Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, March 23, 1860, Image 2

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Friday Warning, March 23, 1860.
D. OVER-Editor and Proprietor.
Subject to the decision of the National Convention.)
To Our Friends!
During the past winter we sect rut quite
number of accounts to some of our subscribers,
for subscription, varying in amount, from §4
to S2O. We stated that we had purchased a
property and had Dear SIOOO to pay on the
Ist of April, now near at hand, and would be
glad if they cou'd make<t suit to pay the re
spective amounts, or at least part of them, but
as yet we have not received from these persons
$25, in a!!. Come, friends, don't let us stick,
but every one of you try to pay us immedia
A Bill has been introduced into the Legis
iature, by Senator Hall, r>f Blair, providing,
that coal and ore rights an 1 miuing privileges,
owned by any person or urpnration'within
this Commonwealth, shall be assessed and tax
ed according to their vulue, and the taxe3 col
lected S3 real estate taxes nor re.
To this bill a rewspaper eV.; ? the "Mining
Keoora" objects, it seems. We net sure
but that the "Mtuiug Record" may bo some
what in the interest of the coal-rigbt specula
tors. At any rate, we regard the proposed law
as eminently just and proper.
It is not very rnsny yeais since the Suhuyi
kiil County farmer hauled bis black diamonds
into Philadelphia, and found no sale [> r them,
people bating t.o fa it h in lis assertion that the
black stones would barn. Ten years or so
ago, the Brcnd Top coal field, surface, coal,
ore and all, was regarded as of very little thine.
The whole mountain cm id Lave Leeu.purcha
sed probably at an average of two or dol
lars an acre, and coai righ's were purchased at
a mere song If wc mistake not, iu 1848, or
thereabouts, a citizen of this place bought the
cxolnsive right to the coal and all other mine
rals of over one thousand acres on Brnadtop,
for one hundud and fifty <'o'{<irs, which on
the completion of the rati road was worth from
thirty to forty thousand dollars, and this is
not a iiolitary case.
Now, what is the surface or farming tight of
Broad Top lends worth / About as nearly
nothing as land can be—rough, rocky, steep,
and poor as it is. But the coal and ore rights
are valuable—will be imm nsely valuable imny
of them, no doubt, when trade and times re-
B , t!3 the law stands now, the laud is taxed
10 the poor ta'Jtt owoiug the comparatively
worthless surface right—the mere shell —whilst
the speculator having the coal and rutoing
righ", the really valuable kernel, pays uo tax
And the object of this bill, as we understand
it, is, that the owner of the surface right shall
bo taxed for what he actually has, according to
it* value, au i tho owner of the coal right shall
Use pay his duo proportion of taxes to support
tho government, which protects fcim in and se
cures to him hit rights and priviliges.
Dedfoia County as well as Blair is interested
this thing should be done.
Ther" has be n, within the isst f. w year?, in
•uany of the miueial Counties of the S'afe, n
good deal of speculating in mineral rights and
mining privileges. Keen, shrewd speculators
have traveled among the farmers along the
lines of projected public improvement?, and
purchased for a trifle, from uusurpicious nod
unknowing men, ct>*l una ore rights, worth
*ny times more than the whole land besides.
And it seems there is no provision for uxiog
•hese tight*. We aro at a less to uadersfaud
how t>y ouo can doubt the propriety of doing
it. If any one is to escape taxation, let it ra
ther be the owner of the poor mountain sur
face, *bao the owner of the coal. But let each
pay tueir fair proportion. Let the assessor
value the whole tract, coal and all, and then
divide that value fairly betweeu tho respective
interests. Dan any reasonable man object to
tbia! A property, whether it bo coal right or
surtaco, is generally regarded as being worth
what it wilt bring at a fair cash sale.
The editor of the Bedford Gazette heads a
paragraph on tho subject of this bill, "More
Protectionand asks, "Is this the kind of
"protection Republicanism is in favor of giv
ing Pennsylvania coal and irou! Its Tariff
"turns out to be taxation."
it) what way the bill iutrodnoeel by Senator
Ilall is connected with a protective tariff, wc
cannot understand. Docs the G.zette ono
mean tc say that the owner oi a eoal rubt
should not pay Lis fair share of u* on i:1
But suppose, lir. Gazette, you define your
D'sitaco 00 :b#ubject of a protective tariff-
you seem to be so fend of "spreading" your
self oracularly on great questions. Perhaps a
little honest and earnest advocacy of a protect
ive tariff at your hands, now yon are, or'pre
tend to be, a Democrat, might be of service,
if you really are io favor of protecting Peons
vylvania iron and coal. The President and
the Reading Convention have made it safe
(you have an eye to that) for you to take that
course, and as there his been a good deal of
anti-tariff prcsched and taught io the meetings
and presses of your party for some years past,
in this section, it might he well to enlighten
the masses a little. The facility ycu seem to
hevo acquired in turning at the beck of self
interest, will make jou a vory proper leader in
this party position.
No soouer had John Brown and his mad fol
lowers made the attack on Harper's Ferry,
than the whole Locofoeo party charged the
blame of it on the R cpublican party, and ac
cused them of being iu some way connected
with it. Pretending to believe these charges
true, Senator Mason, of Virgiuia, so soon as
Congress met, procured the appointment of a
democratic committee of investigation, with
himself as Chairman, fully authorized to ex
amine the w'uolo subject. This investigation
has been rigorously pressed for months, vud
the result is just what we expected, and knew
it would be. Not a single spark of evidence
bus been procured to show that anybody but
John Brown and his twenty-three nin knew
auything about it. More than this, it positive
ly appears that nobody else did know anything
on tbf, subject. Not cvoa Gerrit Smith, and
bis radical school of abolitionists, were aware
of .Brown's piarts, and he has couiutencod ac
tions of siander certain parties fur
charging that he w-s connected with the ua :
So complete ha* bceu she acquittal oI >
Republic ms, aud all others i the North, . < i
ID a recent speech iu Congress, the liou. Lien
rj Winter I'avis, of Maryland, in speaking of
this w (iter, says:
"The utmost vigilance oj two governments
has failed to trac a single connection with
any body of men in any State. Two of
Brown's confederates wete arrested iu Peuu
8)1 vania without warrant, and carried without
a guard to jail in Virginia. His arsenal con
tained two hundred Sharpens rifles, and some
thing over a thousand pikes; his arm) consist
ed of about twcut) awn, and such were the
means provided 5-) eighteen millions of people
for the invasion of • a millions.' for though
rum: r promised hiia succor, vo one ever saw a
body of men ot a single man marching to join
him or to rescue h-'m. It (the iovestigadoa)
negatives the existence of an) 3CDpiruo)
ogaiuat cur psaoe in th free States ot' the
UB('cd|. . U). IVelibe* the piao Oof the exdeu
tioo revealed any higher intelligence or grey
er power behind the crazy enthusiasts who act
ed in the tragedy.• To lay this blood at the
door ufa great political party of our fellow
citizens, who now control the government of
every free State except two, in spite of the in
digo ait denial of all their representatives hete,
and without particle of proof in fact, IS
Such is the houest st&temeuts and opinion
of an able ami honest Southern member of
C ngre.-;?, nod it confirm? ail we have said
heretofore on the subject. They prove the
otter reekiesnesfl and falsehood of all these
charges ma !e by Locofoco politicians, and the
people everywhere cau now see what the truth
is, and act eceordiogly. 4
THE SPiti\Ci ELECriO.ISI 0 f
The elections in Bedford County, have iai
suited gloriously for the People's Party.
h-ivo received a letter from St. Clair, slating
that wo have elected cur whole ticket by an
average majority of 78. We have also reoeiv
ed a letter from Unh n, staling that we have
carried our whole ticket Ky an increased ma
jority over last fall. Esquires Hull sud 0!d
--hatu were re-elected Justices of the Peace. Mi
chael Wer'z was beatpn by one of our eaudi
dates 32 votes, nttd by the other 54! In Lon
donderry we carried 'he Judge. In Napier we
carried tho Justice of the Peace, two Supervi
sor-, aud two School Director?, in Sehcllsburg
Borough, we carried two School Directors. In
Monroe, we carried cur whole ticket by an in
creased uiajori'y. In Snake Springs, we car
ried our Judge In South Wood berry we car
ried our whole ticket except a School Director,
and we think a Supervisor la Middle VV*ood
berry, the People's Par'y triumphed. In West
Providence, ditto, by a large majority. So far
as we hive learned, from ether parts of the
County, the People's Party have aobieved a
glorious triumph. Now, boys, for the fall cam
paign ! One more charge and tho Coanty is
Borough Election
The eieoticn io this Borough last Friday re
sulted iu the success of the Locofooos, gener
ally. We elected the High Constable by 4
votes of a majority, and Auditor by 46. Oae of
our justioes of the Peace, Esq. litdebaugb
was only beatcu 2 votes 1 The majority of
Hugh Moore, for Judge of Election, was only
10 votes over Martin Miilbtirn. Mr. Moore
ran contidcrably behind tiis ticket. His ma
jority Est year wis 24 ! Mr. Moore, iustead
of attending his duties as Judge, was out of
Lw seat haif the day electioneering, and yet
ran behind lit* party vote! Tho People's
Parly had the power to have elected their
whole ticket, had our men stood firm. A? it
is, wc gain considerably over list year's vote.
Aponouv.--No paper was issued from this
office last week. We were disappointed in
getting paper. This is the first time we have
mi*sed a papct for several years.
the attention of parents and guardians to the
advert dement of this institution in to day'*
paper. The location is a very superior one,'iu
the heart of Tuscarora Valley, well known for
its beauty fertility and health, and settled by
a mora! and intelligent community. Tho buil
dings were erected for the purpose, with all
modern improvements aud comforts, and the
grouuds handsomely improved. The Princi
pal, Mr. Agnew, has bad twenty years' expe
rience teaching a first class, Female School in
Philadelphia, and enjoys the very highest rep
utation as a scholar and Christian gentleman,
and will fee certain to render satisfaction to i.ll
who will commit to his charge their daughters
and wards. Under his management the In
stitute will rank among the first in the State.
j On Monday evening, at an hour's Dotiee, a
j large meeting of the People's Party of Bed
i ford Borough, was held in the Court House, for
j the purpose of forming a People's Club. A
| Constitution was adopted and many voters sign
jed their names to it. Hon. Fr. Jordan, mm!.,
ian excellent speech. The regular meet: .
| will be held ott the fitst Tuesday eveniiu's
every month.
Friends, in the Townships, go t > work i:.< .
get up an orgauizition. Let there 10. . v t.b
established in every Towuship, and Boron n i
the County. To work ! To work ! ! To work ! ! 1
The following lying disnatch was sent from
this place ou Saturday. It is a lie out of tie
wholo cioth. There has been % gaiu in Bed
ford Borough and township of about 5Q vote
over last year, aud a Urge gaiu iu the whole
County for the People's Party:
Election at ISetirortl, Pa
BEDFORD, Mtroh 17.—At the election y
terdiy, Bedford district gave iuorease ! I on
oeratio majorities.
BEDFORD TP.—lu Bedford r i osm-hip, the
Democrat? elected their whole ticket except
Michael Nawgel for Supervisor who wis beaten
'votes by Cupt. Geo. Sinith. The majority
tor Judge, and most other c fib-era, was less
than 20 a gain of ah-ut 50 for the People's
i'arf y ! D-ml!
W c have received a loiter requesting us to
send our paper one year for otto dollar. Tins
we cannot do, 81 ,50 is not too much. We
will sen ! it iu Clubs of 10 for §I,OO each, iu
advaiiOP, or from this tim; until nf'tet the Pre • election for §I,OO.
I'aiu y PiLlcs, and ail varieties id the Holt
Scrif tureSjOt the best quality, and a' iow rates,
are aiw ays eti hunt t HedtVtrd. Kmfa
torv, Store of Saai'l Shuck & Co.
Opening of Ifee Campaign.
At a meeting of the citizt>u3 nf the Borou-ih
of Bedford and vicinity, to the I'eu
pie's held at the Court II, on M'.n
itay evening, tiie 9 h March, iust., o-.iied for
the purpose of r.tfeciiug a more couipMe nr
gauizition—- Kban Pontiell was called to the
chair, aud Jotro flelm waaapp ioud Secretary. \
The following constitution was then sulnia-j
ittstvt. ! |j ean!er> BedfordJoTilf T. tirfwrr itopeveil
l, 1 . *" ;B. K.uwsy. Blood-- Kun ; Jo't '< cttm, Fair
li,tlc,t Nov. 4,'1850. '
t-F-" O (.( l IHIi. AKK,
i view Produce Store,
p ; ( Ct:itre Street, vixt door to Lutheran Chttfti
'jit' A families and country dealers, consisting of
ily, Extra and Super tine Flour, Corn MI-HI,
rrils. and Bye Chop, Shorts, Sliip-stnlf, and lfran,
Orleans. Porto Rico, Muscovado and refined So
I open | Golden and S. 11. Syrups, .Molasses, Imp
It is | Young Hyson, irißl.** Tea, .lava and llio I
com- j of the beat quality. Am kinds of Spices, I'i
lie re- in barrels and jars. Candles. Soap. Mackerel.
! Herring, Water. Soda. Edinbatg. and
e this ; ger Crackers. Peaches, Strawberries, Pine a
on for and Green com, ]utup in can, expressly for
sexes ily use. A choice IOL of LIQUORS, consul!
osition | Wines, Brandies, Hum and Whiskey, selected
i care. Tobacco and Segars of various brands,
school ; a variety of other articles usually found in Sti
ciuline : Additions to the stock will be frequently n
i so as to keep up a general assortment; al! d
will be are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere
i boar- | kinds of gram and country produce nought for
j or in exchange for goods,
ity of J April 8,1859.~1y.
cation |
Will be ; *iusur;utie Compii
jrding. HARRISBURG-, PA.
UAK 1,1 4111111 K,) 1 * PITA 1,, $300,04
' Tl -\' ! •rfX'iiniit Petila oj 1/ieSea, Inland ..Vi/prVi/
Reed, i ,
oaavc i " K( * rans jiOT tat ton.
- ApS i Direrlors.
O Tier- Simon Camerop. Geo. M. Launian, Wm. w
s but K,s Slifer, James Fox. Geo. Bergner. Benj. Pai
' Wm. 11. Kepner, A. B. Watford. W. F. Met
£Y" IT. K. Boas, John 11. Berryhill, Wm. f\ PacM
S. S. CARRIER, Secretary.
Bedlord V
Rons, I Oct. 7, 1809.
|.. i "%m/~ jb> rmr-
YYTL have on hand three new two horse Wa.
. VV which we will sell cheap in o?ctmiigeJ'or
"I I' kind of graiu, or give a reasonable credit ther
140011 I A. B. CRAMER ,V C<
Oct. 7, 1859.
,br N'e,w Jewelry,
riIHE subscriber has opened out a new
| L splendid assortment of all kinds of
ns are naost fashionable Jewelry—consistingin pa
ce. A Brcabt Pius > Fingw Kings, Ear Kings, &c.
Call and see his atqek.
ur—for | TIJE largest assortjpent in town, of beau
| modCl and fabric, comprising every pattern,!
•P i a " d Quality, ckkap as Iftfe goods are to be hi
the United States, at OSTEU CARN
Dr. M'Lane's
I V\/P. beg leave to call the attcrl
| lion of the Trade, and moil
1 i aiiv,
The day breaks grandly ovet the Gratii'e
hilis of New Hampshire. The election of
Tuesday week resulted in the triumph of the
Republican H'.nte ticket by a majority largely
increased over that of last year. To New
Hampshire belongs the honor o'" ilic first
vicmry in the campaign of 1860. List year
•Goodwin's majority over Cafe, democrat, was
3-313. This year Goodwill's majority u about
5 Out' : el < wing an increase of 1500 over Est
yv Last year the Republican majority iu
V L gisuiuie was 73 ; this year the majority
, 6 -a gain of ivui'joii over l ist year,
j: '.I ausj iciouft opening of the campaign
i . n ibe ..-ked tor. All bail New liamp
io.. Honor to ilio fretutec of her gr .triie
|7it bed bill- !
Vue Triumph in Chicago.
The foil, wir-g Is the vote tor .Mayor in Chi*
.go at th" roi rnt Charter Election:
Wards. WEN T WORTH, it. Gcrnkb, 1).
1 l.t'T-2 768
2 1.146 1,144
3 727 739
-4 482 Go]
6 1 250 789
6 1,686 972
7 1,564 1 353
jc 8 669 C4B
S> 418 484
UO 593 1,261
I •
Totsj. 10,007 8,759
I u r
Went worth's R. maj -rity, 1,246
This is the largest voie and tlio largest lie
ipublicau majority ever cast at a Charter elec
tiou iu that City. 'I ho aggregate votes to:
Mayor at the two preceding Flection respec
tively were as follows :
4858. ILi;-..,, 8.641
Br io.r.i, 7,481
Republican in aj, i rity, 1,161
I 1859. lia;t.c<, 8,587
G iluim, yjovi
Republican majority, 859
[ It looks as if this was rot a '•! ?; n ; tour"
jdVir Biiam Democracy.
IJt& C itiC'H'o 11mts t Mr. s homo ar
g-u) >l the morning after Eiccii iu, | i3B t[ ie
toiiowiug rm-tuiiy eoixite notice :
♦•Notice to pETTriKS— AII per®S WHO
have claims against persons iu this office for
ton's, h.t-, caps, coats, ami various oth-r
things in the way of wearing apparel, lost by
Ui and WOO hi tLcui, cn the l*;e election, arc
ootit'vd to ippty ou Monday ucxt, in the fore
noon, between the hours ot 10 and 12 o'clock,
lo preveiitcoiiiuuoii, ..ur friends will approach
[die office fioni V\ ashtiictcu sweet, imurn by
llladisou street."
So Sail the itiituitiiubio K >b<iii liunis, aiid,
o i great exiiut, no doubt,.he was right.
j here is DO season ot the year at which people
! ro more fable u> contract disease, than at tiro
ir seut. 1 lie many suideti chances ot tern
terature, the damp and siurii of dissolving
p-/w. added to tin* follies ot many prevailing
nshuns, n;d tnousauds to premature graves
au nothing prevent this? We have but to
j.cotieu ''Doctor Lindsey's improved Blood
Icaruher, and mo question i. answered.—
U-'id the certificates of its efficacy. Try a
lotilo, slid .f irtistaction is Hot given, 'he
ion 'y wili be refunded. No Id by ail mo priu
ipal druggists in the Union. iko advert ise-
'i i'ibute ol" Kespcct.
At u uii'ctiug of Die UuuiberlaoJ Valley Blues,
.areh 12, iB6O, L'.out. TV ia. Heuiiiuug was ap
outeo Uresiiiet'f, ami John lj Filler, Secre
•r \.
I tie loil >-.f mg pre iiublo aoJ resolutions iu
ij -be death ot H in. ii. Wentliug weie
tptred ai:d Cijauiii.oUsjy miopied:
'■\ilLKLAa, I; h..s pleased Almighty God iu
i inliuitc wisdoni to I'umuVd Iroui our lui.tst
the b i nil ot death our beloved comrade,
iu. li. iteuiliug, be it iheteforo
Resolv:d, iaai wuilc wo bow with humble
Omission to Ino will ot God, we c-au but du
/ia the departure of' biui whose death has
ro wu a deep giooui over all our hearts.
Resolved, laat by this sore dispeosatiuu of
ovideuce, the company has lost oue of its
st steadfast frien Js, ue of its brightest ur-
Jieiils, iu shirt a ioss that will not suou be
Resolved, lint we uuite our sorrows for bis
lib, with the bereaved Widow aud frieuu* of
j Jeitasea, and n this sad dispensation we
ogu.zo the Voice of God saying to us, i>e 'e
1 ready.
fiesolved, I hai wc aticu i ihe funeral iu a
y showing to the deceased the usual military !
[>ect to which he is eutiilcd, ..ud also that !
wear the usual badge of mourumg for th IT- j
lesolvcd, Tout a copy of these resolutions
icut to the Widow of the deceased, and also
•old the county papeis for pubiieatiou.
i>. 11. ANDERSON.
I he Bedford Lyceum will meet at the Court)
ise oo Saturday eveuiug next, at til o'-
iik. 'The public ure invited to attcod. Do
tatr, Alex King; Essayist, S. L Rusvell.
ption—"Should the U. S. Government es
|ish and provide for the support of a tiaiion*
Sobltc school system?" Leaders in debate,
■p. Dickersou, T. L. Lyou.
MuflLlrlL IT X3Z233.
On the 21st nit., by Rev. Samuel Vitvling,
MAN, both of UediirJ
On t!.. ISth inst ,at the house of tbe bride's
father, by Rev Dert'l Williams, Mr. THEADORE
On the 6 b io-t., by David Evan*, Esq , Mr.
SiMOM Ctujjc TO Mini MARY RISE, ULL of Lon
donderry tp.
On the 15:h inst., by Rev G. C. Probst, Mr.
JOHN MKNCII of West Providence tp. to MISS
CAROLINE BOWSE, of Friends Cove.
On the S'h met:, nt the residence of bis
i father, in Sebedsburg, Mr. PAVIU W. CLABE,
| in the 22nd year of bis age
The subject of this notice was born in SehelU
: burg, and from infancy was a delicate hoy.
S- me four or five jtarn since he commenced
i a College course at Wsshingti n, Pa., where he
1 graduated lat fali, and returned home with bis
| health much impaired.
Dining a revival of loligicn iu Washington,
he connected himself wt'h the Presbyterian
Church, and it ws his intention, had his life
bei u spared, to enter the Theological Seminary
at Allegheny, and prepare hiutselr for tiro min
On the 231 of Jan. at Maria FORGE*, Blair
f'o. Mi-s SARAH ANN ZIMNIERLA, ageu 27 years
r month- arid 16 days.
: deceased at the time of her oeatb, WHS
ie.-ldiog with her father, Mr Joseph Z mirror ia,
formerly of Cumberland Valley, Bed'o-d Coun
With her sorrowing parents we sym
pathize, Not long ago the sngcl of death, with
bis unwelcom - prtscnce, <i irketied the don of
their hum bio dure! ling, and they mourfmd, t his
departure, ih im imely loss of two it/fenstiug
oti*. Her death was a complete triumph over
tiie terrors the bee last words, w / U.TI
go/fg to join my brothers /" ***
Of faking l<p sitltiiir ;o Perpetuate
JN toe nittttyrpf lit!.- jjiiiti nof Wiliam I!. Ir
win, James B. Lhbc and others to t I Court of
Common Pleas <■(' Bedford Gounfy. to j ijntoatt
testimony and rule upon John Whitne y. Peter F
Ko dur, Leonard G- !\. 1-t, Thomas Gri.'Sth and
the Huntingdon and Br. . top Mountain H.ui K0..:l
and Co d Company, and til other person* inters sted.
to show cause, &c.
February 13, 186 d, tfi*-. Court appoint Fieary
\\ <>ods, hsqr. Commissioner to lake the testimony
in Allegheny County, Pa., and O. H. Goither, Esq.
C< inaiixsioner to take the testimony in Bedford
County, Pa.
.Notice is hereby given to the nhofre named par
tes. and alt other persons interested, that the said
Henry Woods will in eel t hem. or sue" of theni as
may choose io attend, at the Mayor's Office, in the
City of Pittsburg. Allegheny County, Penna., on
Thursday, the littb day of April, A. I). 1860, at 10
o (dock, A.M.: .•:>.! that the said Q. 11. Gaiiher
will meet them or such of ttn-m as sua\ eho se to
attend, at the h-u e it James S. Bock with, in the
town of Hopewell, in Btootffop Township, Bedford
Count,v, Pct iia., on ittwlay, the 17-th day of April
A. P. 1860. :! sine o'clock, A. M., for sue purpose
**■ *- • •** 1 < '~ J f ' !'o.*V.' Crf
m, as prayed form said petition, at times
and pieces all win think proper m iv attend.
in Allegheny County,
O. 11. GAITFIEK, Commissioner
in Bedford Ceuntr.
March IBco.—r.
Xotlee of ißquisiiioii,
tTEHL'Ai, .■ v(j ij K'.agy, late cf Middle
▼ v At ci(li < 'j .wt:sh:p, B.:dnrd C nntc, died
seized of the f .xviig Usa! £ state, to wit:
One tra< t Land, containing about one Luu
dred ard •- i!y acres. situate in sib! township, d
--jeiiiiiij; l its of J i ; u Zsok on the North, Abra
ham Kw;y on the south, Iluvid Sto i-r.ofc ami
others on tlw Fast, and Christian Hoffman on the
west, tearing a widow. Fanny, and issue six chil
dren, to wit.- Michael, the petitioner, Catharine,
David, Ann, intermarried wi,h William Elder, Pe
t.-r and Jacob, a minor, who has for his guardian
Darid Schnchl}-, all resi ling is; Bedford Countv ex
cept David, who r aides in Hlair County. Pa.
Notice is therefore, hctvbygiven, thai in pursu
ance id a writ of partition or valuation to m ■ di
reef d, 1 will proceed t,, j Jt .; ;an Im|nisitiun or vil
u.ition on said premises, on I'uesday, the 17th d.iy
of April, l8tH), when and where all parties inter
est "d may attend, if ih.-i see proper.
W'M. s. F.'.FKK, Sheriff.
Siliriff's Oflßc, Bedford, Xfarci J.t, 'B6 •
Public Sale
BY virtue of en order of the f'rphans' Court of
BwUord County, the subscriber will expose to
j sale by public outcry, <>u the premises, on Friday
, tlie'libth day of April IbfiO, the following real estate
; hie tlie property of John Roudebusb, dee'd, viz :
j A tract of land containing about thirty one acres
| with anout an acre arid a half cleared and under
! fence, and a good spring of water upon ii, situate
! in Union Township, in siid County, adjoining the
Mansion place ol said decedent and land of Thomas
1 Lingeufeher.
Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M. of ai i
i day.
TERMS: —One third of the purchase money at
; the confirmation of the >.Je, one third on lhe "first
i dy ol October lt-til) and the remainingtiiird on the
I fiist day of April 1861, the purchas -r to give judg
ment houds for the two payments. Immediate pos
session of the prtqierty wiil m given.
Adin'r of Ju<>. Ron iebu sh. dee'd.
March -3, iB6O.
XECU'"OKS* NOTICE.—L Iters testainentury ,
A having been granted to the subscrjoeis, living
j in Cuiubeiland Valley Township, on the Estate of '
| Dm. U.Weatling, late ■<! sai i lo'.vuslup, d'-cM all j
| persons indebted lo said estate are notified to make
; payment immediately, and llmse having claims j
| against the same will present them properly .-.utlion- ;
tioaicd for settlement.
March 23, 1800. Executor. j
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—'I'ho undersigned, ap- :
p.-iVed Auditor, to ascettaiu the balance in
the bauds of Charles Hoyman, Adcr'r of Saniue!
Hoy mail, dee'd, Hnd distrikuithe same, will at
tend to toe duties of his appointment at his odiee,
t the Borough of Bel ford, oa the stb day of
April. utx r , at which time all interested can attend. !
It. 1). BARCLAY, Auditor. j
March 25, 1860.
OJR'3 NOTlCE.—Letters testamenta- j
-Li ry on the estate ot Hannah Miller, late of j
Londonderry township, dee'd, having been granted i
to the subscriber, alt persons knowing themselves 1
indebted to said estate are requested to make ini- I
mediate pay mcut, and those having claims will pre- 1
sent thern properly authenticated tor settlement.
March 23, 1860. Executor.
ALL persons are cautioned against purchasing a
Note given by Ahrabam Skcllv and payable to
JohnL. It ill, for $125,00, due on the Ist April 1
1861, as said Note has been pledged to ibo subscri
March 23, 1860.
i o \ armls and (inardian*,
rpBIS INSTITUTION is localKd at Academl.,' .
P COUfDlr, I -J,., 8 miles from the Pecn'a
Kai.roaft, at l stterson station, and C miles from
the Perryaville rtation
I J Ycar c>nistK of two Sessions of
fhe c ' TSuraufte r Session with which
the School opens, will commence on Tuesday, the
tj wlh c '■ , aud wii! clos ' : on S xturday,
e-r September, 1860, and the Wiuf r Session.
lon 1 hnrsday the lat day of VoTember, lboO and
! close March 30th. 1861. . ' '
| Hoard including Fuel, Light unci Tuition in
| tee I ninary and Collegiate Departments
I p< r term, pnyaLlo in advance, ' 575 ivi
| Washing, per dozen, a
; Lessons on Piano or Guitar,
i to length, *.!, S2O or 526 per Set,.
! Use <>t Piano or Guitar, ac
i cording to 4, 6 or 6 u
Drawing or Flower Painting 10 to 15
| Anclen* or Modern Lan.
j guages, iarh, 1U ~
i When tire is required in
i .Sleeping liuomii. each pu
; , pi!, 8
j Setts in Church Pree.
5 oui.j; lauiea vsd! ie met at thd above stations
and conveyed to the Institution, if a short notice
oe given hy J-.-tter, addressed to tie Principal It
Aeadi.-rohi, Junh-t county. P,.f etreuUrs or'other
information address the Principal el the above
oßice. KEY. V, . g. E. AG NEW
| • {arc:l 'W ' -2m Principal.
| E aro authorized to aniioimce the naiao of Ku
: y" Sti so KcFLi.. of Union Township. as 1 cau-
( <.idte for the office of SVritf. BUtWt •> the <J.
vision of the People's County CoavonGdn.
March 28, 186 J. .
~\7OU will please announce Dr. Wm. Bene*, of
•A. j j .iasH"i!hj a:- a candidate for Protbonatorv
suhj r to the decision of the People's County
Convention. Yoart, £c. ' MANY."
Ptthlic sale of
IN pursn me- of an order of the Orjihans' C-urt
of Bedford County, there v.ill be soli at rmb'L
sale upon die prvinisvi, ob
! WKSD.jy, V,w 24 TH OF APl{l£, NEXT.
'h • f' Hoviing . . ?cti - I ileal KdtH!. F to .rit ; 270
Acres. <JI perch s, ui-ct or of c ; 4. fee J ;mt
! '">* L: i' !; in C.i.-nir, 7 .wMp. Bedford
County. 1 j., a. . wu r.u ■ t #„ ; e ..Frederick
dnntu * arm." ; cr s cj-j
undvi g< i .once, aad m ■ &:>>■ i-.-to f cu'tivation,
! P* !i: ; ''•-! u ii.l* at* a!iio J Or
[ cl>ar<l ol chcicv fi ait pr. (oiscs, A the
• ".t oi t ii'iws iru the £ roj;cr
| • Tfce irajrMiveim-iita constat in > irt, oi a ?ood
j too aii-.l a ia!f .it.-iv f, : ,g House, aori Tenant
a new Bift, liO Sect u l^rtgf!., by 50 ia
width, constructed In the latts' tryll, with sundry M-L>uiUtinjrß. This J v j,; iu = rune tost
I tort:U \ d.ey, Loo \o .. r> ud*a L/oY.', :, wicf.i 6
miles ot Bwifetd a .J afcoa: the sate distan. •_ 1 oui
! lt ."' u-tn ina:t;>n < f t_, *-Jit2it i J Raj You ;.* i: i*
! 13 * l I - ; "t' ..go l .'rtiooJ, conven ;:i* t>good
sehbbls, ...r.'l uiihin 2i the ''AH.xhcrv
Mai. aii l f mile SetaiuSry.' 3 at ilurnsl-irc.
Tiicre is a tine Church also wrhjn and it is
surroumic : ;, v intelligent an 1 moral com wnaifv.
fJiis j-r .j eriy is ia every war a meat deairatje
oti", and )i. s.-., is dus":i.ig to j uro'iiso would do
; well to i \ tin.;.-.- air tor*' i he i.j:e o: eat j.
Ti iIMS.—Vi lli kiw known on day of s.t>.
ikio . cubic. At;- r: tui.e.. K nv:i t>y
lliJN'liy r SMITH,"
GEO. V.". HOL T >,iHt3i/3EE
i .. _ rse-.-ntora of Frcl-rfck fflb, de'd.
! . ' 1 "' !:s * ,shs ng 10 examine this prop- r
-1 Li to • colors in ..• fullr, can en'i
I "j u uV ! r 5 V' U c r r - s ®Hb, itaias.
vi , f •; c .? !r - v - 1 ■- , v - ,y - iou:w4er,
| iicdfoi , C U -' a*nn 5- Spans,
{ M .12 o ieoo.
r.OitvC of
' T - !> ' •}; !l - 1 ■ n •■' heir at law of
• * *. < - A, "aloof Ka ,f I'r.ri.i vic- V. T3 .
j' '!>.• it .u :-y. iii li. •: said Jacob 6ic\l,
! b -> ! : V' :!: :' ;o ' • v ' t ' a:i lils rat
' !"* w .-"r; V :riH I-', a-nl after fcer
I death to j.. -i.ic-1 among w heirs ; that ;:, e
'widows a .J, ..-.iviiie m.vci; i. Irs, to wit.
! M 3ru • i*Wii:trried Jonathan Stutter, reF
in btory Co., lowa, Jacob Sncil, i:i Cu-rei
; Co., in., Gcoajta SncJl, radius is Pcansvl.aftu'
UifhatMr.t. r. i.ried wi.h Jacob 1!. Baiidollnr'
i now d.sid, v sRDf iii ia*ir Co., Fa., Ciirialot>h
j i>nel|, re.-.■.i: a ;.i Bedford Connie, - l
j Cjti ' 3lirie cliildivn ot Cathinuo Man.
| *}vak.T ; .!vc-.i o! whom O. L\ Shannon ii guardian
: " a ?'' j Man>}>,-:Uie.-, :her fcc-ir of said Cat ha'
.am, who is a minor, and ha# no guardian, residing
• .i C irral Co., 1 and '.Via. Suefi, the Petitioner
j residing in Be'mrd Co., Fa. That siii te-." r
j -lied seized of a tract of land. i;i Hast Providence
• lown.smf., n.-joining I inde of Satuue) Peek, John li.
; Barton, \t m. G;ay and Abraham Buzz ird, oud rxa
j Uining on.- Im dr.-d acres, and Jving on both sole*
jof th Turnpike Road, on Ray# Hill.
Notice is hereby given, In pcreu
; " f • wnt of Partition or Valuation to me di
reefed, I w.l! proceed to hold an Inquisition or
\ ablution on the premises, on Tneadav, tin-3d dav
of April, next, when and where all hit en st-ad may
attend; i! they acv proper.
YY'M. S. FLUKE, Sheriff
bheritrs Office Bedford, March 9, 1859.
Police !ss|uisftlois.
VI7HJCBEAS, llenry TToiford, lit© of Rondos.
TT dotty Township, fc.-Jfvrd County, dee'd,
died into©tutt. unmarried, and without issue, leaving
hi others and sisters, his heirs, to wit: Jacob Wob
ford, wh > has convoy. 1 his share to Petitioner
George YVetford, residing in B -dford County, Mi
chael Wolf old. residing in Payette Co., Pa , Joseph
Wolford, resi iing in Somerset Co., Pa., Hannah,
intei maried with Ad mi Shroycr, residing in Alle
gany Co., Md., Mary Wo.bird, residing in Bedford
County, Susan.", intermarried with Sol.unon Smith,
resi.iing in Bedford County, Catharine, intermarried
with John Stokes, residing in Ceder County, lows,
Bar ura, who was intermarried with John Dovore,'
in Ohio, since dead, leaving iaane two cluldren, to
wit : Hannah and Fl -niy, residing la Ohio, and
A'iam YV oif.ird, who is dead, leaving issue thiec
children, resi- ing in Ohio, to wit : Josiih, Elizabeth
and Simon Wolmrd, that said intestate died seizci
of the foliowing.tract of land, situate in London
derry Township, known as the '-north Bear Waller
tract," containing one hundred and li'ty acts.", ud
joining lauds of John Wilhelra, A. w Sbrorer'nnd
Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pursu
ance or a writ of Partition or Valuation to iae di
rected ; I will proceed to to ld au Inquisition or
Valuation on the premise#, on Tn.*d<t>, the lt>th
day of April, next, when and where uil interested
may attend, ii they see proper.
WM. S. ILCKE, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, March 9, 1860.
\ice to CoUcFUrs.
TVTO riC£ is hereby gi"cn fa the collectors of I86t)
II —tin t their duplicate# niust be settled by tb
i - "jlnuary Ciiirt ot 1861. Those whoso duplicate#
are #ettfed at riiat time will be allowed aix-per c-'xA
for collection, and all neglecting tnia not too w;ll ho
pnahed immediately after that tin>. By order of
the Commissioners. U. NICODSMIT3,
March 9, IWJO.-c Clerk.
.idjiiiiiKlrfliof's Notice.
LETTLKS of Administration having been g'aw
ted to the subactiber, living in Colrrsln Town
ship, on 'be Estate of Adam B.rrabwrt, late oC
Bedford Toniishif.. dee'd, ali peroona indebted to
aid estate are notified to m*ke paysseiit
ntely, and those having c.laiir<a against the same will
pri sent tiiem properly . ntheeticsfed lor aettlement,
Sl.ireli 9. 1800--f Administrator,