PERSIA*EM OFFH 11. Complying with the urgent request of hundreds of theif patients, Drs. V, M. Filch and J. W. Sjkes HAVE CONCLUDED TO REMAIN' PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And rosy be consulted at their ftfiiee, NO. 190 PENT ST R E K T , Opposite St. Ciuir Hotel PJTTSBI RGH. A ND may be consulted daily. (except Sundays.) J\. foi CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and all other CHRONIC COMPLAINTS eomplicuted with or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affection of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis. Female Complaints, etc. Drs. FITCII k SYKKS would state that their treat ment of consumption is based upon the fact that the disease exists in the blood and system at large, hoth before and during its development in the lungs, and they THEREFORE employ Mechanical. Hy gienic and Medicinal remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With these they use MEDICAL INHALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Palliatives, (having no curative effect when used ttione,) and invalids are earnestly cautioned AG; inst wasting the precious time ol curability upon any treatment based npon the plausible, but false idea that the "seat ol disease EAN be reached in A direct manner by Inhalation." For ns BEFORE stated, the seat of the disease IS in the Mood and its effects only in the lungs. nSf"No charge for consultation. A Ist cf questions w'll be sent to those wishing t > consult us by letter. March IS, 1809.-1y ~ OTJB MUSIC ALFRIEND : TWELVE PACES OF POPULAR StfSIC FOB TEN CENTS. MUSICAL FRIEND" i fiiied with the vj best Pimp Solos. Duets, Songs, Operatic Alias, Polkas, Mazurkas, Quadidls, Waltzes, and every other species of musical composition for Voice an 1 Piano by the ii' -t American and Euro pean Composers ; printed on toil-sized music paper, ml iptcd to every grade of performer. The same q'l-.ntitv of music, procured from the regular publishers v.aai' l cost mere then ten times v. h it tve (burg ■- A year's anbscripfion fr> -Ova MUSICAL FIIIENP.' will secure new and fashionable music worth at least Two Ili NP'.II.o DOI.LAP.S. and entirely sufficient fer tiie borne circle. PRICE TEN CENTS, WEEKLY. Yearlv, So; Half Yearly, $2,50; Quarterly. $1.25 cents. The Volume commenced on the Ist December. !8"S. C. B SEYMOUR & CO., I'copnn res-s. IS, Frankfort street, Nt:w YOUK. March 1. 1859.— 1nt OEORGS P. ARRPV. JOHN A. Nirr. ABBKI & XEFF. No. 308 Nortii THIRD Street, (three door above Pine.) PHILADELPHIA. THE OLD HARDWARE STAND. (Fsr.vßt.tsnrti TWENTY FOCR YEARS.) Every description of Building. Wechar.icil. Farming and fi'irtehah! H.dJIDW.'AiP. is now in Store, an i will lie offered at the lowest market pri ce®., to Cjsh and prompt Six months buyers. Nails n! Manufacturers prices for Cash. Orders from new customers will receive strict and accurate attention, arid nil goods sent fiom this house will be as represented. r£r~Covntry itcrckanU, on tli dr next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases are cordially invited to call .on i examine our Stock and Pric 'S before Purchasing. March 25,1850.-3 m TifiSM SEE BY virtue of an ord ror the Orphans Court of Bedford County. the subscriber will sell at Pub lic Sale, at the Court House, m tie* Borough of Bedfotd, on Saturday the 23d of April next, that certain lot of ground late the property of Philip Weisel. dee'd. situate in the corner of John Street and "Watsons addition" containing 77 feet in front on John street and 'mining with this public road 200 feet to an alley. TERMS : 1-3 to remain in the lot for tiie use of the widow, one half the balance at the confirmation of the s ale and the residue in one year without in terest to lie secured by Judgmcut bonds or bond*, and mortgage. Possession given immediately. ABRAHAM WKISEL, March 2 >, 18->3.—d Gunrdian. Kxf tutor's Notice. N'OTICE is hereby given that loiters testamentary having te en issued t<> the undersigned, hy the Register of Bedford County, on the lust will and Testament of Daniel Bussaril, late of West Pro vidence Township, doe'd. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the same are notified to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOIIN SPARKS. March 25, 1859. Exor. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grant ed to the subsnhscriber on the estate of Eliei Allen, Ute of Napier Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment immediately and those having claims against the same will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. B. 11. WALKER, Adtn'r. March 25, 1859. St. Clair tp. Executor's Votice. 1 FITTERS testamentary on the last nil and ~i testament of Em-mu d Bissler late of Mid dle Woodbury Township, Bedford County, dee'd., having been granted to tho subscribers residing in said Township, notice is therefore given to all per sons indebted to said estate to make payment to them immediately, arid those having claims will present them forthwith, duly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL B A SSL ER, DAVID BUYER. March 25, 1559 Exors. .Administrator's Notice* LETTERS of wimhiistratiou ha'e been grauted to the subscriber on the estate of Catharine Thom as, dee'd. Alßgfcrson* hiving claims against tho same are requested to present them for settlement, rind all person* indebted, are requested to make im mediate payment. JOHN McCREAUY, Juniata tp., March J I, '59. Adiu'r. Dissolution of Partnership. rpiiE Partnership heretofore existing and doinu L business unY tiie (>est judges in our country, and pronounced ONE of the (irrates! Improvements of the Acre! ! Several vehicles ha V E been IN use over two years ( with tiie Improved Htth attached, and tin? wheels arc still AS perfect as when thev left the Lhop, the j unavoidable wear excepted. J This is THE only G!T reason - i aide terms. WILLIAM O'NEAL Agent. Feb. 18, J859. Raiusburg, Bedford Co., Pa. lieu bun Gates J No. 2(1, February Term. 1879, In vs. \ the Comtuoti Pleas of Beitford MaryC.Gi'h s. Alias Subpoena on Libel for Divorce. ; Notice i* hereby given to the Defendant, in the I above stated ease, that a buhpoena. and alias Sub poena on libel for Divorce, has been issued; the I last of said writs is returnable 2d MOP day. 14TB day of February, next, and that the said Defendant J IA required to appear on or before the Ist Monday, ] (2d day) of May, NEXT, and answer the complaint j of the Plaintiff, as provided for by act of Assemble I and herein fail not. 11 M. S. FLUKE. Sheriff. April 8, 1R59. i ALLEfiIfEiVV MALK FH3IALE SEMXNJ.HT, Rainvbiirg, I*a. rrtrr;". Summer Term will open August sth. Fall ! I Term, October 21st, 1858, and Winter Term. ; January 18th, and Spring Term, April sth, 1859 | Circulars, with full particular*, may he had of j W r . M. BRIM, A. 11. , Principal.. N. B. Half the tuition must be pij1 uj. 1 ate. MANN SPANG J nno {, —1851. tf. DR. 11. V. |||U RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to tho citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence en Pitt-Street, in tha building formerly occnpied hy Dr. J.ll. IToflus. Nov. G. 1857. BK&FORB maUIRER. FOR SALE OR J3L 2Z G 23. THK FOLLOWING LANDS IN THE WEST : 80 ACRES in Brown County, Kansas, 8 luile* west of Hiawatha, on tiro old St. .* v road, and 18 miles from White Cloud on the Missouri River.— Also 80 ACRES, 15 miles west of Atchison, Kan sas. These are fine rolling prairie lands within leas than a mile of timber and running water. ALSO 320 ACRES, well timbered and watered, in St- Fran cis County, Missouri. ALSO 40 ACRES well timWred, in Grant County, Indiana. And tiie following lands in Bedford Connty : ABOUT 50 ACRES, well timbered, i:i Cumberland Valley Township, 9 miles from Bedford, near to John McFerrans. ALSO 428 ACRES timbered land, 2 mil 's south o! Katnshurg on the road to Sooth ainpton. ALSO 480 acres, timlHW-land, in Union Township, on Bobbtt Creek, abont 2 miles aitove Conrad's Saw-Mill. ALSO five-twelfths of a tract containing 2G5 acres and 148 pc relies of Broad - top coal l.iml. ALSO 110 acuta of first quality iioie stone land u half a milo south id Bedford, known as tiie Vonderstultli Farm, 100 acres cleared, a nev er tailing spring <•(' excellent water,a tolerable barn, and small frame house. For the present 1 mav he found at Mrs. Cook's Hotel. ' WM.M. liALL. Jan. 7, 1859. liIiDFDR!) lllfill SCPBL rrillis SCHOOL will open on Monday the 21st or I February in the LARUE BRICK BEILDISO hereto fore occupied by the ller. Geo. Aughitthaugh.—- The services ot Miss S. V.. Montgomery, a youpg Lady of thorough education, and well versed in the "Arts of Teaching." have lieen procured, to take charge of th'- Female department. Persons from different parts of the County, wish ing to prefwirg themselves for teaching, will find ,it to their advantage ly attending this Institution, as special care will tie taken with them in the branches taught in the "Common Schools," under the vi pervision of the County Superiiitendent. The Session will be divided into two Quarters of II weeks each. Tuiti >n per quart r : Primary Branches, 5 (Ml Common English, 4 1)0 Higher do 5 (*• Classics, fi 25 Students entering iicfore the middle of the Quar ter wiil he charged full Tuition. Those entering at ter that time will b.* charged half Tuition. No de duction made unless in cases of protracted sickness D. <>. SHOEMAKER, Feb. 18 1859. Principal. I take pleasure in recommending Mr. Shoemaker t MUIiiMC Sl!0i THE subscribers havirg fumed a partner ship under the sty !■• of "Dock At Ashco ti" tot the ptiriiose >: c inducting a general ii \oin v\is> ?suisi\i: husines> in the esfahlishurem recently electee by Ciiliard Hack, iu lfo|ieweil, Bedford coilti ty, are now prepa-cd t execute orders fr '■.lsr/.YGS ...St) M.ICi/ryi '■ V of every oe scriptioii. They will build to order *team-fti gitu-s, Coal ami drift-cars, horse powers uiri threshing machines—also, caving of evert kind for f:rn tees, forges, saw, gnst and rolling mills, pioaghs, water-pip.!, column*. 1.0u,c fto' t.s. brackets, \e.. I !i"y are Jiin A". A ti.U assortment of Stov--s at ill he kept constantly on hand, and sold .at wholesale ami retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality. warranted equal to the best eastern ttuikt Machinery o: all kinds repaired promptly.— Patterns made to order. G! I,LIAR 11 DOCK. G. W. ASIICOM. Nov. C, 1557. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. 'I HE subscribers are now prepared, at their Foundry in Bloody Run, to till all orders for cast ings of any description for Grist and Saw .Mills, Thteshing Machines. ApplMills. Ploughs, and all things elso in their line that may he needed in this or the adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 I or C Horsepower, warranter/ equal if nut superior to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Points, shares and landsides, to fit all Woodcock or Sevier Ploughs in tic Countr. Farmer's Boils, Ploughs and Castings of our ' make may be had ol Foundry prices at the store of j SVtn Hartley, Bedford. Pa., Lou -ierinmgh ft Pre, . Providence Tp., John Nycum ;* Son, Mays Mill. Times being liar I, we offer great induce j moots to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and suh : staniial manner, and all work warranted. Call and examine our work and castings and judge for yourselves. JOSIAII M AUG MM AN & BRO. March 20, 1858.-tf. ISO! rose HA KOI |\* ' | MW FALL AMI WIMII GOODS. j T #t J. M. SHOM AKLfI rcsj>eetfullv lmg ktftvt? to • " • inform their numerous friends and patrons that : they have just returned from the eastern Cities, and ] are now opening or.e of the best stocks of goods i tint have ever been brought to Bedford, which they will sell nt a very small advance; consisting in part ; of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware, Hardware &<■.. 4-C. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, such as Syrup, Msdasses, White and Brown Sugars, Fish. Cheese, Salt, Spices, ind.go. Coff.-e, Extract of j Coffee, Candles, Tar and Oil, Tobacco, .V-e., <5-c..,40. To good and punctual customers, a credit of six ! months will he given. 1 Thankful lor past favors, they hope to receive a ; liberal share of public patronage. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market prices will bo I paid. j Oct. 22, 1858. NKI LIM, OFF AT LOST. i 1YF RS ' 'L B. PEUGH wishes to retire from bu- J" I. einess, and will sell an entire Stock of goods jat cost! Ladies wishing to supply themselves with I goods at wholesale prices, would do well to call be- I tore the following handsome article are disposed i of. Mich silks, French Merinos, Cashmeres. Alpacas, | Poplins, French and American De Lanes, Velvets' I Shawls, Cloaks, Mantles, Ladies' and Childrens, ' Furs, Clouds, Hoods, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, | Feathers, French Work, Gloves, Hoisery, Shoes, I Jewelry, Perfumery, and an endless variety of Fancy Goods. Milliners would find it to their advantage to ex. amine the assortment in the Millinery department Dec. 17, 1858. SURV33YIIffG.. OIL GAITHER will promptly attend to all ?nr , veving business that may be entrusted to i him, Oilico on Juliana street two doors south of the Inquirer office. Dec. 81, 1858. J. W. IJA'^tATTJiTEK, and Land Siirreyor VV miriusuMl Ptn " RS 10 business Will practice in Bedford and Fnlt„„ r>„„ i gzsnsr* w THE INQUIH.EH. Is puiilislied every Friday morning, m Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel House, bv anvil) OVER, TEHMS: If paid in cdvatice, 51.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid wi'.bin the year, $2.50 w ill be charged. No paper discontinued until all nr leurugcs are paid—except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Jidverh>nmnit* not exceeding a square, (lo lines.) inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will lie continued until forbid. A liberal deduction wiil be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. MI. W. 11. Iwm, OF Lancaster City, late of Philadelphia, where lie has been in successful practice fot a num ber ot years, received his education at the liest Me-.t leal College in the United States, and had the < x perience and practice in Ihe different Hospitals lor several years, a member of the Analytical Medical Institute of New York, and late Surgeon of the United States Navy, now oilers himsi T to the pub lic to attend any professional calls. The purest medicines always oil hand iP -ct from the. la'st Laboratories of out country, and the Bo tanical Gardens of the wosi I. No patent cu-dieme pn scribed or recommended. Medicines itswl onlv which will not break down the constitution, but wiil renovate the system from all injuries it has sustain ed from mineral medicines. Chronic and diftinlt, diseases must he treated upon analytical principles which is to know and ascertain what disease is. lis nature and character require a knowledge of tic chemical constituents ot every solid and fluid of tin human body; the changes those solids and fluids are capable of undergoing. To know what medi- I'inettto employ to cure diseases, requires a know, ledge of the etietuioal constituents ol ail agents employed in medicine: and it we are in possession ol ibis knowledge, it j* possible to enreanv disea*> —no mattci of how long standing—and leave the patient in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. M • liii.'.tndy, Aberration, or that state ot alienation and w .-akness of the mind which renders persona in apahle ot enjoying tho pk-astires •( performing tin duties id lite; Dyspepsia ; that distressing disease and tell destroy er ot health and happiness, under mining the constitution, ami yearly carrying thou sands to uutimely graves, can most emphaticJ!! be cured. ICheum.itism. in any lbitn or condiiioti. chronic or acute, warranted curable; Epilepsy or tailing sickness; li chronic and stubborn cases ot Female Diseases radically removed: Salt Khetim. and every description of ulcerations: Piles ami Scrofulous Diseases, which have all previous medico] skill can be cured by my treatment, w hen the constitution is not exhausted". 1 do siy all diseases (yes. Vonvwnphov) e*tn be cured. u.?' Ctnwer cured without the knife.. 1 will iem tio iii my office on \V i nsr*nvs and S.vrrittivvs. trout 9 o'clock A. M., to accommodate patients irom aoistanre, and con tilt in the English and; la liens to**. \V ill link • vi*it* o* auv distance it required. May ee addressed ov letter, Fulton Square, L.nea-' i • it ', IV.. July 3(i,.1858—1y. FOR Sill! on m 7 ml. & a a t 1 arte within one miiu of the Rail Road and two ii miles of Stotierstown, io the Broad Top Coal region, containing about lfitt acres, being good bot tom land—about one-bat I cleared and the IM la lire well timber-d- The I.inn is well improved, and a Hi e spring ot rxce.llent water at the door of the house—also Two good orchards of built trees on the premises. ALSO, A faint >n Morrison's t uvc, adjoining lends of David Stuckev, Barley's heirs. Jacob Furry ami ntheis. containing afiout 200 acres, onohaif cleared and lite tialance well timbered, with an abundance of locust and chestnut limlier. Theie arc several never failing springs upon the premises with a con stantly running stream t too ugh the farm, fh-re is also a 1 ;rge and thrifty young orchard bearing fruit thereon. J'bo iliiprovenietits are a rough cast House, Leg Barn and out buildings. ALSO, 160 acres of land in Harrison County. lowa, ot first class prairie, close to timber and within a lew mil- * of tiie Missouri river aiiovo Council B'nflfi. ALSO, 334 acres in Storv Co., lowa ' ALSO, 113 acres i-i Feltawatf 'mieCo.. Lov.i, near Coun cil Bluff*. ALSO Lot no. 8 of block 53 in the city of Omaha, Ne braska Territory ALSO. 1280 acres land in Austin County, Texas. Fist of the Brazos River ort tiie Texas central rail road which runs through the Sand. It is well watered being upon the head waters of Cvpress creek. ALSO, 320 acr< s in Comanche County, Texas, on Wtes ers creek, f miles East of the Leon River, mi't on the line of the Memphis ami El Passo r now 11 process of construction. ALSO. The farm in Morrison's Cove, adjoining Bl'.ontfield Pinnace, known as the "Pearson pr petty " Intelv owned by David Daniels, containing 131 acres and '<) perches, with an excellent orchard of fruit trees thereon and never failing watel at the door. The improvements are one. large frame House, one log House and l>arn, with convenient, out-buiiinss. The land is good—produces well, and is in a hign state of cultivation. A good pike is close hv,lead ing to Hollidayshnrg.whicn.with theFurnacei make a ready market at the door for all kinds of produce. No v. 12, 1858. (>. E, SHANNON. A. 11. Cramer ifc Co. WW AYE just received a large; and ** general assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of which Have been purchased since the great decline in prices East. Our assortment is the best we have ever offered, including all the newest styles in every department. Unprecedented bargains will be of fered our friends and customers for cash or produce. A liberal credit will be extended to those only, who will promptly settle their accounts every January, by cash or note. No trouble to show goorls. Call and see the bargains. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Oct. 29, 1858. wn. C. LOCiM, ATTOIt\EV IT LAW. McCONKTELLSBTJRG, PA. WILL practice in the Courts of Fullon, Bedford and Franklin Counties. on Main Street, opposite Speer's Hotel. September 8, 1858. Physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Us Harry's. Drug Store. Augusts, 1858. BEDFORD FOUNDRY-. ri"HK subscri Iters having pntchased tlm Bedford 1 Foundry of Me*ws Wußhubaogh *t Btnnnn, would most resjK'Ctl'nlhr announce, to 11f- citi zen* of Bedford and ailjoi .ing counties, they urn prepared to make and furnish nil kinds of CASTINGS for 'OR IST AND SAT, MILLS. Thrashing Machines, Ploughs. Apple mills. Cook big. ten |d ite, and coal store*, sled itttd Sleigh soles, wash kettles, of different siz. s, wazon Ito.xe* of all sizes, firmer*" India, (a superior atticle,) owen doors, and every thing usually made in a country Foutidrv. ®** 'n the msf reasonable teiins for ca.i.'i or prtnluet. Nov. 1Q 1828. Ross Fmsw tun. O. H. (biriiEß. ' Forward & OSS FORVVAKI>, *>f Somerset, .and O. H. GAITHKK. have opened a law office in Bed lord, Pa. <. il. tiAJTITMI, .having locati"l per manently in Bedford, will bo assi-ted during cv t '?-y Court bv the former. All business entrusted to them will be promptly and earouiify attend I to. Office on Juliana street, two i lors .smith • d the In- i quirer office. Dec. 31, 1828. SilU¥o< K & Mll iH, CHlMlUlßSiirilG, PL. IIOOKSKLLKKS and STATIONERS, a,,.! *-# Dealers in Music and Musical Instrumeutss Our stock consists of Books, Stationery. Mu sic. Musical Instruments, Wail papers. Blinds, l ieiich. German and American Lithograph, i and steel engravings, gilt mouldings tor frames, I ytc., etc., wholesale and. retail. l)r. B. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given liini will u promptly attended to. 'larch 7, 18 77. TO noimKKim r>!{. MARRY, at the Uh.sp Drug and Book Store, has pis! received, a l.i r gv> assortment o! the 1 1. Cream ol Tartar. Salerattis, Ac., of .he very best quality, rl! of which he w ill s il ihe lowest prices. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. I>f e. 1/, 69.18 BURNING FLUID an i Fine oil alvays to be had at Dr. Hurry's Drug and Book Store. Au iiust6.lßjß. "> .-■£> s-f— -- Iron City Commercial College. PiTTHßiron, PA. CIIARTEBKI) 18&5. 3CO Students attending Jflnuiry,'sß. Now the largest and most thorough CommerciaI sSch*vo] uf tN- United St;tr*. Vonng men prepared fur actu il / ETIC H.SPID Jin. L'i'ESS WRIT INC— D E TECTIXC COC V TEHEKIT MOXE Y— MJIRC IXTJJ.E roßßßsi'. SDE XCE—C<),\l - near. Law- Are taught, ami all other subjects necessary for !',m success and through education of practical brines* ian. 12 ruoiitms. Drtwri all the premiums in Pittsburg for tbe past three > ears, also in Eastern am! Western Cities. f„ r i-e-t Writing. \3 j.lti—Aver.ige time 8 to 13 we. ks —Board, $ per week- Mati mery. foi.nO p,. tire cost, .-srj'-.t'ii tos7o,Wf. ~Yr' Mit list ei So.,* received at liaif price. 1" or Card—Circular —Specimens of Business and Orr imental Writing—inclose two stamps, and mi dr. ss F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pj Oct. I. I K.iK.—Sy. iiiEii' n.Mi AMI PRODUCE STORE! (rp;ti MitlufpßiPiiitj lo Pnrrhaicprv. , rO-EZLJsi wo-ieTsigned kiving purchase*! th vSfuit- \ *.v t>urrtf iy Satun.-I Hr*.vn, TJ < .tNiorrriifnt *f Dry (, *c7\. rot-fin. and %£♦, \* . \i'.. ;T THV I .WusT C\IFF I'RK'F*. liiN of is oiis in every point (At \ c\l>nrt>. purrhtscr.- -ucc\ on | v c : ili ami s.j-to \b- c.iuvi tilfcf if is p. th -ir inttivst. lo Fin his -JI? fur r corxTnv ruo w:cr. He will I'iuivT flk* adranUgeoqn :<> as !iiiiue*jufe will emblc itini MEAT HEDrUTFoN IX PRICES! Those who wish t' Secure bargains should nut de lay giving him a cail. -store Loom v.OMe ;,s lately occupied by Samtic'. L" V.-C. em .... 1- u-jy-epoe- the Washidgtiili 11- e s'JU.N ALSIP. % March i, 1850. r W z HE:^ A p'-rsoTi- hereby r. ••*: ■<) that f v.r* -1 :.ue!i.s...| ,i .Bite r :li" s .>a!e, one lot < t Timer '• cot! H.imi To.. ... Patterns, JVC., th. ' ■ T i S'. ck i Tin War-. ir> the Shop lat-iy ••"cup.'ed iy A ralemt Ilerman—a* whose pr< perfv lite s inn- w as mM. I i-is.• heiel.y giv- mdlee that I have hired said Herman, ami will her titer carry on lw; Tin mug him u. ss .oks FORD. P. 1. \t, Hhlih Ambroty-j •-*, Daguerreotypes, dc VT 4-c., are ts-.-,;ut-.-,l in the latest .-tvl„ nr.,l improvenu-tifs of the Art. A full ass.'.n tncnf ol plain and fancy cases, gohl and'dr ..... L >t?kets at very iotv prices. 'i he public are respectfully invited to - il an ! examine bis sj>eciniet " rt ,y i.-- e:,*t.rv ****** ! I trT> IXVARIAW.TCAMI. J for ' r, jvf . I>. BARf L.VY, IT T(lii\i! VIT 1 \\, BiDFOHD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithful;* to -11 legal business en'rustcd to his care". CCs*"Oliice on Juliana Street, m the bnildin" for merly occupied iiy S. M. Barclay, Evt.. dee'd" March "0, 18 sv. "• l> S. ICII7IkL.IL Formerly of Bedford, Pa. ?(omoy and Counsellor ai I,aw-. WALL ST. SEW YORK- All business promptly mended to. Pec. 8. 3s>B. Plaiiln'iMS Lathit!! THE l Ais>KßSl<;.XCj> baring ar-Tled h MiL tor sawing pLAeTEniFnLaths on h!i premises • -s Union Tj., Bedford county, it new ready to furnish any '{htfntitv on the shorten notice. Priceijtl.Ru {.or thousand, .1 ft long. Other lengths in proportion. Letters Addressed to mo at St. Cla'rsvilV. wi'l ho prompt iy attended to. WM. GRIFFITB. U.ioo Tp.. Foli. !fi. hi.i4.-AK. WHITE TEETH and a perfumed breath <*.ol hoaceiuired bv using tin; <-11-tlm of Thousand Flowers." T h- hll at r>a. harr^S- March 6. IKA7. JAYNK'S Wrights, Bennett's and UrottN pflb 4 *t Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. August 6,1838. For the Hair—Jockey Club. *t l not wo*" hay, pomatums, p -nuln ■ ox mi-rnv. ' D r - Hartj