Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 30, 1860, Image 3

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At a meeting of tho Independent Blues, of
Bloody HUD, held at tho house of Oapt. P. G.
Morgarl, ot the morning of the 25th iust., the
following preamble and resolutions were unan
imously adopted:
WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God,
the disposer of all events, to oall from our
midst our much esteemed brother in arms,
Henry Bu ssard, therefore
Resolved, That it is with unmingled feel
ings of sormw and regret that we have heard
ol his untimely death. Hut in the loss of oue
of our fellow soldiers, wo bow in humble sub
mission to the dispensation of Divine Provi
dence, meekly eayiug, "Thy done."
Resolved, That in the death of Henry Bus
sard, his bereaved wife and family have lost
ao, affectionate and devoted husband and fa
ther, the company to which he belonged a
brave and dutiful soldier, and the community
in which he lived a kind neighbor aud a good
citizen; aod we tender to his now afflicted wife
and bereaved friends our heartfelt sympathy,
hoping that their loss shall be bis eternal gaiD.
Resold a', That we attend the funeral ol
Brother Bussard in winter uniform, that we
wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty
days, and that a copy of these resolutions be
punted ID our Uouuty pipers.
P. G. MOHGART, Prca't.
SAVANNAH, NOV. 23.—1t has been rumored
for several days, but generally discredited, that
six free negro seamen were forcibly taken on
the night of he 17th inst., from the bark M.
IV. Biidge iff Cumberland island, and not af
terwards heaid of. A Wo, that tkreo negro sail
ors, a poition of the orew of tbe brig Wingold
were taken from Fernaadina jail and removed
to puts unknown.
Tbe Fernaodina East Ftcridinn of the 21st
inst. asserts tba trutbfuluess of the reports,
but attributes tbe cause to retaliatory measures
again.- 1 the North, and condemns the proceed
Judge Putnam, in his charge to the Grand
jury, denounced these acts. Tbe Editor of
the Ftcridinn yoys that it is probable that the
Legislature will pass an act preventing North
ern vessels from bringing such crews to Flori
da ports.
REMEMBER, Strumous or Scrofulous af
• feclions are tho curse, the blight of mackiad.
They are vile and filthy, as well as fatal.—-
They arise from impurity and contamination of
the blood, and are to be seen all around u,
evervwhere. Thousands daily are consigned
to tbo grave from the direful cfftcts of this
disease." But why trifle any longer, when the
remedy is at banal DII. LINDSKY'B> BLOOD
SEARCHER —the ouly effectual preparation
now before the people, that does its work
mildly and safely. It does not close the issue
superficially, while
Foul corruption, mining all within,
Infects unsoen.
but purges the entire system of all impure
matter, invigorates the tody, and leaves the
efflioied in tfic enjoyment of good health. To
convince the skeptical of is healthy effects,
try but one bottle, and be convinced, Sold by
all the Druggists in this place, and dealers
throughout the country.—-Nov. 23—It.
It is now generally admitted that all eruptive
diseases depend upon some internal or constitu
tional cause, and that to or ointments for
theui is a sure way to injure the system, and
to drive in, not to cure the disease. But HUMPU
are a true specific tor all such diseases. Tbey cure
Salt Rheum, Barber's Itch, Erysipel.s, Pimples on
the Face, Ringworm, and Nettle Rash, by curing
the cause unoii which they depend, and by restor
ing the stein to the state of health and purity.—
Thus, not only is the disease cured, but the soft
ness and beauty of the complexion restored.
Price, 25 cents pet box, with directions. Six
boxes, sl.
SPECIFICS, with Book of Directions, and twenty
•different Remedies, in large vials, morocco case, $5 ;
ditto, in plain case. Si ; case of fifteen boxes, and
Book, $2.
These Remedies, by the single box or case, are
sent, by mail or express, free of charge, to any ad
dress, on receipt of the price. Address
No. 562 Broadway, New York.
EVEN THOSE who are in tbo enjoyment of
-perfect health frequently have need to have recourse
to tonics as preventives of disease. We are never
too well armored against the assaults of "the ilia
that flesh is heir to." Such an invigorator they
may And in HOSTETTEK'S BITTERS—a medi
cine that cannot be taken regulaily without giving
vitality and elasticity to the system. At this
season, particularly, the strongest man is not proof
against the malaria, in certain sections of tho
•country. In all cases of fever and ague, the BIT
TERS is idore potent than any amount of quinine,
while the most dangerous cases of billious fever
yield to its wondoiful properties. Those who have
tried the medicine will never use another, for any
of the ailments which the HOSTETTER BI.TERS pro
fesses to subdue. To those who have not made the
experiment, we cordially recommend an early ap
plication to thj BITTERS, whenever they aresfick
en by diseases of the digestive organs.
Sold t y druggists and dealers, generally, every
advertisement in another column.
Sold by U. C. Rearuer.
Oct. lit, 1860.
S4VE fOlfll MOIEY,
By i nyiug your Goods of
OSTEIt & mi
Cheap Si le,
You'll Hod it tho cheapest place in town to get all
Jvicds of Goods.
They have just received a full and cheap assert,
nutit of new and cheap WI3TKU LJOODS.
CVI and see.
Nov JO, l-eo.
and OHIO BANKNOTES taken at par for
HOODS or on ACCOUNT, at Cheap Side,
Nov. 30, 1860.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed by tho Orphans' j
Court ot Bedford Gounty, to examine and j
settle Ihe exceptions filed to the confirmation of!
the ac.xunt of Mahlon Smith, administrator of tho j
estate >f J bines Smith, late of St. Clair Town- j
dee'd, will attend to the <'ut : es ot the ap- ;
poin'ment, at Lis < dice, in the Borough of Bedford, j
on Monday, the 17th day of December next, at 10 1
° clock A. AS., when and where all parties interest- '
de,in attend. JOHN P. REED,
Nov. SO, 1860. . Auditor.
4 Ikaxtiful assort meat of Kerosene Lamps and i
,7*- Shades just recriptj at Dr. Harry's Drug and j
i>ooit store.
Nov 9, 1300. J
THE subscriber will sell at public sale, by virtue
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bedford Co.,
on Thursday, the 20th day of December, 1860, on
the premises, the late residence of llenry Bender,
I dee'd. situate in South Wood berry Township, Bed
ford County, conaisring of a lot of ground contain
ing one aci, all under cultivation, adjoining lauds
of Dr. Bnrch and Daniel Lingenfeiter, having there
on erected a story and a half log frarno house, sta
ble as 1 cooper shop, a welt of excellent water at
the door. This is a very desirable property, situ
ated in a pleasant neighborhood, couvenimt to
churches and schools.
Sale to begin at 10 o'clock A. M., when terms of
sale will be made known. At the same time and
place the personal property will he sold, including
cooper tools, stock aud household furniture.
Nov. 23, 1860. Executor.
TOE subscriber will otfer at Private Sale the
Fbitii on which W r m. Hurley now resides, situate in
Juniata Township, containing 225 acres, more or
j less, of good slate gravel land. The improvements
are a good two story Log House, with kitchen at
tached, large frame Bank Barn, and other improve
ments —also a splendid orchard of choice fruit.
One hundred and fifty acres of this land, is clear
ed and under lence.
If not sold by Ist Jan. next, it will be for rent.
For terms apply to
Nov. 23, 1860.-*
IS hereby given to the Military Board of Auditors,
of the Ist Brigade, and 16th Division, P.M.,
that they are required to meet at the public house
of Johu llafer, in the Borough of Bedford, on
Tuesday, the Bth of January 1861, (or the purpose
of adjusting the Military accounts of said Brigade,
also, the collectors of the different Boroughs and
Townships of said Brigade, for the year 1860, arc
notified to meet said board, at the same time and
place, for the purpose of having exonerations and
abatements made and allowed.
Nov. 23, 1860. Ist B-, 16th D., P. M.
Letters testamentary, on the last will and testa
ment of Jacob Teeter, lite of South Wood berry
Township, dee'd, having been granted to tho sub-
I soriber residing in siid Township, notice is tlier e
fore given to all persons indebted to make payment
1 immediately, aud those having claims agiinst raid
j estatb will present th< in properly authenticated for
i settlement.
Nov. 23, 1860.-C*.
Administrator's Notice.
j LETTERS of administration on the estalo of ;
' Elias Elite, late of Cumberland Valley Township, •
| dee'd, having lieen granted to the subscribers, living
; in said Township, aii persons indebted to s :id es
j tate are notified to make p .ymcnt immediately, and
those having claims against the same wdl present
j tinni properly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 23, 1860.-* Adrar's.
Administrator's Notice.
LE I TERS ot administration having been grant- j
. ed, on the estate of Archibald Find ley, late of j
; Napier Township, to the subscriber, living in St.:
I <JUW_Township, all persons indebted to said estate J
are notified to make payment immediately, and |
those having claims against the same will present j
theui property authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 23, 1860.-* Adm'r.
Executor's Nolice.
| g ETTEKS testamentary upon the last wiil Ike.,
i J i of Henry Bander, late of South Woodbeny ;
township, dee'd, having been granteJ to the sub- j
| sciiber, he hereby gives notice to all indebted to
; tho Estate to make payment, and those having j
j claims to pn sent them propelly authenticated lor !
I settlement.
Nov. 30, 1860-d Executor.
LETTERS testamentary on the Estate cf Eliza
j beth Black, late of Napier tp., dee'd, having been
granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given
to nil indebted to said Estate, to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims against the same
to present them properly authenticated for settle
Nov. 23, 18CJ. Executor. j
fIIHE late firm of J. REED A CO., has been
X dissolved by mutual consent, and the books
of the firm, with those of tho late firm of Reed &
! Minnich, havo been left in the hands of their at
torney J. P. Reed, and those of Jacob Reed, for
Settlement and Collection , and all concerned desii ing
to save costs, must call immediately and make
settlement, as there can be but little delay afforded.
Will now continue the business on the cash and i
produce system. He will do bnsiness on the ]
"square" so that lie can sell goods at a cheaper
rale than ever—be does not wish to charge cash
and prompt customers, with the losses occasioned ,
by non-paying customers— therefore "Cash or Pro
duce" will govern his trade. He now invites his
friends and customers to call and examine his 3
splendid new goods—they will be shown -vith
pleasure and disposed of at very light profits.—
Just opening and on hand—DßY GOODS, HATS,
GROCERIES, and ail goods kept in a general
store. ladies can here find all they want for dress
or comfort. Gentlemen need go no farther, come
and examine for yourselves.
Nov. 9, 1860.
First aod Last Notice.
ALT. persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber on Book accounts, fur Flour, Lum
ber, Store Goods, or otherwise, are earnestly re
quested to make settlement, on cr before the loth
day of Dec. next, either by cash or note, at 30,
60 or 90 days ; or fur Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and ,
Buckwheat, for which the highest price will allowed ,
in exchange for their accounts.
All persons neglecting this Notice will find th ir '
accounts in the hands of an officer for settlement, 1
without respect to persons.
Nov. 16, 1860.-4
55.00 REWARD.
Tl'E above amount will be paid to any person i '
finding hair cross, and anchor, gold tipped, by j I
returning tho same to B.C. REAMER. !<
Nov. 16, 1860.
LETTERS of Administration, euro testamenio j
anexo, oil the estate of John Clark, late of
Schellsburg Borough, dee'd, having been granted t
lo the subscriber, living in said Borough, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to said <
estate will make payment immediately, and 1
those having cl tirns against the saine will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 26, 1860. Adm'r-
Cf ALL and see a large and beautiful assortment
' of coal oil lamps, of the latest styles just re- .
ceived sod for sale cheap at H. C. Reamer's Drug n
Nov. 16, 1860.
BiBFOEB mmmm.
For Sprains and Bruises, Burns and Scalds,
Rheumatic and .Yeuratgit Foins, Swel
lings, Stiff Joints, Paralysis, or
Jeumbness of the Limbs, Pains
in the Breast, Side or Back ;
Sere Throat, Tooth-Ache,
Frosted Feet, &;c , #c.,
And for the Relief
of Pain Anywhere
and Everywlu re.
This is a most perfect preparation, and seldom
fails to do good. It is harmless in its effects Lot
powerful to relieve Pain. If you use it once you
will not likely be without it again. You will find it
a constant household friend, giving ease and relief
just when needed. Keep it constantly on hand
and it will save you many hours of pain and suf
fering. 't'hero is baldly a pain it will not easi.—
There is hardly an accideut that will occur where
it will not be useful.
Should one of your family get burned or scald
ed, cover the burned part with a cloth of several
thickuesses wet with the "Master of Pain," and
keep tbe cloth saturated with it. In a short time
it will draw all the fire out. It will cause a prick
ling stnsaiion— this is the fire coming out. Keep
it wet with tho ".Master of Pain" until tbe pain
and prickling ceases. Let the wet cloth stay on
lor six or eight hours, ufrer which apply some
healing ointment or sweet oil. In nearly all cases
of Pain or Soreness of the Chest, Tlnoat, Side,
Back, Spine, Limbs or Joints, it will give relief.—
Rub it on freely with tbe hand or tvifh a flannel
cloth until the skin becomes heated and burning.
For soreness of the tlirout rub it on until it pro
duces a little soreness.
For Croup use it in connection with the Cough
Syrup, by rubbing it on the chest.
For Rheumatism and all deep seated pains, if
the pain is not speedily removed by.rubbing with
the hand, lay a cloth net with the liquid over tbe
1 part aflected, and pass a warm smoothing iron over
For Pains in tho Breast, Sido or Back, the same
may be done.
For Tooth-ache, drop it on cotton, and apply it
to the nerve of the tooth, also rub the gums and
cheeks with it.
For Frosted Feet, apply '.lie "Master cf Pain"
freely, and dry it in l>elore tho fire.
For Head-ache rub it on the forehead.
It is called "Master of Pain." I did not give it
this name—l don't like the name. When I first
commenced making it it was without name or label.
I made it and sold it by the ounce at my Drug
Store. 1 had no idea then of malting a business
of it. Some who bought it called it Master of
i Pain, and by this name it became known for many
: miles round. And finally, when 1 had label
! printed I w?s compelled to adopt the name, for by
j that name it was known. After all, the name is
I not so very inappropriate. It is used to alleviate
| or remove pain. It is put on wherever there is
| paiu. Sometines it will cause pain, but the result
; always is freedom from pain.
Reader—try it—take a bottle with you—use it
whenever occasion requires—give it a fair trial.
Prepared by If. E. Shriner, Westminister Md.
| and fqr sale by H. C. Reamer and Adam Fergu
' son, Bedford Pa.
Nov. 9, 1860.
For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough, Asthma, It roue hi'is
Spitting of Blood, Paiu and
Weakness of the Breast, Dif
ficulty of Breathing, &e.
From the Rev. Samuel Yingling.
BEDFORD, NOV 3, 1860.
Mr. W. E. SHRISER —Dear Sir : Upon several
occasions I havo used your Bilsimic Cough Syrup.
I in ray family and also on one occasion myself—
when worn by frequent preaching. aud with the
; li ippiest results.
BEDFORD Nov. 3, 1860.
W. E. SURLIER — SIR : As you arc about to iutro
; duce your Balsamic Cough Syrup into our County.
I will give you my experience with it, which you
are at liberty to use if you think proper, some
two years ago a box that was lost ou the Pennsyl
vania Central R. R. found its way to my store. I
opened the box and found it to contain your Balsa- !
niic Cough Syrup. I had never luar lofit at that
time but a Mr. Aughinbiugh fn-m your state h ip
pened to be present ami said it was < uo of tho best
cough remedies in use an i happening to need a
; eaugh medicine in my family I determined to give ,
j it a trial, and s.) well please 1 was I with its effects
j that I gave bottles of it to my friends nil of whom
! agree with me in pronouncing it the best cough
remedy they have ever met with. Wo have used it
for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough,
and in every case it gave the moat signal relief.—
Yours truly,
I used in my family some of the Cough Syrup
refered to by Mr. Ferguson, aud fu ly concur in
tho opinion expressed by him.
We used Shiners' Balsamic Caugii Syrup and j
consider it the best Cough Medicine we ever used. !
Prepared by W. E. Shriner, Westminister Md '
ami for sale by II- C. Reamer and Adam Ferguson, j
Bedford Pa.
Nov. 9, 1860.-ZZ
E. i. OSBORNE, A. B. f „ . . .
J. W. DICKERSON, f Principals.
ETIHIS institution will commenoe its first session
X with an able and experienced corps of instruc
tors on Monday, Nov. sth, 1860. No expense has
been spared in making it thorough au-1 complete in
every department.
The school building is constructed anil furnished
upon the most approved modern plans, and is one
of tho best in the State. It contains a hall capa
ble of statins 500 adults, with office, music rooms, ;
sufficient for a school of 300 pupils.
The school is located in a region of country un- j
excelled for its beauty and healthfulncss, and is
surrounded by a moral and industrious communi
The distance lo Cove Station, Huntingdon and
Broad Top R. R. is tix miles; to Holidaysburg
Station, Pa. R. K. 12 miles, with daily stages from
the latter and tri-weekly from the former ; thus
making it easy of access from all parts of the
country. Tne oi jects of the school:—
Ist. Tho Professional Training of Teachers.
2nd. The thorough Education of young ladies
ami gentlemen in the English and Ornamental
3d. lhe preparation of Students for College.
Tbe teaching Class will meet daily for lectures
on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, rcc tation
from a standard work on the subject, or discussion
of Methods of Teaching bv the class.
Students who desire to do so may prepare to en
ter the higher classes in college.
Ladies will have a separate boarding house and j
will be under the immediate supeivisiou of an ex- j
perienced Preceptress.
Instruct ion given in all the branches taught in j
the iiest Academies and Seminaries.
Whole expense, (exclusive of Ornamental bran- !
ches,) for boarding, tuition, furnished rooms, room ;
rent, and fuel SIIB,OO a year.
For circular, with full particulars, address
Care of J. O. EVEJIHVRT, Martlnsburg, Blair Co., j
Nov. 2, 1860. ;
"ITlverybody should use Trinders London Honey
JD Soap. It is the best in use for rendering the j
skiu fair, soft, ami smooth. For sale by
May 18, 1860.
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
i. a i-,. i=t> disease, as errrnpttan of the
hi""'!, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it
V t • vl s the whole body, arid may bum out
i. d ease mi any pari <-f it. No organ is free
ir .i ts a tack*. nor is there one which it may
ii -t destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by men: .rial disease, low living, dis
arm ...J or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
a.< I li.ihy habits, tho depressing vices, and,
e'-ov* all, by the venereal infection. What
ever ! a its origin, it is hereditary in the con
at: tut ion, descending 4l from pare nts to children
u; tu third ami fourth generationindeed,
it •% .ris to lis th.> rod ot Him who says, 44 1
wilt. r;sit tho iniquities of the fathers upon
ch Idm."
Moi d of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
in longs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
Dme-civs; in tho glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or aores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blond, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous coiistitu
net only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints but they have far less power to with
hiu i i the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are slid rendered fatal by this taint in the
System. Most of the consumption which de
cimal lea the Iranian family lias its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the Liver, kidneys, brain,
. gr A, halved, of all tho organs, ariso from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
' > .e quarter of all our people are scrofulous;
tlr. it persons are intruded by this lurking in
f-vv > !. and their health is undermined by it.
vi a ,g it from the system v.c must renovate
the blood by s.t alterative medicine, and in
v.:; at" it by healthy food aud exercise.
I . i a nudicina we supply in
C nnpoHiu} Extract of SarsnpariUn,
Ine ni ot c Tbctual remedy which the medical
skid of our times can devise for this every
v Vuv prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
h— the most active rcmcdials that have
yen h covered for The expurgation of this foul
oi'order from tie blood, and the rescue of the
tylein from its destructive consequences.
Hcucc it should ! employed for the cure of
L .t only scrofula, but also those other affcc
t SIB which arise from it, such as ERCPTIVB
and Skin Diseases, SR. ANTHONY'S FIRE,
If)-;, ir liuvsn-i'.i.AS, Pimples, PISTOLES,
Bi.orc.isws, Hi,vi.vh and Boms, TUMORS, TKTTXR
T. to on In PL ki; BLOOD. The popular belief
b* " i'nt'U,lt>j of the blood " is founded in truth,
for scrofula IH a degeneration of the blood. Tho
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapn
rri.'a is to puril v and regenerate this vital fiuid,
v:iti.ut which sound health i impcEeible in
I contaminated coustitutiens.
Oyer's Cathartic Pills,
-are so composed that disease within the range of
their mien can rr.rely withstand or evade them
I Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
j and invigorate every portion of the human organ
| ism, correct in t" its diseased action, and restoring
I its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid vho is Isjoed down with
i pain or physical dehility is astonished to find his
t health or • riert-y restored by a remedy at once so
sin.ple and in vi if eg.
Not only do lhc> ei:rc the every-day complaints
| of every tody, but also many formidable and
Qci.giioui eiwraso*. The agent Wbw nr.mod is
pleased t. furnish gratia my American Almanac,
[ com. inicg ccrtiiicatv sof their cures ond directions
for their use in the following complaints: Costire
ftss. Unnthtim, Ht (itirc/ie in irinyjrom disordered
y-icmorh. Sauna, t >.dirt it inn, Puin in and Morbid
It.-., tm,. oj the To wets, Fkttulencp. Loss of Appe
i, Jain-dice, and other kiimicu complaints,
mtsii .it 'rein a low state cf the body or obstruction
of it a fuurtions.
Ayers Cherry Fectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Infinenza, Ilonraeness,
Croup, Eroncliitfs, Incipient Consump
tion, mid for the retief of Consumptive
Pntients ii i advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
rxpous are the cases of its cures, that almost
every sec Hon of country al curds in persons pub
licly known, who have been restored from alarming
*:.<! even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
ii- c. iVhtn oucu tried, its superiority over every
re her nseditit.* of its kind is too apparent to escape
BhaSrw.tii n, and where its viruies ere known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing ami dangerous affections of the
puirnmv ry organs that are incident to our climate,
while manv inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
Las gained friends by every trial, conferred ber cfits
n:i the afdieteil thev can never forget, and pro
ri ;c,-.l cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
mi. J. U. HER & CO.
B. F. Harry, B -dfor 1; Bariidollar k Son, Bloody
Run; G. B. Aniicic; St. Gh-irvillc; J. Breneman,
\Voodberry; Geo. Gardill, West End; J. E.Cel
vin, Sehwllsburg ; and by dealers generally.
Scpt.T'S, 1860.
.5 Benevolent Institution established by special En
dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed,
afflicted with. Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and
especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Arting
Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a
description of their condition, (age, occupation,
habi s of life, kc.,) and in esses ol" extreme pov
erty, Medicines furnished free of charge.
VALUABLE REPORTS on Spcrautturrliosa. and
other Diseases of the Sexual organs; and on the
NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary,
scat to the sfliicttd in sealed letter envelopes, free
ol charge. Two or tlireo Stamps tor postage will
be acceptable.
ing Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South
Ninth Street, Philadilphia, Pa. By order of the
Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL,
, _ President.
GEO. FAIRCfIILD, Secretary.
Nov. 16, 1860.-zz
fTIHE undersigned have just opened a large and
JL handsome iine ot new and fashionable Dri ESo
GOODS, Cloths, Oassimeres, Jeans, ready ma de
Clothing. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Glass, China
and Queens ware, Ftvsh Groceries, Spices, fkc.
which for quality and price cannot be surpassed in
Having been selected from the best houses in 1 ht.a
delj liia, and purchased at very low prices, wo will
engage to sell as low as the lowest for cash or pro
duce oniv. Please call and examine our stock
before purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
Oct. 5, 1860.
NertlKrn Lighf-
TIIE cheapest and best light in use, can he had
by buying Coal Oil perfectly pure, inodorous
and freo from smoke while burning, at SI.OO per
gallon, at H. C* Rectuer's Drug Store.
Nov. 16, 1860.
THE XXth Volume of tho WEEKLY Tsmcsis
commenced with the issue of Sept. 1. During the
past year The Tribune has been obliged to devote
quite a large proportion of its space to Politics,
but we shall soon be able to forego Political dis
cussions almost entirely, for months if not for
years, and devote nearly all our columns to sub
jects cf less Intense, but more abiding, interest.—
Among tnese, we mean to pay especial attention
I. EDUCATION. —The whole subject of Education,
both Popular and General, will bo discussed in
our columns throughout tho year 1861, aud we
hope to elicit in that discussion some of the pro
foundest thinkers and the ablest instructors in our
country. It is at once our hope and our resolve
that the cause of Education shall receive an impe
tus from the exertions of TIIE TRIUUXE in its be.
half during tho year 186!.
11. AGRICULTURE. —We have been compelled to
restrict our elucidations of this great interest
throughout 1860, and shall endeavor to atone there
for in 1801. Whatever discovery, deduction, de
monstiation, is calculated to render the reward of
labcr devoted to cultivation more ample or more
certain, shall receive prompt an i full attention.
111. MANUFACTURES, fro.— We liaii every inven
tion or enterprise whereby American Capital and
Labor are attracted to and advantageously cm.
ployed in any department of Mann the tone g or
Mechanical Industry as a real contribution to the
Public Weal, insuring ampler, steadier, more c< n
venient, more remunerating markets to the Farm
er, with fuller employment and better wages to the
Laborer. The progress of Mining, Iron-Making,
Steel-Making, Cloth-Weaving, &c., Ac., in our
country and the world, shall be watched and re
ported by us with an earnest and active sympathy.
IV. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. —We employ the best
correspondents in Lolidon, Paris, Turin, Berlin,
atid other European Capitals, to transmit us early
and accurate juiviecs cf the great changes thi re
.silently but certainly preparing. In spite of the
pressure of Domestic Politics, our News from the
Old World is now varied ana ample, but we shall to render it more perfect during the eventful
year just before us.
V. HOME NEWS —We employ regular paid cor
respondents in Galimrnla, at the Isthmus of Dari
en, in the Koeky Mountain Gold Region, and
wherever else they se< m requisite. From themore
accessible portions of our own country, we derive
our information urarily from the multifarious cor
respondents of tho Associated Press, fiooi our ex
changes, and the occasional letters of intelligent
friends. Wo aim to print the cheapest general
newspaper, with the fullest and most authentic
summary of useful intelligence, that is anywhere
afforded. Hoping to "make each day a ciitic on
the last," and print a better and better paper from
year to year, as our means arc steadily enlarged
through the generous co-operation of our many
well-wishers, we solicit, and shall labor to deserve,
a continuance of public favor:
PAIEY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum.) $6
SEMI-WEEKLY (101 44 • " ) $3
WEEKLY (52 4 1 44 44 ) ID
To CLUBS— Semi- Weekly : Two copies for SS,
Five for $11,25, Ten copies to one address for §3O,
and any larger number til the latter rate. Foi a
club of Forty, we send TUB DAILY TRIBUNE gratis
one year.
Weekly: Three copies for sf>, Fight copies for
$lO, aud any larger number at tho rate of $1 20
each Jier annum, the paper to be addressed to each
Sitt scriber. To clubs of Twenty, send an extra
Twenty copies to one address for S2O, with tne
extra to him who sends us the club, tor each club
of One Hundred, TUB DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent
gratis lor one year.
When drafts can be procured it is much safer
than to remit Bank Bills. 1 lie name of the Post-
Otlicu ami State should 4u all casus plainly
Payment always in advance. Address,
THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau Stref,
Nov. 16, 1860. New York.
Incorporated by the Legislature.
"VTEARLY 6000 STUDE NTS, from nearly every
J. 1 State in the Union, have been educated for
business, it being tho only College of the kind in
the United States conducted by an experienced
Our .Junior Principal, AVm. 11. DnfF, has just
been awarded, by our State and other Fairs, Eight
First Premium * for Business and Ornamental Pen.
inanship, over compeitors called the best penmen
in the country. Samples of his Business and Or
namental Writing, a circular of 50 pages, and an
elegant engraving, mailed, post piid, on receipt of
25 cents in stamps.
For sale by book-sellers, Harper's Enlarged Edi
tion of DUFF'S BOOK KEEPING, 222 pages,
51.50, awarded Four Silver Metals, and sanctioned
by tho Chamber of Commerce and Ameiican In
stitute of New Ywrk, as the best published.
DUFF & DUNCAN'S new and elegantly engraved
School Copy Books, six numbers, 24 pages, fine
cap paper. 30 cents per dozen; Seini Edition, $1
J>er dozen, J. S. LIPPIXCOTT 4 Co., Philadelphia
W. G. JOHNSTON A Co., Pittsburgh.
DUNCAN'S GEMS of Business and Ornamen
tal Penmanship, crown quarto, $5, post-paid from
the College.
Address: P. DUFF fc SONS,
[Cr*Buy your scholarship in town. Colleges
that send them abroad cannot sell them at home,
where they are known.
Nov. 9," 1860 -ZF.
mEw mvm. "
1 llh undersigned have just received a large
and general as.-ortment of
Our present slock is very complete, and we re
spectfully invite our friends and customers, to
call and examine quality and prices.
Cash, or prompt six months buyer', may ex
pect, aniftv ill be offered greater bargains than
ever before—all kinds of country produce want
ed. A. B. CRAMER, & CO.
Oct. 26, 1860.
LETTERS of administration on the estate of
Joseph Shafer, late of East Providence Town
ship, dee d, having been granted to the subscri*
ber, residing in West Providence Township, all
persons indebted to said estate, are therefore
notified to make payment immediately, and
those having claims will present the same forth
with for settlement. ARXHAM BHAFEU,
Oct. 26, 1860. Adtn'r.
Just received an extensive and varied assort
ment of Dress, Opera, F.mbassy and Prince of
Wales Hals of beautiful model and fabric, ful
ly up lo the progress of the times comprising
every variety of pattern, color and quality, from
50 cents uo. OSTCR k CARN.
Oct. 26, 'ISGO.-2ui
JUST received a Iresh supply of groceries,
euch as Sugars at 9, 10, JJk tml 12 cents, prime
Rio Coffee at 17 ami 18 ccnj#, Molasses and
Syrups ol all kinds, fresh Teas o! aii varieties.
'Oct. 26, 1860. OSTF.R & CARN.
IF you want cheap ren ty made clothing, rail
at Osier St Cam's cheap side,vests Ironi "SI,Of) up
business and over com from *3.50 up.
Oct. 26, 1860. OSTKR k CARN.
s ! For the speedy, radical, an.l effectual euro ol
s ! ALL DISEASES ariaiag from IJIPF
" S This medicine has wrought the most miraculous
r cures in desperate c ses of
• ! Scrofula, ] Cancerous formation*
" Cutaneous Diseases, I Erysipelas, Bolls,
1 i Pimples OH the face, Sore Eyes,
Oki, Stubborn Dicers, } Scald Head.
> i Tetter a{fe<*ion*. Rheumatic Disorders,
1 1 Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
) Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
i Mercurial Disease*, General Debility,
1 Liver Complaint, Loss ot Appetite,
' Low Spirits, Foul Stomach,
Female Complaints, and all Diseases having their
• ! origin in an impure state of the Blood.
The above is a portrait of David MeCreary, of
Napjertownship, who, an the 31st day ot August,
1858, made affidavit before Justice Gorley that bo
was treated for the cure cf Cancer by three physi
cians of Bedford County, and by Pr. Newtoa ot
the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a period of
nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his
hp, note, and a portion of hit Irft cheek were entirely
eaten away ! He had given up all hope, when ho
heard cf the "Blood Searcher," and was induced
to try it. Four bottles cured bira,and although
sadly disfigured, there is uo question but what this
invaluable medicine saved his life. The full partic
ulars of this remarkable case may be seen in a cfr, which can he had of an)' of the Agents.
Wo also refer to the case of Nancy Blakney, of
K derton, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scro
fula after being unable to get out of bed for three
To the case of a lady in Ansonville, Clectfield
county, who was also affiicted with Scrofula in its
worst form.
To the case of George Melsel, residing in Car
rolltown. Cambria county, Pa., who was so badly
afilicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off
and his case was worse, it possible, titan JlcCrea
The particulars of these cases—every one of
which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher
—may also tie found in a circular to be had of any
i of iheAgents.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
i Laboratory for the manufacture aud sale, near
Penna. Railroad Depot, Holiidaysburg, Pa.
j For sale by 11. C- Reamer, Bedford; G. i>. Trout,
; Alum Bank ; John G. Scbell, Pleasantville ; L.N.
; Fyau, West End P. Office ; Frederick Corl, Mari
ij ctta; G. B. Amide, St. Clairsville; Jacob Baird,
I Barndollors Mills; N. Koons, Willow Grove; John
Bowser, Bowser's Mill, A.C. Evans, Raiusburg ; B.
F. Horn & Bro., Schellsburg; Hiiiigas At Mowry,
Buena Vista ; John Wayde, New Paris; Ritchey
& Ramsey. Bloody Bun ; Piper £ Scatt, Fattons
ville; David Becgle, Waterstraet; Win. J. Gat
bra itb, Wood berry; G. D. Kanffman, Flitchrille;
all of Bedford County.
Dec. 16, 1859.
rv 38i2
nreat Inducements! Cheap Prices !
rpilE undersigned wouid rcspcctfnlly call the at-
X tention of the public to their new and exten
! sivo assortment of
Comprising alt st) lea aud qualities, at the very low
pricci,. Also,
Including a fine selection of genuine and unadulter
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
F A H C Y G 0 OB S. '
All descriptions of Leather for sole.
from our long experience, and the superior fa
cilities we enjoy for purchasing, we can offer extra
j inducements, and feel satisfies all who ftvor
us with a .trial will receive satisfaction, both as re
gards the quality of our goods and prices. Coun
try produce and Tan B;.rk will bo t. ken in exchange
for Goods and Leather.
! May 18, 1860.
THE subsciiber respectful'y announces to the
public, that hehas leased thu above named Ho-'
tel, In the ol 1 and well known Globe building, for
merly owned and occupied by Mr. John You ay,
aud recently in the occupancy of Jonathan tlortoD,
' j dee'd, where he will bo happy t" see bis friends,
and the, traveling public generally. Persons at
i tending Court ate respectfully invited to give him
I a call. He pledges himself that ho will do all in
his power to render his guests comfortable,
j IDs Table! will be supplied with the choicest dvl
' icacies the market will; fford.
Tiie Bed Rooms will contain clean and comf t t -
| able bedding.
The Bar be sttppiied with choice liquors.
1 j The Stable will bo uttendeet by a careful and at
i tentivo hauler.
Boarders taken by the day, week, month and
• year.
Beeiford, Nov. 2, 1860.
FOR~MM. ~~
ONE lot of ground iu the town of Cleafvtlle,
licdforei County, Pa , fronting CO feet on Main
St., at d extending iaok 178 feet to an alley, jml
-1 joining lot of B. A. Cooper on tho West, ami an
I dle!y on the East. The un[ rovemeats area good
Frame Dwelling House and Log Stable.
i Two I.ots in this Town ot RushvUle, Jasper Co.,
low.t, being lots Nus. L> and H in Hail Road ad
dition to add town.
For terms apply to the Editor of thb. paper,
( J Sept. 14, lfcS'J.
i "U'E Htm lor cheap side F'rs the cry of ail
who r ;n wrmt of u neat durable and cheap
hat. OSIER & CARfi
#, I' 'O.
1 ■ h^ij
> A N txetlltnfai ticlt of KEROSENE juts* reeeir*4
dl. at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
Nov. 9, 1869.