Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 11, 1861, Image 3

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    During the evening the audience was favor
er) with several pieces of music.
A. N. IIAUB, Pres't.
The Institute ws a oomplete success. lo
jtead of having otW thirty forty teachers
present, as heretofore, there were over eighty
, t the "live" teachers of the county in attend*
r,ee during slmost the whole session. The
eilizetis manifested a lively interest in the pro
ceedings, and filled the*liall with a large and
Rffcntivo atidieuce each eveuittg.
Ou Friday evening, many wura unable to
obtain seats, and still conducted themselves in
to orderly manner.
It cannot fail to have a beueficial influence
upon our sohools.
IVon*;lrani.i Legislature.
Both brauches of the General A-scrub! v ef
this State wore promptly organised, ou Tuesday
s week, bv the election of Republican officers
"Robert >f. Palmer, of Schuylkill, was chosen
Speaker ol the Senate, having 26 votes I M'Ulure
absent,) and Sbiodel 6
Mr. Errettof Pittsburg Was re-elected Clerk
—Mr Its made!!, Veusngo, Assistant.
Transcriber—G. W. Ptton, G.H. Betty, F.
Sergeant-at Arms —Gorman Yerkes and J.
R. :M'Af a.
Door Keepers—J G. Mattin, J. B. Heioes
and Geo. Bubb.
Messengers— W. H. Huddicson and Wilbur
G. Rower (of Danville American.)
Librarian Wui. P. Rrady.
In the House, E. W. Davis, of Venango was
chosen Speaker, having 71 votes to *27 for Dr.
Hill of Montgomery—2 Dem orat* absent.
Clerk —K. H. Ranch, of Lehigh Assistant
E W. Oaperon, of Chester.
Transcribing Clerks—o. W. Walker, Phila
delphia; W. H. Deacison, Pittsburg; W. A.
Nichols, M'Kcao, J. R. Potter, Schuylkill.
Post Master—H. A. Woodhnu-e, Wayne.
Searg*nt-at-Arms —J. 11. Mathews, Phila
delphia. Assistants — Gubers, Philadel
phia; J G. Sturdevant, Crawford; J. Meukiio,
Armstrong; Casper Gng, Allegheny.
Door Keeper—E. D. Picket, Erie. Assist
ant, — W. Girdy, Philadelphia; J. R. Miller,
Uvrrenve; Wui. Lewis, Bradford, H. Hough,
Messenger-—H. G. Gibson, Mercer.
Joint resolution* were offered in both branch
es of tho Legislature, providing for the repeal
of certain sections of the *ot to prevent kid
nipping, and also to repeal the act of March
3rd, 1857. No other business of itnjwr'aneo
was trans*cUc).
The Bedford Gazette publishes a most gross
libel ou the citizens of Pittsburg when it ssrs
that "Pittsburg was the stone, on Monday last,
ot the first violation of the Federal laws sint L
the beginning of the difficulties," and that tho
"Feoeral officer* were mobbed," We <i>
not know where it obtained its inform ition; hut
we do know that the statements are a lie out of
the whole oloth.— Pitltbur% True Press.
you only knew how USEFUL, lion IN
is- .
WE rcier to tbat "first best," that largest, most
instructive, most beautiful, and yet cheapest journal
in ihe world for the lIOUSUIIOL.D, for the
FARM, and for the GtRiHA viz the
American Agriculturist-
YOU WAST IT, because it contains so very
many new and useful directions, hints, and sug
gestions about all kinds of out-door work, in the
GARDEN, in the FIELD, in the ORCHARD, on
the little plot of ground, about Domestic Animals,
etc , etc. The Agriculturist is not a stale rehash ©f
of theoretical stuff, such as goes the rounds from
one paper to another, but it is filled witn useful
and new practical information, every word of which
is reliable, because prepared by benest, practical
WORKING MEN, who KBOW what they write
Each volume contains many hundreds of useful
AT'afr, and it is curtain that many of these hints
will eath bo worth to you more than a dollar. As
an example, a subscriber writes : "...J obtained
bushels more per acre on a 10-acre field of wheat,
(or in all 50 bushels) simply from a hint about
prepaidug the seed given in my Agriculturist.",...
Another says ho otuained an extra yield of 11
bushel* of corn per acre ou a LA-acre field, and
with no extra cost for culture, by applying one
OBIT from the Agriculturist. Another, (a villager,)
SOYS be got worth extra of good garden vege.
tables, which he attributes wholly to the timely
Dint# In tho Agriculturist, which told him from time
to time what to do, how to do it, animAsn to do it.
Thousands of Others have derived similar advan
tages. You are invited to try tha paper a year, at
S cost of only sl. If you desire, you can have,
fret of charge, FOUR or five parcels of choice
seeds, which THE Publisher will distribute among
■is subscribers the present winter.
YOUR WIFE wants the Agriculturist, be
cause it has a large amount of valuable and really
useful information about all kinds of HOUSE.
HOLD WORK, from Garret to Cellar. Give her
(he item-fit of tbis paper for a year. You will find
yor Lome made better, and money saved.
TOUR CHILDRE.I want the Agriculturist,
for it contains a very interesting, useful, and enter
ing department for Youth and Children,
which will be of great value to tbelr minds and
The above are truthful statements, that will bo
cheerfully attested by nearly a hundred thousand
of the present readers of the Agriculturist. You
invited U try m single volume of the AgricuL
<*rist, which will ooet only sl, and abundantly pay,
T 'J It for 1861 (Vol. *2O.
ORANGE JUDD, Publisher, 41 Pvk Sow, New
Jvn. 11, lwjj
\Ye intend to moke the NEW-YORK LEDGER
for 1861 superior to that ot any other year in tho
]>at. Among our contributors will be the Presi
dent of the Unitvl States, Edward Everett, Geo.
Bancroft, William Callea Bryant. John G. Saxe,
George P. Morris, N. P. Willis, George D. Pren
tiCe, Thomas Dunn English, Syivanua Cobb, Jr.,
Emerson Bennett, T. S. Arthur, P. Hamilton My
ers, Col. Walter B. Danlap, S. Cotnpton Smith,
John Esten Cooke. Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Soulb
worth, Fanny Fern, Anna Cora Ritchie, Alice
Citry, Mary Forrest, Marion Uarhtnd, Miss E. A.
lhipuv, Mary Stanley Gibson, Phcbo Gary, and
many Clergymen, Professors in Colleges, States
men, and other eminent writers residing in different
parts of the Union.
Our corps of contributors for the citing year
will be so large, and will embrace such a variety
of eminent talent, that every department of litera
ture will receive the particular attention of some
one competent to do it ample and sj ecial justice.
Whether it ba popular romance scientific essay,
historical sketch, scholastic disquisition, spicy
paragraph, pathetic baiiad. humorous poem, old
fashioned love story, timely editorial, or any other
ingredient of papular and elevated journalism,
that is to be furnished, tho LEDGER corps will lie
sufficient for the task. In fact, our contributors
will send ns front weak to weak much more matter
than we! can use, so that we shall always have
a fresh and superabundant supply, from which to
select rue VERT BEST. Thisc facts, taken in con.
nection with our Jaigely increased means, facilities,
and experience, warrant lis, we think, in promising
our readers a f.imi'y paper for the year 1861 which
will be inure interesting cud it structive, and in
every respect more valuable, even than the LEDG
ER has been in-tbe past;
As an indication of the popularitv of the LEI'G
EHf, we neod only state tho simple fact tiiat its
circulation is larger than that of any other TES
literary papers in the country. Its great success
is owing to the fact thai we secure the best writers
iu the country, and"spare no expense in getting up
the BEST FAMILY PAPER — a paper of high moral
tone. The exalted reputation of its contributors,
the practical and invariably pure and healthy
character of all its articles, the cire which is isknn
that not even one offensive word shall appear in
its columns, and the superiority of its Talcs and
Sketches, have gained for the NEW-YORK
LEDGER a position that no literary paper bus
ever before reached.
—Ass A CORA RITCHIE of Richmond, Va., and
Col. WALTER B. DUNLAP, the author of ih ' popu
lar "Forest Sketches," which were published in
our columns some ttrae since, will each begin a
story in the LEDGER early in the new year. Mrs.
SOUTH WORTH is also engaged upon a new tale.
- In the next number of the LEDGER, we shall
publish a very interesting article, written
for our columns, entitled, A DAY WITH LORD BI
RON, from the pen of the Hon. George Bancroft.
—lt is with much s* that wo announce
that Mr. EVERETT will continue his elegant and in
tcresiing contributions to the LEDGER during the
next year.
As this is the season of the year when Post
masters and others are iu the habit of forming
clubs, we direct their particular attention to
Singh copies, $2 per annum ; two copies, $S ;
four copies, $6; eight copies, sl2. Postmasters
and others who get up clubs can aft awards add
single copies ft $1 50. Thy partys who sends u
sl2 fur a club of eight copies (uli sent at me
time,) will be entitled to a copy free for his trou
ble. Terms invariably in advance. No subscrip
tions taken for a less period tean one year. Can
ada subscribers must send twenty-six cents in ad
ditiori to the subscription, to pay the American
postage, which is half a cent a copy on every pa
per. The notes of all specie-pa) ing_ bttiks taken
at par. When a draft or Chech"can conveniently
be sent, it will be preferred, as it will prevent the
possibility of the loss of money by mail.
employ no travelling ogams.
Address all communications to
No: 40, Park-row, New York.
Jan. 11, 1861.
AT an Orp tans' Court bel 1 at Bcdf ird, in and I
for the County of Bedford, on the 19th day of;
November, A. I). 186-'), before the Judges of the '
same Court.
On motion of John Mower, Esq., the Court grant •
a rule upon the boirs and legal representatives of '
Mclchoir Fisher, late of Harrison Township dee'd, '
to wit : Louis Fisher, Catharine, intermar. ied with j
Jackson Waggoner,- and Margaret, intermarried .
with Wm. H. Hill; to be and appear at an Or- j
phuns'Court, to be held at Bedford, in and for
said County, on the *econd Monday, 11th day of i
February next, to accept or refuse to take the
real estate of said Melchoir Fisher, at the valuiti in, '
which has been valued and appraised in pursuance
of an order of Partition or Valuation issued out \
of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, or show ,
cause why the same shall not be sold by orier of |
the said Court. j
In testimony whereof 1 hav>, here- ;
■junto so' my haud and the seal of the I
■ said Court, at Bedford the 26, diy of !
BjNov., A. D. 1861.
S. fl.-TATE, Clerk.
Jan. 11, 1861.
xoTic fciT
THE following named persons have filed their ,
petitions for Tavern License, iu the oflics ol ;
tfie clerk 0 f the Court of Quaiter Sessions of the \
Peace, for Bedford County, and will lie presented j
to said Court, on Monday the 11th day of Februa
ry next.
P. S. Morgart, Bloody Run Borough.
Wm. Dlbert, " <•
David Stoner, South Woodberry Towuship.
John Mcllhenef, " i" " _ ■ I
George Bailey, Londonderry "
George W eimer, Monroe "
Frederick Berkhimer, St. Clair "
J. B- Castncr, Broad Top "
S. H. TATE, Clerk.
Clerk's Office* Bedford, Jan. 11, 1861.
LETTERS testamentary having been granted to
the subscriber, living in Middle Woodberry
Township, ondhe Estate of Joseph Keagy, late of
said Township, dee'd; all persons indebted to
said esiate are notified to make payment immedi
ately, and those having claims against the same
will present tharn properly authenticated for set
tlement. D. S. LOGENECKER,
THE undersigned appointed by tho Court of
Common Pleas, commissioner to hear and report
the evidence in the case of Michael Miller, admin
istrator's use of John Alsip against John W". Smith
hereby gives notice that he will meet the parties
interested, on the 22.1 day of January 1861, at
bis office, in Bedford, at I o'clock.
Jan 11, 1831. Commi sioner.
LETTERS of Administration upon the estate of
Jacob Elites, late of Southampton tt., dee'd,
having bot-a granted to the subscriber, at) persons
indebted to s;yd estate are hereby notified to make
irfimedii-te payment, and those having claims, to
present tbcw properly authcnticat. d f- r Settlement.
Jan. 11, 1861. Adm'r,
ALL persons knowing tliemselvcs indebted to
the firm of Ferguson St Slialer, are hereby notified
that theii Books, &c , arc in the hands of J. IV.
Lingenletter, f< r collection, with orders to collect
by suit or otherwise, as speedily es possildfi.
Jan. 11, 1861. *
TAXfcE notico that I have purchase"! a bay
Mare from Dennis B D. Hen*, an I that I am de>
tortnined to leave her ID his pQMesSin n until I see
proper to take her r.way. LEVI FLIGHT.
East Providence Tp., Jan. 11. 1861.
THE sulisotibtr will offer at public sale, pursu
ant to the order of the Orphans* Court, on the
premises, In West Providence Township, Bedford
County, on SiUnrJay the 2nd day of February,
next, the following
late the pioperty of James McUaniel, dee'd viz:
One tract ol' land, being unimproved, adjoining
lands of Fetter, on the East, Fred'lt Coll.-ber
ger on the West, Andrew Mortimoro on the .North
and Joseph McDaniel's Heirs on the South, con
taining one hundred acres, more or less.
ALSO, one other tract ol unimproved land, ad
joihg the mansion propeity and lauds of Dani. 1
Snider, David Stockman and others, and containing
one bundled and fifty acres, more or less.
Also, tire mansion place of said doe'd, a joining
lauds of Daniel Solder, Wilson McDunfoi, Jacob
Steel, John Calhoun and others, containing about
208 sen s, one hundred acres cleared and under
fence, Gor 8 of which are meadow, balance well
timbered. The improvements are a two-Vory Log
Dwt lling House, with kitchen attached, also a
Stuoke House, Spring House, and L >gStable with
threshing floor. There is also an epp| * orchaid on
the premises. and a good spring at to d< rof the
.dwelling. The property is situated fire miles South
of Bloody bun, on the road to Ch-m villa.
The Balc%ill commence at one o'clock, on said
day, at which tune the terms wild be in id • known.
Jan. 4, 1 SGI. A im'r.
~ FiiIVATE SAfiTfci
THE'sut scriber will offer at Private Sale, tie
Fuiru on which Perry G. Trout now r ides, late
the propeity of John W. Hammer, doe'd, situate
in St. Clair Township, Bedford CoU ny. containing
203 atn es ar.d allowance, nearly all under fence,
and in a good state of cultivation ; about IGO acres
cleared. About 100 acres are good e.ieck-giuv,;
slate laud, best quality tor wh eat ; balance tuoadow
aud upland. The improvements are a good two-
welt plastered and finished, with an excellent well
of water at the door, good double hewed Log Barn,
tenant house, and necessary ourb doing* Also
two good apple orchards of grafted fruit ihereon,
and a good sugar camp, from which five to six
hundred pounds of sugar can be mane every year.
This property is on the pi;, lie road letd.-.g Irota
Bedford to Johnstown, 12 mites from B "Ifer.f. and
one mile west of Spring Mill, md is convenient to
churches and schools.
For further particulars, add . as
Alum Bank P. f).. Bedford Co., Pa.
Jan. 4, 1861.
Allegheny ilia I e
Raiiitihurg, Bedford Co., I*a.
HEV. VV. W. BRIM, A. M. Principal.
A. L. BRIM, Preceptress.
MISS L.J. BRIM Teacher <.> Piano F>rte.
THIS Institution, under the supervision of tite
above named persons assisted by uthi-.r competent
teachers, nff>rds a fuii Course in Mathematics,
Natural Sciences. Languages, ami Belies Letters.
In Music, Painting, kc., it gives extended instruc
tion. The next session "Will commence on January
22, 1861. Students admitted at kny tltue,
Habits of health, system, and promptness, views,
moral, social and domestic, are here made promi
nent objects o! education.
That the physical powers, as well as the mental
may be cultivated, Calisthenic exercises ore neces
sary—here fie students meet each day for syste
matic exercise.
50 wiil pay for beard, inc'uding fnrnished
roont, room rent, fuel, and tuition iu common
English per term of eleven weeks. Extras, at
modoiate charges, even lct.t than lieretotore, or
the circular calls tor.
Students prepared for the highest classes in
For circulars, or particulars, address.
Rainsiurg, Bedford Coutitv, Pa.
Dec. 21, 1860.
]N"0 T i ; i;c. x i 3.
IN the Court of Common #f Bedford Coun
ty, Nov. Twin, IStiO.
Application of the Methodist Episcopal Congre
gation of the Borough of Bedford, lor charter of
In pursuance of the order of said Court of Com
mon Pleas, Notice is her-by given, that the Metho
•list Episcopal'in of the -Borough of
Bedford, have made ap, h tiou to said Court, tiled
with the Pjothonotary, setting foith that they are
desiring to acquire mid enjoy the powers and im
munities of a corporation or body poiuic, ami ac
companied by a const.tution or ihstru in writ
ing, specifying the objects, articles, conditions and
name style and title under which they mean to as
sociate; and tlut. if no sufficient Cause be shown
to the contrary, the said < eurt will, at next term,
decree and dec'ar* that said congregation shall be
come an I be a corporation or body politic, under
the name, style and title of "The M-tbidjst Episco
pal Church of the Borough of Bedford.''
By order of the Court.
Dec. 23. 1830. Proth'y.
Public Sale o( Valuable ilea! Estate.
THE subscribers will offer at Public Sale, on the
premises, on FRIDAY THE 4TII DAY OF
JANUARY next, the following valuable Real Es
tate, to wit: a tract of land situate m Cole
rain Township. Bedford Courty, containing 76
acres and 20 peiches, ol good limestone land, ad
joining lands of Maria B. Croyle, HarcleroaU's
heirs, and others, and known as the "Scott Farm."
The improvements are a two story log house, log
stable, and other out-buildings ; also an excellent
apple orchard thereon, about GO acres of this land
is cleared and under fence ; balance timber.
Sale to commence ,?t 12 o'clock Jl., when tonus
will be made known.
Dec. 21, 1860.
W I \ T E t(!
■5'8,769 45 CTS.,
DUE n? on our Books the the Ist of January
1861, agreeably to our terms ot sale. We re
spectfully ask these ot our customers having un.
settled accounts with us to call and setM the same
by cash or vote, the Ist oi January 1861. as per
terms of sale. Those who hare no mooey chu
settle by giving us their note aud tbus close their
acc )Unt.
Therefore there can be no excuse fer neglecting
this Important christ:,o obligation
To those who have taken time by tho forelock,
and have already settled their accounts, we tender
our grateful ack.nowle.i uvitts,
Dec. 21, 1880.-2 m " OS'f-'R JcGARN.
KEROSENE OIL, the ocet a: dole at Dr. iiar
Dec.' 21, 1860.
B/IIiS. HALE'S KECfciFTS for the aillu* at.
A Dr. Harry's.
Dec. 21, 1860.
KEROSENE LA MRS at Dr. Harry's.
( Dec. 21, 1860.
i rpIKBEL ZEPHYR all cvlors at Dn Harry's.
JL Dec 21, 1860.
And testimonials, new, and almost without num
ber, r-:,i-lit be given from ladies and gentlemen in
ail grades of society, whose united testimony none
cvuid res st, tiiat Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative
wdl res ore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair
ol the youth to old age, iu all its youthful beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21, 1868.
PFCOP- WOOD : Thee wilt please accept a line to
inlbnii time that the hair on my head all ti-ll off over
twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic
disease, attended with an eruption on the head
A Continual cours • of suffering through life having
reduced me to a state ot dependence, I hive not
rem able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I
been able to do them up, in cons-queuce of wfiich
ray head has suffered extremely from cold. This
induced mc to pay Briggs Sc Hodges almost the last
ceut I hail on earth for a two dollar bottle >1 thy
liatr Restorative about the first of August last.—
I have faithfully followed the directions und the
bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black,
though shoit, it is also eoming in all over my Lead.
Feeling confident, that another large bottle would
restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious
to "persevete in its use, and being-destitute of
means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if
thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on
thine agents for a bottle, and revive to thyself the
scripture declaration—"the reward is to those that
are kiud to the widow and the fatherless "
Thy friend,
Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859.
Pncr. O. J. WOOD : Dear Sir :—ln the litter part
of the year 1812, while attending *tbe State and
National Law of tho State of New York,
my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced
falling off very rapidly, so that >u the short space
of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp
was almost entirely bere/t of its covering, and much
of the rem lining portion upon the side and back
part of ruy head shortly after became gray, so thu
you will not be surprised when 1 tell you that upon
my return to the Suite of Indiana, my more casual
acqeu.mances were not so much at a loss to dis
cover the cause of tho change in my appearance,
as my more intimate acquaintances were to recog
h'za me at all.
I at once made application to the most skillful
physicians in the country, but receiving no as
surance from them that uiy hair coul.i again be ro
stoiod, I was forced to become reconciled to my
I ite, until, fortunately, in tho latter part of the
year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to
me by a druggist, as l>eing tha most reliable Hair
liivstorative in uso. I tried one bottle, and found
to my great satisfaction that it was producing' the
desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven
dollars' woith of your Restorative, and as a resu<t,
have a rich ed it of very soft black L air, which no
money can buy.
As a mark of tr.y gratitude for your labor and
skill in the production of so wonderful an article,
I have recommended its uso to many of my friends
and acquaintances, who,' I am happy to inform you,
are Using it with like effect.
Very respectfully, yours,
Attorney snd Counsellor at Law.
Depot, 444 Broadway, aud sold by all dealers
throughout the world.
The Restorative is put up iu bottles of three
sizes, viz; large, medium and small holds J, a pint.
ant retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium
holds ; t least twenty per cent, more in porporiion
than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle;
the large holds a quart, 40 percent more in pro
portion, and retails for three dollars per bottle.
O, J WOOD N CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, and 111 Market Street, St. Louis,
M o.
And sold by all good Dmggists and Fancy Goods
Dec. 7, 1860.-3 m
jVJ OTICE is hereby given, to the Taxable inhibi-
J. X tauts of Bedford County, that tho appeal will
be held by the Commissioners, at the Commission
ers Office, in the B -rough of Bedford, on the days
specified to wit:
For the Townships of Hopewell, St. Clair,
Union, Middle Wood berry and South Woodberry,
on Wednesday tho 9th day of January next.
For the Townships Of East Providence, Snake j
Spring. Liberty, Monroe, Broadtop and Bedford, |
on Thursday he 10th day ol January next.
Fat the Townships of West Providence, Napier, !
Juniata, Londonderry.and Schellsburg Borough, on j
Friday tho 11th day of January next.
For the Townships of Southampton, Harrison,
Cumberland Valley, Cole rain and Bedford Bofpugb,
on Saturday the 12th day of January next.
When and where all persons, or corporators feel
ing themselves aggrieved at the enumeration and
valuation, of their taxable property, are requested
to attend, and state their grievances for redress
according to law.
Attest. Commissioners.
HEKKT Nioout iit S. Clerk.
Commissioners office, Dec. 14, 1860.
LETTERS testamentary upon the last will&c.,
of Henry Bender, late of South Woodberty
township, dee'd, baviug been grant .1 to the sub
scriber, he hereby gives notice to all indebted to
tlie Estate to make payment, and those having
claims to present thcin properly authenticated tor
Nov. 30, 1860 -d Executor.
LETTERS testamentary on the Estate of Eliza
beth Black, Lite of Napier tp., dee'd, having been
granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given
to all indebted to said Estate, to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims against the same
to present them properly authenticated for settle
Nov. 23, 1860. Exe utor.
LETTERS testamentary having been granted to
the subscriber residing inScbellslmrg, Bedford
Couu'y, upon the last will Btc., of Philip Shrader,
late of St. Clair Township, dee'd, he notifies all
persons indebted to the est its to ntake immediate
payment, and all those having claims, are requested
to present the same properly authenticated lor set
Dec. 28, 1860. Executor.
VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to the
firm of Ferguson A Sleifer either by note or
bum. account are re reby notified that alter the 24th
(if tie CO 11 Iter 1860 the books 1f.., will be pi iced in
i hands of a Justice of the Feee for collection,
a • su:t wU bo brought without respect to per-
Dec, 14, iB6O
' m -■ re <>f the Stockholders of the Bedford
jV ii Cbßipany, will be held at tbe office
i: i i ;>• y, in Bedford Borough, ou Monday
the !}•'•,! v .-t January, 1861, between the hours
. o • 1 •• n-: o'clock P. Si.., for the of
choosing a I'r .iiileut and twelve Directors, for the
D-cilF.VtO. - Secretary.
ESSENCE of COFFEE at Dr. Hsrrys.
Dee. si, lbttO.
Ayer's Sarsa pari! In
A compound remedy, k whiib WO '-r.-c la
bored to produce the mo:t effectual alterative
that can be made. It is a concentrated o \tract
of Para Sarsnparilla, to combine I with other
substances of still greater Alterative power iia
to afford an effective antidote for the diseases
Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It j* believed
that such a remedy is wanted by thorn who
snttev from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure mutt prove
of immense service to this large class of our
aiil eted fellow-citizens. How completely this
compound will uo it lias been proven by exper
irr. *.! on many of the worst cases to be found
el' the following complaints:
KcitornuA ANI> ScaoFri.ot'S Covtv.wvr,
EwrrttiM" AO Bui.'pnvß Dre PARRS, UI.OZIIS,
tte&ss H BvPttttts A*j-Br?Mi.:nc Ar-
A tors. osTic Dorf/nntevx, £}-
PUT-SIA ivn IviiiGiwriox, KUVSIKBI.AR, Rose
on Sr. A who it's T'lar, and itidcM the whole
class of. complaints mixing from IMPCRJVV ar
ran I5;.oon.
This compound will ho found R went pro
moter of health, when taken in th? spring, to
expel the foul humors which fester in the
bliKid at that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion of ihem many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
th? aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
SOTC3, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural channels of the body
by ari alterative medicine. Cleanse out tlie
yi tinted blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it
wlr never it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
b felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the bloody Keep the
blood healthy, and ell is well; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there car. be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsapavslla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these enos. But
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has not all the virtue that is claimed
for it, but more because many preparations,
pretending to be conc-entrr.ted extracts o: it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sin sepurilla for one dollar. Most
of these have ia>ta frauds upon the sick, for
they ret otuy contain little, if any, Baisapn
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of clloquy wbgch rests
upon it. And we think we have ground for
believing it has virtues whifch are irresistible
by the ordinary inn of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In ordci to secure their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bolt it?.
ntEPARiri) BY
DR. .7. C. AVER & CO.
Price, 51 per Hot tie ; Sir Dottles for §5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
!. s won for itself such a rer.ovm for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnefewnry for us to recount the
evidence of its virtues, whoever it has becfi cm
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
tr' ighmit this . onion, we tired not do more than
•satire the people its r.r.r.'iyvas kept up to the best
it ever hr. been, and that it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Gittivcness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,
Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Mitt Di eases,
Fitter Com laint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and
Sail Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a
2)-. n-r Fill, and for I'urifyinti the Blood,
'ihev are frcgr.r-i'or.ted, so that the most sensi
tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the
1 >t aperient in the worid for all the purposes of a
family physic.
Fries 26 ccntj per Box; 5 Eoxes for SI.OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen, T'hysicianr. states
men. .- : d eminent pemonages, nave lent their
nar ion trreertifv the unparalleled usefulness of these
remedies, but our spat* here will rot permit the
insertion of them. 'Tbc Agents below usracd fur
nish gratis our AMEBIC AX ALMANAC in widen they
are given ; with also full descriptions of tbe abovo
complaints, arid tha treatment that should he fol
low -d fit their cure.
Do riot, be put off hy unprincipled dealers with
other preparation# they make more profit on.
Demand AVrii s. nr.d take na others. The sick
war.t the beat aid there is for them, and they should
have it.
Ail cur F.e.nedies are for ashs by
B. F. Harry. Bedford ; Bwndollur fc Son. Bloody
Run; G. B. Amick, St. Clesrville.; J. Brenetnan.
Woodberry; Goo. Gardill. West End; J. K.CI
- Schellsburg ; and by dealers gener-llv.
Sept. 28, 1860.
THE undersigned have just received a large
and general assortment of
Our present stock is very complete, and we re
spectfully invite our friends and customers, to
call and examine quality and prices.
Cash, or prompt six months buyers, may ex
pect, and.will be offered greater bargains than
ever belore—all kinds of country produce want
ed. A. R. CRAMER, & CO.
Oct. 26. iB6O
By buying your Goods of
OSTEK k mk
Cheap Side,
You'll find it the cheapest place in town to get all
kirds of Goods.
They have just received a full and assort,
ment of new and cheap WISTEtt GOODS.
Gall aDd see.
Mov. 80, 1860.
I and OHIO BANK NOTES taken at par for
GOODS <-r on ACCOUNT, at Cheap Side.
Nov. 80, 1860.
Just received an extensive and varied assort
ment nf Ores-, Opera, Embassy and Prince of
Wales llais ot beam t tit I model and fabric, tui
ly up to Lie progress of the times comprising
every variety ol pattern, color aud quality, ("rola
50 cents up. OSTER k CARN.
Oct. 2d, 1860.-2 b
CALL a .d s ' • Marge aud beautiful assortment
of coal oil l imps, of the latest styles just re
ceived and for sitloehoup at 11. 0. Reunions Drug
Nov. 18, 1860.
SHETLAND WOOL, all color*, at Dr. Harry'*.
Dec. 21, 1860.
K. J. OSBORNE, A, U f . . ,
J. W. DICKER SON, f I riocipala.
THIS institution wiH commence its firtt session
with an able and experienced c ups of Instruc
tors on Monday, Nov. sth, I*3o. No expense has
\ been spared in making it thorough and complete in
every department.
The school building is constructed and furnished
upon the most approved modern plans, and is one
of the best in ihe State. It contains a hall capa
ble of seating 500 adults, with office, music rooms,
sufficient for a school of 300 pupils.
The school is located in a region of country un
excelled for its beauty and htnithfulness, and is
surrounded by a moral wl industrious commuul
[ tv.
The distance to Cove Station, Huntingdon and
Broad Top U. R. f -ix miles; to Hoiidaysburg
Station, Fa. E. K. 12 miles, with daily stage* from
the iaU r and tri-weekly from the former; thus
making it easy of access ail parts of tha
country. Tne objects of the school:—
Ist. The Professional Training l T*bers.
2nd. The thorough Education of'young ladies
and gentlemen in Die English and Oraamsfetal
Branches. •-
3d. J be preparation ol Stui. Nts for College.
The teaching Class will meet daily for lectures
on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, roc taiiun
frotn a standard work on the subject, or discussion
of Methods of Teaching bv tiio class.
Students who desire to do so may prepare to en
ter the higher classes in colk-ge.
Lseies nil! have a sepirat.- boarding house and
will b" u vh-r the super vtsiou of an ex
perienced Preceptress. .
Instruction in all the brioches taught, in
the Iwsi Academics and Seminaries.
iVho'.c cxpens , (•. xchuiv ■ of Ornamental bran
ches,) for boarding, tuition, furnished room#, room
rent, and ta<? $1 18.00 a year.
For circular, with fail particulars, address
Care of J. C. Eveshaut, Martinsburg, Blair Co.,
Nov. 2, 1860.
-i Benevolent Institution established by special En
'dowmcnt, for ike Relief of the. Hick and Distressed,
afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and
especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual
On; tins.
JITEDICAL ADVIOE given gratis, by the Acting
J-'X Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a
description of their condition, (age, occupation,
h-rbi.s of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme pov
erty, Medicines furnished free of charge.
VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and
other Diseases of the Sexual Organs; and oil tho
NSW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary,
se it to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will
be acceptable.
ing Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South
Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the
Directors. EZRA D. HEARTW.EEL,
Nov. 16. 1860-zz
JIHIE undersigned Trustee, appointed by tho
JL Orphans' Court of Bedford County, to sell
the real estate of William Anderson, late of Broad
Top Township, dec'u, by virtue of an order of said.
Court, will expose to pubiic sale, on the premises,
on Tuesday, tim 29th day of January, next. THE
OF LAND situated in Broad" Top Township afore
said, contaiug 216 acres. 102 perches; composed
of parts of three warrants in the names of Gabriel
Chancy, Jeremiah Dwvall, Richard L. Foster, Sep
timus Foster and otheis. This is considered one
o( the BEST coci TH.ccrs ON tho Mountain, the ex.
poaure being exceedingly favorable for working.
TERMS : Cash. Sale will be opened at one o'-
clock of said day. JOHN P. REED,
Dec. 34, 18G9.-d Trustee.
rpliE undersigned have- just opened a large and
J. 1. indsome line of new and fashionable DRESS
GOODS, Cloths, CaSsimens, Jeans, ready made
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Glass, China
and Qaeensware, Fresh Groceries, Spice*. &o.
which for quality and price cannot be surpassed ia
Having been selected frotn the best houses in Phil*-'
del; oi l, .and purchased at very low prices, we will
engage to soil as low as the lowest for cash or pro
duce only. PL-one call sad cx\n:lbe our stock
before purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
Oct. 5, 1860.
THE subscriber will offer at Private Sale the
[ Farm on which Wm. Hurley now resides, situate In
I J uuiata Township, containing 22-5 acres, mure or
I less, of good slate gravel land. The improvements
are a good two story Log House, with kitchen at
tached, largo frame Bank Barn, and other improve
ments —also a splendid orchard of choice fruit.
One hundred and fifty acres of this land, is clear
ed and under fence.
If not sold by Ist Jan. next, it will be for rent.
For terms apply to
Nov. 23, IS6O -*
make room tor fall goods, daring this month
1. we wdl sell every description of Summer
Goods at cost, for cash' Superior French and
English Lawns, at half price, and many other
goods, suitable for Summer use. Call >nd"see.
July 13, 1869. •A. B. CRAMER, N CO.
11PE above amount will be paid to any person
finding hair cross, and anchor, gold tipped, by
returning the same to U. C. REAMER.
Nov. 16, 1860.
IVerthcro Light.
TnE cheapest and best light in uso, can be bsd
by buying Coal Oil perfectly pure, inodorous
j and five from smoke while burning, at §I.OO per
' gallon, at H. C- Reamer's Drug Store,
j Nov. 16, 1860.
, JUST received a fresh supply of groceries,
j such as Sugar- at 9. 10, 11 and i 2 cei, prime
j 1110 Coffee j)i 17 and IS cents, Mola-#p* and
| Syrups ol all kinds, fresh Teas of alt varieties.
Oct. 26. 1860. OSTER & EARN.
i • •
Everybody should uso Trirrdors London Honey
Soap- It is the best ia use for rendering the
j skin fair, soft, and smooth. For s-ile bv
May 18, 1886.
I IF you want cheap ready made elmhirrjr, call
; at O-ier fe Corn's cheap side,vesta from SI,OO up
i business and over coats from Sf 80 up.
J Oct 26, 1860. OSTER A CAKN
| 4 Reauliful assortment of Kerosene Lamps and
Tjl Shade- just received at Dr. Harry's Drug and
j Book store.
> Nov , 1860.