Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 11, 1859, Image 1

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A furious Donininil
All that wo are permitted to say, in refof- j
euee to tbo following deeply interesting letter,
i, that we Inva been informed iha! ; t was ta- j
ken, by violence, from a una named O'Connor, '
while he was iu prison hi Dubiin, 0:1 a charge
of treason, in 1799, ami that it was said that
he had obtained the original, in the Latin lan- j
guage, at Naples.
There is a sentence at the elose of the let- i
ter, written in some language which we arc not j
learned enough to understand, but presume that 1
it is the ancient British.
I: is committed to the consideration of the
learned and the gooi of ever)' religious deno
mination. Philadelphia Press.
I send, by the hand of your sou, Tiuio'.heus, ;
lha nicture you have so citeu admiied. I do t
not allow myself to suppose that your adaiira- j
tion a: isos from any extraordinary ability die- |
plated in the exceatiou the work : bat at
iii u-e It ij the advantage the Bit:fori works :
have over those of the Komans, in the use of a j
greater variety of colors. Ido not think 1 !
could have made so (juthful a represent;.*;' 1 :: of i
the scene by tiro use of only two c.dcrs. The
greer, red, and yellow leave?; the blue sky;
the silver edging of the clouds ; the Hack horse
of the 11 omau, a.-id the difference iu the colors j
of the costumes, Lair, and complexions of the ;
patties represented in the picture, actrld not
have been set forth, truthfully, by a very Ltui- j
<ed number of colors. I have seen pictures in '
wy cwu ceuatry quite ns good as any I Lave 1
seen here. But it i-> the fariiuu, iu Rem?, to j
depreciate everything relating to my country,
its people, and their works. Their religion is j
oioited out, their histories destroyed, their '
traditions denied, and their arts and sci mega :
regarded u a mylh. It i? U:us iLa' iiciat- r!- !
ways trea's the nations whi-h cue sui jug -'es. '
The little streams must, le ssrali wed up iu the 1
great flood of the conquerors. But, uiy objoct
i, to write details, not cotntuet-Urier; ;.ud, m
accordance with your request, 1 put iu writing
a sketch of the incidents which the picture ;
intended to perpetuate, together with some of !
the principal events of my ii/e. Now that my
excellent frian 1 and kind protector, Vespasian,
l-.s become Emperor, I f.el free totxpre-s my !
thoughts, utid ti-tr a : .-.r tuli of j-.y and!
hone. . !
The uwii in the dies- o. a IC.ti.uj wa: ror, j
Ijing on the ground lioar where hi? Mack horse
stands, is Vespasian. The oth rs. as any one
will perceive, are -11 Britons. The commander
of the party, giving orders to the men, who ate |
about, raising the Raman from the grout.!, a
icy father. The girl, endeavoring to wipe the
blood from the face of the )•:<:.• '.rate Rt man, is
tegarded by persons who rent.tuher .o .v I look
ed wuvn 1 wa.- y rung, as a fair itkert - " ... '.at
1 was theu. My father fret;-really t k tue
with him in Lis bunting ex-ur i ms. • . . . ho t;i
ais military journeys, in one or' those ex
cursions we found a Roman warrior Ling on
the ground, seriously injur. '. Ly a fail irom his
horse, apparently caused by the projecting luub
of a tree. Active hostilities wr rs not, at that
time, carried on between (he Briton- and ti.
Romans, because each kept wilhia the limits c-f
the 'erritories occupied by them respectively.
But the Roman had, in this crossed
the line. My father declared that, as it did
ti"t appear that his purpose was a hostile cue,
and he had met with a misfortune, the law cf
our religion required that he should be taken
care of, and, as soon as he recovered, set st
liberty, so that he might return to his frier. Is
to tell tbetn tbnt the Britons understood tbo
duties cf Lospit.lity. lie therefore ordered
the wan and his horse to be brcug! t to our
caiup. The Roman received an injury on
the head. He remained insensible lor several
days. 1 become his physician end his nui-e.
I was, at the time, what is called a pris3tess in
the Diuid'a l-tuple, ind was skill, d in the heal
ing art —as all tbe Druids were. Through my
skill and attention, the Roman recovered. lie
was unbounded in his expressions of gra'itude
for the preservation of his fife, and offered
many rich rewards, all of which were, of course,
declined, lie had won the esteem of every one
who conversed with him. But he seemed un
willing to tell Ids name; and appeared anxious
ii:..t We should regard iiiiuas a common soldier,
and was evidently surprised to find that there
was lo intention to detain him as a prisoner,
or to harm him in any respect. After he had
mounted his horse, he leaned dowu rowards tue, j
and handed me a ring, with curious devices ou j
it. As he did so, he said, 41 You have saved
my life ;il ever you need a tncud arm. tig toe
iioin: ,! , produce that ring, and frtenus will
atise to servo y„u.'' lie then gallop>ed off, aud j
we thought no more of hint. Our country was
ta trouble, and the trouble aeon increased,
bringing the heaviest afflictions upon my f.'htr
aud his family.
My grandfather, (Jodaiion, hau married Ea
rupeia, and my father, Caradoc, ealied by th"
Uotnans Uaracticu?, was their oldest child.—
My aunt, Bdbdicea, was tbeir youngest. O .
the death of King MetalliQUS, the bro'hei of
Kuroptia, without children, uiy father succeed
ed to his throne. About this time Cartisuian
dae, the Queen of the Brigantes, and widow of
Gymbeliue, for the purpose of increasing her
influence, opened negotiations to unite Lor
tstudy witn ours." The deaih of Europcia had
luruished her the opportunity to make an im
pression on my grandfather. The icsult of L."
plans was, that Oodatlon married her; ruy
fatuer, (Jaraduc, married her daughter; and 1
my auut, Boauicea, was married to her son, 1
Aiviragus. Thus strengthened m her iaflu- :
faces, she refused to pay the tribute to Rome, j
which Cyuibelinc had paid without objection.— :
Ihe result .was, tbo renewal of war with the
Romans. But the Kmperor .Claudius soon |
effected, by policy, what he could not not have |
•ecioplishrd by force. A oeaee Was agreed'
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terras: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
upoo to his sarisfactiqn, by Lis giving l.w j
daughter, by bis first wife, Olautia Urgalanslla,
in marriage to Arviragu?. This wife cf Clan- ,
| fiius bad been repudiated for infidelity, and the- j
• child had beet, ordered to bj exposed, because I
iit w#s believed to be illegititua'e. But i's iire J
! Lid been saved by its nurse, and, when the :
' child became a woman, her strong likeness to i
the Kmperor, and her beauty, her powers of j
! mind, and swvt disposition, secured tiis pro- !
; teciicu. Many believed that her mother had
been unjustly .accused. When he Emperor's
i daughter arrived in Britain, ahe wis c-uh-l ;
i Guiuipa. To enable Arviragus to receive her, ,
be repudiated my sunt, Boadices, without any
i just Cause. My father, then King t f the fhl
: uros, tr.d several dependant kingdoms, wis ia
digiiarit. at the insult to his sister. She was a
! woman of great abilities, energy, and influence,
! and s! e exerted all ber powers to redress her
. wrougs. Messages were sent lo the different
! British kings to influence them against thu i\o- .
| mans. A powerful army was raDed, an \ my
' father was chosen to command it. I r.?-d cot
; detail tbe long sTugMc ana the brave ik-'.-M
! that followed. T'.e great battle of UuerU tra
j doc resulted, s you know, in the defeat of the
I Briton?. My nocle, my inothor, and myself, :
were taken prisoners. My father, atlor cover
i tug himself with glory, by a series of i'.e most
1 heroin achievement.- 4 , became taint with loss of
I bk-od. from his many wounds. After all was
! lost, he dirccte-.i .-;uu< cf his friends to convey
, him o CaitDtrmiduf for pro; eetiuo. Stio w.i
j his step-mother, r.a well a? his mother-in-law.
j Ho thought hf ha 1 right to demand- the no
: p'rcl-ty from i nc thus duut-lc b mad t-> him.—
| But j,;.; proved false and err,.-ani delivered
: him up, iu chains, to tbe>>. Vro wore
1 carried to Rcmo to grace the triumph <-f the '
cuuquerors ; to be* fitft'degraded, and then de- .
| strep "A, accor Eng to the llonau usage. As
SiO'-Q Ui WOi'ifiTliCU v'itjj
; dutile i Budens, uvenecd towards tue, and sig- ;
uiOed to the sunouudiag crowd thai he desired
;to oak with rue. They instantly gave way .
before Liu: with every mark of rcspcc*. lit; !
| asked me, in the British tongue, if niy name i
I wis Gladus Ruff fib. 1 answered ifcat it was.
He then a-ked if I remembered receiving a ring
i front wounded Roman, for my kindness to ;
him, in his illness, at iny'father's camp. I had j
• pieserved the ling, hut 1 hud not any strong j
! hopes cf dsriviug much benefit from it, iu the j
1 terrible extremity to which we had been re
i ducs-i h;; Jdic..iuviuoe We had - been
; c iptured til open arms agiuust Rrme, and had
' no reason io expect a departure from bercuetoai, ;
in the treariuc:* uf c-'ptivc-s of war. B'ri the
ruomcat Pu'ens saw tlie devices on the ring,
!>• told me that it was the ring of Vespasian,
vrlo, t tbo time h. was under my core, was au
officer cf high'.iocti, n in the Roman legi- us
iin Britain ; tha' ho stocc been recalled ;
: that he wa.?, at p rocut, ab-teut from lv oio, but
i Pu ieu, who tad reived with him in Britain,
was fully acquainted wi'!: the uibt of gratitude
, Vespiriituowed to our family, and especially
jto me. He Jmatohe of good cheer: that
; Vespusi-iu I'ua fiien is and retrainers enough
I th'-n, in the city, to prevent any injustice to one
i vho had f vo 1 his life as I had ; (hit be would
immediate:; see the Emperor, an 1 it he did
not comply with wishes of Vospasimi, the
w?m!c army He did not finish the seu
j tonce. but took the ring au i departed, i his
j r:s the Sr ! iLtiuiatioa wc had ih t tbe stranger
:in cui c sap was Y'eapasian. We all had heard
the fucae cf His coble deeds, lis then
cc-'obrate-l iu the Vvc--t rn u- much as he Is now
iu ihe Eastern wal l. In the evening Pu lens
tot arm d with the ring and told me that he had
■ se:n the Empt-rcr—that cur hospitality would
I o: be forgotten, and that my father would be
t," re. before ' c should be condemned, tie
1 was, accordingly, fully he ad in vindi-atiou of
what l.ey exiled his rebellion against his
sovereign, tie bolciy denied that either him
: .-Mi' or his nation had ever acknowledged the
j .supremacy of Hour- ; claimed his rights a? a
{ British King; jistified the defence of his
| sovereignty, his home, and the homes of his
i people, with the manly firmness of his wcil
; known character. Claudius was either pleased,
or pretended to he pleased, with ir.y father's
bravery and constancy, and ordered us to he
liberated on our pledges not to r'-tu r n to
I Britain, lo make war on the Romans. The
j Emperor, also, made provisions for us suitable
; to the condition we hr.d held in Bri* :r r- f ;•
!as this could i-e doue. lie was iuosi graemus
jtous in every respect. Wo were not iuseusi-
I hie to his kindness. Much as 1 was attached
to British name, 1 rejoiced that I had the right
j to adopt Ihe Rom m appellation of Chiudio, in
' honor of Tats is the rcasou v. 1 • i
| have beeu always known here as Claudia ilufi
i no, iustea-1 of G'adus Ruffyth. We hired a
! house, aud lived in quietness, each { ursuing
| sue'ij studi-s as inclination prompted. Ihi-U
; duties to perform while iti Britain, which made
■ it necessary ft-r me to understand the Greek
and Liiia languug.s there. The Hebrew 1
learnad since I came here, from one whose Lis
-1 tory will he read when our names are forgotten.
Through my studies and the numerous acquain
tances fc-iiii-.d here, I endeavored to forget 'he
| inisfi rtuuea of our house, tut my p-eir father
: and mother were unable to bear up long, la a
' few years they departed , I trust, to a letter
worll. Pudens bad beeu a Jon?t*ut vi-j t-.r :.t
our house, and brought uiacy of his friends
1 there. They ail professed to take a deep in
terest iu conversation with mc. The fliitoring
compliments of strangers, no matter how lcaru
ieJ or distinguished, gave mo no pleasure:—
! But a single word of approbation from the
' severe judgment of I'adeus always gave me
; great delight. 1 discovered that my efforts
; wero stimulated by a desiro to him, and
1 had often i>een his eye sparkle with pride and
pleasure at any occurrence which enabled me to
| appear to advuuUge among his friends. I was
| never o happy as when bis eye was upon me.
' It seemed to inc ■# tbe sunlight that dispelled
I the clouds which had enshrouded ail else that I {
! valued in life it was not his personal beauty, !
for be was not beautiful- It was not gratitude
i for the favor he had shone-l tue, foi I owed him
'no gratitude. Ha uiarcly obeyed the coui
-1 mauds of Vespasian. It was o?t his accurate
judgment and ffuspotted iutogrity, for luese on-,
ly cotmnaude-] respect and esteem. My feel- ,
! ing wt's stronger than these. There was a
; mystery ia say t-:uit ; ns. I felt that there was
a secret bond bet-.vcen us which neither had
f ver spoken . f to the a-tber. These emotions j
j ixlsied long before a word had been spoken on
j ti- subject i.f love. But, in good tune, Pu
rl .-us ?pak i ihe ward, and oar union, as you
knew, has been a c-iiiataot joy eucii other. (
A young Span: rd, who came to Rome to,
complete bia law ! ies, attached himself to
Pal r.s, at; I tbn> leraaie acquainted with me-
He Lad a a tiiste f_. the law, ud he became a
r. :. li wr.s one among the many who loaded
mo with compliments. Iu his unuuseiipt Epi
gratua'i part of which I have translated and j
sent to Britain—he nouc*£3 me fir In ,
o;,. ttjigrsi.i he anr.nuncns, with' & fi..url-h oft
goo'l wi-hes and >uipiiuiehts, that Pudens had
taken the foreign'Olaudix for his wife, in \
another, after ixforfieg to my-origin as a blue- .
skin dbitou, he ia pleased to say that I possess '.
the Riuu-ati wit, affd Reman grace, and Roman !
fufti; ts such a degree, that Rome ipiglit place;
'vn -i-g ber dilighter?, t-r Attic matron* '
might de, ui me of A' tic race. I refer to this;
for the pu'posc of :-u that 1 was supposed i
to pji-ess some powers of mind worthy t'te ;
diogb-ers of luy brave and great father. But"
I acknowledge that 1 feelanoriißed when 1 see
■ht so great a man as Marcus Valeria? Mar- •
tialis shoul I pander to the prejudices which see
nothing of value un!e.-s it he of Home or
Greece. The Romans indulge in these preju
dices, and at the same time deny the traditions
which prove our commingled Trojan and Gre
cian origin, and that one of our early kings
was Brutus, a descendant of JEueas. This j
tradition is as well established as the existence
jor the siege of Troy. But our histories and
traditions have beeu destroyed with eur bards,
our priests, our temples and our religion. Tbe
fate of Mono, is but an example of the genera! •
destruction of ail our records our literature,!
j and our works of art.
I One day, after we had rcsi led in Home about
! eleven years, a remarkable prisoner was brought,
from Judoa. It. was asserted, by the ujcd who i
had.him in charge, t;mt he had prophemd
performed urracles, during the jaurnpy to
Heine, and, en that account, he was treated
with great respect, although in bonds, end ,
charged with sedition, lie was allowed to go
about wi'h an attendant. He frequently cal
led the po pie together, i:i the streets, and
' speko to tbeiii touching a new religion. One
day I went out :o hear him He was a man of
: small s la'.arc v. Lea la repose, bat Le seemed to '
' enlarge in size as he became excited with Lit
subj- ct. He had a high, bold forehead, but
j tbe other portion of his head was thinly cover
ed with brown hair; his heard was long and
: terminated in two points. His nose was ac
juiline, and his eyes were sparkling. His bice
was long and ov*l. lie wore sandals on Lis
feet, aud had a blue tuuic and a white urinile.
He had au eiect form and a military air. Ho
:ipok sometimes in Latin, sometimes in Greek,
and when addressing the Jews, be spoke in '
i Hebrew. He Was evidently a learned man aud
■an eloqiunt orator. I believed him to be un
! der a delusion, but u - e. c who heard hiiu could
j doubt his sincerity. Remembering my own .
Situation and that cf my poor father, some
: years brf re, I sympathized with Llm as a pris
, oner, ani invited Lnu to our house. When be
! found that he woull Le detjiued until bis accu
ser couid bring evideuco agaiust him from Ju
; dea, he rented a house adjoining the one in '
wliic'u we lived. It \vr.s two years before he
could procure a hearing. On tho trial no evi- j
| was brought against him, except his re-'
| ligiuus discourses atid practices, and lhe--e he i
j acknowledgec: and justified as a right belonging i
Ito every Roman citizen. Ho was acquitted i
j and set at liberty. 1:. his intercourse with me j
| he .-'.cemed always more intent upon gaining iu- j
; formuion than on teaching id? nceuiiur views, j
j He inquired icspeeting my country, its inLabi- i
1 tants, their cusfoim, tkoir language and their '
j religion. He did not appear to have heard any j
j other than's account of Druiiisin That i
| account, v nas applied to Gaul, h not alto- |
| getuer correct. It is suii further from the
| truth r. applied to Britain. The Druds were j
skilled iu astronomy, history, lauguages, and j
ont.y valuable arts an i seie&cM, utid these were j
taught to the youth of the country, end to j
v.: vrlio came fr -n Gaul for iustruction. It,
jis true iliat uiiuy wuo came for instruction in ]
' the--e matters carried heme with them such re- j
! ligiou? views as they though? proper to em- j
;br .ee. But ''* religion of Britain was not a j
I unit, any m re th -n its governmeuri In the !
| different" kingdoms difiVren; views of religion '
■ existed. Even among tho Druids themselves |
there were various sects. At the great battle ;
i f Cu-or Caradoc, the oath of fidelity was taken ,
by eoch nail in accordiog to its own religious
forms. I myself belonged to tLo sect "of Dru
id?, called, elsewhere, fire-worshippers. In our
adoration of t'.e 6uu, t!.a letter-informad al- !
w ;ys understood that they were worshipping j
Baal, the g: -at Author of all, through tho :
worship of his most glorious work. We had ;
nine moral law?, which souio alleged were de- |
livered by Baal himself to his priest?. They
were verv uneictit, and wero, certainly, record - !
ed thoutauds of years ago iu tho'writings of i
Eolu?, which were deemed sacred. These nine
laws prohibited murder, stealing, falsehood, en
vy, and flattery, and enjoined love aud respect
;to parent?, mercy to all, and charity to tho i
poor au i to strangers; but the ninth command- ;
ed man to do even as he would be done by.
I gavo an account of all this to the prisoner. I
He spoke of his religion as similar, in many re- .
spccts, -0 my own. He said that we worship-
pod tfo- ?ame God under different names; that
our 1 stts wero qatfe similar, in many particu
lars, to iho ten Uwa taught by his master as
commandments from God; that these law?, like
onrs, prohibited murder, stealing, falsehoods
and envy, and, like oars, enjoioed love and
honor to parents; that all our nine iaws were
taught by hi? master, and especially the great
fundamental rule that required us to do tooth
ers as we would that they should do to tis.—
Hi? deaeriptfou of the life, teachings, and suf
fering! cf*Jesus of Nazareth upon the cross,
was the most impressive and touching history 1
Lave ever beard He then, with great tender
ness for my feeliogs, touched upou the terrible
s lerifhrr:? of human victims, which were part of
th' 4 religious ceremonies of the Druid.?. These
he said, were not peculiar to tbe Druids. They
exist* d among the Eastern nation?, and he had
co doubt that we derived theui from our East
era origm. But he declared that the great
cbjej" of his master was to make cne final sac-
Lis predion- life as a full atonement
fcr >hc sltis of every nation who believed aal
repea|iwi; that this final sacrifice Lad put an
ci. t ti. ait other sacri-foes, wL.. ,cr the victims
were hotnin beings or the lower ciders of ere
atto.i; 1 had always looked upon our human
sacrifices with horror. 1 never oould teconeile
thcis Ao my ideas of a just and merciful God.
It is true that tho victims were generally per
sons gffiltv of crimes, or pris,uers of war: hut
it these were not to be had, iunoceut victims
weie sacrificed. I was impressed by the learn
ing u&d faith of the prisoner. L hid hoard,
from persons who had come with him to Rome,
many of whom were well known to i'udcus, of
many wonderful things which he had dooe, and
wbieli, it true, prove 1 that he wt3 iaspired by
a suparior power. Tbs resuit of these teach
ing? and oar own rcfleotfoi-s, that Pudcus
aou Claudia bccime converts to the religion
taught by Paul of Tarsus.
Soon after Paui had been tried and acquit
ted, and was at liberty to leave Rome, he in
formed me that Jesus, after his resurrectiou,
appeared to his disciples and commanded them
io go and teach all nitious—to go into all the
woi d, aud preach the Gospel to every creature,
to preach tepentancc and remission in bis name
among all na'.ious, beginning at Jerusalem.—
"This command," said Paul, "eime unto me as
well as to the other disciples, but I am especial
ly commanded lo preach to the Geo.lies. As
fau!|ul servants, we are bound to obey this last
is-rattiMil ••>! "ur dtvjoe Master. Your nation
ius especially attra-tcd univeisul attention.—
The Britons have become celebrated through
out the world for tbe religion of their Druids,
tho philosophy av.d poetry of tbeir buds, aud
and the arts aud sciences cf their ovules. The
skill and bravery of their warriors, their aims,
their destructive war chariot?, and tlu.ii en
gines of defence have excited the admiration of
th bravest end must ikidfu! w. rriors through
out the Rom u Eg;j,;,v t ; a twice have they
driven from their shores :bs conquering i-glc.ui
•f Julius C'sßiar. During a huudrei years
they have maintained theii iudepeudeuce against
the power of the most warlike uatiou on earth.
Iu the nine years' war, under tbe command of
your great father, the sufferings and bravery of
your countrymen Lave won the sympathy end
admiration of all good men; and yet no one 1
has carried the light of tlu Gospel to them. I i
will, therefore, take passage iu a ship from j
Tyre—through the pillars of Hercules—to Brit- j
am, aud other Western isles, to do the will ;
of my master." He then thanked me for the j
instructions 1 had given him in the British I
tongue, i replied that he bad more than com- |
penssted nic by his teachings iu Uebicw, and :
in knowledge for more needful than either.— '
He took letters of cammendaiioa to some of
my frien ls i:i Britaiu, aud departed. He
preached in many places in Britain, and in the
adjacent islands, it. was uot his practice to
. set himself with violence against the prejudices
; and customs of the people, where ho could do
( more good by a milder course. Instead of at- j
! tuiitpuug to extirpate eutirely tbe religion of ;
| the Druids, he endeavored to reform aud to
! modify it. The modificatian of their temples,
! uuder iris preaching, is a remarkable evidence
iof this. Tue circle oi stone columns constitu
t ting tLo temples ol tue Druids were, in many
! case?, changed to tbe form of a cross. This
i was done by the erection of rows of columns,
! extending from tho outride of the circle in a
i south, east, and western direction, and two
1 rows leaving an avenue between their, exteud
, icg iu a northern direction. The columns were
higher than the tulk-st mau, and the nuui
j hers of thoso composing the avenue were equal
jto the number of communities who attended
that j. lil'oular temple. The columns compo
i siug the circle were equal, iu number, to the
! twelve Apostles. Those in tbe wings were j
* three in each wiug. The altar on winch vie- j
i tints had been sacrificed was left standing, as a
' rostrum frcui which the people were instructed
'ia tbe new doctrine. All persons, who wero
I okin to each other within the uiuth degree, Le
i longed to the same community. These temples
have generally been destroyed by tbe Romans;
t.u', a? they have not penetrated into ttie north
-1 western isles—particularly tne islaud of Seog,
wh'ro Raul was received with great favor -it
! is probable that the people in those islands will
I be permitted to enjoy their religion, undisturb
ed by the rude tread of our polished barbari
When Raul returned from Britain he weut to
Corinth: and while there, wrote to us id epistle,
; in which he iuformod us that the preaching of .
the Gospel of Jesus Christ was now made nuni
! test to all nations—that the Scripture? aud the
{ propbots were also made kuown to all natious,
according to the couimaudnieiit. In that epis
tle he expressed a strong desire to visit us again
in Rome, ou his journey to Spain, that he might
be comforted with us by our mutual faith. That
! pleasure we enjoyed iu good time. Ho visited
|us again. My house aud all I had were at his
1 command. He wrote many letters to the broth- *
j rcn while Le made bis home with ns. Tbe sec- i
i oud letter to your beloved son Timotheus, after
! he look charge of tho Church at Epbesus, was
i among the number. This gave us an opp wUi
; nity of sending our greeting to one who is be
j loved by us all, and to urge him to vi.ii us be
fore the winter commenced. While Paul W33
with us, tbe circle of brethren increased, and
we had much comfort in each other's society
and instruction. Our happiness seemed as per
fect as it could be in this world; but it was of :
short duration. Tho Roman outrages upon tbe i
, Britons had iucreased under the reign of Nero, i
l Arviragus, called by the Romans Rraeutagus, I
; died, leaving immense wealth to Li.-? daughters
and to the Roman Emperor. But the whole of i
it was taken by the Roman?. His daughters |
were violated,aud his Queen, BoaJicta, to whom i
he Lad become reconciled, wss publicly ecourg- j
ed. This raised a flatuo throughout many of j
the kingdom--, and Boadicea, at the head of a
powerful aruiy, took vengeance into ber own
hands. She slaughtered o:;c hundred thousand
cf her enemies, and captured a; d destroyed I
London, and other towns, in not-session of the '
Romans, 'i'bo legions of ifoiHC were terrer
strickcn at by the magnitude of her forces, |
aud the rapidity of her movements, hut they
soon rallied, and at last, the Britous were rout
ed and put to death in great numbers. The
Romans were deteimined to revenge the slaugh
ter and destruction which Boadicea had caused.
The Christians and the Druids wire regarded
a? the cause of all these injuries to Rouie; and
tuey wero destroyed wherever they cuuld Le
found. Nero's passions became iufl iuied against
tire Christians from this aud s uue other causes,
aud Raul and Peter were executed by the or
ders or th..t tyiiint. Reter w_s crudiy cruci- I
tied; but Raul was beheaded, because it was un
law tut to crucify a Roman citizen. The chief
charge against Raul was that he had taught rc- '
belli jn iu Britain; but we all know that neither
Raul uor the twelve laborers in the vineyard,
who went on the sauio mission, taught any oth- :
| er political doetriue th in that of rendering to
Caesar the things that were Caesar's, as taught j
by his mister when ou earth; and tbere was do
more proof against Raul, on this las: trial, than
; there was ou the first; but his judges wero dif
| ferent in their passions and motives. God will :
i reward him and them according to their works. ;
, Let us hope for better things under the reign
of the new Emperor. I have, it is true, many J
paiufu! recollections of his prowess iu mors than j
thirty battles with my countrymen, and you may •
have many sigus for your natiou when you look I
upon the fresh laurels he ha- brought from Je
rusalem Me may have done many things in
these wars which be would not, himself, defend, I
in calmer ui unguis. But wc ali kr.ow that be j
is brave, noble, geaerou?, and possessed of ez
al ed abilities. 1 aiu willing to hazard my lifo j
in the success of his reign. 1 feel assured that !
God has raised him up to Lea lieisiug to the |
whole world. I have not yet seen him since 1 j
was bis physician and nurse. But he wrote 1
from Jerusalem to say to RujeuS, l L- 1 'fo'-tg- j
ed to sec his preserver, the pride of f ' e Britons, ,
and the ornament c! Rome." 1 eonfoss to the I
weakness of desiring his good opinion, and I j
hope 1 do not sin when 1 feel a j<y in such ;
i praise, from such a source. My heart flutters <
and my frame trembles as I anticipate the de- j
; light I shall feel when 1 &cc him again. What i
j a chuugo we shall see in each other Agna j
; thowys ni in brofedigaeth. j
This closes the history I promised for the in-
I struction cf your children. 1 rajoice that the ;
i task is finished, because, iu relating the dis- j
| tressing scenes of the past, a sa.iness coines :
I over my heart. But 1 trust that this will soon
disappear in the realization of our bright hopes •
of the future.
Written bj Claudia llufina, at Rome, to Eu- j
nice, a f . Herculaneutn.
How toGo Bed. —Hall's Journal oj Health j
! in speaking on this subject say.?:
"In freezing winter time do it in a hurry, if j
there is no fire iu the room, and there ought, not ;
to Le uu'iess you are quite an invalid. But if j
i a person is not in good health, it is best to un- ;
dress by a good fire, warm and dry the t'ect well
draw on the stoekings again, run into a room j
without a fire, jump into bed, Lundie up, with j
head aud ears under cover for a minute or more, |
uulii you feei little warmth; then uuzovcr your j
head, nex: draw off your stockings, straigiiteu
out, turn over on your l igln side and go to sleep.
If a sense of chilliness comes over you ou get
ting into bed, it will always do you eu injury; j
aud its repetition increases the ill effects with- ,
out having any tendency to •bardeu'you Na- ,
tuie ever abhors violence. We are never shock- j
ed iuto good iKaiiU. llard usage make? no 1
garment last longer."
Change. —Such are tho vicissitudes of the
world, through ali bis parts, that day and night j
labor and lest, hurry and retirement, endear
each other; such are the ciiangis that keep tbo
inind in aetiou; we desire, we pursue, we ob
tain, we are satisfied; we desire something else,
and begin am w pursuit. — Johnson.
Wit and Gaiety answer the same purpose
thai a firo does in a damp bouse, di>per?iug the
chills and drying op moid, aui unking all
wholesome aud cheerful.
What is the difference betweeu an old bach
elor and a pretty gitl?—A pretty girl steels j
the hearts of others; au old bachelor steels Lis
Wiiy was Adam the fastest runner that ever
lived.' Because he was the first in the iiustiau
r ice.
Tho Legislature of New Yoik costs the Sta-e
' over $'2,500 every day.
VOL. 32, NO. 7.
From the Genesee Former.
"i.s ii b-tter to ingraft old apple orchard* of
an inferior kind, or to plant new oties of im
j pfoved varieties?"
In considering this subject, much depends on
the age of the trees iu the old orchard. If tbev
are past bearing, or nearly sc, beginning to de-
I c fl y> it would be poor joi;cy to expend time or
money to graft on such itoeks: but trees not too
old— say not to exceed forty or fifty years from
j the time of setting—good, heuliby trees, that
• Lave not boon injured by ignorant and unsktll
fnl trimming, or some other cause, may be graft
ed to great advantage over cutting down the old
trees and planting out young ones, in order to
; obtain the drsired varieties of fruit. At all
event-such lias been my experience j n fiaii
growing. My . rchrrd Las Lcea set between,
thirty and forty years—all seeding*. From six
to eight years since, I commenced and finished
my gralting, nearly. My grafted trees are now
healthy, iu good bearing order, with tops sufiG-
C,Cntl * JL S * to bear frou ' ei £ ht to twelve bush
els of Bjj|vles each. Seven years ago, I set a
young orchard with trees of the usual size.—
These are cow just beginning to bear; but I be
lieve I fauvc not as yet gathered a bushel from
any one tree in this orchard, while from the
grafts I have gathered as above stated. The
grafts on the old trees are equally thrifty, if
not more so, than the young trees, cud" the ap
ples of as good quality. But renovatiDg the
; tree and regenerating the fruit by grafting, re
quires experience and attention. In the caso
jof large trees, no' ru than one-third of tho
top should fee graf.ed iu one season. Ilencc it
would requi. three years to complete the oper
Gralting large ticeu is u'so attended with
j some expense, Lis true; but then it pay j. I
i have set ever severity grafts iu one tree. Oae
; tree, grafted seven years ago, has a top suflj
j ctcnt to gear. :n good seasons, from twelve to
j fifteen bushels of apples. It is of the Golden
j variety. This, however, is cot an unaiu
i ed result, it requires some little attention—Hot
a large utcount, however, if given at rho proper
i time in preventing the growth cf sprouts from
the or _fioal stock from robbing the grafts of
j their proper, nourishment. For want of this
trifling care, 1 have known several instances
; where the grafting of an old orchard resulted
!in but little benefit to the Owner. Proper care,
|or ktioni-dge, end a judicious application of
I that knowledge, is Indispensable to success in
j the different callings and occupations cf life,
Lottsvll •>, Warren Co.. Pa, D'c. 1858,
BUTT ETI MAKING- —There MAY be many
I ways to nuke good butter, but there is oue way
i that wiil never fail. Have everything that pcr
j tains to it sweet ana clean. In summer, a
good, cool, diy collar, is very essential. Place
the milk iu paus in the middle of the cellar,
; on a shelf, not too close together, uor admitting,
in warm weather, nor indeed at any tune, too
much air. Pans that are much the largest ar
; the top are lest, 2nd those that hold from four
!to six quarts are sufficiently large. Iu variably
J saitii the miik before it is loppt-red. It is best
! (0 be skimmed as soon en scur, wbuh can be
! done in a tin cream tub, with a tight lid, which
: will hold as much as you can churn a? a time
and which should Le kept on the cellar bottom.
Ihe best butter is that when tlie creaiu does
i not stand too long before being churned. It
should be churned every other day, at farthest.
Let tho churn in warm weaihet bo rinsed witu
cold water, oud ec-t in oold water while churn
ing. Boiling water should be laKeu to rinse
the chtirti when it is cold, and ti c temperature
will admit, before cream is put in for
i The best Lut*e p we Lav* ever eaten, has been
j wheu ;he up nod down churn has been need.
When lha butter Las sufficiently come, take
: up in a tray or bowl, work out the Lutteruiiik,
1 and then pour over pure coi l watt r, working it
through that, pour it off, and add fine salt— an
ounce to a pound. Wheu this is thoroughly
it -orporated, set it iu a cool place, until the
! morrow, when it should be worked with a ladle
until the buttermilk is separated, but not until
it is greasy, when it is ready for packing. Keep
the firkin covered with a thick cloth, under tho
lid, while the firkin is being filled, is all-suffi.
i deem saltpetre, or saltpetre water, cu but
ter, highly pernicious. Butter is like many
other things, whose beauty aud sweetness is
much marred by too much handling All know
wc can make batter white and of the consisten
cy of cream, by beating. Hence to churn too
loDg after it has come, to work too much, iu
water or cut of water, will make white rancid
butter. A word to the wisp is sufficient.
M. ± B.— lb ,