Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, June 03, 1859, Image 1

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It published every Friday morning, n Juliana
Street, in the white fraini- building,
nearly opposite the Mengel
House, by
If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year,
$2.00; and if net paid wiihin the year, $2.50 will
be charged. No paper discontinued u ' ' alia:
iC3rages are paid—except at the option of the
Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance-will
bo regarded as a now engagement.
.idverfUcmenh not exceeding a square,(lo lines,)
inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in
sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro
portion. Each fraction ot a square counted as
a full square. All advertisements not special?;
ordered ibr a given time will be continued "until
forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those
who advertise by the year.
Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly ami
promptly and on reasonable terms. '
PK 0 FESS 10 N A L UAli bS .
Boss FORWARD. O. tl. Gaitueu.
Forward & (iailhcr,
Bedford, l*a.
ROSS FORWARD, o; Somerset, as J O. H.
GAITHER, have opened a law office iu Bed
ford, Pa. _). Id. GAI niKK, h.iving located per
manent iy in Bedford, will be assisted during every
Court by tbe former. All business entrusted to
them will be promptly and carefully al'ended to.
( 'Sice on Julia:: r street, two doors south of the In
quirer olEco.
Dec. 31. IS-SS.
a¥. BAKVLAi,
CT/ ILL attend ry and faithfully to
\w legal business entrustod tu his care.
on Juliana Street, in the building lor-
Uieriy occupied by S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd.
March go, IBod.
WTI. V. LA.\,
WILL practice iu .he Courts of Fulton, Bed;urn
and Franklin Counties. CC?**Ou r i :e oa Main
Street, opposit Spoor's Hotel.
Septc ~>-: 3, 1 b is.
- -a. Joe MAS G. H- Spang.
"jf AW PART-VhUSUIP—The undersigntd
.1 J have associated themselves in the Praticc
of the Law, an 1 wili promptly atteadto al b - -:--
r.essentrusted to th-ir carc in Bedford ad
joining counties.
south ot Mengel oiltsc and opposite the re--
deuce oflicj. T ate.
Jane 1,-1351. tf.
s>.s. itHjyjj;,
Fonasriy of Bedford, Pa.
iU.orney and af Law.
All business proni: tly steady 1 t .
Dec. 3, ISSS.
ABoniey at Law and Land Surveyor
VITILL attend with promptness to sit business
V entrusted to i..s care.
Will practice in Bedford and Faiton Counties.
one door Wst at" tiis Vaisu Hotel.
Fee, 21, ltfjtf.
'W ef. £//. £' ~
JS B HE: w mm "ST <>
OFFERS his services to the Public in the prac
tice of Medic a-. Will attend promptly to ali ca
ses entrusted to bis care
lie will aiso perform ail operations on the teeth
in a neat and scientific manner.
Teeth plugged and inserted from a single toolhto
An Lulirc Set,
Mounted on gol 1 or silver pi ;te, on the lsti st and approved principles.
TERMS ma Urate, and all operations warranted.
April S, IS69.—tf.
j| V- tdi- .A f-tn a"t *ci to a! •porvtiou at- i|
• • * • W T etl ri, l!ufC<el,
. i ir. a'. i+- iVtiM-a. • n *.* n •:.a mi
|' C—rv-'gn 3t""i4'ft4. and t.i ."*•<r&C'oM wtnuitid.
jRffJ. < " t tj; vV?
RESFECTFFELY tenders his professional ser- i
vices to the citizens of Fattonsvi'le ami
Night e ills promptly attended to.
FattotsTille, March IS. itf.j9.-z
DR. i. V. tl AKliv
RESPECT! ULLA tenders his professional '
services to the citizens of B il'ord and vi- f
Oif;ce and residence >n Pitt-Street, in the
building formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Iloffus. '
Nor. t>. J857.
Dr. F. C Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
[J •tapeclfully tfiiderM his services tc i
fbe citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He j
■•'*}' always be found (unless professienally eu- i
fsged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana j
Feb. 19, 1557.
-i- /mTmr*®." _
THE undersigned have associated themselves in
A. the practice of raodiciue in the village of St. !
-Ausviilc, night calls promptly auonded to.
"ffice opposite the St. Clair Inn.
g -atu ; k. j
A Weekly A'aper, Devoted to Literature, "clitics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., £c —Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
j £ o civ 3f >
For the Inquirer-
sr uoLLix asss.
Will you ever weep, Annie,
When I have passed away,
When cold in death I sleep, Annie,
Through many a weary day /
Will you place a wreath, Annie,
Upon my lonely mound
At evening's holy hour, Annie
Vi'lien shadows hov-r 'round 7
Will you ofton come, Annie,.
To view my lowly bed !
Will you plant a flower, Anuio
To o'er my head t
Oh, kneel beside my grave, Annie,
And say—hera rt.uiy all!
And let cue pear!/ tear AT ir,
Upon my bos J n fa!!.
That i wa- iu love was a fact that did not
admit cf a shadow of dou! ?. I deported tnv
self like a person iu love: I talked like a per
son iu love; looked liko a person in love, and
felt like a person ia love. Tire affection that
had taken p s-ession of my youthful heart was
no every day one; I was also sure of that.—
There weren't words enough in t.-.e Engli.-h
languii.":- describe the Leich', depth, length
: and breadth of i's grandeur. It wao destiao-i
to be a pr-iiid accompaniment of the ages yet
to be; a fixed principle throughout eternity; a
; planet of surpassing beauty in the btoad Imv
, ens of home tffcetions. My love was return
ed the strong of my nineteen yea-'
i eld heart went out it! the direction of the most
: beautiful miideti in all shire, and iu re
tarn, scut the yearuiugs of her heart our to
meet mine. Twice a week, as the week catnc
around, I weu; up to the old brown home or
1 Dr. Stoddard, *o tell his daughter my lov< ,
j and a regularly listened to a recital ot its re
i turn from the red lips of my charming Ji
i net. The good doctor made merry at our ex
j rcn-c, and his jolly wife took a wicked jdess
; urc in constantly reminding us of our youth,
j Janet was lot tared by sly refer, noes to bcr
j pluyhoit-t; i:i tie shed, her long sleeved pina
j fores and pantilett. s of six months before;
while I was offered, while the doctors wife
wore a face of immovable sobriety, on old cu..t
of the doctor's fur my mother to ntak:- info a
dressing gowu for me.
We were, nevertheless, determined to be
married. We would steal slyly away fr m the
house while our cruel friends reposed iu the
arms of Morpheus; Lie us, on the wings of
love, to the nearest city; Janet would b-come
in a m-mem's time, Mrs. Jasoa Brown, and 1
Mrs. Jason Brown's husband.
At nee we set about making preparations
for this important journey. Everything, of
course, must be conducted with the greatest
seercsy. At twelve o'clock I was to leave my
home stealthily, get my father's grey nag noise
lessly out of the barn and harness her, and to
proceed to Janet. J„uct was (o te waiting tor
me at her chamber window. I was to place a
ladder at the same window, she was to descend
chat ladder, we were to fly down the old lane,
to the spot where the horse was fastened, and
then the wiud should not outrun us.
Toere was but one difficulty in the way.—-
J.".let's ro'.in was shared by her sister FtDny,
* little, mischievous, wicked creature ef elev
en wuia;r., who, to use Juliet's wed.*, 'was
awake at ail boars of the night.' There was
bat one way for us, if Fanny was arouse'!, ,sho
tuu-t be bribed into silence. For that pur
ple 1 placed in Janet's hand a round, shining
silver dollar. But Janet iiOft-icii assistance, so
she concluded to make Fanny ber confidant the
very tifiertioou .;elore we started, and in that
ease prevent all possibility of her raising tue
house by a sudden outcry.
Weil, the loug looked for, hoped lor, and yet
dreaded night arrived at last. How its lead
en feet carried away the hours, and what a
strange heartfuil of emotions 1 bore up, as I
sat by my chamber window looking ont, as 1
thought, fer tic last time, upon the Lome of
u.y father. The moon was out iu all her splen
uor; she was kind to me, lighting up, with her
silver touehes, all the spots my eyes might wish
to rest upon before I went out into the world u
wanderer. The broad fields lay out smooth
ana shiuing before my grze; the fields in which
I Lad worked by my father's side siuee I was a
little boy—ah ! a dear kiud father he has been!
(At this juncture tny throat began to swell.)
1 turned away tiooi tha window, If I could
but see my mother once more, I exclaimed,
rubbing my eyes w.tli utv coat sleeve. 'No
ouc ever had a better mother than I have.'
I sat down iu a chair aud sobbed outright.
I looked arouud for something to take with uie
that my mother? hand had blessed with her
touch. There was a spinning wheel in the
room where 1 had slept; at the end of tie
spindle hang a woolen roll; with my knife 1
half cut and half tore it off, pressed it fervent
ly o my lips, and then placed it tenderly in
uiy vest pocket. I bad not tiuio to do mote;!
tho old clock in the kitchen warned me solemn-1
jiy that my appointed time had arrived, and
with a slow, sad, yet noiseless step 1 left the
house. Uuce out in the open air, my wonted
Jightfces* eP spirits returned. I consoled my
self With the thought that ia a few years i
j should return again, a strong, healthy, wealthy,
and influential tuau, an honor to my parents, a
blessing to my friends, and the Lush and of Ja
lis vc often wondered since, bow 1 suc
, ceeded iu getting away froiu house with my
hot so and cart without arousing any one. iut
as good lock would Siave it, 1 made a trium
phant exit from old place, and in a few lUO
u.enis was jogging fearlessly along towards the j
Lome of Janet. My only dread was of the ;
little sprite Fats; if after all she should betray
in, what a dreadful, direful, desperate mischief
it would be—what a wretched predicament af
fairs would be- iul I groaned aloud at the
thought, yet 1 put a bravo face ors the matter;
I said that if it was right we should go, if it
wasn't right, iu all btcbabiiity we should stay ;
at Lome: y-t right or not right, if that miser- i
j able litiio Fan did betray us, I'd spend all my
• days in avenging the wrong—that was certain,
\v:ts I ;u earnest? did I mean it? liut we
shall sco.
IIJW earnestly- and anxiously I fc :ized toward*
the chamber window of Janet, as, after fasten
ing my horse by the roadside, 1 walked cau
tiously up the lung lane that ied to the doc- j
toi's house. Oh, j-.y inexpressible! The w<i
vmg ot a white handkerchief iu the moonlight ,
told am thai everything was light, that iu a j
few moments I should clasp Janet to t my brea-t, •
mine forever' Ah, hew happy { was, so hap- '
f'V'> indeed, th i stood there ir; the moonlight, I
w:ib my two lnm-i- puss i firmly to uiy left !
, tor tear usy overload J bears would burst j
away from me entirely. V, hat a figure I must i
have cut then! \\ hat ao Apollo i murt have i
looked wnli my flue pfoj orttons wrapped up in !
my wedding >:t. i was s!eude.r, 1 was tall, I J
was gaunt, i .m sure I was uglyLukitj s; j
that m me.'.
\V .ixt po-se-sj i me I cannot tell, but from j
an old chest I had taken a blue broadcloth tailed oar, that had belonged to.;v '
grandfather n tho ;iuie of the war.-, and I, m
the pride of tuy youth had got into i'. The i
tails Came nearly to my heel-, while the waist j
Was nearly up to my armpits. The sleeves j
reached down to the tips of usy lingers, biding j
entirely from view the luxuriant pair of white !
stflf gt.v-*stj 'wltifh i ifr aiit* ferity j
important occasion.
Above this uncouth pile of broadcloth was
perched a Lai. Oh, ye stars and moon that
looked upon if, tc-stity w;th uie that it was a
Inli— a bat and not a stove pipe, a bat and
not a boot leg. Iktt hai!—looking Lack M
through the uiUt of twenty-five jeers, it seciu.?
to have arisen to ae stature o. two foil lev,
while iis bran appears a little wider than mi
thumb nail. .My eyesig'it isn't quite as perfect
Lo'"> Ua It Use a t*j 'jv, dUU s\J i iuat" LiOf
quite rig...iy. Make duo allowance, dear
I say ;L? 1 must hive looked ugly at that
mouieut. U e that as i? may, I thought 1 was
looking splendidly; 1 tnougbt the figure 1 cut,
was an honor to the name of Blown, and was
proud of i;—prou i as i stufhed up to Janet's
: window, and placed carefully there the ladder
taat tvas lo Lear ber to my siae. Everything
was silent about the Louse. Fait, wis surely
with u ; Fanny had been bnlied into service.—
As 1 stood there, 1 could see her light, lithe,
lit tic figure noiselessly to and fro by the win
now, ana how 1 biv-sscd her, from the very bot
tom of my heart, fur the Limine.- .
A' last J ..not commenced descend tog the
taeuer, as sec uid so, ;i.e mm a ctoivuad iu
out of sight a huge black cloud. The
very heavens lavoieU us, our success might Lo
i looked upon ad fixed. Thrca ss j s more upon
j the i.u i i' a : untis and Ja . . t's daintv little
I tcet w.-uld siatid upon terra jirma } i c.-ide u.y
own. las sir!;* taken, and si. held tor
a moment loudly by the sleeve* oi my blue
broadcloth, before we looked up to the win
dow, note with upraised hands, to catch a sural!
bundle of clothing that Fatmy was to throw
dowu lo u.s, and we ha i no other means
ot carrying with us.
•lie quiet, t n," whF red Janet a her sis
tor appeared at th.'.v an I poisecl the butt
die over our beads. 'Be quiet, Fan, for heav
en s sake, and drop it quickly.'
But l'auny s;;.l blond there, swinging back
ward the t/umii.., without heeding Janet's ear
nest entreaty.
•80, do throw it, Fanny, dear. Do have
Berne mercy on uie. What i; father should be
a Wa keucd——
'La, give it to fcer, Fan, den't plague your
sister, she's iu a hurry,' called a voice at that
moment from the closed blinds of the parlor
windows, which be-ionged to Done other tbau
Dr. Stoddard, 'give her the things, and tell the
boys to carry cut a hag of corn, a cheese, some
wheat, and some butter to the cart. June
must have a setting out. Onlv bo still about
it, Fan.'
Fur a moment we were petrified upon the
spot, and 1 thought I should tall to the ground. |
What should we tio —run, faint, die, evaporate j
or go mad? While wc stood undecided, two
huge mattresses fell at our t'eet from the wiu
duw, followed at ouce by sheets, pillow cases, j
quilts, table cloths, aud sundry other articles
necessary to the setting up of a respectable .
housekeeping establishment.
'.Mother, mother, dou't one of these new
featuer beds belong to Janet?' called Charley j
Stoddard, from another part of the bouse.
'Yes, yes, aud a bolster, and a pair of nice
pillows, too. Carry 'cm right to tho front
door,' was the answer.
♦Whose Lorse have you, Jason?' asked tho
doctor, pushing up the oiiud. 'Your father's?
'Y-e-e-s, sir, 1 stammered.
'Humph didn't you know better tban that?
That old gray isn't worth a button to go.—
i Why didn't you eouio up to my barn and get [
uit iitek mare ? Sam, 8a u>, Lurry away straight >
j bi tti* bar;- and harness black Motley for Jason. |
if W.Lu will believe it, lie was going to start off j
' with Lis father's old horse ! Bo quick, darn— :
! w- tft lively—they're in a hurry—it's time they '
Kfcfrt. cff.
j *ltave you anything with you Janet, to eat j
: an the road V put in Mrs. Stoddard, poking
h -f Irtad out of the wiudow.
'Mo, ma'am,' faltered Janet, moving a step
or s J from me.
4 A ell that's a good forethought And as 11
I live, there isn't a bit of cake cooked in the
hoe-', either! Can you make some white I
bread and t aeon, and seme brown bread and |
j cheese do, Jason ? it's ail we have.'
| •ies DIM 1 no,' i sud meekly stepping, easily '
j as I could i little further from Janei.
'Look, father and mother, quick, tow the
j moon is out, and see Jason's now coat and Lai!'
I called Fan, from the window, her merry voice, '
; trembling with suppression and laughter.— 1
; I">B f that coat a splendid one, lather ? just look j
at the length of its tails!'
■ Ju.-t give ma my glasses, wife,' said the
•is it a new one, Jason V
'-its, sir, rather new,' I said, giving an eager j
look in tho direction of the lane.
'Well drawled the doctor, eyeing me slyly,'
j 'that coat is handsome !'
'And his Lat, father!' called the wicked
i I* aa.
'I de-cl*re ? exclaimed the doctor. 'Wife,!
: wife, just I -ok here, and see Jasou's coat aud
; hat P
' 1 hat suoul.i i uo—stand there till morning
bet or* that iuees-ant Cre of words ? should 1
run 1 should 1 sneak slowly, us Jam-t was dy
' ing '? *\\, oh what, should Ido I'
i 'Dun t ihey look nice, mother !' asked tho
doctor, putting one fcroid brown hand over bb
i iiiOßii, anu doubling Lis gray herd almost do wo
|to Li* 'He-haw, tie-haw, hi-he-bavr!—
| mother- —he-haw—don't they look nice,' routed
; the doctor.
I eteUidn i stand it any .ottger. 100 Lotoi s -
; taugUti.!.' was a Signal: it was echoed frcrn all ;
part.-,k* the Louse. Lan crackled it from the I
| .*hr window ; Sam .-bouted from the barn;}
Mr. Stoddard ha-bo-boM from the kitchen !
• *hih vhrcw bimseif dowu ru the Uoor
j was apd/cn. uneti like a wild Indua.. I tutn
' v 'v "• 1 s*?* a leap across the garden,
f• wftecttei' feci dvatfth
| sbu r- iii iiuud aiieut. <Jfee told uc to coate Uck
i for the bieaJ and cheese; another that 1 bad for
got teu iny boodle and bride ; another La ie me
1 for biack Moliy and the new luggy; Fan
Lie lu# hold my co*t tails, or I should gel
them draggled. I didn't heed any of these
retjim-ts, 1 wcud directly tor i, .me. 1 reach
ed lioaje, fechng sheepish is a wea& word for it
—1 can't c-xpras* lo you Low i i'elt. i had a
great idea of hanging myself; 1 thought i had
belter be dead than alive , that I had made an
idiot of myself. It was all plaiu , Fan had
betrayed us. I vowed vengeance upon her
cnti; Oroad daylight, then sneaked out to the
bain and hid myself in the bay stack. 1 stav
ithe re until Ch.rley Stoduard brought Lome
uy father's horse.
The old gentleman was frightened; wanted
to know how he can:.; by the horse. Ho was
us to ask ana 1 uiade a clean breast of it.
1 di lu't prouii-e bim cot lu repeat the offence ;
there was no need of it; but I am sure of
this, I did not look at a girl for st-veu years.
Vi hen the eighth year came arouu<i, I leaiem
h : 1 my oi l vow against Fanny Stoddard
V. 11, to make a long story short, I married
I'_ :;.y. Juisei became a parseuV wife.
Au l h. re J : me tell you in confidence, read
er, that I really think little Fanny Stoddard
Lad a very deep motive in her head when she
b 'rayed Janet and me, though she was but a
I'.-itd. She liked me even then I believe.—
Well at any rate she declares every time the ;
a.Viir is mentioned, that I have had my revenge i
u' n Let. Bless her faithful heart, it has in-j
deed been a sweet one!
Lt it never come upon you. Live so that !
good angels may protect you from this terrible j
evil—thu winter of the heart.
L ■: tae chilling influence freeze up tie foun-;
! tuiu of sympathy and happiness from its depths: !
, no cold Luithec settle over its withered hopes, i
like suow en the faded flowers j no roue blasts j
jof discontent moan and shriek through its i
i desolate chambers.
j Your life patu may lead you aujid trials
which for a time seem eniirely to impede your
progress, aud shut out the very light of heaven |
from your anxious g^z".
Peuury may take the place of ease aud pleu- j
ty, \ "Ur luxurious home may be chauged to r a j
single, lowly room—the soft couch for the ,
stiatv pallet —the rich viands for the coarse
food of the poor. Summer friends may forsake ■
you, and the unpityiog world pass you with t
scarcely a word of compassion.
You may be forced to toil wearily, steadily j
to earn a livelihood ; you ray eucounter fraud
aud base avarice, which would extort the laft
j farthing, till you will nigh turu in digest from
your fellow beings.
Deaih may sever the dear ties that bind •
you to the earth, and leave you in fearful dark
' uess.
The nobie, manly boy, the sole hope of your
declining years, may be tatten suddenly from ;
! you while your spirit clings to him with a wild !
teuaeity which even the shadow of the tomb
can not wboly subdue.
But amidst all these sad trials and sorrows
do not come to the conclusion that nobody was
ever so deeply afflicted as you are, and aban
don every sweet anticipation of 'better days'
iu the unknown future.
Do not lose your faith in human excellence | i
| because your confidence has been betrayed, nor
! believe that friendship is oniy a delusion, and
i love a bright pbautom which glides away from
i your grasp.
i Do not think you are fated to be miserable
because you arc disappointed in your expects,
tions and baffled iu your pursuit. Do nut
| declare that God has forsaken you when your
way is hedged with thorus, or repine sinfully
when he calls your dear ones to the laud beyutid
the grave.
Keep a holy trust iu heaven through every
trial : bear adversity with fortitude, and look
upward iu hours of temptation aud suffering'.
\t hen your locks are white, your eyes dim, and
i your limis weary, when your steps falter on ]
I the verge of Death's gloomy vale, still retain
the freshness and buoyancy of spirit which will
shield you from the winter of the heart.
Religious luielligeaee,
Mora, a journal generally extremely well in
fotOi-d, contains the fallowing significant tel- :
o c
, cgiatn :
"TLe greater p..rt of the army of occupa
tion of lioine has Loen recalled; only 2,000
men will remaiu in the Holy City. The mean- I
ltig of this withdrawal of the French garrison, :
at the present juncture, may he explained by a •
refereuoe to the history of the First Mapoleon's j
Italian campaigns, and the policy of the ;
nephew, as laid dowo in tho pamphlets that I
have recently appeared in France.
In these pamphlets the cessation of the tern- I
pora! power of the Pope is urged as an essential '
condition of the "regeqeratiou of Italy" id est, '
her annexation to France. But how accomplish
such a coup without arousing a fanatical or>-
poairit'i, on the part of the fc'rict Catholics—a
powerful elcmatit throughout Italy and France?
\ try simply, by a revolution in Koine, which j
will surety follow upon the departure of the •
French troops, and the capture of the Holy I
Father by the remaining two thousand, under j
the convenient and piausille pretext of pro- i
teeiiug him ogaiu-t the violence of an infuria
ted uioh.
sue Holy Father, thus saved a second tim?,
would be respectfully but speciiiy removed to
U.vita \ eevhia, under escort of Lis 2,000 ;
the use to go ou board ship to Toulon or
%ene to F.arD, and at every j
1 bo Soubr, 1 ' ?aIT bo received with great
| honor and enthusiasm.
Such is the most proabie meaning cf the short
telegram of LeMord; the withdrawal of the
garrison it would be difficult to explain, in any
i otber way, for the troops are not needed, just
now, for the occupation of Sardinia, end if
they were Rome is a point of high strategetical
importance, which cannot be abandoned—and
abandoned it will not be, for tbe Kevolution
Laving served the above purpose, the troop-.
v ■ 'Uid hasten back to re—establish law and order
there. It :s very likely, though, the I'o-oe will
see through the scheme, and be foitunate
enough to make a timeiv escape from his pro
Have I { cm© to This i
liowpainful must be riio r. flectiou of a voting
man, who has enjoyed the privileges of society,
moral instruction and faithful advice, fsilio:;
into the path of abomination, and at last to
Hud himself arrested ir. Lis wicked career by
the arm of justice, aud about to receive the
penalty of the law for his crimes, while com
paring the past advantages with the present
circumstances. ludeed, he may wo.I say,
'•Have I come to this ?"
This is not an imaginary case. It o hap
pened that tLo writer of this was present when
several convicts arrived at one of our State
Penitentiaries. Among the Dumber was a
| young uian, about the age of twenty-four
j years, of good appearance and wtil dressed.
On going into the prison he involuntarily ex
i claimed—"Have I come to this !"
Alas 1 too late to avoid the punishment
; justly due him for his crimes. What instruc
; tii'ii sneii a scene and such language are calcu
lated to tford youth. It should teach them to
obey the first commandment with a promise to
avoid v in conii any ; and in a word, to remem
ber the Creator iu the days of their youth.—
And to a parent who possesses a deep interest
iu the welfare of a sou just entering upon the
scenes of active life, who knows the evtj pro
pensities of the heart, and the exposedness of
youth to the snares of the world, a scene like
this must 0.-easion a degree of anxious solici
tude, lest on some future day he should have
occasion to heir from that son the mdanchoiy
reflection,—"Have i come to this ?"
LIKE AFTER BUEIAL. — A singular occur
rence, says the Albany Knic kerb role* r of the
*27 th, was discovered in a vault attached to one
:of our burial grounds en Sunday last. It was
that of u female, who was deposited therein
for dead so;ne two months since, being found,
on r.pening the ccffia, to be la;, ing on her side,
with one hand under her head. Fram this it
was evident that the woman was alive when
placed there, and awakening from the trance
into which she had failen,, endeavored to ex
tricate herself from her eiitombutect. This,
of course, was au imposibility , the cover was
not only screwed dowu tightly, but the space
was too contracted to allow of even an effort.
It was evident, however, that the unfortunate
woman became convinced of the f*ct and con
cluded to die. She therefore took the easy
posture iu which she was found and breathed
her last. The thought that they had buried
her wiiiie yet alive, set her friends almost
crazed. The father and mother had just ar
rived from the old country last week, and were
brought to the vault to see their child. The
sceuo is related as heart rending.
VOL. 32, NO. 23.
Walk Solly.
I The tiniest pebble thrown seaward from the
| btMicb, cause* a wavelet, whose influence is felt
! for unnumbered it agues out upon old ocean's
I bosom. The softest whisper excites vibrations
iin the atmosphere around us, which cease not
j this side the boundless ether; so that the act or
' thought of an immortal man, however insiguifl
cant, may eolor a lifetime, may leave influences
; wuicli shall not cease, uusil time shall be no
j longer: iofltien''es for goou or ill, to millions of
[ immortals like himself, for unbounded ages.—
r.Vse being so, it would seom that every act
should b' a felt responsibility, and every thought
a prayer. Let us walk softly then, or at least"
with a motive and a wi>h for good.
A crust of bread throws thoughtlessly by a
ftll.;v student, made Prescott, in a measure,
sightless, lor near half a century. An ill-timed
jest Las severed many a warm friendship, and
planted bitterness f<>r a lifetime, where ought to
Lave swelled up the wannest, and purest, and
loveliest spriggs cf our nature. Many a time
aud oit, has a frowa, a harsh word, and unfeel
ing or contemptuous gesture, crushed resolves
iorever, which were budding to a Dew and
changed and better life. Header, let us all
walk softly then by day and night, at home and
abroad, inasmuch as for every step iu life, wa
must give account at the judgment.— HilP
Journal oj Health.
REROUTES FOU.VO.— On the 28;h of March,
fierce shower of aerolites occurred in Harrison
county, Jnd. One poor wight, when the-denes
came whi-tiing through the air in great terror
fell fiat with Lis face upon the ground, doubt
less expecting bis final end approaching. Two
other gentleman ' were out ia the woods, and
wore startled at the sound of tho stones fulling
through tlie trees. Numerous other stories
were rife in the neighborhood. There seemed
to be such a superstitious dread attached to the
occurrence thit r.o attempt was made until re
cently (o recover the stones. It is now said,
however, that three Lave been found. At tho
house of Mr. John l. uib several fell iu the
yard. A little boy saw one of them fall, and
dog it out of the ground, wbeie its projectile
force had hurried jr. It was three inches in
length, of an oblong shape. Another, found
el-e where, weighed one pound and three ounces
avoirdupois, but as all were Lurried deep in tho
ground only a few lm:- been collected.
Aa i ntqtial C oulcst
i Unless some first-class power comes to the
aid of Austria in ttie contest which seems to
t-e iu.pen iing between her au i France, the
wir, at least in Ita'y, will he of very short
Juration. The armies of Fraccc, assisted by
ice twenty-five millions of the Italian people,
W.JO ail LIE Austrian dominion, will soon com
pel her to abandon the Italian Peninsula and
retreat iuto Germany. Austria, single-handed,
Lis never been a a.ateh for France hut has
usually be;u badly Leateu. The latter country
was never better prepared for war than at
present; n -vcr was more formidable as a mili
tary nation. 1? a; much us the Austrian:?
can uo to maintain their liomiuion iu Italy
against-the Italians, and tho idea of the Eng
lish press that, they will be ablo to do it for
auy length oi time with France to assist the
insurgents is preposterous.
PADDY OX AI SICA. —At negro celebration
lately, an Li.-hmau stood listening to a colored
speaker, expatiating upon government and free
dom: and as the orator came to a 'period' from
the highest and most poetical heights, the Irish
man said:
'Bedad, he speakes wdi for a nagur; didn't
he now?'
Somebody said, 'lie isn't a negro; be is culy
a half negro.'
Only a half nagur, is it? Well, if half a
| nagur e<iu talk in that style, I'm thinking a
I whole nagur might bate the prophet Jeremiah.
t What are you doing with that lumber? cried
; a steamboat Captain to an Irishman, who stag
| gering towards the boat beneath the weight of a
huge plank, just as the bell was ringing for the
j last time. 'What aui I doing! sure wasn't is
| yer-elf as said ye's as going, get a board,' and
j isn't this an elegant one entirely?' paid the Hi
| bercian, triumphantly amid the laughter of the
; spectators. The captain gave Lint bo3"d aud
I passage that trip.
J HE MEANEST YET.—A charitable individ
ual iu the ucighborhcod of Willismamic, Coun.,
proposed to raise a snbseriptiau for a poor hard
working man, who recently lost a valuable cow.
Every one applauded the object and its origina
tor—money was raised—the poor man expected
io be made happy, when his benevolent friend
produced an old bill against- him to just tho
amount raised, and retaiued the cash !
ALL THROUGH. —Mr. Jones, having spent an
evening over the bowl, went home a little, 'how
come you so.' Ue was fortunate enough to
find his batter half asleep. He went to bed and
after a few moments cogitation, he thought it
would be policy to turn over, lest his breath
should betray him, when Mrs. Jones opened her
eyes, and very ecoly said: 'Jones, you needn't
turn over you're drunk clear through.'
that you cannct make a silk purse out of a sow
Oh sir, please fan me. I have imitations of
a swoon. When you use ths.t odious specimen
of vulgarity again, clothe it :n finer phraseolo
gy! You should have said: It is impossible to
fabricate a pecuniary receptacle frotu the auri
cular organ of the softer sex genus hog.
There is healing io a smile, and laughing if
medicine to the mind.