REASON AND COMMON SENSE. Oar readers may remember we have on several occasions spoken in very eulogistic terms of a preparation which Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108 Bal timore street, Baltimore, Md., has discovered for the cure of Epileptic Fits. Now, in doing so, we have been actuated by the very beat motives, viz : the alleviation of human suffering. From circum stances which have lately come to our knowledge, we fear there is a certain class of persons who are not disposed to try this temedy in a common sense manner. We allude to the fact of selecting a par ticular case in a town where perhaps tin re are six or eight cases, and tryiigit on one case. New, perhaps the case selected might be the only one of the whole number that it would not cure. This is neither doing themselves nor the meoicine justice. If a dozen persons were stricken down with cholera in one town or neighborhood, would they all send fr a physician, or would only one employ hint, aud wait and see if be cured the first patient? That plan of procedure would be most absurd. So in the case of Dr. Hance's remedy, every one who has Fits should try it for a reasonable length of time. It will not cure in a day or week; nothing worth doing can be accomplished at once. H hat is eaailv done, is as easily undone. The growth o. time is enduring. From the most respectable testimony we have examined, we leel assured that by a proper perseverance in this remedy, nine cases of Epilepsy out of ten may he cured. Ibe Pills are sent by mail free of postage to any part of the world.— Price: one box $3; two $5; twelve 24. You will find the address above. May 4, 1860. NATURE IS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN This now admitted by tbe medical profession, as a fundamental principle of healing science. It is wisely provided by the human economy, that when ever anything is wrong in the physical system, the natural'forces of the body are brought to bear to expel the disease. Tbe great aim, therefore, is to strengthen the natural powers. This has been kept in view by the skillful compounders of DR. J. HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S, which operate to give iresh vitality to all the organs of the body. The effect of this medicine upon the stomach, the liver and the kidneys, are prompt and decisive. The patient who is wise enough to quit drugging, and try the BITTEHS, soon feels as if he had teken a new lease of life, and as he continues the use of the article, be is overjoyed to find the streams of health coursing through bis frame. Let all from whose cheek the bloom has departed, give Dr. J. Hostet ter's Celebrated Bitters a trial. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, every where. advertisement in another column. May 4, 1860. MARRIED. In CantOD, Ohio, OD the Bth inst., by tbe Rev. D. Garver. Mr. D. 0. MORRIS of Johns town, Pa., and Miss ANNIE E. MILLER, for merly of liedford, Pa. On the 2d inst., by the Rev. G. C. Probst, Mr. JOSEPH PECK, of Philadelphia, to Mi-9 SARAH J. CARPENTER, of East Providence tp. SPRING AND 'SUMMER GOODS! treat Inducements ! Cheap Prices! f ITHE undersigned would respectfully call the at- JL tention of the public to their new and exten sive assortment of FAXCY A.YD STAPLE DRY GOODS, Comprising all styles and qualities, at the very low prices. Also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Including a fine selection of genuine and uaadulter ated TEAS AND COFFEE. ALSO, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, HARDWARE, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, AND A FIXE ASSORTMEXT OF F AHCY GOODS. ALSO, All description of Leather for sale. From our long experience, and the superior fa cilities we enjoy for purchasing, we can offer extra inducements, and feel satisfied that all who favor us with a trial will receive satisfaction, both as re gards the quality of our goods and prices. Coun try produce and Tan Bark will be taken in exchange for Goods and Leather. S. k W. SHUCK. May 18, 1860. PlßLlfi SHE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will offer at public sale, upon the premises, on SATURDAY, 1 6th JUNE, next, the following described real estate, viz: 85 acres of land, or there abouts, situate in .Middle Woodberry Township, adjoining lands of Jonathan Hoover, lands in name of Sytle; Daniel Baer, Samuel Kenainger, and others. T ERMS: —One fourth in hand at confirmation of sale, and balance in three pavments, with interest. JACOB S. "BROWN, Trustee for the sale of the real estate of Margaret Croft, dec'd. May 18, 1860. Card to the Ladies. Osier & (am, (heap Side. HAVE just received a large and superior assort ment of D. R. King k Co'? , Philadelphia made Ladies Misses and Childrens fine French lasting Gaiters, English kid, Tampico Morocco and Goat Lace Boots, Buskins Slippers and ties, with and without heels, made to our order, and warranted to fit. Ladies will find it to their interest to call aud examine our stocs, before purchasing May 18, 1860.-2 m. BOOTS and SHOES, For the million, more or less. The largest, cheapest, and best as sortment in Town, Childrens Shoes fromlßcts. up, Woman's Gaitere and Lace Boots 75 eta. up, Buskins still cheaper, Misses, Youth's and Boy's shoes from 62jcts up,Mens shoes from SI.OO up sc. call and see. For sale bv OSTER k CARN. May 18,1860. should use Trinders London Honey L Soap. It is the best in use for rendering the kiu fair, soft, and smooth. For sale by OSTER & CARN. May 18, 1860. M GUGGENHIEM if CO. Against the world for a pure essence of Coffee. For sale by OSTER & CARN. Eay 18,1860. DISSOLUTION. I HE Firm of J: k A.J. Nycnm, in the Tannery ana Mercantile business, have this day been dis solved by mutual content. The notes aDd accounts are in the bauds of John Nycum, Sr., for collection . JOHN NYCUM, A. J. NYCUM. Hays Hill, May 18, 1860. Cash for Wool. YX7 E will pay the highest price in cash or mer * ~ chandise for any quantitv of washed wool. A. P. CRAMER, ir CO. May 18, 1860. ' Price of anmunctng a candidate. sl, Those mark ed with a star hare paid far their announcement. ANNOFNCEMENTS. LEGISLATURE. We are authorized to announce tbe name of MI JOHN G. Misxxca, of Bedford, as a candidate for 1 Legislature, subject to the decision of the People's ! County Convention. * Protbonotarysbip. We are authorized to announce the name of JKRK MIAH K. BOWLES, Esq. of Bedford Township, as a candidate for Protbonotarv, subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. * We are authorized to aunounce the name of A. B. BONN, of Schellsburg Borough as a candidate for the office of Prothonotary, subject to the decision ; of ihe People's County Convention. • YOU will please announce Dr. WILLIAM Brncn of Pattonsville as a candidate for Prothonatory, 1 subject to tbe decision of the People's County, ; Convention. * Sheriff. We are authorized to announce the nam* of Mr. JOHN DASHER, of Hopewell Tp., as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to tbe decision of the People's County Convention. • We are authorized to announce the name of WM. M. HANCOCK, of St. Clair Township, as a candidate for Sheriff subject to tbe decision of the People's County Convention. We are authorized to annonunce the name of JOHN A. GIMP, of West Township, as a candidate lor Sheriff, subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. * We are authorized to announce the name of | ABRAHAM DENNISOX, of Bedford Township, as a j erndidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of tbe People's County Convention. * WE are authorized to announce the name of EDMUND BEDELL, of Union Township, as a can didate tor the office of Sheriff", subject to tbe de cision of the People's County Convention. "NEW GOODS! THE undersigned have just received tLeir usual supply of hpriug and Goods, and would respectfully invite all in search of real bargains, to call and examine their stock and prices. All kinds of Country Produce will be received for Goods, at cash prices. TERMS: —Six months credit. Prompt settlements required by cash or note every January. This sys tem has given our customers every satisfaction, and sustained by their kind and continued patronage, we rball adhere to this rule strictly, A. B. CRAMER & CO: May 18, 1860. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUWERS. PROPOSALS will be received at the House of John 8. Ritchey. Esq., in Bedford Township, on Tuesday the 12tli day of June, next, at 9 o'clock A. M., of said day, for the erection of a new bridge over Dunnings Creek, at or near Ritchey's Mill, in said Township. Plan and specification, will be ex hibited on the ground, By order of the Commissioners, H. NICoDMEUS, Clerk. Commissioners Office, I May 18, 1860. J ORPIHYi (OIRTIILIT BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will sell at public sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of JUNE, next, ail that tract of land, act uate in Juniata Township, Bedford County, con taining 56 acres, more or less, with a log house and frame kitchen attached, thereon erected, also a log barn; about 50 acres cleared; being a portion of the real estate oi Conrad Guycr, latedee'd, and ad joining the mansion tract, land of Joseph Borer's and others. This property is well situated in a pleasant neighborhood, in tbe vicinity of Buena Vista. TERMS :—One third of the purchase money to lie secured in tbe property for the use of tbe widow during her lifetime, and at her death the principal to the heiis. One third of the remainder to be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the remain der in two equal annual payments thereafter. The whole to be secured by judgment on the property. Sale to commence at 10 o'dock, A. M., on said day. JOHN GARBER, May 11, 1860. One of the Guardians. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY" virtue of sundry writs of veDd, Exponas to me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday the 2nd day of June, 1860, at 1 o'clock P. M., tne follow ing described Real Estate to wit: One tract or parcel of land, containing 22 acres, more or less, nearly all cleared and under fence, with a frame dwelling house, one rough cast tenant house, frame stable, school bouse and a frame of a saw mill, thereon erected; adjoining lands of Geo. Elder, John Hardman, Henry Wertz and others, situate in Harrison Township, Bedford Co., and ta ken in execution as the property of Dan'l Trostle, tere tenant. WM S. FLUCK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bedford, May 11, 1860. ~7 MIT 11' E. THE Board ol Managers of the Cumberland I alley Mutual Proteclv a Company have found it neces sary to make another assessment on the premium noies of the Company of 5 per cent. The mem bers of the Company are therefore, hereby respect fully requested to pay their respective quotas to the subscriber who has been duly apjointel collec tor thereof- A deduction of six pet cent onthe amount of the several assessments, will be made to all those who make payment within 30 days from this date, after which time the Policies of delinquent members will become null and void, until payment be made. By order, &c., J. M. RUSSELL, May 11,1860. Collector. REGIMENTAL ORDERS. THE Ist Regiment of the Ist Brigade, 16th Di vision, of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylva nia, are hereby ordered and required to meet in the town of Bloody Run, on TUESDAF tbe sth day of June, next, properly uniformed and equipped for Drill. The Clearville Company and Companies of other Brigades are cordially invited to attend- THOMAS W. HORTON, Col. Hopewell, May 11, 1860. ATTENTION RIFLEMEN. YOU are hereby ordered to parade for inspection, at the Court House, m Bedford, on SATURDAY, the 26th day of MAY, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in summer uniform, with plume, and with arms and occoutrements in good order. By order of the Capt. G. W. STIFFLER, O. S. April 20. LAST NOTICE. - THE accounts, Dotes and other claims of the late firm of Ferguson k Manspeaker, have been placed in the hands of H. Niccdemus, Esq., and must be paid, or closed by notes. FERGUSON $ MANSPEAKER. May 11, 1860. PROPOSALS for the erection of a School House on the land of Henry Harshbarger, in Snake Springs township, will be received on Friday the 25th day of May, inst. The plan and specifications will be exhibited on the day of the letting. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN G. HARTLEY, Pres't. B. R. ASHCOM. Sec'y. BEDFORD ENQUIRER. I FARMERS, MECHANICS, AND AI L, LOOK TO YOFR INTERESTS, AND CALL AT OSTER Cb CARN'S Cheap Store. \X7 E have the pleasure to announce to our H friends and customers, that we are now re ceiving a very large and beautiful stock of New and cheap Spring and Summer Goods, comprising Medium styles, gay and plain, Dress Goods, In part Silk Foulards, poil de cberve's, Mohair Plaids, Ristoria Cloth, Poplins, Lustres, Bril liantes,Challie de Laines, Pongees, Chintz es. Lawns, Lavellas, De Lains at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 25 cts., Mohair, De Berge at 10, 12 and 15 cts., Stella Shawls at $1.50, worth $2.00, Cali coes, for the million at 5 6,8, 9, 10, and 12 cts,Piles of Mus lins by the piece and yard at 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 cts. Something new in Ginghams, at 10, 32 and 14 cts., Pantaloon Stufi'at 10,12,15 and 18 cts, . Cloth, Cassimers and Tweeds, Cassinetts and Jeans all colors,, Satin and Marseilles vesting?, Cottouadcs, Linen ducks and drillings, Gent's new Styles, Shirts, Collars, Stocks, neck Ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hdkfs &c., Marseilles and Lin en Shirt fronts, Fine Shirt fronts at 155| cts., warranted not all linen, Rea dy Made Clothing, elegant vests from 621 cts., up, Coats 87| cts., up. Hats and Yaps, For the million, from 10 cts., up, Bonnets, Bloom ers, and Shakers, Ribbons, Ruches and Flowers, very cheap. BOOTS and SHOES, Cheap as the cheapest. Glass, china and Qaeensware, FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Superior Green and Black Teas, prime Rio, La guavra and Ceara Coffee, nice brown Sugar at 8. 9, aud 10 cts., White Crushed at 12J cts., Baking Molasses at 10 and 12| cts., per quart, best Golden Syrup at 18 and 20 per quart, Bakers Cocoa, Corn Starcb, extracts for flavoring and spices of all kinds. We invite every person to call and see. No trou ble to show goods. TERMS: Prompt settlement by cash, produce or note, every January. Bedford, April 27, 1860. TVTOTICE TO COMMANDING OFFICERS OF -L v COMPANIES of the Ist Brigade, Sixteenth Division, Penna. volunteers: The attention of Commanding Officers of Com panies is directed to section third, article third, of the Militia Laws of Pennsylvania, the provisions of which have never been complied with, and which are as follows: "The commanding officer of each and every com pany of uniformed militia within this commonwealth, shall, on or within five days after the first Monday in May, in each year, deliver or cause to bo deliv ered to tbe Commissioners of the City or County iu his Brigade, and a duplicate copy to the Brigade Inspector of bis Brigade, a roll, alphabetically ar langed, of the names and residences of all the Offi cers, non-Comniissioned Officers and Privates of his company, wliich roll shall be certified by him. upon honor, to include only tbe names of persons fully equiped, according to the laws of the United States and of this State, aDd ready for service in his company; and also to repcrt a list in duplicate, similarly arranged, of persons who have for tbe cur rent year contributed to tbe funds of an uniformed and organized company the sura of fifty cents, as an equivalent for military service, which list shall have annexed, to it an affidavit, signed by the offi cers of the company, and setting forth that the said sum has been actually paid to the funds of said com- I any by or for each and every person named there in, for tbe current year, which shall exempt said persons from pa' ing the same to tbe Collector. A. J. SANSOM, April 27, 1860. Brigade Inspector. CLASSICALnSTmJTE. T. f LjmeCon Lyoiß, .4. *l.. | Principals. THE summer session of this Institution, will open on Friday the 4th day of May, 1860. It is desirable that all students should enter at the com mencement of the Quarter, and no pupil will be re ceived for less than one quarter. It is the design of the Principals to make this Academy in all respects a fiist class Institution for the thorough instruction of youth of both sexes and to prepare them for any profession or position in life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school is well known to this community. A strict discipline will lie enforced. A few boys (ihe number is limited to ten) will be received into the family of the Principals as boar ders. The beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of the climate render Bedlord a most desirable location of snch a school. Persons from abroad, visiting the springs, will be near their children during the summer season. TERMS -. S2OO per year, including boarding, washing, fuel, lights and tuition in all the branches. TERMS FOR DAY SCHOLARS PER QUAR TER: $6, English branches, $7,50 Classical do. &c. April 27, 1860. Eirery Day Brings Something New! ANOTHER NEW FIRM!! FERGUSON Ac SH.IFER, AT the former stand of Fergnson St Manspeaker, are now ready to wait on old customers as well as new. They expect to sell very low for cash aud produce, or to those who will "foot up" every six months. Their Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all other goods usually kept in stores, have been carefully selected, and bought at prices enabling them to sell at reduced rates. Their Shoe Deportment contains eveiy variety of Shoes and Boots, for Men, Woman aid Children. They invite a fair share of patronage from their friends and the public, and particularly solicit the trade of their country friends, expecting to deal fairly with them and all others, at ONE PHICK for everybody. April 27, 1860. Private Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber will offer at Private Sale, a tract of land, situate iu Bediord Township, contain ing 36 acre , about 14 acres cleared and under fence, the balance well timbered—there are 70 good sugar trees on this land—nearly all the land capable of cultivation. This tract adjoins other lands of the subscriber, Jacob Strominger,Uon. Wm.T. Daugb erty and others. Terms of sale made known bv the subscriber. JAMES REA. May 4, 1860.-f RAIL ROAD N JTICE.—Tbe subscribers to tbe Capital Stock of tbe Bedford Rail Road Com pany are notified to pay to tbe Treasurer, in Bed ford, the 10th installment on each share of stock, subscribed by them, on or before tbe 22d day of May inst. By order of the Board. JOHN P. REED. May 4. 1860. Treasurer. Treasurer's Sale OP UNSEATED LANDS. AGREEABLY to the provisions of an Act ol Assembly, directing the mode of selling unseat ed lauds for taxes, and for other purposes, passed the 13th of March, 1815, and the supplement thereto, passed the 13th day of March, 1817, and 25th ol March, 1831. and the 9th day of March, 1847, the Treasurer of the county of Bedford hereby gives notice to ail concerned therein, that unless the County, Stale, School and Road taxe6 due on the following tracts of unseated lards, situate in Bedford county, are paid beloretheday ol sale, the whole, or such part of each tract, as will pay the taxes, and the costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, County of Bedford, on the second Monday of June, next, lor the arrearages of taxes due, and the cost accrued tbereonj and said sale will be continued from day to day. un til all are disposed of. WM. SCHAFER, Treasurer. Warantees or Owners. No. Acres. Dolls. Cts. Broad top Township. 150 James Eniriken 10 28 8 do 98 "5 Willtam Gray 1 23 380 Francis Mowing, 93 18 484 & 136 p Samuel Kerr 20 57 422 &30 p Harriet Mowing 27 26 466 John Stone 24 25 465£ Isaac Kerr 24 15 440 John Kazon 6 15 399 John Belt 12 12 63 Jacob Meyers 3 72 75 ' John Deveraux (Dunlaptract) 10 10 403 John Bcleman 19 45 30 Lew is T. Watson 1 52 427 Mary Montgomery 4 24 421 John Montgomery 4 73 339 Stevens k. Co in right ol Sbreeves 23 39 287 E. Foster & W. P. Sehell 6 75 25 James Figard 61 60 William Figard 4 38 25 John King : s Heirs 55 393 & 197 p James Patton At H. Eastou 53 Colerain Township. 414 Michael Roof ! 24 410 Agues Roof 1 20 400 Jacob Whetstone 1 20 340j Jacob Wiland 50 111 Andrew Kihoclc 64 600 Samuel Williams 2 24 45 William Smith 1 46 427 Arthur Brown 64 Cumberland Valley Township. 106 117 p Wm. M.Hall 16 400 Dr. James Smith 2 94 Harrison Township. 163 Nicholas Knight 24 900 William Lyou 3 10 75 Andrew I'. Miller 1 72 Hopewell Township. 200 John Corby 1 20 413 John Ketr . 4 76 150 James Howard 88 404 Richard Moan 68 420 Johu Cheney 72 404 Joseph Moan b8 409$ Samuel Moan 68 , 424 35 p Alexander Moan .">8 206$ John ilcllney 48 196 50 p Zachariah Moan 24 192 'J imothy Moan 27 200 54 p Israel Moan 28 222 Elizabeth I'iper 69 212 20 p John Boyd 34 214 65 p William Davis 32 216 60$ p Isabella Davis 58 220$ William Piper 62 238 John Hardin 66 221 Iguaiius Hardin 62 434 125 p James Wilson 72 181 40 p David Piper 32 99 Richard Clark 28 425 George F. Alberti 1 20 213 Joseph Lancaster 60 402 Thomas Taylor I 20 402 57 p Stephen Moan 68 440| Shaw Tract, Oakman Lands 124 239 Jas. Mcllney, Forge property 22 00 9 Puterbaugh s heirs 14 400 Isaac Cavan 72 Londonderry Township. 453 Joseph Gardner 1 36 150 Johu Saddler 1 80 Liberty Township. 20u Mary Gordon 7 95 200 James Gordon 4 36 400 Thomas Jones 11 95 150$ Stephen Kerr 3 40 165 Edward Langiy 7 20 200 Jacob Miller 6 00 200 Elizabeth Miller 6 00 200 Mary Piper 5 98 200 Amelia Piper 7 98 60 Abel Put 1 20 400 Edward Stone 7 48 400 Johu Tomra 10 73 374 84 p Hannah Alberti 540 448 Marian Alberti 5 00 403 Alexander Montgomery 5 15 403 William Montgomery 88 100 George B. Kay 3 16 3 Lots Willaim P. Sjhell 2 75 200 John Razor 2 56 200 Francis Means 2 56 150 Stephen Kerr 1 90 90 .Manor Tract 1 58 200 Milligan & Benedict 2 58 40 Peter bowser 54 5 George Thompson 12 Monroe Township. 25 Joseph McDanie! 56 Napier Township. 200 Abner Rodgers 60 Providence East. 1219 SamuelTate : s Heir's 44 900 do do do 44 800 do do do 44 224$ do do do 28 113$ G. W. Barton 32 105 & 95p Mahlon Barton 32 136 fc 109p David Smith 32 95 & 55p Joshua Hixon 30 401 & 4Qp James Cavan 1 20 400 Isaac Cavan 1 20 210 George Deweese 90 17 J. Sparks 1 Heirs or F. Gibs 16 61 L. A. Carpenter 22 Providence West. 100 Daniel Ritchey 18 40 David Roller 14 15 Joseph McDaniei 36 106 Peter Morgert 68 St. Clair Township. 4 Lots Jacob ink's Heirs 48 204 Oavid Mcßobert 1 20 477 James Ross 1 20 411 William Snively I 20 Southampton. "* 200 James Riggs 60 435 Henry Whetstone 1 32 433$ William Buck 1 20 Uoion Township. 53 Christopher Snyder 66 100 Widow Croyle 2 39 439$ James Seawrigbt 12 43 60 Brumbaugh & Co. 1 50 50 Cowples Brush 38 439 John Martin 10 62 60 Bowser 1 17 90 Boyer 1 68 200 Langam 1 68 150 William Langam 2 80 150 Bowser Brush 1 78 Woodberry South. 19 William Fluke 6 19 Fluke's Heirs 32 222 Elizabeth Piper 67 216&60p Isabella Davis 24 64 & lOOp John S. Hetrick 28 Woodberry Middle. 100 Adjoining Heffiey's Heirs 5 50 117 Daniel Montgomery 10 20 180 Daniel Montgomery 4 48 170 Margaret Croft 1 70 22 Kensinger's Heirs 1 00 20 Frank Nicodemus 75 16 George Nicodemus 70 173 Mclinay 7 97 62 John McFadden 6 15 50 John Nicodemus 1 87 52 John Smith. Jr. 1 77 46 Benner's Heirs 1 87 40 Slonerook 2 50 403 William Montgomery 5 00 150 Robert Montgomery 1 03 13 Jacob Forrey 64 20 Renbart Keplogle 1 03 13 John Teeter 64 12 Samuel Teeter 60 50 Robert Montgomery 1 20 April 6, 1860. HE AS WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersiroe-1 hsrtnft ueJ Professor HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES In our f.-uullles with the most satisfactory resuhs, aod having full confi dence in their genuineness, jnwkjr, an-! efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all persom who wish to have safe, re liable, aad efficacious remedies at hand for private or do mestic use. The Rev. Win. ll.*>sner, editor of 14 The Northern Inde pendent,'' Auburn. N. V.; the Rev. EL H. Cressey, D.D. t Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. T. ; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn Stale Prison; the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Better, New-Bedford, Mass?; the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Conference; Ihe Rev. Samuel Nichols, East-Oenu*e Confererrce, X. Y. ; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset. VI.; the Rev. John E. RoMe, Buffalo ; A. C. Hart, fin., Urfca, N. Y.; the Hon. Neni Dow, Portland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South-Bettd, Ind.; the Hon. George Humphreys. N. Y.; Henry D. Co>k, Esq., Editor of The Ohio Slate Journal, Columbus, Ohio ; the Hon. R. H. Graham, Motine, III.; the Hod. Thomas J. Chase, Motili cello, Pla.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y.; Wm. Bristi*!. Esq., Ctica, N. Y.; A. S. Pond, fLsq., Utica, N. Y.; J antes Plunketi, Esq., Nashville, Teas. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. L—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. %>t. 2.—Fnr Worm Fever, Worm Cdie. Wetting the Bed. No. B. —For Coiic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants. No. 4—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints. No. s.—For Colic, Grinincs, Dysentery, or Bloody Flax. No. 6.—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7.—For Coughs, CoWls, Infiuenxa, and So re Threat. N >. B. —For Tooth-ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia. No. s.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the Hsm. Nj. 10. —Dyspepsia Pin*—For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, ami liver Complaint. No. 11.—For Ffuauc I&iflQVUimH, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Period*. No. 12. —For Leucorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bearing i Down of Females. So. 11—For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathinsr. No. 14.—Salt Rhkim Pill® —For Erysipelas, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face. No. 15.—Rhecm itic Pit.?.*. —For Pain, lameness, or Sore ness in the Chest, Back. Loins, or Lambs. A. —For Fever and Ague, Chili Fever, "Dumb Ague, Old Mismanaged Agues. P.—Fr Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External. O. For Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Faß 4 ng. Weak, or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with J obstruction or profuse discijarge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and | shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflamm-Jons, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Bearlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob vious, and in all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entire disease la often arrested at once, and in ail cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. In ail chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints. Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, eld Headaches, &>re or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has sjecifics whose proper application# will afford a cure in almost every Instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak ness, has more than paid for the case ten times ever. PRICE. Case of 20 rials complete, in morocco, and Book $5 Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain. 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book. 2 Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions 25 cents. Single lettered boxes, with directions. 50 cents. Large case of 2 ox. vials, for planters and physician*...sls ALSO SPECIFICS. FOR ASTHMA OB PHTHlSlC. —Oppressed, Difficult, Labored BreatiiiLg, ancaded witli Cough xuJ Expectoration. Price, SO rente per box. FOB EBB DISCHARGES AXU DRARXESS. —Discharges from the Ear. the result of Scarlet Fever, Mensles, or Mercurials. Fur Noises in the Bead, Hardness of Hearing, and Kinging in the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 80 cents per box. FOR Scaorcu.—Enlargv.l Glands, Etilarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, PwelSttss and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 5© cents per box. Foa GEXLRAI. Dwßr-rrr.—Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either rfce result of Sickitess. Excessive Medication, or Ex hausting Discharges. Price, 54 Mods per box. FOB ItsoesT.—Fluid Accumulations. Tumid SseHingm, with Scanty SecretioiA Price, 80 cents |-er box. FOB SEA-SJCKXE-SS.—Deathly tUcknesa, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or tnotion. Price, 80 cents per box. FOB UIUSABY DLBKi>i-u—For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 50 cents per box. FOE SEBISAL EWTWlOKS. —lnvoluntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil Habits. The most successful attd efficient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, $1 per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to seek advice of Prof. HUMPHREYS, can do so, at his office 562 Broadway, daiiy from 6 A M to S P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list ; make up a case of what kind JOB choose, and Inclose the amount in a current note or stamps by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New-York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies in every town or community in the United States. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS k Co. No. 562 BBOADWAT, NKW YORX. Sold by H. C. Reamer. May 4, 1860. GOOD NEWS. THE TRAIN HAS ARRIVED 1 J. M. SHOEMAKER 4" CO., HAVE just received a large and carefully select ed Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to sell cheap, consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines. Delaines, Shawls, Calicoes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, Ac. At so, Men's Wear of all descriptions, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin etts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Drillings, Clothing, &c. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. A very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes, all prices, sizes and qualities; and Ilats nnd Caps, to suit all. ALSO, A large assortment of Queensware, and Hardware, Single and Double Carpet chain, Fleece Cotton, Carpets, &c. OROCERIES 2 This department is supplied with the very choic est articles that can be bai in market, and as cheap as can be had anywhere, consisting in part of prime Rio Coffee, Sugar, ail kind* and prioes, Syrup and Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Spices. Rice, To bacco, Segars; Corn Starch, Dve Stuffs, Cocoa, Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Candles, Mustard, Paints and Oils, Turpentine, Fish, Ac., &c., Thankful for past favors they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. To Cash Buyers and to persons of undoubted standing, who are willing to settle once a year.— Great Bargains will be given. Call and see. J. M. SHOEMAKER A CO. April 13, 1860. a STRAWBERRIES CREAM: •• \ A/ u y a fond of strawberries and cream f" *v Echo, "all i" Then all are requested to call at LYNCH'S, and huy few or many plants of choice kinds. Those planting now will get a few berries this season. April 20. i gfigIXDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEIRCIIER,^* A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual care of ALL DISEASES arising from IMPD RITT OF THE BLOOD. This medicine has wrought the moat miraculous cures in desperate cases of Cancerous formations, Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyea, Scald Head, Rheumatic Disorders, Costiveness, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the face, I Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter affections, Dyspepsia, Jaungjce, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, j Female Complaints, and all Diseases having their | origin in an impure state of the Blood. The above is a portrait of David McCreary, of | Napier township, who, an the 31st day of August, 1858, made affidavit before Justice Gorley that he was treated for the cure of Cancer by three physM cians of Bedford County, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, bis hp, note, and a portion of hi* left cheek tcere entirely I eaten away! He had given up all hope, when he \ heard of the "Blood Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured bim, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. The full partic ulars of this remarkable case may be seen in a cir cular, which can be bad of any of the Agents. We also refer to the case of Nancy Blakney, of E derton, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scro fula after being unable to get out of bed for three years. To the case of a lady in Ansonville, Clearfield county, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in Its worst form. To the case of George Meisel, residing in Car rolltown. Cambria county, Pa., who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off , and his case was worse, if possible, than McCrea ry's. The particulars of these eases—every one of which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher —mny also be found in a circular to be had ol any of the Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near Penra. Railroad Depot, Holirdaysburg, Pa. For sale by H. C. Reamer, Bedford; G; D. Trout, Alum Bank ; John G. Schell, Pleasantville ; L. N. FyaD, West End P. Office ; Frederick Cor!, Mari etta; G. B. Aruick, St. Clairsville; Jacob Baird, Barndollors Mills; N. Koons, Willow Grove; John Bowser, Bowser's Mill, A.C. Evans, Rainsburg ; B. F. Horn & Bro., Schellsburg ; Hilligas k Mowry, Buena Vista ; John Wayde, New Paris; Ritchay k Ramsey, Bloody Run ; Piper $ Scott, Fattons ville; David Beegle, Waterstreet; Wm. J. Gal braith, Woodberrv; G. D. Kauffman, Flitchville; all of Bedford County. Dec. 16, 1859. JTT FA"" 3 A first-rate farm of limestone land, in Morrison's Cove, containing about 131 acres, 100 of which are cleared and balance well timbered. The farm is well watered. The improvements are a good two story Frame House, Log House, Barn, Acc There is a good orchard upon the premises. The farm ad joins Bloomfield Furnace, lies half a mile from the Hollidaysburg Turnpike, and four miles from Mar tinsburg. There is a ready market at the door for all kinds of produce, and the land is in a high state of cultivation. For particulars, inquire of David Daniel, in possession, or George Cleugh, at Spang's Mills. ALSO, A farm of 166 acres, about 100 cleared, with double log bouse, new bank barn, and two good orchards thereon, lying on the Juniata river, two miles from Stonerstown, and half a mile from the rail road.— This farm is composed of a good quality of river bottom land, 30 or 40 acres of which can be put into good meadow. The whole is now in a good state of cultivation, ALSO, A new two-stoiy rough-cast house and two iota of ground in firoadtop citv. ALSO, 160 acres of the best quality of land in Harrison county, lowa, near the Missouri, and close to the county seat. ALSO, A lot of ground in Omaha citv, Nebraska. ALSO," 100 acres of land, in Southampton Township. Bed ford county, lately owned by Wm. Lash ley' ALSO, A lot of ground fronting on Main street, in the Bor ough of Bedtord. ALSO, A farm of 118 acres, of iimestone Land, in Liberty Township, near Stonerstown, known as the "John Stoler property," adjoining lauds of Squire Ken singar, Stoler and others. The improvements are a Log House, Log Barn There is good water on the premises ; also an orchard of good fruit. ALSO, A tract of land in St. Clair Township containing 93 acres or thereabouts, aoout 55 acres cleared, with a two story log dwelling bocsc, tenant bouse and two log stables thereon erected, also, an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Wm. Keeffe, Jacob Semler and otters, formerly the property of George Kimberlin. TERMS to suit buyers. O. E. SHANNON. Feb. 3, 1660.-6 m Bedford Pa MTOOM BitOADTOPRJ. OW and after Monday November 14th, the PAS SEXOER TitAia between HOPEWELL AXD HUKT IVGDOX, will leave, and arrive as follows ? Leave HCXTIXGDOX for HOPEWELL, at 7.40, A.M., Leave HOPEWELL lor HI STIXGDOK, at 10,20, " Connecting with MAIL THAIS EAST OK PEXXA R. R. at 1.10 P. M., and arriving in PHILADELPHIA at 10. 25 P. M. The Train from HCXTLXGDOK at 7-40 A. M., connects with Ex par. as TEA IX WEST on Penna R. R., J. J. LAWRENCE, Sap/. Huntingdon, Nov. 18, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration, having been granted to the subscri ber, living in Harrison Towuship, on tbe estatefoi Melcher Fisher, late of said Townaeip, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authen ticated for settlement. DAVID MILLER, April 6, 1860. Adm'r. JUST received a large lot of pure white lead and Lindseed Oil, at H. C- Reamer's Drug Store. April 13, 1800