AN OMEN. —The following anecdote ia given by the Opinion? of Turin : A banquet of offi cers was held at Milan, a few days ago, at which, among the numerous toasts drank in illusion to the impending war, a young officer proposed the following : 'To the Austrian army; the French and Pieduiontese armies will break against it like this brittle glass.' So s&jiDg, he threw the bottle he had just emptied mto the air, so as to make it fall bank again upon the table, which, in fact, it did, but— without breaking. The Opinion© states that ail officers . piesent stood aglast at this untoward omen. "Burleigh," the New York correspondent of the Boston Journal, give the following items of news, in regard to the Sickles case. He says: "Mr. Sickles has come on to New York. His presence makes no sensation. The delicate conduct of the District Attorney, in refusing privately the proposed testimony about Mr. Sickles' conduct in Baltimore, is commented on with much severity.— Nor does the reason for the conduct of the prose .•cuting officer amend the case. It is said that the woman who was named in connection with Mr. Sickles, was one of much standing—that her bus hand was in court —and tbat be would have shot Sickles on the box where he stood on trial- So to savedoubld bloodshed and murder, the matter has bushed up. TUSCANY. —This State, whose Grand Duke ran away from his people on the first show of hostilities, is located in the north-western part of Middle Italy, has an aroa short of uine thousand square miles, and a population little short of two millions, and its pupulation arc said to be well supplied with common schools and universities. Here the famous Mediciff flourished, and here, also, ouce was the pros perous republic of Florence. There seems to bar" keen 6 l wa P a Waning !o liborty in this State. A Dangerous Prea Cross, in a letter to the R iclimond Advocate, pes a south ern preach IT, in part, ihus : "lie encompasses himself with ra!iiL*''W3, and meteors, aud earthquakes, and cataracts, hurricanes, and water spouts, and showers Or gem si end torrents of fire, and boundless conflagrations, and marshaled philosophies, and trooping seraphim, and the stupendous wheels of Providence, and the silver chiming of the spheres, and the weltering chaos of demolished worlds." Three nieD illustrious in Science and Art, have recently paid the debt of nature. Late arrivals from Europe inform us of the demise of Hunrbolt the traveller naturalist, and author of "Cosmos,*' Lardiier, noted for his scientific in vestigations, and Leslie the painter. ETTENT OF LONDON. —London is rapidly Extending its boundaries. It covers an area of 121 square miles, equal to a square of 11 miles to thesido. The population in this area ■amounted in the year 1801 to 958,893, aud in the year 1858 to 2,362,336. The London of 1858 is equal to three Londous' of 1801. It ha 3 now a larger population than the six New England States. Out in Ohio, the other day, Miss Goss re covered §1,500 from her lover, Smook, the son of a substantial farmer, for neglecting to mar ry lier after many years 'sparking.' It is said that both Miss Goss and Mr. Smook are well satisfied with the result. Miss Mary, daughter of Gov. Packer, was married at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday last, to J. W. Clarke, Esq., of the Lycoming Gazette.— Mr. C. is Grain Measurer at Philadelphia. Jemmy Maher, who was appointed public gardener hy president Jackson during his adminis tration, died in Washington on the 16th, ult. aged 07 years. Mexico, since its establishment as a republic, which is £7 j ears ago, has had 66 Presidents. Rev. John Lyon has returned to Bedford 5 after ao absence of several years in various parts of the world. He intends opening a school in Bedford in a few weeks. SYRACUSE IIIGIIL IM) XIRSEUIES. The agents for these Nurseries, Messrs. Cory, Ncff, Casad and Speaker, are now canvassing iledford County, to make contracts for Trees deliverable in the fall. From the catalogue handed us the establishment seems to be a large one, with a great variety of fruit and ornamen tal trees and shrubbery. They represent the Nurseries as being located on high grouud. WORMS! WORMS! WORMS! ILT'A great many learned treatises have been vritten, explaining the origin of, and classifying the worms generated in the human system. Scarcely any topic o. medical science lias elicited more acute oi-servation and profound research; and yet physicians are very much divided in opinion on the subject. It must be admitted, nowover, that, after .ill, a mode of expelling, them and purifying the body from their presence is of more valne than the wisest disquisitions aa to their origin. Such an expelling agent has at last been found. Dr. M 'Lane's Vermifuge proves to be the much sorght after specific—its efficacy being universally acknowledged by the entire medical faculty. As further proof, re id the following from a lady—one of our own citizens: NF.W FORK, October loth, 1852. This is to certify that I was troubled with worms lor more than a year. 1 was advised to use M"- Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros, of Fittsburg. I took one bottle, which brought away about fifty worms; I commenced im proving at once, and aiu now perfectly well. The public can learn my name, and further particulars, by applying to Mrs. Hardie, No. 8 Manlmtten place, or to E. L. Tlieall, Druggist, corner of Rutger and and Monroe streets. K?""PurchAßers will be careful to ask for Dr. M'- Lmo/e CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufac tured by FLEMING BROS, of Pittsburg, Pa. All other vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature of May 27-1 m. FLEMING BROS. FITS! FITS! FITS! Persons laboring under this distressing malady will find Dr. Hanco's Epileptic Pills to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Fal ling Fits. These pills possess a specific action on the nervous system; and although prepared especi ally for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of esqteciai benefit to all persons uffiicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has ksen prostrated or shattered from sny cause what ever. The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach has lost toe power of duly converting food into a life suscaiuiug element, is relieved by a single course of the extraordinary pills. The gastric fluid re-ac quiras its solvent power, and the crude nutrimeut which was a load and a burden to the sufferer, while his digestive organization was paralyzed and un struug, becomes under the wholesome revolution created in the system, the basis of strength, activ ity, and health. -2- ' anv part of the country by imyl. free of postage" Address Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore street, Baltipmre, Ud. *>ox, **' tw0 > sf>; 12. $24. May 27-ltu Do yon want something to strengthen you ? Do you want a good appetite ? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling ? If you do,nße Hoofland's German Bitters, prepa red by Dr. C. M. Jackson,4lß Arch Street, Philade lphia, Pa., and sold by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United States, Canadas, West In dies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle. May 27-ly. See advertisement of Sanford's Liver Jnvig orator. THE MARKETS. BALTIMORE, May 31. FLOUR.—The Flour market continues quiet.— There was to-day a sale of 200 bbls. Super at $7, and 300 bbls. Howard Street Extra at $7 75 ; and 200 bbls. Extra at $7.60, both sold yesterday after 'Change. Holders are still asking $7a57.25, as to quality. We are not advised of any transactions in City Mills Super, and we quote it nominal at $7 for standard brands. There is not much demand for Corn Meal. We quote City held at $4.50. Small sales of Rye Flour arc making to the trade at $5.- 25. PHILADELPHIA, May 81.—Flour is dull. Wheat also dull—white 175a180 cts-; red 100a165 cts. Corn is active—yellow 90 cts. mj-f GOOD SHOES CHEAP, OF ASF STYLE ASD QUALITY, CALL ON OSTER & CARN, A'o. I Clieap Side- FARM FOR SALE. rTIIIE subscriber will sell at private sale, on rea- A sonahle terms, about One Hundred and Eighty- Acres of Good LIMESTONE LAND—about 3 miles west of Bedford about One Hundred and Twenty-Five Acres cleared and under good fence, the blance well timbered. Title warranted. lor particulars call on the subscriber, at Bedford. SAMUEL CARN. June 3, 1559.-C Adnilufctrator's Kelico. LETTERS of Administration haviDg been grant ed to the subscriber, on the Estate of Chris tena Fluke, late of South Woodberry Township dee'd; all persons indebted to said Estate, are notified to make payment immediately, and those having elaims against the same will present tliern properly authenticated for settlement, to the sub scriber, living in said Township. HENRY FLUKE, June 3, 1859-f Adm'r. \YM. M. HALL HAS resumed the practice of Law. Office on Pitt Street two doors West of Ilafor's Hotel. Juno 3, 1859.-d DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. W R . beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. (has. M'Lnne's fflrbrntfd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: TIIE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COM PLA I NTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the. last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMISH BROS. I'iUsbnrph, Pn P. 3 r>-i-. JU'lMvJt. yrrparrd by firming Jlrt K. Pittsburgh, la. To thoan wfnliirg to son thi'in a trial, \ VARIETY STORE. EXAMINE THE LIST OF of all kinds and descriptions, prices, sorts, sizes and conditions. Don't believe the wonderful auction St ories you hear. Some excuse mast be given for selling higher than we do. EXAMINE THE LIST : Coffee, best quality at 12 do. 15, Sugar crushed at 13. Syrup, best golden,, 75 per. gal. " good quality at 50 cts. Rice, 7 cts. Chocolate 25 cts. Every thing else at corresponding prices including Teas, Alspiee, Pepper, Essence of Coffee, Cheese, Raisius, Figs, Dates, Preserves, PickleF, Cattle Powder, (insured,) Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stationery of every kind, including Copy Books, Envelopes, Writing Paper, Ac., Shoe-fixings; including Binding, Tacks, Pegs, Thread, Ac., Brushes, Baskets, Bed Cords, Brooms, Buck ets, Mats, Ink, Gloves, Stockings, liair Brushes, Shirt Collais, bosoms, Neck-ties, Clocks, Hats, Caps, Fans, Suspenders; in short, Every thing but Dry Goods, and even some of them. the best variety of Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. Try the PRICES. May, 20, 1859. WAR IN EUROPE T NAPOLEON the Third is bound to revenge his u ncle, and JEJ Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. [E7-DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN YOU ? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE ? DO YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR COFSTITUTION 1 DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF YOUR NERVOUSNESS ? 1)0 YOU WANT ENERGY? DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL ? DO YOU WANT A BRISK AND VIGOR OUS FEELING I If you do, use lloofiand's German Bitters, pre pared by Dr* 0. M. Jackson, 418 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by druggists and store keepers throughout the United States, Canadas, West Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle. For sale by Dr. B. F. Uarry and Reamer He \\ ay, Bedford, and by dealers generally throughout the County. May 27, 1859.-zz. ""REGIMENTAL PARADE. TIIE first Regiment ot the first Brigade and 16th Division of the uuiformed Militia of Pennsyl vania, viz: Broad Top Rifle Rangers. Bedford Ri flemen, Independent Bines, Cumberland Valley- Blues, and Hopewell Riflemen, are hereby notified and required to meet for Regimental Parade and In spection, on Monday the 6th of June, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at Bloody Run, in full military costume. All other companies are invited to attend. JOHN F. LOWRY, Colonel. LEMUEL EVANS, Brigude Inspector. Hopewell, May 13, 1869. ALL the uniformed companies regularly organi zed, within the County of Bedford, are hereby notified to meet on the 6th of June, next, to hold an election to elect Brigade, Regimental and Company officers, each company holding its own election, su perintended by the respective Captains—return to be made to the Brigade Inspector within five days thereafter. LEMUEL EVA MS, Brigade Inspector, Ist B. 10th D. M. Hopewell, May 13, 1859.-4f. OLIVER 0. CI.ARK, SAMUEL M HALLER. €. CLARK, St CO., FlOi, FID, (10C11Y, AND Produce Store, (Centre Street, next door to Lutheran Church,) CUMBERLAND, Md. A well selected stock is now open, and offered to families and country dealers, consisting of Fam ily, Extra and Superfine Flour, Corn Meal, Corn and Rye Chop, Shorts, Ship-stuff", and Bran, New Orleans, Porto Rica, Muscavado and refined Sugars, Golden and S. 11. Syrups, Molasses, Imperial, Young Hyson, and Black Tea, Java and Rio Coffee of the best quality. All kinds of Spices, Pickels in barrels and jars, Candles, Soap, Mackerel, and Herring, Water, Sugar, Soda, Edinbuig, and Gin ger Crackers, Peaches, Strawberries, Pine apples and Green corn, put up in can, expressly for fam ily use. A choice lot of LIQUORS, consisting of Wines, Brandies, Rum and Whiskey, selected with care. Tobacco and Scgars of various brands, with a variety of other articles usually found in Stores. Additions to the stock will be frequently made, so as to keep up a general assortment; all dealers are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of grain and country produce bought for cash, or in exchange for goods. April 8,1859.-ly. TIMER (THEiL WITHOUT SURGICAL OPERATIONS OR LOSS OF BLOOD. Cancecs, Twmers, Wens, Scrofula, Ulcirs, - cured, and, what is bet ter, prevented by occasional use of the Liver Invigorator. One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prcveut the food from rising and souring. Only one dose takenpH beforcretiring prevents nightmare. p-p Only one dose takenat night loosers the bowels gently, and cure.-.p" costiveness. One dose taken after 1 -J each meal will cure Dyspepsia. H—l dose of two tea-spoonsful will al ways relieve Sick Head- ache. One bottle taken forCO teruale obstruction re moves the cause of the£-* disease, ane makes a perfect cure. r""""! Only one dose diately relieves Cholic, while (^*>l One dose often repca- , tea is a sure cute for Cnolera Morbus, and preventive of Cholera; One dose taken oftenJ2s will'prevent the recur rence of bilious while it relieves all painful feelings. ' E7*On]y one bottle needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after lone sickness. . One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all vol 1 own ess or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigoi to the appetite and makes fcod digest well. One dose often repeated cftres Chronic Diarrhoea in its worst tortus, while summer and bowel come plaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms, while for worms in children, there is no safer or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the ab sorbents. We take pleasure in recommending tliis medi cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague. Chill Fe ver, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thoasands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testi mony in i favor. EF"Mix Water in the Mouth with the Invigo'ator, and swallow both together. Thb Liver Invigorator Is a great scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily working cures almost too great to believe. It cures as it by magic, even the first don giving bene fit and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DP.. SASFOBD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N. Y. Sold in Bedford by Dr. B. F. HAHRT, and re tailed by all Druggists. June 11, 5858.-zz. MORE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES SOLD IN THE NEW ENGLAND STATES Llf OAE YEAR, THE RESTORATIVE OF PRO. O. J. WOOD for restoring hair perfectly and permanently, has never yet had a rival, volume after volume might be given from all parts of the world and from the most intelligent to prove that it is a perfect Restor ative ; hut read the circular and you cannot doubt; read also the following. CC7*TIIE HAlß.—People have for centuries been afflicted with bald heads and the only remedy, here tofore known, has been those abominable wigs. By -• a recent discovery of Professor Wood these articles are being fast dispensed with, but a great many persons still patronize them, because they have been so often imposed upon by Hair Tonics of different kinds. To all such persons we earnestly maketho request, that they will try orce again, for in Wood's Restorative there is no such thing as fail. We knew of a lady who was bald, who used the article a short time, aud her head is now covered completely with the tiniest and most beautiful curls imaginable. Wo know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly fal ling out, which it restored in greater perfection than it ever had been before. It is also without doubt one of the best articles for keeping the hair in good condition, making it soft and glossy, removing dandruff and has proved itself the greatest enemy to all the ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty of every one to improve tlieir per sonal appearance through some may differ in regard to the ways of doing it; hut every one will admit that a beautiful head of hair, either in man or wo man, is an object much to le desired, and there are no means that should be left untried to obtain such a consideration.— Woman's Advocate, Philadelphia. PROF. 0. J. WOOD & CO—Gents: As I have been engaged in selling your Hoir Restorative the last season for one ol your local agents (R. M. Ilackinson,) and having experienced the beneficial effects of it myself, 1 would like to obtain agency for the State of Ohio or some State in the West, should you wish to make such an arrangement, as I am convinced there is nothing eq-tuil to it in the United States, for restoring the hair. I have been engaged in the Drug business for several years, and have sold various preparations for the hair, but have found nothing that restores the secretive organs or invigorates the scalp as well as yours, being fully convinced that your restorative is what you repre sent it to be, I would like to engage in the sale o t, for 1 am satisfied it must sell. Yours truly, S. T. STOCKMAN. PROF. O. J. WOOD St €o—Gents: Having re alized the good effects of your Ilair'Ttestorutive, I wish to state, that finding my hair growing thin, as well as gray, I was induced from what 1 read and heard, to try the article prepared by you, to pro mote its growth and change its color as it was in youth, both of which it has effected completely.— In the operation 1 have used nearly three bottles.— Yours sc., JAMES FRANCIS. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Es tablishment.) and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Dr. B. F. ITarry. And sold by all good Druggists. Jan. 14, 1859. GOWQUA MATTim have just received a large lot of prime \ v quality Mattings—4-4 and 5-4 check and plain white. A. B. CRAMER & CO. May 27, 1859.