Contra Cr, By amount paid State Treasurer, a* p-r receipts 736 25 By commission on $776 00 88 75 Alt and Brer License*, Dr. To amount of for 1858 $lO 00 Contra Cr. By amount paid State Treasurer, us pr receipt 9 50 By Commission ou $lO 00 50 $lO 00 Hawkers and Pedlar*' Licensee, Dr. To amount of for 1858 $8 00 Contra Cr. By amount pai*' State Treasurer, per re ceipt 7 60 By commission on $8 00 40 $8 00 Billiard Room*, Dr. To amount of for 1858 $5 00 Contra Cr. By amount paid State Treasurer. • pet r.ceipt 4 75 By commission on $5 00 25 Ten Pins, Dr. To amount of Licenses tor 1868 $l2 60 Contra Cr. By amount paid Sute Treasurer 11 87J By commission on $l2 60 C2J $l2 50 Distilleries, Dr. T> a mount for 1858 $lOOO Contra Cr. By einount paid States Treasurer $3B 00 By commission on $4O 00 1! 00 Briweries. Dr. To amount of licenses lor 1858 $l5 00 Contra Cr. By amount paid State Treasurer 11 25 By commission on $l5 00 75 Circuses, Dr. To amount of licenses for 1858 $5O 00 Contra Cr. By amount pail State Treasu-cr 47 50 By corunTtss'CT. on $5O ' 0 2 50 ' $5O 00 ; Eating licvs'x, Dr. To amount of licenses fir 1858 $5O 00 i Contra Cr. By amount paid Statu Treasurer 30 00 1 By commission on $5O 00 2 50 By amount due the Commonwealth 17 £9 $5O 00 Retailers, Dr. To amount of license for 185$ $602 00 Contra Cr. By amount paid State Treasurer 410 00 By commission on $602 00 30 10 By amount pai l G. >V. Bowman, f.r pub lishing list for 1857, 24 00 ! By amount pud D. Ov.-r, fin publishing list for I'GS 24 CO By amount paid Meyers i. 8.-nfb'! r -..- puWishim* list for 1858 21 GO ; By balance due Commonwealth 85 00 j $602 CO j Militia Fairs, Dr. To aggregate amount outstanding r r 1867 ami previous years at last settlement $2155 60 ; To agregate amount assessed for 1858 1212 50 ' $3368 10 I Contra Cr. Br amount uncollected for ISSB ah.t pre vious $2 If 9 60 By amount of 5 pt r cent commissions al lowed collectors for 1858 and previous years 29 40 By exonerations allowed collectors fjt 1858 and previous years 329 50 , By amount paid sundry persons, as per ststemei t below 476 86 By amount of Treasurer's commission on $BO9 61 at 1 per cent. 8 99 j By I Blanco due Commonwealth 413 76 $8368 10! Stutemcnt of Receipts and expenditures of the ! Military Fund of Bedford county for the year 1858, shewing amount rtceiv d from raeh collector separately, and the. umountspaid to each person in accordance with the act of j Assembly. Received ss follows : Tr >m Jacob Evans, $3O 49' do Henry Eguif, 39 43 • do John i'urrey, 48 93 j do Joco'o Smith, 10 45 : do Adam Bariumrt, 64 60 j do John A. Osborne, 9 05 i do Samuel James, 85 12 do Henry Rose, 10 06 • do Jonathan Foigbtner, 25 00 i do John B Zook, 88 95 ; do William (Israeli, 50 23 \ do Philip Cnppitt, 46 55 do Abraham Morgret. 88 48 I do Daniel Horn, 11 88 do Amos Ash, 46 25 , do I. M. Imler, 14 47 41 U.S. Fluck, 64 15 j do Daniel J. Shuck, 22 00 '■ do Thomas Ritcbev, 6 00 j do John Snjotiso, 24 00 . do William Kirk, 4 4 37 ' do Jared Hanks, 76 50 ! ' r T*"T" C53P3 i* hereby given to the stock -1 | _L v hollers of the Bedford Rail Road Company, that an Flection will be held at the Court Ilomse, I iu the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the J9th ' day February, inst., between the hours of 12 and 4 I o'clock, P. M., to elect a President and twelve di- I rectors to conduct and manage the affairs and bu ' sines* of s.dd Company, for the ensuing year. P. WASH AB AUG H, E. L. ANDERSON, JOB MANN, NICHOLAS LYONS, (). E. SHANNON, FRANCIS JORDAN. JOS. W. TATE, WM. P. RCU ELL, JOIIN ALSIP. Feb. 4, 1859. Committee. T>ECEIPXS AND KXPKNDH URKS OF THE I JL selected stock of ch< iceQEiilCS/ , Drugs md Medicines, wholesale and retail, all of width will l>e sold on fair terms. The assortment i consists in part of ' Drugs and Cremirati. Dye Woods and.icids, Paints j and Oils. Window (Hiss and Glass Ware, Tobi'c to ar.d Utears Per fume •y, Fancy .-triples, £c., t-e. PATEXT MEMOIU ES. —Having the regular agency | for the salt: of many of these medicines, th ; pub- ! lie are assured that they sire of the best; mi- It a* • . have stood the tost of time aod experience, and i cm ba safely recommended as genuine, viz; J Tewcsend's and Sand's Sarsapariila, Wistar's i I balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Peetorul, ' Mi-fiat's Lit-.- Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. ! Jaync's Family Medicines, s, Hol'itt ' sack's and other vermifuge: Ho'ifl.ttW's German, ; Bitters, Ac., *tc. i i Constantly on hand a large stock of histories . ! gcogiapliical. sciontilic. religious, poetical, school ' : en-.: miscellaneous BOOKS. ! Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE- : FY, C>p. Post and Wrapping Paper, of every 1 quality. Paper Hangings iu great variety. Win- ; dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wal! : Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. | BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality— J ! Pocket Books and Port Matinuies. Dlaiies, Blank j ' Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, . ; Combs, Brushes, I'erfuntery in great vr.rietv. ' j Soaps, An, he. i Lamps, and C tfnplmie Oil and Bundng Tlui-1 : ! kept constantly on tutnL CHOICE LIQUORS for m. die d us.-; WolflV | Sclii-idaui Schtiapj-s, Gin, P -rt, Sherry and V. .- deira Wines. | Jan. 28, 1859. Bedford County ss, Tht Commonwesl'.h of I'oniisy'vinia ] to Win. 11. Irwin and his wife ] j and his h--irs, an-! James N. !,• r*d ! others it t otrd in the promises GREETING; ! Wc eemmard and fl.m'y enjoin yon that laying! | aside a.l business whatever, you be and fppear be fore the Judges of the Court of Common PL as of 1 the said Court to beheld ri Bedford, on 4he 14th ' day of February next,to show cause if any you have, j why the witnesses on behalf of Peter F. Kessier, j • Leonard G. Ki-ssler and Jchn Wlii'ay, on their complaint against you, before our sai 1 Cuutt, duly exhibited, should not be examined and their testi mony reduced to writing and filed of record in our j said Court in order to perpetuate the same agreeably to the Constitution of our Government and the act j iof Assembly in such case made and provided.— ! Hereof fail not at your peril. Witness the Honorable F. M. Kimmc'.l Esq., j : President of our said Court at Bedford the 23d day ; ! of November A. D. 1858. ' Jan. 14, 1809. notice: 1 j r rUiK following persons have filed their petitions j I. for license in the Clerk's Office, to Ik* present ; od to the Court of Quarter Session of the pe;.co of j Btdford County, on Tuesday the 15th day of Feb- j rttary next- Shannon Muilin, Bedford tp. Tavern. John B Castner, Broadtop •• Frederick Hilderbrant, Juniata tp. *• Joseph Goodeu, '• •• Peter Kinsey, •* " • David llaeey, Liberty " <• Isaac B. Kay, " •• *1 William Dihert, Wi**t Provideree tp. • Philip Steckman, " •< • P. (J. Morgait. " ' *• Fredrick Berkhlmcr, St. Clair • •> John A. Snhrely, SchcUslturg Borough. 8. H. TATK, Cttrk. j Clerks Cffict* Jan. 2li, 1859. BIBFOEB IfllßUiftEft. siiKiiiir,\ BY vtru:** •; -uia'iy w:its • I" li. ' a., t" M" r i• ugh : "t> Monday , iho lUh day of i * I-Ji;.lly 18.59, at I. o'il.vk. M , t'* bf : lowing d > i iii* it r- il on<)>. to i; : | Alld. I* !. da t>", J-.J.h K : iig .V TLUFU** King's, riglit, till.* ;i!;*t interest *r. and t*> ifti.* tract id laud, containing 237 cc -. s lucre oi i ss; n!g house thereon erected, qn the waters of Yell j\v Greek; adjoining lands of Piper and Pink, George B. Kay's heirs and others, in the name of John King. ALSO —One tract of uniniprovv 1 laud, contain ing 402 acres, more or less ; adj lining tin* Bedford ! Forgo and others, in the name of Stephen Moan. ALSO—One tract of I :;d containing 4 ,v 4 :n-r-*s ' more or less : adjoining the above ai.d others, in the name of Richard Morn, j ALSO—One tract of 1 ind containing 4'>4 acr**S, , i uiorj or less ; adjoining the above and others, in the name of Joseph Aloau. ALSO—One tract of land containing 409 acres, more or lees; adj iiuing the above and others, known in the the inraoof Samuel Moan. ALSO —One tract el kind containing 421 geies, more or less; adjoining the above and others in the 1 J name c.' Alexander Moan. ALSO—Oav tract cf Dud containing 413 acres ' ir.crc or less ; adjoin;:;,; the above and vthers, In j tl:o name of John Mull my. • . ALSO—One tract ol laud containing 374 acres, more or less: adjoining the above and otheis, in the name of l)avid Piper. ALSO—One tract of land contuni • 883 a eft's | more or less ; adjoining the above*and others, in I the name uf Timothy iinuii. ALSO—O-o tract of Una containing 100 acres, more or less , adj iiuing the above ami others, in the name of Israel Moan, j ALSO—One tract of land containing 392 acres ! ! more or less ; : j lining the above and ot'e-rs in the ' nunc of Zrch.iriah Moan. ALSO—One tract of land containing 421 acres, j ! more or less ; adjoining the above and others, • in | | the nam* of John Bo;'J. ALSO—One tract of lic l containing 429 acres, , more or iesi, udj knitig thu above and others, in i the nrrne of William Davis. ALSO—O i * met of land containing 432 acres ! nior * or b. ss ; adjoining ihe ab*ve and others, in : the name cf Isabel i> ivis. ALSO—One tract oi bind contains 411 certs. | more less ; adjoining the above nd uth.*ra, in j the name of Willi ■*n Pip r. ALSO—One tract of 1 n i eont.dning 477 acres, j more or less; adjoining the above and o* hers ; la , | the * ame of J .ha ilardin. ALSO —0.- ' :r :t < ; band containing 442 acres, ! mora or; adjuring tb-r above ana others, i*> i 1 the name c; Ignatius Par i!'-. ALSO —Cat tr ct of !m i containing 434 acr.'s, ! j mere or less ; adjur ing the above en : others, in j the name ol James WiUea ALSO— One tract A lsa i coat iuing 2372 ucrcs, j j mor*.* or Las ; shout IUO clcrocd and under fence, j 1 with or.y charcoal furnace, one biooi i forge, with j : four rclining Arcs, o* e nt tuK-.-n house, one brick j office and stole nous , ware house, 33 tenant ; j houses, b t. ,i leu cue blacksmith shop, on* carpuu- j ter shop, coal hi'usc, iron house, and other out-! i buildings thereon ejected; adjoining ltnds oft j Jaiims Fichelbergrr. on th*.* Nor:!*. Henry Gates j ; anoaiii Fluke, on the .South and West, and Br**aJ j ! Top on the East— known' s the Lerac/is Iron i \ orks pii'ji rty. ALSO—One tract of 'an! in Woodcock vaUev ' j , known os the Bonder ore b:.k containing 253 j acres, more or lew ; adjoining lands of Stcphea I ' Weimer and others. j ALSO—One tract of unimproved a and **antain* ing 33 ncr.-s, more or less; adjoining the above ! and others ; warranted tin; name of Tho.uas ird . John Ivir g. | ALSO—One tnct of Imd containing 420 seres, j ' n. re t-r I -ss ; adjoining the above ami others, in ! i the ilonie ot John Cheney. ALSO—One tract of bind containing 12'* acres. ■ more or less ; adjoining inc above and others, in ; the ranio o! Marii Aioerti. ALSO—One tract of land containing S7-1 acres, ■ ; more or less ; adjoining the above acd others, in | i the name of riaruiali Alberti. ALSO—One tract < i bind containing 42' acres. ] j more or less ; adjoining the above and ot iters, in j j the name of George P. Alberti. ALSO—One tract of lina containing 470 acres, ! mom or less; adjoining the above and others, in • the name i f Peter Swojie and J . King. j ALSO-One tiact o; i.tnd containing 7> acres i more or l**ss, tdjuitilt >: th<* n.o ai d otl t-r.*in tin* ! mini*- o Uarpor F'icck ; own aa the Pluck ore | kirk. i ALSO—One tract of imi containing li acres,. ; more or less; adjoining the above ami others—j i known ;*.s the Daughinbaugh irujirov, mcnt. j ALSO—On.* tract of Una cont.iininiog 109 acres ' rnoro or loss, afljounng Martin Hoover on the west i ! and others, being a p rt cf the Dyke's tract. ALSO—One tract land c-uitaining lid ai res. ! i more or less ; adjoining Jlartin Hoover on the east j j and others, being a part of the Dyke's tract; and j all the abo ve described 1 .u-is sku it<; in Hopewell • j township, Bedford county, ami taken in execution j las the property cf John King ami Thomas Kin;;, j i ALSO—One tract of lmd containing 49 acres I I i: ore or 1 s**; about ml cl ared ani under knee. ; with a two story log house ani log tbo.uon ; j erected; adjoining lands of James Price, Henry j • fa-i... and others—situate in Hopewell township, i ! ftcdfo; 1 c uu'v rr bt ki.-;: in ■ x . ution as the pro i perty o Thon: a King ALSO—One tract of lai d containing 265 actcs, i more or less; about 39 acres, tiemcd ami under ; fence, with 2 dwelling hou.-os ami log st.ibio there on erected; adjoining Unds of IViliiam lams, ' Solomon Smith and otfcctw. ALSO—One tract of land containing 100 acrca, more or loss; about 50 acres cleared and under • fence, with a log dwelling ani kitchen attached and j log barn tlureon erecti*; —also an applu orchard thereon ; adjoining binds of Do'ft, William lams. I Arn' li Lashloy and other*. ALSO—One other tract ot land containing 53 j i acres, more or less, unimproved, adjoining l eads of i | John Johnson, Johu Bennett and others, i ALSO—O-ie oth'-r tract known as the mansion! ' place, containing 205 acres, more or less; about j I 89 acres cleared an-.i under fence, with dwelling j ! house and store room attached, double log barn, i f'nirue stable, and other out-buildings thereon erect- j id; adjoining lands of Mrs. Nancy Kibin, Elza | Mclitlsb, Josi'.tit Browning ani others. And all j | tho above described lmds situcie in Southampton 1 township, Bed lord county, and taken in execution . I s the property of William Lasiiley. ALSO —Ail Defendant, I). S. Ilcikstlessor's \ . right, title, interest and claim, ia ani to on-s trat i !of land, called Buck Bottom, containing 09 acres. ' I more or Lss; about 4 acres cleared and under; ; fence, with a story an i a hi'f plank house thereon j : orecte-i ; adjoining kinds oi li'ia. lurrcster, <>u j ! the west and tho Juniata river on the north and j east—situate in Hopewell township, Bedford Coun- j ' ty, and taken in eXorution as :he property of D. S. 1 i Beikstressor. ALSO—One lot ol ground in the town of Hope well, fronting about 69 feet on front street and i-s-; ; tending back to the furnace race and to an alley, on ' the north, lying triangular, containing about one eighth of an acre—situate in Puiad Top township, i j Bedford county, and taken in execution ss the I property of Thomas W. llorton. ALSO—One tract of land containing Ff> acres, j more or less; about 40 acres cleared and under ; lonce, with a two story log house, cabin bouse and double log barn thereon erected ; adjoining lands ot j William Bliakbuin, Isaac Cuppctt and others— j situate in Napier towjship, Bedford county, and . taken in execution a- the property of John Taw- j ucy. ALSO All Do'lt, William Patton's Interest, in , and to a certain tr.ict of land, aßuateln Broad Top tonnsbifi. Bfilbud county, bounded by lands foe "icily owned by Joseph Evans, Josiah llorton an d James Giiuiiinarhaui Si tin., containing 19t$J and allowance. &c.. lwing the same tract, with the | rig! ts -4A. 21 fts-r- r'Mti.t.. in Hopewell townsfftp, Bedford county, erected on and over the road of said Com puny, and tho lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant thereto, with the riehts and privileges , thereunto belougiug, and taken in execution as the property ot the Hopewell and Bloody Run Plank ' and Turnpike Road Company. ALSO—One tract ot land containing 44 acres, more or less; about 2 acres cleared and under ' Knee, with a log dwelling ln us j thereon erected ; ! adjoining lands ol William Thompson, James Ray, j Watsons heirs md others—situate iu Bedford town ship, Bedford county, and taken in • locution as i the property of Thouias Kiclurison Deft. ALSO—One lot ol ground ia the town of Ston I erst own fronting 27 feet on main street and extend- ; .! ing back about 220 feet to an alley, with a two story plunk house thereon erected, adjoining an alley on 1 ; the Northeast, and lot of Domimck Feeny oti tli* ; ■ South, situate in Liberty township, Bedford count v. and taken ia execution as the property of John ! i McC tfev and wife Del'is ALSO One tract of land containing 193 acres,! more or less; about 100 acres cleared and under j fence, with a two story log house, double frame ; burn and other out buildings 'hereon erected, also an apple ordinal thereon, ahj-dning lands of Abra ham Sills, Anthony Ziuimera, and ot.h<*ra, situate j Bedford township, Bedford county, and taken in ! execution as the property of Jacob lieighart De'ft. j ALSO—One lot of ground in Ihe town of Sto-1 nerstown fronting <53 iett on main street and ox- i tending back 229 to an alley, with a two story frame store house thereon erected, adjoining other lots ol ! j Deft. Joseph Crisiuan on the north and-p,outing j | 220 feet on street running from tho Juniata River T | to the t7*wn of Saxtoa on t.c south. Situate in • LiLerty township Bedford county and t ,keu in x- ' i.'cuiion as the projwrly of Joseph Criaman. WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. \ .Sh-.*rift"s Office, Jan. 2!, 1859. iIEIiiSTEPrS XOTIIF. 4 persons intcreste*!, are hereby nodded that ; 2A. the following named accountants have fib-d i their acounts in the Register's Office of Bedtord j County, and that the same will lie presented to die | Orphans' Court in and for said County, lor Confir- j ma!i '*: i on Tuesday the lotfi day of February, in xt ' ut t!;e Court House in Bedford. The account of Joseph l.nler, Adiainistrutoi J of the Estate tf Klizabe'h Ficfces, 1 itc* o; Union tp. : j dee'd. j Thoaccourt of John Montr, Esq., Guardian i < Caroline (*on!ey,fonaeiiy Gasoline Miller, one of Ihe j I daughters of Thus. B. Miller, decki. 'i .i-3 second account cf Sain ivl Brown, Enq.. : j Surviving Ex *eutor of tho last will. Ac., of John ! I Ke< fit-, late of Ledlotd 1 cwroldp, dcc'ii. T!. • account vc, Adiaiiii.*'ratr of the Estate ot itebocc i V," right, la-e cf St.! CLi: t?., dee'd. j The account of Adonr Burgord. Gu .rJun ol ' I Saiah S. Kelly, t-.nd of the Mi:ri,i Chil iiaei of J*- ] cob S. K.d'y, of South V.'o >f Napier * ' Township,dee'd. The u.couut of I;avid Gorhonour, Lx-cutor of I i the last will ftc..ol J. GoeS.* uour,!atuvt Union lp.. : j dee'd. j Ihe first account of Jon L. Kitf!.*, L?q , Ad- I nmiistrator of the E fate of Jacob Rift!.*, :.,tv of : Ju.ii .iA tp., dee'd. The account bt Johu B. Lonronoekvr, A 'mis i i#'-at., dee'd. The account ot (>. K. Shannon, Esq., Adminis trator ol the Estr.t : •*' l.ouisi 11-;uuier, late oi Cincinuuti Ohio, dee'd. ) he account ot O. L. Sh.anuon, Esq., Adminis | tr. t.'rof the Estate of Kiu.vy Ake, late of Union ' tp., d.-c'U. The recount of Johu C.Yickroy, Administrator of i the Estate Susan Bruner, late ol Cumberl uidY'alley l Township, dee'd. The adii.i .istr.tion account of Daniel ministrrt ~r oi the Ms' ate of Jaco' H-'lsel, late of i o! Bedford *.p. dec'!. SAM'L 11. T.ATE Register. Register's Office, Jan. 14, 1855). i ia mm, i WITBOVT Sl ROICAL OP..RATIONS OH LOSS "F BLOOD. Cancees, Turners, Mens, Scrofula, Lie:rs, &c.. i cui.-d iu a short tirue # without t|yt- ~r Dr. MACNICHOL, (Colleague of the laic Dr Loan-berry, Dee'd ) No. SO. North FIFTH Street. bcl r.T Arch, Phi.'a . The remarsabl" success which has at ton led the treatment ot Cancers, Tumors, c.,' -y L>r. Mac- Xi.chol, for a number of years past, has attracted I the attention, and in many instances ins secured ■ tl:*f hearty approval of many ctuinaiit FLyoiciaus y Philadelphia, who no longer willing to risk j the dangers and uncertainties of culling. j Cancer can be Cured ! —if properly treated and ! promptly. A great mijority of the cases of Can- . jeer, can bo effectually cured. The numerous-' I patients, from every section <>l the country, who | 1 have been cured under this method of treatment is , i a guarantee of its superiority over every other ! ! known system. Those who may be sfflicfed with thssj diseases, and desire further information or advice, will please J address Dr. Mac Nick I, when they will receive j j prompt attention and a Copy of Phamplct, on the treatment of Cancers —freo of charge. | White Swelling. Hip Di*eittt, Scbrftclous an ! Ma- , lignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, ■ : Ulcerations of the Bones, TETTER, SC.U.D HEAD, ; and till diseases of tho Skin, permanenly cured, and i p rr , ; .,- remedies scut—carefully packed—by_ Fx- j ! pr -to any part of the country. J:i every c ise a plain description of the dLoase : ; I* re'i't''•<(*!. Address, I)A. MACNiohol, NO. 5J , ! North 6th. St., Puilad'A. Proprietor and M.tmi- ; {Ucturer of Dr. Lounsberry & Go's Cel -bratiid /m- | perial Depuretlire . the best and most reliable I am l ily Medicine of th ' Nineteenth Century, <>r the : cure of aII DLS-'AS-S originating i" Impunities f the , Biood. Jan. 28, 1859.-3rc. idniiiiWallK THAN 500*000 BOTTLES ; j SOLI) J.\ TIIK EiUUKO STATES 1\ \K YEIR, THE RESTORATIVE OF PRO. O.J. WOOD lor restoring hair perfectly and permanently, has never yet lmd a rival, volume alter volume might be given from all parts of the world and from the, 1 most intelligent to prove that it U a p*rfd R'.'k"- atire ; but read tli circular and you c umot doubt ; I read also the following. , UjTThe Hair. —People bave lor cciilurii-s leeu ulUicled with bald heads ami the only remedy, here tofore known, iits been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Professor Wood these articles i are b**ing last dispensed with, but a groat miny { persons still patronize thorn, because they have heeu , so Oiien imposed upon by ilair funics of dufervnt kinds. To all such persons we earnestly m.ikctbo ■ request, that they will try orce again, for in tfood's ! Restorative there is no such thing as fail. We know of a lady who was bald, who used the article a short j time, atid her head is now cover.-< 1 completely with ! the tiniest and most beautiful curls im igiiiabl -. We j j know of numerous cases where hair was rapidly fd ling out, which it restored in great, r p rf-ction" then | it ever had I .eon la-tore. f j Jt is also without doubt one of the best articles j lor keeping the li.dr i i good condition, making it : soft and glossy, removing dandruff and has proved j ; itself th great s? enemy t*>ail the i'!s that hair is j heir t. J It is the duty of every one to improve their per- j : sonal appei ranee through some may differ iri regard ito (lit: ways of dojng jt; let every one will admit | that a beautil ul bead ol h.,ir, e in man or wo i man, is au object much to be desired, and there are ; no mca.ns that should i>e 1 *tt untried to obtain such ! consideration.—if pri-ifl'f Advocate, PhiGdelphi'i. i PROF. O. J. WOOD fk CO—Gents: As I l.avg j { I) vn engaged in selling y..ur H.iir Restorative tho j 1 ;st season for übs of your local agents (R. M. j | Hackinson.) and having experienced the beneficial! i effects of it myself, 1 would like to obtain agency 1 ; for tho State of Ohio or some State in the West, ! should you wis': ij m.ik such an arrangement, as I j am conviueO't there ft nothing equal to i' in the j United States, for restoring the hair. I have been ; | engaged in the Drug business for several aval's, and I ! haw soli various preparations for the hair, but have ' | found nothing that restores the* secretive organs or , ; invigorates the scalp as well a-, yours, being fully ! convinced that your restorative is whit you reptJ j s 'fit it to be, I would like to engageiu the rale of ; it. for I an: satisfied it must sell. [ Yours trirlv, ?. T. .STOCKMAN. j PROF- O. J. WOOD it Co—Gents; Having r-.-- ; a'ized the godclfucn oi your 11 f Oyer and Terminer at i Bedfoid. on MONDAY theHtit day of Feb: u ary. ! v xt. Notice is hereby giv**n to H the Justices j of the Peace, the Coroner .ma Constai l.*s vitidn l I the said county of Bedfoid, that they U* then an*, therein tiicir proper persons, with their rolls, ree- j or*!s, and inquisitions, cx.auiiu.-.tions an i other rc citffi; rancvs. to do those things which to tair ot£- : ces and in t!:it behalf apu. rtain to be done, Rtitl als * they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall bo in the J T] of Bedford county, to bo then and the .* to prosecute ag.*i.)t them as | shall be just. 'WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sh.-r.f. j ShVji'fTs Office Bedford, Jan. 14, 1859. FOINDHi AMD "MACUINE SHOI' THE subscribers fcavirg formed a partner ship under the style oi "Dock & Anhconr/ for the purpose of c rr.ducting s. general IOl.\lIC I A\l U business iu the establishment recently erected by Gilliard Dock,in Hopctvell, Bedford coun tv, arc now prepa-od to execute ordcis :Vr CASTINGS A XL' MACHINERY *t every dc fcnption. They will b'lili to order steam-en gines, coal sand drift-cars, horse powvrs anc threshing machines—also, casting of every kit; 1 far furnaces, forges, svw, grist an i rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, column*, house fronts, brackets, \c.. N They arc abo, now making a lino assortment ) of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat- • tvrna an*i n< at approved styles, including *< *,*-' oral sizes of COOK STOVES of the lies; Uiakc, \ h'ati'ig ktovca for churches, offic -s, bar "v'-p.a '< A iu'il assortment of Stov.s will be he,*; constantly on hand, and sold Rt wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, nad quality, i warranted equal to the b*! eastern m.ttve.— ' Machinery of all kinds r -paired promptly.— j Patterns made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, 0. \V. ASIICOM. Nov. 6, 1857. UK-lOKT HOTEIA, licdioril. I'a. rr>IIE subscriber respectfully announces to the j A public that he has opened a Hotel, under the above r.ame, in the old and well known Globe l bud ling, on Weft I'itt Street, formerly owae I ;-.nri i occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will be j happy to sea all ins Iricnli. aa 1 t ;e traveling pub- j lie generally. Persons atteuJlng CU-*t arc re- ! RjK'Ctfully invited to give him a cell. He pledges | himself that he will d*> ail in his pow .*,- to render ; all his guests comfortable. His Talil J will be suppiimi with the choicest de- j licacies the market will atfori. The Bed Rooms will contain cb*sn and comfort able bedding. The Bar will bj supplied choic ■ liquors. j The .Stable will be atten.ied by a careful and at ♦. -ntive hosflor. ;j7" Boarders will be taken by the uay, week, I month ami veer. JONATHAN HORTON. Bciford, April 39, 185* j | STTJELV-HS^TXIKrCS-. OH. GAlTliEit will promptly attend to sll te*i to j him. Oifico on Juliana s*r *ci two doors south of the Inquirer offi *e. ]).*<:. i>l, Ido-S. ViraL L and BLIND PAPER.— Dr. B. F. j Vi Harry is oar agent for this necessary i article. By calling at bis store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. tYe haveaade our siring selections wilb mach care, and lii'.nk 1 we eaiioot fail to please. aiIRYOCK Si S2UTII, ; Chiimbcrubvrg j AN excellent articla of Hair arid tooth Hrusbes ! at Dr. Harry's Drug and Hook Store. August 0. IMb. I THE IJVKI! IMIIiOIMTDR, PREPARED ISA PH. HAXHJIIU. 11 Compoiinded lTotti CiITIS, Is one or rut bk pi:rg vi ive and LIVER 31KD1C1XES new botbre the public, . that acts as a Cathartic, ci'ier, milder, and room > j effectual than any other medicine known. It h not i ■ .ojly a Culhurtic, but a l.tver remedy, acting first : j on the Livtr to eject It* morbid mutter, two on the . ! s cniftch and bowel* to carty off that matter, thu* accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any ol the painful tendings experienced in the op : orations ol moot C.-thartici. It strengthens the system at the omo time ituit it purges it; and i when taken daily in moderate doses, will strength en and build it up with unusual rapidity. The J.ivei is one of the principal regulator# of the human body,-and when it perform* it, (unction* well the powers •;' tl: • system are fol'v developed. Ihe s'otnach is almost entirely dependent on tint heultl-y action of tfi Liver for Hie proper peifenn ance ol its .'utictions. When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system suffers i:i conseqiu rce '.f or •_ organ—the I.ircr— - having erased to do its duty. Eor the disease of that orgm, 0.'.0 ol the prt>piictors made it hup j study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to flad some remedy wherewith to counteract the mi ny derangements to which it i- liable. To prove that this mdy is i.t last found, any pirs t. IronM-u.—-* wiih Liver (Vmplaiut in n> y„f its, l:ay—> y at { C | rv a h,,m ej an j : is certain. - . i hese gums remove*- . ;.H morbid or bid tut ; Isr from the supp'./inc it. theirplace I a healthy how oi file.invigorating the stam ach, causing food to gvst well, purify : ngttw blood, givi :g toil-? aiid s i.eaith to tie wenx machinery, r< rh causes ol :be dis ease, and effecting a ra-' 11 "I dlc.i! cure. Bd'Otls attack i ap pi* cured, and, what is bet* : > i revent .y t occ-.sional usu of the ■ Liver Invigorate?. " | Ur.c fosj after catuij '>s sufficient to leliece , the stomach .ted prav nt (ha food tiring j and souring. _ Only one doss taken*—t Usfbretctiring prevent* nightmare. Only one dose l-isum,— at night loose: s the bowels gently, and costivvoess. Onedose tak-u after -.each meal wil' tnr* ' Dyspepsii. H—l ; Z7~O f .o dose of two tea-spoonsful will a! ways relieve Sick Head- ache. ( One bottli taken foruO tetuale obstruction re moves the c iuse :IkJ** disease.*auo makes a perf cl cure. r—*. Only one dose iinme diatcly reliji a * Chol.c. , while > One i.osc oft. t<-1 is a sure ruie tew Ci.olerj Morbus, and ' preventive of Ch-'deia One dose takt . o.tct will prevent the recur-• rvtice ol bilious while it relieves ad ; painful (ieiing*. LC?*o:i!y ut.e 'joltli: is*'-* needed to tluow out >1 the system the effects of medicine after long sickness. One Out lc taken for Jr l. ml ice nniovcs H v<| lowiioia or unnatural color l~om the rkin. One dose taken a short time be fore eating giv s | vigot to the appetite and makes f ml digest mil. One ilose often repeated cure. Chronic Iliarrhma in i's Worst i -nvs, while summer and bowel com* plaints yield alv.i * to tiie Si:st dose One or t-.vo doses cures attacks caused by wm me, while t,r worms in children, there is no* s.ifi-r or speedier remedy i-. the w- rid, as it never fails. Af. v be?tloa cures Dropsy, bv exciting tbe b -. soilcnts. 'c e take pleasure in recommending t'nis medi cine as a preventive for Fercr and Ague, Chill Er tei, and Fevers ol u Bilious Type. It operates , with certainty, and tho*sun '.sare v illingto testity t it, vjuderful virtues. A.I whj use it ni:■ g;ii.-g theii unanimous tcsti mony :n its favor, t/".Mix M ater in the Mouth , with :!.■_• j'-j'or, u:.d swallow both together. Thb Liver liivigorator Is a great scientiSc Medic. J Discovery, and is JaiV working cuii-s ul.ucst t-)o to believe. 1? cures as it by in igic, t. - <* /.W flfst dose itiring here \ fit ar.-l seldom more than atie liottic is required t ' cure any kind of Liver Conrpl dnt, fr-.m! the worst oauti or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all I of which arc ihv l jo ill of a Diseased J.ivcr. r.tIC" OSC hOLi.AR PKR BOTTLE. Db. Sanfoko, Fi .prietor, b'4 > Broadway, X. V. Soil tn Bedford .y Dv. !i. F. Haukt, and re tailed bv ail Dn.'gjists. i June 11, 5858.-X2. . LiS i' OF fiPSHS I.">L T ilowr. for trial it Fvbruarv t -r j ( 1 itli 18.39. John Hoylj r; Wu:. Xcy.-c* Levi ilardtuger - John C Morgart Ired, Ittlierorcnd •• C. H. Kroner A. Biairs tt.i > .. J. ha Blair et. *l. Ju-iitA School Itistri •* - L. A. Turner Wil iam Oss .. A-roll Laahley T. McC tuloy A Co. '• Jobti Davidson \ Co. James llntr.ken .. p. Washaliattgh ct. id. J >seph Burgess '• U'm. Keyacr ct. a!. Henry G.ows '. Mil for 1 J utiles Jonathan If. Dlcken • Jesse Picker. Jr. U m. Forbes Patrick hum -t. L P-. G. W. A der?.-n "A. K. (lex S. H. TATE, Proth'y. ProiiTy OnGcr, ..'an. ;S, IS:9. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY . AND >1 ACf I LYE SHOP. NIL muse.*: Dors nrj now prepared, *,t ihfir ' Foundry in Biootiy Kan, to til! nil orders rust lings olnts} description tor Grist • Saw Mills, ' *!'■; .•>!'!'>i Machines, Appla .Mills. I'!- ughs, and ' LI things (.!-• i . il: irlstic '.'..v nr.- be needed in ! litis or the adjoining c . u-.'.Ls. I W■ ro itufucture Threshing Mehit;-s of 24ci * i Horse power, ira. r tqual i;"ri superior to j any made in the Sfa'c. U • keep const inily on I hand a full assortment of IVoodcoeu, Plug. and i Hillside Ploughs, wirruu'tl io give s.ttisf lotion ■ r not:! e. Points, shares an 1 liu isidos, te tit aII i Woodcock or Seyler Plonk' s i;i the County. Finucr's Bells Ploughs .• i Castings of our i make may !*• had at Foundry prices at the store of Wri Hartley, Bedford, Pa., LouderUtugb ec Poc, , Kat-t Providence Tp., John Nyeuia & Son, Bays Hill. Times being hari, vro offer great fndco* - j anuria to Farmers ami AJcchinics to buy oi at. AH kinds of repairing'ione in t neat nd sub stantial minucr, tin s all work warranto t. Call and examine our work wed castings and judge : for yourselves. josiai: hap an an & bko. March 26. !i>53.-tf. €[J# r iM7 JS LZ2*fl. G1 KOUGU IS. AMli'.'K, surviving partner of fl> T late firm id' tko. I>. Ajiiei, v Hrluhku, noti i h''.* sll persons ' •roa'e.l, She books of said llrtu remain i Vs h-uvis fo*-settlement, and that ; clrc'.r.u.-utne, s inautan i.wu.e.Uite closing no el tlia i-nsiness sud firm. Persons indebten or- I liaritig selPrneuts to make, are therefore mjAes!- [ d ;■> eaii o:i the m'.serf-or without uciay. . t. Cldiis'i :l'e, Jut.o 11, lb.-b.-tf. the au'weriber will eon inuc the mrrcan;\!r l/ust i r.est at toe otit where lie will tm li. ppv o ' meet ami supply the trains of ins friends and ctn ; comets tit ail uuirs. Ho will receive in a couple of weeks a tie* supply of seasonable goods, which j lie is determined to sell cu the most reasonable 1 terrrs. GEO. B. A.MIOK. j __ IJL'SIC a. MUSICAL INSI'KU.MKNTB. „tJ. Pianos, llclodtotfH, Flutes, Guitar*. Brass Horns, Clarionets, llr;.: tie., ul various n>ap;- j lecture, always on h itd. /its tttpfiit.ii /> t fry jjkoittaie ratn. V\ i Beep always ou hand a fail ; assortment of all the new at|d fsshhutahTe mucte, which we jusil ui our tr/tf,i*f to xny w*rt of" Uoi country. N. B. Music ugod to ord r. BHBYOCK k S.IH r'H ... | March ?, 1W?. tho JUir—Jockey Club, and new mown hay, pomatums. genuine ui uiurow. at Di. i Many