Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, March 01, 1861, Image 4

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    T J'~* 372 3KQT3IRRF
Is published every Friday morning, in Julian*
Street, in the brick building, opposite
the "Meneel II0U30," by
If paid in advance, SI-50; wuhin the year,
and if nut paid wi'ibiu the year, $2.60 will
be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar
terraces are pui-d—except at the optiou of the
Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will
be regarded as a new engagement.
outside ot the Cunnty must pay
in advance,
Jdeertiscmeufs udt exceeding a square,(lo lines.)
Inserted three times for $1 —every subsequent in
sertion, 25 cents. Long.* ones in the same pro
portion. Each fraction of a square counted as
a, full squ ire. All advertisements not specially
ordered for a given lime will be continued until
forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those
who advertise by the year.
J.jt) Priming of all kinds executed neatly and
promptly and on reasons Me terni3.
F ft OF E S S I 0 N A L-C A li D S.
o. M. ArruEtt,
Bedfard, Pa.
VTTiLL promptly attend to all business entrust
doors east ot the Bedford Hotel. He will also
attrn i to any surveying business that may be en
trusted to hint.
\ or. 4, 18-59.
577 ILL *tteo<l promptly and faithfully t a"
if / leva' business entrusted to his care.
on Juliana Street, in the building for
,-sriv* occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., deed.
March 2tj, 1858.
JAW PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned
J have associated themselves in the Praticc
)ftjbe Law,and willpromptly atfcendto a.l Lusi
oessentrusted to their care in Bedford and ad
nining counties.
nyQtfic* ou -Julian it a Street, throe dobrs
I,oath ot Vfcngel oHnse aad opposite the resi
dence of Ma j. Tte.
June 1, l r -L tf
f>. S. IHIHfLE,
Farmer if of Bedford, Fa.
Attorney ad CoanseUor at Law,
is. TUIIIBERS sr. r%nw KORK
Alt business promptly mended to.
Dec. 3, 18>8.
'j. Tv. iiA uk v FELTLB,
AUorney at Low anil Land Surveyor,
■ \/ILL attend with promptness to alibusi<ss
% 1 entrusted to his care.
Will practice in Befor 1 and Fulton Com.tics.
K?""Offlce in Junana Street, cue doer North of
tns "Inquirer" office.
Dec. 24, 1858.
1 !i T a II!
#8,769 45 C r rS.,
DUE ns on cur Books the the Ist of J.*.,, try ,
1861, l arecably to our terms of .v.-is. We re- j
p<-ctlully aK those of our customers having un
settled accounts with its to call and set'! the same I
by cash or note, the Ist of January 1861, as per ,
terms of sals. Those who hare no money can ,
settle t-y giving us their note and thus close their
Therefore Ihrro can be r.o excuse fur neglecting
this important christian obligation
To those who inve taken tint: by the forelock,
and have already settled their account*, we tender
our grateful acknowledges uts.
Dec. 21, 1860.—2 m OSTER A GARN.
H Lz/ LAZI U\J LI UCFY' U □!!{
I J ..- .. J■ ■ ; „ y i l!> ell ill. iij
I .... . . T i:i *. 1. ~ '
Jjl * -.1 ■ ■ - -v.4. M
I; 1 tr Tei. IXVAKiAIILV it.
llL'" ' - afiSS SBXBS " " S^S
RESPECTFULLY tenders his professions
services to the citizens of Bedford and vi
Office &*>•! rodder-ee on Pitt-Street, in the
building for oerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hot us.
Nov. 1-57.
Dr. F. 0 Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
jT> eajtectSTcllj f Ciiders hie services tr,
1A t'ii* -itiz . r.of Bedford and vicinity. lie
may a- -.ays he 1 rand (unless professionally en
g4d; sf his I)rng and Book Store, in JuiiatiS
Feb. 19, 18.57.
' iiiiii;
T3E subscriber respectuil'y announces to the
public, that ho has leased tho above named ilo
tel, in the old and Well known Globe building, for
merly owned am] occupied cy Mr. John Young,
;♦ 1 recently 81 the oosupsncy of Jonathan Horton,
dec 7 i, where he wilt be happy to sec his friends,
anil the trace lie,; pni-lic actioraljy. Persons si
te-.ding Court mo resp-ctfnily invited to give him
a call. He pi ciges himself 11 -t he will do all in
i.i' plWi .- to r- . 1 r 1 ,i p:: ..•* eotn'ort iblo.
His s'able will bo sup; ei with tho choicest d'!- !
letvcics tho market will aff-id r
The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comf : t- ;
ah''; bedding.
The Bar w.ll be supplied with choice liquor- !
•foe .stahie will be attended by a careful an at
tentive Lousier.
Boarders taken hy the day, week, tuont and
Bedford. Nov. 2. ifioo.
mi iK iWtT
571 AS Just returned from tho Ohi-s with a large
A.JL stock of
such as
of every style. 1? ■ -i., .1 bbonds, Flo- r.
and Kusbes. h-m-'o :u-- C s. h w styl-, Fm
Capc-s and Victorinvs-tud M iflj,.; large übson.ueat.
Nov. ii. IS'iO.
'jjpHJ room for fall goods, during- this month i
, • 8 - wili .!! every description ef Sr. noer
Goo i it i.-'jst, for r-nA- Strpi rl-Jr French and '
English i.awns, at half price. *frd mstvy" ether'
-ods. for Snntmer use. f ail (Bd'ate.
July Id, 10. A. B. CKAMKK. & CO.
rp.HF above amount will In- paid'to a-,v person '
A feditig hair cross, and -ihcliw, gold tipped. l„
retumin-' tho s-ee to H. 0. .ES.tMKU. "
Nov.IS, IB9V.
KEROSENE OIL, the best article *t Dr. Har
ry V.
J 21, 180 J.
For Sprains ami Bnnsts. Burns and Scalds,
i Rneumatie- and Putns, Swel
lings, Slijf' Joints, Paralysis, or
ji utnb' of ht Limbs, Pains
in tin Brensl, Si te or Buck;
Sere Throat, Tooth Ache,
t railed Feet, Sec , <S"c.,
And for the Relief
of Pain Anywhere
and Everywhere.
This is a most perfect preparation, and seldom
, \ fails to doguod. I'- is harmless in its rlieets hut
; poWerfnCto relievo Pain. If you use it once you
wia not ill;elv be without it again. You will find it
a constant household fraud, giving ease aud relief
just when needed. Keep it constantly on hand
and it will save jou many hours of pain and suf
fering. There is hardly a pain it wiil not easa.—
There is hardly an accident that will occur where
' it will not be useful.
J Should one of your family get burned or scald
" ed, cover tho burned part whh a cloth of several
thicknesses wet with the "Master of Paift," and
keep the cloth saturated with it. In a short time
, it will draw uli the fire out. It will cause a prit-k
--' ling sensation—this is the fire coming out. Keep
it wet with tho *ll aster of Pain" until the pftiu
and prick ling ce is. s. Let the wet cloth stay on
lor six or eight hours, after which apply some
healing ointment or sweot oil. In nearly all cases
of Pain" or Soreness of tho Chest, Throat, Side,
> Back. Spine, Litui x or Joints, icwill give relief.—
j Rub it on freely with the hind or with a flannel
i cloth until the skin becomes heated and burning.
| _ For soreness of the throat rub it ou uutil it pro
! duces a little sorenv. s.
! For Croup use it in connection with the Cough
! Syrup, by rubbing it on the chest.
1 For Rheumatism ati.l all deep seated pains, if
! the pain is not speedily removed by rubbing witn
j the hand, lay a cloth wet with the liqui t over the
• part sheeted, an 1 pass a warm smoothing iron over
: it
-1 For Piins in the Breast, Side or Back, the same
i may be done.
i For Tooth-ache, drop, it on cotton, arid apply it
!to the nerve of the tooth, a ; so rub tho gurus aud
| cheek* with it.
For Frosted Feet, apply the "Master of Pain"
freely, and dry it in before the Sre.
For Head ache rub it 011 the forehead.
It is culled o.Masti r'of Pain." I did not give It
this uam-—I don't like, the name. When I first
COnuneur., -i m iking it it waswithout liaroe or abcl.
I made it and sold it by tho ounce at thy Drug
Store. I had no He > then of making hnxin.;--
of it. ftme who bought it e.Ui ■ 1 it. Master ti
Paiu, and by thin t- m • it b- came kn-'-wri for rn my
miles rourui. And finally, when f had a la- l
printed i was oompeli<*d to adopt- the name, for By
that nam.' it was known. Alter ail, tin- u.imo is
not so very issppropri-tte. it is used t 1 aIL-vute
or r move pain. It is put on wlie-rcv. r t -re is
pain. Sometimes it will cause paib, but. the result
: always is freedom horn pa in;
j Readi-j—try it—take a Lottie with yon—use it
j whenever occasion t--quires- give it a for trial.
Prepared by W. E. Shriller, Westminister Mil.
; and for sale bv 11. C. Reann.-r and Adam Fergu
i sou, Bedford Pa.; £. B. U:i it-v-y, and lira. States
; $ Co., Bloody Run ; Job it Nycum <$ Ron, Fair
■ vi.y; L>. A. f. Blicic, R-ne iiil!; N.N. Koons,
: Wilh.w Grove; J. S., Sbcli.-burg; F. D.
I Bvegk-, St. Clairsvifia.
Nov. 9, 1860.
j BllAltlll- COliii! SYRUP,
i For ( oiighs ialiU, ( roup, Whoop
itig i oiit:b, Asl :rm, Br one fill iV,
tf Btoed, I*3iu osii
Weakness oi she Lreasi, iiif- !
Ceuiij of Breiinhig, Ac,
From ihe Ilea. Samuti Tingling,
Beoforu, NOV 3, 1860.
Mr. W. F.. SHSISER—Dear Sir -. U(>on several
occasions 1 hare used your Balsamic Cough Svrup
in my family and also on <uio occasion myself
when worn by frequent preaching, au 1 with the
happiest results.
Bitwofto Nov. 3. I'-fiO.
IV. E. SH.TINER— -SIR : Ai you areahoutto intro
! dnce your Balsamic Cough Syrup into our County. |
' i will give you my experience with it, which yu'o j
} are at libcrtv to use if you think proper, some
two years ago a box that wn lost 011 the Penusyl
var ia Central R. K. found its way to my store, 1
opened the box and found it to contain your Bs.isa
mic Cough Syrup. I had never hear tofit at That'
urn : but a Mr. Augiiinbaugh from your state 'np
lasned to be present and sail it was < no of the b-st
cough remedies in use and happening to necat a
cangh medicine in mv family I determined to give
it a trial, and g- well pleised was I with its effects
that I gave bottles of it to my friends all of whom
agree with me in pronouncing it the best cough
remedy they have ever met with. We have used it
for Loughs, Colds, Ctoup .nd Whooping Cough,
and in every ease it gave the most signal relief.—-
Yours truly,
I used ia my family some of the Cough Syrup
refered to by Mr. Ferguson, aud fully concur in
| the opinion expressed by
We used Shiners' Balsamic Caugh Syrup and
consider it tho best Cough Medicine we ever us<"l
Prepared by W. E. Shriner, Westminister >fd.
and for sue by 11. G. Reamer and A laiuFerguson.
Bedford Fa. ; E.B.Ramsey, and Wro. Stttes it.
Go., Bloody Run : John Nycutu & Son, Rays Hill;
N. N. K.ions. Willow Grovi; .J. SrSchel), Sht-lls
lurg ; V . D. Beegle, St. C'-iirsville.
Nov. k, 186j.-:-.z
I r |lUB late firm of J. RFIEI) & CO., has been
f_ JL dissolved by mutual cousent, ami the books
|o! the (Itm, with those of the late firm of Kee-l &
; Minoich, .have been left in the hands of their at
. (orn -y J. P. Keel, and those of Jacob Reed, for
! Settlement and Collection, and all concerned debiting
j to s re costs, must cadi immediately and make
settlement, as there can be but little delay afforded.
jacolT reed
i\ ill now continue the business or* the cash and
produce system. Ho will do business on the
' -I.pure" so 'tint he can sell goods at a cheaper
rale than ever—he does not wish to charge cash j
and prompt customers, with the losses occasioned
by non-paying customers—ti.ei fore "Cash or Prn
"uct; ' w:.i govern bis trade. lie now invites his
friends and Customers to call an I examine his
splendid new goods —they will bu shown with
Measure ami disposed rf at very light profits.— i
Ju-t opening iv d on inn i—JKiiT GOODS. HATS, !
GROCERIES, aid all goods kept in a general
rime, in'iin can here find all ih'y want for dress
or comfort. Gauiltmm need go uo farther, come
and examine for y ourselves.
Nov. 9, IPOO.
_ 1
< FOR sflJ. ~
lot of ground in the t-.wn of Clearville,
y I'd I ' muting tit) tatt on Main J
. t.,a.<i extending back 13 feet to an alley, ad
joining lot of B. A. Coop -r bu the West, ami an i
alley on the East. The improvements itr a good 1
1 ratneliwuJliiig House and Log St. a hie.
Two Lots in the Town of Kujlivilie. Jasper Co I
lowa, being i >ts No*. 13 an-J 14 in Kail Road ad- I
ditiou to said town.
Fur terms apply to the Editor of this paper. i
Scjit. 14, 18C0, 1
4.\S> M.MIVAI.I,
E. J. OSBOIINE, A. B. Prin , ir) .. ]B
J. W. DKJKERSON, J rnnctpus.
fTVIIIS institution will cdmroenoe its fl.-st session
JL with an able and experienced corps of instruc
tors on Monday, Nov. sth, 1860. No expense has
Is en spared in making it thorough and complete in
every department.
The school building is constructed and furnished
upon the most approved modern plans, and is one
of the best in th • State, It contain* a hall capa
ble of seating 5(I ! aduits, with effieep'music rooms,
sufficient for a school of 300 pupils.
Th<; school is located in a region of country un
excelled for Its beauty and healtbfuluess, and is
surrounded by a moral and industrious communl-
j The distance to Oovo Station, Huntingdon and
I Broad Top K. K. is tix miles; to Holidayshurg
Station, Pa. R. R. 12 miles, with daily stages from
i the litter and tri-weekly from the former j thus
j making it easy of access from all parts of the
j country. Toe oi jects of the school: —
Ist. The Professional Training of Teachers.
2nd. The thorough Education of young ladies
: n<l gentlemen in the English and Ornamental
: Branches. , f
3d. i he preparation of Students for College.
The teaching Class will meet ddily for lectures
on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, rec tution
from ist itniard work on the subject,.or discussion
oi Methods of Teaching bv the class.
Students who desire to do so may prepare to en
ter tin* higher classes in college.
Ladies will have a separate boarding bouse and
will be under the immediate supervision of an ex
perienced Preceptress.
Instruction given in all the branches taught iri
the best Academies and Smiuaries.
Whole expense, of Ornamental bran
ches,) for t.oirding, tuition, furnished rooms, rouu.
rent, and fuel $l 18.00 a ye -r.
l'. r circular, with lull particulars, addr- ss
Care of J. C. EvtaiusT, Martiusburg, Blair Co..
Nov. 2, 1860.
Allegheny Slale
Rasn*burg, tlvtiibrd Co., I'a.
REV. W. W. BRIM, A. M, Principal.
MI >S A. L. BRIM, Preceptress.
MISS L. J. BRIM Teacher on Piano Forte.
THIS Institution, under the Supervision of the
j above num d persons assisted by other com;, lent
I teachers, i-fftinls a full coiirs-} in Math -mufi ;a,
i Nairn I Sei.-tices, Langaages, and Belies L tters.
! l' Music, Painting, be.., it gives extended iustrac
l t ion. The tuxt scssictt will commence pu January
: 22. 1861. Siu b r.ts acmiUc'i at any time.
H ifcats i f health, syst m, and prontptuea. l ', views
i uiorai, social and -loin iriie, are herb ina<lo piotui
' m •. "! j .ts -o education.
J t th.* ; hvanv.l powers, as well as the mental
ni y be euiuvat. I. Oalistiicnic ex -fcises are ueces
' try —here the-tudents meet each day fhr syste
matic ex rcisc.
59 wid pay for to sr I, including furnishtd
room, room rent, fuel, and tuition in common
J Evglisb per term f eleven w. eks. Extras, at
| i>md. mt, charges, ev, n la., than i erett.foie, •
j tip' circular cads for.
Sru : .ts prepared for the highest classes In
Cob. p..
1 or circulars, or particulars, address.
liainsl.urg, Bid ford Countv, Pa.
Dec. 21. 1860. * * *
t ncorper ;ied by the Legislature.
TV-EARLY 6000 STUDENTS, from icaPy* f
1.1 State in the Union, k.tve lieen educate 1
business, it being the only College of the airirl in
the United Slates conducted iiv n experienced
Our Junior Principal, Wm. 11. Duff*, has just
been anarrte i, by our St ito and other Fairs,
1' in! Premiums tor Business and Ornamental Pen.
man-hip. over compeitors called the best penmen
m the country. Saniplca of bis Business and Or
in ual Writing, a circular of 50 p-m s. and eu
< 1 -gmt er graving, mailed, post paid, on receipt of
| 2 > cents in stamps.
j lor rale by b ,ok-sellers, Harper's Knlarced Edi
j Hon of DUFF'S BOOK KEEPING. 2,2 pages,
sl.oo, aw:trded.Forr Silver Aledul;, and sanctioned
by th- Chamber of Commerce ami American In
stitute of New York, as the Wst published.
L)-RF b DCNCAX S new and elegantly engraved
•Sciooi Copy Books, six numbers, 24 pages fine
cap piper, 90 cents per dozen: Semi Edition, $1
per dozen, J. S. LIPPIXCOTT $ Co., PluL.delphia
VV. IT. JoH.vsroir & Co., Pittsl iirgh.
DUNCAN'S GEMS of Business and Ornamen
tal PenmausUip, crown qutrto, $5, post-paid from
the College.
Address: p. DUFF & SONS,
rv--.,, . Principals.
[Z? hay your scholarship in town. College*
tii t ser.fl them abroad cannot icll them at borne,
wiir're tney ?ro <nown.
Nov. 9, 1860 -y.z
j DBS- ''.FILLER would respectfully an
i 0.;. L nounce to her friends in Bedford County, ai d
[to the public generally, that she has leased ffra
term of years, trie largo and couvenint brick hotel,
at the corner of Pitt ami Juliana Streets, Bed
'°™' }, as the "WASHINGTON iiu-
I EL,' and lately kept by Mrs. Cook.
Ibis house is being thoroughly refitted hud re
furijished, and is now open for the reception, of
gu,-ts. Visitors to the '-BEDFORD SPRINGS"
and persons attending Court will find the house'a
;/leas a tit awl quiet temponry home. Every a'teD
tion will be paid to the accommodation aad com- I
Wt of guests The table will at all times be suo
plied with the best the markets afford. Charges
will be moderate. Extensive stabling Is attached
to tins hotel and a careful and competent hostler
will be in attendance.
Special attention will be paid to the accommo
dation of the farming community.
March 30, iB6O.
lV 0 T, ICr V s l "- re, '- v c' v c:i, that I have purchased
. ( t eo * **> the fryllowing pro|i rty at
', y ; S, ' !e ' wit: One Hack, one g'.ty Home,
Ct'iin .) one oth< r gray, 'one riding Saddle
one Bridie, on.- two horse Sled, one s. tt of rouble
jlanivss, fifteen tons Plaster at Poor
House Mill, ami ten Tuns Plast r at Hcpeweli, all
of which sai l property I intend to leave with John
ise.son, enring my ]<leasurerand hereby caution alt
person.-; against interfering with the same.
WM. S. t LUKE.
Feb. 8,1861.
C 1 ALL ami see a large and beautiful assortment
> of Coal oil lamps, ot the latest styles just re
ceive i and for sale cheap at 11. C. Reamer's Drug
Store. ® ;
Nov. 16, 1860.
T I ACARONI Cheese, Crackers, crystaiized fruit
ITA and gum candies, for sale by
July 20, 1860.
AN excellent a} ticle of KEROSENE just received
at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
Nov. 9, 13So.
Dec. 21, IbOO.
v&op IS^B"
Yh® u*! hiviiix tt*©4 i*r lessor HI'MKHRF * r>*
with t*i r.u.n snttDftctory rwiiSin, ami having fU eoufl
di-M • in f "h nam, jHtffc.v, and cheerfully
r, • .: I ." i •-■•-: lis \l, ivih i.. Irive snfe, re
liable. u>l efucaci>'.w"rt , me.ii'i? t for private or tlo-
Biest!-' nw.
Th- R#v. Win. n :ner t e Jltor of 44 The Northern In !e
--pendenr." A burn, N. Y-; the Rev. K. IL Crwy, D.D.,
of <t. r er s Churrh, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Kev. H I.
Ivm, oh.ini tin of Mi® Auburn .Stan* Prteon; the Rev.
Sp-:'ci;r M- Ui r, lie-;:tor, New -II&1& ril, M.i.M. ; the Rev.
/.Vn NVr-York Conferecee ; the ilev. fiaiuel
Nich*U, K*t fjenenen Conference. N. Y. ; tie Rev. P. S.
iVaH, U-niwt, Vt ; the tlov. John K. IWHH, BtiflSlki; A. O.
IfHrtJ ¥iv t . I* • n, N V.: tfie Hon. Neal 1 >v, Portland,
Me.; the Hw. ? ' uyh-r C-lfax, South -Beii'l, Ind.; the Hon.
.. , n *S. Y.; H v" j). '•::, , * of
The 6' ! • .Stßte J C dttlfthus, Ohio; the Ifon. it. H.
Orahri'n, M iliii'% lit. ; the Hon. T&r ml* J. Clw, Monti
re . Pt-u; the Hon. Uticis S, Y.: Wm,
Crit A, K*q.. Uti i, N. Y. . A. si Pond, Keq., U'tJca, N. Y.;
Janics Piankutt, Nashville, Teuu.
t.—t?or Pever, C - lion, and Irifhi •nnatton.
\ , i—For W • : Kev.,;, Wrm (Vac. Wetim# the Red.
>s„.-Kov Colic, Crying, TeeUdajr., nd I l * aArfaiiiesi of
U '* it*.
N . 4.—Far RUrrfiea, Citolera In.Xntii n, an J Sumjner
y," s,—Far fMi *. Gri !; e?, Dye- lerv. or R! - ndy Flu*.
Ko. fl. For C&o!era, Cnolei a YeniiHiitc.
No. T.—For C .a,-' Collie, InfiKjctirjk, au-l rhire Throat
N'.. s.—K-r T P- ? *i -he. n 1 Nenrxl^ia.
N . 9.—For Ifc.idaohe, Vertigo, Ileal aui Fuluen of the
N.. lh.— DYi*T'Kf S! \ Pif.ut—For weak an J Deranged
.•?t •-••. U, C %t;. *'••• er o■' i rt.
N 11 foa FKMAIJS I*aaairh*atT!bi#, Scanty, Falnflil, °v
So'-nrvwl IV
No. !2. -F.r Le ir >rru*a, ProFtte Mensei, and Bearing
Do *n of V' ale^.
N,. 13.—jfer Groan. )I -v - Co-i.-rh, B.t1 Brrathlnf.
No. 14.—fUhv :t-u:u< Frhtje-—¥ r Kryelpelae, Eriiptloiui,
Phuplnw on tVa ?ce.
No. 15.—RjifciifiifW Ihi.'A—For Pmn, Lam®we,or S>ra
•;V-< •! the Chfret, BV •, Uihr*. or Uiuhs.
A - ?o. F v*r an-i A> r a*, CUill Fercr, Du ab Ague, Old
M vfiHi'nwl A
lor !'/•• • E\i*?rt
O —?: S . . Wtf k, or Iniiamed Eym mil ISyeliil®; Fall
C.—FT Catarrh, of 1
obstmctlon or profuse discharge.
W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating R3 vi lence and
•hortenlng its course.
in nd acute diikrasef, aach hi Fevers, Inflaotawttiona,
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Uueuniatistn, nnd such erup
tive disc us ."ir'.et Fever, 3ie4alcs, nnd Erysipelas, the
advantage of giving toe proper rfesaedieß jrum|itly is ob
vious, and i .ill such CHMI T'ne ri>ectftcs act IIKT a charm.
The entire uisetue tei arrest® i at nuee, hnl hi ait case#
the violence < r t • attach moderated, Die disease short
erred, and rer.ri ' * d dangerous.
Cough* and Colon, which arc of such freqnei t occurrence,
and 9-I,i-.'ti fo w. lay the foundsti n of fliseitsetl luttcs,
bronerdtis aud c> ;-. pi '. ti, may ail Le at oitce cured by
the Fever aud C< . PulH,
la all cl.r- < 'TS, Mich its Dynpepata, Stomach,
Cf ~-. . i ■ • Iplli t ; ;• ,r.i ale DeWllty, and
Irrev tia. dies. • i i Headaches. > re or Weak l*->vs. Catarrh,
Bs;t ftf.eum, ai i • aid eruptions, ihe ca" htfrfpecifiqi
wi proper-app.K Mpm will aa<ir a cure in almost every
itMtan. e. <.Wtcti the •reof * aihgle chroulc ilHhcuity, aucb
as Dysjicpsio, Files or Catarrh, Mosflwle >r Female Uej'.k
ness, has itore pal-: for the ca&e tn ttew* ov®r.
Case of 20 vl&'a com; Vie, in morocco, and ltook .^5
] Case of 20 vials, ar<i R -ok, plain 4
C.i* of 16 numbered • an.i . 2
Cr...' -f 6 be *>*% *•.•!, li< - A 1
m-rz e numbered boxes, with dire lini*. cento.
Single lettered boxes, with diractl :■*. .. . . ..Metok
Large case of t ca. vial% I : planters a:wl pHyainiaiak- -v!5
Fon AfRIWA OR I'HTHisto.—--Opprcwt"!, DlTrnv.-t, Labored
itif, attended witli Cough and It*lectoratloo. Ih-ice,
j or b<y%.
y -i h a In: cWAacrr iKV Diurnal.— Tiscliarpes from the
f r, the r s;:!' of S riat Fever, Mneiov. or Mercurial*.
F i>i-s in Die Head, Hardinaa .f Wearing, wwl Ringing
ir. K .-••, er 1 E-.r-iv-h*. Trice, 50 ce s per box.
POR f i-i.A. —Ktliur*!, Knfaic l Brol indurat
ed T si's, F bir.y- ami dH Cf€rs,bc* f dH.s Cachexy of
ChiitJren. TH \ 41 per b.x.
Elti r tl e fssr.i of E\<wWe MciicatloD, or Ex
i • axr** ' ' Wt ptr i> *
K -uli--ftpsi.—Flmd Accu-nulati'ma,Tuu.klSaeilings, with totkr.s. Price, f>o cents par box.
K..k oi-.A-f snkwi. —Dr.av-ly givkoesa, Yerthjo, Nausea,
Yomßlng. Slckneas from riding or motion. Price, 50 cants
ratXAHV Pi-CS?r' —-Fur Grav-h Reoat Calculi, Diffi
cult, P;.i dui Clintd .n, DiaCnse* of Ike Kldoeyt. Price, 50
cents ]er box.
Fok js KiXAt. RMMKtoes.—-Invotavtary Discharge# and
Onnsequc ' P Debility, Had Hosuita of Evil
Hebßa. The av st 'jcv>rul titvi effi-*';eut rc icdy known,
am! may l>c ■-.>■ i upon as a cure Price, with full direc-
UoTiH, Fl per h
Prnf. !f: ri;H.iY4, can d#
* so. at •■ vdfice ' Rrotvlway, daily from S A.ll. u> & P.M.
or br letter.
I,.ink over the 1> ; ir.a .c • a csc of wr .t kind yofl
ch jo*'*, ate? i* • tie n. :• Cr: '. r* r h-.soijwi
b> • iivil to ;• a-hlr- N. IQL Hr -• - :*y, N< c.-Y >rk,
and themedhdnc wi'i be uu-j rviurnv-; by n \or ex; row,
AGENTS W xNTED.— -YV U' an an:v<\ *fTMer,t A rent
fart I•'s. •■ f ■ ll* 'rc - n unity
In the United Staba. A . - F HCMPIiRFYK <fc Co.
NV7SC2 H . .. !.vv, NKW-YOXK.
Sold by 11. C. Kearner.
May 4, 1860.
HAVE jus! rvcoiveil a largu and careluily stlcct
ed Stock of
winch they are determined to sell cheap, consisting
in part of Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines,
D laines, Shawls, Calicoes, FljDnels, Ginghams,
Muslins, White Goods, be. Atso, Men's Wear of
ah descriptions, such as Cloths. Cassimures, Satin,
cits, Tw ds. Jems. Cord Drillings, Clothinc, Kc.
A very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents'
Boots and Shoes, ail prices, sizes and qualities; and
lists and Caps, to suit all.
ALSO, A 1 irge assortment of Queensware. and
rLrdwar \ Single and Double Carpet chain, Fleece
Cotton.Carpets, ice.
This department is supplied with the very choic
est articles that can he had in market, and as cheap
as can be had anywhere, consisting in part of prime
Kio Coffee, Sugar, nil kinds and prices, Syrup and
Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Itice, To
bacco, Seg us; Corn Starch. Dye Stuffs, Cocoa,
Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Candles, Mustard, Faints
and Oils, Turpentine, Fish, itc., be., Thonkiul for
past favors they hope to receive a liberal share of
public patronage.
To Cash Buyers and to persons oi undoubted
standing, who are willing to settle once a year.—
Bargains will be given. Call and see.
April 13, 1810.
"Paper Hanging and Painting,
'PHE snbseriber wishes to inform the public that
L he intends carrying on the Paper Hanging and
Painting business, in Bedford, and vicinitv. He
will put out work, a: the shortest notice, and on
tiie most reasonable terms.
He has a sample book of ad kinds of wall paper,
which can he seen at his office, and paper canpe
had from him at city prices.
He m -y be seen at the old IxqtKßGa office.
April ti, 1360.
A LL kinds of Groceries just received, and for
-• h sale cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No. 1.
Anderson's Row.
June 20, 1860.
SIXTH A good ffhitc wino vinegar, the best i
pickling vinegar in use, at
July 27, 1860.
JUST receive.l a lug ■ lot of pure white lead and j
Lindsced Oil, at 11. C. Reamer's Drug Store.
April 13, 1860.
S TILL CHEAPER, onlv 18f oer dor. for good
Ma iekraL at USTEP. & CARN'S.
May i, 1860-
4 lot of pure Maple Sugar, for sale by
July 20, 1860.
LASTING Powder, and safety Pise, for sale
1 -* hy A. L. DEFIBAUGH.
July 20, 1860.
Vegetable Life Medicines.
I miM yet effectual medicine, compose I of the
J\. best material known to medical science, for the
cleansing of the ulinrontary canal and relieving the
springs and avenues of lite of all morty<l obstruc
tions and impurities, must be a public blessing and
a domestic and individual protection and safeguard,
1 proportion as it becomes known. Such a medi
cine the f.ituijii s of tlie United States have long
PH<KSIX Btvwtns, and the good ibey have done is Th'-y have won their high tame and
firmly established character by their virtues alone,
without the aid of the usual arts of uotority or
impudent experiment on the faith of the credulous.
In all general dersngmen's of the digestive and
alimentary functions, as well as in a vast variety of
acute and chronic diseases, their effects are prompt
and complete as to excite astonishment.
Io rheumatism. settled pain in the organs and
limbs. costirmess, pile*, tiver complaints, jaundice.
rows ami bilious attack*. headaches, fever and
ague, eruptive diseases, bad aspect, of the complexion,
indigestion and flatulency, cholics, of the
bladder and kidneys, dropsy, asthma and bronchitis,
rheumatic colds and sore throats, and indeed : n al
most every conceivable kind of ii! health they are
invaluable, and will afford certain, and most gener
ally permanent relief. They r-quire neither con
finement nor change of diet—they neither prostrate
the strength nor give pain—and a more delightful
and effectual medicine cahoot be procured e : ther
for individuals or families.
The proprietor his received for many ypara and
is continually ret.- iving the most fervent and grate
ful testimonial■ of their value. Prepared and sold
by L>R WM. B .HUPPAT, 335 Broadway, and
also by the agents.
Feb. I', 1860.
r PHL undersigned h;-.s jusf received and keeps !
i. constantly on hand the following articles !
Coffee, sugar, molss-es, cheese, crackers, cur
rants, g>iunt-.s, jr.usiiis, figs, sbioniU, filberts, cocoa
trills, groitftd nuts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream
uuts, candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco
an I c.g us, allspice and pepp r, apices of all kinds,
baking soda, cr ani of tarter, sulphur, brimstone,
canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain
and grass scythes, whetting too ; s, wash tub.-, and
boards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas, alum
and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking,
sweep:?!-, dusting stove, shoo- and Scrubbing,
brushes, clothes, hair, tooth an i flesh brushes, hat
and infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses
and port iflonai.i, pocket arid memorandum. books,
bonnet and round gutu corals, "ridding" and fine
combs, bracelets and beads, pens, pen-holders,
penknives, scissois, Knife-sharpeners, umbrellas,
Suspenders, spool cotton wad floss, clocks, small
looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches,
watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes,
shoe-thread, pegs an 1 sparables, Johnson's Arabian :
Liniment, Rock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's i
celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, and
many other anieb sofa similar nature. The pat
ronage of the public is respectfully solicited.
July I, 1859.—zz
f | tli II subscriber offers at Private Sale, ali the
X following described valuable Real Estate,
situate in Bedford Township, Bedford County, ad
joining land of George Kei 'hard's htirs and Geo.
diddle, containing 215 acres of good limestone
land. 155 acres cleared and under fence, and in
high state of cultivation the bal race being valuable
timber—2s acres good meadow. The buildings are
a good
Log i'welling House
good bank Barn, spring house, and other ont build
ings, also a good Saw Mill, and apple orchard of
200 trees, 150 of Which ste of the best grafted
fruit, and a never failing spring of good water near
the door. Also, another tract of 158 acres of
limber land, adjoining the above. Also, a tract of
Mountain land, containing 273 acres, lying conve
nient to said fartn.
TEBMS made to suit perchasers, and one thous
and do'la s of the Ist payment can remain in the
property if desired by the purchaser.
Possession will be given on the Ist day of April
n<-xt, if sold before the 10th day of March next.—
Persons desiring to purchase a valuable farm, at a
great bargain, will do Weil to call upon the under
signed redding on the property.
Fob. P, 1551.-d
..f Benevolent Institution established by special En
dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed,
afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, ami
especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual
!TTEL)ICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting
J.VJL Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a
description of their condition, (age, occujiation,
habits of life, Ike.,) and in cases of extreme pov
erty. Medicines furnished free of charge.
VALUABLE REPORTS on spermatorrhoea, and
other Diseases <>t the Sexual Organs ; and on the
NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary,
sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Two or three Stamps for portage wiil
be acceptable.
| ing Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South
; Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By oc*<>r of the
i Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL,
P resilient.
; GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary,
j Nov. lb, ISfJO.-zz
ffMJE undersigned have just opened a large and
A handsome line of new and fashionable DKESS
GOODS, Cloths, Caetdmer* 8, Jeans, ready made
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Glass, China
and Queensware, Groceries, Spices, &e.
which for quality and price cannot be surpassed in
Bedford. _
Having been selected from the best houses in Phila
delphia, and purchased at very low prices, we will
engage to sell as low as the lowest for cash or pro
duce only. Please call and examine our stock
before purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
[ Oct. 5, 1860.
Northern Light.
rjtHE cheapest and best light in use, can be had
J. by buying Oil perfectly pure, inodorous
and free from smoke while burning, at SI.OO per
gallon, at H. C- Reamer's Drug Store.
Nov. 16, 1860.
JUST received a fresh supply of groceries
such as Sugars at 9, 10, 11 and i 2 reals, prime
Rio CoiFee at 17 and 18 cents, .Molasses aud
Syrups o! all kinds, fresh Teas of all varieties
Oct. 26, 1860. OSIER & CARN.
TA very body should use Trinders London Honey
lj Soap. It is the best in nse for rendering the
skin fair, soft, and smooth. For sale by
May 18, 1860.
11' you want cheap ready made clothing, cail
at Oster & Cam's cheap side, Vests from SI,OO up
business and over coals from 53.50 up.
Oct 26, 1860. OSIER & CARN
A Beautiful assortment of Kerosene Lamps and
Shades just wived at Dr. Harry's I)rng and I
Book store.
Nov 0, 1994
Drugs and Hooks.
H. c. REAM]:::,
Juliana Sfreet. Bedford, p?
(Mihe Stand formerly occupied by Dt. F. C, Reamer
ffrxeJL VS/HOLESALE and rc.
- dp | y t.wi dealer in lin; Jn'lfrJL
BSjrf Medicines, Chemicals, Dye "if
m*\ Stnffi, (>ili. P tints, Varrdahes, <j.....
" tine. Wind' w Glass. Gl:iMir> r >j,'A c j!
received a large stocK of American, French
English iefurriery. ADo a great variety of
Soaps for Toilet use. Tooth pastes, Ju; r j
Hair Dyes, that will colour various shades fiom*'
light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Hair it "
ring, and Clothes brushes, Combs. Pocket K- ■**"
Pocket Books, Portnionnaii K. ijegsr cases r'c" tS>
Also, have and will keep constantly
supply of Coal Oil. Bunnng fluid uad r *
with a great variety of the most modern „d'ft
style of coal oil and fluid Limps.
Pure Wines and Brandies for medical y.
v.,ring Extracts aud Spic s ofall sorts, Pi, s
Snuff*, Chewing and Smoking Tobtcco.
Having the agency for all the principal PS '„ rt
medicines in use will keep a full supply Cl .
on hand. -
Ala >, dealer in Books, & c ., r.onsisrirg , f (;,
trraphical. Scientific, Religous. Poetical. H'itor e*
Law. Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works J
connection with a great variety o! plain *n:i i : 3 cv
Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and uranpin-' p.v.e;
Blank Books, of every size and quality. Di n,'
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Note an 1 Receipts. '
LCT- Orders promptly fif ,? and satisfaction guar
antcc-1. with regard both to price and quality.
ITT* Physicians. Prescriptions caretully and ar
curately compounded ai all tours of the ri*t ( . r
night. J
Dee.9, 1859.
ship nnder the sty Io oT "% ,Rk 'h .\
purpose of curducting a general
business in the establishment recently creco
by- (JlHiard Hopewell, Bedford corn
ty. are now prepared to execute orders f* r
C.dSTiXGS JiND MjjCIfIXER Vof , v crr d .
rcr.ptiou. They will build to order steam-end*
fciiiea, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and
threshing machines—also, casting of even
fcind fer furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rollirV
mills, ploughs, water-pip*, columns, ho us*
tronts, brackets, Nc., ice.
.• T -V7W^" ?s r o ' n ? w fine assortment
of a lUVES of various kinds of the lat-s' uat
terns and most approved styles, including sev
eral sues of COOK STOVES of the best make
heating stoves for churches, odicos, bar-rooms'
A full assortraent of Stoves will be bent
constantly on band, and sold at wholesale and
retail, at prices to suit the times, and qualit"
wart anted equal to the best ea.tern make- '
v ichiaery ot all kinds repaired promptlr.-
i mem* made to order.
, ,„ r , c. W. ASHCOM.
Nov. lg-,7.
MENGEIT house,
rr HE subscriber, having renovated and refurnished
1 this old established House, is now prepared
to receive guests. If e invites his friends ami the
traveling public to give him a call. Having new
furniture, new bids, and everything necessary to
render hearty cheer to those in want of a tempora
ry; home f he fl-.iters himself that those who stay
with him, wili find themselves at the right place.
He is fully prepared to receive visitors to the
. pring, and all having business with the Cunrts *r
!,J staUia 8 40,1 carriage house is attached to
the Hotel.
Boarders will be received on favorable terms.
April 13, 1860. '
THE undersigned have just received?iar"-
and general assortment of
Our ptesent stock is very complete, and we re
spectfully invue our Iriends and customer, to
cat! and examine quality and prices.
Cash, or prompt six months buyer", mav ex
pect, atnTwill be o fie red greater bargains than
ever before—all kinds of ccuntrv produce war.)
ed - A. B. CRAMER, & CO.
Oct. 26. 1860.
UlQiiuislrafdr's Notice.
TIIE undersigned having Ujen granteil letters of
aumiuistrition on the Estate of Dr M.D.Al
lison, late of Sch.-ilsburg Borough, dee'd. "ill per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
make immediate payment and those having claims
against the snare, will present them properly an
tbenticated for settlement.
N. B. I have appointed John S. Scheli, Esq., of
Scaellsburg, to act for me in my absence, and'all
persons indebted, or having claims against the es
tate, can settle with him.
v v , , W - M - ALLISON,
q 1861. Administrator.
LETTERS of Administration upon the estate of
JacobKhtes, late of Southampton tp., dee'd,
having lieim granted to the subscriber, all persons
indebted to aaid estate are hereby notified to make
immediate payment, aud those having claims, to
present tin ui properly authenticated for settlement.
• an. 11, 1861. Adm'r.
" Bffiff! HiSl!
BL AN K Exemption Judgment Notes,Execnt.ons
Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, 4t
for sale at this office.
GUI to Osteb $ Carw, they have jnst received a
second supply ot D. K. Kiss + Co.'s city
i made, Ladies, Misses and Childrens* flue shoes,
with ;ind without Heels.
July 13, 1880.-2 in.
Against the world for a jaire easenco of Coffbe.
For sale hy v OSTEK & GARN.
Eay 18,1860.
A superior article, for sale at this offic
April 8, 18sft).
mi!E SCIENCE of Education and art of Tesch
_L iug, by John Ogden A. M., at Dr. Harry's.
Dec. 21, IS6O.
OS U'EGO com starch, the best article at Di.
Harry's. _ v •
Dec. 21, iB6O.
Fl.*>H !—A large stock of Mackarel and Uerr og
Just received, aud fo sale cheap, at J. M.
Shoemaker & Go's, cheap store.
June 22, 1860.
"WE aim tor cheap side!" is the cry of all
who are in wsut of a neat durable and cheap
ha'- OSIER Jt CAR*
Oct. 26, If r 'o.
13RIHSES, 12J to 28 cts. per lb for sale by
Jwly 20, 1860.