Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 20, 1859, Image 1

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From AU The Year Round.
Old England, she has greet warriors,
Great princes, and poets great;
But the Blacksmith is not to I • quite forgot,
In the history of the Stat?.
He is rich in the bes f of all metals,
l'et silver he lacks and gold ;
And he p .yeth his due, and his heart is tiue.
Though he Lloweth both hot and cold.
The boldest m he of incendiaries,
That ever tho wide world saw,
And a forger as rank as e'er robbed the Lank,
Though he never doth break the law.
He hath shoes that are worn by strangers.
Yet he laugbetb and maketh more ;
And a share (concealed) in the poor man's field,
Yet it a ids to the poor man's store.
Then, hurrah for the iron Blicksmith!
And hurrah for his iron crew !
And whenever we go where his forges glow.
We'll sing what a max can do.
For Ike Inquirer•
Farming Hints for the Season—No. 2.
"The waving verdne rolls along tha plain,
Arm jii fairest jMWMa
To welcome back iu playful mates again
A canopy ot leaves;
Ant from its darkening shadow floats
A gush of trembling notes."— Percival.
ROOT CROPS. — If 300 have never tried tbera,
tbi3 might be the right time to give them a tri
al at least on a small scale. They are very
valuable for feeding to all kinds of stock ID
winter. All kinds of animals should have seme -
thing green, for change. When they crc fed
on drv fodder. Farmers should be careful, says
(j. W. in Genese* Furm-r , "to grow cuougii of
roots for the cows, or, as sailors say, for greens,
to keep off scurvy; and the testimony of tae an
imal is unite as significant as that of the sail
ors. I have a cow that is rncssod night and
morning, generally on a pint of corn meal and
a pint of oil meal Scalded, ioto which is cut
one or two large rrirzci beets, which with water
fills the pail. The cow then, after eating, licks
the pail clean; but if the beets or other green
substitute is left cut, she never fails to lea
some of the m<-al in the p til, when she holds
up her head and shakes it until she gets a beet.'"
To raise these crops successfully the ground
should be plowed deeply and well mixed with
well rotted manure; and ruade Quo by using
the harrow.
CARROTS—Are a very good root for all
kinds of animals: seme say they are equal to
oats for horses. On good soil, with good cul
ture, from five to eight hundred bus. per acre
may be grown. Ttiey uiay be planted from the
15th May to 20th June, in drills fifteen to
twenty-four inches apart. A good plan would
be to take a common corn plow and ridge tho
ground, turning two furrows together, leaving
tkeu two feet from top to top. Seed should be
sown 9t the rate of four pounds per acre. When
they are two inches high they should be thinned
to about four to six inches apart in the drill.—
Keep clean of weeds by frequent hoeing*, and
bear in mind that weeds and earrots will not
grow together to advantage.
BEETB—Are a good root for this purpose,
say some writers, for field culture they should
bo sown about the first of Jutm on ridges three
feet apart and thiuoed to about eight inches.—
The proper time to thin them is when the plants
aie about two inches high, wheu tho ground is
moist after a rain.
RUTA BAUA—Should receive more attention
for feeding purposes. They have some draw
tacks in this country, they are a very smail
plant where tbey make tbeir first appearance,
and "many times the small black ground flea
devours them before the cultivator gets sight
of them. A good plan to prevent the ravages
of the flea, is to watch about the time the seed
is coming up, and scatter plaster on the rows.
Toe time for planting is the middle of June.
oaieful not to cover the seed too thick.—
Sow in drills about two feet apart.—3. B. K.
From the Jim dean Jgricullurisi.
Ftediug Working CaUle iu Spring.
I have away of feeding oattlo when they
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Polities, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c.. &c---T<jritts: Quo Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
I first begin to work ia Spring which seems to |
agree with them, aud so of course it suits me. <
i They need grain when tbey arß rut to hard
| work, as much as a farmer needs pork or beef, j
and if they don't get it, then you don't get the
work they might do if 'hey ware treated rea
sonably. But I Sad my cattle appear to feel a
good deal as J do when warm weather comes on. j
Meat and hearty food don't sceui to relish with
out something greou along with it. Pork and •
potatoes will do for a'stand-by,' but I'm always .
in a great harry for spiuage or some garden
'sass' to help along with, ar.d if I can't get it,!
my food makes me dumpish and stupid. I think
'itis a good deal so with the cattle. They'll ]
eat t'no com cr meal, lut it don't seem to ho j
exactly the thing for warm weather, and I've
noticed that after eating plenty of it, they act
ed iu the t.ftert:oon just as I felt when I had +
nothing but hearty food for dinner. So 1 have, •
for some years past, given them a genu mess o: ,
potatoes, cut up small, to eat with their mual.
; They appear to relish it well, and 1 think it j
keep* their blood cool, aud makes them more
1 cheerful and active before the plough.
, —Oft-repeated suggestions for savingand keep
ing seed corn have teen given in this journal.
Bat whether ib< -e have been followed or not, i;
i is well to make ?. preliminary test of corn, and
of all other seeds which sometimes fail t > veg
etate. This is easily done. Select from the
! mass enough to be a fair sample, and plant in
a warm situation, or in a box of earth, Kept
suitably warm aad moist. Au examination cf
the specimens, even before coming up, will ahoy
whether tLcy are in a sprouting condition.—
Bettor fer to do this, than to make a simib:
j experiment on a five or ten acre field, and only
: lean of ah id result when too late to be rem
| ectied.— lb.
| unslaked lime and put it into a bucket with
: about as much water as wTITbe required in use.
; Then throw iu about half a pound of tallow for
a peck of lime. As the lime slakes, the heat
will melt the tallow, when it is to he tho
roughly stirred in—the stirring to be repeated
frequently during use if any grease rises to the
: surface. .No definite experiments have been
made to determine the exact weight of taiiow
' for a given weight of lime. Impure or rancid
i lard, oil, or other grease, may ba use J instead
'of tallow.— lb.
Nifud What l'u Say ItcforeChihlreu,
i It is always well to avoid saying anything
f that is improper, but it is especially so before
; cLiildreii; and here parents, as well as others,
| are often in fault. Children have as many ears
! as grown persons, and they are generally more
i attentive to what is said before them. What
I they hear they are very apt to repeat; and as
: tlic-y have no discretion, and not sufficient knowl
i crig. of the world to disguise anything, it s
j generally found that '-chilcireit and fools speak
| the truth." See that boy's eyes gii.iteu while
you speak of a neighbor in language that you
w<uia not have repeated. He does not fully
understand what you mean, but he will remera
bet every word; aud it will be strange if ha
does not cause you to bluh by tho rvpeii
j lion.
A gentleman was in the habit of calling at
I a neighbor's house, and the lady had always
expressed to hitn much pleasure in seeing him.
j One day, just after she had remarked to hitn
; her happiness from his visit, the little hoy en
i tcred the room. The gentleman took hiai on
J hit knee, and asked:
'Are you not glad to see me, George?'
♦No sir,' replied the boy.
•Why not, my little maud' be continued.
'Because mother don't want you to conic,'
said George.
Here the mother looked daggers at her lit
j tie son, and beoauie crimson, liuc he saw noth
-1 log.
'lndeed! how do you know that, George?'
'Because she said yesterday that she wished
that old Lore would not call again.'
j The gentleman's hat was soon in requisition,
and he left with ihe impression, 'Great is the
truth; it wiil prevail.
A boy once asked a gentleman who it was
| that lived next door to him; and when he
| heard the name, inquired if be was not a
I fool.
'No, ray little friend, he is oot a fool, but a
: very sensible man. But why did you ask the
'Beoause, replied tho boy, 'mother said the
other day that you were next door to a fool;
and I wanted to know who lived next door to
'Mother sent me,' said a little girl to a neigh
bor, 'to ask you to come and take tea with her
this evening.'
'Bid she ?ay at what time, my dear?'
'No, ma'am: she only said she would ask you,
and then the thing would be off her mind; that's
all she said.'
A wag wrote over the door of a school house
—'The Whaling institution.'
Too much pleasure and too ranch sun are
bad for both woman and flowers.
Jerusalem—lts Sights smd Inhabi
tants. .
(From'the senior editor of the New York Ex
press, now travelling abroad.)
Nothing is visible, nothing at all, of the ori
j ginal (Julvary—if this he Calvary. Marble
i covers all the rook, save iu hoio" very
j few places, where a peep can be had through
j the marble crevices created to give the peep,
i The whole looks like a series of churches or
i chape's with the usual aitars, and the cau
| dies of the Catholic churches of Greece and
' Home. The Priests of all the religions here
show up everything spoken of in Scripture
; the exaet place where Christ appeared to Mary
Magdalene iu the likeness of a gardener; then
a few feet further on, a stone like a star desig
nating the spot, where Mary stood; then, where
our Lord appeared to Mary; then a fragment
of o porynvry column, called the column of
: Plage I üba, beiug a piece of that to which the
[ Saviour was bound when scourged by order of
[ Pilate; then the prison where Christ was con
fined previous to the crucifixion, then the ex
-1 act place where the true cross was dug up uu
dsr the inspired aud watchful eye of St. Ilele
| na—a place of especial sanctity, vrber • the
very rocks weep now {the place is uuJergrouud
| and dams) iu mournful memory; then the very
column of grey amble, on which the .lews
made our Saviour sit while they crowned liini
with thorns, and mocked Liu:; then the very
place wi.ora the cross was fixed; then tho spot
where Chri-t was nailed to the cross: th n
where the Virgin Mary stood during tho cru
cifixion, &<?. Every historic a! poiut of lite new
Testament !•( re, in Jerusalem, has not only a
name, tut ij Men! habitatii n; nay, monkish in
vention and fancy are not thus content, hut
they wander back to tut beginning of time,
and show up hero on the grouuds of the holy
sepulchre '-the centre of tho earth" and the
spot even whence was taken the clay from
which Adam was modeled! Fancy and fiction
and romance thus revel, and -o extraordinary
i.i the whole operatic ah >w, that one r-'j .iocs at
la.-t that this not Calvary—this is not Goi
gotha—that tins is not the place of the Holy
Sepulchre, and that for wise purposes, the Al
mighty has veiled in secresy the spot whereon
he sacrificed liis only iron.
THE yatar ASU> rxaot.
ahe dome over thvTloly S 'pulehre is leaky
and broken, and rain creeps through and in
upon it, but it cannot be repaired, for such is
the jealousy that Greek will not let Latiu or
Armenian do it, and vicn versa. Well is it, i
topeut then, that lntidel, hut impartial Turk
squats and smokes Lis pipe by the uoor as
doorkeeper, and brings iti bis soldiers to ke< p
order. But what can Turk think of such
Christianity, and all this gewgaw—cool, calm,
simple-minde d, unimpassioned Turk - who, in
plain simplicity, spreads his mantle upon tho
b>rc earth, and with his face to Mecca, offers
up, humbly on h;s knees, with forehead bent
to the cirtu, his prayers to the Prophet alone
—no image of him, no painting, no sculptured
foim, no Virgin—nothing but the Prophet him
self —and, through iiiin, to Allah, his God?—
What euu Jew think of it—Jew who, here in
his own city, is chased out of tire Sepulchre as
■demon or wild beast would be? Hope not fur
mi.-Monairics then. Talk not id Chris'i mity,
and its progress in the city of tin: Great l\iuu,
until all these things can be mcuded. .Never
will Jew bo converted hnt by interest here;
never will Moslem be turned from Mecca. The
farce of 'he Holy Fire alone—that graud Greek
imposition on tho Easter Evo of every year,
when the Greek Patriarch alone enters the
| Tomb, and "iho miraculous flatus descends
from Heaven"—is only or' itseif, enough of
; disgust for the Jew and tho Moslem—if not
for the Christian of any otLer name. Then on
that great display and farce, the Turks have to
i come in, not only with bayonets, but with
i leather lasbes, to lay over tho buck 3, sboul
< ders and legs of 'he Pilgrim Christiana, to keep
i them in order. In the year 18#4 a fearful tra
-1 gedy occurred on the Greek Easier. Four
j hundred persons were trampled to death, many
! even upon the Stone of Uuctioa.
The Jews' wailing place was to me the most
■ interesting [flaca in Jerusalem. My dragoman
|an East India Jew, of Moorish skin, who by
: the way, is an English subject, and speaks En
i glish well, conducted me thither. Wc thread-
I ed our way through the usual narrow and dirty
j lanes, misnamed streets, of Eastern cities, and
j came to an area in the form of a quadrangle,
: near the bridge where the dwellers in Zion
i were once wont to pass over, to worship God in
! the Temple, ou his Holy Mouut Moriah. la
I the ancient foundation wall of the Temple are
several courses of large, leveled 9tones, upon
I which tho Jews lavish their kisses and ern-
I braces, and through tho crevices of which they
i pour up their prayers to Gud for the restora
tion of His Temple, nnd the early coming tri
-1 umph in Jerusalem. ller the Turks have por
i milted the Jews to coma and wail for years and
i years, and for years and years they have coma
j—the scattered tribes from all parts of the
world, to cry out in the words of the Psalmist,
{till; 1, 3, 5,) s O God, the Heathen have conic
I into thine inheritance. The holy Temple have
■ ihey defiled; they have laid Jerusalem ou
■ heaps. Wc are become a reproach to our
neighbors, a scorn and derision to them that
are around about us. How long Lord, wilt
thou bo angry forever? Shall thy jealousy
buro like fire?" Their mournful cry, as in
plaintive toues they read their Hebrew Bible
their devout suffering, their humble louk of
contiitiou, their very admiration of the rooks
; of the Temple, are all painfully suggestive aud
I teaching. The proud Moslem revels in tri
• umph over them. Tho Muezzin cries ooi the
i hour ot prayer just over tiieui. The loiiy
i Christian, fresh from the gold and glitter, and
I incense a fed light of the Holy Sepulchre, looks
dofn too often with contempt upon the dirt
aucl dust aud misery that there surround and
j envelope the Hebrew. Now, when one thinks
I ol t|t; days of David and Solosaou, and kuows
| that these are God's chosen people, and that
j prophecy t .l's us sotuo day or other Jerusalem
shalj bo theirs again, the whole scene becomes
so touching that one can scarcely refrain hini-
self from leading.* I must confess 1 have nev
er l4en more affected by any spectacle. It Las
1 disarmed me of a thousand prejudicce against
the Jews, and 1 am sure I now feci for a Jew
a* for a man and brother.
Probably more earnest, more fanatic men
assemble here than in any other city of iike
population.— for Jerusalem is uot only holy to
Chris: iao, Luf to the Jew and tiio Mussleman.
All nations, all religions, look up to Abraham,
IsnaO and Jacob, and respect the Prophets and
their outgivings. The Caliph Omar consecra
ted Lis Mosque on Mount Mtcioh, as tie Em
peror 0: .stautir.o did his Church upon the sup
posed Mount Calvary. When in mv voyage
i.itliiT, i Siw Pilgrims evcu from the digtaiit
Lust a, as well as from ail parts of Greece anil
Turkey, coming hither, often in blank ss, with
only rag coverings necessary for deeeuc--, sub
mitting to everything, and suffering everything
—exposed to r;.ia, and to the cold atr of night,
upon the decks of Austrian, French and Rus
sian steamers—l felt tin y must be nil earnest,
itni a ■ dr>Di J men and vc'tneo. I could cot
have endured for a single irybt what I sav.
them suffer for a week in the roadstead of Bj'.-
rnt. Thousands upon thousands arc now on
their Way, swaruting in like manner to have
then Lister iu Jerusalem. Toe spirit of tho
Crus.Jers, then, I sec, is not cxtinc'; it is on
ly ihaugeu—and the world is ju-t as full of
earnest men as ever. The United States, too,
distant as we are, have their earnest men bore
!-o. The missionary ground that the Episco
palian;? and Prcabytemu# have described as
hopeless, the Seventh Day Baptists aud Cnup
boiiitti? of America have taken vp. Then
there is Mt*i Liver more, watching and watting
with thy Jews, come, *o she says, for tho last
time, Ai d uow to die on the spot so hoi v.
The history of tho city, is its religious his
tory, i no inspiring, that it attracts bero.earn
liiiaft iiVid ■ jftHfl'' 'JSKwiI Wl! *
mind is well balanced, it too often runs into
visions and fanaticism. There is probably uo
place ou earth where "religion," or rather sect,
is ho bitter, so persecuting as here Tiie sects
of Christians hero all, more or less, hate each
other. The spirit of Christ, as i have before
illustrated in ibe ma'tor of tho Holy Sepul
chre, bui little exists anions the population of
the city. Even tse Turk here is a little more
fanatic than elsewhere. I only peeped into au
alley leading to the Mosque of Orn tr —where
none bat M •slems are allowed to enter, and
even children, auiong th.m a boy with a big
stick, <••?! eeially noted, approached tnc to boat
off tb dog, Christian. 1 was in company with
a | arty cf ladies on Via Dolorosa—'ocvr a
street n; the Turks, tho etree; on which it is
ssid, I- iri.-t w.s t:ken to be crucified, and :iie
laiies were spit upon iY .oi ;lie windows, and
had to shy • :F into the mideie and ea tiro eh
er .-Mo of ti: sttcvi. iisa only revenge we
bad was a heavy shower of Arabic, which one
of t he ladies poured back upon the Turkish wo
men peeping through the lattices of their win
dows. i would have thrown stoace at tb m re
gardless of the consequences, but was for hid
den by my conductress, who told me that in the
same street ouce, wheu on a horse, a whole
bucket of water was thrown upoa her. Yet
this lady is the daughter of a missionary here,
who is sacrificing life and property to better
the condition of tiio Moslem.
The firjt of books ihat ODO longs to read
and ra-read here is the Bible, and the Bible is,
| or ought to be, in the Loose of everybody.—
Ileatl if you will but learn the ponderous but
valuable tomes of Robertsen, now, as I hare
j said, the highest Biblical autbori'y in matters
j of topography; read the late valuable work of
Br. Barclay, of Ya., now here again with bis
j very interesting and highly intelligent family,
i Americans, among them Dr. Oiin and Rev. Mr.
! Spencer, have written the very best work-* upon
! Palestine and Syria. One of the best little
i guide books and maps I have found is from the
' office of the Sunday School Union in PbiUdel
! phia. Read before you come here, and do not
i be compelled as I am to work half tho night to
! study up history the next day. Tho Bible
above all, however, is the best history—the
. hand book, the great guide book—what "Mur
ray" is elsewhere, und the Bible besides. Here
| is the spot to expound, to explain, and to thor
| ougbly comprehend it, its metaphors, its para
| iilvs, its allusions. 1 know and see now tuat I
; shall hereafter rau the good book with an uu
j derstanding and interest 1 never could have
j had before. Palestine, the Holy Land, its au
! cieut people, are to everybody in name so fa
; miliar, that, we uot only copy its towns and cit
ies for our towns and cuius— its Canaan tor our
I Canaan, its Sharon for our Sharon, &c., —its
I Marys, its ituths, its Rachels, iis Johns and
James —and its Proverbs, too, become our
| proverbs, as from "Dun to Beersheba, ' 'not
jso very far by the way.) lam glad to say no
i country sceuis to lake so much iuterest in Bib
; licul topography as our country.
The host placo to see Jerusalem and the sur-
I rounding country, is from tho Turkish minaret
i that crowns the Mount of Olives, tor now the
j Turks owu that mount, and in the centre of a
| Turkish mosque enclosure, is by purchase the
! Chapel of the Church of the Ascension, where
Jesus's footsteps arc shown in the rock as he
i ascended up! Baksheesh—money—that magic
word, is Syria aud Palestine, but particularly
i in Palestine, carries you almost everywhere.—
1 Baksheesh, the first "word you learu, und the
last to be forgotten, from the way it is imprint
ed on your brain. "Baksheesh, Hadji,"
(money, Pilgrim,) "Baksheesh, Hadji"—l hear
them so often, that they seem to be about the
only words iu or about Jerusalem. Well,
"Baksheesh" penetrates through the smoking
atmosphere surrounding the piped and turbaned
head even oi a Turk—and upon the inspiration
;of Baksheesh we went up the minaret, and
; looked from it far and wide upon the snrroucd
iug couutry. Down there below are the val
ley of Jehosaphat, the Valo of Hinnom, To
phet, Gehenna, Alcaldaiua, the Brook of Ked
roa, in which is not one drop of water—the
Pool of SilaaiD, the Garden of Getbsemane, the
Tombs >f the Prophets, the Tomb of the Vir
gin Mary, the Grotto of Jeremiah, and a hun
dred other places just as sacred in history
and up there above are Scopus, the Hill of
I'ivil Counsel, the Mount of Offence, etc. etc.
1 turn round, and !o! there arc the distant
Mountains of Moab, the other side of the Jor- i
dan, but seemingly near, very near—aud the
Dead Sea, where are sunk Sodom and Gom.jr- :
rah ; and there the ridge that conceals the fur !
famed Jordan— not, as the Mississippi, or the '
Indus, or the G >uge, a great, mighty, rolling
river—but a river mofe famous than either. i
; SOr\J) tOVH CTO lOtXG ME*.
Keep good company or none.
Never be idle.
If your hands cannot be usefully employed,
attend to tee cultivation of your mind.
Always speak :Le truth,
i Make few promises.
Live up to your engagements.
Keep you- own secrets, if you have any.
When you speak to a rersou, look him in the
1 face.
, Go <1 cohtpany and good conversation are the
j very sinews of vir'ue.
Good character is above anything else.
| Your character cannot he essentially injured,
; except by your own acts.
j If any one speaks evil of you, let your life
1 ba <o that no one will believe him.
Brink no ki.n l of intoxicating liquors,
j Ever live (misfortune excepted) within your
j income.
| When you retire tubei, thiuk over what you
j have beet, .doing diyyfcg the day.
M ■ no IflSUWtb be rich, if you would pcos
xf'l ii
Small and steady gain# give eomopteney, with
! tranquility of mind.
Never play at any game of cbaoce.
Avoid temptation, though you fear you may
not withstand it.
Earn money before you spend it.
Never run into debt uuEsi you see away to
get out of it.
Do not marry until you are able to support a
' wife.
Never speak evil of any one.
Be just before you are generous.
Keep yourself inuoeent, if you would be
; happy.
have when you are youug, tLat you may spend
when you are old.
Road over the above maxims at least once a
Keasonx for Wearinar a Moustache.
Wo have been able to draw up a table of
| the different reasons for wearing a moustache.
'Ye have questioned not less than one thousand
persons so adorned, and their answers have
helped u.s to the following results :
To avoid shaving, GO
To avoid catching cold, 32
To hide their their teeth, 5
To take away a protuineut nose, 5
To avoid being taken as an Englishman, 7
Because they are in the army, 6
Because they have been in the army, 221
Because the aristocracy does it, 2
Because it is artistic, 29
Bacause I am a singer, 8
Because I travel a good deal, 17
Because 1 havo lived on tho continent, 3
Because ibe wife likes it, 8
Because I have weak lungs. 5
Because it act 3 as a respirator, 29
Because it is healthy, 72
Because the young ladies admire it, 471
Because it is considered "the thing," 10
Becauso he chooses, 1
It will be seen from tho above table that not
one person confesses to "vanity" being the
motive. Tlie majority of persons wear a mous
tache because they imagine, in their own con
ceit, it becomes them: but how rarely you
meet a person who lias the courage to admit
Queer Settlement.
The following item is going the round" :
"The difficulties between tho inhabitants of
Fannin county, Texas, and the anti-slavery
Methodists located in that quarter have been
temporarily settled by the latter agreeing, for a
time, to abstain preachiner. The Texas Ad
vocate, the organ of the Methodist Church
South, fully an l warmly endorses the pro
ceeding of the people, and urges the thorough
and immediate eradication of the Methodist
Church Worth, in Texas, with whatever force
•nay be necessary. '
Such a settlement as the above, remarks a
contemporary, reminds one of Archbishop
Hughes'notion that liberty of conscience means
thinking what you please, provided you keep
it to yourself. The noble Christian spirit of
the organ of tho Church ikrtith is wonderful.—
After such opinions they can never pitch into
the Roman Cat holies for the massacre of Saint
Bartholomew, or even the Fejees who 'eradicate'
missionaries whose views don't suit their
staudard, by boiling them aud serving tbem up
for dinner.
VOL. 32, NO. 21.
( MOTTOES port WEDDI.NO KING?.— Two or
j three centuries ago, a wedding ring W3S Derer
i without motto. From a long list published
i in "Notes and djueries," we select sonic of the
best, though not many have any great merit.—
They are all brief,*however, and a few are po
, etical.
This is affectionate and hopeful:
"In Jove nr.d joy he our employ."
And this is much the same:
"In thee I prove the joy of love."
This i exultant:
"Happy in thee hath God made me."
I This mingles the connubial witb the pious.
"I'M? t > love, love to pray."
j Here is one tbat might Lave come from the
j parson*
'•lu love a lrl<Jo till death divide."
This smacks of resignation to Providence:
".Xonc can prevent the Lord's intent."
Adil ibis bints that marriage may be design
ed as a penance:
"I kiss the rod from tbec and God."
And this conveys a doctrine repudiated by
the school of Lucy Stone:
"This ring doth bind both bdy and mind."
And this is exstatic:
'•Of rapturous joy I am the toy."
And this is calm and sensible:
"May God above preserve my love."
ilow eau the infidel say there is no God ?
Who after walking out and surveying the
lleaven, can say there is no God? If any
can, let him gaze upward ; tLe whole firmament
will rebuke him ; the stirs seem to twinkle
more brightly as if angry at so false a state
ment. Let him gaze at the Queen of Night as
she tides along, majestically shedding forth
uer beautious light, and can he there, gazing
upward, earnestly say ia his heart, there is no
God ? Or let brm walk tbnough the grove at
mid-day, when the king of the day has ascend
ed bis throne; tho birds are pouring forth
their sweetest songs, and the tall uces dressed
in gaudy colors, and sweet flowers blooming on
every side, send forth their delicate coloring—
the all powerful Being who kindled the lamps
of lieaveD, and fashioned so wonderfully the
Itll!o.fatr. beinjr.,wh..-.c every movement to its
is a joy—to Him belong these fair creations.
We may enjoy their beauty, inhale their per
fume, but Lis hand holds them. But when
tho iinks of life's golden chain are all severed
--when carih's j >vs have vanished, and our
shattered barks are lauoehtd on death's dark
ocean, far beyond the silver clouds, there will
he a bright, beautiful b .me prepared for us—a
home whose pleasures will never fade, and
where sweet peace wiii be our's—yes, our's
A Scotchman called at the house of lawyer
Fletcher, of Yf., to consul: the legal gentleman
"Is the squeer at home inquired he of the
lawyer's lady, who opened the door at his sum
mons. He was unswercd negatively. Disap
pointment was now added to Scotia's eon; but
after a moment's consideration, a new thought
relieved him. Meblv yourself can give me the
necessary information as the squeer—seem sa
ye're arc his wife:''
Tbe Kind iudy expressed her willingness to do
so, if cn learning the nature of the difficulty,
she found it in power; the other proceeded
to state his case as follow?:
"Spose ye was an auld white inear, and I
! should berry ye to gang to mill, with a grist on
j yer back, and we should get no farther than
! fiat's hill, when all a: once, ye should back up,
rear up, and pitch up, and kneel backwards,
who'd pay for yer. Fut I darn rue if 1 would!"
The lady smiled, told him, as she closed tbe
door, as he had passed sentence on the case,
advice wou; u be entirely superfluous.
Port Gibson (Miss.) Reveille gives the follow
ing Dotioe of the death of Satah Holly, of that
"The widow of Christopher Holly, a free wo
man of color, was bunied yesterday. She died
owning a thousand acres of good laud aud thir
ty negroes. Her husband lived near tbe town
many years, and was esteemed a gentleman.—
Holly and his wife were as black as any of
their slaves and alwavs conducted themselves
I and J.—There are no two letters ia tbe
manuscript alphabet of the English language,
which occasiou so much trouble or cause so
much miseonstruotion as the two letters, I and
J, as many persous inadvertently write them.
The rule for writing them properly, aDd which
should be universally understood aud adopted,
is to extend the J below :he line. If those who
write I for J knew, how it sometimes puzalcs
printers, they would remember the above sug
'When we're married Jullia, you'll see how
I'll drive to the 'Castle' iu a carnage.'
'But Deni9, whore is the money to corno
from t'
'Oh, we don't wr,t auy money j people da
these things now-a-days on quite a new principle,
1 assure you.*
'indeed !' said Julia.
•Yes,' replied Dennis, 'and often they do
tbeto without any principle at all."
Conversing one day with a fashionable and
pretty belle, the facetious Mr. Spriggs cbsorved,
'that iadscs who lisped wished to be kissed.'
A young lady had before spoken unaffectedly,
but now replied, 'Tho I've hcatd thaj.'