iitecbttood's Magazine AMD BRITISH jIEVIEWS. L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, contin ue to ftibiuth ths following leading British Periodicals, viz : 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conserva tive. ) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liber al) 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory.) These periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain- Whig, Tory, and Radical —but politics forms only one feature of th-ir character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Reli gion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrival led in the world of letters, being considered indis pensable te the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligaut reader of every class they iurnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any oth er source. EARLY AO PIES. The receipt of Advance Shells from the British publishers gives additional value t > these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the orig inal editions. TERIWS. Per f-nr.. For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews; 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 UC For Bla-.kwoou's Magazine, 0 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 5 00 For Blackwood and two R views, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 0C For Blackwood and the tour Review, 10 00 Money current in the Stale where issued will be received at par. CLiBBI A discount oftwenty-five pi r cer.t.from the above prices will be allowed to Ci-tss ordering four of more Co pies of any one or more of the shove works. Thus: Four copies of BLckwood, or of one Review, will be sent to ore address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blaekwcod for S3O ; and so on. r€STA€ifc. In all the principal Cities and Towns these works will be delivered ITce Cl J'bSt.lge, When stmt by mail, the POSTAGE to any part ot the Uni ted States will Le but 1 vrciity-Four CJeiifs a year for "Blackwood," and Lut Fourteen 4. estfs a year for each of the Reviews. N. hi.—The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is s3l per annum THE FARM GliliiE TO Sckiiiific and Pradical Jgrieiifaure. Bv HESKY SiErnExs, F. R. S., of Edinburgh, aud 'the date J. P. NOB TON, Professor of Scientific Agifcultare in Yale Collage, New Haven. 1 vols. l'.o v .a! Octava, 1690 pages, and numerous En gravings. 'i Lis is, confessedly, the most complete work cu Agricultui ever published, and in order to give it a .vi ler circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to FIVE DOLLARS FOR THE TWO VOL UMES!! When sent by mail (pool-paid) to California and Oregon tut- price wiil be7s. To every other part of trie Union, and to Canada (postpaid,) Sfi- \ork L-. NOT the old •• Book.of the Farm,'' Remittances lor any of the above publications should always be addressed, p<>st-pai 1, to the Puii .ishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gol I street, New York. PIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. virtue ot an ordei of toe Orphans' Court of i Hertford County, the subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of DECEMBER, 1859, at 11 o'clock, A M., ail the real est.te, late of Solomon Hureleroakl, dec".; to wit: One Tree! ef Laud, containing 201 acres and 105 perches, abont ore :Vf of which is cleared and under fence, with u uouble Log House, good Log 3arc anJ other Ouild tugs thereon. Situate in Snake Siring Valley Township, adjoining lands c'f James Mortimore, Isaac Ritchev, Daugheity and others. TERMS:—One-third in hand at the continuation of sale, and the balance iu two equal annual pay ments, to be secured by judgment bonds. JOHN CESSNA, Adm'r of the estate ofS. Harc'eroad, dee d. Dec. 2, 1859. NOTil'E. WHEREAS, letters of administration on the Estate of Rachel M 'Cune, late of Blair Coun ty, dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber, aii persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, arid those having claim* against said estate, will present them without delay to the undersigned residing in Bedford. J. W. LINGENFELTEK, Nov. 25.1869. jldminitlrator. NOTICE. Wi HEKEAS, letters oi administration on the es tate of James McCtine, late ol Woodbury tp., dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber, all per sors indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present tbem without delay to the undersigned residing in Bedford. J. W. LINGENFELTEK, Nov. 25, 1859* -iJmintitruior. CAUTION. fFIIIE publtc are cautioned against purchasing or -I using R V. Jenes' Patent Sausage Stutfer, uulehs purchased from roe, as 1 am determined to enforce the law against all who infriuge upon the Tight as I am the only man who has the right to iil this County. JOHN MALOY. Nov. 2d, 1859,-c* THE ASSESSORS OF i lie several Townships of Bedford County, Will meet at the Commissioner's office, on Saturday the 10th day of December, 1859, to re. r eive their Duplicates, instructions, kc. H. NT CODE M US, Nov. 25, 1659.-b Clerk. HATS AND CAPS! THE largest assortment in town, -of beautiful model and fabric, comprising every pattern, color ard quality, CUFAP as like goods are to LIE had iu the Uriled States, at OSTER 4 CARN'S fail to see SIXTH ANNUAL AN NOUNCE.MEXT," and brilliant offers, in an other column. THS N E W-Y 0 KKTRIB UN E. frMIL TRIBUNE"—Now more than Eighteen A Years old, and baring over two Hundred Thousand subscribers, cr constant purchasers, dif fused through every State and Territory of our Unidu—w;!l continue in essence what it has been the earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, and of whatever will conduce to our national growth iu Virtue, Industry, Knowledge, and Prodjperty. It will continue t<> urge the emancipation uot only ot the Black Laborer from chattel ism and legal impo tence, but of the White likewise from Land Mono poly, Intemperance, Ignorance, and that depen dence on remote Markets which paralyzes exertion by denying to Toil any adequate and morally cer tain reward. Believiug that the chief evil of our time is the inordinate multiplication and dispropor tion of Non-Producers, it will continue to war against whatever tends to degrade Manuel Labor or deprive it ol its just and full recompense. It will inflexibly commend the policy of winning hither from Europe the Useful Arts, and, wherever they may be needed, the Artisans as well, tor whose products our country is now running recklessly into debt, while our laborers roam in fruitless quest of employment, leaving their children ia want of bread, though the tuimer is too often compelled to sell his crops at most inadequate prices. In short, while battling against Killiousterism and every other manifestation of thai evil spirit which seeks tlir> ugh the spoliation of other countries that aggrandize ment which is to be truly attained only through the development and cultivation of our internal resources, it will urgently advocate a more effect ively discriminating Tariff, the Freedom of the Public Lands, the construction of a Railroad from the navigable waters ol the Mississippi to those ot the Pacific, and every other measure which seems to us calculated to enhance the dignity or the re compense of Labor end promote the well being of Mankind. The -'irrepressible conflict" between Darkness and 1 igi.t, inertia and Progress, Slavery and Free dom, moves steadily onward. Isolated acts of lolly and madness may lor the moment give a seem ing advantage to Wrong; hat God still reigns, and the Ages are true to Humanity and Right- The year 18(50 must witness a memorable conflict be tween these irreconcilable antagodists. The quos tior—"Shall Human Slavery be further strength ened aud '-diffused by the power and under the l! ig of the Federal Union ?" is DOW to receive a mo mentous if not conclusive answer. '-Land for the Landless, versus Negroes for the Negro less" is ihe battle-cry ol the embodied Millions who, having just swept Pennsylvania, Ohio and the North- West, appear in the new Congress, backed by nearly every Free State, to demand a recognition ol every man's right to cultivate and improve a modicum.of the earth's surface wherever he iias not been antici pated the States cession to another. Free Homes, and the consecration of the virgin soil ol the Territories to Free Labor—two requirements, Lut one policy—must largely auscrb the attention of Congress through the ensuing session, as of tic People iu the succeeding Presidential canvass ; and whatever the immediate issue, we cannot doubt that the ultimate verdict will bo in accord at once witn the dictates of impartial Philanthropy and the inalieict! le Rights of Man. Having made arrangements for fuller and more graphic reports of the doings of Congress, and of whatever tise transpiring at the Federal Metropolis shall seem worthy of public regard, and having ex tended both our Foreign and Domestic Correspon dence aud strengthened our Editorial stall', we be lieve LUE TRIBUNE may safely challenge A com parison with any rival, whether as an exponent ot principles or as a reliable mirror of the passing world. We purpose not to be surpassed nor anti cipated in the coiiection qr presentation of intelli gence, though we eschew that reputation for enter prise which is acquired by bribing messengers and clerks in public oa.eos to connive at the premature publication cf treaties or otber official documents. We prize accuracy of statement quite as highly as promptitude, but endeavor not to sacrifice the lat ter while securing the former. Essentially, THE I'HJBINE will be what ;t has beeu, while we shall Constantly study to improve its every torture, and •'make each day H critic on the last." The genera! verdict f the Press and the Public has allirmed the success of our past labors, and those o: the future snail be characterized by equal earnestness and assiduity. We ask those who believe the general influence of our journal to be salutary to aid us in extending that influence through an increase of our subscriptions. The Sew lurk Daily Tribune Is printed on a l irge imperial sheet, and publish ed every morning and evening (Sunday? excepted.) it coutaits Editorials on the topics ol the times, employing a large crops of the best new-paper writers ot I lie day; Domestic ana Foreign Corres pondence ; Proceedings of Congress ; Reports ol Lectures ; City News; Cattle, Horse,and Produce Markets; Reviews ol Books; Literary Intelli gence; papers on Mechanics and the Arts, He., Ac. VVe strive to make THE THIBLNE a NEWSPAPER to meet the wants ol the public, its Telegraphic news alone costing over $15,001) per annum. TER M S ; THE DAILY TRIBUNE is mailed to subscri bers at $o ptr a:ii.u;u, in advance; $3 lor sis months. itc Xew YorkSeniMYeekly Tribune Is published every TCESDAV and FBIDAV, and contains all the Editorials of the Daily, with the Cattle, iljrse, ami General Markets, reliably re ported expressly lor THE TRIBUNE ; Foreign aud Domestic Correspondence ; and during the sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Con gressional doings, with the more impoitant speech es. VVe shall, as lieretolore, make 'I HE NE.UI VVEEKLY TRIBUNE a Literary, as well as a Political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remaiu iu the trout rank ol iaitiily papers. TE RMS ; One Copy, one year, $3 Two Copies, one year, 5 Five Copies, one year' 11 25 Ten Copies, to ohe address, 20 Ten Copies, or over to one address of each subscriber, 2 20 An) peisou sending us a club of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an e.'.tra copy. For a club of fifty, we will send the Daily Tribune one year. • THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is sent to Clergymen at $2 per annum. 'ihe Xew York Weekly Tribune / A large right-page paper for the country, i 3 pub lished every Saturday, and contains Editorials on the important topics of the times, the news of the week, interesting correspondence from all parts of the world ; toe New York Cattle, Horse, and Pro duce Market, interesting and reliable Political, Me chanical and Agricultural articles, kc., kc. ' VVe shall, rturiug this year, as hitherto, constant ly labor to impiove the quality of the instructive entertainment afforded by THE WEEKLY TRI BUNE, which, we intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published in the world. VVe consider the Cuttle Market Reports alone richly worth to c title raisers a year's sub scription price. TER M S ; One Copy, one year, $ 2 Three Copies, one year, a Five Copies, one year, 8 Ten Copies, one year, 12 Twenty Copies, to one address, 20 arid any larger number, $1 each Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber, 24 and any larger number at $1.20 each. Any person sending us a club of Twenty, or more, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of fifty, we will send the Setui-Weekly Tri bune; and for a club of one hundred the Daily TriDune will be sent gratis. VVe cofitinae to send the Weekly Tribune to Clergy men for sl. Subscriptions may commence at auy time.— Terms always cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY, & CO., Tribune Buildings, Nassau St., New York. Defi. 2, 1859. FRESH PISE OIL for sale at OSTER k CARN'S. Doe 3, 1859. tSBFOHB HV&Oi&glL "It ff i! u duty t>f every litize.n <.f this Great He public to loiter i*:id encourage native gc- ins ai.ti .iu..riqu i tuicipii- D. ifmtcg, t: yU.iT H K P li 8 L i t)" MONTHLY! | Magazine devoted entirely to llie elevation of it American authorship, wholly national, in no wise sectional or sectarian ; having lor its motto the words of the great statesman: "NO NORTH. NO SOUTH, NO EAST, NO Y\ EST."' having noth ing to do with politics, aiming only at the high est in ART LITERATURE and SCIENCE, and employ ing the best writers in every branch, is again be lore the public, seeking their support. I his Magazine is now finishing the first year, and drawing near the close ol the Second Volume, and has met with unparalleled success. The Third Volume will commence with the number for January. 18(50, which will be issued early in December, 1859. Every number will be splendidly illustrated in the highest style ol art. Among the numerous contributors engaged for the coming year are the following well known distinguished authors: FitzGreep Halleek, Seba Smith, (J. Downing) Oresta A Broivuson, J. T. Head ley, Geo. P. Morris, Geo. D. Prentice, Win. Giimore Simms, Alice Carey, Dark Benjamin, Mrs. Kirklaud, JohnG. baxe, Mrs. Oakes Smith, Hannah F. Gould, Phebe Carey, Calhoun McKenzie, Mrs. Ellett, M.F.Maury, &c., 6cc., &c.. In the January number will be commenced the most sirikingly original novel ot the day, entitled THE PROPHET; OR, SCENES OF BORDER LITE. — By Elizabeth Oakes Smith. There will al-o be commenced in an early num ber of the coming volume a MOST SPARKLING and intensely interesting Original Novel enti tled ibe Slaver of tSie CoasJ, ORJJTIK AFRICAN TRADER. By Calhoun McKen zie. Ihe Great Republic Monthly is the largest magazine published in this country. Over $40.- 000 has been already expended to bring it 10 its pre.-eul h'gh degree of merit. The publishers at% determined to give it the LAKGESI CIRCU- L \ HON IN THE WORLD. H ith this view they make the billowing MAGNIFICENT OFFERS. And they refer to every subscriber now on their books as to the fidelity with which tliej- ludil their obligations. TERMS: Single copies, §0 -25 Subscription, per year. 3 00 Clubs, ol three or ntore, each 2 00 Any one sending a Club ol FIVE subscriber.-: wiih the money, shall receive, by mail, his choice of either ol the following magnificent Steel En gravings. viz: THE LAS I' SL PI'ER. Size of plate, 25 by 40 rubes. Value .*3. :HE UTV OF THE GREAT XING. 'Size of plate. 25 by *9 inches. Value- 55. iH E PA LACE OF WES i MINSTER. Size of plate 20 by 39 inches. Value. S5 MR WALTER SCOTT'S MONUMENT. Size of plate. 25 by 34 inches. Value. $4. '■WE PRAISE I HEE, OH. LORD." Size ol plate. 21 by 25 inches. Value S3. ROBER T BURNS. Size of plate 21 by 25 inches. Any.one tending a Club of TEN subscribers shall receive his choice ol any TWO of above en gravings. lor a club cf Fitieen, FOUR engra vings. For a club ol Twenty. ALL oi the above engravings, ami a copy oi the Magazine lor one j ear. gratis. liii- -pie .tlid offer will enable every one, by a very trilling getting übsnbei>, to obtain as tine a col lection of rare works of ait to adorn his parlor, as can be ybiai ed anywhere for TW EN IA - FIVE Dollars, cash. Vouiig gentlemen ami j uui s ' ladies, all over the country are invited to get up Clubs upon the above' terms. Postmaster-, ami other respectable person* who may uesirc to act as Agents, ami to receive a CASH COMMISSION instead ot the above liberal offers. Commission 25 per cent. al!vv- FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. In addition to the above unparalleled offer ive now announce that Single Subscribers sending the amount set opposite to each of the above euirra vings, shall receive by mail the engraving and one copy of the .Magazine for one year. Some ot the-e engravings are oi three limes the value of those offered by the oid Art Union, and all of iheiii are beiter and ol more intrinsic worth than any Engravings ever offered by t ny "Gilt E.ilerorise'* or "Art A-'ociation." • Hte last supper," and " Fhe City of the Great King, aiioulfi adorn the walls oi every Clergyman ami Scholar in the country. No such offers as the.-e were ever made before —there is no -CHANCE" in the matter, no '-i.or- TEKV" 110 GIP enterprise, no humbug. In a.ili lioti to ait of the above, any one sending 41 50 ev.ra. shall receive the twelve back numbers from Jan. J859, forming a perfect set of the Great Re public Monthly trom its commencement. All subscriptions invariably in advance, an I no deviation from above terms. No further instruc tions necessary to those lortniug clubs to Agents. Give name arid Post Ofiice address in lull. Money by mail, properly authenticated, at onr risk. Post age stamps and current bills received al par. 1 tie Magazine is lor sale by ail news dealers in the United Stales and Canada. SEED IN YOUR CUJBa! Specimen copies sent upon the receipt of 25 cents. The engravings will be sent OH rollers, prepaid, or by Express. OAKS.MITH & CO., Publishers, 112 & 114 William st., Nov. 25, 1859.-61. New Yurk. PUBLIC SILK OF VALUABLE iIEAL JSSTA'HI. WILL be sold at public vendue, on the premi ses, on Saturday, ilie lOili of December, next, all the right, title, and interest of the undersigned, in and to a certain tract of laud, situate in Celerain Township, Bedford County, known as the Georue fr eight saw mill tract, adjoining Jacob 11. Brown, lienry Diehl, and others—containing eighty ucte s, more or less, with a dwelling house, saw mill, and other improvements thereon. lERMS: one-third in hand, and remainder in two equii annual payments. MARY FEIGHT, SARAH FBIGHT, CAROLINE FEIGHT, LUCINDA FEIGHT. Nov. 18, rtlfo.-c TARE NOTICE! AT.T. persons who still have unsettled ac c >unts on the Books of the late firm, of OSTEK, MANSPEAKER Jt OARN, are respectfully noti fied for the third and last time, that if they wish to save cost, their accounts must absolutely be settled by CASH OR NOTE, before the Ist of January 1860, after that date all unsettled accounts will be pluced iti the hands Of a magistrate for legal collec tion without respect to persons. Nov. 18, 1859.-2 m. WE have on hand three new two horse Wagons which we wi'l sell cheap in exchange for any Bind of grain, or give a reasonable credit thereon. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Oct. 7, 1859. Gth jmiual liiuouucement! COJJTIFCUTN SUCCESS OF TIIE COSMOPOIjITA3Sff AET ASSOCIATION. FROM all sections of the country subscribers to litis popnlat Art Institution, (now in its sixth year,) are being received in aritio unparalleled with that of any previous year. A BJ person can become a member by subscribing $3 WHICH WILD ENTITLE JIIM TO Is'.- The leantiful Steel Engraving. "Shaks peare and His Friends." 2d.— A Copy of the elegantly Illustrated Art Journal, one year. 3d.—A Free Season Admission to the G ;iieries, 548 Broadway, New York. In addition to which, over four hundred valuable Works of Art are given to subscribers as Premiums, comprising choice Paintings, Sculptures. Outlines, Btc., by the first American and Foreign Artists. THE SUPERB ENGRAVING, which every subscriber will receive immediately ou receipt of subscri -tion, entitled * * "Shakspeare and his Friends," is of a character to give unqualified pleasure and satisfaction. No work of equal value Was ever be fore placed within reach ol the people at such a price. The Engraving is of very largo size, being printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, ma king a most superb ornament suitable for the wails of either the library, parlor, or office. It can be sent to any part oftne country, by mail, with safety, being pa iked iri a cylinder, postage pre paid. Think of it! Stich a work, delivered free of t harge, and the Art Journal, one year, for three dol lars! SUBSCRIi'TIONS tvilj be received until the Evening of Tuesday the 31st of January, 1 SCO, at which time the hooks will close and the Premiums be given to subscribers. No pet-on is restricted to a single subscription.— Those remitting sls are entitled to six member ships. Subscriptions from California, the Canada*, and all 1 ort-ign Provinces, must be $3 50 instead of $3, in order to defray extra postage, &e , Persons wishing to form clubs will apply for a circular of terms, Ac., Hie beautifully illustrated Art Journal, giving lull particulars, will be on receipt of 18 cents, in stamps or coin. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 546 and 548 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions also received by SAM7. RADEBAUGH, Hon, Sec. for Bedford, and vicinity Nov. 18. 1859. THE undersigned have just opened a large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, our stock will be found very full and complete, including many kinds of goods that are entirely new—the as sortment we now offer is superior in extent, variety, and cheapness—and all who favor us with a call may de pend upon being suited in price and quality—we respectfully invite our friends and customers to learn our prices before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Country Produce taken for goods. A credit will be extended to prompt paying buyers—and also to customers who will cheerfully settie their accounts every January by cash or note. These terms will be strictly adhered to. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Nov. 4, 1809. G. ft. OSHCtt, SAMVGT. CABS. OSTER *fc CARS*, mm SIM, 6EDFOIID. Pi. AirZ lIAV.- just received a VV C BSOaC E SKLEt TSOX of ntvr and CHEAP all and Winter t*ooe alwaystlarge, and suited to the wants of the community, and ever of Till-: BEST TO BE H.iO LY MARKET. Wo invite an t xaminiaion of our stock and prices, and we hazard nothing in saying that it will be to the interest of the public to give us a call. _ TERMS as heretofore; prompt settlement required by cash or note every January. Oct. 14, 1859. Hl.\T!\u iiil.S & BfIftABTOP 11. il. ON and after Monday November 11TH- the PAS SENGER TRAIN* between lIOPKW*J.L AND HUNT INGDON, will leave, and arrive as follows : Leave HUNTINGDON for HOPEWELL, at 7.40. A. M., Leave HOPEWELL lor IfrsfViNCDON. at 10.20, " Conueciing with MAIL TRAIN EAST ON PENNA R. R. at 1.10 P. M. and arriving iu PHILADELPHIA at 10. 25 P. M. The Train from HUNTINGDON al 7*40 A. M., connects with EXPRESS TRAIN WEST on Penna TP .1. J. LAURENCE, Supt. Huntingdon, Nov. 18, 1859. BIBLES. rriHE Bedford Bible society have two principal JL ohjeahs in view : to supply the destitute free of charge, and furnish all others with the 01.l anil new testament at very low prices. Urn. Shuck, the treasurer, has a large assort ment on hands at his store in Bedford, where he will wait with pleasure on all who apply. JUNN LYON, O. E. SHANNON, President. Secretary. Nov. 11, 1859. "Don't fail o see SIXTH ANNUAL AN NOUNCEMENT," and brilliant offers, in an other column. Estate of Abraham Mixell, dee'd. LETTERS of administration, haviftg been granted by the Hegistor of Bedford County, to the un dersigned upon tfie Estate of Abraham Mixed, late of Snake Springs Township, dee'd, all persons in debted to said Estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC MIXELL, Nov. 18, 1859. jJdmiuiitrfftor. "Don't fail to see SIXTH ANNUAL AN* NOTJNCKMEFT," and briliUot offers, in an other column. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITERS. IT is a fact that, at some period, every mem ber of the human family is subject to disease or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain common seuse, they may be able so to regulate the system as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostetter has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that lias been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to ft healthy and vigorous action, aud thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bitters have 110 equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, aud caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various foruiß. than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements ot ibe digestive organs, can be cured without .ail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some hind, then why not use an article known to be infal lible ? All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and .strengthenor of the sys tem in general; and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. FEVER AND AOUE.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man. reducing hitq to a mere sha daw'in a short time, and rendering liim phy sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters arc used us per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re move"! as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent euro. For I'ertons in Advanced Years, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, end need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are indis pensable. especially where the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try tbis remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases cf weakness. CAUTION- —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for HosTErran i CEI.KB RAVED STOHACU BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words '• Dr. J. HostetteFs Stomach Rittrr-" blown on the side of the bottle, and stumped on the metallic rap covering the cork, ard observe thai our autograph signature is on the label. - Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH A SMITE, Pittsburgh, Pa., end sold by ail druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, -a-d. Germany. Agents for Bedford County : B. F. Harry, 11. C. Reatrer, Bedford ; Jolin F- Lowrr, Hopewell; E. B. Ramsy Rl iodv Run; Joha Nvcum, Fair vie l .v. Nov. 4,1859. il 111 MRS. S. E. POTTS, has just returned from the eastern cities, with one o:' the largest, cheap est and best assortments of Aaaies' G-ccds cv r brought tvFlJedford, Her stock Consists in part of Figured poplins, plain poplins. figured merinoes, plain merinoes. figured cashmeres, plaiu cashmeres, cashmere plaids, flantls, opera fianels. bard racks, small figured, ail wool delaines, and cverythiug new and cheati for ladies and chil IrenS wend". SHAWLS! SHAWLS! ■ Broche long shawls, do. square shawls, Mack thibet square shawls, biuck thibet long thaw Is, &c., Ac. GLOVES 1 GLOVES ! ; Gauntlet, taffeta, silk plush lined, lisle thread, ' french beaver, cloth, kid finished, &e., &c. Also FALL AND WINTER dry goods, notions, etc. etc. Call and see her stock and exsra'ne for your ; selves. ! Nov. 4. 1859, (iWwTfliiiT i A T J. M. SHOEMAKER & CO'S. STORE. J\. BEDFORD, PA. Having just receivo l the largest and cheapest siock of goods evei rrought to : Bedford, we are determined to sell out cheap and ■ fast in proportion. \W h„re LADIES" DRESS GOODS, of all descriptions, GLOVES. HOSIERY. FLANNELS. MEN AND BOTS WEAR, ' GLOTTIS and CASSIMERES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Muslins Stiirts and Drawers, Coats, Pants and VESTS, CARPETS, Single and ! Double. Cotton chain, HARDWARE, QUEENS , WARE, GROCERIES, SPICKS, TOBACCO, and every thing usually kept in a country store, which we will sell cheap for cash, or produce, and to puuctuil six month customers. Thankful for past favors, we honoto receive a liberal share of public i patronage* J. M. SHOEMAKER SCCO. ♦ft. 21, 1859. PUBLIC SILK (IF i TMIBLS m\h ESTATE. THE subscriber intending to quit farming, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises in Bedford Towuship, on Saturday the 31st of December next, the following valuable property to wit: ■ One tract of first qualty limestone land, contain ' ing 140 acres, more or less, about 80* acres cleared | and under fence, and in l.igh state of cultivation, the balance well timbered. The improvements are a good two rtory log house, new bank barn, and other out-building.i, a well of never (ailing water near by, and a young orchard of choice fruit. ' This property is situate on the Bedford and ! Ilollidaysbfiig turnpike road, about 2} utiles north ! of Bedford, with easy access to market. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., of said I day, when terms will be made known by SAMUEL SMITH. i Nov. 4, 1859. TO uoiislmm" DR. HARRY,at the Ch.>ay Drug and Book ; Store, has just received, a lerge assortment o' the host flavoring extracts, together with Bak ! ing Soda, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., oi the very beat quality, all of which he will sell . the lowest prices. SWAIM'S PANACEA at Dr. Harrf's Drug and Book Store 1 (oisiMODKfftith ißftoratore Company, UMON Bdilmnos, THIRD bmriT. HARRIBBURG, PA. CII4RTt:Ri:D UAPIT.4L, $300,009. | INSURE BUILDINGS AND OTHEjI PRO- I'EUTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE KY iBBLJEa. ALSO vfgainst Perils oj the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transported ion. Diredort. Simon Cameron. Goo. M. Laumm, Win. Dock, Eli Slifer, James Fox, Geo. Bergnar. B 'j. Parko, Win. K. Kepner, A. B. Watford, \V. F. Murray, F. K. Boas, John H. Berryhill, Win. F. Packer. Officers. Smoji Camf.roii, Pres't. Bexj. Fakke, Vico Pres't. S. S. Carrier, Secmtaty. . J. W. LInGENFEETEF:, Jgent, Bedford P3. Oct. 7, 1859. Mom PAYS for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. 875 Students attending daily, March, 1859. Usual time to complete a fulT coHrcf„from Bto * ' 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gra>fci ttiflg, is guaranteed to he competent to manage the Books oi any Business, and qualified Ute&ru, a salary <■££' from . * * SSOO r and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps, and address. F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. OLIVER a CLARK, SAJIiLEIj .*J. .'fIALLER, O. V. tXARK, A CO., FIB, Fit, KEY. AND, Produce Store, (Centre Street, next door to Lutheran Church,) 4 CUMBERLAND, Md. A well selected stock is now open, and oflereiflto **: L\- families and country dealers, consisting of Fam ily, Extra sad Superfine Flour, Corn Meal, Coin and live Chop, Shorts, Ship-stntf, and Bran, New Orleans, Porto Kiua, Muscavado and reGued Sugars, . * Gulden anil S. H. Syrups, Molasses, Imperial, Young Hyson, and Black T3, Java and Rio Coflea of the best quality. All kinds of Spices, Picke'.tf in barrels and jars, Candles, Soap, Mackerel, and Herring, Water. Sugar, Soda, Edinbxrg, and Gin ger Crackers, Peaches, Strawberries, Pine apples and Green coru, put up iu can, expressly for fam ily use. A choice lot of LIQUORS, consisting of Wiucs, Brandies. Rum and Whiskey, selected with care. Tobacco and Segars of various brands, with a variety of other articles usually found in-Siores. Additions to the stock will be frequently made, so as to keep up a genera! assortment: ali dealers are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. Alb kin Is of gram and country produce bought forciab, or in exchange for poo ir. April 8, ;850.-1 y. M BL!i' SHE OF HI,IMC mi ESTITR, g >T virtue of an ord -r of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned as I'xecu tors of Kehart Horn, late of Juniata Township, d'ic'ct, will on Monday the 2C:h day of December lS&f expose to public sale on the premises. One tract of land situate in said township of Juniata, containing about 137 acres, 80 acres of which are clearer, iueiu ling four acres of meadow, and all in a good state o ! cultivation. The improvements are a two story log dwelling housw. a amble log bam, a spring house and other improvements, and als u two apple orchir Is of goad fruit, adj tilling Uuds cf James Burns, Valeatir Weriz, Gii.-on Ilitctiew, and others. Saletocommeuce.it 10 o'clock A. SC. Terms one third of the purchase money on the Ist of April next, when possession will be delivered ; one third (af>t.r payment of debt*) to remain ih the land for the use of the widow, an l the remaining third to be paid in two equal annual pay ments without interest, the whole to be secured by Judgment Bonds. DANIEL B. HORN, JOHN A. BURNS. " Nov. 4. 3859. Executors. Bedford &ore and Tin Depot, •■wma fJ3HE undersigned keeps con v JL Ktantly on hand a large as ~jil Ln sortment °- . Cooking Stoves, IjoSSSSnjflM of the latcat style among which jEx*™-. "v! (fSj mav found the SBfejljiSggy" Baltimore Air Tight, 3aizes, A Royal Cook" " & " Keystone " " - " Victor • " 2 " Summer Rose " 2 " Premium V 2 •• . Which ate so arranged as to be used for wood ij coal, and are warranted to perform sitisfa'ctorily, or no sale. Also, a large assortnient of Wood ml Coal Stoves of good styles, and variot s sizes. Tinware of every , description and Russia firo Board, repairing and job work doas to order, with dispatch. The puldic are invited to give him a call and ex amine iiis stoo-, which he will sell low for ovsu, or marketable PRODUCE. GEO. BLTMIRE. Oct. 7, 1859.—3 m jTllalmer & CO., 31 4,IBRET ST. WUilli , PiIILAD'A. Dealers in Fish. Cheese and Provisions : Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED AND PICKLED FISH. &c., viz; Mackerel. Shad, Sal-n-n, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, ilams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, Sic. Sept. 16, 1559.-3 in I 8 5 9 .—DR V GOODS FOR AUTUMN.—I 86 8. Full Stock of SILK GOODS, Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS. Full Stock