Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 03, 1860, Image 3

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dangerous and often fatal disease had
l pr g baffled the skill of the most eminqgt physi
cians, when the discovery af Dr. M' Lane's Lit er
pill) solved the difficulty, and presented to the
m,rid the Great Specific, which has attained such
wide-spread celebrity for its certainty of cure.—
This successful remedy was the result of many
years' study, iu which the symptoms were narrowly
observed, are thus desctibed by the Doctor him
••Symplons of a Diseased Liver. —Pain in the r'gbt
sloe, and sometimes in the lelt, under the edge of
the til* — the patient being rarely able to lie ou tbe
left; pain sometimes under the shoulder-blade,
frequently extending to the top of the shoulder—
often mistaken for rheumatism in the arm ; sickness
of stomach, arid loss of appetite; bowels mostly
costive, hut sometimes alternate with Ux; dud,
heavy sensation iu the back part of the head ; loss
of memory, with uneasiness of having neglected
something; sometimes dry cough; weariness and
debility ; nei vous irritability ; feet cold or burning,
aaa ptickly sensation of skin low spirits, lassi
tude, with disinclination to exercise, ahhough satis
fied it would bo beneficial, iu fact, patient dis
trusts eveiy remedy."
Have you any, or ad i these symptoms ? If so.
viuwtll'find a certain remedy in Dr. M "Lane's
Yil'.s Prepared by Fleming Bros, of Pittsburg.
rypuruliasers will be i.arein! to ask for DR.
Pa. There are other Pilis purporting to be Liver
Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Lane's genu
ine Liver Pi-Id, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can
DOS be iad at all respect able. d,ug stores. Aone
genuine without the signature of
Jan. 6. 1860. FLEMING BROS.
We do not think a person can evince a more
benevolent trait of character than being moved at
the distress and suffering of others, and further
more, anxious to do all in their power to alievn .
by every possible means human suffering. In this
view of'the case, we do not know bow the humane
and benevolent can da an action more in accor
dance with their philanthropic views, than by call
ing the attention of their afflicted irieud.s and ac
quaintances to the tact Dr. SLTU S. DANCE, of It 8
Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md., has discovered a
preparation, which is put up in the fonn of a pill,
that has a specific action for curing Epilepsy,
falling fits, *p?ams, cramps, snd ail fotms of ner
vous diseases. Among those who have been per
manently cured, we might mention a member ot the
tamily of James H. Beadle, Huutsville, Alabama ;
Mr. Ai. P. Sledge, Cabin Point, Surry Co. Va., and
Mr. TV. P. Ligon, Grenada, Mississippi. We might
go on enumerating a number of others, until we had
filled up this column of our paper; but we think
we have said sufficient to satisfy every person that
the subject under considerition is one <1 vital im
portance to every one. Reader ! it you are a well
man or woman, and have no ueed of a remedy, per
haps you know some person who is not iquailj
blessed HS yourself, if so, cut out this notice, and
•end it to him or her. It will cost you but little
in üble, and probably it will make you instrumen
tal in curing some poor, ulliicted mortal ot that
dreadful visitation. Epilepsy, or (ailing sickness.
Dr. Hance sends his pills by mail, free of postage,
to all parts o-f the world, on the receipt of a remit
tance. Price, one Lox, $3; two box-a $5; twelve
boxes $24. VTe Rave given Us address above.
Jan. 6, 1869.
mills ami Fever! mills aiid Fe
vef ! !—One ol the greatest remedies that has
-er been laid before the the public, for Fever an t
Ague, and which have received the highest eucomi
nms from the press and tbe people, is DR . J. IIOS
would endure tbe tortures arising from this terrii le
disease, when it can be so easily cuied ? T> ho
would endure sleepless nights, burning fevers and
Icy chills alternately, when a remedy can be obtain
ed' for a mere trifle ? And yet how many ffiroilies
tl.ucer out a painful existence under this deadly
blight, and do nothing but pulp down quinine until
It becomes as common as their daily uf-a's, and y<t
they are not releaved. None but the foolish auu
w. ak would hesitate to procure these valuable Bit
ters. and save themselves intense atony.
Sold by druggists and dealers generally, every
ay See advertisement in another column.
Jan. 27. 1889.
Do yon want something to strengthen jou 7
Do j on wan! a good appetite ?
Do you want to build up your constitutii/U 7
Do J ou want to tool well 7
Do you want to get rid of nervousness 1
Do yon want energy ?
Do you want to sleep well ?
Do you want a bri*k and vigorous feeling f
If you do.use Hoo Hand's Getnian Hitters, prepa
ed by Dr.C. 31. Jaeksoii.4lS Arch Street,Philadel
rphia.l'a., and sold by druggists and storekeepers
throughout the United States, Canadas, West lu
dies and South America, at 75 cents per bottle.
May, 27-ly.
The Bedford Lyceum cviii n set at the Court
House on Saturday next, at 04
•lock. The publio are invited to attecJ.
Declaituer— G. H. Spang.
Essayist- O. H. Gaither.
Question for regular debate:
•>Waa (Jom. Paulding justifiable in arresting
Gon. Win. Walker 1" '
Affirmative —T. L. Lycu.
Negative—O. E. Shannon.
S. L. RUSSELL, Brest.
J NO. PALMER, Sc'ty.
TKXrfl|f"3ft"gg-3g bg " "gpg;
A first-rate tartn of limestone land, in Morrison's
Cove, containing about 131 acres, 100 of which
are cleared and balance well timbered. The fann is
well watered. The improvements -re a good two
stoiv frame House, Log House. Barn. &c There
ia a good orchard upon the premises. The f-r:r> ad-
Joins Bloon.tklJ Furnace, lies half a mile from the
Hollidayaburg Turnpike, and lour miles fr m 31 ar
tinsburg. Tbero is a ready market at the door for
all kinds of produce, and the land is in a high state
of cultivation. For particulars, inquire of David
Daniel, in possession, or Goorge Cleugh, rt iSpang's
A farm of 166 acros, about 100 cleared, with double
log bouse, new bank barn, and two good orchards
thereon, lying on the Juniata river, two n.ih s from
Stoners'town, and half a iuiie from the rail load.—
This farm is composed of a good quality of liver
bottom land, 30 or 40 acres of which can be put into
good meadow. The whole is now In a good state
of cultivation.
A Brick House f two story) and two lota of ground
in Bedford.
A sew two-story rough-cast bouse snd two lots of
ground In Broautcp city.
160 acres of the beat quality of land in Harrison
oounty, lowa, near the Missouri, and close to the
oouuty seat.
A lot of ground tn Omaha city, Nebraska.
100 acres of land, In Southampton Township, Bed
ford county, lately owned by U"m. Lash ley.
A lot of ground fronting on Main street, in the Bor
ough of Bedford.
TERMS to suit buyers.
* eb. 3, 1860 6tn Bedford Pa.
\IRT selldomestics so LOW that our patrons are
/' carrying tbetn away by the whole piece. A
•aw inore lei a at tiie ouur store of
■ 'J, 1859.
Rev- John Ljon, tPrincipals
T. I.y tilt-lon Lyon, A- 91., * 1 rincipais.
miiE Spring session oi this Institution, will open
X on Friday the 17th February, 1860. it is
tlisiialilu that all students should nter at the com
liit-tiCi merit of the Quarter, and no pupil will be re
ceived for less than one quarter.
It is the design of the Principal* to make this
Academy in all respects a fiist class Institute n lor
the thorough instruction of youth of both sexes
and to piepare them for any profession or position
in life.
The high moral and scientific tone of the school
is well b nown to this community. A strict discipline
will l>e enforced.
A tw boys (ilie number is limited to ten) will IK
received into the f..raily of the Principals as hoar
The beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of
the climate render Bedford a most desirable location
of t-ui ha school.
Persons Irotn abroad, visiting the springs, will be
near their children during the summer season.
TERMS: s2l>o per year, including boarding,
wasting, fuel, lights and tuition in all the branches.
TER;. $6. English branches, $7,50 Classical do. ice.
Feb. 3. 1860.
rptHE Do es ami accounts of the h.te firm of Tay-
JL lor & Atowry, aie in the hards ot John P. Heed,
Esq., tor collection, this LAST HOTICK is given to save
panics inteiesied, costs. In case ol neglect to
make settlement and payment before the Ist of Aptil
next, suits will be instituted without regard to per
sons. It is much desired to save parties costs, but
this notice MUST be complied with.
Feb. 3, iB6O.
m'nistrution having been granted to the suhi crl
: cr living in Southampton township, Bedford coun
ty, upon the estate ef Robert Reunttt, lte of said
• < wn inp, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate
. re t otified to make payment immediately, and all
p rs- ns having claims against the saute, ar.: request
ed to present tire same properly authenticated for
scitl. ment.
Feb. 3, 1860. . irtminis/rafor•
Rail Road Notice.
TtHE subscribers to the capital stock of the Bed
lord Kail Road Company, are notified to pay to
the Treasurer in Bedford, the sertnlh instalment oa
each share of stock subscribed by tbemcn or before
the 22d day ot Feb. inst.
By order of the Board,
Feb. 3,1860. Treasurer.
IT HE Presid nt and .Managers of the Cbambers-
J. l urg and Bedlord Tuinpike road company,
hare declared a dividend of -J tier cent, on the cap
ital stock, pavable on or after Feb. Ist.
Feb. 3. 1860. Treasurer.
co pattaeud i;i heretofore existing :•. -
J tween the undersigned in the tanmug ami
■neicantiie laziness, unuer the name of S. bhuck
& Co., has this day January 14. 1860. been dissolv
ed. All persons indebted to firm are noiifi d
that their notes and accounts arc in the hands ol
Samuel Shuck to whom payment must be made
before the fiist day of .March, prox., after that day
all claims will he placed in the hands of the proper
officers tor setihumnt and collection.
The undersigned having purchased the interest
of George I), and Josiab I). Shuck, in the Tannery
and Store, have formed a co-partnership and wi.l
carry on the same under tbe name of S. and IV.
W Shuck. The friends and customers ot the old
; firm are invited to give them a call a* tlcy arr do
llar mined to keep a first rata and well assorted
stock of goods and leather, which they will sell at
the lowest prices. Produce and tan-bark tikeu in
exchange lor goods or leather.
The business of making and repairing coaches.
Ac., wiil be carried on as heretofore by the snhscri
l*ets at their old stauQ, under the uarue oI Georgt
D. Shuck, fit Co.
Jan. 27, 1860-g.
loillf PiIiRLUIHIOI"
4 XTH £ REAS the Honorable FRANCIS M. KIM
\Y MKLL. President, of the several C<>urtsof Com
mon IT. us in the counties composing tiie 16th Ju
dicial District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer
and Terminer, and G ueral Jail Delivery, for the
trial of capital and other offenders in the Slid Dis
tiict—and A. J. SNIVKLT and JOHN TAYLOR,
. Esquires, Judges of tha Courts of Common Pleas
i arid Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer,
and General J. il Dt livery, for the trial of all capi
i 1 and other offenders in the County of Bedford—
have issued their precept an 1 to me directed, for
holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General
Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at
Bedford, ou MONDAY the 13th day of Feb.
next. NOTICE is hereby giv nto til the Justices
' of the Peace, the Corocer and Constables within
the said county of Bcdfoid, that they ba then and
there in their proper persons, with their rolls, rec
oids, end inquisitions, examinations and other re
membrances, to do those things which to their offi
ces and in that behalf appertain to be done, and
also they who will prosecute against the prisoners
that ar' or shall be in the Jail of Bedford county,
to be then an 1 there to prosecute against them as
shall bo just.
Sheriff s Office Bedford Jan. 20, 1-60.
srccEssons TO
Forwarding & (oimuihsion Merchant*,
f | *HE undersigned, succeessors to the late firm ol
MISSION MERCHANTS, will continue the business un
der the name and *tyle cf McCULLKY fit ORKICK,
at the old stand, near the It. It. Depot; ami take
occasion to assure the friends end patrons of the
old firm, tli.-.t nothing shall tie left undone on their
part to merit, what they respectfully ask. a con
tinuance of the patronage that has been for twelve
years past extended to I he late firm of SCHRIVER
fit Co. They deem it scarcely necessary to add,
that their facilities for foiwarding goods, caunot be
equalled in the citv.
Cumberland, Md. Jan. 27, 18G0.-6w*
NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given, that the sec
ond and final account, of Joseph B. Noble
Esq., Sequestrator of the Pstronsviilu and Wood
berry Turnpike Road Company, has lean filed "I
the Pruthonoury's Office, of Bedford County, and
that the same will tie presented to the Court of
Common Pleas in and for said County, for Confirm
lu dion, at the Court House, in Bedford, on Tues
day the 14th day of February vext.
S. 11. TATE, Proth'y.
Frotli'y's Office, Bedford lan. 20, 1860.
JUST received a second supply of those Neat,
Durable Ladies Heeled Lace Boots, at only
81-25 and 51.60 a pair at
Dee. 9. 1869.
i l iriif SiLfi (IF
A x n
lemsos iron works.
undi-ui,!- J w: 1 dlVpoa- ot, at I'l.i lie
- Sale, at the house ot James lieckwuh, iu the
town of HojieWell, Bedford County, Pa., on
the valuable IRON J'ROREKTY, known as Bed.
lord Forge una Lcmnos Iroti Works, situate in
llopiwi 1) Township, and wiihin a short distance ni
tbe Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Ro d.
The improv* meets at Bedford Forge, consist of
a new Forge, (now in operation.) with sheet iron
roof. Coal House, Saw Mill, a large number ol
Houses for ban s, a fine Mansion House, a "pod
Bum and Stables. The tract of land on which utese
improvements are erected contains about, 237
ACRES, and is cood arable land, having a consid
erable quai titv of land elcur< i, and iu a good statu
of cultivation. There is, also, on this tract, a very
extensive and valuable vein or tossil iron ore, and
one bank opened. Attached to this property there
is mot! er Faim of valuable land, containing about
7.000 ACRE*nd veins of iron ore running
through llie whole of it
The improvements at Lemnos, consist of a Char
coal Furnace, (uow iri blast,) Forge, Mansion
House, Store House, Houses lor hands. Stables,
etc., etc. The ore bank, one vein of hematite, and
the other of fossil, belonging to this propertv. con
tain iron of the best quality, and of vast extent. —
The duller lauds attached to this property, contain
about 4.590 ACRES, of which I,(MJO Acres are
g-od arable land, and can lie converted into excel
lent tanns.
The above lands will be sold together or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
Oyi'raits. diagrams, and full descnption ot
lunds, will oe lurnished and exini ited to bidders
on the day o. sale.
At the same time there will be sold all the per
sonal properly belonging to Lemnos Iron Works,
contusing of a )ar_'e quantity of l'ig Metal, Mule
teams, Wagons. Harness, Forge uud Furnace tools.
Store Goons, K llM hold Furniture, Nc., fce., Kc
Dl?""The sale p.-remtory, and will commence ai 1
o'clock, P. AI., and will be continued from day to
day til! ah >s so! i.
TEli.v.S—-'to suit purchasers, and will be made
known on day ol sale. A liberal creiiit will be al
lowed. •* JOHN CESSNA.
Jan. 27, 1860.
OTATEAII NT of the Finances of Iheßedfoid
O and Stoystown turup-ku load Company lor the
year ending 2 1 J unary iB6O.
Balance in the treaau v at settlement 3d
Januniy 1869, f824.58J
Amount ot toil money received during the
year, 1991,89J
$2 816,48
Expenditures during the year 1859.
By amount, of counterfeit tno'ey defaced
and burned, $138,45
By Dividend made of half per cent 7th
March 1859, 737,00
By salary paid four gate keepers, 47U.00
By St-iti- and County taxis Printing, and
other menu nuts, 61.03
By r p.irs ou Head aim Bi. 'g s 876,20
By Managers' sri i"es uud Treasurer's and
Secretary's salary, 437.00
Balance in Treasury 2d January 1860, 97.20
Schellsburg, Jan. 27, 1860.
jVyOTIOE. —The following named persons have
fiVd their potit 'i'is in the Court of Quarter
Sessions, of Bedford County, for License to keep
Pu ie Inns or Taverns, and the same will b" pre
sented to said Court on Monday, the 13th day ot
February next.
TT il iam Dihert, West Providence Township.
Philip G. Morgan, < •<
J. B. Csstner. Brondtr.p tp.
Frederick Berkhiruer, St. Ciair, tp.
John A. Sniveiy, Schellsburg.
S. IL TATE, Clerk.
Clerk's Office, Bedford, Jau. 27, 1860,
EX ECU r OR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary
having granted to the suhscrioerg, on the
hsttte ot George Geih r. late of Londonderry tp..
J.-c'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notifi
ed to make payment immediat ly, and those having
elamies against the same will present them proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
ADAM GELLKR, of Juniatta tp.,
J. MILLER, of Londonderry tr>.
Jan. 27, 1860. Executors.
jVOTICE. — Whereas my wife Mary, having left
- ' my fed and board, without just cause or provo
cation, this >s to warn all persons ag.inst harboring
or trusting her on my account, as I am determined
to pay no debts of her contricting.
St. Clair tp., Jan. 27, 1860.-*
4 BOY WANTED.— In a's family, o!
a out fourteen years old. to remain 'wo. or
three years, who will le schooled and provided thi
ns a son. One who is accustomed to horses. A
re ad honest hoy will find a good situation. No
Iti ■ r -if i apply, Apply at this office.
Jan. 27, 186').
"JVTOTICE. —Samuel Oster, Administrate- of the
-l v the Estate of John C. Forney, late of South
Wondberry Township, dee'd, having' filed his ac
count, whit h was confltmed by the trphans' Court
of B-'dford County, wi 1 make application for his
discharge on the I3th day of Feinu u v"next.
Jan. 27, 1860.
IVTOTICE-—The subs Tiber ims purchased the
-L v grain <3O acr s, more or less.) on the Bvlfz
rropcrry. of which John Sill is Administrator,
from Jacob Corley, paid bint the money and has
his recupf tor the same. All persons will notice
accordiiuy. JOHN KFiRR.
Dry Ridge, Jan. 27, 1860.
Administrator's Notice.
L'.TTERS of administration upon the estate -
Join Roudabush, late of Union Township. B-d
--f d County, deceased, having been granted to the
subscriber, residing in St. Cl iir Town-hip, in said
C-uinty, all fiersons indebted to said estate are no
titled to make payment immediately, and those
having claims or demands against the sa.d estate
are requested to make them known without de
I)cc. 30, 1859. Adm'r.
7*. Administration having beer granted, to the
undersigned, on the Estate of Elizabeth Blackburn,
late of Napier Township, dee'd, all persons indebted
to said estate are hereby requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having c'aitns against the
same will present their accouuts properly authenti
cated for settlement.
Jan. 13, 1860. Adm'i.
IVOR removing all kinds of grease spots, fce.
from Mik, ribbons cloth, fcc., &c., cleans
gloves in a lew moments without effecting the color,
and for cleanfttg all kinds of wool or s:U goods is
invaluable. For sale at
Dec. 16. 1859.
Over Head and RAH* iu Debt!
JVjONSENSE, when you can buy a splendid
-Ll si T from 624 cts., up, st
Dec. 9, 1869.
Bl virtue o) Mindly writs of Fi. Fa.; Vend. Ex
ponas Leveli Far us. to me directed there will
e soli! t Tin- 0< ml House, in the borough (if Bed
'••!'! <>'■< Si-nu lay . Ike 11th day of February. 1860,
■•i 1 oN-loek. ,Vi.. i i,o tollowing described Real
t M ite, to nil :
One fit tot ' on) containing 343 acres, more or
1, vs. ai.-out lis lien s cleared and under fence, with
a tw o story log dwelling house, and double log 1 am
tliiT. on erected ; also an apple orchard thereon ;
adjoining lands ol William O'N'eul, Johu Snider,
and others, situate in Monroe township, Bedford
County, and taken in execution as the property of
Jeremiah Morris.
All Lk f't, William Nebon's right, tit'e and inter
est, in, and to one tract of land containing 440 acres,
mote or b ss, about 29 sen s cleared and unCer
fetrce, win; a story and a half log house an! log
stable th. recn e'ected, 'joining lands of John
Cessna, EM|., John Sell tier and others, situate in
Coleruin townst jp, Bedford County, and taken in
execution as the property of ilUain N'elsoa.
AH the Defendant's interest in the following piop
' 'ty, to wit : the whole of the road leaning from
IB pewell to BloOiiy Run and the a ppei Pounce iielonging, and taken in execution us the
property of t'.e 11--pi Well aud Blocdv Run l'lank
and Turnpike Road.
Al' the Defendant's interest in and to a certain two
story I rick building, >:iuate in or near the village of
Rainsbuig, tMer.un Township, Bedfoid County,
known is the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary,
containing forty teet in front and sixty feet back,
and tlie lot or pi. ce 11 ground and curtilage apper
tenant to said building, containing six acres, more
or less, and taken in execution as the property of
the Allegheny 51 ale and Female Seminar v.
One lot of ground in the town of Stonerstown,
fronting 27J teet on Main Street and extending back
about 220 I ft to HII alley, with a one story frame
house ami frame stable thereon erected adjoin
itig lots •! Joseph Urisman and widow McCaffrey's
heirs, situate in Liberty township, Bedford County,
end taken in execution as the propertyof Francis '
All Defendant's interest in and to a certain piece, J
or parcel, of land situate in ISt.-Clair township.
Bedtord County, on the waters ot Bodib's Crock,!
containing one hundred acres and allowance, 3c., j
being part Oi a iurgi-r tract of land surveyed on a I
warrant dated 7th July, 1762. granted to Col. Hcnrv :
Bogm-Us nd conveyed by William and George 1
Hal iirnand to George Mock, Defendant.
A 1,80,
One tract of land containing 400 acres, more or
less, about 10A acres cleaird and under fence, with
a two story log dwv liiug house an ' uu.ile log barn
thereon erected, adjoining lands of Benjimin Mills.
Joseph M ills and others, situate in Monroe township.
Bedford County, and taken in execution as the I
property of John Wcimer.
One lot of ground in the town of Schelisburg, front- '
ing 66 feet on vine stieet and extending back about
160 feet to an alley, with a two story rough cast i
dwelling house, log wagon maker shop and two log
stables thereon erected, adjoining lot of John Ott.
on the East and lot of David Miller on the west,
situate in Napier township, Bedtord County, aud
taken in execution us tiic property ai Jacob Dull,
One lot of giound m the town of Scbeilsburg
6') feet in vine stieet, and extendirg back about
160 bct to an alley with a two story rough cast and
weather boarded bouse, and lug and frame stable \
thereon erected, adjoining lot of John Gulp, on the
east and market street on the west, situate in Xa
; ier tow Rup Bedford County, and taken in execu- •
ticn as - the propel ty of George Fisher.
One tract of land containing 160 acres, more or
less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with
a two story log dwelling house, and double jog barn
th'Teon erected, also an apple ercharc thereon, ad
joining lands of Jeremiah Devore *s heirs, Frederick
t bits and others, s.tuaio in Londonderry township,
LeUtoid Co'inty, and taken in execution as the
property of Charles Johnson.
One lot of ground in the town of Stonerstown.
11 oniing 60 feet on tnain street and extending back
about 220 lent to an alley, with a two story log
dwelling house witn hack building attached" and
other out buildings thereon erected, adjoining front
street on the tiorrii, and lot of Amos Evans on the
South, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford Craui
ty. and taken in execution as the property of Isaac
K .v. _ WM S. FLUKK," Sheriff
Sl.eriiF's Offiee, Bedford, Jan. 2Utn, 1860.
MiiiVfiiiiA JOTiflJ.
VLL persons interested, are hereby uot'O.d, that
the lollowing named accountants, lure tiled
t "etr accounts, in the Register's Office of Bedford
County, an i tlie sane sill be presented to the
orphans' Court, in and I. r sai l County, foi Con
firm..turn, on Tuesday the 1 lib day ol February'
in XI. . t the Cuur House, in Bedfo.d-
Tlie Gtijr.ii.insliip account of Joseph Fiftraan.
Gii.-.i'diau of J• dm Miller, and ol minor cb ldren of
Mary .Will r. dee'd.
lie account of Al.-xander Shoemaker and Philip
lLirid-rode, > x-eaior's of'tin? last will Ac., of
George Stun ivaiier, late i f Coltiaiu Tp., dee'd.
fee acct mi ol John li. Rush. Administrator C.
S. A , .1 li e Estate ol John Oiler, late ol Cutll
beil 11.1 Valley Ti.wnsl ip, dee'd.
i he a - onnt ol Frederick Siiffl-r. acting Execu
tor. 01 the lust will d<\, of Abraham Lurk el, late
of Union fownsl ip, riee'd.
Tiio account of rt i.luni Adams, Esq. Kxecutor
of the list will Ac. ol Catharine Sci fc lc, late of
Southampton Township, ilee'd.
'llie account o! L- wis Anderson and Lemuel
Evans, Administrator's of Estate of William An
derson, lale of Broad Top Township, dee'd.
The account of Thomas McCoy, Administrator
of tfie Estate of Ann Fligliter, iate o! St. Clair Tp.,
the account of Daniel Sioler, Executor of the
list will ac., of Da/id Stoler late of Liberty Tp.,
The -.ccount of Henry P. Diebl and Satn'l Diehl,
Administrators ol the Eshite ol Samuel Diehl,
late ol Col -rain Tp. dee'd.
'I he account of Enos D avis, Administrator of
the L-tate Azariah Davis, late of Napier Town
ship, d C'd.
The account of Daniel Fletcher, Guardian of the
minor children of Bernatd Means, late of Monroe
Township, dee'd.
The account of Benjamin 11. Walker, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Catherine Oidnaui, late of
St. Clair Township, dee'd.
The account ol Mahlon Smith, Administrator of
the Estate of James Smith, late of St. Clair Tp.,
The account of Samuel Bassler and David Bey
ers, Executors of the last will Ac., Emanuel Bass
ler, late ol Middle Woodnury Tp., dee'd.
S. H. TATE, Register.
Register's Office, Bedlcrd Jan. 2 ), 1860.
PUT down for trial at (February Term, 13th day,)
O. E. Shannon, rs John L. Fletcher,
Janies Patton, 44 David Stoner, et al
Thomas J. Ilorton, 44 A. W. Evans,
Junes Patton, 44 Jacob Longenecker,
Janva Eptrikcn, 44 D. Washabaugh, et al
K. M. Luminous, use '• C. W. Ritkelson,
Jacob Reighert, Sr. 44 John Burns, et al
H- W. Smith, 44 J; M. Vanhorn, et al
Jacob Scbnehly 44 J'avid Stuckey .et al
Eginitiiis Brand, 44 David Stuckey, et al
Rich ird Haywood, et al 44 Henry C' <ppee
Samuel,' 44 TUeCham'g Bd. T. C>.
Mary Bailey's use, 44 Simon Brumbaugh,
Wm. Mauspeaker, 44 OsterACnn,
Daniel Fore, 44 J S. Ro bison, et al
George G. Walker, 44 Jacob Witt,
G- A. Levitt, (t Co. use, 44 Goorge Megraw.
S. U. TATE, Proth'y.
Proth'e Office, Bedford, Jan. 20,1860.
FEU(iISO,\ &
JUST ivcecived another lime and for sale cheaper
tlmn ever a splendid lot of Winter Goods, ia
Ledger Hats, 75 els. and up,
Do Lanes, Id cts. and up,
Casinetls, 37£ cts. and up,
Broad Cloth's $1,50 and up,
Hoe Skio Ce.sirner, 75 cts. and up,
Shawl's of all kinds SI,OO and up,
Marino. 18$ cis. and up,
Hosiery, inducing Gloves, stocking's Sic., of alt
GROCERIES, including
Coffee. 12| cts. and up.
Sugar, 8 cts. and up,
Fine v. ii.te crushed, 12$ am j U p f
Baking Mola. -ses, 12£ per quart,
B'st Mould Candles, 18 cts.
and a little of every thing
< !ss in tlie Grocery line,
MEN'S DEPARTMENT, including Uuderstiiit'a
and Drawers, Guiu over Shoes, Shandies and
Buiiaioe over shoes, Men ji Double Solti
Boot 's lor winter at $1,75 an i up.
In the shoe Department ate included tor Ladies
Gtiiticuieii and Children, all sorts aui sizes and
prices as usual.
Sleigh and Buggy Whips, Tobacco aud Cig;?rs oi
all kinds troui Gu.vvlly down.
Dec. 23, 1859.
TT7"E luvajust received a
of new and CHEAP .'all and
Winter <ioods
purchased with sp-cial reference to the iiit-rt st of
our customers and the public generally. We tender j
our grateful thanks for the very libera 1 patronage
bestowed upon us, in the past, and can only assure
our patrons that it shall be our aim to merit their s
continued patronage.
Out stock shall be always iarcre, and suited to the j
wants of the community, and ever of
We invite an exmiint&ion of our stock and prices, j
and we hazard nothing in s tying that it will be to the j
interest of the public to give us a call.
Teems a* heretofore; prompt settlement req .ired ■
by ciisb or note everv January.
Oct. 14. 1859.
DRAWN for February Term, (2nd Monday.)
1860. " j
F. D. Beegle, Foreman. RolM'rt Adams. John W.
Barton. Jess. Conner, Wm. Cook, John A. Corle. i
John Dasher, Jrnies C Devore. Lcniucl Evans, j
David Ford. Sr. Daniel Fletcher, John L.
Giove. Henry Giubb, Charles Hoyinan, Mark
Howsare, John Kemery, James B. Kay, Adam
Koonts. Joshua Mower, Win. O'Neal, Micha, IL.
Putt, Samuel W. Sleek, John N". Teeter, Daniel
PRAWN ibr February Term, (2nd Mondav.)
David S. Eerkctressor, Azaruh Z. Blackburn,
Jacob Carpenter, Levi ii. uieh:, refer, j
Lewis Evans. Philip Evans, Benjamin Fiick. Satu'l ]
Griffith, John S. Hetiick, Miehitti llillegas, Thomas !
• • • llorton. Miciisel Holderbanm, George Hillegas, !
Nicholas Kegg, John Keagy, l'etei F. Lehm .n. :
Jacob Lingcnf. Iter, Thomas U. Lyons, Jihn.Mor-i
gait, Daniel Miln r, J<<iin . Moore, Robert Mont- I
t.-mt-ry, Abraham Moses, Jacob A. Nicodemus. ]
Dav.l Over, David S. Peightal, Jacob Reed, Joseph
Riddle, Daniel Swam welder, John Siii, Jacob!
Strotiinger. Jubn Bproat, bemud Teeter, Gcrgc
M . \ ickroy, John IV cm el, Asa '.Vitliunm, San.uel i
W hip.
Jan. 20, 1860.
IJht'LlP'l S and Expenses of Cbarabersbnrg and I
I, Bedford Turnpike Road '-on pvuy for the '
year ending Jan. 12th lsdu.
To tialance at list seitlemcat, $4,146.08 '
Receipts, 3.811.27
Bv Amount Expenses, $3.199 76
Dividends paid since last settlsmant, 1.371.75
Unpaid dividends, 2.304.27
Available b-laucc, $1 051.57
Jan. 20,1860. Treasurer.
Mary Etta Waltman, 1 In the Court of Common
by licr next friend, I Pleas of Bedford County,
John Lsiilenun, j-Xo. 21, Nov. ferni, 1850.
v *- i Alias subpoena on Libel
G-orge Waltman. j for Divorce.
Notice is Hereby given to the Deft in tbo above
c 'Se, that Subpoena and alias Subpoena on Libel
ft r Divorce have been issued out of said Court and
returned. Dcfen lant riot found, and now by direc
tions of the sail Court, tbo said Defend ant is re
quired to appear on or before the 2ml Monday 13th
day < 1 February next and answer to the Complaint
of the Plain 4 iff*, as provided for bv act of Assembly.
Jan. 20, iB6O. WM. S. FLUKE, SI. riff,"
TVTiifICE TO CREDITORS.—Letters testamen
ff 1 tary having been granted by the Register <ff
Bedford County, to the Undt-isigned, 11(100 the
Estate oi Tbes. McCreary, dee'd, lite of Napier
tp., al persons indebted to said Estate are hereby
notified to nuke itnmediite payment and those
having claims will present them property authenti
cated for settlement,
Jan. 20. 1860. Executors.
OX an " affer Monday November 14tb. the Pas
sekoeb Traix between Hopewkll aid HEAR
i.ngdox, will leave, and arrive as follows :
Leave M l'xtinod )X for Hopewell, at 7 40, A.M..
Leave Hopewell tor llcsti.vodos. at It) 20, 44
Connecting with Mail Train K ist ox Pknxv R. R.
at 1.10 P. M. . and arriving in Philadelphia at 10.
25 P.M. Tile Train from HorisODON at 7-•*'.)
A. M., connects with Express Traix West on Penna
. K.
J. J-. LAURENCE, Sup!.
Huntingdon, Nov. 18, 1859.
I,as! \oliee.
THE store books of Jacob Reed, and those of
Reed A Minnick are getting oi l, and must now be
cloa -d. The subscriber is anxious to save nil par
ties the expense oflegal proceedings, and therefore
calls upon all indebted or having accounts unset
tled, to ca'l at once and settle up. Suits will ocr
nattily be instituted against ail neglecting this no
tice after tlni Ist ol February next.
Dec. 2. 1855.
HAVING now on hand a large supply *nd flfly
tl ousai d feet more to arrive, we shall bo pri
pared to furnish Lnild r-> with wuite nno yellow
pine, oak and pine scantling, also shingles,
roofing and Plastering L.ths, in any quantity upon
the best terms. A. B. CRAAIEK CO.
Dec. 23, 1859.
PANACEA P'- Hairy'n Drug ard
>33 Hook Store
For the ipeedy, radical, and tflectua] cuf ot
ALL DISEASES arising from IMFU'
This medicine has wrought the most mlraciriott*
: cures in desperate cases of
: Scrofula*. I Cancerous ibpiutioGf,
t'utaneous Diseases, Erysipt las, Boils,
j Pimples on the face, | Sore Eyes, *
1 Old, .Stubborn Ulcers, j Scald ilcad.
Tetter affections, 1 Rheumatic ■ V-.rdcra,
i Dysjn i s:a, j CostiveDes. .
; Jaundice, I Salt Kheum,
j .Mercurial Diseases, I General Debility,
j Liver Complaint, ' Loos of Apfftiie,
Low Spirits, j Foul Stomach,
; Female Complaints, and ail Diseases having their
j origin in an ittipnre state of the BlootJ.
- 'SB'wrii *v>. ' ' 'it •
; _ The above is a portrait of David McCreary, of
j Napier township, whi>. >n the 31st day ot August,
j I*6B, made affidavit before Justice Gor ley thai he
was treated for the cure cf Cancer by three physi
cians of Bedford County, and by* Dr. Newton of
i ihe Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a period of
' n'-arly t ighi mouths, notwithstanding which, his
: tip, n?se, and a portion of his left tht'k uere entirely
eaten away! He had given up al! hope, when ho
: heard of the ; -Bioo i Searcher," and was induced
1 to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although
: sadly disfigured, there i* ro question but what this
invaluable medicine saved his life. The full partic
ulars of this remarkable case maj* in? seen in a cir
cular, which can he had ot any of the Agents.
U e also refer t the case of Nancy Blakney, of
E derton, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scro
tula after bung unable to get out of bed lor three
To the case of a lady in An r onville, Cleaiueld
county, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in lte
worst form.
|'o the ca>-e of George V eisel, residing in Car
rodti<wn Cambria county, Fa., who was so badly
afllitied with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off,
and his case was worse, it possible, than McCrea
Ihe particulars of these cases—every one of
which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher
—may also lie found ic a circular to be had ol any
of the Agents.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near
Peni-a. Kujirjai Depot, Ho 11idaysburg, Pa.
For sale by 11. C- lieanter, Bedford; G; D. Trout,
Aiuiii Bank ; John G. Schell, Pieasautville ; L. N.
Fyitr. V."i st End P. Oilice ; Frederick Corl, Mari
etta; G. h. Amicfc, St. Clairsvilie; Jacob Baird,
8.-trriooll .i ■> Mills; N. Koors. it .Vow (?rovv John
Bowser, Buwsei's Mi l; A.C. Evans, Rumrb o-g • B.
i. Horn F: Bro., Schellshurg ; Ililliga-s Mowry,
iiUi tia \ ist.i ; John Vfayde. New Pariip; Ritchvy
\ Ran-ey, Bloody Run ; Piper 4, Fat*ons
ville; David Bugle, Wateislreet; Win. J. Gai
brairit. VVoodberrv; G. D. Katiffmati, Flitchvillej
all of Bedford County.
Dec. Id, IfcoS.
Strugs and Books.
Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa.,
( if ".c S.'.f : 'fx mcr'i orcnpiedby Dr. F. C. Reamer,)
W PDI.ESAT.F. and i--- JffffttA
* * t!t '' dealer in Drugs, "|'|
Medicines, Chemicals. Dye QmSßw
Stuffs, Dds. Paints, Varnishes, Turpcn
tiiie, Win iow Glass. Glassware, 4c- Just
received a large stock of American, French, and
English perfumery. Abo a great variety of tiu
Soaps for Toilet.use. J ootii pastes, Hair Tonics,
Hair Dyes, thai will colour various shades, ftoa a
light brown to a jet black. Tooth, Nail, llair. Sha
\ irig, and Clothes brushes, Coin' s. Pocket Kaives,
Pocket B'-oiis, Portmonnah s, ciscs, 4c.,
Alo, hsve and will keep constantly on band a
S'.ij-p v of Coal Oil. B.trriu.g fluid and Camphino,
w.tli h great variety of the iuo:st modern and best
sfVie ot coal oil and fluid limps.
Pure Win s and Brandies tor medical use, Fla.
raring Extracts and S ,>ic sot ail sorts, Fihe-Segars,
Snufl's. Chewing and Smoking Tobatvo.
1) tviiig the agency tor :.l! the principal patent
nedicinrs in use will keep a fail sappy constantly
on band.
Also, dealer in Books, Sec . consisting of Geo
graphical, Scientiiic, Religous. l'oetical, Historical,
Baw, Medical, School a . 1 MisecUancom Works in
connection with a great variety ot pl.t; 1 and tancy
Stationery, Cap. Note. Post, and wrapping Paper,
Btauk Books, of every size and quality, Diariea,
Blank Heeds, Mortgages, Vote and Receipts.
Orders promptly tilled and satis Taction guar
anteed. with regard both to price an l qnility.
£7" Physicians, Proscriptions carefully and ac
curately compounded si all hours of the day Of
Doc. 9, 1559.
THE undersigned have just opened
a large supply of
our stock will be found very full and
complete, including many kinds ot
goods that are entirely new—the as
sortment we now oiler is superior in
extent, variety, and cheapness—and
all who favor us with a call may de
pend upon being suited in price and
quality —we respectfully invite our
friends and customers to learn our
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of Country Produce taken
for goods. A credit will be extended
to prompt paying buyers—and also to
customers who will checrjuUy settle
their accounts every January by cash
or note. These terms will be strictly
adhered to.
Nov. 4, 1859.
S URnm, Te , Coffee, Ghoc-oljto, Molasses and
Syrups, th'j |>et in (owe, fur sale at the car.Ar
sHe, by OSTER t* OAKN "8.
Dec. P, lb.ip,
- ~ . ■ n.r_'■ • '■ - *
I,OXI Buohels of Kye want-d, at J. M . Shocm*
kor f Co, Store, Tor wlnih the bigbest pvarket prio%
will be paid in cosh or iuereh
Sept. 16, IS6P.