BY DAYID OYER. THE INQUIHEFt la published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel House, by DAVID OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid within the year, $-.50 unl be charged. .No paper discontinued until all ar rearages are paid- except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Jdrertisemenls not exceeding a square,(lo lines,) inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sertion. 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a ftill square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly ana promptly and on reasonable terms. PROF E SSIONA L CAIt Y S. Ross Fokwsrd. O. 11. Gaitiifr. Forward A (iailher, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford. Pa. ROSS FORWARD, of Somerset, and O. H. (I AIT HER, have opened a law cilice in Bed ford, Pa. O. 11. GAIT lIER, having located i>er manently in Bedford, will he assisted during every Court by the former. Alt business entrust"-:! to them will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Juliana street, two doors south of the In quirer office. Dec. 31, 1858. ' R. I>. 11l BCI *A V s ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all legal businessen'rusted to his care. on Juliana Street, in Hie building for merly occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1858. ~ VT| € L.aa t , ATTORNEY AT LAW. NeCONNELLSBURG. PA. WILL practice in the Courts of Fulton, Bediorn and Franklin Counties. on Main Street, opposite Speer's Hotel. September 3, 1858. JOB MANN, G. H. SPANG. IAW PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned A have associated themselves in the I raticc of the Law, and will promptly ate. ..a noes entrusted to their care in Bedford and at ioinine counti® 4 !* on Jnliant.a Street, three doors aouth otMenge! oH tse and opposite the resi dence of Maj. Tate. MAyN sfaNo June 1, —1854. tf. I>. S. RIDDLE, Formerly of Bedford, Pa. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 14, WALL ST- SEW YORK All business promptly atended to. Dec. 3, 1858. _ J. W. LIVGEVIEETE R , Attorney at Law and Land Surveyor W'ILL attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fulton Counties. DC?""Office one door Wait of the Union Hotel. Dec. 24,1858. . 11, 185t.- mo. A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. THE DYIN® WIFE. Lay the gem upon my bosom, Let me feel her sweet, warm breath. For stransre chill o'er me passes, And I know that it is death. I would gize upon the treasure— Scarcely given ere I go, Feel her rosy, dimylcd fingers Wander o'er my cheek of snow. I am passing through the waters, But a blessed shore appears, Kneel beside tne, husband, dearest! Let me kiss away thy tears ; Wrestle with thy grief, my husband, Strive from midnight until day, It may have an angel's blessing, When it vanishes away. Lay the gem upon my bosom, 'Tis not long she can be there ; See! how to my heart she nestles, 'Tis the pearl I love to wear. If, in after years, beside thee Sits another in my chair. Though her voice be sweeter music. And her f.ce than mine more lair— | If a cherub calls thee "father," Far more beautiful than this, Lore thy first horn ; O, my husband ! Turn not from the motherless. Tel] her sometimes of her mother, You will call her by my name ? Shield her from the winds of sorrow ; If' she err, oh ! gently blame. Lead her sometimes where I'm sleeping, | I will answer it she calls, And my breath will stir her ringlets When my voice in blessing falls. And her soft black eyes will brighten With Wonder whence it came; In my heart, when years pass o'er her, "Hl'.e will BnU her roomer s name. It is said that every mortal Walks between two angels here ; One records the ill, bnt blots it, If bell • •• the midnight drear Man repenteth ; if uncancelled, Then he seals it for the skies, Ami the right hand angel weepetb, Bending low with veiled eyes. 1 will be her right hand angel, Sealing up the good for Heaven, Striving that the midnight w.itches ! Find no misdeeds unforgiven. You will not forget me, husband. When I'm sleeping 'ueath the sod ! Oh, love the jewel given us, As I love thee—next to God ! A GOOD AKGCDOTE. In the early days of the State of Indiana, the capital was Corydon ; and the annual ses ! sions of the General Assembly usually brought together as wild a set of mad wags as could he | found iu the State, who had to rely upon their | own resources for amusement, for there were then few theatres, concerts or shows. These lovers of mischief had established a mock Masonic Lodge, into which they would entice such as were a little green, and take them through a variety of ridiculous ceremo nies, to the infinite amusement of the crowd. On one of these occasions, it being under stood that a good-natured, athletic young man, about half a simpletOD, was to be initiated, the room was crowded. Judge Grass (it being a character in which he was peculiarly happy) had consented to act the role of lire devil ; and to make the services more impressive, had put lon a false face and a large paper cap, sur mounted with horns, and, with some chains in j his hands, placed himself behind a screen. After taking the candidate through a variety fore the screen," and toL. TT.~V'titf D'ad'Thon '"fa confess all the crimes ho had committed during his whole life. The candidate confessed some trivial offences, and declared that he could re collect no more. At this the Judge came out i from bis hiding place, groaned, and shook his chains. Tho frighted candidate related some j other small matters, nnd declared that he bad ' disclosed all the crimes he had ever committed. ;At this the groans of the pretended devil be came furious, the chains rattled and he shook his horns in the face of the terrified candidate, who, starting back in alarm, cried out, •H.h-hojd on, M m-mister D-d-devil, if I m-m-must t-t-tell you, 1 d-d-did k k-kiss J-j --judge G*g -grass's w-w wife a c-c couple 0 f times J The groaning ceased. j A wing alar and swift retribution occurred in Huron eo., 0., a few days siDce. An ugly . fellow, in lit of passion, intentionally dostroy |ed an .eye of one of his horses. The next day, while driving a nail, a piece of it lodged in his eye completely destroying the sight. A French journal announces that M. Nicho las Clary, a gentleman in possession of an in come of §OO,OOO a year, has engaged as a private soldier in a cavalry regiment which is about to take the field. BEDFORD. PA.. FRIDAY, JUIE 10. 1859. THE TERRIBLE RECOGNITION. A Tale of Hie Ocean Wilderness. BY HARRY HAZLETON. We were rolling home in the old Plymouth, of Boston, it was a fine, starlight night, and there was a glorious breeze blowing in just the right direction— upon our quarter. Seated witii five of my messmates upon the windlass, our conversation naturally turned to home and its associations. It was a suitable subject, for, as wo glanced at the swelling pyr amids of canvass extending upward to the lof ty trucks, we felt that, these "white pinions ' were shoving tho old vessel along, each mo ment, nearer her destination. "Jack," said I, turning to one of my mess mates, a robust young fellow of tweuty, "how happens it that you have nothing to say upon this subject ! Have you no mother,sister, nor other friend to talk about?"' 1 uttered these j words in a light, jesting tone, as my shipmate | had remained sileut during our conversa tion. A shadow fell upon his brow, and he seem ed under the influence of some powerful emo tion. "Tom," said he. in a mournful voice, "nev er mention the name of mother again; it is a painful subject to me, and one upon which I never like to think. But I will teii yoa why. Many years ago—not such a great many, cith er—for it was only five—l lived with a kind, gentle widow woman, who was wont to take me by the hand and call me son. That woman was my own mother. She would take all tlie pains in the world to make me comfortable and happy. 1 was then a lad of fifteen, and used to work very bard. My pay was not very good, but ui:h that and the money which my mother earned by taking in sewing, we man aged to live. I shan't try to describe any of tho little acts of tenderness on her part to ward me. You all know, boys, at least all of you who have been blessed with a toother long euotigh to appreciate her, how she woul i he likely to act toward an only son. Well, as 1 said,! used to work very hard—very hard from morn till night.'- During the leisure, which was afforded mo Sundays, 1 naturally felt the vvaat of s"me amusement more excita ble than that of the pleasures of home, and the society of my poor mother. Unluckily, therefore, I fell into the company of suiue dis sipated young fellows, and resorted to the stim ulus of strong drinks to afford the excitement which 1 craved. It is unnecessary to c> into details. From thai time my course was down ward; and ali the persuasion of my mother to turn mo from the fearful road I was pursuing, proved of no avail. At last, by constant ne glect of busiues", 1 lost my situation altogeth er; ana uien, fran'ic with grief and despair, I fled from that roof which had sheltered me from infancy. Hiving always had a strong in clination Do the sea, 1 shipped ou board a wha ler as cabin boy. The vessel was gone about three years, at the end of which uuae I found myself once more in my native town. I sought the cottage in which 1 hud previously resided, hoping that my mother was still living there. But I found tile place deserted, and ou inquiring of some of the neighbors, learned that my mother had remained upwards of a year after my departure, in the old homestead, grieving for my departure, tihe had found out from some of tho ship owners in New Bedford, that I had gone to sea, and waited a Jong time, hoping that 1 would write to her. But as a wlmle year went by without bringing any news of me, she became almost frantic with grief, and seemed to be gradually losiug her reason. One day she loft the house with a buudle in her hand, and when the neighbors inquired i concerning tier intentions, she commenced to ! weep and wring her hands, saying that she was going to look for her long-lost son. They saw | her take the road to New Bedford, and since that time she had never been seen or heard of again, iu tho village. ".Such was the story they told me, and you can judgo of the effect which it bad upon uiy mind. I plunged into the most degraded soci ety, and drank deeply of the wine eup to drown sorrow; so that iu a few months all uiy ! hard earnings were spout, and 1 was lorced to I take to the sea again. If was then that I sbip- I pen in this vessel, the Plymouth, and came | among you as messmate. I have now given up , ali hopes of ever again meeting with my lUOtli | er, unless it be in the land of spirits, after my j death." I™ """" ~ -''B l '! -•> 1 oio the shad ow fell upoo his forehead. Alter a moment's ! silence, he added: "W hat makes me feel worse about the mat | ter is, because they told me in the village that ! t " e J tHought she was insane. This may have got her into some difficulty." "Perhaps you wouldn't know her again, if you were to see her," sai l one of the men. "Ob, J''.-, 1 would," answered Jack; "that iS if I could got a glimpse of her arm. But 1 think she'd have to be very much altered iu •he countenance for me not fy know her it I Saw her," "\ou were saying something about her arm, ' suggested one of the listeners. * .. "les, 1 was going to say I would know her it I was to see her bare arm, but 1 don't line to tell why," answered Jack, uioodiiy. "i'es, 1 will, though, ' he added, after a moment's si lence. "In her right arm, just above the el bow, are tho marks of my teeth ! One night I staggered into the house, and, under the influ- ' cnce of liquor I had drank, reeled to tho floor. j My mother took hold of mo, and gently raised , mo up, and I—monster brute that I was, fix ed my tee'.h in her arm and bit her, while she was so doing. My teeth were very sharp, and tboy suuk deep in her flesh. It was some time after that, ere the wound healed, and when it did, four blue marks —the impression of my teeth—were left upon the skin." Fueh was the story of Jack Ratlin: and weeks after, when our vessel arrived at Bos ton, I had almost entirely forgotten it. But certain incidents which I am now going to re late, leealled it again, and that very forcibly, to my recollection, about eighteen months af terwards. After having left the Plymouth, 1 had shipped in a sperm whaler: but not being satisfied with the usage I received on board, I took the liberty to desert her when she arrived at her first, port in Talcahuna, ten months after wards. I remained hero for nearly ten weeks, earning a few reals daily by serving in a Chi lian schooner, plying up and down the coast. At tho end of that time, as there was no other chance, I shipped in another whaler, then ly ing so port. Scarcely had I leaped over the bulwarks on first comiog on board, than my eye lighted upon the well-known countenance of my former shipmate in the Plymouth, Jack Ratlin, lie was walking up and down the quarter deck, issuing, now and then, some or ders, in a sharp tone, to tho men forward, who were employed about the windlass. As soon as ho saw me, he ran up, aud des pite his dignity as second mate of the vessel, shook me cordially by the hand, and inquired after my health. He then informed me that shortly after leaving the Plymouth, he succeed ed, through the the influence of one of the ship owners, in obtaining the birth of second mate on board the Rochester, which was tho uaiuetif the vessel iu which 1 now had shipped as a foremast, hand. 'ajiou'll find me a good officer, Tom," said he; ♦'although, perhaps, the men think I'm a little quick-tempered.' 1 "No doubt of it Jack—no doult of it,'' said I, as 1 bundled forward with my chest and valise. We had not been out from Talcahuanabut a few weeks, when I was also inclined to think with the rest of my shipmates, that Jack Rat lin, although he had been quiet enough as a to re mailt baud, was quick tempered as second mate. He treated mc well enough, hut the greater portion of the men had cause to complain of iiis conduct toWaid them. There was one in dividual in particular amoug the crew whom ho used like a dog. This personage was a pitiful looking specimen of humanity, about fifty years of age, called Brooks. His eyes werb sunk en, bis cheek wasted, and his brow wriukled as with care. He always kept by himself, and would jidver eat .anything at meal times but a .bread and some water. He was ev- IdetMJ tult fiTI HTTuI, lor lrc irmfirt runivtluiur walk about the necks, moaning nnd wringing his Lauds, while his eyes would have a strange vacant stare, lie never seemed to take pride like the rest of us in making himself look neat, although he was far from beiug filthy.— His garments were generally clean, but always ragged aud never seemed to fit Lis attenuated figure. I'IJIS poor fellow was the Lutt of the crew, and J pitied him from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I would sec him sitting ail alone in some obscure pan of the ship eating bis solita ry ileal, whiio the tears were streaming down his lollow cheeks. Whenever he was told to dc anything, instead of executing the coiu muei, ho would stand and look about him with a bewildered stare. It was at such times that the vrath of Jack Ratliu would become arous ed against tne unfortunate fellow, and he would deafbiui a blow or a kick. To this abuse, bowjver, he would only respond by clasping his lands together and uiteriug a strange, pia*.giive iiioau. One night, presuming upou our former acquaintance, i took the liberty of reunnstraiing with Ratlm in regard to his be havor toward the poor wretch. "l'u.u," said he, "do you know what makes uieso hard upon that fellow? I will tell you. 11 i because there is a look about him which almys makes me think of " •.buzz ! baiij*! crash ! Down keeled our shp ou her beam cud, and away went the tuaiu to| gallant mast. We had been struck by one ofjkose sudden squalls so eoiumoa off the cpst of Japan. i'Clew up top-gallant sails let go topsail bfyards fore auu aft I" yelled KatUn. The ujn flew to obey the order. i-'What in ! are you about? Go there all neip the men clew up the top-gallant-sails?" itred Jacks to brooks, who was standiog close tthiin trembling from head to foot. The man - portunity to the boroughs and counties for expres sing their wishes for complete non-intervention and houest neutral.ty. As to internal affairs, the Con servatives hive gained about twenty seats and are still iu a minority of about sixty votes in lull Par liament. Still, they have consolidated their party by stupendous bribery. Lord Derby subscribed X 20,000 for the election, the Duke of Northumber land £25,000, each of the three new peers X 19,000, and some X 30,000 more were furnished by the oth er members of the Carlton Club, It is, however, a great question whether the Liberals will be able to defeat the Ministry, which clings to office, and can not be ousted but by a vote of waut of confidence- Now the Liberals are not united; the Radicals hate Lord Paimerston still more than they hate Lord Derby, and the spdit between Lord John Russell _and Lord Palmcrston is not yet healed. x We bear from Tnrkey that the agitation in Bosnia snd Bulgaria is onrhe increase, and an outbreak may soou be expected. Tha Sultan has increased his army by an additional 20.000 men along the Danube; but he lias no good officers. Omer Pasha is jealous of every rising maD; and the stolidity of the Turks prevents them from maktng the proper use of the foreign officeis in their service. What Is In the Wind ? A special correspondent of the New York Htr ald, writing from this Gity under date of May 19th, gives the following. This may or may not be a canard, but as Mr. Forney himself is writing some rather singular articles now-a days, the information : communicated may have its significance:-PAi/. News "Some three weeks since, Hon. S. A. Douglas spent almost an entire night at the house of Mr. Forney, in Philadelphia, discussing the course to be taken as to the .Charleston Convention—Mr. Douglas arguing in favor of going into that con vention and submitting to its action, whilst Mr. Forney declared that ho would have nothing to do with it, aud would figbt any one nominated by that convention, even Douglas himseli. Mr. Douglas finally asked what be (Forney) would advise him to do; to which Mr. Forney said that if he was in liis (Douglas') place, he would go to Chicago and announce himself as a candidate for the Presidency, in the some manner that town constables in th-r Western towus announce themselves for office, and pay no attention whatever to the convention ; and let a convention meet and nominate a Vice Presi dent to run with him, and trust to the result.— Dou las' opinion all the way through was, that it was his best course to go into the Charleston Con vention and abide its results. "Forney declared that he was going to fight the | Republican party and Administration party, con [ sidering (he said) both of them the essence of cor ! ruption, and feels sanguine that he will draw the Democratic party back with him. rie also stated that the reason that their wing of the Democracy did not nominate a ticket at Altoona was that Jhiy were afraid of the exhibit they would make next October, lie was afraid that the majority of the parly would stick to the regular nominees, and would not give them over fifty thousand votes, when he knew that there were three times that number in the State sympathizing with their prin ciples." IRISH DENIAL. —An liish boy, who was try ing bard to get a place, denied that he was Irish. *'l don't know what you mean by not being an Irishman," said the gentleman who was about hiring him ; but this I know, you were born in Ireland." "Oeb, your honor, if that's all said the boy, "small blame o that. Suppose I had been born in a stable, would I have been a borse V A COUNTRY LADY ON VIRTUE-—A corres pondent of the Viocennes Sun, writing from Olriey, a small villisgc in Illinois, says : "I asked an old ladv of the church in confi dence, if she really thought a dis-virtuous wo man would become virtuous by joining < he church She jerked her cap-border, adjusted ber 'specs, and said, 'yes, if tbf pesky men would let ber alone!' and 1 believe she is right.' A conceited coxcomb asked a friend what apology be ought to make for no* being one of a party, the day before, to which be bad a card of invitation. "Ob, my dear sir," replied tba wit, "say nothing about it ; yon were sever missed." Every delay of repentance is a cheat upon ourselves, '