Mu v I v atMaral^, /'VOCT //if jJmenean Agriculturalist. K Common Error in Drainage. The most of the draining jet attempted in this country is with open ditches, ar.d in swamps. Three cases have recently come un der our observation, in v.hi b the failure is traceable to a Common cause. Mr. A—— reclaimed a twimp of twelve acres. It WHS thickly covered with brush, aud bad made a very heavy turf of roots end moss, a root or tuore thick. A Jeep wide ditch was ran through the middle, wi'-h a few side ditch es ruDtiiug at right angles to the main ditch. There was no ditch put around the border to eat off the springs from the sidj hill. There was a good fall, and these ditches took off all the water from the poni and made the whole sw.uip ready for the plow, lu 1850 he had good crops, aud in 1857 still belter, some of the stoulest corn in town. In 1858, the corn * was not as good, even with the application of manure, ud in 1855 tbe corn crop is a decided failure. The Pud had set lied somewhat by -the decay of the roots nnd vegetable maUei in the soil, aud had become so compact th: t the water from the sides could roi rcadi'y escrpe iulo the ditches. Mr. li drained some four aorc-s with tile running from the edge of the swamp into a main open ditch in the middle. The tile were put four rods apart, and even with this imper fect drainage, the luud was very productive for four or five years, tearing good hoed crops, AND still better GJ'SS. Last year it WBS taken up a second time, and the corn was a failure, cawing to the ex ossivo moisture of the land.— Mo border ditch had been made to cut rSf springs from the upland. 3lr. C had s'liae ten acres of low wet land, underlaid by a bard pan ; the soil iu no placo in re than eighteen inches deep. A small brook r;j, before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, gives a rather discoura ging account of tLe progress of our national agriculture. In many staple products the quantity raised has shown a marked decrease in 1850 (the date of our last census, from which Mr. J .y has obtained most of the purely statistical porti ns cf his work) from that rais ed in preceding years. Until the census of 1850 there can be no means of obtaining fur ther statistics of the kind, and unless tlKrebas been a marked improvement during the last seven year*, the condition of our agriculture is not very promising. So far as concents the •wheat crop, the New York Post considers that, although it has not decreased in its tctual amount, ,t has not iitcrc-scd io proportion to the increase of population. Iti New Euglaod the culture is rapidly declining, while in the middle Statss it is nearly stationary, and our chief supplies now ctnie from the uortkwastern district. In New York, the crop iu 1840 was over twelve millions of bushels, while in 1850 it was but Dine millions—a decrease of twenty live per cent. With regard to the products of the entire country, without alluding to any particular State, we find that rye, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay and tobacco, have steadily decreased. Hops have increased at the rate of five hundred per cent, owing to the enormous consumption of lager beer, iiice has increased at the rate of nearly three hun dred per cent. In 1840 the cotton produced arnouoted to eight hundred millions of pounds, in 1850 to nine hundred and eighty millions, in 1855 to one billion and eighty-eight "nil lions. Hut ihe great staple production of the United States, far surpassing in amouat even our famed wheat, cotton and tobacco—is In dian corn. Its cultivation has retrograded in no.State, and the crop uiay be roughly estima ted at four hundred millions of bushels in 1840 six hundred millions in 1850, over seven hun dred millions in 1855, and fully eight hundred millions in 1856. PERMANENT OFFIC E. Complying urith the urgent request oj hundreds of their patients, Drs. f. M. Filch aud J. \V. Sykc§ HAVE CONCLUDED TO REiIAIN PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And u>ty be consulted at their office, NO. 1 90 PEN F STREET. Opposite St. Clair Hotel PITTSBURGH. AND may be consulted daily, (except Sundays,) foi CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS, and all ether CHRONIC COMPLAINTS complicated with or causing pulmonary disease, including C.itf.rrh, Heart Disease, Affection of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Getrtritis, Fetuol Complaints, etc. Drs. FITCH & SYKJSS would state that their treat ment of consumption is based upon the fact, that the disease exists in the blood and system at large, both before and during its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechanical, Hy gienic and Medicinal remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With these the)- use MEDICAL INHALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Palliatives, (having no enrative effect when used alone.) and invalids are earnestly cautioned agiiust wasting the preeious time of curability upon any treatment based upon the plausible, but false idea that the "seat of disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation." . For as before stated, the seat of the disease Is in the blood and its effects on'y in the lungs. 02r"*No charge for consultation. A list of questions will be sent to those wishing to consult us bv letter. March IF, 1559.-ly A OABLD] Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, Pa. Faculty. EJ. OSBRORNE, A.8., Principal, Prof, of • Languages ar.d Philosophy. Win. S. Smith, Prof, of .Mathematics. Jas. 11. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics. Rev. B- F. Stephens, Lecturer on Moral Philoso phy, Ac. Wtn. A. Stephens, Prof, of English Grammar, Ac. Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy Ac. Mrs. E. Y. Ostorne, Preceptress, Teacher of 3iu sic, French. Botany Ac. Miss Mary IVillams, Teacher of Composition, Ac. Price of Tuition for term of 11 weeks. Common English Branches $3 2i Higher Branches, including common, each 80 Latin and Greek, each 2 00 German and French, each 1 50 Book-keeping aud Commercial calculations i6O J Ornamental Drawing 2 50 Colored crayon, and water colors, each 8 00 Oii painting 5 00 Ilair and wax flowers, each 8 00 Pellis work 3 00 Embroidery • iSO Piano music, with use of instrument 10 00 Hoard $1,7-3 per week including room rent, fuel, furniture &c. 'fids is one of the beat, and cheapest institution in the country. The whole txpense per tenn need not be nrWre than Iwenty-tive dollars.— The spring t una commences April 3, 1850. For particulars, address the peineioal. E. J. OSBORNE, A. B. Ruinslurg, Bedford co., April 29, 1839. BIFOIII) IWMT THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs Washabang & Bannon would most respect fully announce to the cit x<;r> of Bedford and adjoi ing counties, that they are prepared to make and furnish all kinds of CASTINGS for GiMST ND SAW MILLS, Thrashing Machines. Ploughs, Apple mills C ook ing, ten plate, and coal stoves, sled and Sleigh solos wash kettles, of different sizes, wagonboxes of all rises, farmers' bells, (a superior article) oven doors, and every thing usually made in a country Foundry. Woodcock. £5 mulls iSl^S iff; WoUdjU*. Also, anew PLUG PLOUGH, to which we call the especial attention of our farmers—a superior article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and landsides to suit all ploughs in general use in this county. Turning and tiffing of iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of re pairing done at the shortest notice and at low prices. All our own work mad A of the very lest material, and warranted to gire satisfaction. Farmers and others would d wall to call and ex amine ou work before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to meet the immergeocies of the times, we will SELL LOW FOX CASH, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in exchange for work. March 4, 1859.-ly SHIRES k JORDAN. TORN ALSIFS" CHEAP fiSIl AND FPiflliliE STORE Opposite, tin "Washington Hotel,'' Bedford, Pennsylvania. "Quick Sales and Small Profits.'? DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, (irocerks of all liinds and Quality, QUEE.SStVJRE, BOOTS .dMD SHOES, AND IN SHORT—EVERY THING ELSE WHICH IS USUALLY KEPT BY MERCHANTS, AND WHICH HE \\ ILL SELL il Chcttp(r than the Cheapest." June 24. 1839. 1 MAP OF BEDFORD fOIiNTV. [PROPOSE to make a directory Map of Bedford C mnty from actual surveys, if a sufficient mini ber of subscribers can be raised to warrant the un dertaking. The map will show the location of .all the citizens and also their places of business such as stores. Post Oliiees, Hotels, Manufacturing establishments! Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Sliops,fec., also the location of all the public roads, boundary lines, streams, mountains. Ac. Maps of all the towns and large villages will be put on the sumo sheet, also statistical tables of the County, and (if taken in time) the census of 1860. EDWD. L. WALKER. P. S. I can furnish any one desirous of getting a map of the United States with a cheap an i late edition. July 1, 1859. JACOB REED. G. W. RLPP. JOHN jrT&S ELL. „ REED, RLPP & WHEEL, i> ankers, and Dealers in Exchange, Bedford, Pa. D RAITS bought and sold, Collections made, and money promptly remitted. Deposites solicited. References : Hon. Job Mann, Bcdfoid, Pa. John Mower, Esq. •'< •' John Cessna, Esq. lioss Forward, Somerset, ' Bunn Kaguel & Co., Phila., " Jno. Watt ic Co. Pittsburg, " J. W. Curlvy & Co., Bait., Md. June 10, 1859. ""HOPEWELL HOUSE. HOPEWELL BEDFORD COUNTV. PENN'A JOHN B. CASTNER. May 6, 1859.-ly r ° Pr,et ° r * WHITE LEAD, Flaxseed oil and Spirits *. 1 nrpentine at Dr. Harry's Drug aud Book Store. August 6, 1858. I physicians prescriptions careTuHy compound ®" *1 a R hours of the day or nigh at Dr Harry's, Drug Store. August 8, 1858 bebfoeb m nfPTTii Is published every Friday morning, in Julian# Street, in the while frame buildiug, nearly opposite the Mengel iloUSvf, bv DA VI Id OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, §1.50; within the year, $2.00: ami if not paid wiihin the year, $2.60 will be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar ioarages are paid—except at tho option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. jJdvertuemeni not exceeding 3 square,(lo lines,) inserted three times for $ I—every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will le continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those who ad\ ertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonaXle terms. PROFESSION A OA 11 OS. O. 11. CiAITUER, ATTORNEY IT LAW, Bedford, Pa. WILL Promptly attend to all business entrust ed to his care. Office on Juliana street two doors soush ot the Inquirer Office. He will also attend to amy surveying business that may be en trusted to him. Nov. 4, 1859. _ i. BARCLAY, ATTOKMV IT LAW. BEDFORD, FA., VJJ ILL attend promptly and faithfully to all r legal business entrusted to his care. Office on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied by S. M. Barclay, Enq., dee'd. March 26, 1858. ~Wft V. LOLAIV, ATTORNEY IT LAW. McCOWPJELLS BURG, PA. W'ILL practice in the Courts of Pulton, Bedtoru and Franklin Counties. K7*Offico on Main Street, opposite Speer's Hotel. September 8, 1858. JOB MANN, G. H. SPANG. JAW PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned J have associated themselves in the Praticc of the Law, and will promptly attendto al busi ness entrusted to th-'ir care iu Bedford and ad joining counties. on Julianoa Street, three doors south o) Mengel oil -at and oppoaitft the resi dence of Maj. Tate. MANN k SPANO Jun I, —1854. rf l>. s. IUBBLE Formerly of Bedford, Pa. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 74. WALL ST. SEW TORli- All business promptly atended to. Dec. 8, 1858. J. \\. LIAGLAIELTLR. Attorney at Law aud Laud Surveyor, WILL attend with prouiptuess to all business entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedlbrd and Fulton Counties. in Juliana Street, one doer North of til* I-*nquirer'* office. q/~. &£,/?;„, £,/ . PHYSICIAN ANl> BED SCH ELLS BURG, PEN.YA, Ot t FIRS his services to the Public iu the prac ice of Medicine. Will attend promptly to aii ca fes entrusted to his care- He will also perform al! operations on the teeth in a neat aud scientific manner. Teeth plugged and inserted from a single loot!) to An Ilnlirc Met, Mounted on gold or silver plate, on the tot. stand most approved principles. TERMS moderate, and all operations u-tr runted. April 8, 1859.—t1. piiiiffl I , W -.r.'.' pr. -t-m y j.n-1 to .![ ..t>-r,l to- I ■ I •I, . ••, • .< . I■ i I i.jiak-J ir., I I | I . w s t-,k IntotM, Owa wwa wu.iw set. I II; <• .-.•.! . wKwa. <1 ir r. rni. INVAtIIAIILY CAML .Js'i DR. B. F. HARRY RESPECT F ULLY tenders Itis profession:! i services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied bv Dr. J. H. Hofius. Nov. 6, 1857. Br. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. Despectfuily tenders his services u it. the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be found (unless professionally en gaged; at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. a ■ ■ : mb -*r AND CONFECTIONARY. THE undersigned has just received and keeps constantly on hand the following articles Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur rants, piunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa nuts, ground nuts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream nuts, candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars, allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds, baking soda, cream of tarter, sulphur, brimstone, canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, tooth and flesh brashes, hat and infant brushes, hair oils and perfumer!*, purses and port raouaies, pocket and memorandum books, bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and fine combs, bracelets and beads, peus, pen-holders, penknives, scissors, Knife-sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watcji chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and sparables, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Little s White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or buast, and many other articles of a similar nature. The pat ronage of lhe public is respectfully solicited T I I MEN A " L - MURIBAUGH. July 1, 1859.-zz I>ISSOLVEI>. rTllili Firm of Reud Jv Minnich, is dissolved by ± Mutual consent. The Books of the llrni are in the hands of Jacob Keed for settlement, all persons indebted or having claims are earnestly re quested to call and settle immediately. Settlements must be had, pay or uo pay, so do not delay, thanks are returned for passed favors und a continuance of support is asked for the new firm of J. HEED & CO. who will sell their goods on the lowest living terms for cash or produce. Sept. 16, 186' J. ____________ will be paid for any quantity of Rye and Cloverseed, upon delivery by O.t. 4- 1859 ' " CX^ERfcCO DR. M'Lane'S CELFF.BRATT D VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. W E . beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. I'IIBS. M'Lout's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE V ERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It lias also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER FILLS, For the cure of Li v t'R C OM vl AINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLESHSG BROS.'Pittsburgh, pa F. P. D<*y |.'r-i] Ph\ .iri.HiH fnit rin,- from elf.r, than Ih-mi n>r Br.*.-, will .1" wll t,. writ,- it j, ir urilerv ituij t rj:r imnr .irlj.H/i, Jy. }'■ * arising from a diur- Idered Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to thi Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau ; sea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Svrimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult BIC\ED having erecteo j X a Mill for sawing Plistekifc Laths on his premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Pricesl.6o per thousand, 3 ft long. Other lengths in proportion. Latters addressed to meat St. Clairsville. will bepromptly attended to. W.M. GRIFFITH. Uni,>n Tp., Feb. 10, 1834.-cz. FRUIT CANS! FRUIT CANS!! Til E subscriber has on hand new lot of SKAL INC CANS for putting up all kinds of fruit, which he offers at lower prices than can be procur ed tltewhere. One quart caus, 12| cti*s; three pints, ISJ; two quarts, 115 cents. Conmry mer chants suppiie lat a discount. They are conveni ent for persons liting in th > country, and warrunt o9.-2tn. PUBLIC SiLfi OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale ÜB(m tlw premise*. ' p ON FRIDAY THE ZD DAY OF DECEMBER A. D., 1859, the following desaribed Real Estit-' to wit: ' 2.i0 Acres, More or Less. of choice Limestone Land, situate in Colen-tr, I Towtship, Bedford County, Pa., and well k >ow . as the "I rcderirk Smith Farm." Abont 200 Acres arc cleared, and under good fence, and in a fi a state o) cultivation—jait thereof good meadow - There ar.- also 2 Orchards of choice fruit uim the premises. A fine stream of excellent water flow, through the property. The Improvements consist, in part, of a good Two and a Half Story Dwelling House, a new Barn, 100 feet in length, by 50 in width —constructed in the latest sty lo—with sundry other out-buildings. This Farm is situate in that Fertil. Valley, kuowu as "Friend's Core," within 6 mil 4 of Bedford, and about tlie same; distance from thy termination of the "Bedford Rail Road.'' It also in a pleasant neighborhood, convenient to g.,od schools and withih 2\ miles of tiie " Aneghe.'>Y Male and Female Seminary," at Rainsburg. There is a fine Church also within sight, and it is surrounded by an intelligent and moral cornrnunitv This property is in every way a most desirablo one, and persons desiring to purchase would do well to examine it before the tiiue cf sale. The property tvill bo- sold subject to the Dower ot the widow of Frederick Smith, dee'd—the interest tbereon to bo paid annually to her. There are also sundry legacies, payable in installments, to th heirs of said deceased—the first thereof is not due until the Ist of April, 1861; the others rue through a jieiiod of upwards of eleveu years. Terms of sttl* as to balance of purchase money, will be made known on day of sale. Title indisputable. HENRI' SMITH. Sept. 9, 1859. N. B. Persons wishing to examine this proper ty, or ascertain the particul trs more fully, can cab upon or address by letter, Henry Smitb, Rainsburg, Bedford Conntv, Pa.; Geo. W. Householder, Ravi Hill, Bedford Cor nty, Pa. ; Mann it Spang, Be J ford. Pa. mm iDljmlop. THE subscribers Lavirg formed a partner -hip uuder tbo style of "Dock & Ashcom" (or the purpose of conducting a general FOIAUKI V\U Tllt HIAE business in the establishment recently erected by Gilliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford conn ty, are now prepared to execute orders fer CASTINGS jiND MACHINERY of every de fcnptioc. Tbey will build to order steam-en gincs, coal and driit-cars, burse powers and threshing machines—also, casting of eve-y kind for furnaces, forges, saw. grist aud rolling Mills ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house loir's, brackets, Ac., Ac. Tijev are also, now making a fine assortment orSTGYL? ot V inous kinds of the latest pat terns and approved styles, including sev eral sizes of COt?;' STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for ciuirches, offices, bar-rooms' &c. ' A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on baud, and Sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make—- Machinery o( all kinds repaired promptly,-. Patterns m :de to order. GILLIARD DOCK, 0. \Y. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, UKiTOJSr aOTEL, Bedford: Pa. r PHE subscriber respectfully announces to the -I public that he has opened a Hotel, underthe above name, in the old and well known Globe building, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will bs happy to XJ- ail bis friends, and the trareling pub. lie generally. Persons attending Court ate re sped!ally invited to give bint a call. He pledges himself that he will do all iu his power to render ell bis guests comfortable. His Tablj will be supplied with the choicest de licacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and conifer* able bedding. The Bar will bo supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. 2T"" Boarders will be taken by the day. week month ami * -ar. JOXAI'HAV 11 OR TOR. Bedford, April 30. IbaS FARM FOR SALE. TI.L undersigned will seli their farai, situate in St. Clair Township, Bedford County, Pa., con taining 11£>J ueres, about oo acres clear and undtv good fence, the improvements are a TWO STOKI BOG DUELLING HOUSE, a good weil of never tailing water at tiie door, agood new pailed garden, and some other improvements. The atove proper ty is a part of ibe old Atum Bank Estate, the most of the land is good bottom, lying on the waters of the Dunning's crock, with a good sugar camp of about 100 or inoro, about b or b acres in mead ow, with facilities fur making 20 or 30 acre s more. The above property wiil lie sold on reasonable terms, possession given on the first day of April nest, if desirable M. F. MARSHALL & WIFE. Sept. 23, 1859. N. B. 1 here are two orchards on the premises, one old one iu bearing condition, the other a young one, but recently set out, and in a prosperous way. TBS IU EK Valentine Steekman, PROPRIETOH. Boarders taken by the day week njath as 1 year. April 25,1856—tf FHEMCH BURH MILL STOKK M WI FAI TORY. fllCe undersigned keeps constantly on hand FRENCH _L BCRSS of ali sizes, and furnishes every article re ouired by the milling trade. Complete satisfaction fuaranteed for a very article sold. Millers who pre ger the solid Bran, by giving 4 to 6 months notice, con have their orders executed at the quarries In France. Address WM.H. KEPNER. Harris burr, P O, Pa. April 8, 185&.-6 m. New Jewelry. THE subscriber .lias opened out a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in partot Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, Ac. kc. Call and see his stock. del 4 DANIEL BORDER. JLJMS! BlffiS!! BLANK Exemption JudgnieutlfQtes.Execut.ons, Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, Ac., for saß* at this ■office. For the Hnir—Jo. key Club, smt new mow : hay, pomatums, genuine ox m irrow. it Dr. tiarrj' AYEK'S Cherry Pectoral and Jayr.e's Expecto rant at Dr. Harry 'a Drug and Book Store. August 6,1858. CHEESE—i good article—just received and for •ale by A L. DEFIBAGH. Bedford All gusto, 1859. AN excellent articli. Hair and tooth Brash u at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.