TJET33 INQXJIUKH. J published every Friday morning, in Julian* Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel House, by DAVID OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid within the year, $2.50 will be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar learazes are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement . Advertisements not exceeding a square,(lo lines.) Inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in scrtion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will lie continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those who adt ertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. PROFESSION A L C A H 1) S. J. SELBY MOWEtt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., W Il.l< attend promptly to all business entrust ed to his care. Office on Pitt Street one door West of the '•Union Hotel." * Juno 10, 1859 -tf K. D. BARCLAY, ATTORNEY IT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26,1858. \YII. t . LOHA.I, ATTORXBV AT LAW. EIcCOWNELLSBURG, PA. WILL practice in the Courts of Fulton, Bediorn and Franklin Counties. on Main Street, opposite Speer's Hotel. " September 3, 1858. JOB MANN, (J. H. SPANO. I AW PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned A have associated themselves in the Praticc of the Law, and willpromptly attend to al busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. (XyOlfice on Julianna Street, three doors south ot Mengel oil :se and opposite the resi dence ofMaj. Tate. MANN & SPANG June 1,-1854. tf. dTriddi.e. Formerly of Bedford, Pa. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 14, W ILL ST. NEW YORIt- All business promptly utended to. Dec. 3, 1858. J. W. LnGK^FELTtR, Attorney at Law and Land Surveyor, W r ILL attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fulton Counties. K?"Office one door West of the Uaicn Hotel. Dec, 24, 1868. of. &#„//;„, G£ PHYSICIAN AN 1> HHT , ja:ir r 3r> SCHELLSBURG, PEMN'.A. OFFERS his services to the Public iu the prac ie eof Medicine. Will attend promptly toailca tes entrusted to his care- He will also perform all operations on the teeth in a neat and scientific manner. Teeth plugged and inserted from a single tooth to Ail Entire Set, Mounted on gold or silver plate, on the Ist stand most approved principles. TERMS moderate, and all operations wanrantcJ. April 8, 1809,--tf. piiiifii £ * V." jiuncUmlly cd carefully to all IIOM in- | j || , \JTI* . iu h s Are T -to fi.v'.), plugged, reguloUnt, *<*.., ftoU t | |i . ti ia! rt*d, fwn #u- to *n Ntirc t j #{ * >s jtiui a'.t o--r;ior. arruii4k I;!.R T, LN VARIABLY CASH. <*. .n C.'M I it *tr#L, Bedford, Pfc. drT j. s. eshlemanT ~ ~ RESPECTFUELY tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Pattonsville and vicinity. Night calls piomptly attended to. Pattonsville, March 18, i859.-z I>R. B7F. HAim RESPECTFULLY tenders his professions services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Stroct, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. IT. Hofius. Nov. . 1857. Br. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. Respect luily tenders his services t. the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be found (unless professienally en gaged) at his Prug and Book Store, in Juliana £H, Feb. 19, 1867. 18 5 9 —DRY GOODS FOR AUTUMN.—I 86 9. Full Stock of SILK GOODS, Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS, Fall Stock of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FALL SHAWLS. K7"CLOTHS.CASSIMERS & VESTINGS, Blankets, Quilts, Table Linens, Ac., &c.,jrn EYRE & LAN DELL, ' FOURTH & AKCH Streets, PHILA'D. A". E.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rales. Bargains Daily from New York Jtuctioru. Sept. 9, 1859.-3 m. J. PALM ERA CO., ~~ ! MARKET ST. WIIARF, PIIIEAD'A. Dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions : Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED AND PICKLED FISH. &c., viz : JUuckeral, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork. Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, &c. Sept. IC, 1859.-3 m Slray Hogs. CAME tc the premises of the snbscrilier, some time in August last, two Sows, (now with pigs,) without particular marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and remove then; as soon as possible. "DANIEL STRAYER. Middle Woodiierry, Sept. 26, 1859 1,000 Bushels of Rye wanted, at J. M. Shoema ker A Co. Siore, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or merchandize. Sept. 16, 1859. JAYAVE S Wrghts, Bennett's andDyott's pills at Dr. Han? 's Drug and Book Store. August 6,1858. '„ ' '.i BLANK DEEDS, " A superior article, for sale at this office. April 8 ; 5869. wwwmms. THE subscribers have just opened a large and well assorted supply of SPRING AND SIMMER ROODS including al the various fabrics usually found in a store, consisting in part of viz; blue, Black, Brown and Olive French Cloths, Black, and Fancy Colored plain and and side Band Oasstmors, Cassi netts, Kentuckv Jeans, Coftonades, Drillings, Linens,Cham burgs, &c. LADIES TRESS GOODS. Very handsome Spring Calicoes, Lawns, Cha'lies, 1 obes, Barages, French and Lisle Thread Ginghams, Sills, Hoserv, Gloves, N. W. Collats, Cambrics, Swiss Muslins, Stella Shawls, Parasols, Mantillas &c. CHEAP CARPETINGS Bag, Listing, Venitian, Half Wool, also Floor Oil Cloths, various widths. Our stock of BOOTS and SHOES cannot lie surpassed in the County for extent, va riety and cheapness. GROCERIES Rio, Laguira and Turkey Coffee, N. Orleans, Crushed, Granulated and Clarified Sugars, New Orleans Molasses, Golden Syrups, Teas, Chocolate Oils 4*o. Our stock is very complete, and wc shall be happy to exhibit our goods to all who may favor us with a call, whether they wish to purchase or not. To good and reliable purchasers cur terms are as usual viz: prompt settlements, by money or note every Janu ry. Ail kinds of Country Produce received fur goods .or which The highest price will he given. May ti, 1859. A. B. CRAMER 4 CO. OLIVER 3. CLARK, SAMUEL M. HALLER. C. CLARK, & CO., FLOI. FID. ROY. AND Produce Store, (Centre Street, next door to Lutheran Church,) CUMBERLAND, Md. A well selected stock is now open, and offered to families aud country dealers, consisting ot Fam ily, Extra and Superfine Flour. Corn Meal, Corn and Rye Chop, Shorts, Ship-stuff, and Bran, New Orleans, Porto Rica, Muscavado and refined Sugars, Golden aud S. H. Syrups, Molasses, Imperial, Young Hyson, and Black Tea, Java and Rio Coffee of the best quality. All kinds of Spices, Picke'.s in barrels and jars, Candles, Soap. Mackerel, and Herring, Water, Sugar, Soda, Edinbwrg, and Gin ger Crackers, Peaches, Strawbi rries, Pine apples and Green corn, put up in can, expressly for fam ily use. A choice lot of LIQUORS, consisting of Wines, Brandies, Hunt and Whiskey, selected with care. Tobacco and Sigars of various brands, with a variety of other articles usually found in Stores. Additions to ihe stock will be frequently made, so as to keep up a general assortment; all dealers aro invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. All kin Is of grain and country produce bought for cash, or in exchange for goods. April 8,1859.-ly. BEDFORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. Rev. Jolui I.yoit, IprinrinaD* T. EyttU ton Lyon, A. HI. T rlnc,palS * rpHE Fall session of this Institution, will open A on Friday the 16th September, 1859. it is desirable that all students should enter at the com mencement of the Quarter. It is the design of the Principals to make this Academy in all respects a Hist class Institution tor the thorough instruction of youth of both sexes and to prepare th> m for any profession or position n life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school is well known to this community. The spacious brick house, adjoining the residence of Dr. Win. 11. Watson has bten secured for the purpose of the Academy. A few hoys (the number is limited to ten) will be received into the f .roily of the Principals as boar ders. The beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of the climate render Bedlord a most desirable location | of such a school. Perrons from abroad, visiting the spri"gs, will be near their children during the summer season. TERMS : S2OO per year, including hoarding, washing, fuel, lights and tuition in all the branches. TERMS FUR DAY SCHOLARS PER QUAR TER : $6 English branches, $7,50 Classical do. &o. Sept. 2, 1869. Carriage and Wagon-Making \IILLHSI UEISEL. I IAS commenced the jwr *> .=v -"-A business of V 7 arifl Wagon-Making, ii; the village of Charlesvlile, Bedford Co. Fa. Attention will be given to Repairing.Painting and Trimming. Work will be put up in the best and neatest styles, and at moderate prices. He respect fully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public. Charlesvlile, June 10, 1859.-7. rpilli undersigned having sold out his Store to J. A B. Williams, gives notice that his Books are 1 now ready for settlement. All persons having ac - counts standing upon sai 1 books will please settle the same, either by cash or note, and those having ? notes which have been standing from year to year. • will please lift them. JACOB BARNDOLLAR. Bloody Run. Bedford Co. Pa. 1 Sept. 2, 1859.-2rn* \ in iMnsr ' Valentine Steckman, PIIOPHIETOR. ' Board, rs taken by the day week ninth and year. April 2-5,1856—tf HOPEWELL HOUSE. I HOPEWELL, BEDFORD COUNTY. PENN'A i JOHN B. CASTNER, Proprietor ' May 5, 10.59.-ly. New Jeweiry. THE subscriber has opened out a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in part ol Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Eur Risgs, kc. kc. Call and see his stock, del* DANIEL BORDER. BLANKS! BLAHS!! BLAN K Exemption Judgment Notes,Execuf.ons, Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, kc., for g ale at this office. fKf HITK TEETH and a perfumed breath can TV bo accquired by using the "Balm of a fcousand Flowers." To be had at DE. IIARSYS. March tt. 1857. 1 physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Dr. Harry's, Drug Store. Augurs? 6 1858 CHEESE—a good article—just, received and for \ e leby A L. DEFIBAGII. Bedford August 6, 1859. SWAIM'S PANACEA at Dr. Harry's Drug and Bank Store A YER'S Cherry Pectoral and Jayne's Expecto- J\. rant at Dr. Harfj's Drug and Book Store. ' August 6,1868, BEDFORD INOUIRER. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. \X7"E beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to * Dr. lib is. M'Lflue's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEHISG BROS. PiUxbiireli. Pa TV R. rv-*!rg and Pliytfciui nrderiujr from cMirm thn Fleming Br *., will do well lo nl" their distinctly, and tiK-r te-.w iul Dr. At Liti/J, yrrpared by nrmuig Rmt. PHtt'nryh. Pa. To those * laoing tn five thcin a trial. We will forward y*-r mail pewt [Aid- to any -*rt of the United Put,-., on. box u f Pill. for twelr'. thrceo .nt pottage ataui|M. or one rial of Vermifuge f. r fourteen threeeent t!unp. A!! order* from Canada inrtal \M accomp&nnd by twenty cent, rxtra. Fi• s:ik- by Dr. B. F. Hurry, anil Rvainer tings, Black and Fancy Cos si mere, Cloths, Hals aid Cups, drc., mer& Way, Bedford, and by dealers generally throughout the County. May 27, 1859.-zz. wmww BOWS. DR. F. C. REAMER & S. J. WAY, —.—HAYIX(r formed a partnership, in the Q-'JtMg, I)KUG and BOOK BUSINESS, will coa- Sl / stantly keep on hand, at the juMfafm JE? 8 ?? old stand, a large and well selected stock of Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and retail, ail of which will be sold on fair terms. The assortment consists in part ol Drugs and Chemical s. Dye Woods and Jcids, Paintt and Oils. Window Glass and Glass H'urc, Tobnc co and Perfumery, Fancy JrtirUs, Src., 4c. PATENT MEDICINES. —Having the regular agency for the sale of many of these medicines, the pub lic are assured that thev are of the best; such as have stood the test of time and experience, and can be safely recommended as genuine, viz: Townsend'a and Sand's Sarsaparillu, Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Life Pills and Plueuix bitters, Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Fuhr.stock's, Hohen saek's and other vermifuge; Hoofland's Gerinari Bitters, &c., Stc. Constantly on hand a large stock of historical geographic-nt. scientific, religious, poetical, school and miscellaneous BOOKS. # Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE RY, Cap, Post and Wrapping Paper, of every quality, Paper Hangings in great variety. Win dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wail Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS ot every size and quality.— Pocket Books and Port Monn iies, Diaries, Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great variety. Soaps, Ac., Ac. Lamps-, ai.d Gamphine Oil and Burning Fluid, kept constantly on Hand. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; WoiflV Schcidaui Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and Ma deira Wines. Jan. i! 8, 1859. IMPROVED (!ISMRO\ j CARRIAGE HUB. 1 THE Undersigned believes that he has invented a i. cast iron carriage hub which far excels all i others now in use, for strength, neatness and dura bility, and that it only needs to be examined, and ! its merits tested, to secure its universal approval j and adoption. Indeed it is no longer an experi ment, it having been effectually tried by the best j judges in oar country, and pronounced one of the (irealcst Improvenifiifs of the Age! Several vehicles have been in use over two years with the Improved Hub attached, and the wheels are stiii ■ s perfect as when they left the shop, the unavoidable weir excepted. This is the only C ist Iron Hub ever invented sutable for light wheels. This improvement is of snch a nature that one or more spokes may be taken out changed or replaced without disturbing the other portion of the wheel Where a wood hub is us''d, i£ a spoke happens to become broken, it is necessary to cut the tire and separate the felloes, to get at the damaged part.— The wheel must be then mporeco the sed, tire re welded and reset. All this involves a considerable pense and loss of time. Jn the present improvement the i.uier ends of the spok s are secured in an Iron Hub, which con sists mainly of two shells fasteneted together with screws. By simply unscrewing the nuts and taking off the back shell, any one of the spokes may be removed or changed, and Hie bub again put together er, leaving the wheel as solid and firm us evr, all WITHIN THE SPACE OF A FEW MINUTES. This method of constructing Iron Hub Wheels gives them unusual stringth, LIGHTNESS AMI NEATNESS besides obviating several other objections that have heretofore attended their use. The cost of manu facture is also greatly reduced. The subscriber Agent for Bedford County, will dispose of Township and shop rights, on reason able terms. WILLIAM O'NEAL Agent. Feb. 18, 1869. Rainsburg,Bedford Co., Pa BLOODY KESBOTE. BLOODY RUN, PA., AVM. OIBEKT, Proprietor. HIS TABLE will always be supplied with the best the market uaffords; the BAR will con tain the best of Liq ors, and his STABLING, which is large, will be attended by a careful hostler. May 27, 1859.-3 m. FREKTOII BUHR MILL STOW; MANUFACTORY. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand FRENCH, BURRS of all sizes, and furnishes every article re quired by the milling trade. Complete satisfaction fuaranteed for a very article soTd. Millers who pre ger the solid BURR, by giving 4 to 6 months notice, can have their orders executed at the quarries in France. Address WM. H. KEPNER, * Harrishurg, P, 0., Pa. April 8. 1859.-6ra. HAGKRSTOWN ALMANACS for 1869, at Or. Harry's Drug and Book Storo. Pi c. I/, lm>B. OFFICE. Complying with the urgent request of hundreds of theii patients, Era. C. N. Filch and J. W. S)kcs HAVE CONCLUDED TO REMAIN PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, Ani my be consulted at their office, NO. 190 P K N F S T R E E T , Opposite St. Clair llotel PITTSBURGH. ANl> may be consulted daily, (except Sundays.) loi CosscifPttos, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and ail other CUBONIC COMPLAINTS complieated with or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affection of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, etc. Drs. FITCH Ik SYKKB would state that their treat ment of consumption is based upon the fact that the disease exists in the blood and ay stem at large, both before and during its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechanical, Hy gienic and Medicinal remedies to purify the blood and ttreiigthen the system. With these they use MEDICAL INHALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Palliatives, (having no curative elfect when used alone,) and invalids are earnestly cautioned agrinst wasting the precious time ot curability upon any treatment based upon the plausible, but false idea that the "seat ol disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," For as ltefure stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood and its effects only in the lungs. charge for consultation. A list of questions will he sent to those wishing to consult us bv letter. March 18, 1859.-1 y Male and Female Seminar?, KMI\>RI kG, Pa. Faculty. EJ. OSBRORNE. A. 8., Principal, Prof. oi • Languages and Philosophy. \Vm. S. Smith, Prof, of Mathematics. Jas. 11. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics. Rev. B. F. Stephens, Lecturer on Moral Philoso phy, Ac. V\ m. A. Stephens, Prof, of English Gram nar, Ac. Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy Ac. Mrs. E. V. Ostorne, Preceptress, Teacher of Mu sic, French. Botany Ac. Miss Mary WilLuiis, Teacher of Composition, Ac. Price of Tuition for t 'rrn of 11 weeks. Common English Branches $3 25 Higher Branches, including common, each 80 Latin and Greek, each 2 00 German and French, each 1 50 Book-keeping and Commercial calculations 150 Ornamental Drawing 2 50 Colored crayon, and water colors, each 3 00 Oil painting 5 00 Hair and wax flowers, each 3 00 Pel lis work 3 00 Embroidery 1 50 Piano music, with use of instrument 10 00 Board $1,73 per week including room rent, fuel, furniture Ac. This is one of the best, and cheapest institution in the country. The whole expense per tenn need not bo more than ttven'y-five dollars.— The spring term commences April 5, 1e59. For particulars, address the peinciaal. K. J. OSBORNE, A. B. Rainsbutg, Bedford co., April 29, 1859. BFJfORII FOIMJRV. ~ THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs Wushabang A Bannon would most respect fully announce to the cit zer* of Bedford and adjoi ing counties, that they are prepared to make and furnish all kinds ol CASTINGS for OrtiST ND SUV MILLS, Thrashing Machines. Ph-ugl.s, Apple mills C ook ing, ten j.latc, and coal stoves, sled and Sleigh sob s wash kettles, ot different sizes, wagon boxes of all sizes, hunters' lulls, (a superior article) oven doors, and every thing usually made in a country Foundry. gg g jag u fm si Woodcock, Se > ley and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS. Also, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which a call the especial attention of our farnters—a superior article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and landsides to suit all ploughs in general use in this county. Turning and fitting ol iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of re pairing done at the shortest notice and at low prices. All our own work made of the very best material, arid warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers and others would da well'to call and ex amine ou work before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to meet the immergencies of the times, we will SELL LOW roit CASH, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in exchange fur work. March 4, 1859.-1y SHIRES A JORDAN. JOHN ALSIP'S CHEAP fiSil m CROAK E STORE Opposite(hi "Washington Hotel," Bedford, Pennsylvania. '-quick Sales and Small Profits." DK\ (iUUDS UF E\ fcIRY DESCRIP t HIN. Groceries of ail Kinds and QualiM, QUEEJYSWJIRE, BOOTS JAD SHOES, A.\l) IN SHORT—EVERY THING ELSE WHICH IS USUALLY KEPT BY MERCHANTS, AND WHICH HE WILL SELL "Cheaper than the Che9pest." June 24, 1859. 1 MIP OF BEDFORD fOL.NTY. [PROPOSE to make a directory Map of Bedford C >unty Irom actual surveys, if a sufficient num ber of subscribers can be raised to warrant the un dertaking. The map will show the location of all the citizens and also their places of business such as stores, Post Offices, Hotels, Manufacturing establishments, Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Shops.&c., also the location of all the public roads, boundary fines, streams, mountains, fee. Maps of all the towns and large villages will be put on the same sheet, also statistical tables of the County, and (if taken in time) the census of 186". The map could uot be ready for delivery ia less than about a year and a half. KDWD. L. WALKER. P. S. I can furnish any one desirous of getting a map of the United States with a cheap and late edition. July 1, 1859. JACOB REED. G. W. UITP. JOHN J. SCHELL. mm, 111 IT & SMELL, Bankers, and Dealers in Exchange. Bedford, Pa. DRAFTS bought and sold. Collections made, and money promptly remitted. Deposites solicited. Reterences r Hon. Job Mann, Bedford, Pa. John Mower, Esq. John Cessna, Esq. < Ross Forward, Somerset, " Bunu Raguel fe Co., Phila., J no. Watt & Co. Pittsburg, J. W. Curl.y & Co., Bait., Md. June 10, 1869. I>UKE WHITE LEAD, Flaxseed oil and Spirits Turpentine at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. August 6,1858. For the ilair —Jockey Club, and new mown hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow, at Dr. Ham' AN excellent article H air and tooth Brusher at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. PIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale, upon the premises, ON FRIDAY THE 2D DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D., 1b59, the following described Real Estate,' to wit: 250 Acres, More or Less, of choice Limestone Land, situate in Colerain Township, Bed lord County, Pa., and well known as the l 'Frederick Smith Farm." About 200 Acres are cleared, and under good fence, ami in a flae state of cultivation—jiatt thereof good meadow.-- 1 here are also 2 Orchards of choice fruit upon the premises. A fine stream of excellent water flaw, through the property. The improvements consist, In part, of a goo 1 Two and a llnlf Story Dwelling House, a new Barn, 100 feet in length, by 50 feet in width —constructed in the latest style—with sundry othr out-buil lings. This Farm is situate in that Fertile Valley, known as "Friend's Cove," within 6 miles of Bedford, and about the same distance from the termination of the "Belfoql Rail Road." It is also in a pleasant neighborhood, convenient to good schools and withih 2£ rmies of the "Allegheny Male and Female Seminary," at Rainsburg. There is a line Church also within sight, and it is surrounded ny an intelligent and moral community. This property is iu every way a most desirable one, and poisons desiring to purchase would do well to i x imine it before the time of sale. The property will be sold subject to the Dower of the widow of Frederick Smith, doe'd—the interest thereon to las paid annually to her. There are also sundry legacies, payable in installments, to tin heirs of said deceased—the first thereof is not dm until the Ist of April, 1851 ; the others run through a period of upwards of eleven years. Terms of sale as to balance of purchase money, will be made known on day of sale. Title indisputable. IJENKY SMITH. Sept. 9. 1839. N. B. Persons wis: ing to examine this proper ty, or ascertain the particulars more fully, can cah upon or address by letter, Henry Si*itb, Rainsburg, Bedford County, Pa. ; Geo. W. Householder, Rays Hill, Bedford County, Pa. ; .Mann 3c Spang, Bed ford Pa. Fill \iIRY A.\il InilAE SHOP. IHE Subscribers having formed a partner ship under the style of "Dock A Ashcom" for the purpose of conducting a general FOIADKI A\D FACTUAL business in the establishment recently erected by Giiliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, are now prepared to execute orders fer CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every de scription. They will build to order steam-en gines, coal and drift-cars, boreo powers artu threshing machines—also, casting of every kind tar furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, watel-pipe, columns, house louts, brackets, Ac.. Ac. TLcy are also, now making a fine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stoves fur churches, offices, bar-rooms. Ac. A full assortment of Stoves will bo kept constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the licst eastern make. Machinery ol all kinds repaired promptly.- • Patterns nude to order. GILLIAKD DOCK, O. W. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, BLOODY BUN FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. Till subscribers are now prepared, at their Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for cast ings of any description for Grist and Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Apple Mills, Ploughs, and a'l things else in their line that troy be needed in' this or the adjoining counties.' We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 4 or 8 Horse power, varranted equal if not superior to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, uarranted to give satisfaction or no sdlr. Points, shares and landsides, to fit all Woodcock or Seyler Ploughs in the County. Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may he bad at Foundry prices at the stors of Win Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Louderbaugh A Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycuin A Son, Rays Hill. Times being har I, we otfer groat induce ments to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds ol repairing done in a neat and sub stantial manner, and all work warranted. Call and examine our work and castings and judga fur yourselves. JOSIAII BAUGHMAN BRO. March 25, 1858.-tf. UMIOST HOTEL, Bedford. Pa. subscriber respectfully announces to tha X public that he bus opened a Hotel, under the above name, in the old and well known Globe l.u liing. on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will he happy to se- all his friends, and the trareling pub lic generally. Persons attending Court ate re spectfully invited to give him a call. He pledges himself that he will do all in his power to render ei! liia guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest de licacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfort able bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stall j will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. ri~?~ Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HORTON. Bedford, April 30. 1858 OilPIIlH' tOliliT S.tLfi. Bi virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the subscriber, adm'r of John Oster. late of Cumberland Valley township, do ceased. will sell by public outcry, on fhe premises on Wednesdoy, the 19th day of October, 1859, tbo following described Real Estate, to wit : A tract of land, lird, being the mansion tract of deceased, situate in Cumberland Valley tp., Bed ford County, adjoining lands of J. Outer, Adam Zem bower, Samuel Hendtickson and others, about 09 acres cleared and under fence, having thereon erected, two log houses, a story and a halt high, a log barn, an apple orchard, fee., fee. TERMS : One half in hand a*, confirmation *of sale; one half of the remainder in one year, and the temain der in two years, the whole with interest. JOHN H. RUSH, Sept. 16, 1859. Adm'r of John Oster. Bedford Mineral Spring's Company Election \oliff. AN election for President and Directors of the Bedford Minuera! Springs Company, will be held at the Company Office, at the Springs, on Thursday the ISt'n day of October next- of which Stockholders will please take notice. JOHN P. REED, Sept. 28, 1859. SecreUry. NOTICE. A I.L persons who are Indebted to Mrs. S. E. XJL I'OTTS, by book account, will please settle Im mediately, by cash or note. All who sre interested will please attend to this notice Immediately. Sept. 16, 1859. S. E. POTTS. IF you would walk erect, and procure good health by the expansion of your chest, call at Reamgr fe Way 's Drug Store and get a pair of the best style of Chest expanding Suspender and Shoulder Braces. July 1, 1859.