BY DAVID OVER. """ " ' YE CASt O\Q! Jilt, Sl' 11, Wll.b. 1:V /MANIAS >!. SAWVER. Hugged toiler—son ot Übor Stoutly twtiling every day I'i-r existence—Ob, ntv 1: other. TP-it s'sab triumpb in the fray. I >•; life's eloMi.cefnl Held of actio:', •"lioneli defeat may oft appear. 7' on rU-.'f rt tie victor's laurels. If thou w.'.t .persevere. Though thoti att olmcnre cntl I.iwly, Ye mar reach the wishcl-for goal. Grasp the prize®, wor'th and station. If thou hast a dauntless soul; It thou hast a resolution That mlsfortnnn cannot *h:ike ; One oo which the nngrv sieges An 0.-prcssi a to make. AM iiiou .■■•• •■ ♦ "n<' d'-ri hs! l'v t\- y-lf styled 1 >f:y imru f 11, --d ye riot the t -oVs contumely, <>r tlie v mind's harmless scorn. A~t ti o-i frtet'V--**—friends w'6 gath A r, A* do courtier*. kings around. When thou hast achieved distinction. When thou List position found. Strode in faith, let. nangljt repel thee; Tit.>n shall in the t-i prevail; In life's trials. .and its battles. Norte twit dastard cowards fail; Noble natures prove wMtetuiaut, In earth's nimbly contest rang ; To renown trow dark e'.'ivicn, llob-d in f.'lorv up tl • y sprang. What if* of fere:- endeavor *;r.v j I* <■;, spi-nt by tbei; in vain J What if lis n ha* met disaster? Up and take the fiell again. Wreck and ruins all about Give m> up twit struggle is;ill. St übhorri courage is r --is'toss. Ye c.-n eontjner if ye v i'h of (lie Stale Tt\es. Mr. Puttrr*<-o. f;n'>, he select commit:??, So whom was referred 'he bill entitled "A act to reduce '.he State tax," made a report setting forth that a reduction of the State tux might casilv be made at once to two mill* on the dol lar. The report wis read a* follows: To the Hon. T. f\ .7. Lnxnrmrr. S-tf tfcr of illf HMSt of prproo ntotiv*. Mr. PaMersrti. from the select committee to whom was referred House bill No. 882, enti tled "Ail Act to reduce the State tax on rest Htj>l persona! estate to two nulls on the dollar, moat respectfully begs leave to submit the fol lowing report: The question of taxation immediately eon corns every citizen of tb Common wealth; and any legislation t'ueroon r< quires the greatest caution and scrutiny. While the necessity of increasing the taxes would be seriously fell nnd lamented by ail, the ability to reduce ibe present burden of the people, anu the fact that mich a reduction can be made with safety to the future and justice to the creditors of the State, will, n tiouhr, bo hailed with joyful sat isfaction by the witting and patient taxpayers, as u forerunner of the "good time coining," wb<-n tiie orditiarv resources of the Common wealth wiii be auipiy sufficient to defray ali it current annnil expenditures, without a dollar of direct taxation. The bistoiy of taxes is, that they are con stantly increasing; nud it is the plain mi J im perative duly of every legislator to direct Ins energy and influence to an actual and substan tial reduction, ii within his power. In our inquiry into this subject, while we de sire to relieve toe taxpayer of a portion of his burdens, we arc compelled to keep in view the honor and credit of our noble eld Coium oil wealth, pledged l< r the redemption ot her debt. The constitution requires the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to annually redeem one quar ter of a million of dollars of the State debt; it is a wise provision. The present prosperous condition of the Treasury fully justifies tbea— aerib'ti that, by prudence,economy aud finan cial pkill, we can in future pay annually one million of dollars of the .State debt, provided there should be no falling off in the revenue from other .sources than tLe direct tax on real nnd personal estate; and upon careful examina tion of ill- different items of revenue we can find no one tybieh can, or will, be cut off, or be decreased in amount; but the experience of the Treasury .goes to prove that the revenue is gradually but certainly increasing every year from its present sources. The whole amount,of receipts at the State Treasury for the fiscal year ending 30th No vember, 1858, was §1,708,910 82, deduct the whole amount of State tax on real and per sonal estate, §1,610,229 19, ami we have the sum of $3,098,697 63 as the receipts of the Treasury from sources besides the direct State tax. Now, n comparison for the year ending 30tb November, 1809, will be still mora striking g< itig t prove i fie assertion that the cotidniou A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences. Agriculture. &e., &e—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance ' of the Treasury will justify a gradual reduc— ion "t lhe State tax until it i* entirely remo ved, and yet the resource* will be ample to meet the ordinaly expense* of the Government, ! and aunualiy redeem u large amount of the ! State debt, and secure its final extinguish j men:. The Sla'o Treasurer estiinxte* the receipt* tor the year 18.59—and we arc informed the figure* have been more than realized since tne j year commenced (30th November, 1858,) at | $4,990,827 76, deduct whole amount recoiv jed Irotu Sta'o tax for 1859, $1,650,000, and j we have the sum of $3,330,827 76 a* the re ceipt.* of the State outside the State tax; yet th:s sum is sufficient to pay the expenses of 1859, and redeem the amount of the State debt required bv the constitution. The appro priation oiil for 1859 is in round numbers,s2,- 900,000; redemption of State debt, $250,000; added together, $3,150,000, showing a bal ance of $180,827 70, after paying expense and debt, without collecting one dollar of State tax. These figure* mu-f convince the most in credulous of the foci that the State tax c in be gradually reduced, and in a few year.* entirely reinovo'i. Your Committee doubt the policy of eon fin- , uing the pre-cnr heavy rate of taxation for 'be purpose of n r-} id liquidation of t{, State •ieht. alio credi'ors •>( Urn State receive their interest promptly and will be satisfied to re eeiv so much ni tio> principai as the figures b..w can be readily paid. A more rapid liqui qui.latiou would soon the funded licit' not duo. at * preimufii, 'tj pay which we thirk is a wHste of Hinncy, .I'td gross injustice to the jt *x payers. lii 18)7 the lid ten S'ritcs govern hivm u ugh! iu i s loans a; a heavy premiiiui, and 'i.rer m'-ntlis ihereafter was in the market -on a botiuv-vr of money. The taxpayer- ol tie> U'otimwiwewlth have borne the burdens itn- ' pa-se-i pntientlv tor years, ntid now when it i.- in ' our p. wer it should be our pleasure, as it i our duly, to n-iicve them, at leas: to the ex nnt contemplated by the present bill. The j policy of accumulating a large sum to the ' I 'lYea.-nry, and having at the eu-i of east. t •an n-xpded bal -nce of n"ir, if nt aito ge in-i wo iii'ilions r.f do lais. is dang- r .;u*,'i! .erntg iniiuecmonis to extravag nee on the part ot the ie gi-i.ituro, aod if t'i • exp-rieocr "-to'!'* can toe t.i:i- a* -> guide, ;if7>i>iing iir'- ustiSlo temptatbiu to spectilauon and l->)-> n ilie ( art of t IOSO bavitlV thirge of tli" [iitbUc. f-.1l !* J I? ti-'ro! -iod safer w rul i r i*f to ic iv.; tie i are of si 1 ir.e a surplus in the - hands of 1 • lightr'u! owners, the people, and Hiit dtaw i T iroiu them to the shape ot t-.x-s, utile-* rbmluieiy r. quired. Ti> present debt of the (' -non Wean, a* ->ta'>-d by the Audi* ' r'' r-- ml, a 'er deducting ti a iionnt whi 'lt will t-e ea'-etllfd t*\ 'be bono* received from the > .!:! Ib Catnis an ; II -i!r'>ad* of the >:*'■ , wi . • t-rfit! unces g"'' si biu '< r t;i. aui.>mii the; r -nrescut. i* $2 V "87,- 1! 1 16, >!,• to- i- i o; wtitch it i* pro- ed ; pay tins year, an t in f• piuifi ot ibose cott v> rs.iiit with the *iihj.-cl, and after oarelul ex am'uation, we arc t-l. arly of the opinion that, the sum <>; ne million of dollars cn be paid annualiv until ;he debt i extinguished, which vyiii [ciiol of about tweuly-fivee years, uub-ss m ii' " nn > rseen am' uoexpecied public contingency should in interfere vi ii ;ha regular op- v ;tiot) of tlie Tr-asury.— While your (Jon.-nii'.fec consider that the con sider ila i the von hit ion ol the Treasury would justify a greater ictluction ibati oue ha if a null ion !!••■ itfi.'ar i f State tax, on>i wiiiie in the present ctubarasscij r:d stagnant condition of business thronghuut the State, and the serious 1 losses .-u-tiiineu tv the farmers by failure ol ! ihe crops lor 'lie last few years, wn would take pleasure in rccottiujenditig such a course, yet jirn 'etiec am! a proper regard for the faith of | the Commonweal*n f.i/biu u* from leconmiend ! iog at this time a further reduction in the Nate j tax then oue halt a mil! on the dollar. Ui ' p>re*cnt the following figures, base i upon the J official retu-ns and estimates of the Auditor (General and S't ite Treasurer, which we feel ! confident will sa'isfv any orie of the eorrcct | noss of the position we assume, and sustain the i policy of the proposed reduuttun. ' The Sta'e 'i'r.'a-'iirer csiima'c* the entire receipts at the State Treasury up to 30th Noveoibcr, 1859, at §1.088,800 00 Add balance in Treasury 30'h November, 1859, 892,027 70 Entire receipts for 1859, §4,980,827 76 The appropriation hill for 1559, amounts in round numbers, to 2.900,000 00 B Unae in Treasury 30th No vember. 1859, §2.080,827 70 lint deduct the payment on Stato debt ss we propose, and which we are informed the State Treasurer will r>ay this year, 1,000,000 00 $1,080,827 76 And we have the balance of §1.080,827 76 in tlie Treasury on 30th November, 1859. after defraying ail the expenses of the State, and redeeming one million dollars of the State debt. N >w estimate the receipts from all sources the same fur 186<> us for 1859, except from State lax, which item We wiii deduct from the estimate, and we have the following sum as the resources,, except from Slate tax, $2,603,- BU3 71- * - The whole amount of Slate tax on real nnd personal e.Mato at 24 mills on the dollar, as fixed by the Board ot Revenue Commissioner* at ihvir last triennial assessment, amounts to (see repoit of Auditor General) $1,484,810 214. Now deduct one-half mill on the dollar or one fifth the above turn as proposed by the present hill, and we have the sum of §296,- BEDFORD. PA.. FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1859. ■; 9G3 24 as the entire amount of State tax to i be raised for the vcar IStJO at two mills on the dollar, and which we will odd to the receipt* of , iB6O, $1,187,952 99—and wo hive the sum |of $4,5(72,604 52 as the entire receipts for 1869, which will he greatly increased from other source*. Now estimate the appropriation bill for 1860 at the same*as for 5 859, and it should bo less, ' as the item of iuterest witi be some SBO,OOO loss—2,99o,ooo—and we have,the snui of sl,- 912.661 J4 as the balance in the Treasury on, , the 30tii November,*!B6o. But if we deduct ( the ,uin of 1,000,000, which could iie applied !to tlie redemption of the State debt in 1860, i we have the sum of $972,664 .52 as toe iiat aooc in the Treasury on 30th November, 1860, af-'er deiraymg the expen-e* of hetjoverommil and redeeming in the year 1859 and 1860 two million.* of do.l ars of the State debt, and re ducing the Srjne tax to two mills on the do'- Jar. Tbe*c figure* "an he relied upon as the sources f ihc Treasury are positive and -ure, and cannot be diminished unless fir cireless ne-s jii the pari of ih" agent- of the State, or recklessness -if the Legislature, which we hope will be guirded ngautsi. Tijg expenditures of the State must decrease every -year, a* theie are n*> svooues through which the fun Is can he squandered, since the State has entirely re lieved itsell from the control aml expenses of public improvements, and in future the opera ,i lions of the 1 reasury can be utrictly confined ; to the ordinary expenses of the Stale, ami the rednttion of Ute •ieht. 1u redactiim propo -*d wiii not take piaco until next year, and can to uu measure effect the revenue for this year. la view of ail these facts, vour committee report, with an aftirmai ive i eeaunueiidanoo. House bill No vtitiUed "Ait act to re duce the Slate tax uu piinm:-l and teal c , date to two uiiilv on the doilur." All oi wbien i- respectfully eubmittcJ. JOHN J. I'ATTKiWON, 90S. 11. WILSON, U il.sON LAIBH, J s ' ..('!i HAtiNSLKV. BAM'L DAKS. Mr. I'.tie.s,o moved tint, for th a purpose of i jn-tdsrtng House b.lj .No. *b2. rut tiled "an act tor Ino further reduction of the State tax on real and p-rsointi estate l-> two mills on the dollar,'* the rules be suspended, and that ika t*Tor*ib,.. wi- agr -ed to, ami ire bill was considered iu committee of 6;-.* wl.olc, Mr. Walker t;i tlc chair. Aitf.- th, f.,-ivt; n hoi b?cn rev 1, . T'.ilkct iu >vetl in strike out ";wo" and in*, i t "one and ;i haif," Lilt subsequently wish drew hi* amendment. ftt? bill ti.>> n passed cotiitub! •• i i th; vvli'iie, second au-1 final read ing, a* follows, v'z: SEC. i. lie it rnach-l, *,v. ' int hereafter •he t..x iiOpo- ,j upon real m. i persona! estaiu for S'atft purp. -c*. i y t.i? tiiirty-*'cmvJ and (hi •■ly-folirth sections of fin- Act, if Assembly apptoved the twenty-uiuth day of Apib, 1844, entitled "an act to reduce the Sta'e debt auu to incorporate the Pennsylvania canal uod ii'- iGad company," be and is hereby further re 'sueed to two milis on the tiuliai; j>ro\i-le-i, that 'he reduction shall not be made upon the lax?* levied for the present year. Un t'ue final passage t-f the bill the yeas and nay* were o.iiicd, a'; i tesuitcd a* S-ilow-: Yea.*, 77. Nays, none. PIKE'S PEAK A Steamboat, filled with gold seck?rs bound to I'ike's Peak atid the tegion touudabout, was sunk, on Monday night in the Ohio, by a col lision, and a score or two of lue p.ts.*engus were drowned. Thus enu* the goluen dream of one party ot entlius:asts. Hundred* ot i t'ict* will prnbablv perish toy disease or au cideiit, and ail will sufter tnoie or less tioui fatigue, privation and exposure. Rut i; is with such trials as these, that waste places are fiiled an t couiiiionweal'hs formed. A great sacrifice must be offered to tim goodess For tune, before ber lavor is vouchsafed to her votaries. Tim number of emigrant*, adventurers, pil grims, or whatever they may tie called, is enormous tnis spring, livery steamboat and raiiroad train bound to the West is filled with them, and vehicles and animals of all kinds are brought into the service. A private letter, dated St. Joseph, Mo., Marco 25th, is before us, winch suy s : "Our rify is a perfect jam, crowded with Pike's Peaker*. homo ate going with hand carts, S IUIU with winuitiarrows, and some with knapsaeks. Two expresses leave every week fillcU with passengets. The ox-trains usvc ut yet started. The rail road cars bring in daily fiotn two hundred to fne hundred people." All other places on the route preaeut tho same extraordinary spectaeie, and it is believed by some that the wilderness of Western Kuu sas witi cotuain before the. summer is over, at least one hundred thousand inhabitants This uiay be tho case, unless the promise of the rich— uess of the uoues should be unfulfilled. Of this there is some dangei ; for occasional re ports reach us of returning mioers, broken in health, spirits and fortune, who report the gold unties a humbug. Same have spent the winter in the most praised region, and have left dis gusted. There must be a large per ceutuge of such failures and disappointments in an emi grating population, and Pike's Peak, with iis contiguous goid bearing country, may not al together satisfy the expectations of any. Still niativ active and energetic people wiii he trans ferred to a good country, aud even if the g"!d fails, will become permanent settlers. ihu> population and civilization will he thrust farther westward, to meet the returning wave from the Pacific States, aud thus tho whole lluion will be benefitted. ! MM fai'XC AT lI4I.TIMOKE. I Teirible Expiation of Crime. at.tjhore, April B. At eleven o'clock this moutiug, the lour men who have bom under san|coee of death in our t'cunty Prison, erpi atmi thr-ir crimes by death on the gallows, in due j cniiTee of law. The execution was witnessed by at least thirty thousand people, from city I uu4 'country. XHR MURPERERP AXI) TIJETR VICT'JTB. names and the tiame.s of their victims arum* folbiw*: Henry Gambril!, the inttrilcrer cf Policeman j B -'ittiti. .Marion < inpps, tlie muruerer of Policeman IlljfdOTl. \ ter t'orrie. hi* accomplice, and H'cphei;,* aims UypliUs, (colored,) the niur •legyr of a negro named King. > . viitnbrill killed Policeiuan Benton in the strfet, iu which Gambrill's friend.* were wrutig i HBg wirh another party of "rough*." He isqnite a young man, and maintained h:- innocence alMpirnugii the trial and s-noe flic reprieve. Grup or Cropps was to have been bung on the \m uit , with Gambrrll, but by the clemenuy of th" Governor be wa* allowed time I"t pre pa&iion. He was about 24 year.* <>M and was salt to imve heen quite hiuiisonie. He tu*sr dOTed Bigiiotl tor daring to testify til" cohirade, Gamhrill. ! wa.* the accomplice of M . : -n ('-■">pp®, inibe murder f ofliccr Kigdon. C>irr:e waau . tnttcber by traife, 't.-i has workc-J at tiut b;.si n*t-*, but, for stiiiletime ben-re the murder of Kffdon, Had given him-elf up to hard drimiint*, '-Hd nssouiaiiiiu with members of the Plug I'giy inri Rip Rap Oiobs. Gorrie w** about twcti iy?*ix height, and about 106 lbs. iu wiglii; his iac A , though not looking, was not repulsive, but .. d some iftW'S interesting in the cxpressit-n. N'ephcu* alins Gyphns, was convicted of the uiurder of aootiier negro, Ol) account of a female whom typhus bad picked up in the streets, and "ifton to a house o! ussignati- n, when he wa* iu4errupted oy ;i.c- own, atid Gynl-u.* stabbed | %i. lie has constantly declared i-t* ionoccuee , c t hi* ooavhttmc wcu-.d toe ln -e. certain than t'Hire, ii granted a ucw trie!. Ho was a fjue iunking uun. pleasant expression of face, about M i 8 inches in heigni, and w.-ig!i>j>i about "sfk; lW H* Am* owpr.. ad *)* a lrwyiut>Q tlu; wtiarf. pen NTS IS JAIL YESTEHfAT ASM LAST NI"I7T. The cutratice to the city jitii wis crowded -til of yesterday ly persons, m i;e and female, whoso curiosity and tutc.est in the iate of iii? pcraons condemned t>- tite t>i-day seemed to out'Weigii u>l oilier ci>n-iderotio:>.*. . v • miuiurou-i the application* lor admissions that, the atten tive Hod gentlemanly warden, Caj t. Jimes, wa* compelie-i t ■ retu*> an cntraiice to uli whose relation*,. or other wire, did not justiii it. 1 Lie i-lergyuieu who have interested tliem .*evcs with pr.*t>e wort toy zeal in the fate ot Iho unhappy men were early m attendance upon thorn. i iie reTaiiws <>f the condemned visited them yesteidiiy to is supposed, for the last time, aud upon tlio gacrcd privacy of their last interview upon earth, no others uestrod to intrude. At 2 I'. M., Win. P. Prcaton, counsel of Pe ter Corrie, visited his cell. On entering, Peter who was engaged in nis devotions, and surround ed I t ids relations, brothers, sisters, and friends sprang iorward and affectionately embraced his counsel. His first ejaculation was, ''Oh, Mr. Preston, i aui very glad to nee you. 1 aiu pre pared, sir, hut before I die I wish loexpiess to }nit try thanks for your exertions in my behalf. On, sir, do you not think I deserve to he for given? Have 1 ever been in heart a murder er?" Mr. Preston paused, and in the midst of breathless silence said: "Peter, 1 have known you from a small boy; 1 knew yuur father, and 1 know your mother; 1 know ml your family, and 1 feel deeply for their nfilictiuu and your late. 1 have defended you, aud I have defend ed vou upon principle. In uiy judgment you are not a murderer. To-morrow you must ite; lite an ignominious death; may Hod have mercy oti you. I have come to Did you farewell."— t.oi rie replied: "Sir, 1 nover conspired or con si-uted u take the life of Itigdou. lie was a stranger to me. I had no malice Bgi:ist him whatever; my mistake it was the result of drunker) excitement. 1 was drawn into it, oth ers pushed us on; I hope God will forgive ns, will foigive a!!. Sir, 1 have asked for pardon, und through the blessed influence of religion I hope 1 may he pardoned. In the death of the unfortunate mau 1 had nothing to g'aitu 1 never consented to his death, never! nut, sir, perhaps it ts better I should die. My agony ts that uiy kind mother aud sisters should suffer on uiy ac count. May God comfort tlieui." 'i he pris oner wept Uitteriv, and ail wiiliiu the cell join ed in ht-< grief. Mr. Prestou responded, "Peter I must bid vou farewell —at this time to-morrow, jour j>ir it shall have fled to the world of win eh we know so little. May God, in 111* infinite mer cy, pardon our offences in tins tyorid. 1 a gam say 1 do not tiiinkyou ate a muidefer. IHny with you to the j laee of execution my express ed' Opinion that you are the victim of that be wildering excitement too oftcu produced by in toxioatiou. The kiudness aud tenderness of your heait, I have uever doubted. May God pardon you, and give consolation to your un happy mother and family. In 'his world we ehuil uever meet again—farewell!' The eouusel again embraced his client, and amidst the audible sobs ot all present, took his final adieu- Long before the time fixed for the execution of tho wretched criminals, a line of men and women poured towards the prison. Notwith standing lb" positive rule that no persons <*x- f cept such os were provided with ticket* of ad j mission should be permitted to go inside the | wall.*, there was a large crowd gathered about to? gate, and all sorts of pretexts were inveni led to obtain admission. There was a strong j police force on duty both vrithin and without - the walls, and serious disorders wre prevent ! Ed hy their Cropps has left the following brief note in : the hands of the clergy, with a request that it j should not be opeueu until after hi* death. Jt was written at 9 o'clock, this morning: j "It was ®e that lmt Bigdon, but 1 hav? rc | penfed of i." THE KXtCCriONS. I'y si.x'o clock this morning, no less than 39,- j 600 people had crowded from every portion of the city and from various points in the eoun'ry , toward the jail. Every street, lane or a 1 ley leading in that direction, was thronged. They were male and female, old and young. The hill which ovei looks the j ill and the neighbor ing roofs were first filled with people, and by ten o clock hardly a Inot of standing r->oin was ivacant 1 he cloudy weather, the rain, and toe dismal aspect of things generally i-us of doors, did not j lister the eager multitude. AG the criminal* exhibited remarkable com posure ami firmness on the scaffold. LYopps led in hiiig'ug a hymn, in which all joim-ii on th" Mjaffold. Gaud.rill deviated, in clear arid lon-t vo>-:--, that lie was innocent, typhus a!- h<* innocence. Gropfi* merely *ail, in a Strang voice, "Good-byu to D. Gorne ssiu, 'i'ne f.reiiuiuiarie* vere then repi-ily arrr.ngv-l by the Slier'ff and !.i* as.-is'a.-t-. j I '"C drop fell at precisely 7 minutes past elev en " clock, ami flm- t!ie ..nir criuiiuai* were 1 'OOehe-l ou the dark aod unknown s<-a if eier nuy. There wa* r>o disturbance whatever. A liUKO. Mis* I Lr'.oc, iu a recent work, relates the following interesting anecdote : At luo b"tie>-! M<)tji uiirail, a young officer, i>aiiied Jiur"*'> !, c* anced ;o be in attciidanco on tii>* I'jiuperur at >ue luomeut when it became essentia! to di-patch an order to one of ihe Generals of Division: at.d Napoleon, lustily ; suminorniig him to bis ride, gave him iuatrac ■ t ion.* to ue'ivvr it witbimt delay. nerr'o-r y —arreif nor yon liorsCrSire," ;ho storety -a-'l ; "for 'h A ir is nut momcn' to | !,>*., and r.-t-ir-i *r once to report to me that !my oid* ! r •• i> l-f eu promptly > bereft.*' Durosier goiloi-ed < ft airu-t a shower of sliot an.i sh-!i*. ;.-.<) wi'-'irt a quarter >• >n hoar, ie" war ikg.airi ioide uoeror. Hi* dut-- was pei for iiied. ! "1 ou have behave ;w- !', monsieur," said ' Naruico-., v.hvu h>" bid received his report ; • ye-u have a stout he-it and a clear hew.l, ibuiigii you arc s:iii only t youiigster. 1 give you a Gaptain's brevet, an-i attach junto mv J person. What i* your name ?*' , "DuroMcr, Sire." I "It eeems taiuiiiar lo inc. On what c-cca j si"n havu 1 before heard it | "1 w.i* the Go"; ik-1 or the boy bvttallion, j your majesty." "Ah ' 1 remember. Well, that, is an ad ; ditional reason wny L sh ui-i attach you to mv j persoo !" i "It is too late, Sire," murmured the voting ! soldier. "Too iute, Captain 1 urosier—and why ?" '•Sire, they have Hit tue," aud as he spoke, ihe withdrew a haudkerciiief, saturated with | blood, from the breast of hi- coat. '-All will {soon be • over— Viva /' Emperor, Vivi la I France j He reeled for n:i instant i(t bis saddle, and then fell heavily into the arms of an officer who , had sprung forward to support him. Ihi rosier was a corpse. "So young !—so young !-—and so brave ! and to die on his first battle field!" exclaimed the Emperor, as he bent down, for an instant over the body. "Poor boy ! poor boy ! Then setting spurs to ins charter, he gallop ed off, as if unable to linger over so sad a I spec l aide. — Fpisixf* is iti private life a t tyrant, uictbinks l>fe out g-> >d people, that tel ow w ird set you fuming a grindstone. When 1 sie a msii hoisted ir,'o office by party spirit, without a single qualification t, reuder bioi re epce table or ifleful, alas, deluded people you arc doomed fvr a m-ason to turn a grindstone for a betly. THE EFFECT IX El ROPE- The retrograde European journals all qtinto with great delight ttie recent exposure ot the ' corruption praised in our Navy Department by Messrs. Buchanan ami Toucy. Tee famous ; letter of "J. JJ." in particular, encouraging Mr. T u'eey .to jijj several taoasaud more for rates for Mr. Thomas if. Fiireuet, M. 0., in the friu of nil excessive compensation for.steam tnaeuiuery. is especially welcome to these ene mies ot uui*ers:.t suffrage and popular instito ti os. S;e, they exclaim, to what results the j republican system roust surely lead! Bribery and corruption Bom the very head of the Kx j ecutive, who puts his own sign unfiuM to the most retching transaction, down to tho most ufii -iai ageut. ■ ()f course, with such a bugbear, tint English conservative cm successful!)' iesi.*t every effort to popularize the subject in that ; kindgdom. ihe Pro-Si .very Democratic par 's' in fins country thus exert a fatal influence abroad as well as at home. Mr. Buchanao and bis compeers not only inflict a deep disgrace on their own country, but add strength aud weight to the shackles of the people in Europe. In stead of an example of .Liberty toother nations, j A luetics is new the scarecrow of despots and ar ; ivtocracies.—-Y*. Tabune. S What President Buchanan has done in dcfi j unco of the will of the people, s expressed through (heir accredited ropte3euit>tives is ibr cibly pui iu the following extract from u Har : ford paper : "When Connecticut repudiated Isaec l'oucey, | Mr. Buchanan took him into the o.binet. "When Michigan repudiated Lewis Cans Mr. | Buchanan took hint into the (Linnet. "W hen old Berks repudiated Jehu Glanoy Jones, Mr. Buchanan tewarded him with a mis sion to Austria. "When Indiana repudiated John Petit, Mr. B uelncan made liiut ('hid Justice of Kan -BUS "When lowa repudiated George W. Jones, I Mr. Buchanan offered him a mission to Bo ! >tu - r "When Jowa repudiated Augustus Csesar i Podge, he was made Minister to Hpain. : "When the pi o-slavery party faded to est ah , li-h Slavery in Oregon, Mr. Buchanan made its j leader the 1 . District Judge." j Mr. PuUttp coming huuie isle, 'pretty full, , finus the walking slippery, cud exclaims • Y --ver-very fbng'lai ; wli-wln-never water freescs ■ it alius fr-freeeos with the sl-slippery side up ; dem'd singular. A pret'y woman is like a great truth, or a great happintss ; and has no more right to bundle herself up under a green veil, or any similar abomination, than the sun has a right to put green spectacles on. Servant : 'What kind of sauec will you have, Mr. Blitkins V Biifktns : 'I don't allow a servant, to give me •: any kind of sauce.' An editor down ort thinks children's g*me r becoming popular with elder persona now a-days as tic !tas seen several gentlemen eha • iug 'hoops* in the streets. Jerry Biggs lemetuhercd his miserly unclo | in his will, tor he bequeathed 'to my mothers j brother a gnn-9int,and a knife to skin it with.* Of all raithly music that which reaches th farthest into heaven, is the btwing of a loving heart. ; 'My d**r wife, I wish you would try to keep ' your ieißper'—*My dear husband I wish you w> u!d try and get rid of yours.'