BY DAVID OYER. 3gncfv3?> For the Inquirer. OI R AI, ME. Romping. playful little cv -ture ; 11 osy eh-' -Us, and eyt .. And to liuger long entreats you I. KCO MPT OX STATE CONTENTION! TRIi MPH OF THF. OFFICF. HOI.DFIiS Lor, Packer Kepudialed. VROTECTIOA" IGNORED— REIE.YUE TARIFF .'IPPROVED ! THE ITIIRTY MILHJON CUBA PRO JECT COMMENDED 1 THE MiTiONS! < HARIUSEURG, March 17, 1859. iianisburg has been thronged for several •lays. Collectors, Surveyors, Post Masters, Contractors, and their swarms of hangers-on have been here by platoons to regulate the lio '•ofoco party. It was of little consequence who should be nominated for the Smtc offices to be filled ; for but Jiitlc hope is entertained of the success of the ticket ; but i: was impor tant to Mr. Buchanan and his office-holders ••hat his Kansas, Free Trade nnu Cuba policy should be endorsed, and to that end the efforts of the faithful were directed. When the delegates cumc here fresh from their constituencies, a very large majority were in favor of conciliation, uuiou and harmony — they were willing to allow differences of opinion on dangerous, questions and lend their best en ergies to consolidate the party and give it suc ees, if possible. But this did not suit Buch anan arid his adherents. We arc within one year tf another Presidential nouiinatiou: and t the lost of utter defeat, Pennsylvania inu-:t be kept in the leading-strings of the South.— It the Convention had been froe from Presi dential interference, there would have been harmonious action between the Buchanan and ait; Buchanan wings. A platform free from off-nce to either would have been adopted— and Packer would have been endorsod generally, and the party would have started in the coming contest apparently united, at least, and could have made an earnest struggle to redeem the state. But Mr. Buchanan seems to be con *ivent only in the unmingled bitterness with wtiich he pursues those who do not yield blind obedience to bis administration, and be prefer red to stand, with the empty bauble of an en dorsement, upon the wreck of bis party, to •eeiqg that party united and vigorous ami uc kn wiedging other gods than himself. 1 be national office-holders changed the whole curreution. 1 counted some twenty of tbeni— A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, tlie Arts. Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &e—Terms: Que Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. . comm?r.emg with Collector Uakei", au*l Maval Officer McKibbiu, and coding with Bi'ly Mc , Mullin. chief shoulder-slriker for the 4th ward, i In addition to these, a cloud of contractors and > expect acts were on bands, ail demanding the 1 special endorsement c!' Leaomptonism and the other loading features of Buchanan policy.— The nnri-Lcoompton men weie choked down from the rery outset. They tried to make tiio . delegates faee iljo music by a direct vote for P. e-ii'Tt of tbc Convention , but that did not accord with the Distractions from Washington, and that importaut post Lad to be filled by t> c immittee. AgiD, when the committee on ; resolutions Lvl to be chosen, the auii-Lccomp ton men demanded that the delegates from each , Senatorial district should select one member cf j the committee, si that ther** should be a fair | expression of the sentiment of each district, | but that also wis voted dean. Hon. Arnold Piunier, who has a so* i": office under Buvii n- I an, WJS undo THE permanent President. His sp-ceh, t? taking the chair, bad been prepared for liitn in a caucus cf office-holders, and, not j being familiar with the hand-writing, he re-ad it v.itU extreme difficulty. Bat he did tbe work . the ciinmis'.r-'tiott wrhout faltering. ila packed the cmtcitfees and did the bidding 'of LI- nus'ers r-s if I c hid been well used to fit 'l' p • 1 But even a p-e'sed committee on resolutions could R it be brought to swallow the platform of the 1 ffice-botders without much hesitation, jT: c} wee in private session over two hours ! before they could all be whipped in , and while they were out tbe Convention had several speech' One was d' livered by a lad iiitned j Saowden—en office-holder, iI saa i-f ar. oSdo-Lel ler. He dec'ireu idme I. ' for nailing the flag of to Cuba and Free Trade—was opposed t:> eon ; ciliatien or contf pomfse wi'.h traitors. H- was followed by Hagus, of Sorner s et, who gave the : boy some wholesome advice and brought dawn j the Lonse frequently by bis happy hi*?. He , Hta'id that if the policy laid down by Scow-Jen prevailed, the delegates would have done I themselves ;ud the .State more Ciodit by giving to the poor the money trey were expen iing to come 0 II arris burg to uomiua'e a ticket. This ! sueecb urettv vff,;ct'j*l!y sdrneed the insolence jol tb° ofnee-bolders, and no one coul'. be got to defend their pel toy. FmnUy Professor Gar diner, the o:p-;tiau, who vends his goisls on ; the streete an t cracks stale jokes to the boys, w.;s prevailed upon to cutertam tbe convention, lie opened in a speech approving the Nitiana! Administration generally and his sosp in par- Ocular, •! ccuitnesaed both to the f*vcr j consiacreiioa of the public. Altera secret session of over two hours the committee ou rcsoiutico? reported. TL :y ! declare their "unit a ted and fuil confidence in the rairoutii integrity ami capacity ol Joints 15'teiiaaa:;"—ties' endorse, 3J the broadest terms, bis Kansas policy, commend his Utah j campaign and Indian Wars—next the gteaf i qaeMioa of Protection is dodged by declaring iu favor of the "protection of iron and coal I and the industrial interests of the State, within ' the scope of a Tariff for necessary rivenue ! n-xt tiie purchase o: Cuba is cotuujcndcd, which | is an approval of the startling proposition of the President to lake §30,000,000 for that purpose, when the treasury is utterly bankrupt ! and a heavy Darioual debt loaded upon tie — ■ next Senator Bigier is endorsed for betraying j the people of iho State on the Tariff and on the Kansas question. At this stage of the pto j ceediogs, the autt-Lecompton men found that i the office-hollers Lai determined that Gov. Packer must be totally ignored, for his name oid not appear in the resolutions. Mr. Lim j bcrtoc, of Daupiiiu, offered the following as an ; additional resolution: t Resolved, Tbst we tppiove the State policy ;of Gov. Wm. F. Packer. His just exercise of j she veto power has been fearless and Demo cratic, and Lis administration of the affairs of our Commonwealth and the execution of the t 1 iw, commands our commendation. It will he seen that the Packer rendu!ion did j not refer to Licotnptou or auy of the other issues upon which (tie office-holders and Gov. Parker split; hut simply endorses bis State i policy. Kvea this small boon was not iu the Washington programme. Aknotot Collectors, Marshal. .4, P. st Masters, & •., counselled be hind the Speaker's chair,and the resolution must be voted down ; and forthwith the edict went forth aud was obeyed Lumlicrtou, llugu ..and others stood up boldly and warned the majority of the fatal consequences o f attempt i irjg to discrace the State administration when • its only crimo was c consist ant devotion to the principles which elected Air. Buchanan; bu ! j madness ruled the hour, and the resoluiion was lost, 81 to 37. Douglas, Saaaom, Stable and Myers, of your Senatorial district, all voted I with the majority. Ssusuin, though an avowed anti-Lecomptou mn, is one of Mr. Buchanan's post-masters ; Douglas is an ultra Leoomptouite 1 and voted consistently ; and Stable, of Adams, is a candidate for Senator next fall. It is i worthy of notice 'hat the first man who voted aguiust the resolution, endorsiug Packer, was ; Mr. Acker, of Sahylkill, who was pardoned by j Gov. Packer last summer and thus saved an im prisonment Jor Libel! 1 iMr. Collins offered the following resoluiion, which the President of course ruled our of or ■ der: Resolved , That, in the opinion of .this Con vention, the Republican wills elect their ticket I next fall by 50,000 majority, i Tho Convention then renominated lion. ii. ! L. Wright, of Philadelphia for Auditor Gene ral, by a vote of 89 to 27 for Jacob Zcigler, jof Butler, and a few scattering. Hon. John : Bowe, of Frauktiu, was rc-uommated lor Sur i veyoi General by acclamation. Mr. \V rigbt is just suited to the emergency—just the man to ! be defeated, for nobody will regret it particu ! iarly hut himself; but Major Kowe i in bad ' company, and tho inevitable defeat that stares BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1. 1859 i liiiij i'i f|t Leo Um als w'.tll puSf ; five disl)on-;f. Hi? opposition to the Lecomp j i-jZ policy of Bat hiDsn Jus been ft ctlff ac-1 j boldly avfied, and re 0055T sLuii upon the ; office holders' platform, when all h's as?oci i stes Lave tear) ignored aid it,suited, without adding disgrace to disaster, fiic defeat be caaaor avoid—it is not bis fault that the party canuot elect him; but. lie eon savo his honor and Lis eelf-respect—will he Jo bo? Lj,jk out for a lively campaign. Last fall, the anti-Lecoiupton meu were merely inactive; now t lit y are putting on their armor to carry !t:e war into the office holier'* camp. Foru ; ey's Press has the following significant notice in 'he same issue (bit reports the proceedings of the Convention: 4< l: becomes the g r> d men of the Demoera!- iu party, outraged au-1 iu-uited by the recent Aumhiistratb.u fVtiventiou at Harrisbttrg, to '•' , luatcadef counselling union aud harmony, u- !• y '- rture-l .or svh'tn and war. i*- c-!i!. obj. ct seem? to bo t;;e dv.floatk.u iii James iiucbjucß; aud, that accomplished, ti lb> Vuin.y BUf i • sod, by the adopti :i a striug ot lulsome rtsolutKuis uverfi-rwiua wi'b craft ind Isiscuoou, ihey flung Uotvn th. g-iagc vl battle to tbe uuii-Lecomptuu vir.a •: t.A party, aud tiurtvd tutir uuatLemas ?gj.u)st tbe Stale Executive and ev-ry other democrat who .refused to accept the test, aud bow the knee to Baal. This guage of battle w;- accept. We regret | the necessity which forces us in'o tue strife, ; but cauuot see this ruthiees attempt to strike ■ down our party and our {rincipiea without ma ! king hu elfort to avert the blow and prevent j the catastrophe. Nor will the effort be a fee hie one on our part — tor, whatever may be our strength, we are engaged in a just cause, vet eraus ;ti war, inured to h i!, uuo uoappulled by danger. A phalanx like ours is invincible— aad when the scurvy uirsy c: beggair, who carry over their heuus the (iisorganizi?>e ban ner of Buchanan, shall be scattered like chaff" before the common enemy, oar ranks will rc | main unbroken, and the banner of Democracy , will float over us untarnished and uniorn. We Luvc suid ;t. Wo accept the guagc of j battie thrown down Ly the disorganizing Con vention ot the ltith. >\ >;■ con iive ueuh?r as sociation nor sympathy with traitors. ihe Conwu*ton ou the ltaih did i:oi rtp-rc sent the Deuioeralic sentiment of Peutisyiva i ma. li mutely represented dir. Buchanan aad : his policy, li IT S, iu reality, a meeting ot Federal office holders, their friends and depen dents. The Custom House, the Navy Yard, the Mint, tne Post Office, in Philadelphia, ana the small not offices out ti it, poureu in their delegates*; ud these, added >o the number cl" • siient partners in gove.omcut aootreeO, aad huugry expectauts, composed ;Le hulk of the majority, uud governed every movement. From the degree of ferocity displayed in consummating their sanguinary purpose, this assembly of ueiegste* might aptly oe termed a "Slaughter- House Convention." For their perfect obedience to his commands, tue ITesi uent owes them ;.u immense debt of gratitude. How jubilant iLie old Pio.-msuT* heart wul bo as lie glances over the proceedings, and sees the determined spirit in which his injunctions were obeyed. Bui lei him not r.-joice too soon. 11 is satel lites have accomplished much—they have dis tracted the Democratic party —hut they huvo no; yet beaten it. i'tloy tried the same game in Illinois, and filled. Them the tciiurl office holders were to a uiuti arrayed against Douglas and the De mocratic parly. Au office hokums' Stato Con vention was held, aud candidates put into the tielu uu the iiLCouiptoti platform. Money from ! the public treasury, aid iu every shape from Senators and Cabinet officers was extended to the disorganizing fiction—hut the Demonacy of the btatc was true to principle and Mr. Btt ohauan nud his office holders were overwhelm ed. tic it may be here. So it will be, il tbo Democracy ot Pennsylvania, like the Deuioo -1 i ucy ol llliuois, will he true to principle and \ fliakt vff from its shoulders the federal adiuin | istratlon. 1 her- is uistca to encourage us :ri an effort t"> reßeu? lh party from the peril iu which b id RivC would place i". The comci-nigncs* of Ic ing rigid, ntid the knoTlodse that nothing but u square cutting loose from the federal aiirain istraliou will pre-crve our priccipie* and save us frotr annihilation as a party, ought tO nerv* ( us for he contest aud inspire us wiui hope of : prcscot, and certainty of future success. Tt is notour purpose to speak cf individuals jin tby iaie Couvcntlon; but we cann"t let the ■ occasi! a pass without declaring rha? the conduct 1 et li;o presiding officer, whose whi e locks and reverend appearance gave Lope of bettor riiinc*—was oharacterizod by the grossest uu ' fairness. If Le was chosen for that purpose, he { isfed Lis paart well; otherwi-o he dis graeefj position both by the utter ignorance *)f his dimes urvl his want cf cquDv th rough ot*. Hit Idj'juriiiitehi of fougresS—\T!ta( was, and wb( was not 'i 'l3 extremely mixed nature of our dispatch es frojiji W ashtogfoD, tit the eloso of the session ; on Til.-* jay, utterly prevented any itifelligil!" , iuca oi what had really been — In oom®-iri wi:li many of onr vonteiupoiarics, we uiiderstood that the pus**?,* of the Pom Office -Appropriation .Liiil wDh us increase o the rat&j of postige, ljj<] beco receive *, but we are gtad to fir' 1 !t>at wo were ill error. It was I Ufion this bill instead of upon the Miscellaneous Appropriation hill, that Mr. Broderick revo,- . ted, and the whole thing weal ly ih boaxa i he following tills wer**. raised ; i,, .. ■$ ri..iia:y v;.v: appropriates 515,500.0C0 Nava' wr iae: approjuiaie-> JO.yOOloftO Inilisn >• rvicf: apor 1.797 ,3t>S l'ension service; appropriates umii.ovt j l.:xbt&u|Kti service: appropriates 530.000 I-bin 4 (i'anama) Mail i-ervieo 364.000 j N Oc*ua Mai! from (Jtinrieston 10 Havana 200.000 j ami Consular 1,047,745 : l.v. ci'se cf I-ve-iigaiing Committees 10.000 ali-cc ianeoos amount very large The Ttriff bill was kill J Ly the prrsisteni efforts 0; Mr. Phelps, , f Mo., (F,airman oj (he Boiiiiirirife of iVays and Means, who irisi-ieu upon carrying cut the wishes of 'he I'res.cen', gt xii and by las b'okiqgjiow renosylvank Lemocirats—aullcriag ll'c Treas ! ury Note till to pass. The Cniia thirty million ; tciiemc lies dead upon the Vies President's | tabic, while the Homestead bill was smothered jin the Senate. The franking privilege 13 not I abolished, and rot a single measuic of reform 1 bus been adopted. Tf PresiueLt's formal ■ 'vinand tlr.t li bo cloth: I Lv Congress with p./wor 0 ieisd ircops to Sl.xieo, ' > i'Lr/sT j America, Sc., to protect Amcrijaa iatcjoMa ! and upon any of Transit Routes thai m v at any tim ■ obstruct': J, was not •ve. to ;era Ly c-a r Hou-o 1" r Oevau IAIT S.ea: 1. , cr bill w. s kil cd ia order to secure votes for • ■ Treasury Note bT, aud thus President iouchauHii swai'ows all his iadigcatiou aim i ••' pledges in regard to reform, ;0 > leaves j PoiiHsy lvuoii and the Pest office Department |to struggle oa as best they may, because i Northern D-inocrat? < n the oua baud, aiid the* I South on the other, respcoively dctuatiied aad ' refused to coucede eacu other's interpretation !of Democratic principles.— Ruff- Express. | A correspondent of the tvo Francisco N ; tiooal, writing from the mines, relate? the fsl i lowing singular r:cii:c:: "The continuous formation of goli in tL:s ' region is no" uiiirequeotly maintained by men \ who have practical observance of results which favor such assumption. Recently a common ] axo was dug up, having probably lain for five : years in the red earth which is common to this ' r ecion,!in j its entire surface exhibited Su g-Md : deposited upon i f , the iron was, of course, very much rusted. It U assorted by abic analyti ! eat chemist?, that gold can Is obtained from ' all the earth and rocks found within the gold 1 belt. The future of California, as a mineral ■ country, is no longer problematical, the ex ' hsustioa of placers only is removed to a I-'-ng ! period, wbiic the development of gold in so ruiiiv of the geological formations seems to de termine tho fact that it is only a question of i time when science will be the assistant to the present rude methods, and the nprra'ions he j conducted upon principles that arc positive 1n i their results. A CUTE YANKKE. —EarIy one morning the scholars of -f oar uist.iit schools wore agreeably surprised lo find upon tho outside dcor, "No Scule," and the most of thorn made preparations to enjoy the holiday, not dreaming but tj9t it was a genuine order. U appealed, however, that a roguish youth, a lover of mischief more than his books, had written in large letters the joyful new s. "No was the notice posted up— tho i-tea we onucratacd, but tho spelling was hid. The afternoon brought all together, end i" the stern visage of the master enough was eeon 'o con vince us that all was not right, and now camo the tug of war. He soon ot'ttereu the Loye to appear before his presence, nuci one by oue, criticised our spelling, as far as the word school was concern ed. They stood the test until the here, with comic phiz, made his appe ranee, who, with con fidence, distinctly said — "S-c-u-1 ■." The master took bim by the collar,and with a joyful expression at tho success of the ruse, laid on tho biroh right merrily. The to is uo fortune so good but that it ny be reversed, and none so Had but it may ho bet tered. The sun mat rises in clouds may set in splendor, and that which rises in splendor may set in gio UJ. Mq-1" IcwTitt VriU From the Germantoxcn Telegraph. boxe mr, Mtt. EDlT')R:—Much lias been published of Lite in our agricultural publications in commen dation of bone dust, as a manure. 1 have no doubt that it will, upon a fair trial of its mer its, in* found f'li.y to merit the eulogiums Le stowed up o it. la cue of Lis recently publi6h ed woras, Mr. '*. \V. . ohnst-n bag fuHv detaou stratcd the value of (he article, and remarks, in Pabstiuce, tha; the experiments hitherto mude ior tbe purpose of testing the value of bone manure, tor agricultural, have bee:; most successful ou soils comris rd mostly of dry • ud light sands, chalk, limestone, light loams, aud pes!. Iri some-few cases its application to wet, heavy lands, has bec-o productive of tx cclicnt results; but t ia i.a.-* rarviy occurred, and only,perhaps, when the season was remark ably dry. Li this ejerury, it lus been cu-t<"- mary to mix the crushed t*oue°, or cust, with cartii in the proportion of fif'y bushels of the former t five loads of the latter, or forty bush- five k-ade of iurg. Whtu it i it* be p --ph'd ?v 1 nds long uep.utureil, r-ad it, which, the quan i'y of vegetable mrtfcr is alnndatt, ua prcvior.i feruicu'afion-o; the Lotus rppears to !.o essentirily necessary. The in re dec< lU poßabl • humus a sr-il contains, the more readi ly and efficiently will the bones act. I: apply ing Ms Fpeeies of stimuiarr, no diSniro t r precise rue can be laid down; ve.y tnucb de pends upon tlm quantity to be applied ia order io reinstate end estubli-h the vsgctstii-e -?>f*rirv cf the cv-i. ai sii 1- erad, and the quantity grade?itd, as nearly as UMkJI LJ, by the deuiriiti. The following M|- ge.riions, however, it ru-.y be well to consider. In :.ll CV-SCF, and under every possible niodi ficatiea of circuß, the finer 'HE IJUCS sr.', the tß.oro iiuu* *dia!e aod cpparcut w: , Le ibtir tffects. Crushed LUE'B act upon. hc soil fcr a period proportionate to their rizo. la the Former's (London) Gazette, i: is ju'cd 'bat "O i turnips, oats, baney and wheat, iLe q"ar.- *• > aprlit-d has been from "Jo to 30 bushels per acre; tm pwsture ; -nil from Jo to 40 bushels of b no dust, ia the spring. Toe best mode of application to hoed crops, is by the drill, with the seed. Iu no >t European countries, so highly is this manure esteemed that, after Lav ing exhausted ala>ust every other source of supply, recourse has been had !o tbe battle fields for ihem, and vast quantifies of human bones Lava been exhumed aud appropriated to the wants and uses of agriculture." 1: bus been customary, of io'e, in sor.:? set' tiot?, to dissolve the bones in sulphuric acid, before applying thorn, u..d m. uy who i rve tiied the experiment, speak of this incde cf applica tion r-s preferable to all other's. It seems, from a recent publication, tb-1 a Mr. P. D;ii<, of Milton House, P mbridge, Hertforshire, England, Ins a ;gcited before the "Agricultur al Monthly Council.** that with reference to the s'iggc-stioiis c: i Mr. I'usey, relative jo apply ing bene dust previously dissolved in sulphuric* aci;, in uuicn rith compost instead of w.tcroc the turnip crop, that Le can continue Lis i-iea, having manured two aor.s wim only thirteen bnebcis of boos dust,dissolved in twenty-seven pounds c f aci i, an i one hundred and fifty gal lops of water. P was permitted to stand twen ty-four hours, the liquid being subsequently mixed with tutee OKIE ioUA or COB! ashes, and then applied to the soil after tne Upre cf a week, otter which period it w-a too or three times stirred. The ri clotbcs the surface of the soil wherevr none manure in any of its mo hficu forms is nppMed. Thrre are probat ly few principles in uu - ure more potent or powerfully energetic, Yuan phos phorous in uli its forms and states of existence and we have consequently formed the opinion, thiit phosphorous, iu conjuctian with the liwc— VOL. 32. NO. 11 jit may be in the state of j fjospb >nV acid gag j —is l lie chief nr principal cause of the vigor j ous end reduudaut developments ot vegetation which succeeds the application of bone*, as a i manure, to the soil. \\ e advise every person ro save all the boh* s tfiat accumulate around his e.stai'lifti.u: nt tod apply them to his lauds j and cr< i<. jj. REMAIIKS.—The eagiast. AND WE think the : wore economical j 1 n of -['plying hones to tin ; soil, would be in our opinion, mtreiy target ; tin:m crushed aiad ground very fine, then to sow • them broao-c ist ov- r .be or uiir. in con.* p. St. it •" s are a more jiov.crft-l stimuUat to ' all cr ips thua any other manure of equal weight ' iuo Luis. FirotiTs shot* iLy el! means gatli.. r-r all the GD their j.r cmla.'s, and by no means pe trust ''bene gatherers ! to pre wi around their yards and funus, guttieiiog uti-J sending | thetti iff to Luror-e. As vrll might wo permit j them io take away our manure-pile, as allow a more va/ntble article 'o he Bbsfrtcied front cur b')irinstead*. i>. li. G. TUliiF COHNEKKLf HY A UOKsE. A yonsg inr.n Lamer A Jaui Rokehart was detected inhering arcciid the M cnigan Oi;- tral depot yesterday, wa'abed, umics lbs suspicion that be ••.-rc'.-ied o steai. The sue p'ciutis were correct, as be was seen to appro priate a .maple of ivx skins, and bJ..g pursued, • was couipctied to take to ht i.-eir. tie dodg er arc-trad among ...e oars una buildings, ard i ?iaa in a r-ir v. ay to escape, when tie hr, petted up. a an *olgct isi v. Lota lie link* suspected. iltts w~s r.o f-l-i vvi.he hc-r-e ttl' Driog to the .premise.-', whose main peeujktity i a neural j sciu:;y <■; dispo.--. ;.-a, which inclines Liai to ■ use Li- teeth, iia.e an overgiowa liner cat. ;'• '-u l "C t Li-1 f'proiicticii be made u savage j spring at iiius, end drove him into a shop near ! by, where he kepi hi.n cornered until the pur suers secured him. I. is pirj iiged to invest the old horse with a detective s i<>r in huiicr tf his ; sclkr* meat iu thkf taking.— odroit Free ' i Press. V. AsjjiNGx x 2-ociexy.—The special our • respondent of tlo N. V Tim s writes as fcl- * ; l*>ws concerning the Sickles and Key affair : 'l f-ar tLo inctdstits preceding this truly tuCiaUciiois, are tart ..n illuotratioD of t e demoralise'i ccnditlou cl the fashionable sou-Ay here. It is not en uncommon thing for fcr men and women holding 'ha very highest position, to he the subject of .-e..nJai :*s we'll t.tunded £s tbuc of .'lis. Sickles and K?v Among '.i.e n.iiu > titus used arc these of for eign ministers of the highest class, the wives of Setutors and Jftepresontativ *s, end older equal ly distinguished of loth sex.;. It uiaybe well s. id that if the elite .t the Federal G'spi t"! aic t! us e-.-.-x- less of tAe licentiousness, -nd so regirdless of he common decencies of even outward nioivlity, i it we!! for the coun : try 'bat iL basis of society is iess caltiv;ttsd end more humble. Tuk liixstEie Ojl Lad?.—THE Boston Traveler g : re? the following bit of Washington go-sip: "Mr, P. ,of Xorr York, the wife of a ImsecJ manufacturer, wore to tha i\apier b-.:L diamonds value Jut §IOO,OOO, and iaco wortis §II,OOO. Her heavy tiara -vd tteck ijce were wir iiy composed cf diamonds, ;-n diamonds r c.lshr T froui tar person. T! re are still 2y:ug miners of a duliLerato inter.'iott <""1 the part of Mr. 'a friends and relatives to avenge bis dastii in . auuituary' r. The K> ye Live always been noma as a high toned fight, but furfiid ir i:. Upon : e gfntiad after Key was shot, iihcrUirj.t- advanced and proffered as sistance, at the Same lium proffering his hand. Key coutcmpta-.ualy and indignantly refuted it, evjir.g —"! spun y u ir. desth.*' Mr. Sickles in rrir-d hit. wife wucn she v>B s;x'ton yt aid <ork the cradle. Men will wratigl* for iviigiott ; write tor it : fight for it : die for it ; actum,® hut itve for ir x