Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 11, 1859, Image 3

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    Contra Cr,
By amount paid State Treasurer, a* p-r
receipts 736 25
By commission on $776 00 88 75
Alt and Brer License*, Dr.
To amount of for 1858 $lO 00
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer, us pr
receipt 9 50
By Commission ou $lO 00 50
$lO 00
Hawkers and Pedlar*' Licensee, Dr.
To amount of for 1858 $8 00
Contra Cr.
By amount pai*' State Treasurer, per re
ceipt 7 60
By commission on $8 00 40
$8 00
Billiard Room*, Dr.
To amount of for 1858 $5 00
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer. • pet
r.ceipt 4 75
By commission on $5 00 25
Ten Pins, Dr.
To amount of Licenses tor 1868 $l2 60
Contra Cr.
By amount paid Sute Treasurer 11 87J
By commission on $l2 60 C2J
$l2 50
Distilleries, Dr.
T> a mount for 1858 $lOOO
Contra Cr.
By einount paid States Treasurer $3B 00
By commission on $4O 00 1! 00
Briweries. Dr.
To amount of licenses lor 1858 $l5 00
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer 11 25
By commission on $l5 00 75
Circuses, Dr.
To amount of licenses for 1858 $5O 00
Contra Cr.
By amount pail State Treasu-cr 47 50
By corunTtss'CT. on $5O ' 0 2 50 '
$5O 00 ;
Eating licvs'x, Dr.
To amount of licenses fir 1858 $5O 00 i
Contra Cr.
By amount paid Statu Treasurer 30 00 1
By commission on $5O 00 2 50
By amount due the Commonwealth 17 £9
$5O 00
Retailers, Dr.
To amount of license for 185$ $602 00
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer 410 00
By commission on $602 00 30 10
By amount pai l G. >V. Bowman, f.r pub
lishing list for 1857, 24 00 !
By amount pud D. Ov.-r, fin publishing
list for I'GS 24 CO
By amount paid Meyers i. 8.-nfb'! r -..-
puWishim* list for 1858 21 GO ;
By balance due Commonwealth 85 00 j
$602 CO j
Militia Fairs, Dr.
To aggregate amount outstanding r r 1867
ami previous years at last settlement $2155 60 ;
To agregate amount assessed for 1858 1212 50 '
$3368 10 I
Contra Cr.
Br amount uncollected for ISSB ah.t pre
vious $2 If 9 60
By amount of 5 pt r cent commissions al
lowed collectors for 1858 and previous
years 29 40
By exonerations allowed collectors fjt
1858 and previous years 329 50 ,
By amount paid sundry persons, as per
ststemei t below 476 86
By amount of Treasurer's commission on
$BO9 61 at 1 per cent. 8 99 j
By I Blanco due Commonwealth 413 76
$8368 10!
Stutemcnt of Receipts and expenditures of the !
Military Fund of Bedford county for the
year 1858, shewing amount rtceiv d from
raeh collector separately, and the. umountspaid
to each person in accordance with the act of j
Received ss follows :
Tr >m Jacob Evans, $3O 49'
do Henry Eguif, 39 43 •
do John i'urrey, 48 93 j
do Joco'o Smith, 10 45 :
do Adam Bariumrt, 64 60 j
do John A. Osborne, 9 05 i
do Samuel James, 85 12
do Henry Rose, 10 06 •
do Jonathan Foigbtner, 25 00 i
do John B Zook, 88 95 ;
do William (Israeli, 50 23 \
do Philip Cnppitt, 46 55
do Abraham Morgret. 88 48 I
do Daniel Horn, 11 88
do Amos Ash, 46 25 ,
do I. M. Imler, 14 47
41 U.S. Fluck, 64 15 j
do Daniel J. Shuck, 22 00 '■
do Thomas Ritcbev, 6 00 j
do John Snjotiso, 24 00 .
do William Kirk, 4 4 37 '
do Jared Hanks, 76 50 !
<lO J. A. Nicodemtii, 58 CO j
Total received 899 61
I'aid out as follows:
10 Hopewell Rifle compnny, per order
of Capt. Thomas W. Ilorton," $5O 00
To Broad Top Rifle Rangers, per order
rrf Capt Joseph Reed, 75 ijq
To Bloody Run Blues, per order of Capt.
William States, . ' 75 00
To Cumh. Valley Blues, per ord *r ot
o<pt. Jantes Hanev, 75 py j
To Bedford Riflemen, per order of Capt.
A. J- Sansom, 75 00
To A:feasors [or returning 2393 men
lo Brigade Inspector at 2 cents each. 47 S6
To G VV. Bowman for printing for
1867. 7 00 i
To I). Over . '• '63 600 j
To Meyers & Bet;ford *• " '• 6 0o
To County Commissioner* and riieir
Clerk, ' <lO 00 j
Tola! paid out ■ITS S6 j
The undersigned, Anditorc of eaiiS County,do j
hereby certify, that, in pursuance of the At ts o! :
Assembly, in such case made and provided, they j
met at ibe Commisssioner*' Otfiee, in Bedford '
Borough, and did audit and adjust the accounts !
between Samuel Davis, Treasurer of said Couu
fy, and tlie Common wealth ot Pennsylvania, a-s
•'untauted in the foregoing statements
As wittiest our hands, this 4th day of January,
Attest, B. E. A1 evens. Auditors.
J W. Lifctts.HrKt.TKH. Gierke.
Fef, Jt. 18SP.
11HE undersigned have associated themselves in
. the practice of medicine in the village of St.
Clairsville, night calls promptly attended to.
Office onposite the St. Clair Inn.
Feb. 11, 1869.-6 uio.
1 "jVTT~>' r T*"T" C53P3 i* hereby given to the stock
-1 | _L v hollers of the Bedford Rail Road Company,
that an Flection will be held at the Court Ilomse,
I iu the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the J9th
' day February, inst., between the hours of 12 and 4
I o'clock, P. M., to elect a President and twelve di-
I rectors to conduct and manage the affairs and bu
' sines* of s.dd Company, for the ensuing year.
Feb. 4, 1859. Committee.
j PIKE ROAD COMPANY for the v ear ending Jin.
| 12th, 1858.
; last ; By am't expen
settlement $2,940,09 | scs $1,890,92
iTo Receipts | Dividends paid
for Toll* 3,590.10 \ since last setile
j j mcr.t 494,(0
6,530.00 [ Unpaid F-ivV.s 2^086.22
! ! $1 471,15
' 4,171,14
Available balance $2,059,85
i Feb. 4, 1859—5: " President.
I AIREAT inducements offered to CASiI p-trc'ia-
V j gers! All I; : iids of winter DRY GOODS BCDVCKD,
i viz : Coburgs at 50 worth 75, Merinoes at 18 and
| 25, worth 25 and 37J, Alpacas, Silks, Delaines,
I Shawls, Ribbands,dress trimmings, Shirts and Draw
ers, Comforts, F.anils, Linsays. Sattinets, Cissi
j men, Cloths, Boots, S toes, Gaiter?,<Jc , Ac. All
! selling off very CHEAP, by
Feb. 4. 1859-1:.!
5 ~\T OU nr.* hereby ordered to meet for
1 Q ' 1. p :rade on TUESDAY, the 22 1 day
J1 ot FEBRUARY, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. in
| lull wilder unif. tm, (with plums.) and 10
rounds of blank cartridge A fu'l^atteu
■ tSf* j dance is desired.
VA ) B.* order of the C-.plain.
i Feb. 4, 1859.
A LL persons indebted to Samuel Shuck & Co.,
TJL by book account or otherwise are hereby no
t'flcd to call and make settlement immediate!", cr
their Recount will he left with a projer officer for
collecti.-n, without respect to persons,
j Feb. 4, 1859 -h SAMUEL St.UCK .A CD.
m T OTr &
rjAHE managers of th; Chambersburg ami Bedford
| JL Turnpike Company have declared a '"ivldend
of 1| per cent, c-n th. Capital st-.-ck, p-y.tbL- after :
■ the G: da • of February inst.
w. n. MCDOWELL. ,
Feb. 4, 1859.-? Treasurer.
DR. F. C. REAMER & S. J". WAY,
.~.f HAVING formed a partnership, in the j
i DK UG and BOOK BUSINESS, will con- j
X )"£. f stniitly keep on hand, at the jrfs fßfjß
RZe 'V old Stand, a huge and we\\
J £> selected stock of ch< iceQEiilCS/
, Drugs md Medicines, wholesale and retail, all of
width will l>e sold on fair terms. The assortment
i consists in part of
' Drugs and Cremirati. Dye Woods and.icids, Paints j
and Oils. Window (Hiss and Glass Ware, Tobi'c
to ar.d Utears Per fume •y, Fancy .-triples, £c., t-e.
PATEXT MEMOIU ES. —Having the regular agency
| for the salt: of many of these medicines, th ; pub- !
lie are assured that they sire of the best; mi- It a* •
. have stood the tost of time aod experience, and i
cm ba safely recommended as genuine, viz; J
Tewcsend's and Sand's Sarsapariila, Wistar's i
I balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Peetorul, '
Mi-fiat's Lit-.- Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. !
Jaync's Family Medicines, s, Hol'itt
' sack's and other vermifuge: Ho'ifl.ttW's German, ;
Bitters, Ac., *tc. i i
Constantly on hand a large stock of histories .
! gcogiapliical. sciontilic. religious, poetical, school '
: en-.: miscellaneous BOOKS.
! Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE- :
FY, C>p. Post and Wrapping Paper, of every 1
quality. Paper Hangings iu great variety. Win- ;
dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wal!
: Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods.
| BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality— J
! Pocket Books and Port Matinuies. Dlaiies, Blank j
' Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, .
; Combs, Brushes, I'erfuntery in great vr.rietv. '
j Soaps, An, he.
i Lamps, and C tfnplmie Oil and Bundng Tlui-1 :
! kept constantly on tutnL
CHOICE LIQUORS for m. die d us.-; WolflV |
Sclii-idaui Schtiapj-s, Gin, P -rt, Sherry and V. .-
deira Wines.
| Jan. 28, 1859.
Bedford County ss,
Tht Commonwesl'.h of I'oniisy'vinia
] to Win. 11. Irwin and his wife ]
j and his h--irs, an-! James N. !,• r*d !
others it t otrd in the promises
Wc eemmard and fl.m'y enjoin yon that laying!
| aside a.l business whatever, you be and fppear be
fore the Judges of the Court of Common PL as of 1
the said Court to beheld ri Bedford, on 4he 14th '
day of February next,to show cause if any you have, j
why the witnesses on behalf of Peter F. Kessier, j
• Leonard G. Ki-ssler and Jchn Wlii'ay, on their
complaint against you, before our sai 1 Cuutt, duly
exhibited, should not be examined and their testi
mony reduced to writing and filed of record in our j
said Court in order to perpetuate the same agreeably
to the Constitution of our Government and the act j
iof Assembly in such case made and provided.— !
Hereof fail not at your peril.
Witness the Honorable F. M. Kimmc'.l Esq., j
: President of our said Court at Bedford the 23d day ;
! of November A. D. 1858.
' Jan. 14, 1809.
notice: 1
j r rUiK following persons have filed their petitions j
I. for license in the Clerk's Office, to Ik* present ;
od to the Court of Quarter Session of the pe;.co of j
Btdford County, on Tuesday the 15th day of Feb- j
rttary next-
Shannon Muilin, Bedford tp. Tavern.
John B Castner, Broadtop ••
Frederick Hilderbrant, Juniata tp. *•
Joseph Goodeu, '• ••
Peter Kinsey, •* " •
David llaeey, Liberty " <•
Isaac B. Kay, " •• *1
William Dihert, Wi**t Provideree tp. •
Philip Steckman, " •< •
P. (J. Morgait. " ' *•
Fredrick Berkhlmcr, St. Clair • •>
John A. Snhrely, SchcUslturg Borough.
8. H. TATK, Cttrk. j
Clerks Cffict* Jan. 2li, 1859.
BIBFOEB IfllßUiftEft.
BY vtru:** •; -uia'iy w:its • I" li. ' a., t" M"
r<H .1. tin*!* w li la wild it tin* Court Hquw,
iin tho 1 *-<> i• ugh : "t> Monday , iho lUh
day of i * I-Ji;.lly 18.59, at I. o'il.vk. M , t'* bf
: lowing d > i iii* it r- il on<)>. to i; :
| Alld. I* !. da t>", J-.J.h K : iig .V TLUFU** King's,
riglit, till.* ;i!;*t interest *r. and t*> ifti.* tract id laud,
containing 237 cc -. s lucre oi i ss; n!<irt IWacivs
i cleared and under fence, with a two story mansion
\ house, 13 tenant houses, store house, ware house,
" ! one iron iorge, saw-null, coal house, large new
! hank barn, 2 frame stables and other out-buildings
' j thoreon erected—also, an apple orchard thereon ;
1 ' adjoining lands of James Finn Jacob Steel, John
' j Gates, and oth rs, known as the Bedford Forge
• ; property.
ALSO—One tract of laud containing 20b acres,
more or less, about tit) acres cleared and under
I fence, with a log house and log stable thereon
erected; adjoining lands of Lucinda Piper and
1 others known as the John S!ellnav tract.
ALSO—One tract of lmd containing 6 acres,
j more or less, with a l>g house thereon erected, qn
the waters of Yell j\v Greek; adjoining lands of
Piper and Pink, George B. Kay's heirs and others,
in the name of John King.
ALSO —One tract of uniniprovv 1 laud, contain
ing 402 acres, more or less ; adj lining tin* Bedford
! Forgo and others, in the name of Stephen Moan.
ALSO—One tract of I :;d containing 4 ,v 4 :n-r-*s
' more or less : adjoining the above ai.d others, in the
name of Richard Morn,
j ALSO—One tract of 1 ind containing 4'>4 acr**S,
, i uiorj or less ; adjoining the above and others, in the
name of Joseph Aloau.
ALSO—One tract of land containing 409 acres,
more or lees; adj iiuing the above and others,
known in the the inraoof Samuel Moan.
ALSO —One tract el kind containing 421 geies,
more or less; adjoining the above and others in the
1 J name c.' Alexander Moan.
ALSO—Oav tract cf Dud containing 413 acres
' ir.crc or less ; adjoin;:;,; the above and vthers, In
j tl:o name of John Mull my. • .
ALSO—One tract ol laud containing 374 acres,
more or less: adjoining the above and otheis, in
the name of l)avid Piper.
ALSO—One tract of land contuni • 883 a eft's
| more or less ; adjoining the above*and others, in
I the name uf Timothy iinuii.
ALSO—O-o tract of Una containing 100 acres,
more or less , adj iiuing the above ami others, in
the name of Israel Moan,
j ALSO—One tract of land containing 392 acres !
! more or less ; : j lining the above and ot'e-rs in the
' nunc of Zrch.iriah Moan.
ALSO—One tract of land containing 421 acres, j
! more or less ; adjoining the above and others, • in |
| the nam* of John Bo;'J.
ALSO—One tract of lic l containing 429 acres, ,
more or iesi, udj knitig thu above and others, in
i the nrrne of William Davis.
ALSO—O i * met of land containing 432 acres !
nior * or b. ss ; adjoining ihe ab*ve and others, in
: the name cf Isabel i> ivis.
ALSO—One tract oi bind contains 411 certs.
| more less ; adjoining the above nd uth.*ra, in
j the name of Willi ■*n Pip r.
ALSO—One tract of 1 n i eont.dning 477 acres, j
more or less; adjoining the above and o* hers ; la ,
| the * ame of J .ha ilardin.
ALSO —0.- ' :r :t < ; band containing 442 acres, !
mora or; adjuring tb-r above ana others, i*> i
1 the name c; Ignatius Par i!'-.
ALSO —Cat tr ct of !m i containing 434 acr.'s, !
j mere or less ; adjur ing the above en : others, in
j the name ol James WiUea
ALSO— One tract A lsa i coat iuing 2372 ucrcs, j
j mor*.* or Las ; shout IUO clcrocd and under fence, j
1 with or.y charcoal furnace, one biooi i forge, with j
: four rclining Arcs, o* e nt tuK-.-n house, one brick j
office and stole nous , ware house, 33 tenant ;
j houses, b t. ,i leu cue blacksmith shop, on* carpuu- j
ter shop, coal hi'usc, iron house, and other out-!
i buildings thereon ejected; adjoining ltnds oft
j Jaiims Fichelbergrr. on th*.* Nor:!*. Henry Gates j
; anoaiii Fluke, on the .South and West, and Br**aJ j
! Top on the East— known' s the Lerac/is Iron
i \ orks pii'ji rty.
ALSO—One tract of 'an! in Woodcock vaUev ' j
, known os the Bonder ore b:.k containing 253 j
acres, more or lew ; adjoining lands of Stcphea I
' Weimer and others.
j ALSO—One tract of unimproved a and **antain*
ing 33 ncr.-s, more or less; adjoining the above
! and others ; warranted tin; name of Tho.uas ird
. John Ivir g.
| ALSO—One tnct of Imd containing 420 seres, j
' n. re t-r I -ss ; adjoining the above ami others, in !
i the ilonie ot John Cheney.
ALSO—One tract of bind containing 12'* acres.
■ more or less ; adjoining inc above and others, in ;
the ranio o! Marii Aioerti.
ALSO—One tract of land containing S7-1 acres, ■
; more or less ; adjoining the above acd others, in |
i the name of riaruiali Alberti.
ALSO—One tract < i bind containing 42' acres. ]
j more or less ; adjoining the above and ot iters, in j
j the name of George P. Alberti.
ALSO—One tract of lina containing 470 acres,
! mom or less; adjoining the above and others, in
• the name i f Peter Swojie and J . King.
j ALSO-One tiact o; i.tnd containing 7> acres
i more or l**ss, tdjuitilt >: th<* n.o ai d otl t-r.*in tin*
! mini*- o Uarpor F'icck ; own aa the Pluck ore
| kirk. i
ALSO—One tract of imi containing li acres,.
; more or less; adjoining the above ami others—j
i known ;*.s the Daughinbaugh irujirov, mcnt.
j ALSO—On.* tract of Una cont.iininiog 109 acres '
rnoro or loss, afljounng Martin Hoover on the west i
! and others, being a p rt cf the Dyke's tract.
ALSO—One tract land c-uitaining lid ai res. !
i more or less ; adjoining Jlartin Hoover on the east j
j and others, being a part of the Dyke's tract; and j
all the abo ve described 1 .u-is sku it<; in Hopewell •
j township, Bedford county, ami taken in execution j
las the property cf John King ami Thomas Kin;;, j
i ALSO—One tract of lmd containing 49 acres I
I i: ore or 1 s**; about ml cl ared ani under knee. ;
with a two story log house ani log tbo.uon ;
j erected; adjoining lands of James Price, Henry j
• fa-i... and others—situate in Hopewell township, i
! ftcdfo; 1 c uu'v rr bt ki.-;: in ■ x . ution as the pro
i perty o Thon: a King
ALSO—One tract of lai d containing 265 actcs,
i more or less; about 39 acres, tiemcd ami under
; fence, with 2 dwelling hou.-os ami log st.ibio there
on erected; adjoining Unds of IViliiam lams,
' Solomon Smith and otfcctw.
ALSO—One tract of land containing 100 acrca,
more or loss; about 50 acres cleared and under •
fence, with a log dwelling ani kitchen attached and j
log barn tlureon erecti*; —also an applu orchard
thereon ; adjoining binds of Do'ft, William lams. I
Arn' li Lashloy and other*.
ALSO—One other tract ot land containing 53 j
i acres, more or less, unimproved, adjoining l eads of i
| John Johnson, Johu Bennett and others,
i ALSO—O-ie oth'-r tract known as the mansion!
' place, containing 205 acres, more or less; about j
I 89 acres cleared an-.i under fence, with dwelling j
! house and store room attached, double log barn, i
f'nirue stable, and other out-buildings thereon erect- j
id; adjoining lands of Mrs. Nancy Kibin, Elza |
Mclitlsb, Josi'.tit Browning ani others. And all j
| tho above described lmds situcie in Southampton 1
township, Bed lord county, and taken in execution .
I s the property of William Lasiiley.
ALSO —Ail Defendant, I). S. Ilcikstlessor's \
. right, title, interest and claim, ia ani to on-s trat i
!of land, called Buck Bottom, containing 09 acres. '
I more or Lss; about 4 acres cleared and under;
; fence, with a story an i a hi'f plank house thereon j
: orecte-i ; adjoining kinds oi li'ia. lurrcster, <>u j
! the west and tho Juniata river on the north and j
east—situate in Hopewell township, Bedford Coun- j
' ty, and taken in eXorution as :he property of D. S. 1
i Beikstressor.
ALSO—One lot ol ground in the town of Hope
well, fronting about 69 feet on front street and i-s-;
; tending back to the furnace race and to an alley, on
' the north, lying triangular, containing about one
eighth of an acre—situate in Puiad Top township, i
j Bedford county, and taken in execution ss the I
property of Thomas W. llorton.
ALSO—One tract of land containing Ff> acres, j
more or less; about 40 acres cleared and under ;
lonce, with a two story log house, cabin bouse and
double log barn thereon erected ; adjoining lands ot j
William Bliakbuin, Isaac Cuppctt and others— j
situate in Napier towjship, Bedford county, and .
taken in execution a- the property of John Taw- j
ALSO All Do'lt, William Patton's Interest, in ,
and to a certain tr.ict of land, aßuateln Broad Top
tonnsbifi. Bfilbud county, bounded by lands foe
"icily owned by Joseph Evans, Josiah llorton an d
James Giiuiiinarhaui Si tin., containing 19t$J
and allowance. &c.. lwing the same tract, with the
| rig! ts -4A.<!privilege* belonging, and ta
ken in <xecatiouas 'fie property of WillLiu Pat-
ALSO 411 1 i; s niti rest in and to u certain
-two st or i lln a • in toll and dwelling house, 18
t*> 21 fts-r- r'Mti.t.. in Hopewell townsfftp, Bedford
county, erected on and over the road of said Com
puny, and tho lot or piece of ground and curtilage
appurtenant thereto, with the riehts and privileges
, thereunto belougiug, and taken in execution as the
property ot the Hopewell and Bloody Run Plank
' and Turnpike Road Company.
ALSO—One tract ot land containing 44 acres,
more or less; about 2 acres cleared and under
' Knee, with a log dwelling ln us j thereon erected ;
! adjoining lands ol William Thompson, James Ray,
j Watsons heirs md others—situate iu Bedford town
ship, Bedford county, and taken in • locution as
i the property of Thouias Kiclurison Deft.
ALSO—One lot ol ground ia the town of Ston
I erst own fronting 27 feet on main street and extend- ;
.! ing back about 220 feet to an alley, with a two story
plunk house thereon erected, adjoining an alley on 1
; the Northeast, and lot of Domimck Feeny oti tli* ;
■ South, situate in Liberty township, Bedford count v.
and taken ia execution as the property of John !
i McC tfev and wife Del'is
ALSO One tract of land containing 193 acres,!
more or less; about 100 acres cleared and under j
fence, with a two story log house, double frame ;
burn and other out buildings 'hereon erected, also
an apple ordinal thereon, ahj-dning lands of Abra
ham Sills, Anthony Ziuimera, and ot.h<*ra, situate j
Bedford township, Bedford county, and taken in !
execution as the property of Jacob lieighart De'ft. j
ALSO—One lot of ground in Ihe town of Sto-1
nerstown fronting <53 iett on main street and ox- i
tending back 229 to an alley, with a two story frame
store house thereon erected, adjoining other lots ol !
j Deft. Joseph Crisiuan on the north and-p,outing j
| 220 feet on street running from tho Juniata River T
| to the t7*wn of Saxtoa on t.c south. Situate in
• LiLerty township Bedford county and t ,keu in x- '
i.'cuiion as the projwrly of Joseph Criaman.
WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. \
.Sh-.*rift"s Office, Jan. 2!, 1859.
4 persons intcreste*!, are hereby nodded that ;
2A. the following named accountants have fib-d i
their acounts in the Register's Office of Bedtord j
County, and that the same will lie presented to die |
Orphans' Court in and for said County, lor Confir- j
ma!i '*: i on Tuesday the lotfi day of February, in xt '
ut t!;e Court House in Bedford.
The account of Joseph l.nler, Adiainistrutoi J
of the Estate tf Klizabe'h Ficfces, 1 itc* o; Union tp. :
j dee'd.
j Thoaccourt of John Montr, Esq., Guardian i
< Caroline (*on!ey,fonaeiiy Gasoline Miller, one of Ihe j
I daughters of Thus. B. Miller, decki.
'i .i-3 second account cf Sain ivl Brown, Enq.. :
j Surviving Ex *eutor of tho last will. Ac., of John !
I Ke< fit-, late of Ledlotd 1 cwroldp, dcc'ii.
T!. • account <d' John B.aukly, Esq., Guard, in ol i
' the Minor Chillren of Join, Gruhb, lite*of Monroe i
; Township, dee'd.
j l'be account of John 1,. Or >vc, Adiaiiii.*'rat<ir uf j
! the F-sJrto ol D.'. v "' F. Ulxjoev. i-it. of M* 'P., .
| ilcc'd. i
I The account of M .:i.da Weiiacr, A'lmiiiistratrix |
Jof the Estate of Jim** Wejm r, !at • y uiiroe ~ :
J The account of Thonns G. Wright, Administra
j t >r of the Estate ot itebocc i V," right, la-e cf St.!
CLi: t?., dee'd.
j The account of Adonr Burgord. Gu .rJun ol '
I Saiah S. Kelly, t-.nd of the Mi:ri,i Chil iiaei of J*- ]
cob S. K.d'y, of South V.'o ><iberry T e.viiship. I
: <1 ;c. o.
The Recount of Joseph Dull, E.-*q , Guardian of j
i Rhoehc, Catharine and Susan Suerly, nv* or C.ail i
j rcii of William Suerlv. late of Juniata Township.
; rTcG !. ' j
j The account ol Joseph Dull, Esq., Aduriuistr.i- i
, far of lite Estate ol Is;ac G *henoa -, 1 .te of Jn
| laLta TwiiBllip r dee'd.
The account of B .-nj imiii II Y ! , Esq., Executor j
' of list will, 4tc., *.t iianatb Hull, late *>f Napier *
' Township,dee'd.
The u.couut of I;avid Gorhonour, Lx-cutor of I
i the last will ftc..ol J. GoeS.* uour,!atuvt Union lp.. :
j dee'd.
j Ihe first account of Jon L. Kitf!.*, L?q , Ad-
I nmiistrator of the E fate of Jacob Rift!.*, :.,tv of
: Ju.ii .iA tp., dee'd.
The account bt Johu B. Lonronoekvr, A 'mis
i i#'-at<r of r'*.t It tote of W 1 Griffith, late of
; Mid'Ub W tod berry* tp.. 1 ■*•' :.
Tb: acO'iuat of i)vv. 1, A-hiiinif.tr4-
I tor ol the Estate ot Awairun Lingeuf Iter, late of
j N-'pier tp., due'd.
( The account of Daniel Shock, Esq., Adminis
' tr itor of the Estate of Samuel Cartnght, lte of
j Union tp.. dee'd.
1 The final account of Jacob Back ley, Esq., A,l
ministrator of the Estate of Benjirniu II sr.cock,
ktcot St. Clair tj>., dee'd.
The account ot (>. K. Shannon, Esq., Adminis
trator ol the Estr.t : •*' l.ouisi 11-;uuier, late oi
Cincinuuti Ohio, dee'd.
) he account ot O. L. Sh.anuon, Esq., Adminis
| tr. t.'rof the Estate of Kiu.vy Ake, late of Union
' tp., d.-c'U.
The recount of Johu C.Yickroy, Administrator of
i the Estate Susan Bruner, late ol Cumberl uidY'alley
l Township, dee'd.
The adii.i .istr.tion account of Daniel
ministrrt ~r oi the Ms' ate of Jaco' H-'lsel, late of
i o! Bedford *.p. dec'!.
SAM'L 11. T.ATE Register.
Register's Office, Jan. 14, 1855).
i ia mm,
Cancees, Turners, Mens, Scrofula, Lie:rs, &c..
i cui.-d iu a short tirue # without t|yt- ~r
(Colleague of the laic Dr Loan-berry, Dee'd )
No. SO. North FIFTH Street. bcl r.T Arch, Phi.'a .
The remarsabl" success which has at ton led the
treatment ot Cancers, Tumors, c.,' -y L>r. Mac-
Xi.chol, for a number of years past, has attracted I
the attention, and in many instances ins secured ■
tl:*f hearty approval of many ctuinaiit FLyoiciaus
y Philadelphia, who no longer willing to risk
j the dangers and uncertainties of culling.
j Cancer can be Cured ! —if properly treated and
! promptly. A great mijority of the cases of Can- .
jeer, can bo effectually cured. The numerous-'
I patients, from every section <>l the country, who |
1 have been cured under this method of treatment is ,
i a guarantee of its superiority over every other !
! known system.
Those who may be sfflicfed with thssj diseases,
and desire further information or advice, will please
J address Dr. Mac Nick I, when they will receive j
j prompt attention and a Copy of Phamplct, on the
treatment of Cancers —freo of charge. |
White Swelling. Hip Di*eittt, Scbrftclous an ! Ma- ,
lignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, ■
: Ulcerations of the Bones, TETTER, SC.U.D HEAD,
; and till diseases of tho Skin, permanenly cured, and
i p rr , ; .,- remedies scut—carefully packed—by_ Fx- j
! pr -to any part of the country.
J:i every c ise a plain description of the dLoase :
; I* re'i't''•<(*!. Address, I)A. MACNiohol, NO. 5J ,
! North 6th. St., Puilad'A. Proprietor and M.tmi- ;
{Ucturer of Dr. Lounsberry & Go's Cel -bratiid /m- |
perial Depuretlire . the best and most reliable I am
l ily Medicine of th ' Nineteenth Century, <>r the :
cure of aII DLS-'AS-S originating i" Impunities f the ,
Jan. 28, 1859.-3rc.
I UTTERS of Administration hiving been prnnt-
A ed to the undersigned, by tho Register c! the ,
Orphans Court of Bedford county, upon the estate '
of Kinzev Ake, luto of Union towusnip, deceased, j
all persons, therefore, knowing themselv. s in-,
debted to said estate are requested to make imm :- j
diuto payment, and those having claims will pre- '
scut tbvm nroparlv aufhouticated for settlement.
Jan. 7, 1859. AdtuY. j
AYER'S Cherry Pectoral and Jay no's Kxpeeto
rantat Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store.
Auugst 6, 1853.
,f Mf>llK THAN 500*000 BOTTLES
; j SOLI) J.\ TIIK
1\ \K YEIR,
lor restoring hair perfectly and permanently, has
never yet lmd a rival, volume alter volume might
be given from all parts of the world and from the,
1 most intelligent to prove that it U a p*rfd R'.'k"-
atire ; but read tli circular and you c umot doubt ;
I read also the following.
, UjTThe Hair. —People bave lor cciilurii-s leeu
ulUicled with bald heads ami the only remedy, here
tofore known, iits been those abominable wigs. By
a recent discovery of Professor Wood these articles
i are b**ing last dispensed with, but a groat miny
{ persons still patronize thorn, because they have heeu
, so Oiien imposed upon by ilair funics of dufervnt
kinds. To all such persons we earnestly m.ikctbo
■ request, that they will try orce again, for in tfood's
! Restorative there is no such thing as fail. We know
of a lady who was bald, who used the article a short
j time, atid her head is now cover.-< 1 completely with
! the tiniest and most beautiful curls im igiiiabl -. We j
j know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly fd
ling out, which it restored in great, r p rf-ction" then
| it ever had I .eon la-tore. f
j Jt is also without doubt one of the best articles
j lor keeping the li.dr i i good condition, making it
: soft and glossy, removing dandruff and has proved j
; itself th great s? enemy t*>ail the i'!s that hair is
j heir t.
J It is the duty of every one to improve their per- j
: sonal appei ranee through some may differ iri regard
ito (lit: ways of dojng jt; let every one will admit
| that a beautil ul bead ol h.,ir, e in man or wo
i man, is au object much to be desired, and there are
; no mca.ns that should i>e 1 *tt untried to obtain such
! consideration.—if pri-ifl'f Advocate, PhiGdelphi'i. i
PROF. O. J. WOOD fk CO—Gents: As I l.avg j
{ I) vn engaged in selling y..ur H.iir Restorative tho
j 1 ;st season for übs of your local agents (R. M. j
| Hackinson.) and having experienced the beneficial!
i effects of it myself, 1 would like to obtain agency 1
; for tho State of Ohio or some State in the West,
! should you wis': ij m.ik such an arrangement, as I
j am conviueO't there ft nothing equal to i' in the
j United States, for restoring the hair. I have been ;
| engaged in the Drug business for several aval's, and I
! haw soli various preparations for the hair, but have '
| found nothing that restores the* secretive organs or ,
; invigorates the scalp as well a-, yours, being fully
! convinced that your restorative is whit you reptJ
j s 'fit it to be, I would like to engageiu the rale of
; it. for I an: satisfied it must sell. [
Yours trirlv,
j PROF- O. J. WOOD it Co—Gents; Having r-.--
; a'ized the godclfucn oi your 11 <ir Rest.*rative, 1 ;
\ \v,sh tp atute. that finding my hair growing thin, as
i well as gray, I was induced from what 1 read aid
heard, to try the arti.'ic pivp led by you. to pro
mote i'.! growth and ilamgc i;s c;!r as <t was in ,
yen'h, bo h of v.l.ich it his off* completely.—
j Li tho • j.cratiou 1 have used nearly three lu.tibm.—
j Youisdc... JAMES FRANCIS.
-i. V, OOD A C'?., Proprietors 312 Broadway, j
' New Yu.u. (i" tiie N. V. Wire Railing K
! ttbiishruer.t.) and HI Mark**: Street St. L*t:;s.
; Mo.
I F-.t sale bv Dr. B- F. Har.y.
An i sold by a", goo I Dvuggnis.
• Jan. 14, 1859.
- lillllTPKillLUirriOV
■ TITIIERE AS the Honorable Fsaxcis il. Km
\V msll, Presi-tcfit ol tho several C<urts of Com
j n on PI as iu the counties composing tho 16th Jt*. 1
■ dicial Dis'rict, and Justice of the Courts oi Oyer j
and Terminer, and Genera! Jail Delivery, !br the j
j trial of capital and other offenders iu the said D:s-1
| tiicf—and A. J. Sxivety and Jons G. llartlkv.
EsoaircS, Judges of tho CoUHs ofC •mmon Pleas j
| s 2*l Justices of the Court of Oyer ani Terminer,!
i anl General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capi
't il au*l other olFeniers in the county of B *dfor<i— ]•
i l.avo issu.'d thoir precept an i t nu directed, for ,
; holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General
I Jail Delivery, and Court <>f Oyer and Terminer at i
Bedfoid. on MONDAY theHtit day of Feb: u ary. !
v xt. Notice is hereby giv**n to H the Justices j
of the Peace, the Coroner .ma Constai l.*s vitidn l
I the said county of Bedfoid, that they U* then an*,
therein tiicir proper persons, with their rolls, ree- j
or*!s, and inquisitions, cx.auiiu.-.tions an i other rc
citffi; rancvs. to do those things which to tair ot£- :
ces and in t!:it behalf apu. rtain to be done, Rtitl
als * they who will prosecute against the prisoners
that are or shall bo in the J T] of Bedford county,
to bo then and the .* to prosecute ag.*i.)t them as |
shall be just.
'WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sh.-r.f. j
ShVji'fTs Office Bedford, Jan. 14, 1859.
THE subscribers fcavirg formed a partner
ship under the style oi "Dock & Anhconr/ for
the purpose of c rr.ducting s. general
IOl.\lIC I A\l U
business iu the establishment recently erected
by Gilliard Dock,in Hopctvell, Bedford coun
tv, arc now prepa-od to execute ordcis :Vr
fcnption. They will b'lili to order steam-en
gines, coal sand drift-cars, horse powvrs anc
threshing machines—also, casting of every
kit; 1 far furnaces, forges, svw, grist an i rolling
mills, ploughs, water-pipe, column*, house
fronts, brackets, \c.. N
They arc abo, now making a lino assortment )
of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat- •
tvrna an*i n< at approved styles, including *< *,*-'
oral sizes of COOK STOVES of the lies; Uiakc, \
h'ati'ig ktovca for churches, offic -s, bar "v'-p.a '<
A iu'il assortment of Stov.s will be he,*;
constantly on hand, and sold Rt wholesale and
retail, at prices to suit the times, nad quality, i
warranted equal to the b*! eastern m.ttve.— '
Machinery of all kinds r -paired promptly.— j
Patterns made to order.
Nov. 6, 1857.
licdioril. I'a.
rr>IIE subscriber respectfully announces to the j
A public that he has opened a Hotel, under the
above r.ame, in the old and well known Globe l
bud ling, on Weft I'itt Street, formerly owae I ;-.nri i
occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will be j
happy to sea all ins Iricnli. aa 1 t ;e traveling pub- j
lie generally. Persons atteuJlng CU-*t arc re- !
RjK'Ctfully invited to give him a cell. He pledges |
himself that he will d*> ail in his pow .*,- to render ;
all his guests comfortable.
His Talil J will be suppiimi with the choicest de- j
licacies the market will atfori.
The Bed Rooms will contain cb*sn and comfort
able bedding.
The Bar will bj supplied choic ■ liquors. j
The .Stable will be atten.ied by a careful and at
♦. -ntive hosflor.
;j7" Boarders will be taken by the uay, week, I
month ami veer.
Bciford, April 39, 185*
j |
OH. GAlTliEit will promptly attend to sll <nr- 1
. v.-ying business that may be entru>te*i to j
him. Oifico on Juliana s*r *ci two doors south of
the Inquirer offi *e.
]).*<:. i>l, Ido-S.
ViraL L and BLIND PAPER.— Dr. B. F. j
Vi Harry is oar agent for this necessary i
article. By calling at bis store, our patrons
will see samples of our papers. tYe haveaade
our siring selections wilb mach care, and lii'.nk 1
we eaiioot fail to please.
Chiimbcrubvrg j
AN excellent articla of Hair arid tooth Hrusbes !
at Dr. Harry's Drug and Hook Store.
August 0. IMb. I
11 Compoiinded lTotti CiITIS,
Is one or rut bk pi:rg vi ive and
LIVER 31KD1C1XES new botbre the public,
. that acts as a Cathartic, ci'ier, milder, and room
> j effectual than any other medicine known. It h not
i ■ .ojly a Culhurtic, but a l.tver remedy, acting first
: j on the Livtr to eject It* morbid mutter, two on the
. ! s cniftch and bowel* to carty off that matter, thu*
accomplishing two purposes effectually, without
any ol the painful tendings experienced in the op
: orations ol moot C.-thartici. It strengthens the
system at the omo time ituit it purges it; and
i when taken daily in moderate doses, will strength
en and build it up with unusual rapidity.
The J.ivei is one of the principal regulator# of
the human body,-and when it perform* it, (unction*
well the powers •;' tl: • system are fol'v developed.
Ihe s'otnach is almost entirely dependent on tint
heultl-y action of tfi Liver for Hie proper peifenn
ance ol its .'utictions. When the stomach is at
fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system
suffers i:i conseqiu rce '.f or •_ organ—the I.ircr— -
having erased to do its duty. Eor the disease of
that orgm, 0.'.0 ol the prt>piictors made it hup
j study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to
flad some remedy wherewith to counteract the mi
ny derangements to which it i- liable.
To prove that this mdy is i.t last found,
any pirs t. IronM-u.—-* wiih Liver (Vmplaiut
in n> y„f its, l:ay—> y at { C | rv a h,,m ej an j
: is certain. - .
i hese gums remove*- . ;.H morbid or bid tut
; Isr from the supp'./inc it. theirplace
I a healthy how oi file.invigorating the stam
ach, causing food to gvst well, purify : ngttw
blood, givi :g toil-? aiid s i.eaith to tie wenx
machinery, r< rh causes ol :be dis
ease, and effecting a ra-' 11 "I dlc.i! cure.
Bd'Otls attack i ap pi* cured, and, what is bet*
: > i revent .y t occ-.sional usu of the
■ Liver Invigorate?. "
| Ur.c fosj after catuij '>s sufficient to leliece
, the stomach .ted prav nt (ha food tiring
j and souring. _
Only one doss taken*—t Usfbretctiring prevent*
Only one dose l-isum,— at night loose: s the
bowels gently, and costivvoess.
Onedose tak-u after -.each meal wil' tnr*
' Dyspepsii. H—l
; Z7~O f .o dose of two tea-spoonsful will a!
ways relieve Sick Head- ache.
( One bottli taken foruO tetuale obstruction re
moves the c iuse :IkJ** disease.*auo makes a
perf cl cure. r—*.
Only one dose iinme diatcly reliji a * Chol.c.
, while >
One i.osc oft. t<-1 is a sure ruie tew
Ci.olerj Morbus, and ' preventive of Ch-'deia
One dose takt . o.tct will prevent the recur-•
rvtice ol bilious while it relieves ad
; painful (ieiing*.
LC?*o:i!y ut.e 'joltli: is*'-* needed to tluow out
>1 the system the effects of medicine after long
One Out lc taken for Jr l. ml ice nniovcs H v<|
lowiioia or unnatural color l~om the rkin.
One dose taken a short time be fore eating giv s
| vigot to the appetite and makes f ml digest mil.
One ilose often repeated cure. Chronic Iliarrhma
in i's Worst i -nvs, while summer and bowel com*
plaints yield alv.i * to tiie Si:st dose
One or t-.vo doses cures attacks caused by wm me,
while t,r worms in children, there is no* s.ifi-r or
speedier remedy i-. the w- rid, as it never fails.
Af. v be?tloa cures Dropsy, bv exciting tbe b
-. soilcnts.
'c e take pleasure in recommending t'nis medi
cine as a preventive for Fercr and Ague, Chill Er
tei, and Fevers ol u Bilious Type. It operates
, with certainty, and tho*sun '.sare v illingto testity
t it, vjuderful virtues.
A.I whj use it ni:■ g;ii.-g theii unanimous tcsti
mony :n its favor, t/".Mix M ater in the Mouth
, with :!.■_• j'-j'or, u:.d swallow both together.
Thb Liver liivigorator
Is a great scientiSc Medic. J Discovery, and is JaiV
working cuii-s ul.ucst t-)o to believe. 1?
cures as it by in igic, t. - <* /.W flfst dose itiring here
\ fit ar.-l seldom more than atie liottic is required t
' cure any kind of Liver Conrpl dnt, fr-.m! the worst
oauti or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all
I of which arc ihv l jo ill of a Diseased J.ivcr.
Db. Sanfoko, Fi .prietor, b'4 > Broadway, X. V.
Soil tn Bedford .y Dv. !i. F. Haukt, and re
tailed bv ail Dn.'gjists.
i June 11, 5858.-X2.
. LiS i' OF fiPSHS
I.">L T ilowr. for trial it Fvbruarv t -r j ( 1 itli
John Hoylj r; Wu:. Xcy.-c*
Levi ilardtuger - John C Morgart
Ired, Ittlierorcnd •• C. H. Kroner
A. Biairs tt.i > .. J. ha Blair et. *l.
Ju-iitA School Itistri •* - L. A. Turner
Wil iam Oss .. A-roll Laahley
T. McC tuloy A Co. '• Jobti Davidson \ Co.
James llntr.ken .. p. Washaliattgh ct. id.
J >seph Burgess '• U'm. Keyacr ct. a!.
Henry G.ows '. Mil for 1 J utiles
Jonathan If. Dlcken • Jesse Picker. Jr.
U m. Forbes Patrick hum -t. L
P-. G. W. A der?.-n "A. K. (lex
S. H. TATE, Proth'y.
ProiiTy OnGcr, ..'an. ;S, IS:9.
NIL muse.*: Dors nrj now prepared, *,t ihfir
' Foundry in Biootiy Kan, to til! nil orders rust
lings olnts} description tor Grist • Saw Mills,
' *!'■; .•>!'!'>i Machines, Appla .Mills. I'!- ughs, and
' LI things (.!-• i . il: irlstic '.'..v nr.- be needed in
! litis or the adjoining c . u-.'.Ls.
I W■ ro itufucture Threshing Mehit;-s of 24ci *
i Horse power, ira. r tqual i;"ri superior to
j any made in the Sfa'c. U • keep const inily on
I hand a full assortment of IVoodcoeu, Plug. and
i Hillside Ploughs, wirruu'tl io give s.ttisf lotion ■ r
not:! e. Points, shares an 1 liu isidos, te tit aII
i Woodcock or Seyler Plonk' s i;i the County.
Finucr's Bells Ploughs .• i Castings of our
i make may !*• had at Foundry prices at the store of
Wri Hartley, Bedford, Pa., LouderUtugb ec Poc,
, Kat-t Providence Tp., John Nyeuia & Son, Bays
Hill. Times being hari, vro offer great fndco* -
j anuria to Farmers ami AJcchinics to buy oi at.
AH kinds of repairing'ione in t neat nd sub
stantial minucr, tin s all work warranto t. Call
and examine our work wed castings and judge
: for yourselves.
josiai: hap an an & bko.
March 26. !i>53.-tf.
€[J# r iM7 JS LZ2*fl.
G1 KOUGU IS. AMli'.'K, surviving partner of fl>
T late firm id' tko. I>. Ajiiei, v Hrluhku, noti
i h''.* sll persons ' •roa'e.l, She books of said
llrtu remain i Vs h-uvis fo*-settlement, and that
; clrc'.r.u.-utne, s inautan i.wu.e.Uite closing no el
tlia i-nsiness sud firm. Persons indebten or-
I liaritig selPrneuts to make, are therefore mjAes!-
[ d ;■> eaii o:i the m'.serf-or without uciay.
. t. Cldiis'i :l'e, Jut.o 11, lb.-b.-tf.
the au'weriber will eon inuc the mrrcan;\!r l/ust
i r.est at toe otit where lie will tm li. ppv o
' meet ami supply the trains of ins friends and ctn
; comets tit ail uuirs. Ho will receive in a couple
of weeks a tie* supply of seasonable goods, which
j lie is determined to sell cu the most reasonable
1 terrrs. GEO. B. A.MIOK.
j __
„tJ. Pianos, llclodtotfH, Flutes, Guitar*. Brass
Horns, Clarionets, llr;.: tie., ul various n>ap;-
j lecture, always on h itd. /its tttpfiit.ii /> t fry
jjkoittaie ratn. V\ i Beep always ou hand a fail
; assortment of all the new at|d fsshhutahTe mucte,
which we jusil ui our tr/tf,i*f to xny w*rt of" Uoi
N. B. Music ugod to ord r.
| March ?, 1W?.
tho JUir—Jockey Club, and new mown
hay, pomatums. genuine ui uiurow. at Di.
i Many