Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 18, 1859, Image 4

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Fturrl III* AgncuUvrxst.
Starting Sf.tds Early*
Itfev. Daniel Euu.*i>on. Summit CV.,0., wti'es
fliat be li :.-* been rtteoewful mi par on >
secJs au early star', in the fclluwiug manner. >
JI avirijr spßeted the quaii'My needed, < acu toil .
i-T tied bv itself it; a cloth, the u .ti-e l*?iu£ plaiti- i
ly written a .ij> ef paper, and itjehwjtl with I
the need. '1 be psckages are.then Lv.tied about .
ttrn Jeep in the gro :<), i>.tf a week or j
tsre." When n aJv to .t.•, the kinds needed j
for ptJttiit■,<* at ■ tokou ft' uj l! a hag* aitJ used, j
They will bo found to hare ?< H;-d, perhaps
G tou-.d, ri'i ready to grow. It* tie: grr-ur.u
.• ouid be quite dry, it is best to water tie dri is |
after dropping the* cJ, a a-J then eov* t :
dry faith. Mr. E, say s that by tots plat, he bus
never fail-J • o raise p! fr< m every seed ;
j! iuted, though wh n ; .1' <.u: tUy were i tten J
vprou'ed. I; e .cb seed is j i iced where it t*
wsuted if- .v, it iv.ii save the ia!"r of ibitt
uintf, ibfttgli u.oiy prefer tbiti t!•-: ir row--',
le-vu-g the n prondceot j 1 mts to grew.
CtTTixo GBAITS.— Fot the Norhern ft.d
Mid-lb. -States, : e present is a g'-ad tnot.sii t\
'U'tiug -cL'.s. I' it is intended to rropogate
currant bushes to gCQ.-elcrnes, tike cuttings
now before ! sap starts, r.tid lury thcai ir. sand
Ln t!iO cellar. And so- if grafts are w ntcd of
the aj pie or ; ear or cherry. let them be got soot
ati 1 either buried in ihc garden in a dry [l-cc,
tr, vtLa", is % ttor, be'taken into the cellar and
covered vitli da tup sua or moss or saw Jits'. :s i.< J. i ;i to kifp tlu rii just damp
enough to prevent il.eir sh; ivcliiig, and eclri
enough to prevent tic buds starting before thry
are w.tu'cd in >.he SpU In cutting scions,
retue tuber that' the wood of the last season's
grow.ii i- "! :.t.y its •, and thai it should be j
p'utitp :'ti] l eal by. After beinggathered, tie
each s-.u-t iri a bun h ■ by h-mli, and attach a la
id: to it, so- !',. .• ho inistak" sbsil occur through i
fnrgvlluln- -g pi nan o or mixture ut i-ri'.
15 -twcci '. tiui: a lid Spring, overhaul the
bundle? once or twice, to sec :It:i* they arc in a
gcid s'ate o." jrcstt V ltv!*.— I'K
MOCK APPLF. I'IK. In liii- AS in nnny sie
tions of the country, apples arc from their soar
city a luxury I t tie indulged m this Winter.—
Some were fortunate etougii to havedtied fruit •
itf ; ofi r. u !'!:!? ! spplo pies proj i h. prepared j
art pa!ai.t. j. In übscacc ( f these, h- vcvcr>
lite fnliowing answers pretty w< 11 .? we know: !
Take stale pieces of broad, v.:eh as ir gsu .11 y
•ate j fit 'iiJ.iin.r-, *nd cru-alJe thc-.u fice
Add !<> 0 C ."'J • f these rr'-.m! ? cuv ! Ul of !
warm w.tcr, <.ru* 11-RSJ oonful t-irtat C ■._■ ID , AND
• agar ayd n.-.orJing to t Eake n- -
ci.,dy you v;Jlus rj j.'i. ri- - .- Vt.
Pi>: '• AKI s. lbe bcii '.!.0 ! ,if cooking lice,
that is to cur las'e, u .1 an rx •client break fist i
tn or dinner desscit, U the lolioivirg. Boil
tne rice s ft, and v.Lib; warn; ur.kc ii iuto C <•.-
■cued bills, say an tmh ihi-.k .:;d 3 inches in .
dimeter. wanteJ for n-e dip the bull",
in beaten erg ;.nd cock upon a greased gtiddlt
'he same as buekw'icit fl.t-jaclcs. li e thin
tiliu of gg cu the surface pre vctl rf ihc .bsi.rp
li'.n of gic-i~-e. ibr e..kts thus preiared and
eaten with 1 inter or sauec <•?' at.v kind liked
arc very 'ar fr wt: being "ivu to lit.
A HEALTHY AriiiCi.L i > Fuui> —\V Jo jrjt
i'tteud making our paper a journal < f dietetics;
yet e mean to itcoutuicitd 'lenitfy f.ioJ, if for
better reason, as a aie.rss of ruakittg Letter
farmers. (>t-n ckrs and puddings and grod
hare be n sufficiently used ia our household, of
late, to eoriv.ncc u that this grain is very nn
r:if us att-J healthful. The ebetuiats tell us the pure meal contains ni.ue mat HI ij fnr
linking bone end touseie and blood, than any
other vegetable saUtanco. In Kogland, a pro
ess has been o!cd for bolting the meal so
to toake .t ticarly as white as wheat flour. !, r
this cow tuode somes into general use, it wi'l
•ia much toward rocoratueti ling the meal to those
who have prejudices .<g ins', color 1
Tha author "f Rassela-, being once asked for
a d. auttinu of 'he word : vats," replied, (with
..h usual sarcasm when referring to Scotland.)
*• i* is n grain which horses are fed on in Eng
i 'tid, and m<n in Scotland"' A Scotchman
yevM-ut replied quickly: "And where will you
S".d -ueli hors's and such m'a! ' /J.
MITFINS.— i'i ese deserve "extengivc circu
latiua." VV c have t}-,? reccipc a< a special fa
vor from a lady friend, at whose talin ft', haic
> tijoyed some e;>p:tl -peci metis, made us
TO 1 quart of milk, ADD 2- gga well I cat -
M, A loti-p of butter half the MZ<- of au ecu,
and il -ar enough ?o make u stiff batter. S:ir in
lialt a t"ui yi it. 1.-'t thetnaland ut.iil per
f-ctly light, ac t ih n bait-.- on a griddle, in tic
rings made F.-r the purple. T'icse are iur>>:\
httips of tin three-quarters of an melt wide
nude iuto lings fruit 24 to 3 inches in diame
ter, without bottom—the ring being simply da
ce i o n a griddle, an 1 the batter poured in to fill
iv- ;a.
f JURE V\ i'lTb. Lt\t>, Ftcu til el an.l Spiriu
I Turpentmii ut In. Rrng imd itoA
"<*To rtp:
- ISA®.
ijliysiciati* prescription* carefuHy comoouri'l
oil, at all t'OUrs of the .iay , r ' at ;>. r
li..rry : H, Drugstore.
Anpnst#, 18'8.
F/NE (fidc-r Vinegar just received--also no.old
Oitidles Extra quality.
Oct. 1. A. 13. CHAVIfcH & Co.
Is jiuidisbetl every Friday morning, in Juliana j
Street, in tlu- white fiarm- building.
licurik optu silo l!;e .M t! gei
. ' U eUill, l.v
'■ If paid in advance, sl.r>o; wit! n tlie year,
and it i.'.'t paid w: bin tltc year, $2.50 will
i be charged. No paper discontittueil until all ar
| lOnragea arc paid—except at the option of the
1 Editor. Afaiu.l v- in notify a discontinuance will t
jhe tegtrded as a tow engagement.
.iUvertiMnif ../* t <>t ! seeding a square,(lo lines.)
j inserted three tiuit s for sl every subsequent in
icrtiots. ~~j c -tits. Longer oitt-s in the satnc pro
j portioh. Each fraction of a square couutni s .
i a full Square. All advertisements not specially
| ordered for a giv.n time wiH eotilinued until
: f"t-hid. A liber"! deduction will be made to those
who advertise by the year.
Jcb Printing n f ail kinds executed neatly and
promptly and on reasonable terms.
1111. 11. li. \illllMoH,
OF l.ancaster City, bite of f'hiladelpliia, wher n
he lias been in successful practice fot a num
:bi rot years, receive t his educ-itt'/n at the i>est Mvd-
I real Coih gc ia the United Stnta s, and bad the ix-
J perience and practice in the ditt'event Hospitals lbr
! several years, n member d' the Aualyticai Medical
Institute r f New Yolk, and late Surgeon of the
United States Navy, ranv titferx himself to the pul>-
i lie to att-'. "t any profession.'! calls.
lie purest medicines always on hand direct from
iin* best f.ahorut civ of oui cou'. iry, nod ti;e Bii
tatiiea! Ur.rd.'ns of the wo.ll. No jiatcnt medicine
; pKSerii.ed or rec caini'nd.d. Medicines used only j
which will act break down the constitution, l ut will 1
renovate the sy stem tVom all injuries it has sustain
, 1 ir-miner \ and diffi. j must be treat .1 u; n aualt tieal principies, .
which's to knot, .uad .'.scertaui what disease is. lis J
nature and eh meter requite knowledge of tin*
chemical constituents of every solid and fluid of the
human body ; tLecitangis tl.ouc solids and fluids (
; arc i ipaileof undergoing. To know what mcdi-i
cin-.sto em] 1 >y to cure diseases, requires a ferow- j
: ledg<* of the rhemic; 1 co: stituents ot ;.'l agents '
tr. i.laycd in mwiitine; a;id if we are in possession j
■ ! this kuowivlg", it is possible to cure any disease
; —noniAttit of how long st Hiding—and leave the
patient in a healthy and perfectly cured condi ioa.
Melancholy, Aberration. i>r that Et ite of elt ii'lion !
"and weakness vf t!;e mic I wiiieb renders persons in- j
j capable of enjoying the pleasures of performing the j
j duties of ii.'c ; Dvsp -psi.i; that distressing disc. se i
and fid; Icstiojer of health and happiness, under
| mining the constitution, and yearly carrying thou".
; scuds to untimely graves, can most fu.phutir. illy be
: cured. Hheumatism, in any f>r;n or condition,
j chronic or acute, w a minted coral lc■; Epilepsy or
; tailing sickn-.-s; till chronic and •cnbOoni cases ot
Female Diseases radical ;> removed ; S It Khcuin.
| and every description ■!' ulcvr-itions; Plies an 1
! Scrofulous Diseasts, which have iiufllod all previous
medical skill can K; cure i by mv treatment, when
the cot stittrtion is not exli."uist:.d.
Ido s y a 1 Jis vei (yes, Consumption ) can be !
2 S" f '(inter rnrcJ wit '.iviit the k.u/e-.
1 will remain in my flioe on WKDSKSDAYS V l
S.vrrnnvvv, from 9 o'clock A. M„ toaccoiu nodafe
• pitiei>ts from adist inc", and con ult in fh- English
; unci Get man language*. Will m;ko vein to ny
; disfane- if rccHired. My ic addresse 1 'y iet e-r.
Fulton Square, banc ;-t- i citr , Fa.
■ July 20. 1S' U .t
| W\\ FILL 1M! Vi i.\ j Ltl (eOOBS.!
t i sj. M. BIIOMAKEH r-'pcclfnlh !.{'g t. ]
'/• i.. ::" ill : i.e. : .us Irieiuls :t.d p.".'. ■ lha:
they 1. ve just r, irne : from the eastern (.'it: 1 , arid j
are ii' V.v epeuittg u.e : tb.c; best stocks ( goo f, .
Ili'it ever been I-.rought to Bedford, which they :
' will setl at r. wry small advance ; consirring hi j. izt J
' of a genera! cssortm i tot' Dry Goods. Boot % and
. Shoes, lists, Caps, Queens wore,, &;.,
' f ., 4 -:.
Also, a lirgc ass- rftn..:,t of Grace re t , sucii •.•
Syrup, ai • I i-.v.'S, White and Brown Surais, risk.
Cheese, Salt, Spteis, fed go, Coir Extract of
Coffee, C.tndl.s, Tar and Oil, Toliucro. rfe.. <ic..S-.
To good awl punctual custom -is. i a- lit . I six
| months be giv -n.
Thankful for p ;s? f v .rs. fliry hope to r-ceive a :
IPicr.;! ahai'e of pui lie patron<ge-
All kinds of piodntikeu in x-liiUtge f..r
' goods, for tvbieh the ' ighest taar'cet • tic s v.iii be
! pail.
i Oct. 22, 1858.
Ross FORWARD. (. If. (' CITHER.
Foriv-rtl & uai.iier,
\ T T 0 8 N B V S A T i I \i.
Bedford. Pa.
f> OSS POIjtWAUI), A Somer- t. •: ! O. I!.
A. i* A1 ill}■ jK, hue ■op- ri'i 1a I t\v • 'lit ■ 'JB. i
j ford, l\t. O. 11. f'AiniEU, iiaviag loci!.' J p.:-
I in&nently in Bedfor 1, will be assi tcl dining < v.rv
: Court by the form. r. All h i vutrase'-l u
i thcni w ; l! promptly ui 1 car dully ,iUettd • 1 to.
j Ofiko ju Jti!itr.a tirovt, two s-.iitb of I'.: > In
: qairer office,
j Dec. 31, lr*B.
'<!niinisfi\*for's :.slice.
LETTER 1 of Administration having het- sr.- nt
j cil to the bit! sirik. living in JSYpier Township, on
the F.state < f J. roes Smith, late of St. Ciair '!'•••
j ship; all persons indebted to said Estafe.uu uotiiiud
| to make payment innsu diately, an.l' t . .H.J Paving
j claims against flic same will preset t th m properl}
I authenticated fvr settlement.
Jan. 14. 1853.
3 da;iuistra i or 's 3."oiic e .
1" UTTERS of Administration having h •• n grmt-
J ftl to the iuhscriber, "living in West Providence
• {p.; on the Estate of Pet •rß, lute of West Towi ship, dve'd ail jmrsotis,
i themselves indebted to said e-stoto will make pay
j merit immediately,und those having'cl lira* azniust
the siuie will present them p-op.-rlv au'hetslicut :
. for settlement. JAS. M. BAIiNDOLLAK.
Jan. 7 ; 1859. A.;:. Y,
DR. :lAKRY,at the C.h a} i>rug ami Book
] Store, has just received, a lege assortment r>!
tiio lu st llavoring extracts, to/ether with Bale
; ing Sois, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, he., ol
. jh rery he; t quality, ail of which he will
j the lowest prices.
Br. F. ii Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
!>cipectfully tender* his services
IA. t m citizens of Bedford and vicinity, lie
i may a 1 wayß he found (unless professionally en
! gaged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana
j Feb. 19, 187.7.
" WE C . MAN,
1 ITT i) R') E V S T !, AW.
; \IfILL practice in tire Conrts of Fulton, Bedford
: !| and Franklin Comities. cm Muin
j Street, opposite) Sneer's Hotel.
September 3, 18,58.
t si inm:RSßi;ii<;,
: *-* Dealers in Music. au<L Musical Instruments*
J Our stock consists' of Books, Stationery. Mu
; IC, Musical Instruments, Wall papers, Blinds,
JFT *nch, German and American Lithograph,
; AND steel eugravings, gilt mouldings Flr frames,
i etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F.
Hurry is our agent for Bedford, and ULL orders
! .liven liiin will be promptly attended to.
March 7, 1957.
bebforb m
f IS Ii 1) I O K 15 /
•/?/ /r fhi n e sitop !
rplIF subscriber would most respt ctfuFy announce
J. to the tanning comumuSty, an<l public iit general,
j thai he stilt continue* to manufacture at his shop,
s ill Bedford, Pa., the following farming tiunsils, or
the very he; t material, IMIII ir. the uorfeman
j like manner, vii :
j Four ami Six Horse Tumbling Sliafi !
l'oner Maeliliics,
j with huge open cylinders, six staves, and spikes .
screwed in, and Improved Straw Shakers attached, i
■ Their superiors for strength and speed are not made j
i in this or any other County in the State.
l'oit! Horse Tant I ling Shaft ami Strap power Ma
| thine, with cylinder open or shut, as may lie de
sired, and shaker of the best kind, lor convenience,
ease of draft, and perfect working. This machine;
i has r.o superior any where. THREE HORSE
MACHINES, of the same kind. TWO AND
MACHINES, a very convenient and excellent u:a.
: chine for small farmers, v. ith or without shakers.
of a very superior pattern to any m use in thi(
i Pecklniisi'R New Fork FIVE-HOED STEEL
] CULTIVATOR, for working com, or seeding ii
j grain. Fanning Mills, Horse Hakes Lever Cutting
Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order,
j All the above articles constantly on baud, ait I
i so! I <n reasonable terms.
HEPjiIHING of all kinds of Machines, whether
; made herb or elsewhere, done on the shortest no
C -firings for ail my machines and Ploughs, ma<|e
at the Foundry of Mr. .Michael Batman, in Bedford,
and will compare with any nude in the Stale for
strength and durability BLJICKSMITHIA'G .loqc
jfo order. Al! my work war rented to give sat is fat -
i lion.
J From a past experience of twenty years in hie
! Machine business, i feel confident that 1 can give
j entire s .tisfaction to all who may favor me with a
1 call. Call and examine lry work before you pv
--' eh.iso elsewhere, as lam deteunined to please all.
Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber an 1 iron; \till
, be taken in exchange ibr work.
PEi'KB H. Sill RES,
i Machinist.
Bedford, May 7, 183A-8m
tpilK Ladies of Bedford and vicinity, arc invited .
1 t<> call and examine the handsome assortiECut
: of Fall ami H'intcr Gooili. now opened, and r -.idy ;
• r inspection/at tise B i.aA.ut.
• Consisting in p ir! >•: Robe aml plain Silks, C;sb- !
, mars. P .l! De-dr. vr r! Una ian i .ride -tiiped j
; DoLaitu KOIKS, fancy auM Bayadere Del. dies, ,
' French, plain and printed DeLaines, Opera Ftenticls '
Kng'isli and French .Merinos, Poplins, Velvehs, Do- •
3eigs, Er,Prints, America i and Trench Gi vliniar. !
English and Aim.ricui Prints, sirs',— t i
| variety such as. Lot g, Squ r>- and Ma ;I■. j
' C!"..:.-. —I ireultr. R orl :n and Man:ill
; —Ln'.sani C C. :.'!!e Sc .lb. i . . ;
Bri L-.i. \ -ivo,-', Sua, i, TulUt dSi k,Chai..ll, j
1 Straw and morning bonnets, fal.uilG Caps, Chsl- ;
I .Irons' .1 Missis" Straw ami ink Bonnets, Ladies' j
I iivSs 0 ps. Head-.!: , sms. Hi' h.'.;is. i'\ ..the; . Fl< v.-- 1
e.s- Fr : el: ;r. l \;r. ii -, -t: I Miiimerv
Tom.! 1!', |
J. i'i"B rL'-IDAI',I Li..
A harnl-ouie r.ssortlUc'tlt of Fr a a Set.-, C nl id, j
I 'Jldi l:tbs Sots, Fd_.; *..,c;'s, r IvUa'ri rgs \.j
i Il .siyry—Gloves—Shu; .•> —Perfumery- Jewc'ry, 1
1 and aa i-r.db.-jH variety of Fanev art ; -i s.
All of toe a .ve good-, hive been pmvhlrj-1 a! :
; prions to suit the tin;
l.oiics aiid examine for yourselves.
C . dry -rs supp'o 1 with ili hud of Milli- '
I'he Fnhlie w: 1 please accept Mrs. 11 D. Pinrcii s j
i hanks far the liberal patronage s!k has leceived.
Nov. 3. ISbS-
1 JjQh Oi l !
i\4 M f iM "CI tJ - 0.0 SI
l [.THOUGH the pr. specls of the Railroad an- !
JwL !!<>t fliitt-rin®. tb: fri'-n is ol that inter-;
hjve riot J: 1 a-. ire 9. of u'tim te sue- j
■-•ess. Hoping t i;.;t the people will see that it is not !
only to their interest to h tvs the road completed j
. so-ri as pr.ssih'f, l ilt that the; ghoul i hear in j
'■ 3ave just rcco'Ved i'r a the city, ;n I r.r • no'v |
peuing out at
i'lisi? Cash aid Produce Store,
i ! r*- "-sortr.i :i! ••{ Gessimer. s. Cloths. Prints,
iileich- d and auM ached Muslins, Ginghams,
Tee, Sag.:-, Sy • jo, > xt:a pulverized Sugar,
Gil -ese, ore., &0. I
Mi 0 witi';li wi.i iu .< >IJ on tie: most reasonable
t etuis lor cuj'i t.r prs.hi e.
.Nov. 19, 1858.
Bainsbar?, Pa.
JI til I Summer Term will op.-x Auguat sth, F..11
■I. form, October 21 -t, 1838, 1110! Winter Term,
Jiiiuar.v 18th, and Sprint; Term, April sth, 1839.
<'.reu!ai, with full particular*, may ISJ had of
W. W. BRIM, A. b.,P,incijat:.
Oi. li ilf tne tuition must he pud in Ad
r-.tnee. Students coming to this institution will
L.e .jftveyed from Bedmrd free of charge, on the
| I7;h of January, bj addressings letter to Mr. Sand.
| Williams, of Kainsuurg.
i Jtr ie -1, 1833.
Pli'.wlci'iiig Lathti!!
j -| :as STA'OEHSittaIEO having crectea
i. a Mil! for sawing PLASTKSIJIG LATIIS on HIS
in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now
i ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest
notice. Price 51.50 per thousand, ft long.
I Other luogthsin proportii n.
, Loiters id I • ::,:od to meat St. CliirsviiJ,.. will
i • •••,{• ♦mi-tlc attended to.
WM. (j RIF Pi Til.
U lion Tp., Peh. 10, 1834.—zz.
1 J<.B MANX, G. 11. SPAXG.
j AW a* AH TA' LUSIII P.—The undersigned
i .1 J hare associated themselves in the Praticc
i of the Law, an I will promptly attend to al btts:-
' ,less'intrusted to their care in Bedford and .vl
' j lining counties.
1 o.i Julianna Street, throe doors
! south ol Mongol oil tne and opposite the reri
' Guc.c of W ij. Tate.
WA.XN * SP \M •
June 1,-1851. tf.
Disiolfjlbu of Partnership.
j fIMIE Partnership heretofore existing and doing
j 1 business under the lirtu namo ot Bui clay &
j Garretson, has this day been dissolved by mutual
j cousent. l'he Books, 3sc., arc in the bauds of B.
. IV. Ganetsoii, who is authorized to settle tit:; lut
! siness of the late firm.
I Nov 1858. B. W. GARRETSON.
i>R- B. F. HARKT
RE3PKC1 lULLY1ULLY tenders his professional
services te the citizens of Bedford and vi-
J ciuity.
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the
ho.l ling formerly occupied hv Dr. J. II llolius
' Nov. 0, 1857 .
ALL persons interested, are lierehy notified lhat |
the following named accountants have tiled j
their ucounts in the Register's Ottieo of Be.(lord I
County, and that the same will he presented to !he ;
Orphans' Court in and for said County, for Confir- i
matioii on Tuesday flu- loth day of February, n xt
| at the Court House in Bedford.
I The account of Joseph I.nler, Administrator
[ of the Estate t.f Eliy.ui eth Fieki s, Lite ot Union tp.
I dee'd.
[ The aecoutit of John .Mower, Eiap, Guardian ol
j Caroline Con ley, fortnerly Caroline Mil|<*r,one of the
! daughters of I'bos. B. Miller, dee'd.
Theaecund account of Saiuavl Brown, Ksip, '
Sntvlving Executor of the lust will, Sn%, of John
Kei tie, late of Ilidfotd fownsliip. dee'd.
The account of John Blankly, Esij., Guardian of i
the Minor Children of John Grub!) 1 ;tc of Mi.nroe |
Township, dee'd.
The i.eeount of Joint L. Grove, Administrator vf j
tiie Estate of David F. Cheney, !at--of Monroe tp., |
The account of Mahala U'einn r, Administratrix j
of the Estate of James M'eimer, l ite •)!' M onroe tp.. i
die'.L ' ' 1
The account of Thomas G. Wright, Admiuis'ra- !
tor of the Estate of Rebecca W light, late <•;' St.,
Clair tp., dee'd.
The account of Adam Eurgerd. Guardian of
Sarah S. Kelly, snd of (he Minoi Children of Ja
cob S. K'-dlv. late of South VFoodberrv Townsliip,
The account (f Joseph Dull, Esq., Guardian of;
Phoebe, Cat ha tine and Susan Suerly, minor Chill
ren of William Suerly, late of Juniata Township,
The account oi Joseph Dull, fist}., Administra
tor of the Estate ot Istac Gocheuour, lite o! Ju- i
niata Towuship, dee'd.
The account of Booj min Hull, Esq., Executor ,
of last will, &0., ol" . amuh Hull, late of Napier j
Township, dee'd.
The account of David Gocheuour, Executor of '
the l ist will.icc..of J. GoclKnour,hite of Union tp.. I
The first account of Joim C. Riflie, Esq., Ad- j
lu'iiistrator of the Estate ofjacob Riffle, late of;
Juniata tp., dee'd.
The account of John B. Longeneeker, Admiu
istrat. r of the Estate of Abel Gli.iith, late of j
Middle Woodberry tp., dee'd.
The account of David l/iiigenleltcr, Administra- |
tor ol the Estate ot A: rahaiu Lingviu iter, lat - ol ,
Napier tp., dee'd.
The account of D .r.iel Shock, Esq., Aduiinis- I
tr tor of the Estate of Samuel Cartright, lite ot
Union tp., d-.e'd.
The final account of Jacob Beck ley , Esq., Ad-:
mißistrntor of the E-tate of Benjiiuin llar.cos'k, \
late ol' St. Clair tp., dee'd.
i I'he account of (>. E. Shannon. Esq , Adminis
j tratorol the <>f i.ou'si ll nimer, late oi
| Cincinnati Ohio, d.cM.
' 111-.- account -.1 i>. E. Shannon. Esq., Admioia
| tratorol the Estite • t Kins-.y Ake, late of Union
j to., dee'd.
Tii,: account of John C. Vickr y, Vdmbii-rratorol
1 the Estate Susar. B:uncr, late ol Cumb.ii ;:>d Valley
I Townsidp, diuj' l.
! Ti : aiiii.inistrition account of Daniel Ilel-vl .!
! miiiisir.'-tor of the Estat ■of Jae>j HeDcl. l.itj i
j of K.;!tbrd tp. uowJ.
3A51 !, U.T.a'lE lie^it.'cr.
Register's Dili ■ j. ;. :4 IS ">ri.
Bfdi'erd nvA\
G a:.: TINC;
"V c- c.n. .rD... I f. a'y rij-.-h: yon that Irving •
| usid,- • 1 I-:;.;i.csti tvh itev:T. yon En and appear be
fi re the -3u Igcs of tb • C tut of Cotiuii :t Pic .- of
the Court to he hell in Badh io. on the ]ith
i !sy of F'.'hruary next,!;.- show caasa ii any you have, .
j vrhv th • n itn-a-xe* on bat* df of P-1, r F. Kcsster.
! Ltonar! (i. K< ~ri.r a ! J,dm Wl i-a; . oil their ,
I complaint against ym, before our sri.l Court, duly
i ■ xfcibiied. sh. uhl not he ixamincd and their testi
| mony reduce.l to writing and filed of record in our 1
i s.rid Court in order to pcrp-etu itc the s riu- agrecaidy
! to tiie Constitution of our Government and the act
! of Assembly in such case made and provided.—
! Hereof tail not at your peril.
\Vitre-s tiie Honorable F. M. Kinimell E- j.,
j President of our -aid Court at Bedford th' 23-1 day
' of Novciijl.-er A. i). ISSS.
; Jan. 14, 1839.
I ii! ill' PiIOILUI.VriOS.
txrIIEREAS the Honorable FRANCIS \i. KIM
SI su.LL, Presiueiit al the several C -urtsot Com
mon Pleas in the counties composing the 16th Ju- •
•dioial District, and Justice of the Courts ol Oyer;
..rid Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of capital and other offenders in the said DU j
r kt—and A.J. Sxiv cr an i Joox G. lIAHTUKr,
Esquires, Judges of the Cuits of Common Pl.-x
--andJu.-tic s of the Court .f 0.. r and terminer,
ami Geuerai Jail D livery, fur tne trial ol all c.ipi
t 1 audottur offenders in the county ol Bedford—
have issued their precept and to m j directed, f..r
1.- Ming u Court of Common PI •and General
Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at
Bedford, on MONDAY the 14th day ol Febinury,
next. Morten is hereby giv nto nil the Justices
of Pe tee. t'ue Cuoacr and Constables within'
lite sea 1 county ofß.idfm 1, that they be then and ;
there in their praper persons, with their tolls, ree- j
' ds, and inquisitions, examinations and other re- •
racmhrant s,to do those citings which to th-ir oiti- j
c. s and in that behalf app. rtaiu to he done, and
al3t> they who wilt prosecute against the t ris' ii-.-rs
; that are or shall be iu the •) ill >\ Bad!; r I county,
Li be then t I titers t > prosecute ag .iust them as
■ skdlbe j :,t.
Sii,-sTfj Oflice Bedford. Jan. 14. I 85;.
r pilE following persons have filed their petitions
A fur license in the Clerk's IMKee, to IK.- present
; 0.l to the Court of Quarter Session of the peace ol
; Bedford County, on Tuesday the 15th day of Fob
j ruary next
j Shannon Mullin, Bedford ip. Tavern.
' John B Castner, Broad top '<
Frederick Ililderbrant . Juniata tp. '•
Joseph Gonden, <■ n
Peter Kinsey, <• o ..
David Ungcy, f.iiieity o .
Isaac B. Kay, '• <•- <
William Dibert, West Providence tp. <•
Philip Sfeckman, •• .. ..
, P. G. Morg.nt.
. Fredrick Berkhimer, St. Clair - .
John A. Snivoly, Schellsburg Borough.
R. 11. TATE, Clerk.
j Clerks Oflico Jan. 28, 1859.
I>L T down for trial at F'ebruarv term (14ih davi
( 1859.
; John Hoy!a vs Wm. Keyse r
j Levi Hnrdingcr " John C. Morgavt
j Fred. Hilderbran I '• C. 11. Krener
! A. !i!ai"-s use ■; John Blair et. ft!.
Juidita School Distri-t L. A. Turner
U'ilfiatu Oss •' Arnold Lashley
T. McCaule.v J- Co. " John Davidson Sr Co.
James Entrtken f< I).
Joseph Burgess " Wm. Keyser ct. al.
Henry Gales '• Mil ford J atncs
Jonathan H. Dickon - Jesse Dickon Jr.
Wm. Forbes Patrick Burns et. Rl.
Dr. G. W. Anderson -A. L. Cox.
S. 11. TATE, Proth'y.
: Proth'v Office, Jan. 21, 1859.
Premium Essence ol" Coffee
COFFEE made by it will have a more delicate
and finer flavor, and will be much more wholesome.
It will also he clear withoi t requiring anything to
clarify it. For sale by
New Store, No. 1, Cbenpside.
J line 18. 185 S.
Sworn statement of pivid 51 cCreat y, of Napier
\ Township, D xlford county :
-Vpttl, IBsfi, as near as J can remetnl<er, a
-iii;ill pimple made its appearance on my upper lip,
; which soon became enlarged and sore. 1 used
j poltices of sorrel, and a wash of blue viti Lol, with
! <mt i Übct. Finding the sore extending, 1 called on
l)r. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronuunCed it CAN
i CEK, and proscribed a wash of sugar of lead and
; bread pi-eb ice.. Finding these remedies of no
i avail, i called upon Dr. Shaffer, ot Davidsvillo,
Somerset county, who also piononnced the ii.seasc
Car.cev, anil gave me Intern tl and external remedies
—the latter consisting principally of caustic ; but
all to no purpose, as the disease continued spread
ing toward the nose, 1 next use 1 a preparation of
arsenic, in th form of salve. Thi . for a time
| checked the disease, but the iuti im uion soon lu
| creased. I r.ixt cr.i'ed upon Dr. Sutler of St.
! CI .h sv lic, Bedford county, who also pronounced
| the disease Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a
( neVvr failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever
iin checking the spread of tire sore. In December,
j of the same year, th i disease bad eaten awjy a
I greater part of my upper lip, an 1 had attacked
, nose, when I Went ICincinnati, where I consulted
Prof. 11. S. Newton, of the Kinetic Medic 1 College,
lie pronounced tins (iis a.s ■ --a cutaneous Cam.—r,
, superinduced by an inordinate use tf mercury.—
He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave infen
remedies. My face healed up, hut lac iniet; ■<..
| was not thoroughly r moved. In i e'oinry, isy ,
iie pronounced ma cured, end J1 11 : hen:". 1
| Apr 1 the disease again returned and so violent was
: the p.iiti that I e>uM not list .;t n'ght. I,:.dc in
May I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed
myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom
I remained until September, during which time he
j use 1 every known remedy, and partly succei k-I in
! checking the disease, hut when 1 returned home
there were still three discharging ulcere upon my
I face. I continued using Newtou'a preparations,.
: and also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely, but the
! Cancer continued growing until it had cut off the
I left iih of my twic, the greater portion of my left
■'icele, ri.'l ha t attack&l my left eye. 1 had given up
i all hope of ever being cured ; since Dr. Ely said he
I eoul! only give relief; hut that a cure was impos
sible. In M ircli, ISoF, I bought a botlle of ; B!ood
' Sc.■archer,' but I must confess that I had no faith
1 ; it. I was very weak when 1 commenced tailing
It; hut I found th I I gained strength day by day,
arid also that the ulcers commenced drying up. 1
' continued, and wheu the third bottle was taken my
face was healv lasif by a miracle. I used a forth
; but (la, and 1 have been healthier since than 1 have
' bevn f< i the l ist -ven \et.s. Although my face
' is s illy disfigured, I am stillgrateful to a benign
Pr.ivi ienc who has spared my life, and which has
; b -eii don. ■ liiough the instrumentality of Liximet's
IMI'K.-'V:::'lJr.onn SeAeenea. D. VCCreaet.
Swim a*- '. - ibscribe l, this Cist day of August.
V. i>. ISoif. before are. on of ?' i Justices rd the
Peace in an 1 for ihe B'.oiigii < t llolliil.tysburg,
Blair countv, L'a.
Wilms-- V. J. Jc cs.
Ni-:w i.VU'KNCE.
• I. 'rig . ffiicte-i Willi a grievous i etter nu ib • arras
rr.d f.-.ce— after trying many n which utterly
foiled to >"■ —1 was persuaded bv \Y. M. Ban is &
Co. r try Ihi 's-y's lmptovcd Blood Searcher { and
• itv, six v. ek- after finishing the se:o J bottle,
The tc'.t r birke at, something ov<-; - a year ago,
. id . f nn arms, cxten ling IVaaa the tl
bo.'.s ( tvi the wrists ; also, on my tare, im.
j mediately i and she month nnd ciin, and continued
t •is rp. erf'! at to nu at it cared by the Blond
: e.- My arms, were almost useless, owing to
er.c! - •;;.• s.. r • or. tfem, liable to bleed a!
;,t. on the !'t exertion t lite >r work, and
SvfiK'-tiiu;s so itchy thai 1 couid scarcely prevent
leuiii.g oil my flesh. 1 have now been cured six
' Week s and fed is dtie to 51 r. Limlsey, and to the
public g U'' illy, to make this statement, in hop
tit,'.t others Idle myself may be benefitted by using
his 1c inmli' inc. her
JA .' F. f WILSON,
Sworn and subscribed before ar, one of the Al
dermen in and for thu Citv of Pittsburg, tliis JStli
day of July, A. I)- 1858.
For sal by F. 0. Keamer, M. I)., Bedford; G.
D. fr at. Alum Bank ; Sinmn IL-rshman, Pleas
! .tnlvillc; John G. Sehcll. do ; L. N. Fyau, West
End, P. Office ; Frederick Coi l. Marietta ; G. B.
Aniick, St. C Virsvilic ; Jacob Huird, B.irnilollars
MiiL; Nicholas Kcns, Willow Grove; John
Bowser, Bowser's .Mill; A. G. Evans, Kainsburg ;
y. P. lit rn \ lir<>., Sehellsi urg; J.X J..M. Siine
maker, Gharh .svil'.e; Hilligas i "Ji.wry, Buena
Vista; John Wuyde. New Paris; Murray Jj- Bro.,
Bloody Kiin ; Dr. J. A. Mann, do.; Piper & Scott,
Palt-msvillo; David Bcegle, Waterslrer-l ; John
', Woodi.errv; G. D. Kaulfinan, Flitch
j vide; J in Pusher. V 'l! .w t eek ; all .f B.dforil
I.I.NDSEY tv LEMON, Propiiefors,
il liiua* siiurg. Pa.
S •. t. 17, IS jS.-Gni.
list WA LI OA'S
ONE small box of Pil's cures ninety-m ,c cases
ttut of .1 hundred. No Balsam, r.a Mercury. n
odurou the lai >th, tie fear of detection, I'ivo saiail
pi :1a a ds—. tasteless ami Harmless as water. Full
' directions are glmi that the patient cure
' himself as cv.-tai i as with the a!ri te of the moat ex
tieri.e.efd surzoon,©u-l tuuch better than with the
. advi. ■ of or e of'ittk! experience in this ei is vl dis
; ' SkN i" BY 5!A!f; TO AXY I'AKT OF THE
j COUN i'RY t>y eiiciusing one dollar t.- Dr. D. I. .
Walton, No. I .>4 Xbrth Seven tit St. i-elow Race.
'• hilad.dp!iia. . 1 liberal discount lo thetrdde. None
geuuin: without the writ/en signature of I'. G.
Walton, Proprietor.
Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, We-'tn
' Stc., is entire!} different I'foni the usual Coe . -
Dr. W. hns euiedhumbeds who 'bavo tri hers
without benefit. The treatment is as ceitain to
cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and
address Dr. \V. as above; giving a lull history of
i \ % or case, ant you will bless the day you made
the ctTuit to secure what is certain—A RADICAL
Jan. 2'J, IPC? -yz.
MRS. Sill 111 8.. POTTS,
HAS just returned fro ii the cities with a !urg.-
and handsome stock of
Elegant cheap goods of ud kinds, English me
rinos, 2a cts. per yard, shawls of every
disctiptioit, and all prices, bought low
.at auction. Also, a large and
handsome assortment of cloaks,
t'ers victorino capes, cuffs
and mulls, bonnets of all
kinds, velvet, satin, drawn
silks, gray straw, trimmed
an d untiimmi-d. An endless as
sortment of ribbons, festhera and
flowers and rushes, gloves and ho
siery, boots and shoes, and a full as
sortment of all kinds of FANCY' GOODS.
Country Milliners can be supplied with all kinds
■ of Millinarv Goods:
Oer. 22, "1868.
S :
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration on tue estate o
Daniel Shea, late of Cumberland Valley tp.
dee'd, having been granted to the subscril>er, re
siding in ltedlord Borough,—notice is therefore
! given to ail persons indebted to make payment tin
, juedi itely and tl ose having ela<ms will present them
j forthwith, property authenticated tor settlement.
Jan. 7. 18",0. O.K. SHANNON, Adm'r.
!*i '/ /
~ jfy
lion tily Comuierclal College.
300 Students attending January, 'SB
Now the largest and trust thorough Commercial
School of the United States. Young m n prepared
i fer actu 1 duties of the Counting Room.
J. C. SMITH, A. M. Prof. . f Book-keeping * a J
i Science of Accoiir.t. , .
j A. T. Dor.-TJa.TT, Teacher of Arithmetic and
i C.-aimercla! Calculation.
; J A - Ur.voaiCK or. IT. C. JEsmxs, Teachers oi
A. Co-am./and Vf. A. MiLtER, P r . L, of Pe!i
--! iJi tnsh:/).
As u.-e.l in every department of business.
• C M IMKHVI.II. Ah 1 TfJMETIC— //.i PID fit,
• taught, and ;.U ot'.-ersut jects necessary for th
'I through education of t)r*ac!ial
? riwn all tbe premiums in Pittsburg for the past
(itit aim in Eastern am! Western Cities, ft
1 best d tiling.
AOT Eagraved WORK
Studeuts.enf' rat any time—No vacation—Tiiuo
i lit:!.tailed llet Jw at pleasure—Graduates assisted
S •" n'.t.ii.-iit.g situ itii-ns—Tuition for Pull Camtner
i Cia! Course, sls,()(—Average time 8 to 12 weeks
| —Board, $2 50 per we-. It- Staif >nerv,
j tire cost. SG9,DO to s7o,' 0.
irr-Miiii-t.-is- Sons received .it hsif price,
j For oti !—Circular—Specimens of Business sad
j Orn-ame .ta! U riling—inclose two stamps, and d
F. \Y. JENKINS. Pittsburgh. J' a
J Oct. 1, I85.-2y.
(IM! limits,
, AN D buy your goods at th • Cjilap Stobe of *
}' ' v - just r.cfr.-d rhc-r s-cond supply
; " i
' '• - i large ;tt! well s.decte.l ft c"; of U
m ! -o. Goous for t;i-? season, auJ t groatdy IU-
Drctn Psk-ls. -They call special attention to th- ir
Iot nud Sine ikparfnifii',
] Where you will fin ! a largo and varied stock of
i Ma te • xp. asly to their order, and which tLey *:! l
; sell at tl.-e i pric. 3.
> B- Produce taken it- cxclang - for Gcons.
Dec. 8, 1r.5y.-2m.
j taken by the dvr week -jntS> snd
? v*ar.
j A|rS! -.j, is3G—tf
(sctijs rhotoraphif Lallen,
\\ T HERE Ambrotyf t-s, Daguerreotypes, <}e
' d-e.. are cx cnled in the latest stvle
ar.d improvements of ttie Art. A full assort
ment of plain and fancy c -s-.-s, gold an* p>.i„
Rocket, at very low prices.
It.® public are respectfully invited to .. ll
-n:l examine ids stwciatCM.-
May 22,18.77
iiiciidiiiii! Sliot'ineniliiign
i?A\ ING the business of Sboelttn
ins, ue door vast of Mr. Brice's Hotel; Bedford,
Pa., I a;n prepared to do all manner of work in
this line of business, at tha shortest notice, and on
the mt substantial manner, on more reasonable
rates than i -rial, r ■ *;•. thins indispensable. Give him
•. 'ii ! } :iiy to',rs arid jndce for yourselves.
J B B.IK Ft.
May 7, I-SYS
. Til m OWNERS!
kJ neat residence, and is prepared to do all kind:
of work in the Mill Wright line, on the most ap
p-ov.-d an i durable pints, and reasonable terms.
II ■has on iiur.d the most improved Smut and
Screa.'iiag Ma. hires, Mill Bushes, Anchor Bolting
( •lbs, both ucw aim !d, at-city prices, Mil! Butts
of the las: quality, and all kinds of Mil! machinery,
can b.- procured ftom !iim and shipped to any point.
Also Agent for VlcCorrnick's Reaper and Mow
er for Bedford an.! Blair Co unties.
SchrlEburg, Red for I C •.,
Sept. 24,1858. j
New Jewelry.
IGIli subscriber l as opened out a new and
. ay!-.; ' ass rune tit of all kinds of the
most fash.-, rib* Jewelry— ronsistingin partot
Breast Pitts, Finger Rings. Par Rings, Ac. kr.
Cull Slid see bin stock.
Ii! ■ • - i' 7 " '".A A'- !;
11; ■ ..." "i'.-M Z'.i'il bVu't.,
tr . M INVAR! Mj.'.V -\ !
l:;- . r . . r , of
ITTOR i\ E V I T L 1 \l,
WILL attend promptly and faithful;* to lt
legal business entrusted to his carc.
• LL7"Ofliee o.t Juliana Street, ia the building for
merly occupied bv S. M. Barclay. Ero , dec.'d.
.March 2<i, 18 ia.
Formerly of Bedford, Fa
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
AU business proiDptlv ateaded to.
Dec. 3, 18-SB.
\\/ DITE TEETH and a porfumed breath wia
• tv be accquired by using the "Balm of a
Thousand Flowers." To bo had at
March ri. lk',7.
THE Winter session of Bedford Academy will
commence on Monday next. 221, inst.
Nov. 19, 1858, Pritcifot-