MGIVTER'S NOTICE. ALL persons , arts hereby uotifled, that the following tanned accountants, have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedfoid County, and that the same will be presetted to the Orphan's Court, in and for said County for confirmation, on Tuesday, the 30lh th-y of August, inst., at the Court House, ia Bedford. The administration account c>! D. L.Kwgy. ad ministrator of the estate ot Jacob H. Kengy, late of Mi'die Woodb.-try township, dec'u. The administration account of Joseph B. Noble, administrator de bonis non, of the estate ol David Si- n<-r. late of South Woodberry township, dee'd. The account of Samuel Willef, surviving Execu tor of Elisabeth Green, l ite of Wells Valley, Bed ford (tow Wells township, Fulton) County, dee'd. The second and final account of John and Sani'l Snider, administrator's < i the estate of Adam "• ut.i W o< u . , rrj- townshif). dee'd. * .... r The account of Kpraira Foster, administrator of the Estate of Richard L. Foster, late of Eroautop township, dee'd. The arc on tit of Jacob B. Kegarice, aarair.n.t-iur of the estate of Jacob Kegarice, late of Monroe township, dee'd. ~ T , T he final administration account of I ■ r •_ Lehman, E.q-. one of administrator's of John Kel.ornian, late i f Harrison township, dee'd. , The fin .1 administration account of James B acx i ;;ra. LscCUtut of the iast will &.*., oi Amos i eu ro's ■.* late fi At. C'.iir township, dee'd. Tb ■ account ol Job Mann, Esq., Executor of the hat will Re., of William Maikcn, late of Bedford township, dee'd. , Tne 3rd and final account ot Job Harm, J.-q.. administrator of the*estate of Joseph S- Morrison, !.t. of the Lye. St. Louis, Stele of Missouri, " SAMUEL II- TATE, Register. Register's Office, Bedford, August 5, 1869- t iILRT PROCLAMATION. - I THERE AS tb-.- Honoralla FRAXCIS M. KIH- W MULL. Presiueut of the several C">.rtA ■! C >m ui .n ia the counties composing the 16th Ju dicial District, aad Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, lor tba i . i -.1 of capital and other offiraders in the said Dli ie —an!A. J- SMVEIY -.1 Joux <• . HARTLEY, aires, Judges of the Courts ofGomnt' n Picas .. n • Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, end General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capi tal andotnw oilenders iu th county of Bedford — - ivt; issU' i their precej i ami to xua directed, for b-ldiug a Court of Common Plsas, and Gtsenl j >il Delivery, and Court of Oyer end Terminer at Bedford, on MONDAY the 29th day of Augcst iuat. NOTICE is b-reby given to ail the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables vrilbin the s„id cuutily of Botitoid, that they c then and there iu their proper persons, wit. their robs, re ords, and inquisitions, examinations an J other 1 - iiietucrauces,to do tbos.: Jiings which to tb-e*r oiu ces ami in behalf appertain to be dons, and also tbev who will prosecute against the prisoners that ai'u or shall he i:i the J til of Bediord county. to bo then and there to prosecute ag 'Just tb\in as shall be just. WILLIAM S. FLUKE. Shtr.ff. g h • Office. Bedford. Augus; 5. t899. Lisi of jiiror. DRAWN for August Term (5tL Monday) 1859. Geo'ge W. Gump, Fcrcman, B. R. Asbcoui, George Beugle, Christopher Carper, John W. Ctis tnaa. Solomon Dicktn. John Eshc'tnan, Joseph t'ishcr, WilHais Fkiek, Geo. W. Housholdet, W'm. Overocker, Wo. Ott. T -wis Puft Adam Pete, Oiiver J. Kohioett, Rirchirt L. Rcplogle. Wis. States, Jacob Stacky, Levi Shaft r, Samuel • i.iti -r. John S. Scbeil. Vd. B. Wcru, S-m'i Walet 1 , Stepbeu Wonders. rtiit AcbbpLua Ake, Jacchß. And rson, Samuel Boor, J in C. Black, James Baruuollar, Simon Broct.s baugh, Wm Berkbeimer, Martin Bnajßibaugh. A. Beckhoeffer, Jacob B.trkman, Henry Beckiv. An drew Baker, Francis Beard, George Beckly, I red. Kaufi'min, Cornelius Devote, Micha i S. Diebi, Robert Elder, David Lvans, Lphram; F -ter, J Grove. Adam Hite, David linler, George L-i.g John Leyion, Richard Lacgdon, Daniel Miller. Simon Nyconi, Cyrus Ov r, (ieorge W. Powell, Jacob Pea, Daniel I'rice, William Rock, Nathan Kobison,John H.Hush, Yjlenfjnc Stockman, Jo hi Watson, Isaac Wilson- August 5, 1859. LIST OF CAUSES [>UT down for trial at August Term, (29tb day,) 1859. George Muil.n, vs J. S. Morrison, Adm'r. Nathan Karcs, ct al Peter Sink •. ei .1 John Kemp, John Vi. Duncan, Amos Wilson, " Jc-~a l-'ieken, Gideon Hitehcw, " J. it - Mowry, et el Richard MeflSnvsp, JoLn A: p, ; on D.Trout, ■ " Jo! r Fir.strr, T . s.J. Morton, " A i d:u. Juniata Scool District, Joseph Xicodemus, Titos. J. Young, " Jacob Steele, James Entrikiu, D, Washabngh, et tl John McVlcker, et si " Geo. Vv. Pt v.vli, John W. BeHer, M. Smiths Exor's. Job Bowser, •' Dsn!. Steiuman, et al F L. Anderson, " Wtn. Boober. S. 11. TATE. Proth'y. Frothy "s Office, Augur t 5, 1859. PIBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Common fleas of Bedford County, the subscriber will sell t public sale, at the Couit House, in Bedford Bor ough on S~iTURD*IY, the 21th etau of AUGUST, i- D. 1859, a TRACT OF LAh'li, situate in St. C-Ir Township, Bedford County, containing about one hundred and thirty-six acres, adjoining lands of Wm. M. Clark, John W. Crisman, Berkheim cr's heiis. and others, being the mansion property of William Sleek, Sr., dee'd, and now owned by William Sleek, Jr. TERMS, —$200 at the confirmation of the sale, S3OO oc the first day of April, 1850, and the re mainder on the first day ot April, 1861, Sale to commence at oae o'clock, P. M. S. L. RUSSELL, Augusts, 1859. Trustee. $25 REWARD! THE above reward will bo paid for the appre hension and delivery to the Bedford County Jail of VF ILIUM Rtssi-IJ., who broke Jail < n Aloud iy the Ist of Aug. iust. He is about five feet seven or eight inches high, stout built and dark 'U.pHxioned. lie bad on when he lett a dark colored course straw hat, blue coat, and check P-uts. WU. S. FLUKE, August 5, 1859.-C Sheriff. Auditor's Aotice- THE undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford County Auditor to make a lis •ritution of the balance iu the hands of S. L. Russell, administrator of William Hofcbkiss, dee'd, tiereby gives notice to all persons interested that he *iil attend to the duties ol his appointment at the Court House in Bedtord Borough, on Saturday the •b'th day ol August A. D. 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. J. H. FILLER, Auditor. CAUTION. K - k 'Y Wife MARY MABTHA COGAN. having l-ft my an i boird, without any cause or provocation, 1-cruj caution all persons from humoring or o :ug i, er on n,j. acC ount. ~, JOHN W. COGAN. Liberty T.w. ship, July 29, 1859.-C* SHERIFF'S SALE. BY* virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fas. and Lend. Exponas, to me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in ihe Borough of Bedford, on Saturdi v, the 27th day of August, 1859, at 10 o'- clock, A. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit: One tract of land containing 4 acres, more or le*s, all cleared and under tence, with a two story log house with kitchen studied, Irauie stable and other out Luildidga thereon erected,adjoining lauds of Henry Gates. William Liviugs.oi) and others situate in Hopewell township, Bedford County, and taken ia execution as the property of Jonn P. Smith. ALSO, One tract of land containing 67 acres, ia South ampton (p., Bedford County and Bethel township, Fulton County, and hsving tliereon erected one dwelling house, store house, ware house, an 1 stable on the Bedford side of the County line, and a grist Mill, Saw Mill on the Fulton side, about 20 -ten s cleared and under fence,lying on Sideling Hill Creek and Crooked Run and having theivou a young orchard, adjoining tauds of George foster, Sarah B u tts, Able B rns. and others, and taken ti j us the property of Jacob C. Mills. ALSO, All defendant's right title, and interest, in and to one tract of laud containing 160 acres.more or Kss, about 80 acres cleared and tinder fehco, with a one and a half story log house aad double log barn thereon erected. Also on apple orenard thereon, adjoining lands of Jacob Mills, Henry Steckman, John Wtimer and others, also one other unimproved tract of land. ALSO, One other unimproved tract of land ab< ut to acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Benjamin Mifis* Henry Mills, and others, and all. situate in Monroe township, Bedford Ccunty, and taken iu execution as the property of Michael Fletcher. ALSO. All Defendant's, John Taylor'.*, tight, title. and int. lest, in and to one tract of land, containing 24 acres more or lets, abqpc 5 acres, cleared and un der fesce, with a log house and.frame stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of William Bwwiler, Abra ham Fluke and others, situate in Hopeucl. towa s ip, Bedford County, aud taken in exesctioa as the property of John Tavlor. ALSO, A*l Dtft'a Daniel Went a and Isaac W ctz, tight, title, aad interest, in and to one tract of laud, con taining 58 acres, more or less, about 8 acres clear ed and under fence, with two log dwelling hou-es. leg stable and otter out buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Thomas 1 ruler, Samuel Walters and others Etude iu Union township, Bedford County, and tikes in execution as the property of Dan: f Wentz and Isaac Wentz. ALSO, One lot of groan 1 iu the town of Clearviile bunting 00 fe i on main srtet-i and extending back a: out 175 Let t an alley, i two story frame dwelling Lous thereon erected, adjoining lit of Joseph Messersmith an 1 Willlaui Sleighter situate in Monroe township, Bedford County, a .1 taken in execution as tbr prt petty of Mariuh Feijht uow Marian Fisher. ALSO, One tract of lend containing 160 acres, more or h -s. about H 0 acres cleared and under tettcc, with a K-g d'.v.-iiing house and double log barn iLerceti ,111:06, udjoitiiug lands of Mkhacl Milkr, JohnS. Hotrlcli -ml others. ALSO, One other tract of land containing 3 acres, in or le?s, uu'impioved, adjoining Luds of Mcsos F. Marshall and Joseph V, . Sicek. ALSO, Or.e tract of Uad containing 50 acres, more or j. alou! 15 acrss cl areti aad under fence, uitii a twai stoiy stone dwelling house, log grist triiil. tea f t house and ot-.-er out buildings thereon erected, „:so an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Widow livtoir.gtr, Joseph W. Sleek and others. ALSO, | One tract of unimproved land, containing 30 acies, atone or less,, -adjoining lauds ol William Penrose, George Owe and others, aad all situat" ia St. Clair township, Bedford County, and taken in execution ; s the prop rty of Daniel 15 . Crissataa. ALSO, O: o of land containing 16 acres-, more or ' \..c rtß out 5 acres cleared and under lence, adjoin v.. 1.. _LM iruii wtuipai)}' on tho west side of th Juniata River near Kidales ' : uifc, situ ' - ■' Hope well township, Bedim J Ggua ; tv, aiid CXCCUtion OS U'J property o* Peter ■ Morniugs-.r. ALSO, Oae lot of ground u the town o' Stonerstown front it;., i-j Get oi; main street and extending back 150 leetto laud of Abel Putt, with a two stoiy plank lious-i with basement and frame stall thereon ' erected, adjoining lot of widow Hoover, ou the south east and Jotiu B. Weaver oil the north west, situate in Liberty township, Bed lord County, aud taken in execution as the property of Matilda Hi j deniUal and Jo; j a Kidenthal. ALSO. | One tract of unimproved land, situate in Liberty t towuship, m the County oi Bedford, adjoining lands of John Savage on the north, lands of liilliiiger's , heirs on the west, sues lands of John T. Shirley on • the soutii and east, hating Iron Ore on the same, containing ten acres mure or less— ALSO, • The ore and mineral rigut of a tract of land, ail u to ;ii the sa;d Liiorty nip, in the said Coun ty, .i ljoitiing lands oi John Savage, Jacob Cypher, ! and others, surveyed on warrant iu the Dams of < i ii-rri.i; containing 4W acres, more or J lUSE ALSO, One tract of unimproved land, situate in the said Lib rty township, aud County aforesaid, adjoining lands ot Kensttiger, Esq , Jacob Fjuke, G '.ee Fluke, William Fluae and others, having i; ore or. the same, containing 62 acres, more i • 1058 ALSO, The ore and mineral right of two iracts oi laud, oi 100 acres each, now in the occupancy of George i and William Flute, adjoining the 52 acres, more or ' le- . as above descnoeu — ALSO, One tract of land, on Six Mile Run, in I Broad Top tpwnsbip, in tile county tdura.vud, ;>d ! joining lands fornicr.y owned by Septimus Foster, j (anas ol the heirs ot it ill: -ra Anderson, ilec'd, and i others, being part ei a large tract, surveyed in the name of Sj Foster, tiu said tract ol land being ! ooai la r ids, with a log liouat L.ereun erected, con taining 7i acres, more or less — ' ALSO, | One tract of land, Situate uear to Sir Mile Run, iu t..e towi:hip and county aforesaid, and ajiioiuiug l.uids formerly owned by Joiiu Gritlith ana others, . '■ ,ig coal laud, with a small house erected, coa tai ing 9 acres more or leas— ALSO, The cue undivided hail pari of four tracts of lauds, situate on tue south west branch of Shoup'a run, and partly na the iMorth East Branch of tbix Jfli.e Run, in the township and count}- aforesaid, aJj jiniug undo ol the Lancaster Coai Go., the Huntingdon and Broad Top Kail lload and Coal Co., IV idiam t. Schell, aud others, surveyed on warrant in the name of Benjamin I'enn, George Hamilton, and others, bc-iog coal lands, aud having thereon erected a iog house and n ;ra with 7t acres mora or ie;s, of cleared land on the Same, contain ing 31- acres, more or less; aud ail ilio above de scnoeu and* in execution as the property ol' J allies Elutiekin. ALSO, All Dell's light, title, and interest iu and to one lot of ground, in the town of Button, fronting about :>o leet on tee Kail Koad Street. and extend ing bars about JCO leet, witii a brick dwelling house auu kitchen tttachod, adjoining lots formerly owned by Jacoo Fockler on tho east and on th-i west j situate in Liberty township, ik-diord County, aud taki-n ia execution as the property of Wiilua* H. Brown. WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sheriff. ' Sheriff s Ofbcs, Bedford, August 5, ISS9. A f.L kinds of Summer goods i.rnosi gircu *// at the CLLAK stoi-e ol OSTJiR A C.-iKiJ, July 29, 18b9. THE place to get your •'money back" by getting morn thin its worth, is at the cheap store of July 29, 18o0; OSTJSE k CARN. PUBLIO SALE ov BEDFORD FORGE - AM) LEMNOS IRON WORKS! THE undersigned will off-r at Public Aale at the House of James Beckwith, in the town ol Hopewell. Bedford Co., on Tuesday, (he 28rd Day el lugnsf, next, the valuable IRON PROPERTY", known as Bedford Forge and Leuinos Iron Works, situate ia Hopewell Township, and within a short distance of the Huntingdon and Broad Toji R; d Road. The improvements at Beiiiord Forge, consist of a new Forge, (now in operation) with sheet iron roof, coal bouse, Saw-Mill, a Urge number of houses for hands, a fine Mansion House, a good bam and siables. The tract of land on which these im provements !tre erected contains about 1137 ceres, and is a good arable land, having a considerable quantify of land cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. There is, is also, on this tracl, a very extensive ami valuable vein of fossil Iron oie, and one l.ank op ned. Attached to this property there is another laim of valuable land containing about 200 acres—Also, a large body of unsurpassed tim ber lauds, containing about 7,000 acres, and veins of iron ore running through the whole of if. Tie improvements at Lemnos, consist of a char coal furnace, (now in blast.) i'orge, mansion house, store house, houses for bauds, stables, etc., etc. — The ore bank, one vein of hematite and the other of fossil, belonging to this property contain iron of the Lest quality, and of vast extent. The timber binds attached to this property, contains alioet 4,- 600 acres, of which 1,000 acres are good arable land and can be converte i into excellent farms. The above lands will be sold together or in parcels to suit purchasers. UyDraftdiagrams, and full description of the. lands, will be turnished and exhibited to biddeis on the day of sale. _ , CG?"Ttie sale wi 1 commence at one o'clock. P -3'., and v. ill be contir ued from dsy to day till all is soli TERMS One third in hand and the residue m two c.,ual annu; 1 tiavmerits without interest. " * JOHN CESSNA. July 110, 1869.-1 ~ SPECIAL NOTICE. A LL per is in fr'.-i to the late firm of OSTEU, JY M ANSPBAKER A- CARN, are respectfully and earnestly, requested to call and sUle their ac counts either by CASH or NOTE; circumstances de mand a speedy settlement of the Books of the lira), therefore we trust that ail interested will at tend to this notice, otherwise we shall be put to the unplMsaiit necessity of adding cost*. July 29, 1852.-2iu. ~tibuF sale OF A TOWN LOT. rpHE subscribe! will sell at public sale on Satcr- X day the 6th day ot August, n. x:, A VALUABLE TOWN LOT in the Borough of Bedford, fronting CO feet on Pitt Street, and running hack to the Juniata, b -i"g tb property lately turned and reccctly. occupied by Isaac Metigel Jr. TERMS :—lf desired, the purchase mcr.ey will not he demanded for several yours, provided the; accur > the s.eue by judgment note with siiftif. ;,t persona! security, the interest payable .lut.u .by. Otherwise cash, poss-ssiou will he given ..t cm.; umnutioi: of contract. Title warranted. Jih .'2, 1869. JOHN P. REED. f heift- for Sale iu Ouiial fowa. fIIUE subscriber, who is now on a visit at Bed- X ford, has lur sale upwards of one liUu ired farms in lowa. These farms are ail favorably lo cated. in the best parts of lowa, and contain IK-ni 40 to 500 acres, and can be sold for cash ;;t from 3 to 10 Dollars per acre. Titles good, and land war rantor!. These binds are sold lor the benefit of a Literary Institution. Land plats exhibited and terms made known l y R. WEISER, President of Central College of lowa. July 22, 1859. "STILL Till! (OB! VLt GOCZ>r '!y everyday, (and A always s >mc on the road) at Ferguson k Kanspeaker's Ernpoiiam. The prices and the !a*U displayed in their seb-c- I tier, can be seen better at the counter than in tlie newspapers. Come and- see, exanino and then jr. i-e for yourselves. We charge nothing for show j iug. . ! ti -1 i\v find only a few of the prices: | Calicoes, * 4 cts. to 12 i Muslins, 1 " 12 : Lawns, 6 " up Ginghams, 16 " up | Delaines, 10 " up Men's Summer goods, 8 uy j Coffee, 12, 14, 15- Sugar, fiotu 8 to 14. • Sirups, 50 to 75. ' Shoes to cheap too talk about,and everything else in proportion. Bedford, July 15,1559. /- Ty/l -^ L ' /7>'/' /(/' // #40.00 13 A YS for a lull course in the Iron C.iy Coil -ge. ; the largest, most extensively patronize to i 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, is | fuatanteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, aud qualified to earn a salary of , from SSOO <0 SIOO9. Sin leids enter at any time—No Vacation—Re view at pleasure. 51 Premiums for best Penmanship awarded, in 1858. .Ministers' Sons received at half pr'c?. For Ciraul ir and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps, and address. F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. 28EW IMPROVEMENTS At Cotlys' I'liolosrupliic Gallery. THE nndersigned having procured the services of Mr. John Vallade, of Paris, an Artist of rare attainments, is nCvv prepared to furnish Photo graphs in Itsilid Ink, Oil, and Water I'olors 50 per cent cheeper than any ever offered to the Citizens of this Bo tough— Also the new and beautiful know;; us the IVORYTYPE, will be furnished for less than city prices—these pictures are beautifully colored and possess all the delicate tints of the finest paintings on Ivory sur passing in beauty and richness of tone anything of tne kind heretofore introduced. A skylight Gallery, will be fitted up at the Bed ford Springs this week where those partial to the skylight pictures can be accommodated. T. R. GETTYS, JN. Jtviy 1, 1859.-3.n 1 . '--Mm* y erson wanting cood goods cheap, of 9+eiT description, style, and pattern car. be sup pjywl bv OSTER 4 CARN. July 29, 1869. SUGARS, Teas, Coffee, Molasses and Syrups, even of the best to be had in Market always on band and for sslo CHEAP, by July 29,1869. OSTER & CARN. BLOODY BUY RAIL ROAD! FERGUSON k MANSPEAKER'S DEPOT, AT THE SHOE AKTI> VARIETY STOHE. EXAMINE THE LIST OF ATWYUi WXXOE:9 of all kinds Dd descriptions, prices, sorts, sizes and conditions. Don't believe the wonderful auction Stories you hear. Some excuse njnst be given for selling higher than we do. EXAMINE THE LIST Coffee, lest quality at 12 do. 15, Sugar crushed at 13. Syrup, hot golden.. 75 per. gal. " good quality at 50 cts. Rice, 7 cts. Chocolate 25 cts. Every tiling else at corresponding prices including Teas. Alspice. Pepper, Essence of Codec, Cheeso, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Preserves, Pickles, Cattle Powder, (insured.) Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stationery of every kind, including Copy Books, Envelopos, Writing. Paper, ore., Shoe-fixings; including Binding, Tacks, Pegs, Thread, &c . Biushes, Baskets, Bed Cords, Brooms, Buck ets. Mats. Ink, Gloves, Stockings, Hair Brushes, Shirt Collais, bosoms, Neck-ties, Clocks, Hats, Capa, Fans, Suspenders; in short, Every tiling but Dry Goods, aul even some of the to. _/Sk_ &m*LT2> ♦ the best variety of Tobacco, Cigars and Suutl'. Try the PUICES. May, 20, 1859. WAR D ECUOPET NAPOLEON the Tliird is bound to revenge Ids uncle, and & he je jbs* m & Tmr ei 13 & ss> are determined to Sell tt -ir larg ■ and splendid stock of N EW GOO DS, at prices far exceeding in eheatiness any vet offered tbe people of I'cdford, , THE LATEST STYLES, if fashionable DBLSS GOODS, for ia iies and ge iin, will ba found at their store. T II II ES T qt E II % s W t Rfc). a dt>ms their shelves, wiiich they projKiso to sell particularly low. •zmr m w. wc B si-n net-® is SFTSL-C: MS. ~ar HE ucli a# Sugars, Teas, Coffee, &c. fcc., cannot be surpassed in (.xcellence or cho ipne'-s. REMEMBER the-i things and o.GI at once at UMBO & MIN NICK'S where you will not fail to find whatever you wa hi their line of busine s. May 20, 1859. U&J C 2 VB2 Of Tsiking i)e|i' ! The undersigned appointed by the Court Commissioner to take dejiositions in the above i matter hereby gives notice to the above named j parties and ail eth-r persons interested, that i he will meet them, or sneh as m :v choo - ■ to attend i at the !":*>? >f John W. lhuvail, in Wells Town } ship. Fuiton County, Pa. > n Tuesday the 9th day ! of August next, at nine o'clock, A. SI. for the ; purpose ot taking said depositions, when acd where i all who think proper may at:end. JOHN MOWER, I Juiy 8„ 3859. j S MIS. €BC^I"En: SHR Hi" AND CONFECTIONARY. mllE undersigned has just received and keeps ! 1, constantly on hand the following articles : Coffee, sugar, molasses, eh.-.'s-v cfeke-s, fur r.ints, prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, fil crts, cocoa nuts, ground r.uis, pecan*. Eng. walnuts, cream nuts,candies i:: variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco an.! cigars, allspice and pepp.r. spices of all kinds, ■ baking soda, cream of tarter, sulphur. liriinator.e. canister an-1 keg powder, shot, cap* and ).-a i. aid grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tub. r.nd ; hoards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, polish ari l Mason's blacking, sweepitidusting stove, shoe ami scrubbing. I tush-sS, clothes, iiair. tooth an t flesh brushes, h.'.t j aud infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, parses and port mouaies, pocket and memorandum looks, } bonnet an 1 round gum combs. <; ndding" nl tine combs, bracelets and beads, pens, pen-holders, penknives, scissors, Knife-sharpeners, umbrellas. ! mi spenders, spool cotton ami fl >ss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, carry combs, cards, horse trashes, v. e-thread. pegs and sparables, Johnson's Arabian . Lehaent, Rock and Little's White Oil, Me reliant's ce'ehrat-d Gargling Oil, fir man or beast, and many other articles of a simiiur nature. The pat rol age of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. lIEFiBAUGII■ Ju'r 1, lfej9.-zz Dissolution ol Partnership. THE Partnership heretofore existing tinder the nan.o and Arm of Bulger # Beard, carrying on the Coach making business, is this day by mutual con sent dissolved. ABRAHAM BULGER, June 29tb 1850. SIMON BEARD THE ahore business wi'l he carried on by the undersigned at Woodborry. B-ing thankful for past favors, he would respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the public patronage. .ABRAHAM BUI GBR- July 1, 1850. Administrator's' !%otice. LETTERS ot administration have been granted t-.. the subscriber on the estate of M. Heed, late of Liberty Township, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment iin modiately, and those having claims against the s noe wili present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH CRISMAN, „line 21, 1859. Adm'r. Administrators Notice. LETTERS of administration with the will an nexed, have been this day granted by the Register of Bedford County, to the subscriber i sidiag in Bedford Borough, on the estate of John Oder, late of Cumberland Valley township, dec d. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same without delay, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. JOHN H- RUftH, June 17, 1859. Adm'r. IIOOL. tt SIGAFOOS would respectfully anrounce to I", the citizens of Bedford and viciniiy, that ho will commence his School on the fiist Monday o- Angnst, next, iu tlie house on the square, now ocf cupied by Mr. J. 11. Filler. Terms of tuition per Quarter. Primary Branches — Common, English and Natural Sciences. 400 No deduction will be made for loss of time, ex cept in case of sickness, and no pupil will be re cured for J. ss than half a quarter. GEORGE SIGAFOOS. July 1, 1859. cheap cm allies. c HEJiP CtUILLIE DELJIIAS SELLKIG OFF AT COST. OSTER * CARN. Bedford, July 15, 185 9. JOHN AtSIPS CHEAP ( ASH m PffliW'fE STORE, Opposite, f/n "tVasrin :fon Tlote!" Bedford, Pmttsyl iyi n ia. '•Quick Sales; aud Small Profits.-' DRY ROODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, tirscfries c ail Rinds and Quality, QUEE.\SWJRE y BOOTH J.\D SHOES, AND IN SHORT— EVERY THING ELSE WHICH IS USUALLY KEPT BY MERCHANTS, AND WHICH HE WILL SELL l -Cfietiper than the Cheapest." June 24, lt>s9. J. SELBY MOWEB, ATTORNEY IT LAW. Bedford, Pa., VYril.Yi attend promptly Jo all business entiust ▼ v *'! to his care. Office on Pitt Street one door Test of tiie • Onion TT>tr 1. 7 * June 10, 18'0 - NEW BANK! Xi;ff RAIL liOAB!! AND SEW SHOE A\D VARIETY STORE!!! ITIEIIGU-SOX & MAN SPEAKER have just re turned fr-ra the East, atciiter time, with a splendid lo- ol Mi E a & Ji &D of every kin 1. particularly Women's and Child ren's summer ware, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Dey Go-'os, containing a general assortment. f GROCERIES, and in their variety department, are contained a little of every thing. Call and see prices and qualities. Calico at 4 C-nts a yard for instance, and every thine else in p aportion. P. S. ill kinds of produce, taken in exchange for goods at market prices. June 10, 1809. JACOB RF.ED. U. W. RITP. JOHN J. SCHELL. REED, HIPP & SCiiELL, Bankers, and Dealers in Exchange. Bedford, Pe. DRAFTS bought-and S'id. Collections made,: and money piomptly remitted. Deposit* s solicited. References: Hon. Job Mann, Bedfoid, Fa. John Mower, Esq. " ] John Cessna, Esq. ♦ " Boss Forward, Somerset, '• Punn Raguel & Co.. Phila., '• Jno. Watt & Co. Pittsburg. J. VT. Cti-i. v & Co., Bait., Md. June 10, I?o9. Carriage and Wagon-Waking, \\'ILLilH VIISEL II AS commenced the 11 business of Carriage mid Wagon-Making, in Vi •• the village of Chariesville, Bedford Co. Fa. Attention will be given to Repairing.Painting and Trimming. Work will b. put up in the best and neatest styles, and at moderate prices. He respect fully solicits the patrouago of bis triends and the public. Charleivllie, June 10, 1859.-?. FRUIT CANS! FRUIT CANS!! THE subscriber has on band a new let of SEAL ING CASS for puitiug up all kinds of fruit, which be offers at lower prices than can be proem - cd tl*ewhere. One quart cans, 12} cents; three pints, 18|; two quarts, 25 cents. Country mer chants supplied at a discount. They are conveni ent for persons living in th* country, and warrant ed to be cqnal to any others now in use. GEO. IV. BLi'MIRE. July 15, 1859.—5 m. 7 SEW AND BE A UTli IL . CLOSING OUT AT COST. OSTER & CARN ' Bedford, July 15, 1859, 1 Joj (o lhe Admirers of k FINE HEAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Talk of Beauty, it canr.ot exist without ft • head of hair, then read the following, atei if you auk more, see circular around each bottle, an?, so one can doubt. PKOFESSt ;K WOOD'S HAIiiKESTOR ATI VF,. —He call the attention of all, old -bad f<-v to this wonderful preparation, which turns < ict t > its original color, gray hair—covers the head ot ::- j bu.u with A luxuriant growth—removes the d; d ri.:f. itching. and all cutaneous eruptions—caus l ; a continual tiowr of the natural fluids; end hence, i used as a regular dressing for the hair will preserve its color, and keep it from tailing to t'xtn-ne old age. In its natural beauty. We cud tb n ninth; bal l the gray, or diseased in scalp, to elt : surety the joung will not. as they value the flowing; .ocks, or trie witching curi, ever oe w : 'hcut it. - jej praise is upon the tongue of thoua.(. *. The agent tor t'rof. flood's Hair Better, r ve in New Havt a, received the following tetter it i ,ar} to the Restorative, a few weeks since : Dkje? KiVKR, Oox.v July 23, 1858- Mr. Leavenworth—Sir : I hav •t , r . trout! sd with dandruff or scurf ou my beau for inert that, year, my hair began to come out. scurf and I r together. I saw in a New Haven paper at . . " fl'ood's Hair Restorative" as a cure, i called at, your store on the Ist of April l ist, *.; d purcinT -A one bottle to try it and I found to my 3itis:a.-i j. it whs the thing, it removed the scurf and r>w 1. beg in to grew : it is now two or three inches ;'a length where il aa* alt off. I have greet faith in I Wish you to send me two bottles mora by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. I don't know as any of the kind is used in this place, you may have a tnir! et for many bottles after it is known here. Yours with respect, kUFOS PR ATT. PIUL \D*:u-tIl v, Sept. a, ifcio. I BOF. fl oei>—Dear Sir.: Your Hair Restorative is proving its. If uenefieial tc me. The front, and also ti.e buck p irt of my bead almost lest tits covering—in fact bald, i have used but two half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head .s well studded with a promising crop of youg uair, and the front is also receiving its benefit. I have tried other preparations without any ber ctit whatever. I think from <.wn per sonal reeemtiiendatmc I can induce ctunv others to tiv it. Yours respectful!v, D ~K. THOMAS. M. D. No. 404 Vine- street. Vixcesxes, la., June 22. 'SIS. P:.OF O. J. fl'OoD: As you are about to manufacture and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concent, that I have use 1 it and known ethers to use ii—that I have, for several y.-rs, uc n in the habit 1: isiiT" other Hair Restorative, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to any other I know It entiiely cl -auses ti eh r the dreys on which if drop#. I would. V or-.fore! tecomnuu its n:,e to everyone desir .c.-. of having a fine co' t are! Uxtnn to hair. Respectfuliy yours, , . * WILSON KING. . a. Si O,OD sc CO., Propriainra Sl't 3r0.-., : -vay, New York, (in the great N I'. Wire Railing Es tablishment.) and 111 Market Street, St. Louis, lie. For sale by Dr. B- P. Harry. And sold by aligned Dtugri-ts. 1 IMP OF BEBwlTmaW! I PROPOSE to tusk s directory uap •;•!' Bedford C .urty from actus] surv-. ys, if a sufficient unai ber of tabscri- ers.caa be raised to wai.apt the cm des taking. The map will sir w the location of aii the c;T..cns, and also their places of business such a stores. Post Offices. Hotels. M anufactu ring est a biisbtt, nta, Grist Mi 11% Saw Mills, Shops,&c., also :k„ 1 .auoa ol all the public rofwia, boundary bees. stro..aiij, mountains, fcc. Maps of-all the towns r.w| large villages wili be put on the same sheet, also statistical'cr ft.ho ■ County, and (if ttken it. ntuc) the cens. j of 1860. The map cuuM not be ready tat delivery in Lss than about a year ami ?. half. FDWD. L. WALKER. July 1, 1&59. C ACTIO!! • Mk •fl ife Catharine Esheliuan, having left my bed and board without any cause or 1 revoca tion, I hereby caution aii persons from trusting her on my account as I am determined not to pay'suy debts ut her contracting. JACOB FSHELMAN. Middle Woodbury Tp., July ?, ]89.-* PA>JPIiLET LAM'S! Iy\ MPHLET Laws for 1859. have been received at this office, and ready lor delivery tc iNjso en titled to receive them. SAM'L H. TATE, Prath'y. Proth'y Office, Bedl'c.rd July 8, 1559. Ir/"jA y.rrds new style Laves, in Browns, Lilacs, y vU Amaranths, Pinks, Blues, Purples,G Teens, Buffs ike., closing out nt reduced prices.— June, 2!. 1859. OSIER & CAEX. AI'EP'S Cherry Pectoral ad .Tr.vpe's Expecto rant at Dr. Harr\ "s Drug ar.d Book Store. Angus! 0,1858. IJiiysicians prescriptions carefully compear 1 ed, at ail hours of the day or nigh at Dr. Hurry's, Drug Store, Aitgujg, o 1858 GENTLEMEN AP.E invited to call and examine onr second snn ply of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS, suitable for the present stasou, we can show you the b.'St stock we have y.t offered, and will sell them—CHEAP as th- ssn.e goods cau be had at retail in Aire • • -. June IT, 1850. A. B CRAMER & CO. NEW GAB FETING. rrtilE subscribers have Just received one thousand J. yards o!" new carpet, ng which they will sc'J cheap for cash or country Produce. June 17, 1853. A. h CRAMER is CO. IF you would walk erect, and procure good heatffi by the expansion of your chest, call at i;earner & IT ay's It tug Store an, get a pair of the be st sly it* of Litest expanding Suspender and Shoulder Braces. July 1. 1853. JAYNE'S Wrights, Bennett's and Dyott'a pills at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. August G, 1858. WOOL. WAITED WE wi'l pay cash or .Merchandise for any antitv of clear washed wt.ol. May 857. A. B. CRAMER A CO. II UlTli TEETH ap i a perintned breath c_u \'T he accquired by U>iufi the *• Baku cf a houaau 1 Fiowara." To be ha 1 at DR. HARRYS. March G.,18.57. BLANK DEEDS, 7 A superior article, tor sale at this oflice. April 8, 1850. i fV" O W then lor Bargains! selling off all kinds of Xl StPHoe'r'dress Goods at cost. OSIER A CAIiN. Bedford, July 15, 1839. For the llair—Jockey Club, and r.ew mown hy, pomatums, gtruirc ox matrow. at Dr. Ilanj 't. 1 OWAIM'S PANACEA at Dr. Ham's Dreg and 1 >3 Hook Store