Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 11, 1859, Image 2

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S'riday Morning. FEB 11 1559
11. OVER-Editor and Proprietor.
MONET' MONEY! !—The approaching Court
will be a favorable opportunity for many who
owe us for subscription, advertising and job
work, to cail and settle. Those not coming to
town can send the amounts with their neigh
bors who do coma. This is intended feu all
who are indebted. If persons oanDot pay all
they owe u% (and none owe us very large hills,
they can certainly pay us a part of the amount)
Wo h-ivo payments to utile, sod must have
rnoncy some how or anotb r.
J.-n 2*. 1859.
The board of uaml Commissioners guvs up
the glu st and died n disgraceful death on the
25:h of Jinuitv, 1859. During the last few
days of the existence cf the Bond, says the
Stale Sentinel, some of the oU aud eft reject
ed claims were reconsidered and allowed. In
one instance, so notorious was the injustice to
the State, of allowing a rejected claim for more
than 515000, that the holder could not even
sell his vrarunt, after iic had obtained i% al
though he offered a large discount ! And such
has been the public protest against it that the
•State Treasurer refused to pay "it.
are trying to increase the postage from 3 to 5
eents on letters, and to prevent the fr->e circu
lation of papers in tho Counties in which they
arc printed. Such a bill lus been offered in
lion. Wilson MoCutiJicfs has. been nomina
ted by tbe President to the Judgeship of the
U. S. Court at Pittsburg, left vacant by the
resignation of Julgelrvin.
The receipts aud expenditures, and other ad
vertisements, occupy 1% great part of cur p.pvi
this week, to the ex-lusion ct many other mat
We ndvisc our readers to carefully rxstniue
the aeeounbr of the County, as published this
week. We may have something to hereaf
ter ori thi subject.
The Hollidayaburg Bank has changed hands,
and is now owned Cy substantial men in Oc're
County. The notes now pus curr. n ( .
Uou. Simon Cameron, U. S. Senate, m!
Hons. Jobu Covode ana B. A. Purvinnce, H.
Representatives, ha\t tor thanks for favor*.
Ilvns. K. D. G ixztiu, end Wm. P. Schell of
tho State Sentit", and Williams, Walker and
MoCiure, of tbe House, have our "hanks for
many favors.
RELIGIOUS. By divine ponutaswn, the R*-v.
C. F. Iloffutoior cxpeola to preach iu Ibo Stone
Church, at Bi ody Ruu, on Sunday tuoining >
tho 20tb ir.s"., a" 10 o'clock, in the Kngli!i
Uugu tgc.
Speaking of the Democratic Senatotial cau
cus agait:st the Tariff, The Philadelphia ,%'orfft
American says:
•'The people of Pennsylvania huve suffered
long and ma.lL under tbe despotic misrule of
Democracy; but the charm is broken and the
t oeptcr has at length departed. They deebnd
their independence, ooee for all, last October,
snd no frauds, no miserable deception*, no false ,
pretenses can recall that glorious act of catm
ripatiotl." i
Sf oU Legion of t eiural i'euusylvania. i
A rueetiug of the surviving officers and sol
diers oi the Mexican war of the counties of
Blair, Cambria, Bedford, Huntingdon; and
neighboring counties, wiii be held at the Lu
gau House, (Cotpotai Ke. ff-rV) liollidaysburg,
ou the evening of the 22 1 February, iust., f yr
the purpose cf organizing a "SCOTT LE- !
Oapt. D. Li IIOFIUS,
Capt. \.Yi. WILLIAMS
Sergt. J. L. KiDD, I
P!u 9, '59.
Washington, for the past three or four weeks, j
has been ri-ited by prominent Democratic poli- :
tieians from ail parts of ths eountry. The States
ayi that the scntimcrit aiuoug them appears to 1
be universal that the leading issues of the ttr-st I
Presidential otavass wd! be the tariff and sg- !
quisiti JU of territory, eoupied with a ho!-i am- |
energetic foreign jioii'-y. "And .he imprcssioti j
# equally universal that the mm who six months !
hrnee is the best type in popular esteem of;
these ideas will be the noiiiinf.e at Caarleston. •
Platforms are voted nuisances, if a man is not J"
put .in thim of the tuff to live up to them.—
The platform this time must bo the Candidate." 1
'1 ue Democrat* of Ohio, to purity an I integ
rtfy assembled at Columbus, draw it milder.-
Representative i imfluck uffcted resolution of
instructions to the Buckeyes in Congress "to
use thetr influence and votes to procure the p?s
aago of the bill now pending in Congress to
place thirty millions of dollars tt disposal
of the President of the C. State.- for the pur
chase of Cuba."
f LeUer froiu Baltimore.
I The H either View from the .Monument—lm
-1 provtments— % 1 novel Strums'tip—The Con
j vhltH—Lectures, £>' c.
BALTIMORE. Feb. 5, 1859.
Mr. EDITOR : —Wo arc having u very mild
; winter here, while they are having snow and
i 4'*-'ighi:g in the north. We have rain and mud,
■ though wc have also had much fine weather.
Taking advantage cf a fair day, we repaired
to the Washington M moment to get a view of
the city and suwououing eountry. In every
direction, the low, dark, forest-covered hills
stretch away in the distance, without any grand
aud lofty mountain eu which the eye may rest,
or to break the monotony of the view. In the
vicinity of the city the country i-- dotted with
farms and splendid country seats, for which the
roliing character of the ground furnishes the
most beautiful situations.
AO the southeast is a good VIEW of the Pa
tapsco, wtth the numerous white sails of ves
sels that ore constantly going out and coming
mto the harbor, with here and there a curling
wreath of smoke from the steamers. Fort Mc
llenty and :ho Light House are seeu :t short
distance below trio city. The principal part of
the city lies south of the monument, and is
spread out over almost us lumy Lills as ancient
lt is only 180 years siaee Baltimore
was luij out, an.J 00 acres of land purchased
at 40 shillings per acre, to bo paid in money, or
tobacco at one penny per pound; and even up
to I<7 o, the mere hunts were compelled to send
ti.eir advertisements to Annapolis or Philadel
phia, there being no newspaper then published
here. Now it is the third city in the union,
: and its population reckoned at a quarter ola
j mii.ion, aud it is now the grejtei-' flour market
in the world.
Adjoining the monument grounds the Pea
body lustituie is in course cf building, and
bid.-i btir to bo a great addition to ttic public
buildings of the city. The j lii and penitentiary
are eeing rebuilt, and the Exchange buildings,
w..ore the Post Office is kept, have been remo
deled and uineh beautified and improved.
One of the greatest curiosities of modern
building, is the eigar-shaped lien steamer,
built by Ross aud Thomas Winans, South Bal-
lt is built entirely cf iron, ISO feet
long, 16 feet wide in t!.e middle, perfectly !
lound, i.nd runs to a point at both ends, alike.
It Ins 4 engines, sn i the p.ddie-whed stands *
ero-swisa in the middle, cutting the vessel near
ly in tw. She is entered by two hatchways on
top, about 30 inches in diameter, and lighted j
by two rows of glass ' windows, (j inches in ui
i aiiuter. She bus Lecu Lut't by iier ingenious ;
and energetic proprietors, us an experiment,
vti'b a view to attain the fastest possible speed
of travel en water, with safety. She cannot
burn, an i loox-j r.s though she might run either !
over or under the waves without danger.-
\Y hcther she :s intended to curry passengers or j
not, we cannot say, but presume not , as ladies i
aie e -natty prohibited from entering, and sure
ly, bow can a fashionably extended skirt pass
through a thirty-inch hatchway? Wo will not ]
be lUU u surprised if the concern runs to Ku- I
rope in three or four day-, or if it don't ruu al j
a..; though iu a short trial-trip, the other dav, '
she gave satisfac-'i-jii to Lr builders.
1 acre are six persons now confined ir. this
city, awaiting ibe execution of the iaw for mur
der. Two arc to be executed on the li b, one
ffoi o at:: one colored m-n. Besides the.-e, :
there are five more eases tor murder cn tba
docket of the Cumin .1 Court, which makes the
largest number ever known JQ the history of 1
. i^il'imorc.
i iie cou-sj cf Lectures before the Morcao
t.le Library Association has Le-n a briaian:
out, us it couid not fail to be, with such iectur- '
era as Bayard Taylor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, !
L. H. t.rapiii, It.. Piitnuu a r, and other wor- !
'•hies. The popular course at the Maryland In
stitute h.s been none too popular. Dr. Bovn
ton is now giving a course on Goologv, which i
is dcep'y interesting nod instructive- He is r.a !
able teacher of the fchnce.
We hear nothing tf the health of the civ, !
and suppose it to oe ail right.
V AND Alt A.
Hfui Calanily.
HOUSE. — it is our painful duty "to record one :
of the most horrible and distressing Sres and •
loss of life, last tight, that has ever happened 1
in cur country or ci.'ies, accompanied by awful
circumstances. Last evening, cboat 11 o'clock, !
a two story fr&mo house, situated just out of I
the line of Allegheny City, in Reserve township,
and ocrupicd by a man named Rogers, by trade
a carpenter, with his family, caught fire, and
before they could be rescued, he and Lis wife '
and six <--ut of seveu children were burn? ty •
This Rogers and wifo hid, it seems from the
evidence of the neighbors, for sometime given
themselves up to hard drinking, and though he
owned the property on which he lived, yet so
worthless had lie become that the family had
been supported by tbe neighbors out of chari
ty. He and bis wife frequently had quarrels,
ami so common had their quarrels and muses i
become to tho neighbors tout but little aMcn- ;
lion was paid to them.
Screams were heard by the neighbors in tiio
house before tbe fire Was discovered by them. !
but supposing they were, as usual, occasioned j
by a druken fight, and as they were known to j
have been drunk aIJ day, nothing was thought j
cd till ttie flames wore seen. Bit it was too !
late; the father and mother, were consumed in j
the first story, while the cries of poor innocent ;
children, the innocent victims of tbe infernal i
vico of their parents, went up in hopeless ago j
cy from the second story, where the merciless i
fliiues had encircled theui with theit fiery aud ,
fatol wreaths before human aid had reached )
tbetu. Ttie only "tie saved w<s a boy who go' i
ont on tbe porch. j
Ibe house was dry an J burned like a flash.
I AH that human aid could do, was done, but it
*can>e too iafe. The two cities and neighbor-
J boor! are thrilled with horror at this oecur
, reoee.
The boost stood by itself, neat the head of
I James street, Allegheny eiy.- -Pittsburg Jour
| rtnl.
i (i<n. Cats has been attacked twioe lately with
; npopleotic symptoms, and the other night had
| tbo doctor with him all night, and till late in
j the morning. His friends were much alarmed;
as yet, however, the fact bar been kept out of
the newspapers.
i he Kansas Gold Wines, &c.
ST. LOUIS, Thursday, Feb. 3, 1859.
Highly flittering accounts of the Kansas
gold initios couliuno to be received. A rich
quartz vein has been discovered at R.UtonV
-1 Fork, 12 miles from Aururia, and shot gold a*
bounds in several localities.
, The Fort Defiance dates by the Santa Fe mail
are to December 21. They says that the Nav
| ajo ludiaus acknowledge losing 200 lives, 20,-
f 500 sheep and horse*, the destruction of 1,000
; huts, and au immense quantity of grain alto
-5 j gether valued at upward of §>100,900, duting
[ : the late war.
, M". Yost, in u letter to The Snnt'i Fe G<l~
. zette, intimates that there is a disposition to
! deal too harshly with these Indians, at.d says
: that if certain terms are exacted it will turu
. ; them from the pursuits of industry and agri
culture, by which they now support a wbol: ua
tion of 12,000 souls, and sustain 350,000 sheep
j and 60,000 horse*, and mike litem robbers and
r i plunderers.
LEAVENWORTH, Feb. 3, 1859.
■ | "Osttwatmuie" Brown who had been pursued
; and surrounded at Kureks by the Deputy Mar
i sbal and posse, succeeded in making his escape
1 on Monday into Nebraska. A small detach
ment of Iroops, sent by Go!. Somner tn aid in
the capture ot Brown, returned on hearing of
1 I his cHcap®. - -
The world moves! On the motion of Mr.
' Grow of Penn., the Home.s'eud Hill was passed
iu the House of Representatives on the Ist.
iust., by a vote of 120 to 70. This bill give*
to every head of a family, who is a ciliztn or
has declared Li* intention to become such, 100
acres from any unappropriated land belonging
to tho U. .State*, on the simple condition that
ho shall make his home upon it and cultivate
! -
wad this bill become u lutv ft.teen years ago,
i it would Lave saved a vast deal of public cor
ruption, .nd would have added immensely to
tbe power and happiness cf the country.
Now let us see the vote cu it in the Sen
j ate. —-V. Y Tribune,
A\\ ESTERN IDEA.— An idea about as mag- j
! E'ficent as Mr. Eilm t'* plan of'slack-watering' j
the Ohio, is started by the St. Louis Democrat, ;
It is nothing less than to unite the water® of i
j the Upper Arkansas, the South Platte and the ]
Jvausas rivers, into one stream to fill tho bed '
i of the latter, and make from the three incon- 1
siderable and almost useless streams, oue broad,
j deep, navigable nvt-r, tlwt would open the far ■
West country eiear to the base of tho maun- \
tains, and in'o the new auriferous region®,
. whither emigiotion and civilization is now pow- ;
i erfully attracted. '1 he river thus created would
be equal to the Missouri in magnitude,'nt i
i the Democrat Lctfcr wait till the Pacific Rail- j
i road is luilt?
| Cincinnati Enquirer gives as a reason why the
people of that city should desire the annexa
tion of Cuba, that were that i-lacd in the
Uuion, whiskey, and some offer products nnd
j manufactures of the Buckeye State, wpu'd be
; -mid in that metropolis of potk and strychnine
j whiskey, aud shipped to Cuba. This we con
sider conclusive. The most bitter opponent of
Buchanan's administration must acknowledge
; tie cogency cf this argument. Cuba must t-e
annexed, if Cubauoa will buy Cincinnati
whiskey, and there need be no more argument
j upon the subject. U e Lr.po that 4< tuc recom
. uicodation of the Executive" will be acted up
on at once, and tin-§ 200.000,000 appropriated
without any speechifying, for nothing stronger,
\or more spirited can be said concerning this
! great measure.— Daily News.
Indiana Lecomptonisui is going the Cuba
"bettcr. 1 Lost week, Senator Ileffren intro
: duced joint resolution, which, after a long
siting of "whereases," in regatd to the outra
ges committed by the Spanish Government on
car flag, &c., Ist. Instructs the Senators and
j requests the Representatives in Congress from
t'.e State to vote for tho passage of a law pla
cing she entire strength of the nation at tho
i disposal of (he President, to compel satisfac
; !: a for all our past giievancoi, end any new
j outrages, eitLer upon r.ny of our citix a ?is, Cr the
; power and dignity of cur flag cr nation. 2J.
i Recommends that, ia case tho army ana navy
! should be called out for any such purpose, the
| taking, holding &ud annexing the island of
j Cuba, as an indemnity for the outrages oow-
I mi'ted on our Government and Its oitiauos.
A ohailcngs to aknto was giveu by Miss ,
; of Salem, a Di Vernon young lady, who saucily
1 gave out that if any of the male gender could
[ catch her, she would forfeit a kiss. The Bos
| (ou Herald says that an athletic negro, hearing
: of the challenge, gave chase, and soon Lis arm
encircled her waict. llcr brother, however,
averted the impending smack by presenting the
fellow with* five dollar bill, telling him t6'slide.'
The African started on a 'bender' with the funds,
remarking audibly that be 'wouldn't give five
dollars to kiss any wite gai iibiuV'
A new paper, with the title of the Milky
Way, 13 about to be established in Buffalo, N.
Y. The prospectus don't say so, but we prepume,
from the name, that it will furnish its readers
with their butter and cream.
Drawn for February Term, 1859, 21 Monday,
14th day.
Duncan McVtcker, Suhelisburg; Jacob M.
liarnct, E. Providenue; Philip Cuppot, Napier;
Philip S. Crolt, M. Woolberry: Joseph Fisber,
VV. Providence: James Fiuk, Hopewell: George
W. Figart, Broadtop: Goorge Fluck, Liberty:
Henry S. Fiuck, M. Woodbetry: Acxander
Fletcher, Southampton: Jonathan Haeleroad,
Coloraiu: Michael ilalderbaum, Bedord tp.:
Reuben Mock, M Woo dhurry: Charles Mc-
Laughlin. Jr., E. Providence; ThouiasH. Mur
ray, W. Providence: Lewis May, Dumb. Valley:
James Madara, M. Woodberrv: Charles Ponsyl,
Cvleraiu: flenry Ruiuiuod, Bed. Borough: Geo.
Stockman, Monroe: George Tewell, Southamp
ton. John Whetstone, Napier: Michael Wey
<iut. Union: Soloinou Williams, W. Provi
Jcseo A*h, Comb. Valley: Dr. G. W. An
derson, Bedford tp.: Alvey Boylan, Juniata:
Jaiuis Burns, Jr., do.: William BerkLeimer,
(uion: Nicholas Boor, Curnb. Valley: D.Boyer
M. Wood berry; A. B. Huun, Scbellsburg: Jcr.
Howies, Bedford tp.: \V ui. Cook, Londonderry:
■ Win. Defibuugh, Monroe: Joseph Dull, Juniata:
| John Evan,*, Londonderry: Martin Evans, Moii
! roe: Samuel Eiiiot Cuiub. Valley: Samuel
j Griffith. St. Clair: Mark Honiara, Southauip
'"tou: Samuel Han, M. Woodberry: Win. Key
; ser, Juniata: John Keith, M. Wood berry; Ad
! am Kettering, S. Woodberry: George K. Ly-
Bedford i|.,: Peter F. Lehman, Juni
ata: Adam F. Miller, ilarrttoo: Jeremiah Ment, M. Woodberry: Michael Miller, St. 01<r.
' Win. Nycum, Juiii.ita: Samuel Nicodemus, S.
j Woodberry: .Jacob Hinehnrt, Hroadtop: Robert
■ Ralston, S. Woodberry: John SmouM, Snake
! Spring: George Stiffler, Red. Borough: l>aniel
Stoler, Lit erty: Frederick Scbnebly, Bedford
1 tp.: Lewis A. Turner, Juniata: Henry Taylor,
; Napier: John C. Vickroy, Cumb. Valley: John
' Z mk, M. Woodberry.
On tbe 23i,u1t., by Ilev. Sam!. Yingliug,Mr.
Henry P. Beegle, of Bedford township, to Miss
! Rachel J. Fickes, of Uuion tc.
On the 171b of Feb., inst., EMILY RUTH,
: eldest child of Win. P and Margaret Miotic,
; aged 13 years.
The day of her departure was also the anai-
J vcrsary ot her birth. Wbni solemn thought*
| crowd lite niiud on au occasion like the ne re
j corded above. Life end Death go hand in
; hand together! The dear departed was ore of
i the most affectionate and dutiful children—
| obedient to her parents, nr.d kind to her broth
j cr, sisters and friends A few days before her
i departure, and before fell disease bad destroyed
her intellect, she expressed an anxious wish to
be with her Saviour it) Heaven. Lot uot her
friends mouru as those who have no hope, for
their loss is her eternal gain.
••Softly, softly blow, ye breezes,
Gently o.'er our EMILY fly !
1.0, she slumbers, slumbers sweetly j
Softly, zephyrs, piss her by." I>.
j Ou the 31st ult ,iu Bedford Tp., Mrs. ANNA
! MARGARET WAFER, aged at out 32 year*.
Death, the common enemy of inankiud, us- i
: sails u* ia many various forms, nd wrings sor- i
i row from our heart* at utmost every period of I
! our lives.
In the death of our departed friend, he as
' sumed his mildest fonu—sweetly she sank away
j to rest jot deep and poignant is tbe blow he
1 inflicted. A tend mother has been bereft of]
n only child, the of her declining yoar*. i
l Truly, tbe joys of earth arc few ta aged pa- ;
rents mourning the loss cf their offspring; the
i buoyancy of youth, the forming of new ties, !
I cannot cheer such desolate hearts as theirs.— j
I But, sorrowing mother, there is a lupe for you, j
I lighter than all tho pleasures this sublunary
lite could afford; it is a re-union in Heevun.— j
A few mote change* in this little sphere of tri- 1
i ills—then, if faithful, you shall meet bci iu
; that spirit-laud, where the pangs of separation '
are forever unknown. But that mother weeps j
uot ulone, another ha* been stricken and
ten of God. Ho who kindly alleviated every
want, and, subduing his own feelings, sat by !
the side of his bosoui tricud, smoothing as
much as possible her exit frotu this transitory j
life. Who can paiut the anguish of his heart, I
when the awful icality burst upon his mind !
She is gone, forever gODe— the family circle is
now brottcD—the helpless babes are now too de
prived of that care and affection, which a moth
er ulone can bestow. Grievous, indeed, bag ;
been this bereavement, but tlwrc is comfort in
•he assurance that an all-wise Piovideucc doe to !
all things well, although his ways are oft times !
dark and nysterious, and past finding out; yet
what we know not know, we shall know li-ie
after. ''She cannot come unto vou, hut ye ear. j
go unto her."
Our lamented frioud, though retiring anJ •
unobtrusive iu her manners, was teioved. We :
have heard expressions like this: "We knew j
her, and loved her;" and wo, too, in visiting j
her sick chamber, learned to love her. As we
gazed upon tho ravages which disease Lad I
made, and beheld tho sufferer meekly resi"ned :
to her fate, we conld not but appreciate tho j
sustaining power cf our blessed religion, iu the
dark hour of effliet'on. She had given her j
heart unto God, and though aha could have de- j
sired :o i;ve for the sake of those little cnea '
entrusted to her care, yet her language was, J
"I am perfectly willing to submit tcTtbo will of
my Heavenly Father." A short time previous °
to her death, she became a member of the '
church of Christ, and ia the solemn ordinance '
of baptism, dedicated her offspring to the !
Lord; solemn and impressive is tbe scene, when j
a djing mother gives her babes into the care of i
Him "who hears the young ravens when they i
cry," cnu "careih for the lilys of the field," !
feeling that lie will also care for them.
Notwithstanding there are pleasiug reflec- i
tious connected with the of our friend,
yet the sympathetic tear must flow, for he who |
cannot feel for another's woes, never himself i
endured or never profited bv tun stroke of ca- I
family. * SUE. j
BEDFORD, Fob. 7, 1859.
Ou Saturday evcuing, the s:h mat., after a
short illuesa, at his residcnco ia Friends Cove,
Mr. FREDERICK SMITH, nged 64 years, 1 month
aud 22 da\s.
it is our painful duty to record the rather
suddeu departure of this good father, neighbor,
and triend. 'The deceased was a Dative of
Fiicnds Cove. His departure is a severe be
reaveuiaut. tiot only to his now afflicted and
uiuch esteeiueu consort and fatherless children,
but also to the whole Cove, of which he was an
obliging and useful member.
The writer bus been acquainted with him for
about 3 years, and he cau say, to know iiim,
wus to love and respect him. lie was always
kind and benevoleut, coustaut in viai'iug the
sick aud afflicted. As a christian, he was ex
emplary, and truly oousistent in profession.
Thus has the wife and the children lost an
affectionate and kiud husband and father, and
the church to which he belonged (Lutheran) a
warm friend and member. But to his praise
he it said, he was a true christian Iriend to his
brethreu ot the German Reformed church, who
worshiped in the same -church. Ilis seat was
seldom vacant. But he Las goue to the many
mansions of his Father's house.
And whilst the distressed family, the church
and the neighborhood, mourn their loss, they
have this comfortable assurance, their loss is
his gaio. *'l kuow that my Redeemer livetb,"
was his emphalio answer to the writer, aud
calmly, and quietly, and prayerfully, he met
I the messenger death. not for ir.e,
when I uni gone, when I am gone."
c. F. n.
! On the 3 i iust., in Bloody Run, Mr. JOHN
8. CaoUPK, aged 38 years, 8 nionthr and 23
At a meeting of the "Bedford Riflemen,"
' hold at the Court House, in Bedford Borough,
| Feb. sth. 1859, Capt. A. J. SANSON was cal
led to Mie chair, and Lieut. T. 11. LYONS ap
pointed Secretary. Capt. Sansom, in a few
appropriate remarks, announced to the couipa
! Ny the death of their esteemed fellow-member,
i JOHN S. CROI;SE, of Bloody Hun, when, ou
! motion of Lieut. Lyons, the following resolu
; lions were adopted :
Rtsotvcd, I hat we have hoard with uufeigned
; sorrow and regret of the death of JOHN S.
; CuoL'SK, our fellow-aoldier, and tLat in his
1 death the company has lost an active, efficient
, and brave member, and h's country one who
would bave served it in time of need with the
j most courageous fidelity.
| Resolved, wo sincerely condole with
! the bereaved widow and relatives of tho de- !
| ceased, iu this tho time of their sorrow and ;
. distress. Loable to assuage or roach ana re- J
j mose toe distress overwhelming the hearts of i
those affl.ctcd ones—which God, who "tempers j
I the wind to tho shorn lamb," alone can do j
j still we desire to convey to her and them our \
; heartfelt sympathy, and some siuli token of I
j our respect for the deceased.
! Resolved, That we will wear the usual badge 1
iof mourning, in memory, of the deceased, for j
1 the > of thirty days.
Resolved, T hit \\ il-on I'. Mower, Adam j
Lyttle and \\ . Libert La <i committee to pre- '
pare and deliver a copy of these resolutions to
the widow of our deceasod fellow-soldier.
Resolved, That the.-e proceedings be entered
in the minutes, be signed by the officers of this
meeting, ami ba published in the Bedford pa
T. H. LYONS, S>c'ty.
\ T a recent meeting of tlie Burgos? and Council |
XI of t'ne Borough of Bedford, it was unanimous- :
ly Resolved, ;he above reward of fifty do'la rs •
will be paid for the detection and conviction of any j
person or persons who may be caught in the act of
maliciously setting (ire to any buildng or buildings !
within the Units of said B.rough.
By order of the Board.
JACOB KELD, C. Burgees. '
H. NICODE.M ITS, Sec'tv.
Feb. 11, 1553.
rllh stockholders of the Bedford and Stoystown :
Turnpike Road Company, are hereby notified, ;
that the- election for managers of the Company, wili |
be held at the house of Jatnes Frasher, in Schells- I
burg, on the first monday, the 7th day ot March,
next, between the hours of one and three o'clock!
I*. M. Stockholders please attend.
PETER SCUfcLL, Scc'tv.
Feb. 11, 1859.
__ j
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, living in j
Middle Woodbury Township, about the Ist of !
Mov last, a small Red Ileifer, supposed to be about |
one year old; a small piece off, and slit iu the left
eui; the owner is requested to come forward, prove '
ptoperty, pay charges and take her away.
Middle Woodbury, Feb, Z 1, 1859.
KLlit T!o.\.
N election for five managers of the Chambersbtirg !
l\ and Bedford Turnpike Road Company, will lie I
held at the Public House of Miss Km* Coopca, in I
McConnellsburg, on Monday, the7thday of March, i
next, at I o'clock, P. M.
w. ii. MCDOWELL, Sec'tv.
Chambersburg, Feb. 11,135' J.
SAMUEL DAVIS, Esq., Treasurer of Bedford |
County, in account with said County, from January ;
4;h, 1858, to January 3d. 1859,
To cash received Jrom Collectors.
John L. Hill, Juniata tp., 1854 $lO 60
Jac. A Xicodemus, M. Woodbtrry, 44 10 00
John A'stal:, St. Clair, "1855 3 48
B W Garretron,Bedford Borough,lBs3 26 75
Elias Gump, Coler&in tp., 44 26 75
John Dasher, Hopewell tp., 25 00
Henry Egulpb, Napier tp., • 15 00
Henry Horn, Schollsburg borough, " 22 It)
Simon Beard, M. Woodberry tp, • 44 21
Jacob Smith, Bedford borough, 1867 267 50
John A Osborne, Broad Top tp, " 190 60
Adam Barnhart, Bedford tp, < 363 81
Samuel James, Colerain, •• 211 CO
llenry Rose, Cunib. Valley tp, •• 169 70
Jonathan Feightner, II .rrison tp, 135 00
Alexander Davis, Hopewell tp, 44 160 00
Jonathan Hurley, Juniata tp, '• 112 84
John B Zuok, Liberty, tp, < 32 08
Noah Tipton, Lon tondcrry tp, " 190 20
William Gnrne',l, Monroe tp, << 328 50
Philip Cuppett, Napier tp, " 178 20
A Morgart, E Providence tp, 41 116 72
William Masters, W.Providence tp,' 222 00
r.'.'iel Horn Schellshurg borough, 44 23 00
J<-roes Smith, St. Clair tp, •• 61 42
Amos Ash, Southampton tp, 4 71
I. M. Imler, Union tp, 44 101 46
Simon Beard, M. Woodberry tp, 44 415 00
Henry S. Pluck, S. Woodberry tp, 44 491 23
Daniel Shuck, Bedford borough, 1858 166 00
Lemuel Evans, Broad Top tp, 44 80 00
Jacob Reigh.,rt, Bedford tp, 44 361 00
John Shoemaker, Colerain tp, 44 238 60
*nhu Morgan, Cumb. Valley, tp. 44 114 00
John K. Aliller, Harrison tp, 44 60 00
Solomon Steel, Hopewell tp, 44 85 00
Henry Horn, Juniata tp, 44 138 00
George F Steel, Liberty tp, •< 65 00
Michael Bone, Londondery tp, 44 123 91
Anthony Smith, Napier tp, 44 82 00
Chris.Pelton. Jr, E. Providence tp, 44 135 (X)
Thos. Kichey, IV. Providence tp, •' 275 00
Emanuel St itler, Schellsburg bur. 44 7 5 00
John Smouse, Snake Spring tp, 44 228 99
William Kirk, St. Glair, tp, 44 192 60
Jared II inks, Southampton tp. 44 47 fit)
Isaac Pressed, Union tp, 44 182 00
J A Nioo leinus, M. Woodberry tp, 44 685 00
John B Pluck, S. Woodberry "tp, 4 , 820 00
To money borrowed from Elisabeth Res, 50 00
do do John Brice, 8500 00
do do do 1500 00
do received from Dr. Hunt for use
of Court Room, 4 00
To taxes on unseated lands 1
County, 823 18
Road, 71 65
School, 481 03
w Whole amoUnt received, 918865 30
By amount paid on cheek* dr wu by
Commissioners in favor of sundry per
sons, as |>er statement IK- low, 91140 V 63
By amount paid Grand anl Petit Jurors
' duiing the year 1858,
By amount paid Constables atmndine Jn 6 'i
i rors, * *
By amount ot premiums paid on scalp*
I ct loxes, wolves, ,
! By Treasurer's Salary 2-}
; By amount of School Tax on unseated
lands, paid to School Directors an p,. r
j receipts,
By amount of Load Tax on unseated U
lands, paid to Supervisors, as ry> r re
By amount paid County Auditors and " w
Clerk, for 1868,
Jo ft
Total paid out
Balance due Treasurer
jTo be added, uncurrent and counterfeit Sl *
60 Uj
Stiilemint of chtckt above reftrrtd !o '
Building and repairing bridges, S!2. r "
Viewers of i .ads and bridges. ..."
Constables, J
| Assess (includingreturn of delinquent '*'
i itiiiiti.. men to Commissioners) i,
: A J Baylor, crying Court, scrubbing and "° * 4
and 'Attending to Court Hous**, wt
Repairs of Public Buildings, J f r
Interest on L : rowed mouey, D,
Commissioners •
Wm Whetstone, , 0 ,
11 J Bruner. * 9
C Evans, * W
! J Beck ley. I }® }
! John Mower, Esq, Att'y for Commissioners 5u S
! II Nicoderous, for services as Clerk to'
j Costs ou Commonwealth cises,
l Supporting criminals in penitentiary, J if
: Hugh Moore, late Sheriff. costs, il c . *'
j M'm S FlucS, Sheriff*, costs, &c, '
Hugh Moore,l .to Sheriff", for boarding pr'rs, &<> *
j Meyers & Ben ford, printing, ' , n " c . .
j David Over, do [J? '
G W Bowman, do "IJ
Insurance of Public Buildings, rf ,i.
Moneys refunded, _
Trieuaial assessments, wo i'.
K lections, flsl
S II late, Protb'y tees and expenses to
Dockets furnished for Protnonotary *s Of.
j Cce,
j Appropi iatio.. to Agricultural Societ), lyy r,,
U m 51 Hall Esq, Clerk to Auditors for '5B, 25 oil
Borrowed money paid and cotes lifted, Osi ;i
j Slate . ruasurer, lbr D Over, late Treasurer, 810 35
! D Over, late Treasurer, money duo State,
fir exonerations not allowed, ' 287 Qn
! D Over, lat fro isurer tor money duo
, Stau ' 2375
! Stationery, , "
Miscellaneous, -ny , j
Total of checks, $11409 7i
Statement of moneys due tefh* County of Bel
ford, on the. 3J day of January, 1859.
, From Collectors, as follows :
j Samuel Clark, St Clair tp, 1848 gjyy 0*
Samuel Oarn, Bedford Boiough 1852 97*
Jae A N"icouemus,M.\V*ooodberry.lBs4 py •>,
| Benj W Garret son, Bedford Bor". 1856 *>s
| Thomas IV Horton. Broad Top tp, " " S 8a
| John Dasher, Hopewell tp, .. 137 (~
| Adam Barn hart, Bedford tp '67 *7B 88
John A Osborne, Broad Top tp >• 85 4^
*Samuel Janns, Colerain tp 11 JJ •
Jonathan Feigbiner, Hini-on tp •. 16^4
Alexander Davis, Hopewel. tp to t.
Jobs B Zook, Liberty tp an" j,
Noah Tipton, Londondery tp .. Jig 15
Philip Cuppitt, Napier tp .. 69 04
A tram Morgan, E. Providence tp 87 gt
ioauiel Horn, Sohc.lshurg Bor 1. g 4^
James Smith, St Clair tp .. 5 4g
Isaac M. Intler, Union tp .. go 5^
Si 111 ot. 8.-ard, M. Woodbcrry tp . 3)8 JJ
Daniel J Siiuca, Bedford Bor 1853 394 3Q
Jacob lieigbart, Bedford tp .< 5.33 45
Lemuel Evans Broad Top tp . "80 15
Shoemaker, Co'.erain t j .. 214 g;
John Merean, C Valley tp ' .. 358 3*
John E Miller, Harrison tp .• 151 55
Solomon Steel, Hopew.ll tp n 261 87
Henry Horr , Juniata tp •< 1-50 58
George F. Steel. Liberty tp • 125 71
Michael Bone, Londonderry tp < 247 67
IVm Carnell, .Monroe tp < 4y- jg
Anthony Smith, Napier tp • 395 ;
C!iri>tian Fel ton, E Providence tp << 137 88
Thomas Ritchey, \Y Providence tp " 23 7-
Emanuel Stntler, Sehellsburg Bor ■ 25 77
John S.siouse, Snake Spring tp 88 90
H MI Ki.k, S f Clair tp u 5.58 3;
Jared Hanks, Southampton tp 183 45
I-'aac Prussel, Union tp • m 33
J A Nicodemus, M. Woodberrv tp > 461 4J
John B Flnck, S Woodberry tp 389 47
Stoncrstown Bridge Bond (about) 260 CO
57605 75
"Since paid in full.
Statement of Jloneys owed by the Connty of
Bedford :
To John Sill, s2iX>o 00
To James Rea, 600 00
To Elizabeth Rea, 50 00
To John Brice, 5000 00
NOTE :—On some of the amounts due from Col
lectors, interest has accrued and from some, com
missions and exonerations arc to be deducted.
The undersigned Auditors of said County, dv
hereby certify that in pursuance of the Acts of
Assembly i . such case made and provided, tbey
nu-i at tie i?ouimissioners' Office, in Bedford Bor
ough, and did audit and adjust the accounts of 8.
Davis, Treasurer of said County, for the year 1858,
as contained in the foiegoing statements', and that
we have examined the foregoing accouats of nionet
due to, and owtd by, said County and that we bare
found the same to be correct.
A i witness our hands, this 31 d.y of Jjnuaer,
At'est, B. F. MKTLKS,
J. W. I.ixGKKrsLTEii, Clerks.
Report of the County -Auditors to the Auditor
General, January 3d, 1859.
SAMUEL DAVIS, ESQ., Treasurer of Bedford
County, in account with the Commonweaith of
Pennsylvania :
To Tax on Real and Fer*ou*l Estate.
To aggregate amount outstanding at last
settlement $8999 18
To aggregate amount assessed for 1858 7089 94
To amount received on unseated lands 820 50
$16859 62
By am sunt paid State Treasurer, •* per
receipts $8099 W
By Commissions allowed collectors cm
$9324 80 at 6 per cent 466 24
By exonerations allowed collectors for
18M and previous years 422 §8
By Treasurer's commission on $4578 72 W74
By amount uncollected for 18A8 sad pre
vious years. 6891 98
16965 74
16859 02
Amount due Oorummwo. Ith $9B 88
Tavern Licenses, Br.
To amount of for 1858