-m
. ,;;i - j- ..jtcrties search, and cleanse,
yi-- : r j' y ■ u- r*t-ry -.ertion of the human erg an
iCs. eoprcctSiig its oiw-astd action, awl restoring
K'a: v y itaii'i.cs. Asa ronsequence of these
i'i 'p.'rncr, the invrjid who is bowed down with
T. -. rr yby:,-ai dfbihty is astonished to find his
..csl'h r rrsUiK-d by a remedy at oaee so
si-. • ;c .-A il iuvitiitg,
V t > :y do ti.e v cure the every-dsy complaints
s very ho v, hi t also aiany formidable and
Luiigcrai's ''u>< -••. The egetu l-clew named is
f leased to f--i -.-it: gtatis my Ametfean Aimanae,
ro3.r:.r-ii-;', eectuicates of ti.tir euros and uirectioiis
h-T their use in the "W!aw lag toraplaints: CMicw
fr.-s. /'• -?. n, iUtitiache t ruimjfrom Jitcrdered
SUr,u •>.. .. Jrtci-<hrtion,Painin'tmdMorbid
/ r:,i, li tt f I','otui tHy, Ltlit of Apf*-
•' -r, and other kindred complaints,
r: • !.j. .. a i-.w slate of the body or obstruction
I'jet a Cherry Pectoral,
y. :; r; Rsrio CTB.B of
TTrc.rhc, fold--. hiSeciua, Hoarseness,
•<o ; BrODChlti", iticipient Consnmjp
ffo.t, c.r.d for tho relief of Consumptivfl
Fallouts ia adrunccd stages of the
Si ride i* the field of its usefulness and so r.o
ti er-;s are the cases of its cures, that almost
cvj-n see,ion of cctir.rry abounds in persons pub
1-. i. - ajwu. who hate been restored from alarming
and tle-vpcrate diseases cf the lungs by its
u*e. When oficc tried, i's superiority over every
ctirer midicii-e cf i's kind it too apparent to escape
observation, and whTe its virtues are known, the
P'ii lie no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing cr.-J dancerous afieetiur.s of the
T ory.-nt that are ir.ciderit to our climate.
WlA'e m-cy iufr-iior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, thjs
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
pn the aniijeted they can never forget, and pro
il ved cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgetlcn.
3IE. J. €. AVER & CO.
B F. Hrtiry, Bedford; Barudollar& Son, Bloody
dun; G. B. Aruick, St. Cicarville; J. Breneman,
IVoodberry; Geo. Gardill, West End; J. E. C*l
vn. Schellstmrg ; and by dealers generally.
Sept. US, 1860.
THE undersigned very respectlnlly, informs the
public that he lost bis pocket book on VVed*
lesday, the 27th of March, ult., containing S2O in
aank notes payable to wit: ono $lO and two $5,
jotes on Pittsburg bank, also two promisary notes,
me against Adam Ritcbey, for $22, and one against-
Levi Rinard, for $73.T0, both notes are due and
ray able.
A reward of $lO will be giveu for the recoverv
:>{ said pocket book and contents, and the pcblic
s hereby warned r,gainst purchasing or receiving notes. GEORGE KITCHEY.
East Providence Tp., April 12, 1561.-C-*
idmiuibtrator's Xoilee.
LETTERS of administration having been grantee!
to the subveriber. on the estate of David F.
8.-owi. i-.ite of Mi idle Wood; e-rry T w ship, dee'd,
sii persons in i.-bt i h srid estate are notified to
make pa'.ment immediately, nod those having
di'# against the a&iuc will preauat taeia properly
MKbiuticafed for settlement.
April 12, 1861. Adtu'r.
¥"sfooi mm.
FOR Oie itcnefit of n>y pstrena in Unior, St.
Clair, Bedford. Snakespriug and Sonth Wood
aerry Townships, I will hriorra thorn that I will
rot pnotice Veterasarian Snrgery in tba coming
season. I thank my patrons firr their liberal p|t
'onage. I would al*o inform my patrons, and
others, that the accr.mpnsboi Surgeoo i Cowaec
Delumo will pear tie® in the above named Town
ibipa. .
Mr. Delliog, after five years experience, bat won
or him a reputation unequaied, in this purt f
no country, and the Public will 9ad him an export
ivnd in the whole verterenarlan science.
Wood berry, April 19-*
ALL persons Interested arc h-ieby notified that
Lha undersigned, adtnlnisVator el the oatate of
Joseph Weyandt, late of U iup Towt anfp, dse'd,
iVill make applica.ioa toThu next Orpl ui' Court,
'.o bo held at Be 'f-rt. Vpril 2'itU ibol, for a ils
.barg trom his said office.
April 6, 1861. ELI AS DELL,