Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 22, 1859, Image 3

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(srffeen/(/tyc/on 'bounty, n/uy/vara a.
W. H. WOODS, A. M Proprietor and Principal.
,Yrs. F. T. WOODS,
Principal of the Female Department
Professor of Jilnutornv and Phijsiclosr".
Lecturer on .Irt of Teaching &■ Phys. Geography.
if ins ANNA G. PAT TON,
Teacher of 2!fa if. Drawing, Grecian and Italian
Painting, and fancy Xcfdle Work.
The :ir.\t session -if this I'istituUon will open the th'-t WedtieS'lay of Mar. l£ hells tut superior ad
vantages to those seeking an ei'u eat i on. The Board ot Instruction is 1 xrge. an 1 coiupes si o! those win
ore tliorougl 1 qualified for their prut'cisl u. 'I*■. parents nud Guardi'.ns. who wish to |1 if • th- ir child
ren hi a si-cure „rd healthy retreat, it ho! !-, oUt jjicuiist indiiCuTiientii. A N( l H MA! ( I.AS>* will he
formed the present session! to which .Mr. Owen, our nut thy < miity Superintendent, will give lectures oil
the Ait of Teaching i.ol ITiy-icd Goograpav. In th • COMM.EI CIAL DEPARTMENT, young rueu
wilt IK* thoroughlv rjuslii D tor the Counting Room. TERMS, for session of live mouths, SUN.Oo. —
Light and faef also. Lsasons i:i Mn-ic, freiich, Drawing, Fainting and f' ti cj Neeul ■ Work, extra
For further particulars nidress W. 11. WOOD^.
N. 3. Bv those deviling places, early applic itioa afoul Ibe made.
April 8," 18d9.-r
Xlllvllil i'X XILEX.
iIV virtue ot S .'itiry writs#' Ft. K.t Vend
j Enjm •* to me. dneeied. there will he .-■•! 1 a'
Die Court Huu-e, in the Borough ot lied ton), to.
Saturday the 30th day ot April. 1859 ,it 10 o -
clock. A M. the following i'e-cr:beJ real estate
It wit:
All Defendants" .John Knigand Timrotts K'mg'-
rght. tltie aod interest, bei - g tile t-'.u undivided j
third parts the reof. in ami in one tract of land.
ciKilai iisg 237 acres, more or less, about 100
acres cleared and under fence, with a two story
mansion house, 13 tenant hoi res, store home,
ware house, one iroo torge. sa'*itiiii. coal hou-e.
large new bank barn, 2 irame stables ami other ;
outbuilding* thereon erected—also, an apple |
orchard thereon; adjoining lauds ol Junes link. '
Jacob Steel. John Gates. aid ottiers, known a- {
the Bedlord forge property.
ALSO —o.e ttacl oi ; co '..lining 2CB acres. !
more or less. about 61) acres cleared naif muter
fence, With a log hou.-e and i.>g ~;able liiercon
erected; n'joining lands id Lucimm Piper ant
Pipers, k lC'V'i at the Join Mcltuay tract.
f . ALSO—Que tract <>( land 5 acre* {
more or less, with a log house thereon creeled, i
on the water# of Yeo.iw Creek : adjoining latul
o! I'iner and Kink, George if Kay's hen- and ;
others, in the name c! John Kitig.
A LsO—:e tract cf uniut. roved laud, con- J
tabling 402 acres, im-re or ie.-, udj.iiiiiug the lied- .
1 ird Fui.s ami others, in the mime ol NepLeu i
AL>o—One tract ot ian.t containing 40! acres ;
more or to-, adj iini:.i. ,!.e above and others, in :
tlie name oi R char '. .Vioatt.
,\L> J—o.,e tract o! U id comaini-g 404 acre*, i
rri >re or !o>-. 't -] iz ••* a*i.i i )
the name id Ju--'. : i -dtnm.
Also—O s i.e tract of a- <t contv.uii: a 403 acres, i
(tf iivijoci'i z
known in the i.jme ti b.uuuH Moan. —O if irttci ol lanrf containing 421 acres,
more or !c-s. ace i d. g the i>Bi>r aud oilier-, i
Die name >! Aie.\a:.oer .-ioa:'.
Ai.-o —One tract ol tan coittaini"g 413 acre?-
more or ailjoutit g toe above and others, m *
h name <>l J jtut Ale! ay. ,
At-ii —One :: ;; t of cotiWi-ttsng "74 acres ;
more or !e*s. uJiuiain t the above a' ... other.-, r. '■
the itame of David Piper.
A; i—O ie tract td la .d co. iaining 385 acres,
ruott or less adjoini at e afme J.! others in
the name <f 1 tn.i toy Mo..
Au.l—C t' f el oi laud cotitai'iinir
mce or ifcss. „ . a't-nse others, mi
Die aiue of Israel M tan
A IJl —' ■ 'V tract o: c>..tau.: o acies
rruie or ie><. •. <+ 4 ' - (ire a 1' ■■■
he 1 utile oi Zcli. t Ma* 1. j
Ansa -Ore tract ul . ...d . c , • 4?i :rr-- ;
n - .are or ic-s. a on g si;o> r a
the name of Jotm > • •
ALu —') ;e ttac . Lu. "Vit. i. i g |2f acres. •
•more cr less. g 1 J. • * •••t-.-r-. .
ITII 1.J.!...- 'A': ASM DAS
•\ ' - ' —OTOI TR . . . . ' CO.. .:. 11 _ ••••:<■' .
more or le*-- a. oit itm the a .-•• • c cil. ;
tne natnc '-t i-.ii eiD.ivi -.
Al.-0 —One tra ' : Ir.: co a 441 .o res.
MI ore or less, u -z ■■■>>■■ a. ore aid u .1,.;-. .
tfi.s name of U .idattt I'lp r.
ALSO —-O e ttacl ci land -oi.taiiiing 477 AT re-,
mote or jess. lV ',j ijni.-io the above ami others, in j
the name ol John t! ■' ti.
Aon—onc tract , .and ontaii 13 4i2 acr-- ■
more or less, ndjomi i 'tie abc-e and ottier*. in i
the ol Ign itus Hardin.—One tract ol mud eotitaiuimg 43 v acres,
niora or less, a o the above awl < '.ieri>. it. J
the tia lie <>l J times XV lisnn.
At.i —O.-e tract .d land co u ti ,i • 2.?72 acres, j
more or les-. about 100 cleareii am! c der
with mm charcoal furnace, one bioorn 'urge, with •
four refining tires, one mansion bouse, one j
tr ok oliioe and store Ituuse. ware house. 13 leii
anl houses, 6 stables, one blacksmith shop, urn
-1 aroenter shop coal hotise. iroo tiause, at- ■ o. her |
out-buil'lioi:# rfiercon creeled : adjoint 1 Unr o;
dimes Eichelberger. oti tiu* No-r'h. Henry G.*'-'- .
a id K.t Flnke. on me fs.-uth and XVest. ami Bro.i
Top on the K ts' —known in the Lemons iron
XVtirks property.
A;,-n—One tract of laud i.i Woodcock va'u'v •
kti'j .vti a* the bender ore bank, eontair-m" 256
seres more or less, ait joining lauds of Fieplie
XX'eimer and others.
At.-c —One iract of nuiriiptoved land contain-!
i g 33 acres, more or !e-s, a joining the n'eme
and others; warranted i:i t>ie t;an.e of Thomas j
and Jc.h 1 King.
AL<O— One tract of land rnttlainius 420 acic-, ;
mure or less, adjoining the above an.: otliers, in '
the r.atne of Joint Cheney.
A wo—One tract ol land containing 428 acre
mere or lc-s. adiotniug (he above ami other.-, in ,
the tiaroc of .Maria APm-rti.
At.o—One tract ol land containing 37 4 acres. ;
tii ore of !es. udjnuiug the a tut oliiei.s, in ;
the name ot Hannah Alb"rti
Al.-o—One lra*-t of lam! containing 426 acres, j
more or les, adjoining the above ami others, in j
the name of George r Albert!.
ALSO —One tract oi land containing 400 acres, j
more or less adjoining life above and oilier-, in j
the name of Peter Swope ami John King.
A loso —Oneirnrl of laud containing 70 acre#.,
more or less, adjoining the above and others, in '
trie nanie of Ca-per Fiuck ; known asthe I-'luck
ere bank.
Ai/io—(lie tract of lamf coi.tnining 15 acre.',
wtnre 04 less, adjoining the above ami other-.
kiio*o ai :he improvement.
At,-©—One traci of land containing 100 ai re',
mora or less, adjoining Martin Hoover on the we-t
and other*, beirg a part o! the l)\ke%> tract.
Aj."> —One tract ot land containing 100 acre?,
more or leas, adjoining Martin Hoover on the
"an and.others, being a part ol the Dyke * tract;
* >rt aft tiie above desrivtbed landsitguie i/i Hope
veil townshqtj fltxlford contity, and taken iu **-
"C'litnn a* the properly of John King and I'fioniaj*
Ai.-o—One tract of tend containing *0 acre*.
o>'re or about 8 acno eleareil and tinder
'nce, adjoining lands of William A. Mock, Ao
thnny M.*k and oiher-.
Atao—One tract of land containing 7 acre*,
"tore or lose, all cleared and under fence, with a
rncne dwelling hou.'e. barn, stable aaw-rniH and
"•tier oni building' thereon erected, adjoining
■JuiU ot J;ihn AMt- in, Jotin Mock and other.', a i
""a'a (Jnrori Township, {Jedlord County, and i
lak ®* is execution as ttie property of Daniel M,
♦'mftith. •
Ai mi— rtjp i rur] !; | jj„,} voeiamirjjj go aces,
Teachei of the Enaliih Br,indict.
W.u. M. ell. I.IMSON,
Teacher of Mathematics.
I'tadier in the Prtimraicry Department.
' rtiori r les-. about a'i cleared and under fencp,
I w'.iH a two story log house a oi log stable thereon
j erectc.'. adjoi. g lands of Jariiea Price, Henry
' Gales u i! others, situate in Hopewell Township,
i Bed to id County, ami taken in execution as the
! pioperty ol 1 lionui- King.
ALSO-- AH Pel ! Thomas King - right, title am!
interest, ri and to three traetsol nnimprovedcijhl
11.i 1 I'S, one thereof cxintaining 427 acres, more or
le-s, in the name ol Mary Montgomery.adjoining
1 land- ol J.i'iu Cessna. Esq., John Ford ami
Al.-0—0..P other thereof, containing 4€3
acres inure or less, j.j ;he name of Margaret
Montgomery . adj lining the above de.-crii ed'tract
ate! otiier-. •
At.-ii—One oilier thereof, containing 431 acres,
j more <-r lc-s, in tlie name of John Montgomery,
1 adjoining the above desctibed Iract and others,
j all siiuaie it; Broadtop Township. BedfordCvuittv
• A'ie other tract ol land containing 71 .u-re
•• :i I 62 perches bi'uale on bauily Kun, in BroaU
t-i.i I ow'iiship iteitiord County,adjoinii g lends oi
1 lit* Hopewell Coal and Iron Compaii) . Jame-
Pattcti. ami Jtiiiu Ce--ua. beitig part ot a larger
survey made on .1 warrant toMurlecai XViiiiams.
j dated August Hi>, ]79tl, ami taken in execurt. 1
i as the property of Thomas King.
ALSO, ail Pel t John King's right, title and ; -
j teres! in and to two traits of unimproved coal
j lamls. one thereof c uytamiug 427 acres, more or
Ile-s. i 'die came of Mary Alonigonierv. itiijoin
ittg lari is oi John CiV-riu Ex;-, John Foril au-.i
I ALSO, one doer th.Tcof.ciir.taiiiir.g43l acres.more
j or less, in the name ot John. Mnntgoniarv, ; dji.iri
j tiioaWvo descrilK'd tract and others, all situate
Sin G-• .vTr •.{ Tf.wuship.Beiitoni Cuutv and taken in
] Ex.-cut; in as tins property ol Jo tl King.
A . t'io right. Inie and interest, of Deft Heart
: > on gj being the one undivided, third par
' thereof oj : ai ! te oue Iract ol land. cotH.iui
■ g .'37 .t res. nun,! rr ;e-> ; about IP" acres
' iv'alr. and ler t ce. wi'li a two story ma -
\ Sim: house. 13 ten art! houses, store hon-e, are
j hm.i c, oi.e 1011 luge, saw-mill, coal house
| huge new tank bar: . 2 frame stables and other
.-hu.'iJii 1 .ereon erecte l —a'-o, an ■. rip!#*
' orcilar.t Itu-reo'i, adjo: ung hinds ol Ink
, J ,I'ut Stoc. John Gates and .bcr> k: uv. . as il.
j Bed fill J bulge UD'ptTty.
ALbO—Outf tiad' I'i land containii g 2372
acres, more or lew; ul'iiU* lv'b Cleared ana u -.ter
lenr- win 0.0 riiareorti lumsffi. oue bloom
: .urge with ti-orrefiui ig lite*, one m*iilnji house.
■ ij..e mirk uliu e a-.*.: house. Ware lone. i->
: niju}! house*, 6 Ma hie- ot bE'Dmiiit rhop. '
' one carpenter - ■■>. coal house, ,r i h(nis-. anti j
I on er oitt-1 iftilmgs I'-erenii en- .cd : j.. A . i. 0 '
j of j • ~!••> Kictivibcrgcr. Ol! lit? North. Hen- I
' ri b;i!ff and 12.. fluke. 01. U>s >iv..'.U ai.o tX'est. 1
j .1.. . Broad 1 t,i on the ha-!—Lumvu as i ,c l.ein- '
' la- if.> i X'i l . k - nf" left , ,
1 i.e uitcrest ot tlenrv S Kg. fe :v.'j.,ir- i
1 cets i,{ ia.-.d at'iixe me ituun-d and ilescr'bcii i- j
I -object '.o :i M Tlgiige gi ven by turn to Florence j
K...liter a i fried .">• y 24. I'sjif and reiuintui in j
1 *!.. g; S4;> ,k B. of Bertti'fd Couutv page 322
i aim is •,.! f , • a■. 1 wi'l te so. i si. r-'ct "■ j
.c fui al'.ce One 1 . s i: ' M■ iftg
.t' ' — X . t- I• e(est *d sanl *u ~ 1 .g ;he i
,011*1.... vide-.: .ui pari thereof, in ami 10 one I
rtic t ' in- c • tainu.g 206 acres, mere or less ■
a.i.'ui 69 aUi- 1 eared a I under teilCC, tvi.'i a :
1"2 hre -rt and t.m s'abte tiiereo er- 'led; a ijo- j
i ..ig kinds t t Piper am! Oilier: kliuv. :: •
! aslhe Jot'o Mi 1 .ay ;r.ict.
Aid'-- —C '" 'rai-t oj S.o.d cniiliiin ir,g 5 acres, !
j ITidft* (if '*. . ... 4 i '' ~>t*. . ..- : i #;.;• <r
; on •• a waters oi Yel • w Creek : u< mining ,ao.i- ;
j of Piper and 4'n k, George li. Kay's heirs ami '
i other-, iii ;. • une ot John Ki-g.
1 AI ><)—ll e tract ol iiuimproved litud. 1
I 'a, ' g t<)3 inn'* I.or 1- --. adinlti U|g it; '
lie :tor.: i urge .tun 1 • tic.'-, in ihu name nl >.ep!jcil i
M di t.
! AL s O—One trc: f html co da.i.ii g 401 acre- j
more or i - : a. •ui . the above and olhei.s. in i
1 the l ame '( Eiciiani Moan.
A f>o—Or e iiact ol hind crmtaiiii'ttf 401 acre-, 1
iiiure or le--.";;uj .ming the above and others, in j
; ;ne name ol Je.-epii Mna ..
Al.M)—Oiie trc; ol contaitiii g 409 acres, i
m re or less, adjoinu g the above and others. '
1 known i;i Hie name oi >jmuei Aioau.
A !.So—(i.e 1 rac! <•' iaud conmitin g 42 4 acres,
more or lc.-s. adj :m g the above ami others in j
j the name oi Alexander Mean
A 1.81) One tract ot land en 'aiiimg 413 acres, !
j more nr less, adjmuing the above and other-. 111 |
plie name of John Mcfinay.
f Al.bO—Ore tract (•! lami coniflinn g 374 acres, j
, mo; ■ or less adjoining ti.e above ami others, in •
. tlie name of David Piper.
A IX >—One tract ol lam! c.u kiining 385 acre.-, i
; more or less, adjoining ihe above and others, in j
■ the I,ante of Timothy Moa ■.
1 ALso—One tract oi land coj.;aiiiing 400 acre . j
mure or le-s. adjoining the above and other-, in '
; the name ot l-rael Moan.
ALSO—One true! of land contaiitiiig 392 acres. .
, more or !e-< 'adjoining the above aitJ other-, in
1 tire name of Zachariaii Moan.
ALSO—Oneirai-t of la ml containing 421 acres.
1 more or less, adjoining tlie above and others, in
ihe name ot John Boyd
1 ALSO—One tract ol land containing 429 acres,
i more or ie-s. adjoining the above and oilier-, in
1 name of VS'iiiiatn Davis,
ALSO—One tract oi laud containing 429 nctes
more or le-s. adjoining 1 tie above and others, in
. (he name I-abel Davis.
ALSO—One tract of land containing 44! acre
more or less. adjoining trie above others, in
j the name of William i'iper.
A I,SO—Onelractof laud cont,lining 477 acre'
i more or less, adjoning the above and others, in
j the name of John Hardin.
j ALsO—One tract of land containing 442 acres,
more or less, adjoining the above and others. ; i
j the name ol Uaidiu.
ALSO —One tract of land containing 43 4 acres.
| more or less, adjoining the above and others, in
i the name ol James Wilson,
j ALSO—One ir..ct of land in Woodcock valley
: —known a' the Bender ore bank, containing 256
; acres, more of less, adjoining lauds oi Stephen
j U'eirner and other'.
ALSO—One tract of unimproved land con lain
; ing 33 acres, more or le*. adjoining the above
! and others, warranted in the name of Thomas
| and John King.
{ ALSO—One tract of lapd containing 420 acres,
I more or less, adjoining the above ami others, in
the name of John Cheney.
ALSO—One traut ofiand oontainmg 428 acjtia,
more or less, adjoining the above and others, in
the iiHirie of Maria Alberti.
ALNO—One rraft of land containing 374 acres,
more or iesr. inljainiog the above and other*, to
i the name of Hannah Alt-etli
ALNo—One tract of land containiiig -426 acre?,
more or le?-. uvljoining the above and oiherr. in
the name ot George K. A'BENI.
; ALSO—One iruet el lui vl cnuiaininp 400 acre-.
( more or less, ndjoiitiiiy the above and others, in
i the name of Peter Swnpe and John King.
' Af.SO—One iract of land cotiiainms: 70 acre®,
i m. re or less, adjoining tiie above and others, in
! the name of Casper Muck : know n as '.he Flock
< ' i
i ore laink.
ALSO—One tract of laml containing 15 acre.*,
j more or ie--. adjoining the above and other
i known as ttie Danghmbaugh improvement
j Af>o—CJne trad of laiulcontaining 100 acres,
j moie or ie>s. adjoining Martin Hoover on lite
I vveM and oihers. being a pari ol the Dv ke s tract-
A!,>()— One tract ol land containing 10*1 acre*.
. more or less, avljoiiriiig .Martin Hoover On the east
j and other*, being a part of the D\ ke tract, and
uli the above ileseriberl lands situate in Horievvoil
1 town-hip. Bedford i-oonly. seized and taken in
' execution a< t!ie property ot Henry S King.
| ALS". All Def't Henry S. King's right, title and
interest, iu and to three tracts of unimproved coal
; lands, one thereof containing 427 acres, more or !
: less, in tiie name of Mary Montgomery, adjoiuing i
j Imd.i of John Ccssn*, Ls<j.. John Ford and others, j
i ALSO, ©no other thereof containing 431 acres, ,
more or less, in the name of John Montgomery, ab
joinii.g the above described tract and other*, ail
siui to hi Br.iudtop Township, Bedford Comity. j
ALSO. cn other tract of land Containing 71
j acres and 62 perch s. situate on Sandy Hun. in |
1 btonUop Township, Bedford County, adjoining
lands of the Hopewell Goal and Iron Company, j
j James Patten, and John Cessna, being prrt ot a i
' larger survey made on a warrant to Mordceai Wil- j
j li.ims, datett August 14tli.l79i>,jLind taken in vxveu
: tion as tire properly i f Henry .S. King.
I ALSO, one tract of 1 tud. situate in South VUood
j berry Towtiship, B- dfonl County, coutainiug one
i liu..drc-i ami twenty six acres, more less, about five
j acres eioored and under tone -, and the balance well
j timbered, adjoining lands of John Furrey, Dan'l
j Bl'.iuilßiaiigli a:,ii others, ami being part of tract of
I land, surveyed on ■: warrant in the name of William
. Montgomery, and known us the John Moore tract,
j ami t..ken in execution as the propel ty of 11-nry S.
i King.
ALSO, two lots of ground iu the town of Clear
; viile. flouting 120 feet on main street and exteii.l
- ing luck 17J feet to an alley, with . two story log
j dwelling house thereon erected, adjoining l"t ol"
j Kev. Tie lifts Hex den. on the East, and an alley on
i the (Vest, situate or Mjriiroe Township, Bi-dtoiu
j County, and take:- in execution as the property of;
• Matthew Murray ni.d Sarah Arm Murray.
; AL, one it of ground in Water Street, fronting
- 32 fe.-t on the turnpike road and est end,ng luck
: about 4tu tcet. wil it an E.- rllien and St out* ware
i Pott, rv t h en.on ••M.'Ctcii, adjoining Mr-. Susan
' l'otti r and other*.
1 ALSO, al! DcFi'S rigid till • and interest in and to
i one other lot trending 00 lee* on th" turnpike and
extending hack ilaiut 4'Mi tee', with a iraine <lwel
! ii xr holts--, cabinet sirup, frame stable and other
i out but! rings, thereon cr.-ct- d. . : joini:ig liie above
lescntred lot, Dani 1 Bare and others, situate in
S- nib Woo-tl-erry Township. Bedfbid County, and
taken in execution as tc property of IVra. G.
Eicholt .
ALSO, one tract of i.rud containing 76 acres, more
or less, about 3d ;air a cleared n i under fence,with
a .-toiv and a hill log in,u—-and ic,g stable tliereon
'is cte-i, rejoining inii is ol Heruy Mi-ek, Mon-s Mc-
Hvnc. Joseph Go r ie and others, situate in Union
l uwuship. Bedford County, and tak- it in execution i
a* the pi'ojierty of Tbourn l.iiigenfelter.
ALSO, one tiact id land contahiiug 166 acres. '
n.ore or li-*, 1(W acres cleared and under fence, j
with a log dwelling iioUsc and doable log bait: there- j
on erected, adjoining hinds ol Mich '.ol Miller, John ■■
8. lletrick and others.
ALSO, em- tract of land containing -7 acres, mote '
r lis-, unimproved, adjoining Uwdk'id *< ,-es F'. f
Marai::'.! 1 -itri Jo.-oplr IV. <!;. k. ;t.i situate in 8:.
Cl-dr Township-JJ.'Jlol'd County.
ALSO, ono tract of laud ce-nt.ii iag 30 a ,cs : more !
o:- I- lit 15 acres tl- ..'e.lw.a Ui.-lei tel.c- , V-.,' !
a two story stmie d-v.-lnr-.j? hauso, Jog gri.-t null, j
s ivv mid, tenant house nt.d other oi l liuiiding.* ;
tin-iron ireeled. also an if-pl • orchard ibnixofl.f
a-joining I Hid* 01 Widow Keiuir-g-.-r, Joseph IV. j
Sleek and otlieis. i
ALS j, one tract of uai-oprovt-i i;':J c-i.'ii'iiog!
3-' ucres. mor- or less a-rjo'.i:ig ltlids ol tViiirilu j
Pe.irosr, tfoige line and otiieis, all situate in St j
CJ-iir I -'p, B -dfutd County, and taken in i-x- j
tcuii-vir as th -pi .perry oi D -.u-'l IV. Cri.-.mati. j
.'.I- i. il tl'e Deludaiila iitier-at in ulr Ito a]
e itaiu tiaet of lan-i siiu<ie on six mile run, in the i
1 oiviiship of Broa-ltop, fj• iI:ig„ of i'uvi.. ;
Wiiiioni*. Anderson. IV.lsou ami others, outaining }
one liundre i and five acres, more or 1 being paT !
0- a larger true! of land sur ■ eyed in the name of R !
ALSO, one other tract F land surv -yeil in the !
nam-.- of Septiaiu> Footer, couiaioine is aero ani
26 perele. *. with th, rights and pri' ii ges tlirreonto !
ia-longiny. uinl * .'.cat- B:oadt<>p T-iW'ts lip. Bed- 1
for 1 * tumly. and t iken . i.x;-cui.ion a* the property
i f ,i r.m M. Irvine and Abratiam Bothrock. i
At-. . y virtue of ii Wiit of Alias Levari Facias
to Uie directed, ;!: vvi 1 be > >M at the same time '
and place, uli the d"f;nuai;ts, interest in and to a
certain tract of land, situate ir< tiroadtop township, *
BedfordCeunty, inund d l>\ lin-ls louucrly owned
by Joseph Lvans, Josiah Morton i-i Janns < un-i
1-i iiii & Co. ccntuiniug lt'6;. a. res. more or I s*. \
afidalloxvaiicc of six per cent.with the iippurtenanc * ■
bt-iiig the same tract ol land kn-vv.i foruieily as tin- '
A'.Uior Morton tract, tak-.-u in ixocution us the j
property of' Wiiinui Putton.
"A M. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. I
April 8, 1859
THE undersigned have thi* lay associated them
selves, and will continue the business :it the oIJ i
SI awl, Ac. 1, ci:tap side, und-rtlic firm ot'Osr; n Sc '
G. Pv.OSTER, j
To our u.itrons—tbanki' g you fbrthkhbc a! share j
of your patronage and coritid -nee Oestowcd on the !
l.te firm, we wqpld respectfully solicit a continu- i
ant- of your custom, assuring you that we willal- [
ways use nur best cii -.ts to ensure both your ous- *
torn and confidence. IVe expect in a few weeks to
receive a magnificent Stock of
which We are determined to sell at the rery lowest 1
possible I-RICKS tor CASH, or approved produce. So.
get your tia re ail v. and "wait for the wagon."
Bed fold, April 8, 1859.
uiiiii' I'iioiLUunov
TJTHEItEAS THE- Honorable Francis M. Kjm-
VY Mxll, Presi lout of the Courts of Com
mon PI us in the counties composing the 16th Ju
dicial District, and Justice of the Courts ot Oyer
and T<-I miner, and Genera! J.til Delivery, for the
trial of capital and other offenders hi the said Dis
tiict—and A.J. SSIVT.R.R UEL John G. H.aetlkt,
Esquires, Judges oft be Courts of COMMON Fleas
AMI Justices of the Court of Oyer UU<l Terminer,
and General Jail Delivery, fortbo trial of all capi
tal and other offenders in the county of Bedford—
It. vo issued their precept and to MO directed, for
holding a Court of Common PLDU, and General
Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and IV, minor at
Bedford, on MOM)AY the LID day of May,
next. Notice is hereby given to all the Just.ces
ot file Peace, the Coroner and Constables within
the said county of Bedford, that they BO thou and
therein their proper persona, with their mils, rec
ords, and inquisitions, examinations and olhor re
membrances, to do those things which to their offi
ces and in that behalf appertain to he done, and
also they who will prosecute against the prisoners
that are or shall be in the Jail of Bedford county,
to bo then and tijore to prosecute agiiust thorn as
shall be just. ,
Sheriff's Office, Bedford, April 8, 1859.
I>URE WHITIS LEAD, Flaxseed pd and Spirits
Turpentine at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book
August 6, 1858.
■' - -
THE following named persons have filed peti
tions tor license in the office of tbeCierk of Quur
! tr Sessions, of Bedford County, to he presented
to.sahi Cnuit, on fu< s.Uy, the 3d day of May.
next, to wit:
dftrs- Mary Cook, Bedford Boiough, Tavern.
John ilai, r, <. <c
V. Steckman, " .<
Jonathan Morton, <<
John G. Miumck, < Eating House.
A. 0. Alien, B- dfyrd Tp. Tavern.
J.icon B. Anderson, Cuiup. Vullay,
: Jacob Snider, • ..
Andrew J. I'.-nrn l, Cole-rain, <
Joshua F.ller. " ..
Joseph Fuller, Juniata, ..
F- ter Kins..-?. "
-Martin Feichtner, Harrison, ..
Catharine Thicker, Liberty, ..
i. A. Raurn, •• '
James Burns, Londonderry, ..
Jonathan Feichtm-r, " .<
Andrew Adams, Monroe, <
George Stuckey, Napier,
(iciMjre W. Gump, -• .
p. A. 1. Biaek, E. Providence, ..
Joseph Fisher. West < <•
John A. Gump, •' ..
ilonrv 0. Lasbley, Southampton,
B rnard O'Neal, " <>
I'e'er Auiick, Bi. Clair,
David SJe.'k, " i.
Ge rge V!. Celvin, SohclUbuig Bor., •<
John Kobison, •* .* G. Keighart Union, •
Michael Weyaud, '• .
llenry rluae, M.'.lflTc Woodberry,
IV ni. Pearson, .. ..
Jus. L. Princ-.-, South <•
Fled- lick 0- Mock, St. Cldr, "
G igv-Megravv, East Providence, *
James S. B ckvvith Broad Top, <
George W. Figart, • <
John Foster, " Eating House.
Jacob Bollinger, Bedford Bor. "
Hicltard Sill, Harrison, Tavern.
Johnson Mater, Bedford tp. i.
Major J .rues Burns, Juniat i,
Mrs. Klizi Rilz, CL-arville, .<
John Dasher, Hopewell.
James hiebeibel'ger, Brua U>q, Eating House,
Milter, Juniata, Tu*ru.
John Todd, Bedford tp. "
S. 11. TATE, Cltrk.
C erk's Office, Bedford, i
.. April 8, ]839. \
JFmr roltign uini bum eat ic GUODS, WARES hiiU MAT
c Laud Re ol Bvlloid Countv, lor tue vear
Bui ford Borough.
Glis* License.
(Jsti:r, Manrpeaktr 4r *Jarn, l# to pp
X- B. Granier X Co , I:} K)
Niclmlas Lyons, 14 - ()tJ
Reed k Mtuuich, 12 10
Jolm A; ip. 14 7
Miss M. Fetter]j. ]} 7 (JI ,
Stmme! Shuck A Co-, 14 7 00
toobeit-Kyaii, M 7 W
J. J- J, M. shoemaker, 14 7 yy
Sarah E. Potts, 14 - m,
l*rn-t Lippld, 24 7 oo
Glin Lover, 24 - 5,,
Agues Sauj-p, 14 7 00
JM*III Arnold, '4 7 P<>
Wui. Hurt ley, 14 7 00
George Biyiu re, 14 7 pp
lr. B. K. Marry. 21 7 00
i Dr. f . C. Reamer & Co., 14 7 no
I A. Ferguson N G 14 7 u<i
A. L. DeiTuiigh E. If. h j 00
Jafeob Bo dinger E. ii. a i 00
Bedforj Towns', ip.
I JONN B. Furncv, 14 7 I 0
, Jubiii. iiitcL-y Distiiimy, 4 ], tn)
Bro'idiop Township.
Join F. Luwry. 14 7 00
Co.'eratn Towiskip.
A.'C. .T.jtieS, 14 7 Co
X.C. Evan*. 14 7 0u
J. % J. .M. Sno-etuakrr, 24 7 00
Cumberland I'uliey Townshp.
Jaeo' Ami-1 sort, 2 4 7 00
John May JR., 24 7 CO
i'moi R. Anderuoii, 14 7 C<;
Thallia* Giouticu, 14 7 fib 1
East Providtnct Township.
John Nycnm, 2 4 7 i.J
i)i A. T. B.aeit. 14 7 di) j
Hope well Towns up.
ildury 8. King. 14 7 0-) j
Harrison Township.
V aaitino B. IVertX, it 7 00 j
Joil II IV. Smith. i I 7 00 j
Junlatii Township.
Writ. Key her, 14 7 00
ITfti.-xms -y Mow cry, 14 7. 00
Lewis N. F'yait. 14 7 00
Liberty Township.
I.'vris Putt, 14 7 00
John Cypher, 2 4 7 00
Si ei .V Entrikcu, 2 4 7 On
Jaeo - Fockl.-r, 14 7 00
Londonderry Township.
Jacob Devore Jr.. 14 7 0<) j
fhaiius J. Porter, ii 7 00
. \]jii ros Township.
I'-.Tii I Fi r, 24 7 00
James K. U'N'eai, 14 - W
.Yapttr Township.
John IVaydo, 14 7 00
Peter Ililleg is Distillery, -4 2-3 oO 1
IVtst Providence Township.
Jacob Barn dollar *c G->., 13 10 00
Junes M. Baru-k-llar & Son, 13 10 00
'i'hutiiaa liitchey, 14 7 C*^
Snake Spring Township.
Nieboloa Kooniz, 14 7 00 ;
Schelltburg Borough.
B. F. Horn & Brother, 14 7 00
A. Bunn, 14 7 00
E. Statler Jk Son, 14 7 00
Colvin fit Robiso:., 14 7 00
John S. Solicit, 14 7 00 ■
A.J.Snivoty, 14 7 00 j
John Smith, 14 7 00 j
Miller ig Blackburn, 14 7 00 j
Duncan McVicker, 14 7 00 J
St. Clair Township.
F. D. Boogie, it TOO
G. I>. Amiek, 14 7 00
j George Hi nesting, Id 7 CO
G D. Trout, 14 7 00
John 11. Schell, 14 7 00
Southampton Township.
Kirk A Fletclter, It 7 00
Henry C. Lastiley, 11 7 0C
Union Township.
j John Walter. 11 7 00
.Middle Woolberry Township.
Jacob Brenuenian, 14
G. W. Rickets.>ii, 14 7 Of)
G. It- Barndoliar, 14 7 00
Abraham ILehhoefer, 14 7 00
South Woodberry Township.
Piper & .Scott, H 7 00
S. K-Uater, 14 7 UO
George K.uiffmun, 44 7 00
•0. Beittl,!, M „ lu ' "
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held
al (tie Commissioners office, in Bedford on Saturday
the 7thday of May next.
| Appraiser of Mercantile Tax*, for tho year 1859.
April 1, 1859.
VN excelleut article of Hair and tooth Brushes
at Dr. Harry's Drug and Boob Store.
1 August 6, 1858.
I Annette Gcridon 1 Fi. Fa. No. 91, Fcbi uary Terra,
j v*. 118-59 In the Common Fleas of
' Joseph Gor.den. \ Bedford County.
F ebrnary 18, l&od —The petition of Sheriff Fluke
was read and filed, setting forth, that on the above
writ, the Shot iff return* a sale of an interest in i<-
j alty for the sura of $113,00, that a dispute is like'.y
: to arise in the distribution of the money. and pray
| ing the Court to appoii i an auditor to dig'rihuu the
s-oue. whereupon, on motion of Mr. Shannon, G.
i W. BcnforJ. Esq. appointed auditor to make a
, distribution of said money upon usual notice.
In testimony wh-reef, I have hereunto set my
| hand and the seal of said Court, at Bedford, the
: J2dday of February, A. I)-, 1839.
SAM'L H. TATE, Prothonotsry.
NOTICE.—I wiil attend to the ditties of the
I above appointment, at ray office, in Bedford, on
i Wednesday, the 21st day of April, isist., lure all
; poisons int rested can attend.
j April?, 1839. Auditor.
Dr. John Compiler, j No. 23. February Term 1839.
vs. liii the Comtuou Fleas of Bed-
Kllen Coir.pher. ford County.
Alius Sul poena on Libel for Divorce.
Notice is hereby given to the Defendant in the
above stated case that a .Subpoena, and alias
Subpoena on Lilwl for Divorce bus been i*u--ij; the
last <.f said writs is returnable, 2d Monday.
day of February, next, an i ih n the said Defendant \
is required to appear on or before lb. Ist Monday j
.(2d day) ot May, next,'and answer to the complaint ]
o! the Plaintiff as provnii-d tor bv act of Assembly,
and herein fail not.
IV il. S. FLUKE. Sharif.
April 8. 1839.
Auditor's \otice.
THE undersigned, appointed by the Oryhues'
Court to state au account of tho Guardianship of
Robert Graham, who was the Guar liaii of Geoige
liobb, will attend far tint purpose at his office, in
BeJjbr-:, on Thursday, the 21st of April, iust.. at
10 o clock, A. M., wlien and where ad persons in
terested ma;. utend. JNO. MOWER
April 8, 1839. Jhutitor.
Cuuceei, Tinners , IPirnt, Scrofula, ('.'en, .Jr.. i
cured iu a short time, without the knife, bv !
{Colleague of iht laic. Dr Louusbtr,y. DtCd )
N->. 3*l. North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Phifa.
1 Jie ivmarnalile success which has attended the
treatment of Cancers, l umen, Ac., by Dr. Mut-
Mtchol. lor a number of years past, has attracted
tile attention, and ,n many instLus has sc-cttrcd
the hearty approval of many eminent Physician*
*n Philadelphia, who are no longer willing to risk
I lie -laagers uDil Ulicciiaiuties of culling.
Cauccr can be I'urtd! —if proper-y treated and
promptly. A great in .j -ri'v ol the eases of Can
cel'. can effectually cured. The numerous
j-atunts from every section i-f the c->uiilrv, who
tiave liecii cured under this n.t timd of treatment is
a guarantee of its superiority over every other
kui-wn sxsteui.
1 hose w; 111 ay be afflicted with fstesr dise.s s.
and desire further inf-iraaatbiti 01 auvice, will picas--
address Dr. MacXiihol. when they will receive
! prompt AtLclition and a Copy of l'iiamj.lct, on tile
treatment of Cancer.-—free of chaige.
il /.He coceltihg. lj.p l iicast, Scorfuloas anl Ma
liiuant CI., r, Di-v-itscs of tbe Mouth and Throat,
Ulceration.-: oi the Houei. TLTTKR, SCALD HEAD.
ainl all itisca.-es of tlie >kta, pentl.tnt-nly cured, .and
j-roj-er r-.tneuii s sent—earcTu-ly j-ackri—by Ex
|'i--ss to any j-art i-f the ouiuiry.
Jn every .1 plain description of tiie diiease
i reqn-rt-I. Al iress. Da. MACNICHOL. No. s*l
N--rih o:h, St., I'UILAD'A. Proprietor and Manu
facturer u! Dr. Lounshetry & Go's Cel ihrated Jm
peiial j).purihtc, the best and most reliahie Fam
ily Medicine of iho Njaete-jct'i Geiitury. for tnc
cure r.i „u diseases i rigitutiug in Impduitiesuf the
*'■ Ood.
JUB. 28, lt<39 -3m.
SSfci-WtR'S .\OTiC
ALL ; ers. e*interested, are iierctiy aotifi-id, that
tile loliovv iiig u inie-i aecauiitants hive liTsi their
accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford Coun
ty. and that the same wil! t-e presented to the Or
; !iaiis' Court, iu and f -r said County, Icr coutiruia
• ion, on Tu-si.iv . ttiu 5 J day t ,f May, next ut the
Court Mouse, in Bedford:
1 he account of Jeremiub SI. -xv and M->* .* Shaw,
; X its o: tin- last xviil Acc., i t' Jatll s Sll iW, late ol
Mollloe towaship dee.'d.
The ic-'- unt of Philij) Evans, gu ir-iian of M.irga
et I.h/A b.-'a E va-S, lulu or ctli! iof IV,:Ii HU L ' itis,
lite of Monroe tp.
'i he account of Jesse Willis, cx'or of the "last
will, inc.. of Jes-e Willis, late c-t St. Clair tp.,
The stcconat of Wni. Figart. a iuFr of tl..< catat •
of M.ehael Putt, lite of Liberty tp.. dee'd.
The account of VVm. liaUs. admini-ltr dor of the
e*-tatc cf IV iu. lUuis, late of Southampton tp.,
The account of 0- E. Siiannoa, Esq., adni'r of
the estate of Daniel Shea, late of i V I
iey tp.. dee'd.
The ace >unt ol Jacob G. Divcly, sdm'r of the
estate of Frederick Claur, late of Union tj>., dee'd.
The sujtjvieiueutal account of Charies jioymau,
one of the adm'r* of the estate of Samue' Hovuiau,
lata of Londouderry tp., dee'd.
The account ot O. E. Shannon, Esq.. adm'r of
the estate ol Philip I ekes, iato of St. Clair tp..
'J lie account cf Samuel L. Russell. Esq., a-itn'r
of the estate of IVni. Hotchkiss, late of Ohio,dee'd.
The account of Asa Stucfcey, Esq., adni'r of the
estate of Win. Stucky, Jr., italC Ui Monroe tji.,
The account of .Alexander He Dinger, adni'r of
the estate of George Rej-logie, late of Middle
IVoodberry tp., itee'd.
Tiie account of R. D. Barcl lT, Esq., adm'r of
the esta'e of Michael Dovine, la:o 01 Baltimore,
Mil., dee'd.
The account of Archibald Perdew, Esq., adm'r
ol the vsuu. of Wll,. Lcosuro, Lu.o ol Southamj'ton
1 p., dee d.
the account of Amnriah Wilson, ox'or of the
last will, 4c. of John Wilson, lato of Napier tp.,
The account of K.J. Diehl, adm'r of Sophia
Mower, late of Colerain tp., dee'd.
The account of Uriah Conley, adm'r of the exs
tate of Allen Cooler, late of A'apit r tp.. dee'd.
The account of John S. Ritchey and Daniel Di
bcrt, ex'ors of the l ist will rsc. of Samuel Ziui
ukts, late of Bedford (p., dee'd.
The account of David F. Buck, administrator of
Fredeiick Smith, lite ot South Wood berry town
ship, dee'd.
S. 11. TATE, Regiiltr.
Register's Office. I
Bedford, April 8,1859. I
I. 0. OF 0. F.
THE Right Worthy Grand Ledge of the 17. S.
having appointed Tuesday, the 28th day of Apr!',
mat., (being the Fortieth Ayiiversiry of the found
ing of the American branch of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows.) to be observed by all tho
Grand and Working Lodges in the United States as
"a day of thanksgiving to Divine Providence for
the unexampled prosjierity which has attended the
order since its organization on this Continent,"
and the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Penna.,
having granted a dispensation to all the subordinate
Loilg- s tinder its jurisdiction, to cetobraie the day
ua (in accordance with the laws of the order) thiy
may deein best; Bedford Lodge, No. 2b2, contem
plate holding on that day a procession in full rega
lia. Public exercises will be held in tbcM.E.
Church at 10| o'clock, A. M., when addresses suit
able to toe occasion will be delivered. The public
are respectfully lnvitod to attend. Neighboring
Lodge* arc expected to participate in ttie exercises.
A full attendance of the number* is r. quested.
T. K. GETTYS, Jr.,
Committee of Jrrangfmmti.
April 8, 1859.
f .mpouE><)rl Kfirelv from bl T M§,
LIVER MEDICINES now ton t the public,
that act* ss a Cathartic, earJef. wilier, i,d mure
etfoctawt than any other medkiuG known. It i out
o.dv a Cathartic, 1 nr. a Liver remedy, first
on the Liter to eject its morbid matter, then on the
stomach and towels to car; y off ni iter, thus
accomplishing two j urpo.-es effectually, without
any of the painful ieeiiugs experienced in the op
erations of roost Cathartics. It strengthens the
system at Ito same tints that it purges it t and
when t ikeu dally iu moderate dotes, will strength
en aud build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Lirt-i is one of tha principal regulators o
the human body, and when it pertorrus its functions
well tbe powers of the system are fully developed.
Ibe tiouiach is almost entirely dojeudeiji on the
healthy action of tbe Fiver for the proper perform
ante of its .mictions. When the stomach is at
fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system
sutlers iu couSi.-ijueoce of on e organ—the Liter
having ceased to do its duty. For the disease of
that org in, one ol tbe proprietor has made it bis
sin iy, h. a practice of more than twenty year--', to
fit; i some remedy wherewith to coumemc: the uta
nj derangements to which is liable.
To prove that this re- • roedy is ..t last found,
any pcrso.s troubledCZ with Liver Coropuirit
iu any ol its fotrns, l.usg—hut to try a bottle, aud
Convictio.i is certain. -
These gums reroovu J all morbid or tod mat
tcr from Ore supplying in their piae#
a healthy flow oi invigorating the stioc
ach, causing food to di gest weli, ptarifv'Dglber
bio-,.!, gsvi; g tone ami**"' health to tto weak
machinery. rmovingi he causes of the dis
ease, an : effecting a in-——'. Ileal cure.
Britons attacks a.,""* cured, and, what is tot
ter, prevent T by occasional usu of the
Livei Invigilator. '
One dose niter eating to relievo
the stomach anti prevent the food from tiring
and muring.
Only oue dose takci.r—t beforeietiriog prevunts
Only one dose taker, at night looser s tho
bowels gently, and costivcucst.
One dose taken alter' -J each -seal witi euro
f'i spepsia. P—l
dose of two teaspoousful will sl
w:i\ - relieve Sick Head- aehe.
One ooitle taken f >rGO female olistracliftn re
moves the cause ol tdisease, aim makes a
petf ct cure. '"j
Only one dose Iramc diate'.v ruli.res CLolie,
while *
One dose often rej'.i-r to ;is n sure cute lot
Ci.olera Morbus, and preventive of Cholera.
One dose taken o.'U i will prevent the recur
rence t bihous ui.ile it relieves ail
pai.i.uj feelings. on-.- bottle is"-'-'needed to tbiow out
of the system the Ofjcfs of medicine niter ivi j
One hot tie taken for Jaundice removes aii t t l
low tie as or unnatural color i-oim lite ekiu.
One dose taken a short tiiue before eating gives
vigor to ihe appetite and makes food digest wJI.
Ore dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhuva
in its worst lortns, while summer and bowel coma
plaints yield almost to tin first dso.
One or two doses cures attacks caused l>y worms,
wl.tle lot worms in children, there is no safer or
Speedier remedy j„ the World,"as it near fail*.
A few bottles cures Diojisy, by inciting the ab
W v fake pleasure ir; recommending this medi
cine as preventive toj Fever and Ague. Chili Fe
ver. an i ..II Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operate!
with certainly, and thousands are willing tn testify
to its wonderful virtues.
Ad wiij use it ar- giving their unanimous testi
mony in its l'avbr. u7".M:s Water in t;,e Mouth
with fh*. Invigj utor. aud"swallow both together.
Thfe Liver luvigorator
Is a ere it scientific Medic'dlHsciiTciv, and is daily
working cur- s almost too to 1>: lieve. it
euros as it by magic, even the first dote tiring bent'
jit and : ldom m-ie that one bottle is required to
cut. any kind of Liver Complaint, fr./Dt the worst
Jaundice or itv>pcpsi<i to a couiuton headaci.e, all
ol which me Hie result, o. a Diseased I.icer.
I)c. Sasf.i;;i>. Proprietor. 345 Broad war, J*". Y.
Sold in Bedford by Ij r . R. f. Uabst, "md re
tailed by u ;j Druggists.
June 11. 5853.—7.7..
ME Til,\.\ bMum BUTTLES
(-OLD in tub
lor rest or; ,g hair perfectly and permanently, bus
never jet tiad a rival, volume after volume might
'e given from all ports of the world and frotn the
tno.-t inteb.lgent to prove that it is a perfect Rtstor
>' ' ut read the circular and you cannot doubt;
re J a'so the following.
I'lT"! he Haib.—P have lor centuries been
afflicted with ha'ii beads and the ouiy remedy, bero
i-.-i'urc known, has been those abominable wigs. By
a re-cent i;isci>very ot Professor Wood these articles
arc being best dispensed with, l.nt a great many
persons still patromze tuew, because they have been
so ufteu imp ->ed upon by llair Tonics of different
kin K lu aii vuch persons we earaestlv maketho
request, that they will try orce again, for in Woods
Kiiterative there is no such thing a.s fail. We know
of a lady who was l aid, wih> used the mticlea short
time, and her head is now covered completely with
the tiniest and most beautiful curls imaginable. We
know ol i unierous cases where hair wjs rapidly fil
ling out, which it restored in greater perfection than
it ever bad been tieiorv.
it is also without ctouhtnnc of the best articles
b-r keeping the hair in good condition, making is
soft and glossy, removing dandruff and has proved
itself the moiuy toad the ills that hafir is
heir to.
It is the duty of every one to improve tlieir per
sonal appearance through some may differ in regard
to the ways ot doing it ; but every one will admit
that a beautiful head of hair, either in man or wo
man, is an object much to t>odesiTcd, and there nra
110 means that should be i ft untried to obtain such
a consideration.—ll cmau't *ddvocatc. Philadelphia.
PIIOK.O. J. WOOD & GO—Gents: As I have
been engaged in selling your flo.r Restorative the
list seasou for one of your local agents (R. af.
Hackinson.) and having experienced tn.s bjudicial
fficta of it iu\n-li, 1 would like to obtain agency
for the State of Ohio or some State in the West,
should you wisii to mak j such an tpangctaent, as I
am con vim ed /here is nothing equal to it in the
United Stale*, Jor restoring the hair. 1 have been
engaged in the Drug business for several years, and
have sold various preparations for the hair, hut ha+o
found nothing that restores the secretive organs or
invigorates the scalp as iuill as yours, being fußy
convinced tbat your restorative is what you repre
sent it to be, I would like to engage in the saie' of
it, for I am satisfied it must sell.
Tours truly,
PROF. O. J. WOOD * €o—Gents: Having re
alized the good effects of your Hair Restorative, I
wish to state, that finding my hair growing thin, as
tteli us gray, I was iuduced from 'what 1 read arii
heard, to try the article prepared by \ou. to pro
mote ift growth and change its color as it was iu
youth, bo b of which it baa- effected completely.—
In the operation 1 have used nearly three bottles.—
Tours do., JAMES FRANCiS.
'). J. WOOD <k CO., Propristoia 812 Broadway,
New Yoik. (in the great N. V. Wire Railing Es
tablishment.) aud 114 Market Stteet.St. Lent?.''
For salo by Dr. B. F. Harry.
An 1 aold tiv all good Druggists.
Jan. 14, 185tf.
81, A hi K. Exemption Judgment Notea.Kxecuf. u #
Summons, SuUpu-Ha*, Constable Sales, ho.,
ten safe at tbia tffice.