Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, August 12, 1859, Image 3

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We believe we cannot do our readers a more im
portant service, than by again catling their attention
•o that most remaikable preparation, discovered by
X> r teth S. Hanct, of Baltimore, Md., which pos
seses the power of alleviating and curing that hor
rid visitation of man- Epilepsy, or Failing Fits.—
In recommending litis preparation to ouv readers,
we do >o with a conviction that we are not degrad
ing our columns to pnff a common patent medicine,
tut art plating betore them a discovery, which., it
fully ki own, would probably do more to alleviate
human suffering, than any invention of modern
limes. Dr. llance, in asking us to notice his pre
paration favorably in our editorial department, has
a nt us for persual a number of letters from persons
who have sed bis Pills, and have been cured there
by. All of loom speak in the nr<>st grateful and
eulogistic terms. One great advantage this medi
cine possesses is the fact, that it i an lie transported
through the mails, thereby affording every one an
opportunity of dealing directly with the inventor,
and nlso precluding all possibility of being imposed
on by a counterfeit or spurious imitation. Dr.
llance pays the postage on his Pil's to any part ol
the country, and wiil torward them l-y return Oi
mail, on the receipt of a remittance. His prices
are as follow® : One box, $3 ; two do., $o ; twelve
do., $"4. All orders for the n.cdicinj should be
addressed to SETU S. Haxes, 108 Baltimore street,
.Baltimore, Md.
ALL persons interested, are hereby notified, that
the following named accountants, have filed their
•accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford County,
end that the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Court, in and for said County for confirmation, on
Tuesday, the 20th d; y of August, iust., at the
Court House, in Bedford.
The administration account of D. L.Kcagy. ad
ministrator of lb-'.' estate of Jacob 11. Keagy, late
of Middle Woodberry township, doe'd.
The administration account of Joseph B. .Nobis,
administrator de bonis new, of the estate ot David
Stoner, late of South Woodberry township, dee'd.
The account of Samuel Willet, surviving Execu
tor of Elizabeth Green, late of Well* Valley, Bed
ford (now Wells township, Fib".'-.) County, dee'd.
The second and final account of John and Sam'l
Snider, administrator's of the estate of Adam
Snider, late of Snake Spring township, dee'd.
The account ot John Cessna, Esq., administrator
of the estate of Soloman Uarcleroad, late of Snake
Spring township, dee'd.
The account of Charles McLaughlin, administra
tor of the entire of Sarah McLaughlin, late of East
Providence township, dee'd.
The account of Samuel Ostor, a lministmtor of
the estate of John C. Turner, lute of South Wood
bertv township, dee'd.
The account .if Epraim Foster, administrator of
the Estate oi Richard L. Foster, late of Broadtop
township, dee'd.
The account of Jacob B. Kegarice. administrator
of th' estate of Jacob Kegarice, late of Monroe
township dee'd.
The final administration account of P. F. Lehman,
Esq., one of administrator's of John Kel'erman,
late of Harrison township, dee'd.
The final administration account of James Black
burn, Executor of the last will Ac., of Amos Pen
rose. late of St. township, dee'd.
The account ot Jot) Mtuin, Esq., Executor of the
last will Ac., of William Maiken, late of Bedford
township, dee'd.
The 3rd and final account of Job Mann,
administrator of the estate of Joseph S. Morrison,
late of the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri,
Register's Offics, Bedford, August 5, 1*59.
"rrrHEREAS the Honorable FHASCIS M. KIM
YY MEM., President of the several Courts ot Com
mon P! as in the counties composing the 16th Ju
dicial District, and Justice of the Courts ot Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for th*
trial "of capital am other offenders in the s iid Dit-
T,I C an -l A. J. SmvELY and JOHN G. Hartley.
Esquires, Judges of the Courts ol Common Pleas
-and Justices cf the Court of Oyer and Terminer,
and Gen -rati Jail Del.very, for tl- trial of nil capi
tal and other offenders in the county nf Bedford—
have issued their precept ami t" ma directed, for
holding a Court ot Common Pleas, and General
Jail Deßverv, and Court of <).. .r and Terminer at
Bedford, on MONDAY the 29th d-y of August
Inst. NOTICE is hereby given to all t . Justices
of the Peace, th" Coroner and Constables within
the said eounty of Bedford, that they be then and
there ia their proper persons, with their rolls, rec
ords, and inquisitions, examinations and other t ■-
uiembrances, to do those tbiugs which to their offi
ces and in that behalf appertain to be done,and
also they who will prosecute against the prisoners
that are or shall be iu the Jail of Bedford county,
to be then and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
Sheriff's Office. Bedforu, August -5, 1859.
List of Grand Jurors.
DRAWN for August Term (sth Monday) 1859.
George W. Gump, Foreman, B. R. Ashcom,
George Beegle, Christopher Carper, John W. Cris
luan. Solomon Dicken, John Fshelman, Joseph
iisher, William Fin Ye, Geo. W. Housholder, Wm.
Overocker. Wm. Ott, Lewis Putt, Adam Tote,
Oliver J. kobiuett, Einebart L. Replogle, Wm.
Siates, Jacob, Levi Shafcr, Samuel Sutler,
John S. Scbell, V'td. B. Wertz, Saur'l Waiters,
Stephen Wonders.
Pclit Jurors.
Adolphus Ake, Jacob B. Anderson, Samuel Boor,
John C. Black, James Barndoilar, Simon Broont
baugh, Wm. Berkheimer, Martin Broombuugh, A.
Beekhoefl'er, Jacob Barkroan, Henry Beckly, An
drew Baker, Francis Beard, George Beckly, Fred.
Kauffrnan, Cornelius Devore, Michael S. Diehl,
Robert Elder, David Evans, Ephratm Foster, Jesse
Grove, Adam Hire, David Imler, George Long,
John Lsyton, Richard Laugdon, Daniel .Miller,
Simon Nycom, Cyrus Over, George W. Powell,
Jacob Pea, Dame) Price, William Rock, Nathan
Rdbison, John H.Rush, Valentine Steckman, John
Watson, Isaac Wilson.
5 August 5, 1859.
listlf causes "
PUT down for trial at August Terui, (29tb dav,)
George Mulliu, _ vs J. S. Morrison, Adm'r.
Nathan Karns, et h ' .Smith, et al
John Kemp, " John W. Duncan,
Amos Wilson, ' Jesse Dicken,
Gideon Hitchew, " J. R. Mowry, et al
■Richard McEnesp, " John Als'tp,
Gideon D. Trout, " John F caster,
Thos.J. Horton, " A. W. Evans,
Juniata Scool District, " Joseph Nicodemus,
Thos. J. Young, " Jacob Steele,
James Entrikin, " D. IVashabugh, et al
John McVicker, et &' " Geo. W. Powell,
John W. Beeler, " M. Smiths Exor's.
Job Bowser, " Danl. Steinman, et al
E. L. Anderson, •' Wm. Booher.
. Prothy's Office, August 6, 1859.
Normal School.
THE County Superintendent will open the third
sess.oa of the Bedford County Normal School,
on Monday the 2'2d day ol August. All persons
wishing to teach in the County during tho next
wtutur, are invited to attend, free ol charge, for
tuition. Notie other need apple.
August 6, 1569.-C County Superintendent.
A gooff Journeyman Blacksmith wilt sceure a
wtuaiiou, at fair wages, bv application to the sub
fc r ' b - r - ' WILLIAM SPIDEL.
bvci ff August 5; 185p.-c
O . a;y >5 PANACEA Rt Df. Harry's Drug and
-i.-fc tore
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fl. Fas and Venn.
Exponas to me directed, there w ill be :ol : at
the Court House, m the Borough of Bedlord, on
Snturd-y, the iS7rl day of August, 1859, at 10 o'-
clock, A. M., the following described Real Estate,
to wit :
One tract of land containing 4 acres, more or
lcs. nil clean d end under Knee, with a two story
log house with kitchen attached, frame stable and
other out btiildidga thereon erected.adjoining lands
ol Henry Gates, William Livingston and others
situate in Hopewell township, Bedford County, and
taken in execution us the property of Jotin P.
One tract of land containing 67 seres, in South
ampton tp., Bedford County and Bethel township,
Fulton County, and hiving thereon erett<d one
dwelling house, store house, ware house, and stable
on the Bedford side of the County line, and ■* grist
Mill,-Saw Mill on the Fulton sale, about 2d acres
cleared and under fence,'ying on Sideling Hill Creek
and Crooked Run and having thereon a young
orchard, adjoining mmls of George Foster, Surah
Barns, Able Birns, and others, and taken
tion as the property- of Jacob C. Mills.
All defendant's right title, and interest, in and to
onv tract ot land containing 159 acres,more or less,
about 80 acres clearCi and under fence, with a one
and a half story log house and double log barn
thereon erected. * Also on apple orchard thereon,
adjoining lands of Jacob Mills, Henry Steci,ruari,
John Weinicr and oi hers.
One other unimproved tract of land about 50
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Benjamin
Mills, Henry Mills, and others, and all situate in
.Monroe township, Bedforu County, and taken in
execution as lliu property of Michael Fletcher.
All Defendant's, John Taylor's, rigid, title, and
interest, in and to one tract of land, containing 24
sorts more or less, about 5 acres, cleared and uu
dcr U see, wiih a log bouse and frame stable theroou
erected, adjoining lands of William Bralllar, Abra
ham Fluke and others, situate in Ilopewejl town
ship, Bedford County, and taken in execution as
the property of John Taylor.
All Deft's Daniel Wentz and Isaac Wenlz, rigid,
title, aud interest, in alid to one tract of laud, con
taining 58 acres, more or less, about 8 acres clear
ed and under fence, with two log dwelling houses,
iug stable and other out buildings thereon erected,
adjoining lauds of Thomas Imler, Samuel Walters
and others situate in Union township, Bedford
County , and taken in execution as the property ol
Daniel Weutz and Isaac Wentz.
One lot of ground in the town of Clearville
footing 60 feet on main street and extending hack
about 175 feet to an alley, with a two story frame
dwelling bouse thereon erected. adjoining lot of
Joseph Meszersmith and William Sleighter situite
in Monroe township, Bedford County, and taken in
execution as the property of Mariob Fcigbt now
Mulish Fisher.
One tract of land Containing 160 acres, more or
less, about 100 acies cleared and utide-r fence, with
a log dwelling house aud double log barn thereon
erected, no joining lands of Michael Miller, Joint S.
Hetrick and others.
One other tract of land containing 3 acres, more
or less, unimproved, adjoining lands of Moses F.
Marshall and Joseph IV . Sleek.
One tract of land containing 50 acres, more or
less, about 15 acres cleared and under fence, with a
two story stone dwelling Louse, log grist uiiii. ten
ant house and other out buddings thereon erected,
also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands oi
Widow hciuiugtr, Joseph W. Sleek and others.
One tract e>f unimproved land, containing 3D
aces, nioie or less, adjoining lands ot William
Be arose, Geow,} Owe and others, and all situate in
St. Clair township, Bed lord County, and taieeu in
execution us the property of Daniel W. Crissmau.
Oue tr -ct of laud Containing 16 acres, more or
less, about 5 acres cleared and undeirTeuce, adjoin
ing lends the HopvWell Coal ami Iron Cotepauy
on the west 5i...: <;! the Juniata River near Kiddles
burg, situate in Hopewell township, Ben lord Coun
ty, , i,d take mm execution as the property of i'eter
One Tot ofgroun 1 In the town ot Stonerstown front
ing o J feet on iitatn street and extending back about
150 leet to iaud of Abel Putt, w.tb a two story
plank house with basemeut aud frame stall: thereon
erected, adjoining lot of widow Iloover, on the
south east and-John B. Weaver ou the north west,
situate iu Liberty icwnship, Bediord County, aud
taken ID execution as the property of Matilda lli
d'.utbal and Joseph ilideuttial.
One tract of unimproved land, situate in Liberty
township, iii the Comity o: Bedford, adjoining buds
of John Savage on the north, lands ol Uilhug-r's
liens on the west, un<4 lands ol" John Stiirley oil
the south and east, having Iron Ore on the same,
i containing ten acres taose or less—
The ore and niiiieiui light ol' a tract of land, sit
: uate in the said Liberty Township, iu the said Couu
; iv, adj.iiiing lands ot John Savage, Jacob Cyphci,
j and others. ■ ■ iveyed on warrant ia the name ol
j •> lili-im Harris; Containing 4CK) acres, more or
One tract of unimproved land, situate iu tbc said
I Liberty township, aud County aforesaid, adjoining
buds of Isaac Kensinger, Esq., Jacob Fluke,
George Fluke, William Fluko and others, having
iron ore on the same, containing 52 acres, more or
The ore and mineral right ol two tracts ol land,
ot 100 acres each, now in the occupancy of George
and "William Fluke, adjoining the 52 acres, more or
less, as aoove described—
One tract of land, situate on Six Mile Run, in
Broad Top township, iu the county aforesaid, ad
joiaiug lands lomierly owned by Septimus Foster,
lauds of the heirs of W iliiaui Anderson, dee'd, and
others, being part of a large tract, surveyed iu the
name of Mary foster, the said tract ot land beiug
coal lands, with a log house thereon erected, con
taming 77 acres, more or less—
One tract of laud, situate near to Si; Mile Run,
| in the township and county aforesaid, and ajdoining
lands formerly owned by Jobn Griffith and others,
beiug coal land, with a small house thereon erected,
containing V acres more or .'ess—
The one undivided half part of four tracts of
lands, situate on tno south west branch of Sboup's
ruu, and partly on the North East Branch of Six
Mne Run, in the township and county aforesaid,
adjoining lauds ot the Lancaster Goal Co., the
Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road and Coal
Co., William F. Selielp and others, surveyed ou
warrant in the name of Benjamin I'enu, George
Hamilton, and others, being coal lauds, aud having
thereon erected a log house and barn with 70 acres
more or less, of cleared land on the same, contain
ing 542 acres, more or less; and all the above de
scribed bums taken in execution as the property of
James Entrekin.
All Heft's light, title, and interest iu and to one
lotofgrouud, in the town of-Saxton, fronting
about 55 leet on the Kail Road Street, aud extend
ing back übout lob leet, with a brick dwelling bouse
and kitchen uitacbed, adjoiuing lots formerly owned
by Jacob Fockler on the oast and on the west;
situate in Liberty township, Bedford County, and
taken in execution as the property of W'. 11. Browu.
Oue tract of land containing ti'3 acres, more or
Jess, about ioity acres cleared and under icccc,
with a log dwelling house, log barn and other out
buildings thereon erected ; also an apple orchard
thereon, adjoining lauds of Calhrine Points, Jo
seph Corle, Christian Ling and others. Situate iu
Uuion township, Bedford County, and taken iu ex
ecution as the property of George Owe, Heft.
;Sberiff> Office, Bedford, August 5, 1859.
N. B. The last mcutionod tract will be sold on
Monday, the 29th day of August, inst.
BY virtue <f an order of the Court >f Common
Plea# of Bedford County, the subscriber wilt sell
t pulkic sole, at the Court House, in Bedford
ougli on SjiTUUDjIY . the 2~th <tay of JII'VUST,
J. D 1859, a TRACT OF LAND, stmate in St.
Clair Township, Bedford Couutj, containing about
one lmndred and thirty-six acres, adjoining l-Uiu*
of Wm. Al. Clark, John W. Crtsroan, Bi-rkheim
ei's heiis. and others, being the mansion property
of William Sleek, Sr , dee'd, and now owned by
William Sleek. Jr.
TERMS,—S2OO at the confirmation of the sale,
S3OO on the first day of April, 1860, and the re
mainder on the first day ot April, 186!.
Sal to commence at one o'clock, !'■ M.
August 6, 1859. Trustee.
THE above fewatd will be paid for tha appre
hension and delivery to ibe Bedford County Jail ol
WILLIAM RUSSELL, who broke /ail Monday
morning the Ist of Aug. inst. He is about five
feet seven or tight inches high, stout built and dark
complexioned. lie had on when he left a dark
colored course straw hat, blue coat, and cheek
pants. WM.S. FLUKE,
August 5, 1859.-c Sheriff.
Auditor'* notice.
THE undersigned appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Bedford County Auditor to make a !is.
tritution of the balance in tue hands of S. L.
ltussell, administrator of William Hotchkiss, dee'd,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested that be
will attend to the duties oi his appointment at the
Court House iu Bedford Borough, on Saturday the
2Hth day ot August A. D. 1859. at 1.0 o'clock, A.
M. J- H. FILLER, Auditor.
■f'lil-) undersigned will otter at Public Stile -at
the House of Janus Beckwitb, in the town ot
llopeweli, Bedford Co., on
Tuesday, fhe 23rd Day of August,
next, the valuable IRON PROPERTY, known as
Bedford Forgo and Lenntos Iron Works, situate in
Hopewell Township, and within short distance ol
the Huntingdon aud Broad Top Rail Road.
The improvements at BotWoid Forge, consist of
a new Forge, (now in ojteraiion) with sheet iron
roof, coal house, Saw-Mill, large number ol houses
for hands, a tiue Mansion House, a good barn and
stables. The tract of land on which thse im
provements are erected contains about 237 acres,
and ia a good arable land, having a considerable
quantity of land cleared, aud in a g<-od state of
cultivation. There is, is also, on this tract, a very
(xt.naive ami valuable vein of fossil Iron oic, and
one bank opened. Attached to this property there
is another laim of valuable land containing about
200 acres—Also, a large body of unsurpassed tim
ber lands, containing about 7,000 acres, and veins
of iu>u ore running through thuswhole of it.
The improvements at Lemnos, consist of a char
coal furnace, (now in blast,) lorge, mansion house,
store house, bouses for hands, stables, etc., etc.—
The. ore bank, ono vein of hematite and the other
of fossil, belonging to this property coutaiu iron of
the best quality, and of vast extent. The ttmla-r
lands attached to this property, contains about 4,-
500 ceres, of which 1,000 acres are good arable
land and can be converted into excellent farms.—
The above lands will be scld together or in parcels
to suit purchasers.
[E?~Dr:iU, diagrams, and full description ol tlie
lands, will be turiiisiied and exhibited to biddeis on
the d v of sale.
EFT he sale will coinm nceat oue o'clock. P-
M., aud will Le contitued lroin day to day tiil .11
is sol I
TERMS :—One third in hand and the residue .u
two equal auuu.l payments without interest.
July 29, 1859.-d
"special notk l^
4 LL persons indebted to the late firm of OSTE I',
j\. MAN.SPEAK!\ft M CARN, are respectfully
and earnestly, requested to call and s-.itie their ac
counts either by CASH <>r NOTE; circumstances de
mand n speedy settlement of the Books of th
firm, therefore we trust that all interested will at
tend to tiiis notice, otherwise wo shall be put to
the unpleasant necessity of adding costs.
July 29, 1869.-2tn.
V'EW GOODS arriving nearly everyday, (and
11 always sqpie on the rord) at
Ferguson & Manspeaker's Emporium.
The prices and (lie teste displayed in their sel-c
--tion can bo seen better at the counter than in the
newspapers. Come and see, examine. and then
judge for yourselves. Vfe charge nothing lor show
Below Bad only a few of tlm prices:
Calicoes, 4 cts. to 12
Muslins, 4 " " 12
Lawns, 6 " up
Ginghams, 10 " up
Delaines, 10 " up
Men's Snmmsr goods, 8 " uy
Coffee, 12, 14, 15.
Sugar, from 8 to 14.
Sirups. 60 to 75.
Shoes to cheap too talk about,and everything else
ia proportion.
Bedford, July 15, 1859.
yji/ /f) //
I}AYS for a lull course in the Iron City College,
the largest, roost extensively patronized and
l.est organized Commercial School iD the United
375 Students attending daily, March, 1859.
Usual time to complete a full coarse, front 0 to
10 weeks. Every Studont. upon graduating, is
guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books
of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of
Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Re
view at pleasure.
51 Premiums Jor best Penmanship awarded
in 1858.
Sons received at hail price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing, inclose
two letter stamps, and address.
F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Fa.
MY Wife MAKT MARTHA COGAH, having left my
bed and board, without any cause or provocation,
I hereby caution all (lersona fiom harboring or
trusting her on my account.
Liberty Township, July 29, 1859.-c*
IF you would walk erect, and procure good health
by the expansion of your chest, call at Reamer
6c Way's Drug Store and get a pair of the best style
of Chest expanding Suspender and Shoulder
July 1, 1859.
W' ItITE TEETH and a perfumed breath can
lie accquircd by using the "Balm of a
housand Flowers." To be had at
March 6. 1857.
A superior articie, jor sale at this office.
April 8, 1869-
of all kinds and descriptions, prices, sorts, sizes and conditions. Don't believe the wonderful auclitm
Stories yon hear.
Seme excuse must be given for selling higher than we do.
Coffee, Lest quality at 12 do. 15,
Sugar crushed at 13.
Syrup, jest golden,, 75 per. gal.
" good quality at 30 Cts.
Kicc, 7 cts. .
Chocolate 25 cts.
Every thing, else at corresponding prices including
Teas, Aispice, Pepper, Essence ol Collie, Cheese, Raisins, Figs. Dates, Preserves. Pickler,
C attle Powder, (insured,) Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stationery of every
kind, including Copy Books, Envelopes, Writing Paper, itc.,
Shoe-fixings; including Binding, Tacks, Pegs,
Thread, Ac., Brushes, Baskets, Bed
Cords, Brooms, Buck
ets, Mats,
Cloves, Stockings, Han- Brushes, Shirt ColLns, bosoms, Neck-ties, Clocks, Hats, Caps,
Fans, Suspenders; in short, Every thing but Dry Goods, an I even soma of them!
the Ijcst variety of Tobacco, Cigars and Suaif.
Try the tujcks.
May, 20, 1859.
NAPOLEON the Third is bound to revenge his uncle, and
Mr."M33JE3jni XB a..M. 9LZ JH BT
are determined to sell their largo and splendid stock of
at prices far exceeding Id cheapness any yet oif< red the people of Bedford,
>f fashionable DRESS GOODS, for ladles and go ain ;n, will be found it their store.
adorns their shelves, which they propose to soil particularly low.
s? mmm hmiss, 9
uch as Sugars. Teas, Coffee, Ac. Ac., cannot be surpassed in' excellence or cheapness
hose tilings and cad at once at HoED A MIN'.N (dl b where you will notfiilto find whateveryou wa
their line of business.
May 20, 1859. %
rpHfi undersigned has just received and keeps
.1 constat tly on hand the following articles :
Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur
rants, prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, fil'rerts, cocoa
r.ucs, ground nuts, Eng. walnuts, cream
nuts, candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tohaceo
and cigars, allspice ami pepp r, spices of all kinds,
hiking soda, cream of tarter; sulphur, brimstone,
canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain
atid grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs md
i oards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas. alCm
and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking,
sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and setuobi ig.
t*n dies, clothes, hair, tooth ana fltWh brushes. hat
at. 1 iti>ant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses
and port monaies. pocket and memorandum books,
bonnet and round gum combs, '■ iaiding" an! fine
cotnks. bracelets ami beads, p.-ns. petl-hoideis,
penknives, scissors, uaife-sharpeaers, umbrellas,
suspenders, spool cotton and fl • >, clocks, small
looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches,
watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes,
shoe-thread, pegs and sparables, Johnson's Arabian
Emm.cut. Rock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's
celebrated Gurgling Oil, for man or beast, and
many other articl.-s of a sindt ir nature. The pat
loatge of the public is resje-etfullv solicited.
July 1, 1859.-zz
At Getljs' Plsototrritpliic Gallery.
Tlfill undersigned having procured the services
of Mr. John Vailide, of Paris,-an Artist of rare
attainments, ij ndw prepared to furnish Photo
graphs in
Audi:) luk, Oil, aud Water Colors
59 per cent cheeper than auy ever offered to the
Citiions of this Borough— •
Also the new and beautiful improvement known
its the
will be furnished for less than city prices—these
pictures are beautifully colored aud possess all the
delicate tints of the finest paintings on Ivory su
passing in beauty and richness of tone anything of
,the kind heretofore introduced.
A skylight Gallery, will be tilted up at the Bed
ford Springs this week where those partial to the
skylight pictures can be accommodated.
T. R. GETTY'S, Ja.
July 1, 1559.-3ru
Dissolution oi Partnership*
THE Partnership heretofore existing under the
name and firm of Bulger 4- Benid, carrying on the
Coach making business, is this day by mutual con
sent dissolved. ABRAHAM BULGER,
Jene 29th 1859. SIMON BEARD.
THE above business will be carried on by the
undersigned lit Woodborry. B -ing thankltil tor
past tavors, hit would respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of tho public patronage.
July 1, 1869.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS ol administration have.been granted
to the subscriber on tho csiato of M. lived, iate
of Liberty Township, dee'd. All persons indebted
to said estate are notified to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims sgamst the
s ixne will present thorn properly authenticated for
otine 24, 1859. Adra'r-
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration with tho will an
nexed, lave been this day granted by tbo
Register of Bedford County, to the subscriber re
siding in Bedford Borough, on the estate ot John
GstM, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd.
AU persons having cLims against said estate are
required to j resent tha same without delay, and
those indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment. JOHN 11. RUSH,
June 17.1F69. Adin'r.
GSIGAFOOS would respectfully announce to
• the citiucns of Bedford and vicinity, that he
wili commence his School on the first Monday o-
August, next, lu tho bouse on tbo square, now ocf
cupied by Mr. J. H. Filler.
Tetins of tuition per Quarter.
I'rimary Branches — 00
Common, English and Natural Sciences, 400
No deduction will be made for loss of time, ex
cept in case of sickness, and no pupil will be re
cieved for les than half a quarter.
July 1, 1859.
ALL kinds of Summer goods almost given away
at the CHEAP store of OSTKR KcCARN.
July 29. 18*0.
Opposite His "Washington Hotel,'' Bedford,
' Buiflt Sales and SmiiU Fttifits. '
{■reccrirs of afi Kinds and QuaiKv,
WILL SELL "Cheaper than
Hie Cheapest."
June 24. 1853.
Bedford, Pa.,.
a,J ' r ' I promptly to all business entrust-
V I td to his care.
Office on Pitt Street one door West of the
'•Union Hotel."
June 10, 1859 -tt
turned front the East, another time, with a
splendid lot oi
of every kind, particularly Women's and Child
ren's summer ware,
Drt Goons, containing a general assortment.
Grocebii.9. and in their variety department, n~e
contained a little of every thing. Call and sec
prices and qualities.
Calico at 4 cents a yard for instance, and every
thing else in proportion.
P. S. *ll kinds of produce, taken in exchange for
goods at market prices.
June 10, 1859.
Bankers, and Dealer* in Exchange,
Bedford, Fs.
DR AFTS bought and sold. Collections made,
and money promptly remitted.
Depositee solicited.
References: lion. Job Mann, Bedfotd, Pa.
John Mower. Esq. '< "
John Cessna, Esq. • "
Ross Forward, Somerset, •
Bunt R.iguel lie Co.. Fhita., ■
J no. Watt i< Co. Pittsburg, '•
J. IV. Cuil. y & Co., Bait., Md.
June 10, 1889.
Carriage and Wagon-Ma king,
MFTBtjLs Tf AS commenced the yj
XX business of
\Z7_tin<i W agon-Making,
tUe village of
Chariesviile, Bedford Co. Pa.
Attent.ion will be given to Repairing.Fainting and
Trimming. Work wili be put up in the best and
neatest styles, and at moderate prices. He respect
fully solicits the patronage of his friends and tho
Cbariesvilie, June 10, TBS9.-K
mOB subscriber has on band a new lot of Sbal-
X iku Cans for putting up ail kinds of fruit,
wtiich he offers at lower prices than can bo procur
ed tlsevliere. One quart cans, 12| cents; three
pints, 18J; two quarts, 25 cents. Country mer
chant* suppiie i aijr discount. Tliey are conveni
ent for persons living in tli? country, aud warrant
ed to be equal to any others now in use.
July 15, 1859.—8 m.
OITF7AF r^-w'iKT/S,'
Bedford, July 15, 1859
Joy (o (be Admirers of t
Talk of Beauty, it cannot exist without a flo<*
head of liair, then read the fallowing, udA If you
ask more, see circular around cacli bottle, and no
one can doubt.
—We call the attention of all, old and young,
to this Wonderful preparation, which turns back to
its original color, gray hair—covers tbe head of the
haul with a luxuriant growth—removes the dand
ruff, itching, and all cutaneous eruptions—causes a
continual flow of tire natural fluids : and hence, is
used as a regular dressing lor the hair will preserve
its color, and keep it from falling to extreme old.
age, In its natural beauty. We call then upon the
bal 1 the gray, or diseased iu scrip, to use St; and
surely the 3 ouog will not, as they value tbe tlowiug
locks, or the witching euri, ever be without it. Its
praise is upon the tongue of thousands.
The agent for Prof. Wood s Hair Restorative in
New Haven, received the following letter in regard
to tbe Restorative, a few weeks since :
Deep River, COS*., July 23, 1856.
Mr. Leavenworth—sir : I have been troubled
with dandruff or scurf on ni> Vid for more than a
year, my hair began to eorr.e out, scurf and hair
together. I saw in a New Haven paper sfcou;
♦ Wood's Hair Restorative" its a cure. I called at
your store on the Ist of April last, ar.d purchased
one Itonle to try it, and I found to my salis.'hction
it was the Ibiug, it removed the scurf and new hair
began to grow ; it is now two or th;ee inches in
length uhere it was all off. I hare great faith in if.'
I vr.'sh you to send mt two bo;ties more by Mr.
Post, the 'nearer oi this. I don't know as any of.
the kind is used in this place, you may have a
tuari et lor many bottles after it is known here.
Yours with respect, RUTHS PRATT.
PniLADELriiiA, Sept. 9, 1850.
Prior. WOOD— Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative
is proving itself oeneflciai to me. The front, and
also the back p;>rt of my head almost lost its
covering—ln fact 3ALi>. 1 havo used but two half
pint bottles of your Restorative, at.d now the top
of my bead is well studded with a promising crop
of y.ums hair, and tbe front is receiving its
benefit. | have tried oil., r pn-py. atipns syitbout
sonal recommendation I can induce manv others to
tiy It,
Youis respectfully,
No. 454 Vine street,
Vixcexxes, la., June 22, '853.
PROF. O. J. WOOD? As you ore about to
manufacture cud vend your recently discovered
Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it
may concern, that I have used it and known others
to use —that I have, for several years, been in
the birb't of using other Hair Kcsterr.tivo, and that
I find yours vastly superior to any other i kTm.v
-II entirely cleanses the bead ct ' .cr.rufF. and with
one month's proper use wjl! nsfcre my person's
haii to the original youthful cph r end texture,
giving >t *1- -altby. SC;I and glossy i.ppe.•?.ce : ui.d.
ail without discoloring the 1 :nd- "1: :l apply it,
c; the dress on winch it drops. I would, tieitfcw,"'
recon mind i s use to everv on- deal reus of baring
a fine color ai d texture to hair.
Respectfully yours.
1. WOOD ts CO., Proprietors 812 Breedvray,
New lor;:, (in tie ?r,vt N. Y- Railing Es
t . li'.uitien;.) and 114 Marke* Street, St. Leu is,
Ai ;■.
For ssle by Dr. B. F. Harry.
Ani sold iy ali good Druggists.
{PROPOSE to make a directory Map of Bedford
Cjunty fn>ui actual surveys, if u sufficient num
ber o! rut scribcrs van bo raised to warrant the us-
Tie- map will show the location oi *ll tho citizens,
and ;-!M> tlioi; places of business sr. It as stores,
I'oft Offices, Hotels. Manufacturing establishments,
Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Shops,ice., also the location
of :.l! the public roads, boundary lines, streams,
mountains, ftc.
Maps of cli the towns and large villages wilPts
put n the saine sheet, also statistical tables of th*
County, and (if taken in time) the census of 1850.
The map cuul i not lie ready lor delivery in less
than about a -.ear and a half.
July 1. 1859.
CAirio\ ;
MI l\ lfe Catharine Eshuiman, having left tov
ltd st:d board without any cause or provoca
tion, I hereby .-aution all persons from trusting hor
OR my account as I am determined, not to pay any
debts of her contracting.
Middle Woodbury Tp.,July 8, 1859.-*
IJAMPHI ET Laws for 2869. have been received
at this office, and ready lor delivery to these en-,
titled to receive them.
SAM'L 11. TATE, l'rotb'y
l'rotb'y Office, Bedford July S, 1859.
1 AOH - Tl,r<ls nevv s, T' e Lawns, in Browns, Lilacs,
LytiU Amaranths. Pinks, Blues. I'urples,Greens,
Buffs Ac., closing out at reduced pnees.—bv
June, 24, 1859. OSTEK A CAEN.
4 YER'S Cherry Pectoral and Jay no's Expoctc-
Jt\. rant at Dr. Harry's Drug aud Book Store.
August 6,1858.
Physicians prescriptions carefully compound
ed, at all hours oi the day or nigh St i)r.
Harry's, Drug Store.
Augujs, 6 1858
ARE invited to call and examine our second sup
ply of CLOTHS AND CASSIiIER.S, suitable for
the piesent season, we can show you the best stock
we have yet offered, and-will sell thorn—CHEAT as
the same goods can bo had at retail in Aiueric.*.
Juno 17, 1859. A. B CRAMER A CO.
TIIE snbsciibtrg have just received one thousand
yards of now carpeting which they wiil sell
cheap for cash or country Produce.
Juno 1", 1859. A. B CRAMER & CO.
ANY person wanting good goods cheap, of
every description, style, aud pattern can lie sup
ply ed bv 08TER 4" CAKN.
July -19, 1859.
SUGARS, Teas, Coffee, Molasses and Syrups,
even of thq best to be had in Market always on
band and for sale CHEAP, by
July 29,1855. OSTEB & CARN.
J'AYNE & Wrights, Bennett's and Dyott's pills at
l)r. Harry's Drug and Book Star;.
August 6,1858.
WE wi'l pay cash or Merchandise for any
antitv of dear wasljed wool.
May 857. A. B CRAMER A CO.
CANDLES, adamantine and tallow—a super.or
article—just received, and fot sale by
Bedford August 5, 1859.
PINE Cider Ytnegar just received- til SO mould
Candle* Extra quality.
Oct. 1,1868. A- B CRAMER k Co.
TIIK place to get your "money back" by getting
morn than it* worth, is at tfce cheap st* of
July 29, 1869- OSIER A- CAKN.
AN excellent articla of Hair and tooth Brushes
at Dr. Utrry"i Drug and Book Stors,