Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, August 17, 1860, Image 3

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    fectly warranted iu saying, tbat when the de
cision of the Dred Scott case is presented be
fore Heaven's high chancery as a justification
of the principles therein established, ike pro-
Kedinzs of the Court below will be reversed. —
Yet I fervently and iu charity hope that when
Uie "recording angel*' is about to enrol that
decision auioDg the sacred archives, he may
srroember the precedent that governed in the
case of the ouly sin of my "Unelo Toby," and
"let fall a tear and blot it out forever."
Rock Island, Aug. 1, 18G0.
LARGE MEETING.— One of the largest meet
iegs ever hold in Illinois, was recently held at
Springfield, the heme of "lloneM Old Abe."
Tee procession was soma five miles in length.
It i supposed :he number in attendance was
• torn 15 000 to 20,000, "Old Abe," was in
attendance, as h>s friends were desirous he
should be there, and he was t
up. and address the crowd, which be did in a
few remuiks in which he stated that he did not
intend to make speeches in this campaign, on
account of bis position as staadan-bearer of
the Republicans, an-i would leave that to the
able speakers in attendance. How different
from Dougl s, speeches were made to the vas'
crowd, affivo stands, from quite a.number of
the roost distinguished speakers iu 'ic uniou.
Illinois is in a i \z-. and will give Lincoln a
m.ioritj of 20,000 over Doughs. Indiana
ditto. tn
Senator Douglas is reported as having made
at the late Rhode 1 !rd (Jlam these re-
unrks: . r . ,
"I hh. a-ked why I don't u :vno uiy tneDds
to make a union ticket with the seees-iouiats.
Why don't voa make oil aud water mix? A
uaion ticket between au interventionist utid a
non-interventionist! Never on earth! I a:u
willing to act with all men who agree with me
in principle, and against all meu who are m
t'.tvor of disturbing the peace aid harmony of
this country by dragging the Negro question
into Congress!"
W hat have Losofccos io this State to siy 'ti
answer to this, who uow support a ■'union ticket
with the secessionists 7 ' D their leader,
i? Opposed to it, a' ! y t a aiul sale, to
result to the advantage of the "disuoiouists
is aivocated by the parry of Bedford
There is not a Brecki.iridgo man, on the
whole Locofoeo tick tin this County. Every
tie of the candidates is for Douglas Sebe"
made a speech in fvor of D uglas, aod so did
Tate, and every other on that ticket is in the
More boat.
Geo. Eyster, .Jehu 11. Cress well, and IT A.
HVttz, have heeti appointed Conferees from
Franklin County. Thev are in favor of Mc
-I';,' sen. Adams has i Aructed for McPuer-
D. is thought that Gen. Coo tubs will hivo a
majority of ovi r 30.000 in Kentucky. This is
i sore liek for Breckinridge in his own State.
The Douglas meu generally vo'e I for Cooui'os.
The Temperance Organization wi.l meet on
Monday evening next Mr. John Calmer will
deliver an address. It is desired that there
may be a lull turn-out.
The sacraui "it of the Lords Supper (D. V.)
will be administered in the I'resbyteriau
Church of this place on Sabbath, the 19 b
inst.; service to eoiu;nencc ..t 10i A. M.
For the Inquirer.
Mr. Editor :I: was announced in your
paper of la--t w-ek, that the Conferees from
.S umrset, Huntingdon and Bedford, wilt meet
in Bii'lfor , on Tuesday, the 21st inst., to dom
inate a candidate for Senator, to Gil the place
of Hon. Mm. P. Scbell. The people of Bed
ford Couuty are deeply concerned iu this ui li
ter. It. is of the highest importation to their
interests that they sln uid be faithfully repre
sented in the EagiiUture. The claims of Bed
ford County for the nomination arc not greater
than those of her sjstrr counties in the dis
trict, but they arc certainly n-t inferior, and
wo have good reason to believe that if we pro
sent an acceptable candidate, and properly
urge his claims noon the conference, the Sena-
tor wiil be conceded to us. As the Conferees
from Bedford county are not instructed, pets
tuit uie to suggent the uamc ot Maj. Geo. W.
Rcpp, of Bedford Borough, in this connection.
Mj. Rupp is an active, intelligent, working
Repubiieau. Ho is kuown as a tain of sttict
integrity and excellent business quililicatious,
aud bis nomination would gratify Lis numer
ous friends throughout the county, lie was a
candidate for ti>e Legislature before our last
County Convention, and received a highly flit
tering vote, iu leed there i.s no douot but
that he would Lava received the nomination,
had it cot been deemed inadvisable to take a
candidate from the Borough. The sentiment
of the delegates in bis favor was unmisiuka
bie. He has, then, the endorsement of his fel
low Republicans in his own county fir Legis
lature, and ins nomination for Senator would
nt, therefoie, be a surprise. But if the Con
ference should spring upon the people a candi
date who had not been named in connection
with the Senatorial nomination, the result
might be disastrous to the party. The Re
publican majority in this district is certainly
very large—much larger than it was three
years ag"— but nn unfavorable nomination enn
very easily dissipate it. The to ml force of
party discipline (as Col. Forney used to phrase
it, before he took to bolting,* might not prove
strong enough to carry ibrougb au unpopular
noniiuce, even in this heavy district. Our
Conferees efcouid consider that it is the fashion,
especially ibis year, to boll regular tickets—
and should therefore be careful' to make uo
nomination that will be ungraciously received
by 3t>y considerable portion of the party in
the district. > £L
iLreon Btownlow of the Knoxville Whig,
has a ltt of tint teen States which be is couti
dect will go for Bell and and Everett. He
concludes bis tenia:ks on this topic wirb the
following paragraph:—"ln neither of these
thirteen Stales will Douglas or Breckinridge
be successful, unless it b§ iu Georgia, where
; be statute calls on the Legislature to settle the
dispute. Democracy is on its way to its grave,
and in November Dext, either by the friend? of
Bell or Lineolu, will be precipiiated to its
doom in bell, where it ought to b*ve beet: years
*go, and where, with rogues sod liars, it will
spend an eternity of just such enjoyment as it
had \ foretaste of at Charleston and in Balti
For ike Inquirer.
From Mrs. Burd and Miss Brown, §52 50
From Mrs. Daugherty aud Miss Bus
sell, 2b 01
From Mrs. Schafer nud Lynch, 16 52
Donation by Young Men's Christian
Association, u7 ■
Total, Sill 60
By Treasurer, 943 83
By Colporteur, 48 67
Total, 992 50
\Vh"lc amouut money received, 9204 10
Cash sent to Penn'a Bible Society, 9125 00
Paid Height and express cLarges on 3
Boxes of Books, 9 87
For Bookcase and blank book, 4 44
Colporteur's commission on sale of
Book-i, 42 17
Total, 9151 48
Balance cash in treasury, 952 62
Cr.— By whole anft of books ree'd, 9137 82
Dr.—To cash sent by mail, 125 00
Balance due on Books, 912 82
Books in hands of treasurer, unsold,
worth about 945 00
Cash ou hands, 52 62
Whole amount of books and cash, 997 62
Bibles donated, 20
sold, 85
Total, - 105
Testaments donated, 2
" sold, 87
Total, 89
Testaments and Psalms given, 1
sold, 19
Total, 20
P.-a!ni sold, 3
Total copies of the Holy Scriptures
donated ami sold, 227
S. SHUCK, Trea j .
For the Inquirer.
MR. OVER :—As. the time for the meeting of
the Senatorial Conference is near at hand, I
thougiit to drop you a few Hues on that subject,
and the feeling in this part of County. Our
peoole hero are in fiyor of M j. G. W. EuPP.
He is bbne-,t. ao-1 capi'ide and would make a
careful and attentive Senator. If he be the
nominee we can give liiiu a strong vote and a
■strong majority.
FLORIDA. We are informed ilia' every Dem
ocratic paper in Florida supp rts Breckinridge
and Line. It is mote than likely that there
will be no Douglas electoral ticket in the S ate.
.Mobile Tribune.
Sl I "™ ' ...
A 15at>Spi,it. —lt is sat! that Chaug Aid
Eug, the Siamese tm.i, diifor iu politics. Both 1
are vt teran democrats, but Chang is now for
Breckinridge, and Eng for Deugias,
I'ILES r PiLF.S~ I'ILKS ! !.' ~
IV/tat is it ? Hoiv Cured ?
Thousands ol persons have Piles—suffer for years
with the disease—yet lew know what it is, or h"W
it is cured. Every ease of Piles, whether mani
fested in the form of external tumors, frequent
bleedings, or in violent itching and irritation, de
pends essentially ujsin congestion of the abdomi
nal venous circulation. This produces the engorge
ment, dilation of the veins, formation of tumors,
hemorrhages, pain and suffering ; and the disease
can oniy be fundamentally cured by medicines
which, taken internally, relieve this venous con
gestion. Hence ointments, washes, and even in
jections. are so ineffectual.
( lITC, a simple sugar piii, taken two or three
times per day, cures the disease by curing the con
dition upon which the disease depends. Hundreds
have been cured by it, even of trie most obstinate
cases. All wilfbe promptly benefited by it. Prise,
50 cents a box.
X. B.—A full set *of HcMPUKErs' Homeopathic
Specifics, with Book of Directions, and twenty
different Remedies, in large vials, morocco case, $6 ;
ditto, in plaiu case, $4 ; case of fiiteen boxes, and
Book, S2.
These Reme lies, by the single box or case, arc
sent by mail or express, free of charge, to any ad
dress, on receipt of the price. Address
No. 502 Broadway, New York.
Sold by IT. C. Reamer.
August 3, 1860
PHYSICIANS are generally ioath to speak a
word in praise o' what are called "patent medi
cines." Indeed, it is an article in the code ol
medical ethics, that physician who sanctions trie
use of such remedies cannot he considered a mem
ber of the Xatimal Association. But there are
exceptions to the most stringent rules, and many of
thodeciples of Esculapius have actually been com
pelled, bv the force ol facts, to recommend the
TER'S, for those diseases which are particularly
prevalent during the sumiui-r and tall. They have
as a rtaiuud that there are no remedies in the phar
luacopir which can compare with this wonderful
compound for derangement of the system. Thou
sinds of families residing along the low grvuuda
••f the Western and Southern rivers, are now
convinced that they have find a medicine
peculiarly adapted lor their ailments, while in other
pi itionsof the country, during the summer months,
the demand for the article is equally large.
Sold by druggists and dealets generally.
r£?"See advertiseuiert iu another coluum.
August 3, 1860.
M A IlirtlEJP.
Ou the 9th 'Just., by Rev. H. Heckemiun,
Mr. William Mortimore to Miss Mary Auu Bot
totpfield, both of Snako Spring tp.
On ibe 21th June, by licv. 11. P. Sample,
Mr. John 11. Border of Altooua Illinois, to
Miss Eliza J. Lane of Bedford Co.
Oa the 20di of June, last, by iiov. 15. 11.
Hunt, Mr. Jobusoa Hafer to Mr?. Elleu Mo-
Kmlcy, both of Bedford co.
Ou the 28th of Juue, by the same, Mr. Geo.
Ciayoooie to Miss Eliztbcth Oroyle, both of
Sit. Clair Tp.
[The two last notices were mislaid, or they
should have appeared at the pioper titue.j
editor's Notice.
VY HERE AS letters testamentaiy, on the estate
of Nathan Hammond, late ot' St. Glair Township,
Bedford County, dee'd, have been granted to the
subscribers; notice is therefore hereby given to ai!
persons indebted to said estate, to make payment
immediately, and those having claims will make
known the "same, without deli;-, to
residing in St. Clair Tp.,
' Augnst 17, 1860. in Bedford.
RMffii'ii MITiCB.
ALL person* interns!! J, n hereby notified. that
tlrft umbrs'gßed named accountant*, | ave
filed their accounts iti lite Registeis Office. of Bed
ford CpHlfly. anil tl*t itie Same will lie presented
to the Orchitis* Co'ltt, ir< and for sail) County, on
j Tuesday, the 4:1- day i f Si ptenlwr next, at the
Court House, in Bedim A, f r confirm* timi.
The account of John t). l'erdow, Administrator
of the Estate of Mary Perdew, late of Soutliamp.
ton Township, dee'd.
The account of Daniel D"ehl, Guardian of Ju
' liana UilligtH, and of the Minor Children of An
drew Turner, late of Harrison Township, dee'd.
The account of Abraham Blackburn and Joseph
Griffith, Executors, of the last will &c. of James
Moor, late of St Clait Township, dee'd.
The account of David L. Reploglcand J. L. Rep.
logle, Executors of the last will (tc. of Kim-hart
I Replogle, late of South Woodberry Township,
J dee'd.
Tlie account of Samuel Smith, Executor of the
last will Ate., of William Smith, late of Bedford
Ti. dee'd.
The account of DtnT 11. Horn and John A.
Burns, Executors of the last will Ate. ot Kchart
Horn, late of Juniata Township, dee'd.
The account of John Sparks, Esq., Executor of
the last will &c. of Danl. Buzzard, late of West
Providence Township, dee'd.
S. H. TATE. Register.
Ri-gistre's Office, Bedford Aug. 10. 1860.
LIST OF HI litis
PUT down for trial, at Septem'ier Term, (3d dav)
Saml. Moses. Kxor's et al vs. John Alsip,
Peter J. Little, " Jacob Struck,
Jacoo Farners, use " John Alsip,
Richard McEnesp, " same,
James Patton, " David Stom-r, et al
Thomas J. Ilorton " A. W. Evans.
James Patton, " Jacob Longinecker,
John Ilonestine, " Adam Burk,
Catharine Over, " John Claar's Exor's
Edward Byrne, " Abraham Riffle,
Solomon Gins, " I). S. BerkstressoT,
F. D. Beegle, " Anthony- Bowser,
George Albright, use " J. al
E. B. Bradley, et al use •' Win. S. Fluke, et al
Wheat h Grover, " James Patton,
Jacob Keely, " David Patterson,
J.C. McLanahon.etal use " A. J. Snively, Esq.
Elizabeth Hanev, " B. W. Garretaun,
John Filler, " A. J. Fennel!, et al
Conrod Claycotnb, " 1)-nT Steinman.
B.W. Garretson, et al use •' T. W. Hor ton, • t al
Wm. Hartley's, Adm'x "A. R. Craine's Exor's
Henry Keiglurt. eta " Wm. 11. Irviu, et al
David He'.sel, " A. W. Evan's, et a!
Jol-n Fluke's, heirs " James Entriken, et al
F. Jordan, Trustee sc. " same,
.Michael Gonden, " Jolin Cessna, et al
S. 11. TATE, Froth';..
Protby's Office. Bedford, August 30, 1860.
U, HEREAS the llonerabte Fraxcis M. Klw
mell. President of lot several Cotfrts of Com
mon Pleas in the counties composing the Itith Ju
dicial District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jjii Delivery, for the
trial of capital and other offenders in the said Dis
trict —and A, J. SxsyEtr and Jobs pATton. Es
quire*, Judges Of tS*' Cruris oi Common Pleas
and Justices of the Court of Oy r atil Trimmer,
ami general Jail Delivery, for the tri-.l i f all capi
tal atii other in the county of Bedford
have issued their precept and to me directed, 1 r
holding a Court of Common Pleas, aval General
Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at
at Bedford,on MONDAY the 3d day of .Si pteinl r
next. Notice is I retry giv nto all Jh ; Justicesof
the Peace, the Coroner and Constat-! 's within the
said Couuty of Bedford, that they be then and
in th -ir proper persons, with their rolls records,
and t qu!sitions, r eXuiiiißfions and other reaiem
hrances, to do those things which f>> their offices
and in that behalf appertain to he done, and also
they who will prosecute against the prisoner# that
are or "hall be in the Jsil of Bedford County, to be j
then and there to pros-cute against thvi.i as slull
be just.
WM. S FLUKE, Sheriff, j
Slit riff's Office, Bed for i August 10, 1860.
DRAWN for September Term Ist' Uoiulav, 3d !
day, ISGO.
John McVicker, Foreman, John H. Barton. John :
Burges, Hezekiah Barkman, Jr. Samuel Boor 1
Jesse Diehl, Jacob D. Dively, Wm. Elder, B-nj i.
min Fink, Martin Iloovor, llenrv Horn, B. Kegg.
Win. Kiser, Nicholas Lyons, Jr. J"hn B. Miller.
John Metzgar, George Mortimoro, Frederick Mil- \
ler, Joseph S. Messersmith, Daniel J. Miller, J a©oi>
Fee, Peter H. Stndebaker, Absalom Sparks, Henry
George B. Am ick, West by Akers. Israel TWn
nett, Samuel Bcrkhitner of F-, James Cessna. Esq
Peter Deremore, John Hershiu rp-r, Oliver H<>rton,
Dewalt Hershberger, R.C.Hawes, Joseph I ekes,
Peter Imler, Adam lekc-s, Josiaii Koonfi, John
Lowry, Samuel Logue, Martin Mowry, Abraham 1
Morgert, Joseph Moore, Johu McCleary. Lewis
Putt, James Potion, Josiah Ritcaey. Nathan Roh
ison, Jacob Roads, llenry Reimuud, Thomas Steel,
Reuben Smith, Joshua Shoemaker, Thos. P.
Studebaker, George Sliger. Solomon Steel, Wm.
S| klel, Dani. Serns, Nathan 11. Wright. Samuel
Waking, W. Wisegarver, Esq. Michael Wertz.
August lb, 1860.
LETTERS of administration on the estate of
James M. Daniel, late of West Providence
Township, Bedford County, dee'd, having been
granted to the subscriber, residing in said Town
ship, notice is therefore hereby given, to all per
sons, indebted to said estate, to make payment
immediately, and those, having claims to present
them forthwith for settlement
August 10, 18G0. Adui'r.
Auditor's .Notice,
IN the matter of the account of S. L. Russell,
Esq., Executor of the last will and Testament
of Mary Ann Davidson, dee'd.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ap
pointed to distribute the balance remaining on said
account, will attend for that purpose, at his office,
in Bedford, on Monday the 20th day ot August
inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M ,of said day, when and
where all persons interested, may attend if they
think proper.
August 3, 1860. Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the account of S. L. Russell,
Esq., Administrator de bonis non, of the Estate
of Margaret Davidson, dee'd.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned ap
pointed to distribute the balance remaining on said
eecunt, will attend for that purpose, at his office,
in Bedford, on Monday the 20th day of August
inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M-, when and where all
persons interested, mav attend if tnev think proper.
August 3, 18G0. Auditor.
SUMMER GOODS!-J. M. Shoemaker &
Co'a. have Just Returned from the East, and are
now receiving a very large and splendid stock of all
kinds of goods, which tiny will sell cheap. Give
them a call,
June 22, IHGO.
BLASTING Powder, and safety fuse, for sale
July 20, 1860.
STILL CHEAPER, only 18$ p-r d<*. for good
Macekral. at OSI'ER & CARN'S.
May 4, 1860-
A large assortment of Ciotbing for sale cheap,
et Shoemaker's store "
Bl Virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Ventj.
tia. and Levari Facias, to me directed,
three wiit told at the Court House, in the Bor
ough of Bedford, on Saturday, the first dav ot
S. pieedr. a. i) [kmi, at 10 o'clock. A. It.,* the
(oiiowiiiC deacril'd Real £si ate, to wit;
One trier ~f land, containing 200 acres, more or
less, au nr liiii acres cleaied aud under fence, with
a log dwelling house, two houses, log barn
and log stable thereon erected ; also, two vomig
apple orchards thereon, adjoining lands of George
Ritchey, Joseph Negly, Solomon Nycum and
others, situate in East Providence Township, Bed
ford County, and taken in execution as the proper
ty of Wni. Figart, Deft.
One tract ef land containing 96 acres, more or
less, about 70 acres cleared and tinder fence, with a
log dwelling house, log barn and other out build
ings thereon erected ; also, at: apple orchard there
on, adjoining lands of Henry Grubb, Daniel Snider
and others, situate in Monroe Township, Bedford
County, and taken in execution cs the property of
Job O'Neal.
One tract, or parcel of l and, containing 22 acres,
more or less, nearly all cleared aud under fence,
with a frame dwelling house, one roucb cast tenant
house, fiatnu stable, school house and a Iratne of a
saw mill thereon erected, adjoining Gods of Geo.
Eider, John Hantaan, Henry Wertz and others,
situate in Harrison Township. Bedford County, and
taken in execution as the property ot Daniel Troa
tle. •
One Jot of ground in the town of Ciearvilte,
fronting 00 feet on main street and extending back
about 163 feet to an alley, with a frame dwelling
house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lot
of Barton A. Cooper on the west, and an alley on
the east, situate in .Monroe Township, Bedford
County, and taken in execution as the property of
James Rollins, Dcl't.
All the Ihjfjl's interest io all there two contiguous
I ;tn<J adjoining tracts, pieces and parts of tracts of
j land, warranted in the name of Thomas J. Hortou,
I'J warrant dated 2d April, It>s3, s.tQata on the
| waters of Six Mile II tin, Broad top Township, Bed
t ford County, bounded in each other and by lands
of thfc Huntingdon and Broadtop Mountain Rail
Road and Coal Company, lauds tormerly ot Asa
Dwtcall, lands of .Cunningham # Co ,an others,
one of said pieces containing 178 acres£ 96 perches
j : n<3 sllowauce &c., and the other of said pieces
ining DO acres, lb pet cites and allowance, and
taken in execution as the property of Stephen Wil
son, with notice to Jacob I'. Pleiss ct. a!., terre
| tenants.
One tract of Und containing 259 acres, ntorc or
less, about 25 acres cleared ami under fence, with
a log dwelling house, and small stable thereon
erect-d. adjoining lands of William Brailiar,
Joseph b . Tate, Esq., and others, situate in
: Hopewell Township, Bedford County, and taken in
execution as the property of George Swart?,.
Que tract of laud containing 11' is< res, more or
i less, about 9'J acres chared and under fence, with
j an old log do us,, and old stable theocoo, adjoining
la mis of Win. T., George Wolf, George
| Wistgarver, Henry Brideuthali and others, situate
| in St. Chir Township, Bedford County, and taken
in ex cution as the property of Willi mi M.Earn
,yr D ft.
All Dt it's right, title and interest in and to one
tract i f land, containing 55 acres, more or less,
about 16 acres < leared under fence; with a log
'dwelling house thereon erected, adjoining lauds of
Davi t : . Abraham Kversole and others,
situate in South Woodberry Tp., B.lfoid County,
an:l taken i:i execution as'th • property of Adam, Be ft.
One tract of land containing 16S acres more or
less,a bout 90 acres cleared mid under fence, with n
.two sts*ry ,<g dwelling house, tenant house, double
log barn and saw mill thereon erected, adjoin Fug
lauds of Mlchul Hughes. Mathcw O'Brien and
■ others, situate in Juniata Township. Bedford Coon
i tv, and taken in execution as the property of Mar
: g-tret Kifflo, Deft.
One tract f land containing lots acres, more or
less, about Kb acres cleared and under fence, with
a log dwelling house and double log stabie thereon
erected, adjoiuiig 1 nds of Michael Strotip, John
Sites and others, situate in Jtuiia'a Townanip,
Bedford County, and tak-n in execution as the
: property of Solomon Leydig.
One tract of land containing fifty acres n, re of
less, ah.nit five acr % cleared and under fence d
--j joining lands of Gideon 1). I ron', Andrew Mock,
| Fll'tints S. Holsinger an 1 others, situate in St.
; Ciair Township, Bedfurd County ar, I taken in exe
cution as the property o( Thouiss O. Mock, Deft.
One tract of land containing 134 air -s, more < r
It - ■ abont 100 cleared and under f.-iicc, with a
:arg-j two story log dwelling house and double log
barn thereon erected, adj doing lands of Jtha Kobi- j
son, J "din (lavender and others, situate in South
ampton Township, Bedford County, and taken in
execution as the the property of Wm. and George
Ma* sen, D< it's.
One lot of ground in the town ot R.iisburg front
ing on Main Street, about SO feet and extending
back about 100 l'eet to an alley, with a log dwelling
house and log stable thereon erected, a joining lots
of Emanuel Diehi and Henry Smith, situate in
Coierain Township Bedford County, and taken in
execution as lue Property of John Fiil.r, Deft. 1
All Defend eat Henry S. King's interest in tdc
following Real Estate, viz .- all the undivided tbi:d
part of seven tracts of laud warranted in the names
ot IVui. Lam;, Win. Forrester, Geo. liwiali, Fran- 1
cis Johnson, Alexander Johnson, D. Montgomery
and James Hunter, containing 2300 acres more or
less, situate on Yellow Creek, in Hopewell Town- 1
ship, Bedford County.
Oca tract of land warranted in the name of
Swope, King Ac Co. containing 12374 acres, more or
less, situate iu said township and county, and
known as the Bedford Forge tract and taken in ex
ecution as the property of Henrv S. King. Def't.
Sheriff's oflice Bedford, August 3, 1800.
tutiiior's .\o!ice.
f|3HE undersigned, appointed Auditor, to di
i tribute the balance in the bands of Levi Hard
ingcr. Hp of the list will, he., of Catharine
llardingcr, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his
appointment, on Thursday, August 23, at liis of
fice, iu the ikr ugh of Bedford, at which time all
desiring can attend.
August 3, 1860. Auditor.
AdmiuistrHior's Notice.
Letters of administration, rum leslamtuio anutxo,
have been granted to the undei signed. o:i the estate
of Samuel Cam, late of Bedford Boiough, dee'd.
All persons having claims against the estate will
present them, and those who are indebted, are re
quested to make immediate payment.
July 20, 1859; Adm'r.
riIHE Pamphlet Laws for 1860, have bo*n receiv
-1 ed, are uow ready for distribution. Justices of
the Peace, and others entitled to them will call at
the Prothonotarjf's office and procure a copy.
July 20, 1860. Froth'y.
EXTRA good white wine vinegar, the best
pickling vinegar iu use, at
July 27, 1860.
7l| aCAR ONI Cheese, Crackers, crystaiized fruit.
J.T.L ami rum candies, for sale by
July 20, 1860.
A lot of pure Maple Sugar, far sale by
July 20. 1860.
Having proofs so strong and direct
as to
For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians of
the oldest schools as well as new, give it their un
qualified sanction, and recommend it for all cases
of eruptions, aud diseases of the scalp and brain ;
but all who havo used it, unite, in testifying that it
will preserve the hair from being gray, and from
falling to any age, as well as restore. Road the
the following :
Oak Grove, S. C. June 24, lte>9.
PROF. O. J \Yooi>z Dear Sir:—Your ilair Re
storative w rapid'y gaining popularity in tltis com
munity. 1 have had occasion to lay prejudice aside,
and give your Hair Bestorrtive a perfect test: —
During the year lfco'l, I was so unfortunate as to
be thrown from my sulky against a rock near the
roadside, from which my head received a most
terrible blow; causing a great deal of irritation,
which communicated ro the brain and external
surface of the head, from the effects of which my
hair was finally destroyed over the entire surface
of the head. From the time I first discovered its
dropping, however, up to the time of its total dis
appearance, I employed everything I could think
of, being a professional man myself, and, as I
thought, understanding the nature of the disease,
but was finally defeated in every prescription ad
Tnese and no other circumstances induced me to
resort to your worthy Hair Restorative, which I
have every reason to believe, produced a very hap
py result: two months after the fust application, 1
had as beautiful a head of young iiair as I evers.w,
for which I certainly owe you my most sincere
thanks. Rest assured, dear sir, I shall recommend
your jemedy to all inquirers; moreover, I shall use
my influence, which 1 flatter myself to say, is not
a little.
You can publish this if yon think proper.
Yours, very fespectfuliv.
Office of the J< ffersonian. I
Philippi, Va., Dec. 12,185tf. \
Dear Sir:—l feel it my duty as well as my pleas
ure, to state to yon the following circumstance,
which you can use at you thi.ifc proper. A gentle
man of this place, (a lawyer,) has been bald ever
since hi? early yonth , so much so, that be was
compelled to wear a wist. He was induced to use
a bottle" of your Hair Restorative," which he
like 1 very much ; and after using some two or
three bottles his hair grow out quite luxuriantly,
arid he now has a handsome in-id of hair. The
gentleman's nam - is Bradford, and as he is very
will known in our adjoining counties, tpany persons
can testify to the truth ot this statement; I give it
to von it the request of Mr. Bradford. You can
seli a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this
and the adjoining counties if you have the proper
agents. Youis, he.,
Dk. Woon : Dear Sir : Permit me to express the
obligations I am under for the entire resti ration of
my luir to its original color; about ti.e time of my
arrival in the Unite i States it was rapidly becoming
gray, but upon the application of your "Hair Re.
sto rati vis" it soon recovered its original hue. I
consider your Restorative as a viyy wonderful in.
vention. quite efficacious as well as agreeable.
Tie Restorative is put tin in bottles of three
sizes, viz; large, medium and small holds J a pint,
and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium
liol is at least twenty per cent, more in porportioa
tban the small, retails for two dollars per bottle;
the 1 irge holds a quart, 40 per cent more in pro
portion, and retails for three dollars per bottle.
0. J. WOOD CO , Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, and 114 Market tUamt*St. Louis,
Mo. .*>■ - '
And sold bv ali good Ihneg : >:V* l rn\l''Fa mey Goods
August 3, 1860.-3 m
IBiilllL OF Tills JiiMm
Bedford, Pa ,
W/R would inform our friends and customers,
v ▼ that we have jnst received from the eastern
cities, a large and well selected stock of
which they are determined to sell at the lowest
'living" prices. All kinds of summer wear, from the
finest to the eonnnoiiost, lidi.'F dress goods of eve
ry description, fancy goods, and ev< rything usually
kept in dry cowls stores, (and, perhaps, something
besi les) groceries, queensware, <vc. &•, can now tie
found at their store in every variety and assort
is well .supplied with the best stock tint can tie oh
turned. For style as well as durability, they cannot
be surpassed in this lino.
TEI MS: Cheap foi cash, or approved country
pro iuce, or six months credit to punctual dealers,
(live us r. call, and yon shall bo waited upon with
June 1, 1860.
frresisublf 1 inducements to Purchase!;
Great Reduction in Summer Goods !!
Ostcr & C i si.
|>i>fer seliin - off every yard of SUMMER GOODS
L below cost for cash, than carrying over to an- ,
other season, aud have reduce! their
Lawns Srom 25 to 18 cts.
" " 18 to 12 cts. j
" '• 12 to 10 cts. |
Fine Challies from 2-3 to 18 cts. j
" " " 18 to 12 cts.
" •' " 12 to 10 cts.
Supr. four-fourths English Chintzßl to 20 cts.
Ready made coats and vests below cost. Sum
mer Hats, regardless of profits, 100 pair of ladies
kid and Morocco Buskins slippers and Ties, at and
beiow cost, running in size from No. 2, to Si; un
paralleled bargains may tie expected. Call and
July 20,-2 m.
J Letters of Administration, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford
County, upon the Estate of Nicholas Kegg, Esq.,
late ol Juniata Township, dee'd, all persons indent
ed to said estate are hereby notified, that they will
be rtqni vd to make immediate pavment and those
having claims against tho estate, will present them
properly authenticated for settlement
June 22, 1860.
f | tO make room for fall goods, dating tnis month
L we will sell every description of Snmm*r
Goods at cist, for cash- Superior French and
English Lawns, at half price, and many other
goods suitable for Summer use. Call nd see.
July 13, 1860. A. B. CRAMER it Co.
fIIHE subscriber offers his whole stock of Cloth-
J ing and Dry Goods at cost. Now is the ft mo
for bargiani! Give hiin a cail.
All persons indebted to hiuj are notified that their
accounts must bo set.led within thirty days by Sale
July 1-3, 1860.
A LI. kinds of Groceries just ree, ived,. -Atid for
j\. silo cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap tn■>. No. 1.
Anderson's Row.
June 29, 186b.
I3RUMES, 124 to 28 cts. per lb for sain bv
A. L. IlEFlßAL'tin.
July 20, 1860.
Cheap Store.
TCE hare the pleasure to announce to our
V V friend* and customers, that we are now re
ceiving a very large and beautiful stock of Nen
and cheap
Spring and Summer Goods,
comprising Medium styles, gay and plain,
Dress Goods.
In part Silk. Foulards, j>vil de cherve's, Mohair
Plaids, Kistoria Cloth, Poplins, Lustres. Bril
liantes.Chalho de Laines, Pongees, Chirifr
es. Lawns, Larellaa, De L&ius at 10,
12. 15, 18 and 25 cts.. Mohair, De
Berge at 10, *2 and 15 cts.,
Stella Shawls at $1.50,
worth $2.09, Cali
coes, for the
million at |
6,8, 9,
10, and 12
t:fs,Pilesof Mus
lins ! y the piece ami
raid at 5, 0, 8, 9, 10 and
12 cts. Something new in
Gingham?, at 10, 12 anc 14 cts ,
Pantaloon Ntutfat 10. 12, 13and INeta.
Ciotli, Cassimers atid Tweeds, Cassinttts
snd Jeans all colors, Silk. Satin and Marseilles
vesting?, Cottoiiados. Linen ducks and drilling*,
Gent's new Styles, Shirts, Collars, Stocks,
neck 'l ie?, Hosiery, Gloves, Hdkfs
&c., Marseilles an 1 Lin
en Sbirt fronts.
Fine Shirt fronts at 12|
els., warranted not all linen. Rea
dy M ade Clothing, elegant vests from G2{
cts., up, Coats 87 cts., up.
Hat* and Caps,
For the million, from 10 cts., up. Bonnets, Blown -
< rs, and Shakers, Ribbons, Ruches 3nd Flowers
very cheap.
Cheap as the cheapest.
Glass, china and Queenswarc,
Superior Green and Black Teas, prime jo. L
guayra and Ceara Codec, nice brown Suyr at 8. 9,
and 10 cts., White Crushed at 12J cts., Jtakit>
Molasses at 10 and 12| cts.. per quart, best
Syrup at 18 and 20 per quart, Baiters Cocot, <',&§
Starch, extracts for flavoring anj spices of a jj
We invite every person to call and see. So trou
ble to show goods.
TERMS: Prompt settlement hy cash, produce of
note, every January.
Bedford, April 27, 1860.
SPBIE' Hi) mm\{ GOODS.
tireal Inducements! (heap Prices!
rfIHE undersigned would respectfully call tb-s at
x. tention of the putilic to their new and i-xtec
t>ive assortment of
:dr.t ooous,
Comprising ail styles and qualities, si the very low
prices. Also.
Including a fiae selection of genuine and unadulter
Boots and Shoes, Eats and Caps.
.11l descriptions of Leather for sale.
From our long experience, and the superior la
eilities we enjov tor purchasing, we can offer cxtri
inducements, and feel satisfied that all who favor
u? with a tri u wilj receive satisfaction, Wot'n as re
gards the quality of our goods and prices. Coun
trv produce and Tan Bark will be t-keu in exchange
for Goods and Leather.
S. Jit W. SHUCK.
May 18, 18G0
r nlIR SHhscriber would most respectful It announce
L to the farming community, and public in gene
ral, that h- still continues to manufacture at his
shop, in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensil*
of the very best material, aud in the most work
manlike manner, viz:
Fou> and Six Horse Tumbling Shift Power
i with large op.*n cylinders, six staves, and spikej
screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached,
j Their superior tor strength and speed are not mVdo
in this or any other County in the State.
Four Horse Tumbling Shaft aud Strap Power
Machine, with cylinder ojien or shut, as my i>e de
*iied, fuj convenience, ease of draft, and perfect
working, this machine has uo superior any where.
THREE HOUSE MACHINES, of the same kind.
' Tu-o and three Horse Tumblinej Shaft Pareer Ma
chin's, a very convenient and excellent machine
| for small farmers, with or without shakers, single
aud double shovel Ploughs, Horse Rakes, Lever Cut
ting Poxes, Harrows and W/icetbnyows, made to
j order.
All the above articles constantly cu band, and
sold on reasonable terms.
j Repairing of all kinds of Machines, whether made
here or elsewhere, done on the shortest notice.
Castings for all my Machines, made at the Koun
dry of Shire* Jc Jordru, in Bedford, and will com
pare with any made in the State for strength end
durability. Biacksniithmg done to order. All nir
work warranted to give satisfaction.
From a past experience of over twenty years in
the Machine business, 1 feel confident that I can
i give entire sarisfaclion to all who may favor mo
: with a call. Call and examine isy work before yon
purchase elsewhere, as I am determine 1 to please
j all.
Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and : ron, will
j be taken in exchange for work.
Jt n ■ 1, IB6o.—Gtn. Machi:-<sl
ON an i after Monday November 14;1>. tho PAS
SENGER TRAIN between nontwisu. AND HUNT
INGDON, will leave, and arrivy a follows .-
Leave IJuNTixr-DOX for HOPEWELL, at 7 4u,A. M.,
Leave HOPEWELL for HI NTISCDON. •: 10 20, -•
Connecting with MAIL TRAIN EAST ON TESSA H. R.
j ft 1.10 I*. M. and arriving in Pnn. \DELPNIA at 10
i!> P.M. The Train from HraTixSe\ . *-4<l
* I A. M.. connects with. EXPRESS Tn us W tuton r< •
R. K.
Huntingdon, Nov. 18, 1559.
GO to Osrrn 4' CAUN, tbey have just received a
second supply ot 1). It. d Co.'s city
made, Ladies. Misses .and Children*' th.e shoes,
with and without Heels.
July 13, lftiO -i'm.