Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, June 03, 1859, Image 4

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    Gt&vftnMtwmi >
From ihe Jlmericai^Agriculturist.
Enlarging a Farm Kilbout Buying
If a man does not know bow much land he
actually own?, and gets no benefit out of that
part with which he is unacquainted, and then
is informed that he has more, and is told bow to
use it, why is not this equivalent to the pur
chase of uioro acres! Farmers are often heard
to explain;: "Oh that I were rich enough to
buy a little more land, then I could fatten more
cattle and sheep; and I could earty more grain
to market!" Now, to such men, at least to
seme of them, we Leg leave to say, your farms
are already larger than you suppose. You stun
to think that your ownership extends only six
inches deep into the earth; but this is a misap
prehension. It is uot very strange, however,
since ail the former owners of the soil had the
same idea, and the Indians from whom your an
cestors bought or stole the land, were content
witb'Culy the surface, just enough to hunt up
on and to grub a few roots out of. But this is
all a mistake, as you will see on reflection.—
Examine the title deeds to your land and see
if there is any limit to your rights in a down
ward direction. You will not find auy; wc
know you won't.
Now, therefore, do not fear to go at ones auii
take possession of the rest of your farm. It is
virgin soil, eovered over with only a few inches
of partly worn bind; ami it will return you fine
orcps if you will culy lay it open to the uo
and air, or mix it with the soil you have long
cultivated. Pet haps it will not he wise for you
to try to use it all the Gist year; use a little
moderation ia entering upon your new property,
for your own sake and for the farm's sake, [lo
conuectiou with the advice here given, it may
09 well for the reader to turn back to page 71
(March N0.,) and study what is said about
plowing deep and plowing shallow.—El).] Here
what some writer has said on the subject
uot strictly correct pot haps, but highly sugges
tive: "At the present time, the average croo
of wheat per acre in Great Britain, on soil
cultivated tcr centuries, is about doubled ilia t
produced on the coDiparativeiy new soil of Ohio.
\\ by is this? Simply because the loading Brit
ish farmers arc educated men, and apply thei r
work wisely. They pay Lack to the earth what
they borrow from her: they endeavor by every
means in their power tj enrich their ground
and in return it enriches theiu. If American
farmers, instead of laboring to double the num
ber of their acres, would endeavor to double
their crops, they would find it a saving of time
and toil, and an increase of profit. Mtnj men
never think of digging ten inches into the soil,
tmless they have dreamed about a crock of gold
hid in the earth; but if they would sot übout
the work of digging iu earnest, every man
would find his crock of gold without the aid of
dreams or divination."
V\'e once heard of some remark able strawber
ries raised in a neighboring town, and called
the *• Washiugtou Excelsior" strawberry. Hu
mor said that the leaves were large, vividly greeu
all Summer, the fruit large and abundant for a
long time, and not diminished by the severest
drouths. The plants were sold at half a dollar
apiece, and were considered cheap at that price
Attracted by these wonderful stories of the new
frutt, we went to see it and learn all about it.
The plants were indeed beautiful, and the fruit
very fine. But our eyes were opened when
Mr. Smith, the owner, told UJ frankly, that th
plants were some common sort, the name of
which be had forgotten, but that they were
grown on a bed in the corner of his garden which
was made ground, for at least six feet deep.—
Why did not this account for the persistent ver
dure of the foliage and the size and abundance
of the fruit? Yet, the superior beauty of the
plants and berries had attracted much attention
ia the neighborhood and seemed to cci! for a
high-sounding name; and so Mr. Smith dubbed
them the Washington Excelsior. Plainly, this
man's strawberry bed was enlarged without
fencing in more land
TiilS Democratic Party bas given up electing
members of Congress, Governors, etc. .It con
fines its attention exclusively, here and thsre, to
electing a justice or a towu councilman. Easy
are the labors of those who do not aim high.
A man boasting in a company of ladies that
h had a very luxurious Lead of hair, a lady
present remarked that it was altogether owing
to the mellowness of the soil.
"Shall I have your hand?" said au exquisit
to a belle, as the dance was about to commence.
"With all my heart," was the soft response.
The man wbc courted an investigation says it
isn't half so good as courting an affectionate
lixeculor s Voltoe.
LETTERS o! administration have been granted
to the sntwenber on the estate of Susan l)icken,
late of Cumberland Valley Township, dee'd. All
persons indebted to said estato are notified to make
payment immediately, and those having claims
against the same will present tberu properly authen
ticated for settlement.
May 20, 1859. Cumberland Valley Tp.
BLANK Exemption Judgment Notes,Execuf.ons,
Summons, Subpoena*, Constable Sales, f*e.,
.fir sals at this office.
IN pursuance of au Act of Assembly, approved
the Btb day of May, 1851, requiring tbo Treas
urer of each county, to publish in each year, a list
of all retailers of domestic and foreign goods,
wares and merchandise—NOTlCE is hereby given
to retailers in classes, as directed by law, that the
taxes must be paid to the ccuuty treasurer, on or
before the Ist day of August, next.
Bedford Borough.
Class License.
Ostcr <s• Cam, Id 10 00
A. B. Cramer & Co., 13 10 00
Nicholas Lyons, 14 7 CO
Heed & Miunicb, 13 10 00
JohnAlsip, 14 ' d 0
Miss M. Fetterly. 14 7 00
Samuel Shuck it Co., 14 7 00
Robeit Fyan, 14 7 00
J. $ J. M. Shoemaker, 14 7 00
Sarah E. Potts, 14 7 00
Isaac Lipple, 14 7 00
Colin Lover, 14 7 00
Agms Saupp, 14 7 00
John Arnold, 14 7 00
i Win. Hartley, 14 7 00
I George Blymire, 14 7 00
i Or. B. F. Harry, 14 7 00
Dr. F. C- Reamer b Co., 14 7 00
A. Ferguson & Co., 14 7 IK)
A. L. Dcfibaugh, E. 11. ti o 00
Bedford Township.
John B. Furney, 14 7 00
John S. Kitchcy Distillery, 4 15 00
Edward 11 uflruan, Brewery, 6 15 DO
Broadtop Township.
! John F. Dowry, 14 7 00
Colerain Township.
A. C. James, 14 7 00
| Janus b Barak.vt, 14 7 00
Cumberland Valley Township.
Jacob Anderson, 14 7 00
| John May Jr., 14 7 00
j Daniel It. Anderson, !4 7 00
Thomas Grouden, 14 7 00
East Providence Township.
\ J ohn Nycum, 14 7 00
n. A. T. Black, 14 7 00
Lauderbaugh .V Pea, 11 7 Oo
Harrison Township.
Valentine B. Wert a, 11 7 00
John V". Smith. 14 7 C-
Juniata Township.
Wm. Keyser, 14 7 00
Hillegas 4 Mowery, 14 7 00
Lewis N . Fyan. 14 7 00
Fred, tlikierbraut, 11 7 00
George Gardill, 14 7 00
Liberty Township.
Lewis Putt, 11 7 00
.John Cypher, 14 7 00
Steel JSr Eritriken, 14 7 <'
Jacob Fockler, 14 7 00
Londonderry Township.
Jacob Devon; Jr., 14 7 00
Thomas J. Porter, 14 7 no
.Monroe Township.
Daniel Fletcher, 11 7 CO
James K. O'Neal, 14 7 (JO
„Vapier Township.
John Wayde, 14 7 00
Peter llillegas Distillery, 4 15 00
West Providence Township.
Jacob Barndollar, 13 10 00
James M. Barndollar & Son, 13 10 00
Thomas Ritcbey, 14 7 oo
Snake Spring Township.
Nicholas Koontz, 14 7 op
Schellsburg Borough.
B. F. Horn & Brother, 14 7 p()
A. Buna, * 14 7 po
E. Siatler & Son, 11 7 00
John E. Colvin, 14 7 00
John S. Schcll, 14 7 Do
A. J. Snivcly, 14 7 00
John Smith, 14 7 00
Miller 4 Blackburn, 14 7 00
Duncan McYicker, 14 7 po
St. Clair Township.
F. D.Beegla, 14 7 00
G. B. Amiek, ]4 7 oil
George Hinesling, ]-l 7 t,p
G. D. Trout, 14 7 p ( )
•toh a 11. Scfaell, 14 7 pn
Southampton Township.
Kirk At Fletcher, t \ 7 00
Wm. Oss, 14 7 op j
Union Township.
John Walter, 11 7 Of) j
.Middle VVoolberry Township.
Jacob Erennemau, 14 7 00
C. W. Ricketson, 14 7 00
G. R. Barndollar, 14 7 o<)
Abraham Bechhcefcr, 14 7 00
South Woodberry Township.
Piper At Scott, 14 7 00 j
S. 14. Oster, 14 7 (/> :
George Kauffmun, 14 7 00
D. P. Buck, 14 7 00
D. Beegle, 14 7 00
May 13. 18G9.-4t.
THE subscrib •rs have j ist opcnt-d a large and j
well assorted supply of
MUtIM. A\l) snnil li (.units
including al the various fabrics usuallyl found in
a store, consisting in part of viz : Blue, Black,
Brown and Olive French Cloths, Black, and Fancy
Colored plain an l ami side Band Cassimers, Cassi
netts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Drillings,
Linens,Chambtirgs, Ate.
Very handsome Spring Calicoes, Lawns, Challies, !
1 obes, Barages, French and Lisle Thread Ginghams, j
Silks, Hoserv, Gloves, N. W. Cllais, Cambrics, j
Swiss Muslins, Stella Shawls, Parasols, Mantillas
Rag, Listing, Venitian, Half Wool, also Floor Oil
ClotLs, various widths. Our stock of
cannot be surpassed in the County for extent, va
riety and cheapness.
Rio, Laguira and Turkey Coffee, N. Orleans,
Crashed, Granulated and Clarified Sugars, New
Orleans M classes, Golden Syrups, Teas, Chocolate
Oils Jrc.
Our stock is very complete, and we shull he happy
to exhibit our goods to all who may favor us with
a call, whether they wish to purchase or not. Tu
good and reliable purchasers our terms are as usual
viz: prompt settlements, by money or note every Janu
ry. All kinds of Country Produce received for goods
for which the highest price will lie given.
May 6, 1859. A. B. CRAMER $ CO.
2?nEßrce: sunn
rjlhe undersigned keeps constantly on hand FRENCH
X Bpr.ns of all sizes, and furnishes every article re
ouired by the milling trade. Complete satisfaction
fuarar.teed for a very article sold. Millers who pre
ger the solid Bpan, by giving 4 to 6 months notice,
can Have their orders executed at the quarries in
Address WM. H. KEPNER,
Harrisburg, F 0., Fa.
April , 1859.-6 m.
Idniiiistrator's Sofite.
LE TTERS ot Administration having been grant
i ed to the sitLsubscriber ou the estate of Henry
Stockman, late of Monreo Township, dee'd, all per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
make payment immediately and those having claims
against the time will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
May, 20 1869. Bedford.
BIBFOR® mmrnm.
fJI i 1 .IVING formed a partnership, in the
IpDRUG and BOOK BUSINESS, will con-
Lj stantly keep on band, at the
1 old stand, a large and well jf— ±ZiQp
selected stock of
Drugs and Medicines, wholesale arid retail, all of
which will he sold on lair terms. The assortment
consists in part of
Dregs and Chemicals. Dye Woods and -dcids, Paints
and Oils, Window Glass and Glass Ware, Tubac
co and 4 iegars, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, s<•., sc.
PATENT MEDICINES.— Having the regular agency
for the sale of many of these medicines, the pub
lic areassured that they are of the bi d; such as
have stood the test of time and experience, and
can he safely recommended as genuine, viz :
Town send's and Sand's SarsaparilU, Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr.
Jay tie's Family Medicines, Fahnstock s, iloben
sack's and otlior vermifuge; Hoofliud's German,
Biiters, &c., tec.
Constantly on band a large stock of histories
: geographical, scientific, religious, poetical, ss ho
: and miscellaneous BOOKS.
Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE
! RY, Cap, l'ost and Wrapping Paper, of every
' quality. Paper Hangings iu great variety. Win
-1 (low Blinds, iu patterns or by the piece. Wuii
; Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods.
! BLANK BOOKS ot every size and quality.—
! Pocket Books and Fort Meuniies, Diaries, Blank
I Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils,
{ Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great variety.
Soaps, Ac., Ac.
Lamps, and Campbine OR and Burning Fluid,
: kept constantly on Hand.
CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Wolff's'
Scheidaru Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and A
j deira Wines.
, Jan. 28, 185' J.
1 _ _
~ *zi wij *mw *mm '
' t|YHE undersigned believes that lie lut3 invented a
A cast iron carriage hub which far excels all
| others now in use, for strength, neatness and dura
' bility, and that it only needs to be cxamim J, and
I its merits tested, to secure its universal approval
j and adoption. Indeed it is no longer an experi
! ment, it having been effectually tried by the best
| judges in our country, a . I pronounced o;e* of the
j Greatest Improvements &i liie t^e!
i Several vehicles have been in use over two years
; with the Improved Hub attached, and the wheel -
. are stilt • s perfect as when they left the shop, the
una', otdttlilo wear excepted.
This is the only Cast Iron Hub ever invented
sutable for light wheels.
This improvement is of such a nature that one or
| more spokes tuay be taken out changed or replaced
j without disturbing the other portion of the wheel
! Where a wood hub is used, if a spoke happens to
j become broken, it ii nec sswy to cut the tire and
1 separate the felloes, to get at the damaged part.—
j The wheel must be then rocomposoJ, ti>e lire re
j welded and reset. AH this involves a considerable
! |>orise and loss of time.
■I n the present Improvement tli; L.her ends of
; thcspoks in* secured in an Iron Hub, which con-
I .-ist- mainly of two shells fasteueted together with
; screws. By simply unscrewing the nuts and laiiing
! 1 >d'the back shell, any one of the spokes may be
1 removed or changed, anil the lu*b again put together
! er, leaving the wheel as solid and firm as eVvr, all
TListuethod of constructing Iron Hub Wheels
gives thcDi unusual strength,
mmm t\n M.ITM;XS.
besides "obviating several other objections that have
heretofore attended their use. The cost of manu
facture is also greatly reduced.
The subscriber Agent for Bedford C > : i'!ty, will
dispose of Township and shop rights, on reason
able tortus. WILLIAM O'NEAL Agent.
Feb. 18, 1859. Rainsburg,Bedford Co., Fa
A FTER a long ami hard struggle at Washington
A City, Mr. Sickles lias been acquitted, and T.
M. SHOEMAKER A CO. have succeeded in getting
their stock of goods, which is very largoand cheap
er than ever before sold in Bedford. Consisting in
part of
Mack and
Fancy Silks. Lavella
Cloths, Debaige, Chat lies, lin
eal*, Delaines, Calicoes. Ginghams, Uarrgt,
Checks, ailpacas, Flannels, Shawls, Plain and
Barred Cambric!:*, Hosiery, Haukerehiefs, Lawns,
Gloves, Mils, Cottars, Ribbons, Muslins, 7'ick
ings. Checks; a large assortment e.f
Mens' and Hoys' Wear, Jrcm
cts. up ; Linens,
Mark and Fancy Cassimcre, Cloths, ltats end
Cops, 4~c., 4 c., 4c.
A large assortment of j
ROOTS and WHO Xtlfci,
cheaper than ever.
A good supply of Carpets, all colers and prices,
siegie and double carpet chain, looking glas.- .s,
umbrellas, clocks, 4j-e.
A1 ,0, A large assortment of
Such as Coffee, Sugar, Syrup Molasses, Tobacco,
Scgars, Essence Coffee, Spices, Dve Stud's, Soiqn
Green and Black Tea. Shoe Bkckiug, Knives.
Spoons, Candle Wick, Rice, Chocolate, Candles,
Must rl. Whale, Litis cd and Fish Oil, Buckets,
Tubs 4*:., cheap fir Cash and Produce, and to
punctual ( ustomcrs a credit of G months will lie giv
en. Thankful for past favors, wc* ho|ie to receive a
liberal share of patronage.
Remember Ihe place, Anderson's Row, opposite
the Gazette Office, is Shoemakers Cl ap Store. So
come on with your Tin and buy cheaper than you
have cvet bought before.
April 29, 1859.
80 ACRES in Brown County, Kansas, 3 miles'
west of Hiawatha, on the old St. Jo. road, and 18 !
miles from \i bite Cloud ou the Missouri River.—
VLSO 80 AOKKS, 15 miles west of Atchison, Kan
sas. These are flue rolling prairie lands within less
than a mile of timber and running water. ALSO
40 AORFS well timbered, in Grant County, Indiana.
And the following lands in Bedford County :
ABOCT 50 ACRES, wall timbered, in Cumberland
\ adey 1 ovnsliipt 9 miles ■ ■ !ii Bedford, near to
John M (-Ferraris. ALSO 480 acres, timber-land, in
Union Township, ou Bobbs Creek, about 11 miles
above Conrad's Saw-Mill. flvi-tv.eiftbs of a
tract containing 205 acres and 118 perches of
Broatop coal laud.
ALSO 110 ACHES of first quality LIME STONE Land,
a half a mile south of Bedford, known as the
Vondersmlth Farm, 100 acres cleared, a Never Fail
ing Spring of excellent water, a tolerable barn, and
small frame house.
ALSO 137 acres of prime LIMESTONE LAMP in
CoLEKAijf TOWNSHIP, five miles from BCOFOKP,
known as the COJU-UER FARM; 'JO acres cleared and
well improved, and the balance EXCELLENT TIMBER.
Jan. 7,
Premium essence of toiler.
COFFEE made by it will bave a more delicate
and finer tiavor, and will be much more wholesome.
It will also bo clear without requiring anything to
clarify it. For sale by
New Store, No. 1, Cheapside,
June 18, 1858.
i "
JHL HI oA . .m. ..taH J? JKli o
A Farm within one mile of the llail Road and two
il. milts of Stooeratowii, in the Broad Top Coul
region, containing about 100 acres, being good bot
tom laud—about one-half cleared and the balance
well timbered* The farm is wel 1 improved, and a
fine spring of excellent water at the door of the
house —also two good orchards of fruit trees on the
A farm in Morrison's cove, adjoining lands of
David Stuckey, Barley's heirs, Jacob Furry and
others, containing about 200 acres, oaohalf cleared
and the balance well timbered, with an abundance
of locust and chestnut timber. There arc several
never failing springs upon the premises with a con
stantly running stream through the farm. There is
also a large and thrifty young orchard bearing fruit
thereon. The improvements are a rough cast
ilouse, Log Barn and out buildings.
160 acres of laud iu Harrison County, lowa, of
first class prairie, (.lose to timber and within a few
miles of the Missouri river above Council B'nflV.
234 acres in Story Co., lowa.
112 teres in Pottawattamie Co., lowa, near Coun
cil Bluffs.
Lot no. 8 of block 53 in the city of Omaha, Ne
braska Territory
1280 acres land in Austin County, Tex is, East
of the Brazos River on the Texts central rail road
which runs through the land. It i-> well watered
being upon the heal waters of Cypress en k.
i 220 nor- ain Comanche County, Texas, on Wtes
! ( rs creel . 4 miles East of the J,eon River, and on
j the line of the Memphis ami El Passu railroad now
•; n process ol c i&trucison,
: T!FJ farm i:. Morrison's Cove, adjoining Bloomfleld
i Furnace known as the -Pearson pr perty" lately
i owned by David Daniels, containing 13*1 acres and
! 80 perches, with an excellent orchard of fruit trees
j thereon and never failing wafet at the door. The
. improvements are one large frame Ilouse, one leg
House and barn, with convenient out-lmilings.
■ The land is good—produces well, an fis i i a hign
i state of cultivation. A good pike is close 1 y.lead-
I ing to Ilollidaysburg,whion,with theFurnac.-i make
j u ready market at the door for nil kinds of produce,
j Nov. 12, 1858. O.E. SHANNON.
I'KRALUM r OfFM !•;.
; Complying n-ili iht urgent request ef hundreds
of i/ieii pat; nis,
j Urs. M, Fitch and J. W. Svbps
Ami ni'iy l>e consulted at their office,
N() . mop EN ;' STifE ET ,
Opposite St. Ci tir Holel DJT'ISML Rl, il.
VND may IKS consulted dally, (except Sundays.)
f "I CoXSt'MJ'TIoX. ASTHMA, BItoM'UITIS, .i ltd nil
; other CUROMO COJ:I'I.AIXTS complicated ••viih or
! causing pulmonary disease, iucluJing Catarrh,
j it cart Disease, Affection of tiic l.ivor, Dyspepsia, j
j Gastritis, Female Complaints, etc.
• Dr*. FITCH & SVKLS would slate that their treat •
| tueiit of consumption is based upon the fact tiuit
| the disease exists in the blood and system it large,
j both before anil during its development in the
; lungs, and they therefore employ Mechanical, Hy
j gienic and Medicinal remedies to purify the blood
j and strengthen the system. With these they use
i MEDICAL INHALATIONS, which they value
j highly, hut only as Palliatives, (having no curative
effect when used alone,) and invalids arc earues'ly
cautioned against wasting the precious titne of
curabili y upon any treatment based upon the
plausible, but false idea that the ••'seat of disease
I can be reached in a direct mariner by Inhalation."
j For as before stated, the seat of the disease is in
■ the blood and its effects only in the lungs.
CCTLN'o charge for consultation,
j A list of questions will bo sent to UlOi ■ wishing !
: to consult us io letter,
j March ;8, 1859-ly
-r*. OJ2LI7?L3I>
tlfeghfiij >la!c and Female Seminary, j
lt Pa.
J. OSBRORNE, A. 8., Principal, Prof, of'
Languages and Philosophy.
VA'tu. S. Smith, Prof, of Mathematics.
I das. H. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics.
! licv. B. F. Stephens, Lecturer ou Loral Pbiloso- j
phy. 4<c.
Win. A. Stephens, Prof, of English Grammar, Ac.
Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy Ac.
Mrs. E. V. Osl orue, Preceptress, Teacher of Mit- I
sic, French. Botany Ac.
Miss Mary Willaois, Teacher of Composition, Ac. '
Price of Tuition for term of ii weeks.
Common English Branches §2 25
Higher Branches, including common, each So
Latin and Greek, each 2 00
German and French, each 1 50
Book-In eying and Commercial calculations 150
Drawing 2 50
Colored crayon, and water colors, each 3 00
Oil painting 5 00
! lair and wax flowers, each 8 00
Pell is work 3 00
Embroidery 1 50
Piano music, with use of instrument 10 00
Board 51,75 per wink including room rent, fuel,
furniture Ac. This is one of the best, and cheapest
in^titntion in the country. The whole expense per
term need not bo more than twenty-five dollars.—
The spring term commences April 5, 1850.
For particulars, address the peinciual.
Rainsburg, Bedford co., April 20, 185' J.
HAS just returned from the Eastern Cities with ;
her usual stock of rich
kuffimer Goods,
Consisting in part of handsome Sitfc Robes, Lawn j
Robes, B a rage Robes, Shawls, Lace Mantles, of
every style, New Style Shawls; a largo and splen
did apart meat of Spring and Summer Bonnets,of the
latest fashion, ller stock is large, well selected,
ami, will Lie sold cheap to suit the times. Call and !
examine the goods, and judge for yourselves.
April 22, 185' J.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS testamentary having been grante I to
the suhscrilier, living'in P.edford Township, on
the Estate of William Smith, late of said Tp. dee'd
all persons indebted to the same are hereby notified
to make payment immediately, and those having
claims against the same will present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
April 6, 1859. Executor.
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen
tary have been granted by the Register of Bed
lord County on the will of Abraham Kicbcy, late
ol Snake Spring, tp., Bedford County dee'd, to the
undersigned—that all persons indebted to said Es
tate are required to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
April 29, 1859. Executors.
Physicians prescriptions carefully compound
od, at all hours of the day or nigh at Dr
1 Harry's, Drug Store.
1 Augtist6,lßsS.
rnllE subscribers having purchased the Bedford
JL Foundry of Messrs Wasbabnngh A Bannon,
would most respectfully announce to the citi
zens of Bedford and adjoining counties, that they
are prepared to make and furnish all kinds of
Thrashing Machines, Ploughs, Apple mills, Cook
ing, feu pi ate, and coal stoves, sled and Sleigh soles,
i wash kettles, of different sizes, wagon boxes of all
I sizes, farmers' bells, (a superior article.) oven
| doors, and every thing usually made in a country
• Foundry.
i W-Jt-, <SL ; GS3-JB m
Woodcock, Seylcy and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.
J Also, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which we Call
I the especial attention of our farmers—a superior
article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of
points, shares and hmd&idef to suit all ploughs in
general use in this county. Turning and fitting of
iron patterns made 10 orier, and all kinds of re
pairing done at the shortest nctice and at low
prices. All our own work made of the very* best
material, and warranted to give satisfaction.
Farmers and others would d* well to cul! and ex
amine our work before purchasing I sew here, as
we are determined to meet the immergencies of the
times, we will SELL LOW FOU CASH, on COUNTRY
ruonrcE. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber,
taken iu exchange for work.
IIED!'0!lTII!Gil ML.
rj'IUS SCHOOL will open on Tut sday tlie 10th 01
J. May, in the LA no.-: Burcti BFILPINO hereto
|.>re occupied by the K v. Geo. Aughinbaugh.—
The services of Mis.s .Annie 31, Kwalt, ay -ung
; Lady of thorough education, and well versed iri tiie
| --Art of Teaching," have been procured, to take
J charge of the Female department.
Persons from different parts of the County, wish
in.; to prepare themselves Ibr teaching, will find it
to their advantage by attending this Institution, us
•pet i d care will ; e taken with them iu tin- branches J
t.iu;;nt in the •• Common Schools," uaier the su
peruisin of the Con at y Superintendent.
Tb,! Session will be divid'-J into two Quarters of
11 weeks each.
Tuition pur quart r :
Primary Branches, 3 00
Common English, 4 <JO
Higher do 000 |
Classic-, 0 -5 |
Stud; n!s entering ' eforu the middle of the Qu tr
i. . i 11 be ekm god full Tuitic-n. Those entering ..{• j
t 1 r J.i.rt time will b-s eh trged half Tuition. No do- }
unction Ui .ide unless i:i cas-. sof protracted sickness 1
Feb. PL I So?. Principal. I
I fake pleasure iu recommending 31r. Shoemaker J
to til.- patronage o! the citizens i f Bedford and •
| vj unity. His success :us a teacher is well estaii-I
li.shod. 1 believe him to be fully qualified to teach i
a! the branch..-.- !; pi - to t-aci-.
\VlS\ni\ WJ >HOP
'IIIE subscribers having formed a partner
sl ip uudof the style of --Dock A Ashcoiu" for
the purpose of e-inducting a general
business in tiie establishment recently erected
by Giiliard Do>-k,i., Hopewell, Bedford coun
tv, ire now prepared to execute orders for
scription. Tin v will build to order steam-en- I
glues, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and ;
thrashing machines—also, casting of every !
kind l*r furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling
mills, ploughs, water-pipe, c-damns, house
louts, brackets, Ac., He.
1 ii.y are also, now making a Sue assortment ;
of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat
terns and most approved styles, including sev
eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make,
beating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms,
A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept
constantly on band, scid at wholesale and
retail, at prices to suit the times, and quali'y,
warranted equal to the Lrsi eastern make.—
Maehinery of ail kiuds repaired promptly.—
Patterns made to order.
Nov. C, 1857,
Bedford, I*a.
fIHIE subscriber respectfully announces to the!
JL public that ho bus opened a Hotel, under the !
above name, in the old and well known Globe ■
buil iing, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and j
occupied by Mr. Jehu Young, where he will be i
bappv to see all his friends, and the traveling pub- j
lie generally. Persons a'tendin - Court aie re- i
spectfully invited to give him a call. He pledges i
hiniseli that be will do all iu his power to ret: i r j
all his guests comfortable.
His Table wall be MI; pli'-d with the choicest de- •
Heavies. the maniet will aribrd.
The Bed Booms will contain clean and comfort
able beiding.
The Bar will tie supplied with choice liquors.
The Stable will be attended by a careful and at- s
tentive hostler.
CSr" B • inters will be taken by the day, week, ;
montij and year.
Bedford, April 30. 185 si
TU3 subscribers are now prepared, at their j
Foundry in Bloody Kim, to fill all orders for cast- i
ings of any description for Grist and Saw .Mills,'
Tluesliiiig Machines, Apple .Mills, Ploughs, anil '
all things else iu their line that may be needed In j
this or the adjoining couuties.
We manufacture Threshing .Machines oft! 4 or 0 ■
Horsepower, warranted equal if not superior to j
any made in the State. We keep constantly on !
hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and j
Hillside Ploughs, arranted to give satisfaction or :
i n . Points, shares and laudsides, to fit all j
V'ooccock or Soylcr Ploughs in the County-.
Parmer's Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our j
make may tie had at Foundry prims at the -tore of j
Wm. Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Louderbangb & IVe,
East Providence Tp., John Nycttin A Son, Kays
Hill. Times being hard, we oiler great induce
ments to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us.
All kinds of repairing done in a neat and sub
stantial manner, and all work warranted. Call
aud examine our work and castings and judge
for yourselves.
March 116, 1858.-tf.
Execnler's .\oJice.
J" ETTERS testamentary on the Estate of John j
J Harcleroad, late of Colerain Township, dee'd,
having been granted to the subscribers, living in ;
said township, all persons indebted to said estate :
are notified to make payment immediately, and !
those having claims against the same will present j
tbcm properly authenticated for Settlement.
April 22, 1859.-f Executors.
Estate of Hinehart Zleplogle, Dcc'd.
THE subscribers, executors of the last will and i
testament of liinehart Replogle, late of South J
Woodberry Township, Bedford County, dee'd, !
hereby give notice that letters testamentary upon !
said estate have been granted to them by the Regis- j
ter of the slid County and all persons having claims j
or demands against said estate are requested to !
make known the same without delay and those in- '
debted are notified to make pavment.
Residing in South Woodbcrrv tp. Bedford Co. I
May 6, 1859—'
-iy C^r
Iron City Commercial College,
300 Students attending January, 58.
Now tie; largest and most thorough Commercial
School of the United States. Young men PREPARED
for actual duties of the Counting Room.
J. C. SMITH, A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping S D .F
I Selene-.- of Accounts.
A. T. DOL'TIIETT. Teacher of Arithmetic AND
I Commercial Calculation.
A. HI VJ.AICK and T. C. JK.VKIXS, Teacberj of
J Book-keeping.
A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs, of PEN.
! mansion.
As used in every department of business.
Are taught, and all other - IL jects nece -ary for th#
success and through education of practical
business iau.
12 pfiEMiim
! Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburg for the pan
three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for
I 1: t Writing.
Students cut. r at any time — No vacation — Tims
unlimited — Review at pleasure — Graduates assisted
in obtaining situations— Tuition for Full Commer
cial Course, $35,00 — Average time 8 to 12 weeks
—Board, $*1.50 per week- SiaUanerv, ss,oo— En
tire cost. $60,09 to $70,00.
KY~M blisters' Sons received at haif price.
For Card — Circular— Specimens of Business and
Ornamental Writing- —inclose two stamps, ami ad
F. W.JENKINS, Pittsburgh, I'A
Oct. 1, 1868-2y.
clr rmr at Z3 ~~
ALL persons S:re hereby notified that I HAVE
purch-ised at Sheriff's Salo, one lot of Tinner
j .Machines, Hand Tools, Patterns, &c., also the en
I tire lot of Stock 1 Tin Ware, in the Shop laWv
j occupied by Abraham Hermau—as whose liroDert'v
[ the s ;lii-.' v. as -old.
! . 1 ALF ; HEREBY Live notice that I have hired said
-.11U.-01, IT AIT A,,, H. TIM tier cany on the Tiniiing
I-U.-'ITESS IN tin Si op irianerly occupied by Mm, ON
Juii.lß.a Street. NO.IC; is further hereby given that
thq Books oi said Herman NOW belong to me, and
any persons having accounts will please present
them to Samuel I'-vle angb, Esq., tor settlement,
&c,, without d-.-lay
Valentine Eitcckiiian,
Boarders taken by tha day week MIR.TH and
April 25,1835— tf
S'Saslerijsg LalhsH
UMDLIASIGA'ED having erected
A. a Mill for sawing PLASTEBIIG LATHS ON MS
premises in Lnion Tp., Bedt'ord couctv, it new
ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest
notice. Price per thousand, 3 ft love.
Other lengths in proportion.
Letters addressed to meat St. Ciairsville will
be promptly attended to.
L nien Tp., Feb. 16. 1854. zz.
Ik'tlys,' Ffao(orraphic tallery,
W' '' Arahrotyres, Daguerreotypes, AC
VV DC., arc executed FA the latest STVLN
ami improvements of tl Art. A full assert
n:-at of plain and tancy casts, gold and PRI ~
Lockets at very low prices.
The public are respectfully invited to CF'I
and examine hi? specimens.
May 22,1857.
*mv Jeweirj.
fT3IIE subscriber has opened out a new and
A splendid assortment of all kiuds of the
most fashionable Jewelry — consisting in parte!
BREAST P :.s. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac. Ac.
Call ANK see his stock.
■\ SUPPLY of Musiius, Calicoes .Ginghams.
■*- Drii:;ags, oatinetts, Casitneres, Cotton. Ac.,
just received and for sale cheap at J. A J. if,
Shoemaker's Coiouade Store.
.March 4, I SOD.
Dissolulioa of JPariiiersliip.
MILE Partnership 1 eretofore existing and doing
_L business under the firm name OI Barclay A
Garretson, has this day been dissolved by mutual
cnosent. The Books, Ac., are in the bunds of B.
W. Garretson, who is authorized to settle the bu
siness of the lite firm.
Nov. 5, 1858. B. W. GARRETSON.
DK. LIARRY, at the CHMIP Drug and Book
Store, has just received, A 1. rge assortment OI
the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak
ing Soda, Cieam of Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., ot
JHE very best quality, all of which he will sell
the lowest prices.
OH. GAITHER will promptly attend to all sur
. vi-ying business that may be entrusted to
him. Office oa Juliana street two doors south of
the Inquirer office.
Dec. 31, 1853.
Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
DI e. 1., I&OS.
S\l AIM'S PANACEA at Dr. llarry's Dreg and
BONK Store
E3URL WHITE LEAD, Flaxseed oil and Spirits
Turpentino at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book
August 6, ISSB.
PINE Cider Vinegar just received — also mould
1 Candles. Extra quality*.
Oct. 1, 1858. A. B. CRAMER A Co.
il/RITIR E TEETH aud a perfumed breath can
V? be accquired by using the "Balm of A
Thousand Flowers." To L>e had at
March R. 1557.
4 N excellent article of Hair and tooth Brushss
-£A. at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
Ai'ER'S Cherry Pectoral and Jayne's Expecto
rant at Dr. Harry 's Drug and Book Store.
Auugst 6,1858.
JAYNE'S Wrights, Bennett's and Dyott's pills ST
Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
August C, 185 S.
For tho Hair — jookey Ciub, and new mown
hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow, at Dr.
H art?