TOE TJKIPF. [Twelfth Resolution in the Chicago Elatiorm, on winch Lincoln and Hamlin ,v re nominated:] .. That w'lHe providing ret e we for the *up port oj the tilateral Government b>j dn'its upon imposts, SOL VP PO! ICY REQUIRES SUCH AA AD JUSTMENT OF THESE IVPOsTS AS TO E SCOUR V'E THE DEVELOPMEAT O F THt. INDUSTRIAL 1 XTEREST VF THE WHOLE COL'S TRY, AND WE COM MESH Til iT POL ICY OF NATIONAL EXCHANGES WHICH SECI RES TO THE WORK LAG MEN LITER. 1L WAGES. TO AGRICULTURE REMUNE RATING PRICES. Tit MECHANICS HAD MAN! EJC TURK RS J A .iD EQUATE RE WARD FO.t THEIR SKILL, I.JBOR JND ENTERPRISE. AAD TO THE XATIOX COM MERCIAL PROSPERITY AND IN DEP END face." Iffofcet iY:i avd Tife Tradf. [The following is the Free Train platik of the cinnst! Convention, vvlii' h was re-adopted by the # ;iveittions which nominated Douglas and Breck inridge. who have both been always viobnt Free 1 riders.} Rtmoitftd, That there art question pnnnecttl u-ith the fir A fx policy of Mm errantry, sirhich art uftrior !o no imneslic question whiierc-r. The time has come ,or the people of the. I itiled States to declare ih'in i elt.sin f-rvMr of free iwi and PI.oGREsSI VL FREE I'IiADK THKOUGHoUT THE WORLD, sc'tmu mauijertntions to place intir moral in fluence by tie tide of their sncct'sful example." THE VOICE OP CL4Y• ■ .*j L.-ig at Gol alhais the ratal current to fev'. through toy r.; >, I :.. sieier. never, - err, by uotd j- rarer. ,son, pilticularly, the sironr st -nan is not proof ag-in-t the msl-ria, in certain sections of the .country. In at! cues of fever so.d ague, the Bit tess is uioru potent tiian any amount of quinine, while the most dang r uis cts s of bil'ions fever yield to its Wondetfid prcpatties. Tht>se who hive tried the medicine will n v.-r another, for si.y of the ailments w: icb tiie Hosr*rrEa Pitter# fessts to sulstne. '1 o those who have not made the experiment, w._ c .rdi liy recommend an early ap plication t<- th Birr- r, whenever tiny are st ick n I y .'iseesea of the digestive organs. Sold by dittggista snd dealers, get r illy, eve-y --wher--. fty ree adveitisement In another column. (let. 19, iB6O. MARRIED. On Thursday tLe 2nd idse, at the Meiho dist Parm ntge, py Rer. S., >?r. S'u.'l K. Si iiDcr of I.uthersrij e P^leaifield ('oua'j, to Mm < sful De Carver, cf St. Cl^iiTille. ... . , • •• ■ jgIEC, Ou tbs llt'i September, near Woodberry, Bedford co , Ps., of Apoplexy, Mrs. Matilda E der, consort t.f Mr Robert Elder, aged 51 years. 7 moi tits and 15 days. Auditor s Sotiee. Duff, Sn ith at.d Kidgely i In the common PWs v 3 bof I{.-afori County Fi. Dtnie' Trostle No. 31, Sipt. T. IR6OJno.l R 6oJno. I*. Re<*d app< inteii. Nt vt bis offi-e iu the Borough ot Btd.'ord, on v\ t ir.od".y the 7th d".y of November, next, at 10 o'clock A. V. JOHN P. REED, Oct. 19,1660. Audit-,r. .Vo'.ire la t rrdilars. TIIAKE notice th%t I have applied to the Court L of Common Pbias of the County of Bedford, for the hcQviit of the iasolrent Rwa i f this Coru mor.wei'th, a d that sail Court his appointed Holiday, the 3t;i day of N veruber next, for the heating of tue end toy ere iitors, at the Court liossu, m the Borough of Bedfor i, when sni wh.-re vou may ittrr; 1 if vou 'hir.k pron'-r. Oct. 13, 1660. ' THOMAS O. MOCK. Ai i)TrolLi{~A OMJE. ~ fltllE undersigned, appointed to distribute the JL halatice, in the hands ut B•' j imiri If. Walker, .l imtuistiatcr oi the estavo. of Klt>d Alkn, 1 to • f - Cbirr Township, doe'd, to ai-.l aiuong tee cre-li of said dt-e'd, w.ll attend '"or that purpose, at hie i tfxr in Bedford, on Thursday trie Ist of No vember ro xt, when and whcTeal; persons interested msv attend if they think proper. JOHN MOIVMR, Oct. 19, l l 60. Auditor. BEDtOtiD COt'.\7T, " At vu Orphans" Court held at Bedford, in aud for the County of Bedford on the 3rd diy of sept. A. D. IHiU, t fare the Judges of the said Court. On tuotion of O. ShantK.n biq., the Court grui.t a inle ou the h*irs and ieg .l representatives cf V\ m. K>-rr, late of Jj irtison fowDship, due'd, f.l wit : J• ha Keir, Csthtrine, wife of Lewis Kellerman. d>c*d, leaving li;t bu.baud and three chi'droTt viz: Jaruvs Kellerman, Wtn. Keilermao of B. dfoui County and John Keiicnnan of brth wite of Jouatnjti C'.s!ta of Ohio,who convey, ed her share to ,Ha:y the wi .ojr of dee'd, WilHaiu JacUsec K it, J. st-piillesty Kerr, Anasmia wif.- ot John K ley, Samuel K.-ir, tseorge Keir ail of Bed ford County and Jisrgartrt with of Peter fuuk, residency not kn;yn, u> be and appear at au Orpiisns' Court to be Ut-id at Be-itord iu and for fho C'-uuty of Bedford, oa the third Monday, I9:h day of N v toher m-xt, t> secept or ret Use to takotbs leal ektutc of Siiid d< c'd, at the v*tu.uioo, qr *bow ctiuse whv the same should not be sold. by tho Court. ®ln t> atiinoi y whereof I have hereunto' set niy hand ana the s-ial e< tiie said Court, at It,dford, t 1 Utu day of NASiIfEL Jl. TATE. Attest. CSerk. H *. S. Flsxe, Sbej.if. Oct. iW, leo. Kietuloi V oi ice. WUtI.LAS letters testimentary, to the (State of' 4itsh lata ot West Providence town. < vhip, ifec'il, ben ,ranted to the suljscrilrtsr, ai! I ttMss wsd. hteit to the said estate are rt quested ! to make wunedintw pajnient, and tlxwia *rriuz , claims . r demands, sgamst ti.e estate of the said deeewred, wiTpersent rt;e ssme without delay, for 1 ►r-Utrmei i. jOSKm P1 SHER, Ecscntor. PIBI.IC SHE OP VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford Ccjsnty, the undersigned. Ai'in.uiatr.t l< l* of the eM„te of Jacob i-finish, late of East I'M vidence Township, d.-c'd, will ixpose to sale I T J nhlic vendue on the premises, EN SATURDAY TliE 17TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, it 1 o'clock P. Mthe following described Valua ble Real Estate, to wit: A tract f ler.d situate in Raj "a Cove, in atiid T> wcjhip of Ea.-t Providence, adjoining lands • f lliuiah on the North, Jacob Richty on the East, Writ. Gracey on the South, ai:d John Grove and Samuel Grove on the West. (part of a tract < t land foinierly be lodging to Phil p f'ish r's heir.-) coi tail ing 2bo acres and 15 perches mote <>r i ss, a font 14 seres ol which are cleared and outlet f> u< u, and with a story and a half log dwelling J:t nse thereon erected. 11.H MS : One hall the purchase money in hand at the cos flrmstion of the sale, and the l> l.soce tu < tie y. ar with interest, to be secured by Ju '- oc-nt Bonos, or Bonds and Murgago. HJ6NKY OFMSH, DAVID FORD, Oct. 19, 18C0. Administrator's. ImiiTsiuT or VAI-TABL K REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of aa order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned, Administra tor f the est. its of Michael Fluff, late of South ampton Township dee'd, will expose to so! , by public vendue, on the premises, on SATURDAY THE 17TII DAY OF NOVEMBER, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described v In.r ble Rial Estate, to nit : A tract oi U1 situate in Southampton T >wr:sh p, in said county, contain big 345 seres or there bouts, with a'-out 35 acres cleared ®n-Jer f.nce,at •' a sLuv ar.d a half leg cahio house and jog stable ther eon erected, and a'.so an apple orchard thereon, ;. j > - ing lan is of Ar'.enias Bnnett. V iner'Te* 11, i)-x I. T> w< Denton Sterens, and George C ston. " TERMS -• One third ot the Purchase money in hind at the confirmation oi toe s :le, and *!i balance in two cqu.d annual p,.. m .ts therea ler with interest, to be secured by judgment Bends. JOHN JOHNSON', Oct. 19, 1860. Admin istr.nor. EEDtORD CO.UATY, Si. At an Orphans' Court, held r.i B dfrrd, in f.,t ssid County of Bedford, on the Si I wn sbshiy,dee'd. to wit : Leonard Nrenin, John Ny cum; Wilson Nyenut, and Aiulr w Nyciitu, ees ' jug in }} dtord County, Bernard Nycuta and Up'.on N j cum, ris' sing in A iegbeny County, 5S a.-y i to he and apja .r at au Orphans' Court '•> ie h* 1 at Bed'ord, in sr-d tor ti.e County of B. ifird, on C a third Monday 19th day of November n-xr, t.; accept or rehire to tike the re;l estate gf said deco: f.rl at the v luwth'D, or show cause why the s :ji should not be soli. Lj the Court. v In testimony whereol I hare h re-tUo SI-- *my hart <; i the seal o said Court pj it Bediord, the 11th day cf Sept A .L). Wx. 3. Kt-rsE, Shwiff. Oct. 13, IStt'J. FtfeLii" SUE ~ or BE-AL ESTATE IN ST. CLAIBgVILLE. BY virtuo of an order of the Orphans' Court of "Bedford County the kiuL rsigimd, A tin'r of Eve At n Little, dee'd, wi l offer -t pubpc sate <>e the premises, in St. GLursriile, on Satui•' -v 10th Nor. next. the foilowing described r< ai e*tue. v-z I wo 1 ts of ground, No. 7 ni l 8 a:.j in: ■% David Wetzali, Oreo. Hciuaiing, Peter Ami.-k and S im'l Si l, f'onting on main street, and bavng thereon a two story fruue house and rtable with spring cf excellent water. pr perties wi.l ba 101 l seperately oi together, to suit purchasers. Firms mads known on rtav of s I n 0". K. SHANNON, C< t. 19. 1860. Adm'r. PUBLIC S.I I. E OF HE IL ESTATE. IN pu'siuir.ce ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Bodtor d County, there will be exposed to Public Sale n the promts S on Saturd ij', the 6tb day of Octob- r next—the following Res! Estate, to wit : One Ist of ground situate ,in the town of Rueu* Vista, Bedford CO., with a two s"-ry frame plnst' red, sn 1 stanla thereon-—adjoining pawjievty of John Grrrer, sod Clrtries Lhlh-zas, lata the pop itr of Nicholas Kegg. E-q.. dee'd. TERMS: i itty dollars in band on confirmation of sale, sud the remainder the Ist of April next, atter confirmation. WILLIAM GII.LKSriK. Sept- 14, IS6O. Adm'r. of N. Koni*ts, pim.-lia bonnets, fancy straws, six hundred pieces of rich rihbons at 35 els. per yard, purchased at auction and can tie sold cheap, bonnet rushes, bonnet silk, urtts, kid glows, hosiery, t ins, soap and perfumery, fancy goods ol all descriptions, dress trimmings, flats and hats, trimmed and uutrimrued, She will be still adding to her large stock every week during tha summer, new desirable and tushionafile go- ds. Mourning dr-'SS poods and dusters to suit. Jttns 1, IbfK). \oxit:K. IETTKKS Tesfamontury, on the last will and j Testament of Henry Weaverhng, lata of West Providence Township, dee'd, having tx-oa granted t> the subscrib-r residing in s.rid Township, notice is therefore giwu to all persons indebted. to m ke payment immsrti itely, and those baring claims mil present theiu | rooerly u the oriented lor si tth-ment. MAKY WKAViSKLIXG. Sept. 21,1860. Executrix. I>RV.'ICI, 12* to 28 cts. Pr lb for sal -by A. L. WEFISAUUH. July 20, 1860. BEOFORB -MOUIEEE.. w flannah Curn. Adam Carti. "j In the Conrt of Hmrietia Wi'limnsou,(>iunjfe ( O-nomon * Fle is of imsou anl t. K. Shm- | Holford tie , No. ] Ron. Li-q., AomiAistrato! cam I Teim. 1 b-tiO. tcstuiueiito autiexo of Sum- vP rtitiou Docket, tiel, deceased, I No. 1. vs. Mary Ann IToods and John | George M'oods. Bfdfortf (Vun y, SS. Ctimtn mwi-sUh of Penuryl*;' rd.t. J tfl 't hlio.-.ff of B- dl-rd County. Ii liui.u.iii Cain, Adam C >r'i. TTor.riett t Will: rn >on. tir d iiiiamson un 1 O. K. Slmnnon, Kvj . ad minis* rator cuui testaio-.rito m.x > >f Saniui-1 Care, 'ice'd tauko you svuie in j-roi -c ttti t v-.iur thou w u imtuatid yon, that yn sutmn -n, 1-y go. . and : -ii s Mmy Aon U i.ods and J- hn George Woods. Ulu Iy, or county, i-o that they he ami a; par li-doro our ,!u ig satß- d ford, at our County Court i f < onipion p •U' h case made and provided, do gainsay, and the same to be done do u t permit, very anj ' th - o,.urt direct publication to bo ria-lj tu two ue.vspipcrs fur i t Weeks. By theO opju, SAM L It. TAT si, Attest. Plot. V.'M S. PtrKK, Sh -n2". Oct. 12, 180 J. I 1 BOOT and SHOOUKi*tj, THE sii!>rcriber tak-s this metho.l of informing his f lends, and the pu' lie generally, that be has tjkeii i e shop * timeriy ecuupred by Joliu BcSse.r, ir Bl Kdy linn, wntte h* is prepare 1 to make to order BOOTS and SHOES, of.ill ;*inds,-d the : iHst quality, and or the shortest not; e FOK ; C 5 Sit. Work warranted to please, lie respe-1- : is!-' soli dtS the publia pdronago. 3. P. LEVTIS. B;o dy Rr.n, O t. 12. 1860-3;n. t i Jnqfiihilicp. \\ liKKEAS t'r. William W. l*t>le, Bcjimiu l'ot-la. Peter Rock atrl Abraham tveraole, ,d-o, one tract of Mountain land containing two hundred acres and at! .-'.s- .-• v,.. h-j iuir.g land of Davi 13u wborger. 1> vi t Miller an t others, al*", one oth.-r tract of M oiiot dn 1m l, eont d'lieg a iaout I rt; -live acr. s. a j ming i ni oh J.icoo iTdrktug, i a,islian t.< ugheodorler a-1 oth as also, '• inser- st of one Ihitd part of tract of l uni containing fifty crc, s.ij inli.g l.ndb of Btn j.iiiiti Yot is .nf tr.'fkrirk btoler. Leaving awi hivv. sin-te d. cease-!, and * re so-iu to wit : A lion k- U i.r. iii. L.i 1 1 N Jie .i, to wboiit ait. f the cieatb -4 tfce sa\u "i>\£ tW he .Ii his re 1 estate to be .<;a<4, ii> i. I am -c th -ui. ts th fotr l.erc- y gi -n th tin pair : !■■ w- it of purl it; TI < r - 1n,t0.., to ia • di r c I'd 1 trih pr< .v. 1 to t .ii i J quisiti a >.t \ I'.u.ii.ftt ia si i'-ii >•: P. .y t.s 21 iav ol > v-.::ii',e." Wh-ii : i,j ail palties i iier-isteJ may attend if -h v e • • prop -r. WW. S Fi.LKri. r.h -rifll Sit- 1 ff's Office, B dfi.rd, S.-pt. "_B. lfifin'. TIBUITSIII . OF GEORGE B. KLY'S REAL ESTATE iiIjfF.WEU.-' PMYSIiIP. Bl' virtue of an order of the Orph .its' L'ouit Bedtoid Fount. . the tin lersi; ned wi 1 ■•fi". r ;.t p-i'-lie .v;.!e. on the premi- s on THUKN'DAV. t e lain il Novetnoer, 18.-U, the following Uvticribcd t cat eststt. viz: The iVausioG Tract of said deceased containing acres, about lt>o a-.res claared and urde 1 Ume. and in a high st.ife of cultiv ition. The improvement®arc one new log framv house, hank barn, an then cesaaty out (mil • ii gs. This farm is one oi the livst in tlopuwell T'.wiihh p, being goo i limestone 1 mil ,i* d liaving three goovi and orchard thereon, 105 acres eb-arct. ONE other tract ©ordaining 145 acres, aml 132 1 t-r.-' s. 54 acr> j cleared and u 1 i r fenct.— The i cove env are two Log Houses, two Sla'dea and i buildings. There is a go'J spring on the premises, and also an orchard ther. on. This is goo.i -an and in good rtate ol cultivation. Tin s lends are all in at >o-i section of country, within a shoo distance oi the Hail Road and at tits door of a ready murk, t ad the iirae. T E 11 ./ S : One-Diidtc - in in in property during lifetime of widow, the inter-:it tneivou payable to b'-r uri tiua'ly, one-third in land as cirrfirnrition of sale, and the bala-co iu two equal tl payments with out int. re,t. JAMES E. NAY, Sept. 14, 'SCO.- ts. trustee. Public Sale of Heal Estate. lAIJE subscriber v ill < ffer at public sale pnrsmai . to the order ot the Orphans' Court, on the premises, in Wont Providence Township, Bedford County, on Saturday the lOlb day of November next, the t Blowing KEAL ESTATE, lite the property of James McDaniel, deed, viz: one tiaet of'n.d, being unimproved, adjoining lands of - ger, on the west, Andrew Mortimore, onrhe North, and Joseph MeD.mii'i's Heirs on the South, con taining one hundred aen s more or le -s. Also, one other tract of unimproved land adjoin ing the mausion property aud lands of Daniel Snider, David Stockman swl others, aud contain ing one hundred acres. Wore or less. Also, the mansion place of said dee'd, adjoining .lands of Daniel Snider, Wilson Jacob Steele, John Calhoun and others, containing about one hundred and seventy five acres, oue hundred acres cleared and under fence, 5 or 8 of which are uteadew, balauce well timbered. The improve ments are a two story log dwelling house, with kitchen attached, also, a nuke house, spring house, and log stable wi'h threshing door. There is also, an up; ie orchard on the premises, and a good spring at th< door of the dwedi. g- The property is situ tied five miles south of Bloody Run. on tlti rot.d to Cl arvtlle. 'i he sale will commence atone o'clock on s i day, *1 which time Ui<. terms wi i Is- made known. JOSLFU McDANIEL, Oct. 5, Adui'r. ALL kinds of Groceries just received, and f r a 1-j cheap, athoe water's cheap stoie. No. 1. Anderson's Kuv, * June 29, IBSC. fiiUM) OFEMNR OF \BW PILL AMD WI3STT33H. GOODS AT CHEAP SIDE, BEDFO3D, PEDIK'A. TIMIIE un! rsicned have jnsf opened a 1-ree aiad A ii-n !h. >me line ,i -,,w and fashionable Id HI. S-> IrlhdliS, f'ioitis. C ssinn r. s. Jeans, re idy made Clothing. II is, Caps. Ho,.is. Shoes,, China m l Q iwn.-w ire, Fr-sh Groceries, Sj ices, Ac. which for qua Iky nnd pri-e cannot be surpassed in Bedford. Haviig hi-en selected from the houses in Phils lcl| Ilia, and pure litis, th dii.v of th tol r, ihW., a l-act ol lui t con taining eighty acres, more or less, about twenty acres under cultivation, having a two s'ory log house and J..g tarn tneroon eree'e 1 ; there is a young apple orchard on the premises and good ruining water ni the door, being the property of j Geo. N. D 1 Vis lite dee'd, ..ojoining Un is of Ell.s Hodaers Bt'-pheu Won.l -rs. Jonit i m Bomgardn.-r and others, sisuite in Ni.jder Township, Bedford C'eiinly. There is r! -j a good sng r camp on the premises, and twenty live acres at least ol meadow can be made. The sale wi'l begin ~t 10o'clock A. .M , when terms oi sale will f.e made Known.— P. rsoi.s desiring to, will lind tiiis a v,-ry desiial lc propmty and are invited to attend. GF.UBGE N. ELi IS. Sept. 21, lb6d. Adiu'r of Geo. N'. Smith. Orphans' Cuutt Sale OF 1 FII.I'BBLIi F.IRM. Bt virtue of n order of tho Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned, willse'lat Put lit* Sale on Thursday, day of October, next. i 10 o'clock P. M., on the premises, ai! that v lu-ble farm late the residence oi Abraham Ling oi-te.ttr, dce'd. ite in Napier Ttrwasbip, Bed ford t'ountv, adjiiuing lands of Blackburn's heirs Fred. M.lhr, Mahlon Blackburn and L'oyd Luudj, containing 232 acres, and allowance patented land, more or less, r.b>i:t 125 acres cleared and tin ier j cultivation with 20 acr s ai-a-.low, having j ti eroim erected two log houses and double big I barn j also, ajiereon au apple orchard, and an ahtin !d sue# id* gi od water. This |r qu-rtv is iu a pldta t n. ighlioihood, convenient to church, schools md mar vet. Terms w:!i be made known on <|a\ ; ui -ah*. DAVID LIN GEN FBLTEH, j S*q t I k 6o. 2*l, A irn'r. 650 lIEW A 1(1). UfA? stolen ftum the suhscrder, on the night ot Y the 221 iiirt. Irotu the stable of David >her ! hondy, shout one n.-iia west of Springfi id in f'aytue Comity, bright lay horse,about lo| hands high— two wnite t'e- t behind, black legs, suit nd t-iil, Ui. long, had a small blemish on tiie <>if lore fiwr, in trout on the pasture or ftiock joint. t e I sk n hoii g slightly puffed, uot laying like the other, >•: fire'.y ss I'J ; ha Ir. it her a heavy eye, thin iiiiu i where co'.Ur rub-; an I short fore top—is a tine figute ■.it I moves | rotiily in harness. | i "irty unlives will be paid iy th. subscriber for ; the recovery of horse ami tw.-mv b r recovery oi ! tbcef. A-. '.n ss, bU AN KLIN" TAYI.OIi Oct 5. Itiod. L ■' Fa j SJVE COSTS. ; t Lf. p-rr. -.s knowing th-ms lv- ir V„t 4to |"A the estate of St Brown, decM, by Boo* •vw i wtwss--isy 1 * rnfi-Ktad t. make pa- :M-iii on or • <**,. re rhc Is; day of fievedvber next; I • • i • i" "• w : witl find i. ir, sue-uota ;n ; h ; . api p>r • flic.i l<A! Y IV. IKoV-. N, Executrix. TV S Ft r.-oi s ii ;,t oj choice fin t tre s ca ' be tp[ 'is't by caUit.g ou Tin* siiliseriocr. Oct. 5. 1 MAhY U". HBOTV.V. jiD.WIJSIISTR^i'iOR S „\OTICE. I FT TEES of Administration, havirg been graut- J m i to the siii-sv-ritfr. on the rs'ate of Klcliard j l.urtiin, late of (JuruberUt.J Valley Township ' d. '•!, all persons iiui, bt-.l to sm! eat to, a;-.' n' ti j il d t> make pa; merit inline il ilrly and those har ;;• g claims wdl wn sl.ip, dee'd ha-hiy been granted to the Mtiiseribt r, rcsi iinz in said township, notice is therefore given to th persons indebted to snd i state to make pay or • imnvedisteiy. and these havirg claims wiil pi ■vent the in forthwith for settlement. JACOB CKOYLE. 0 f. 5, 1860. Executor. Administrator's Notice. IETTEIiS of Administration on the Estate ol J Alex older Geotge, late of East Providence Towmhip, de-e'd. h. 'ving liecn granted to the sub scriber residing in said Township, all persons in debted to said rsyte ere therefore notified to make payment itntued,'iiiu tb"Se having claims wil lues nt tneui forthwith for settlement. SIMON NYCUM, Sept. 7. 1560.-* Arim'r. \oiiir. ILTTEIIS of Administration upon the Estate Ji ot \V or man Johnson, late of Southamj ton Township, dee'd, having been granted to the un ders gned all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make imniedl. ate payment, aud those having cliims are request ed to present them properly authenticated tor set tlement. JOHN MORS, H< pt. 21, D6O. Adru'r. *dmiuisirator'g Notice* LETTERS of administiation on tlie estate of i'eter Latshaw, late of Middle Woodbury Tp., dee'd, having been granted to the subscril" r, re siding in said township, all persons indebted to said estate, are therefore notified to make payment im ; mediately, ami those having claims against said estate, will present the same, properly authentica ted for settlement. ISAAC K. LATSHAW, Adta'r. Sept. 24, 1850.-* llil'MP lillfliil I\f' HE subscriber, having purehised the store Je in Bedford Cou.ity, Fa., fr. m S.'n.uel St SIHK'U Mix. L. continues to occupy the lid stand, where he keeps constantly <>u h'tid an ixe,}! Lit t„ck .f /)tjG.ed, Grocaiet and (iuesns t-Jtit. ot sit k uds, ui.d at prices t" suit the times. He respectfully solicits the put lie patronage. liAAC MIXKL. Sept 28, 1850. VLrge assortmeut of Clothing for isle cheap, st Shoemaker's store. or King's Evil, i* i •••£': ! disease, a corrvption of the h. • fey h : .1 this tits ' 4. beconwis vitiated, v .t . l .. r. IMs.s vi 'the virenlatton, it t j ta-s ■•hoi? body, and may burst out • • -i,. ■ •a: y ; of it. No ottjglm is free t :. - . I-..- <: thrtey: o which it may : ■>. - HAima taint is vnrii isly ta . , rr.■! di-<-w, low living, .lis i :;.r less power to with ,d ■ u,:k- i other dwe-/ this taint in the •v - ... '•? ■ t - f the en;-sumption which de i-a!- it—, ha ii tii tar.\iiv hasitscrigin directly 1,, it. . ■■•l- .-- i;s contamination; and many d- trues 1 v dkc '.t sof the : v< r, kidneys, brain, an.'. i/. I. of nil the ufjfo.ts, arise from cr at- :;;..v..r.'i by the same cause. t > . ispiro - r •-f all our people are scrofulous; t* iov •■■']• d by tiiia lurking in ir I she r b- a.r'a is u.tdi-rmhK-d by it. To it -n tV- tc-ru v. e roust renovate -. - J ; it: • dive meiik-i ie, i.d in v • '• v -by fi i-..l and exercise, ...j , iiT we supply in AVER'S (' i.rr.u; Extrart of SnrsnpnrtHa, ti e:n i Toct'. tl r.-mc lv vvltich the medical : : ti 'i ret df-vL for this every ■ • p'-vt-ii.e Ciiu-l ta• si ir.afsdy. Itiscom l'-'- . * cV m. t active ren- linlc thiit hnvs i • oi >.d for ''-.e cxpurgiitioii of this foul sii- *rn tc.e ! h tl. ai4 the rescue of ;ht • ,i ,-r-r. : fetri'cttve C'■ •swjutnees. li. .* :.t s'ti a c] j'td for the cure of .1 • jr-' .■ -rri, tint 'o ti isp other uiTec tb ... n :r:< • from it, eueh as EEI rrtva - < : en, irfr. A .ni ov's Finn, -r r •-.s. Piaia, hmtw, >•' im. L.. V lie T.S, XuMOBS. ThTTEB '• v t ;L Scm.w flv;..*.n. Five work, 1 . ■. i.ri it and il.*ircrp.iAi. Dts ?. . s,. JVoi* : '•>•(• •:'***, l.'iiauarr, and, i - . .. . i ROM VvriA . ;ho jAiptiirtr belitf r 'i •' .■ ft - 'ii fnuided iii truth, ..-..1 luions-i'tbeblofid. The " .r w r -- ;u.d vim:e f tlii Sarsspa< . >iit A'iiiui regenerate this Tital fiaid, ■u • ii •: : h !• j- d hes b-h is impossible in cci.ia.i-i. .i.vJL . .! -C.itutici>6. iyer's Cathartic Pills, m ALL T| ; E rU"r-CSEC r-f A FAMILY FHY3IC, are -■-> eemeos. '• at disease within h> range of uir-r riiti •r; ,rpi\ wtthsland or evade the 31 !! rir p. - *'ra. c •ruocrtji'S search, and cleanse, and uivfgwrate taution of the htunan onyar.- i... i rr. iti'.ie • -hseavt-d action, and restoring its ' < i.h : v vit.-dit •j. As n n>sequence of these p;- *••• oi, the ir.vs'.d who is bowed down with r jbr tcr.l i' i'ity in astonis! rd to find his t 'h ct cites v rcstorec by teiuedy it once so fci.ifp!e rr,.; :: os-tj they cure the ercrr-uay ewnplaintt of tv-ry U'v, ti'it nlro' many fbruddsble and B;;gci-".s .. The CRW.I ) • low R-uned is rh rsi-d m f; n.y- American Almanac, ei * . -rp f r rtifcritcs >f th*irc".i; .aid uirectiocs tf.-b't • -"iu :"'--eT' i M-. ii.g ciftrplaihtS; t'wtire -• f. / rse. AVw* v/.e,in> . fronk-disordtred /V, w iji and itfyrtiijl ice . ~'nr i : . t .. t*i 'r)*ry, Lost of ippt . o. ;• -v. shd 'bor kindred complaints, "r i r.\i t.,t< of the body or obscructiea Acer's Cherry Pectoral, r.>a t;;p i;'?;d C"ni c P'- r. (old -. ' iiincvzA, ITnnrsencss, *m i, i. faci.-i* r-t Cnnsump* •rer.end lor tin- t. lief o. o or.sntnptive P t* in udvßisrcd stages of the dir-nrrj, ".e ri'lr i* tlia fit-id of its uscfulnsss and so ru rr.rro. s : . ; •• < ,>ci of i.s cores, that almost - #?; n of r ' .- ry al-otmde ir persons pnb ■ as. ho Li '• : etn rr>towi from alareiirg eri • •' - 'i, -tr l? of the lung* by its H'h'.n .g ht uses and lug barn l.\r:i thereon erected ; also an apple orchard thereon, situate on the h au waters of i)mining's cre.-k, and having a goo<- spring t water on the premises, adjoining liudsot Geo. N. Ellis, Emanuel Weaver, Jusepu Black, \Y-"u. Wolf and otitPrs. ALSO. One other tract, containing onr I undrod and fiflv four acres, about fit) seres Cleaied ; the impiovements are a h.g houe and log barn, an a a SUIHU you:ig orchard, a ijoiaing the alvive on 'fun- Ding's creek ; this tract,as well a> the above, con tains good uiead'>w land- ALSO, One other tract containing 115 acres, ad joining the above, sad having I hereon erected a log house ami log b.irn. This tra.*t contains a good upplu orchaid j also a spring of water near the house, and good uio.dow land. ALSO, OIK- other tract aflj diiingthe above, and, containing about 5.1 acres, about 4o of which are cleared. The improvements are a log house, log burn, apple orchard, 6cc. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. St. TERMS made known on day of sale. HENBY TAYI.OR, Actiug Ex'or of Thomas McCreary, dee'd. \| ACAKOM Cherse, Crackers, crystahasd fruit JLiA. and gum candies, for sale by , , _ A. L. DEFIBACGH, July 20, 1550. S2OO RE WARD t KtWAKU or two hundred dollars will hegiv- XY. en ftr tlw apprehension and Conviction ol the person, or p rsotis, guilty of selling fie tc the •tables recently humid ID the Borough uf Bedford. By order of the Council. JOB M H. KG.!I. Attest. Burr u. H. N ico DM us, Sect'/, sipt. 7, mo. THE OBIYfIEFiBATIa B Sluing proof* sfroHg aJ dirt ti 33 (a EXPEL THE DOUBTS !' ALL. r< - Statesmen, Judges. Editors. Physic! ma of the 1 II iv--il i v now. giro it their un- Q.lteli fieri sanction, ami reoiftitieti.i it for all eus * • f rrttjpt ions. -mii diver '"S f tlie scalp and trin ; Lot nil who have un*4 if, unite, hi testify! 3? (bit it W'll preserve (ho L i.r from being, mil frotn falling to any *g, s w.-it is restore. 11 j the tl.e following : O ik In re, fti C. June l>t. 1859. I'aoF. O. J Woo®: floor Sir Yi.ur fiair *R rtorirtjve is rapidly gaining |H|>nUrty tM cow ii.i.miy, I have ba defeated in tffer/ j r.-scription ad vanced. T: -se a-I no oftrr eircum stances induce*! me to resort to your woithy Huir Kestorafivn, which I ii.iv every reason to believe. produce I a very hap py result: i*u mouths after the flist iipplicrtitfa. I hail ss beautiful a head of yoUAgb&ir :t I etcrtav, f r which 1 certainly owe you my m et siticcr.t thanks, Rest asMirod, deer sir, I snll rccm:unti l I your remedy to ,li ir iiireis; moreover, I shall uau my influence, which i Hatter myself to say, is not a Jiti e. Y- a can publish this if you thick proper. Yours, Terv reejieetlubf. ' 14. J.I IVhIGHT, M. T>. t .'tfice of t!te J fl' rsonian, i I'hilippi, Vs., Dec. 111, 1 £SB. ( Do.:r S-r:—l feci it mv duty as Weil ;.a ny pleas ure, to stare te yi a the following ciictfotatsncr, which ymi can its® at ti u think proper.' A gentle man of 'his place, (a 1 >wyor.) "has lien bald t-vi r since hit early youth , so much i, that he w* s COUl{ i-ht'J to Wear a wig. lie was induced to use a'j ut yi-or -Hir Re-slieaiivi;," wbico ho hired very nuo h j and after cs" g two i r tiiiec l>t'!.- bis h ; r g.yw uhr quit'- - luxnriantty, and he now lies a handsome Lieu! ' hair. The B- ti-mafi's nam# is Bradford, an I as !,*; is ray well known in our a- joiuicg countir s. many s>ersons i' .u f .'a'.iry to the truth of this -taU'iuent; 1 give it to you at the r quest of ilr. Bradford. You can s 11 a great deal of your l!ir H> atorativ in tip* ami toe ibj iiiitug counties if you bare the prop r agent ß. Touts, \c., THOMPSON SUfiCIINOR. i DB. ii'man : .tr Sir Permit rat to express tho obligations i ana under for the entire rest' ration of my hair to its original widrj about tie time of nay anivai in she United States it w-.-.- v q.i My Ik-C' '• ing iut upon the application of y ur -li.iir ft,, •iterative*'it soon recovered its ortj.nal hrie. I consider your Ketor tive as a very wonderful i;u ve:;tiou. ijuilt; Uticacious as well is agreeable. S. THALBBkG. The Keator.itire is pat up in I.utiles of three zes. viz;; large. medium and snail holds | & pint . *nd retails for one do!; r • r buttle; (lie medium !c lis ;-.t 1* ... t twenty per oint. tuose in joipnrMoa than tin small, retails for two u> d*rs per bottle; the 1 -rge holds quart, 40 p it CO., I'roprietofti, 344 Broad - wjv, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. ' And *l3 It si, gs?od md r*au -J Goods Dealers. August I. IhS'l.-Cia NOTICE U . v chot*l Dimiois Bu wjveril townabius r>s follows, to wit: in CnmO-rl ib-1 Val ley ,at May'* school house <>a S-i ten; r ti;e 22 i ; i: Hairls .n, at Cotnp's school h >i*e oa tne 21th; i*i L-c u. ndvrry, at Bridgeport on tint 2->;h; in J utdata,at liu-i ;.vista on ll.e t'di'u ; in ScbelU' urg and Aapiet at -Sc. lisburg on the 27th, iu lit. Olsir. ; Ki/.n Square on toe 2r*th : In Unlet-, at :.l -wry'? Mill on the 29 h; 'a Hop I). Kt D .h --i9 out et. Ist ; i.s flro.'d fop. *t Hopewell s* the 2i ; in Li - rty. at St operate wi; ou ihe fri; >h Middle VTondberry, *t Woodberry on the 4th ; in South W(Muiborry, at Enterprise* ou .'ho sth; in Snake Spring, .it Hartley's ou the 6tli \ iu Bedford township at Bedford oo the lOtb ; in West Provi ikaee. at Bloody huu on the lltti; in East Provi n oe, at Householder's ou the 12:b; iu Monroe, at Cie rulle on the lot;-; h< Coiersin, at Rsin.sburg on the 16th ; and in Bed;, ri Borough, ©a the 21);h. i'be above , xamiaatious to couimeaco at o'clock A. M. . * >* 1 yschers and Directors shoal I be pan in U it tbo hour app- Pited—as w$ wiau to see air tlas Directors on the day of elimination, in tlmir respective townships; we theieforo earnestly r?qujt tbeiu afi to t>o present. All County Certificates. i.i*ued inre the lait regu- - lar tuirutkip examination*, ore hereby rendered null. Teaehrs are requested to bring tli-ir eertlflr it- * with tneni. as the former Sttporirite ,dcni baa I hied to furnish us with the Duplicates of the umtl. GEO. Sept. 14. IS6O. County Superintend-, ut. WATCHES. JEWELKf AtO TIiHWARII. IX'E w.uld respc fully inform our friends. p-t --v v rotis and the public g.uerai'y, that we havo now iti store end offer wholesale and retail, at tho lowest rash prices. a latp - and very choice'stock of WATCH US. JEW KLKY. SILVER AND ELAT ED WA.dE, of every variety and stylo. Every description of DIVKOXD WORK and other Jewelry made to order, at sboit notice- goods warranted to bens represented. N B.—Particular attention given to the repairing ' f Watch 's and Jcwclrv of everv description. STAUFFEK ~h HAKLKY, No. €22 Market 3t , south side, Philadelphia. Sept. 7, 1fi60.-8m "NEW GOODNSr THE upderaigned have just received their usual supply of Spring nnd Summer and would respectfully invite aJI .ln search of rc I bargains, to call and ex,mine Yhe.r stock eni prices. A! 1 kinds ry Produce will'be r.f .lrel for Goods, at cash prices. TERMS:—Six months cr fiit. Prompt sett! ; :rt, required by cash or note every January. Th;.s sys tem has given our custom-rsevery sirafact,.l ■".stained bj tite r kind and continued j .t;u. we 1 h ill adhere to this rule strictly. A. B. OR AM Eli ti COi May 18, 1850, Admtaftfratar'g SoJiff. LETTERS of administration having been emitt ed to the subscriber, residing in Nap-., r '■ own ship, upon tlm Estate of John Kilts. L-te of Mil township, deceased, he Calls Upon a'l p rsous in debted to come forw ,rd and mnko payment im mediately, asd all having flaiina agalnst'the estate, are requested to malts the nine properly autkeu 1- eatad tor aottlotuent. HENRI" TAYLOR, Aug. 21, IftW. Adtu'r. STILL CHEAPER, only 18( per dor. for g ; MscAml, at OSTKK fc CAUSES. Maj 4, 18S0-