Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 04, 1859, Image 1

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Wee Willie Winkle—A Xursery Song.
Wee Willie Winkio
Kuns through the town,
Up stairs ami down stairs
In his night gown.
Tapping at the window,
Crying at the lock,
•'Are the weans in their bed,
Tor it's now ten o'clock!"
'•Hey! Willie Winkle,
Are you coming then I
The cat's singing l'urrie
To the sleeping hen,
The dog is lying on the tioor,
And does not even peep;
But here's the wakeful laddie
That will not fall asleep."
Anything but sleep, you rogue !
Glowring like tbe moon !
Rattling in an iron jug
With au iron spoon ;
Rumbling, tumbling all about,
Crowing like a cock,
Screaming like I dont know what,
Waking sleeping folk.
'•Hey! Willie Winkie,
Can't you keep him still 7
Wriggling < :i' a body's knee
1 ike a very eel,
Pulling at tbe cat's ear,
As she dfowsy hums—
Heigh Willie Winkie,
See,—there he comes!"
Wearieil is the mother
That has a restless wean,
A wee, stumpy bairnie
Heard whene'er he's seen—
That has a battle aye with sleep
Before he'll close an e'e ;
0 But a kiss from off his rosy lips
Gives strength anew to me.
Correspondence of the Evening Post.
The Scene in Executive Session of
the Senate, on Friday, 21st ult.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 1859. —The scene
iu the Executive Session of the Senate, on Fri
day eveuing last, was one of the most extraor
dinary that ever occurred in any deliberative
assembly iu tbe civilized world. The tele
graphic sketch of the affair did not statu all
ihe facts, nor exhibit tin virus of the words
uttered. The President sent to the Seuate the
name of Mr. Potter, ex-member of Congress
from Ohio, as collector of the "Miami Dis
trict,'* in that State. Mr. Pugh rose, aud
with a good deal of foeliug, opposed the con
firmation of Potter. He said the man who
had been removed by Mr. Buchanan to give
Mr. Potter tbe place was his (Pugh's) friend;
that the President knew such to be tbe fact,
and removed him because such was the fact. -
He declared, with emphasis, that if the Presi
dent of the United States desired to make a
personal onslaught upou him, he could come on
—the soouer the better ! Mr. Pugb, growing
more and more excited, appealed to bis friends
in the Sauate to vote with him against the con
firmation of Potter. This appeal brought up
Mr. Douglas, who promised his vote to the
Senator from Ohio. Mr. Douglas then com
mented, with an unbridled tongue, upon tbe
nominations made by the President in Illinois.
He said ail his friends had been removed from
place and power, aDd they had been removed
solely because they were his friends. He de
nounced all the federal office holders in Illi
nois, appoiuted by Buchanan to fill the places
onco occupied by his friends, as his bitterest
personal enemies, who were "scoundrels and
ibis called up Dr. Fitch (oDe of the squat
ter Senators froui Indiana, whose son is Uuilcd
States District Attorney of Illinois.) The
Doctor, very much excited, and with a mena
cing attitude, said: "Toe Senator from Illinois
states what is untrue, and what ht knows to be
untrue.'" The President called to order. In
tense excitement prevailed. Mr. Douglas then
modified his remark by saying that there were
exceptions to the rule, but that they were
scarce, lie then plunged into the postmasters
of Illinois. He said that whenever mail rob
beries were committed in Illinois they never
dreamed of going outside of the post offices to
discover the robber. They always kuew that
•be postmasters were the guilty parties. [Cries
*1 'order, order,' from several Senators, aud
tho President demands general order and calls
the Senator from Illinois to order.] Dr. Fitch
who had been standing during tbc confusion,
as soon as order was partially restored, repeat
ed that the Senator from Illinois had again
stated a positive falsehood, and that he knew
it was false. This brought chaos agaiu, amidst
which seme Senators were standing in their
places and others were approaching the scata of
Douglas and Fitoh, which are ucar together.—
The President called both Senators to order.
Several Senators moved an adjournment, while
other* appealed to the Senate to allow Douglas
to proceed. At last a temporary quiet was
secured, and Mr. Douglas proceeded to pitoh
not into Mr. Fitch—but into the postmas
ters of Illinois. He charged that they had
stolen and destroyed over five thousand of his
speeches, which had been directed to bis con
"t'tuents; tfi at thojr" bad broken opeD, read and
then destroyed his private letters, &c. &o.—
ib style of talk again produced confusioo,
wb cb, after some considerable effort on tbc
part of the President, was allayed. Efforts
weie m.dc by several Senators to obtain the
Ulj r. 'Ejection was nude to Mr. Donglas's
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
proceeding. Motions were made that he pro
ceed in order. Mr. Davis (Miss.) objected.—
Standing about six feet from Mr. Douglas, with
a cold aud determined manner, and casting up
on that Senator a steady and piercing glance,
with his long bony finger directed in a mena
cing attitude at his object, Mr. Davis addressed
the "Little Giant" thus: "1 have sat in my
place and listened with feelings of indignation
to language from the Senator from llliuois
which would disgrace the highwayman and the
bravo!" The President's hammer again fell,
accompanied by the emphatic remark that "the
Senator from Mississippi is out of order."—
Here was another chaos, in the midst of which
Senators were auxious to observe what desper
ate effort the 'Little Giant' would make against
so pointed an attack. Those who expected to
see Douglas strike the Mississippian down in
his tracks for applying to him such language
were disappointed when they beheld his 'giant'
proportions subside into bis chair! It is im
possible to describe the scene at this stage of
proceeding. Before the Senate adjourned, Mr.
Davis, satisfied that be had violated the rules
of the body, apologized to the Senate and to
the Senator from Illinois for language which he
had used in a moment of excitement.
Dr. Fitch then apologized to the Seuate for
any offeusivo or improper language he had ut
, tered iu debate, but with a tucuaciog look at
Mr. Douglas, said that he had no apology to
offer to the Seuator from Illinois. In this
i state of affairs, if Mr. Douglas recognizes the
Code to settle his affairs of honor, he must
! challenge Dr. Fitch. lam informed that dur
ing the harangue of Mr. Douglas about the
1 persecution of himself by the President, becx
j claimed, "! am still an unconqueied and uu
t subdued rebel!"
! I understand that some negotiations are go
j ing on for a settlement of the affair. The geu
tleiuan whom it is said Mr. Douglas selected as
his friend is a well known duelist. Judging
from his record in such matters, if Judge Doug
las follows his advice, Fitch will have to re
tract his offensive words and apologize or fight.
But the probability is, that others of a less
combative lempurament will be cousulted,which
| together with the appeals of woman on every
side, will cause the matter to he quietly and
peaceably settled.
One of the best evidences of au undisturbed
mikd UB the part of Mr. Douglas was the fact
that he attended the Administration caucus
agatu yesterday, and participated in its pro
j cecdiogs.
From the Washington Union.
j The Douglas aud Fiteh i'orrespou
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 1859.
Sir : To-day, iu secret session of the Senate,
you offered me au afiront so wauton, uuprovok
ed, and unjustifiable that 1 aiu obliged to in
fer it must have been the impulse of momentary
j passion, and uot of deliberate permeditation.
This note is written for the purpose of affording
i you an opportunity of saying whether or not
my conclusion i 9 correct; and, further, of af
fording you au opportunity of retracing the
offensive language which you thus gratuitously
and unwarrantably applied to me,
Respectfully, & 3.,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 1559.
Sir : Your note of yesterday was handed mo
this morning. In reply, I have to say that you
| yesterday made a charge that the lately-ap-
I pointed federal officers in lilinois were corrupt,
dishonest men—or words to that effect. You
knew my son to be one of those officers, aud
you could uot expect me to hear such a charge
without prompt denial of its truth. I pro
nounced it to be, to your knowledge, untrue.
You subsequently so modified it as to satisfy
me that you excepted uiy son from the general
charge, although you did not name him, and I
made no further issue with you on that subject.
When, at a subsequent period of your romarks,
you attributed to me statements whicb I had
not made, I requested that in quoting me you
would do so truthfully. These remarks were
certainly not "deliberately premeditated," but
they canriot be qualified correctly as the "im
pulse of momentary passion." The first wis
prompted by a determination to defend llm
LOOT and character of my son, as dear to me
as my owo, against an attack so general in its
terms as necessarily to include him ; and the
secoud was the exercise of my right to rectify
a misrepresentation of my own remarks.
Respectfully, &c.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 22—94. P. M.
Sir : Your note of this date has just been
placed iu my hands. I admit, without hesita
tion, your right and duty to do justice to the
reputation of your son. At the same time I
maintain my right, in of my duty
as Senator, to comment freely and fully on the
character of executive appointments, especially
in my owu State. 1 deny, however, that my
general remarks in relation to tbe list of Illi
nois appointees, confirmed by the Senate during
my absence, oouid be fairly interpreted to em
brace your son. When you seemed so to con
strue them, 1 promptly replied that what I had
said of the Illinois appointments were true as a
general rule, but that there were exceptions,
among whom I recognized some of my own
friends. Alluding particularly to your son, I
added that I bad nothing to say iu regard to the
merits of his appointment, choosing to leave
that question where I placed it by my remarks
to the Senate during the last session, in your
preseuce, at the time of his confirmation. You
now admit that you understood this explanation '
to exempt your son from the application of my
general remarks ; aud yet you have failed to
withdraw the offensive language, but, on the
contrary, at a subsequent stage of tbe debate,
when apologizing for a breach of senatorial
decorum, you expressly declared that you had
nothing to retract— thus appearing, in my ap
prehension, to reaffirm the objectionable words.
As to tbe other ground of offence admitted
in your reply to my note, I have to say that I
| did uot understand you to asaurno to correot
uie iu a quotation of your language, as I was
unconseious of making any such citation, but
j to repeat tho oiiginal offence in another form ;
otherwise 1 would have made a proper response
i on the instant.
This explanation, which is due alike to us
i both, on tbe points presented in your reply,
affords you another opportunity of withdrawing
the offensive words which you admit you appli
ed to mc in yesterday's debate.
Respectfully, &0.,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23,1859.
Sir: Your note of last evening was banded
mc at 12, SI., to-day. Your explanation in re
gard to my sou being now explicit, I have no
hesitation in saying that if you had excepted
j him from jour charge, or not made it general,
I would not have deemed myself warranted in
repelling it in the words of which you complain
| as offensive, and which, in consequence of your
! explanation, I now withdraw.
I am also informed by your note that, if you
had not been mistakeu in relation to my re
marks on the subject of your misrepresentation
of my sentiments, you would at the instant
have made a proper response. This likewise
enables me to say that, in my closing remarks
explanatory to the Senate of uiy share in an
exciting debate upou a subject not relevant to
anything before that body, and the responsibil
ity for the introduction of which rested solely
with you, I should have withdrawn, as I now
do, the second offensive remarks, if you had
made the sa'ine satisfactory explanation then
you have now made. Respectfully. &c.
Yut note of yest-erdsy baa been re
ceived ; and while I accept your withdrawal of
the words to which I have taken exception, I
owe it to myself to protest against the idea you
seem to entertain that my noteot Saturday was
intended as a precedent and inducing condition
j of the redress which I solicited, instead of be
ing, as I certainly designed it, merely respon
sive to the specifications in your reply to my
first communication.
In regard to the introduction and rt-levaoy of
the matter in the debate out of which this dif
ficulty arose, I cannot think that a proper sub
ject of discussion in the present correspondence.
Respectfully, &c.,
Sir: Your note of to-day was received at
114, a. m. It is not for me to judge tbe mo
tives whicb dictated yours of the 22d. I can
! only say that my answer was predicated upon
; the explanations it contained. If your ex
planations are disavowed, my withdrawal must
likewise be disavowed. Respectfully, &c.,
Sir : 1 am averse to prolonging this contro
! versy after gaiuing the substance of my demand;
but I cannot close without responding to your
| last note by wayiug that it 13 immaterial to me
upon what you predicate your withdrawal, since
I have guarded against a misapprehension of
my position. Respectfully, &c.,
Hon. GRAHAM N. Fucn.
Hereditary Features,
A peculiar thickness of the under lip has been
hereditary in the Imperial House of Hapsburgb
ever since the marriage, some centuries ago,
with tho Polish family of Jaggelion, wbeuce it
came. A certain fullness of the lower and lat
eral parts of the face is conspicious in the por
traits of the whole series of sovereigns, from
George I. to Victoria, and has been equally
marked in otber members of tbe family. The
females of the ducal of Gordon havo long been
remarkable for a peculiarly elegant conforma
tion of tbe neck. Tbe Clackmannanshire
Bruces, who are descended from a common stock
with the famous Robert Bruce, of Scotland, are
said to have that marked feature of the cheok
bones and jaws which appears on the coins of
that heroic monarch, as it did in his actual face
when his bones were disinterred at Duuiferline,
about thirty years ago.
The pievalent iallness of tho inhabitants of
Potsdam, many of whom are descended from
the guards of Frodcriok I,; tho Spanish feat
ures observable in tbe people of the county of
Galway, in whicb, some centuries ago, seveial
Spanish settlements were made; and the here
ditary beauty of the women of Prague, are
Well known facts which have frequently attract
ed the attention of chronologists. The bur
gesses of Rome (tbe most invaluablo portion of
every popu'.aiiou) exhibit at the present day
precisely the same type of face and form as
their ancestors, whose busts may be seen curved
in relief on the aucieot sareophagi; and tbe Jew
ish physiognomies portrayed upon the sepulchral
monuments of Egypt, aro identical with those
which may be observed among modern Jews in
the streets of any of our great cities.
A lazy fellow lyiug down on tho grass said,
Oh, how Ido wish that this was called work,
aud well paid for ?
The Wanderer's Africans Traveling
A correspondent of the Marion, (Ala.) Com
monwealth, writing from Montgomery, (Ala.,j
saya :
1 was oarried through "Brown's speculator
house," (so called) on Perry streei. In a house
in the back lot were huddled together thirty
eight native (Congo) Africans! Don't shudder
end say the "moral sentiments of Christendom
condemn the traffic." But it is a fact; 1 have
seen tbe Africans! And it is a fact—they were
I tound them jabbering, in guttural sounds,
something—l could not comprehend what.—
ihey Wire nearly all apparently in good health,
fat, slefk and greasy. IQ the party were some
five oiynx men, two or three women, four or five
girls, and the rest boys, or what might be call
od "youngsters." Tbey were each clad in com
mon kersey pants and roundabout, over which
they wofe a heavy blanket. Women and all
were thus dressed. None had shoes for the rea
son that they could not walk iu them, in fact,
they could scarcely walk at all, haviug been
confined and crowded so close on shipboard.
Most of them were very pert and lively.
, laughing ami talking in their native tongue,
and pointing at and jabbering about everything
that particularly attracted their atteutioD. Some
of them had very singularly shaped craniums
—they almost baffle description. One uearly
square, one had a convex face, and another a
sort of double conoave convex bead: but most
of them had good beads, large flat noses, big
mouth.-, front teeth knocked our, rather small
; ears, and quite small hands and feet. Some of
them were good looking, but others shockingly
ugly, some where what might be vulgarly call
ed "puff" or hog jawed. 1 noticed one, a man
who bad very high cbeok bones aud several scars
on his face, and appeared very intelligent. He
was "big chief," no doubt, in his own country.
I was much surprised at one thing: they repeat
ed precisely every word said to them. I asked
one, "Where did you come from?" and be pro
pounded the same interrogatory to me, but of
course without knowing the meaning, and in
like manner many other things.
Not being able to walk, they were earried in
, ' ie railroad depot to Brown's,
'affa thence by wagen to the St. NicLoias. I saw
strong old farmers aDd sober-sided merchants
gazing at the sable creatures, some of tfieui hav
ing, uo doubt, a holy horror at such a sight.
The negroes were well skilled iu pantomime,
aod some of them gave unmistakable signs that
they wanted "something to driuk"—putting
both bands to tbeir mouths and throwing their
heads back.
The thirty-eight Africans brought heie were
the share as I learned, iu tho venture of a citi
zen of New Orleans, and that they cost him,
delivered at Savannah, fifty dollars each—only
nineteen hundred dc liars for thiity-eight Afri
cans, sound and able-bodied negroes. Thev
were in charge of a Mr. Bioduax, who was car
rying tbern to New Orleans.
lsaid above that the negroes were "all well." 1
So they are, as well as could be expected; but, j
as might be coojectured, they were mostly suf
fering much from disorders iucidcut to acclima
For sometime the Africans could not be in
duced to go on boatd the boat, and seemed
much frighteued at the smoke, Ac. Doubtless
tbey had a perfect horror of travelling on wa- '
tcr again, after haviog so recently endured a
long and crowded sea voyage. The manner
in which they were finally induced to go on is
worthy of notice. The mate tried every means
to get them on board, but to DO effect. Final
ly, he concerted a plan with a big black Ala- j
barna negro. He tried to get him to go on
board, but ho resolutely refused,when tbe mate
laid bitu down on tbe gangway plank and bit
him four or five substantial licks with his pon
derous leather strap, when tbe said Alabama
nogro got up, yelling awfully, and went straight
on board, beckoning to the Africans to follow.
; And they did follow, to the amusement, and a
! mid the uheors of the crowd.
To save himself from bankruptcy, a planter
1 near Louisville, Ky., sold his daughter, who
was also bis slave. She was very beautiful,
and he got $5,000 for her. The Bueyrus (O.)
Journal says:
"There was another upon whom the intelli
gence came with crusbiug weight. A junior
partner in a produce house in Louisville had
i frequently visited the planter's house on busi
ness, and, struck with the beauty and intelli
gence of the supposed daughter, bad become
enamored, and after prosecuting his suitaprop
or time had declared his passion, and unknown
to the father, the two had betrothed themselves.
As soon as possible, after her father had told
her her fate, she dispatched a messenger to him
stating the facts, and imploring him to save her
from tho doom that awaited her. Though
thunderstruck at the intelligence that his affi
anced bride was a slave, aud bad just been sold
to a fate worse than death, like a true man he
determined to rescuo her. Tbut night he saw
her,aDd apian was formed for flight.
Tho day she was to be transferred to the
possession of her purchaser, they fled, aud in
due time arrivod at Cincinnati, where tbey
were married. Our hero obtained an inter
view with one of the agents of tbe Under
ground Railroad located iu that city, who im
mediately telegraphed instructions to the dit
ferent agents along tbe line to keep strict
watch, and if women-catchers wore on the
watch, at any point, to telegraph back, aud give
tbe fugitives timely notice, that tbey might
leave the train. Accordingly they started, j
purchasing tickets for Crestline.
In the meantime, the lawyer, as soon as he '•
discovered his loss, had commenced active meas
ures to recover it. He had 00 difficulty in
tracing them to Cincinnati, and none whatever
in ascertaining that their destination was Crest
line. But having arrived several hours after
their departure, ho was obliged to content him
self with telegraphing to Crestline, to the prop
or officers, to arrest them* at that place. But,
unfortunately for his prospects, the intended
arrest got wind, and when the train reached Gal
ion, two citizens of that place stepped into the
car, and a conversation of a few moments en
sued, in the lowest kind of whispers, at the
cloße of which the four left tho car. A car
riage was in waiting, and in two hours the fair
fugitive and hei husband were domiciled in the
house of one of our whole souled farmers, near
Bueyrus, who bad long taken pleasure in help—
iog fugitives on their way to the Canadian 0*- |
When the train on which tbey embarked
reaohed Crestline, the officials were unuttcra- j
bly chagrined at not flailing the fugitives, and
more so when they learned that she had been
within four miles of them.
After a lapse of two weeks they ventured a
move, and went to Detroit, byway of Sandus
ky city, and without accident reaohed the Can
adian shore. They are uow residing in To
DERS-SEN AND MORPHY. —The chess players
are very much interested in the progress of tbe
chess match in Paris, between Auderssen, the
beat player in Europe, and Morphy, the Amer
ican player.
The Prussian has devoted a lifetime to chess
and is besides a professor of mathematies at
Breslau—an occupation calculated to mature
just tbose powers that make a great chess play
er. Wbeo Anderssen visited England, a few
years since, he met and conquered nearly all
the famous chess players of that country, ex
cept Staunton, who very discreetly avoided a
match with him.' Eleven games have been
played, and Morphy declared the winner. The
score stood as follows: Morphy 7, Anderssen
2, drawn 2. The first game was an evcu gam
bit played by Morphy, in which 70 moves were
made, aod which was finally scored by the •
Prussian. Tho second game was a Rup Lopez
openmg, which the American won. Anders- i
sen played the same opening on the fourth game
and lost. This matob was merely for hooor.—
Betters offer ten to one on Morphy, with no ta
kers. A Paris paper, describing the game,
"The first game lasted seveu hours, and was
wou by Prof. Anderssen- During the course
of this game, which was conducted iu the most
brilliant manner, and in which were displayed
an immense number of the most ingeuiouscom
j binatious on both sides, I had a good opportu
i nity of studying the contestants. Nothing
i eould be more unlike than the physique of the
i two players.
"Mr. Morphy is a frail, small boy, with a
fine face and head, and a modest, almost timid
air. Prof. Anderssen, on the contrary, is a
tall man, slim, about fifty years ef age, with a
small bald head, a d:gkt stoop in the shoul
ders, lively black eyes, a clean shaved face,
and a decidedly German cast of features. He
is a quiet, gentlemanly man, witb a sympathet
ic expression of the face, which immediately
predisposes in his favor.
"During the first game Mr. Anderson moved
much more rapidly than Mr. Morphy. Not a
word was spoken by either player duriug tbe
whole seven hours. No demonstrations or false
inovos were made by cither party, ts indicate
to the other his plans. Thero seemed to be
more originality, more genius, more of the 'iui
prevnu' in Mr. Morpby's moves, and more of
study and experience in tbose of Mr. Anders
sen. Tbe two men arc evidently more nearly
matched than they ever were before.
"On Tuesday the game recommenced at 12
o'clock, and at tbe close was a draw. On
Wednesday, Mr. Morphy beat Mr. Anderssen
two games in rapid succession, the first one iu i
a few moves. The young giant is getting rous
ed up."
Harwitz has been distinguishing himself by
playing eight blindfolded games, six of which
he won, one he lost, aod one drawn. His op
ponents were all inferior players, and the games
lacked brilliancy. Morphy, on the conclusion
of Lis match with Anderssen, promises to play
twenty games blindfolded against strong play
Times, tho homo organ of Mr. Douglas, and
which always speaks by authority, says:
Mr. Douglas will not ask a nomination at tbe
hands of the Charleston Convention. If in that
body his friends should present his name, aud
he be uominated, he will not feel at liberty to
decline it; if his friends should not present his
uatue, then tbe notniuee of the Convention will
receive his support. The use of bis name by
auy men or body of men, as a candidate for the
Presidency or any other office, independent of
and hostile to the nominations of the democratic
party, is altogether unsanctioned by Mr. Doug
lag, will never reoeive his sanction, aud is whol
ly repugnant to his wishes and desiies. We
much with a full kuowlodgo of its truth,
and knowing th > <re express iu this particular
his own sentiments.
A servant asked her mistress, whether she
could oblige her by going out on a particular
afternoon, as she was goiDg to have a party of
frieuds, and wanted the loan of the drawing
VOL. 32, NO. 6.
i most simultaneously with the nomination o
r Mr. Harris as minister resident near tbe gov
- eminent of Japan, comes the startling iutelli
r genco that the Tai-KooD, or secular Emperor,
- is dead, and that his death took place soon af
• ter signing the American treaty. That i
, sovereign, who was described by Mr. Harris at
IJ but thirty yeais of age, and in perfect health
-1 at the time of signing the treaty, should have
> been suddenly taken off, naturally creates some
- suspicion as to the cause of his death, Bj
! ; Japanese officials it was, at first, attributed tc
• j pleurisy, and subsequently to dropsy ; but the
I Dutch at Desima iscrile it to the order:
lof Mikado, or spiritual Emperor, who,
as they assert, refused to recognize the
treaty, on the ground that he should have been
j consulted before it received the imperial signg
; ture.
He is said to have declared the act to be a
violation of the laws of Japan, and to have
notified tbe Tia-Koon that the time had come
i for him to oommit "Hari-Kari"—which, being
interpreted, means that he should disembowel
himself; and that he immediately yielded obe
dience to the mandate, la any other country
than Japan this proceeding would appear to bo
incredible ; but there the laws of the land—
which are of long atandiug and cannot easily bo
changed—are ag binding upon tbe secular Em
peror us upon the meanest of his subjects. If
he infringes them, he is held ameoeble to tbe
penalty ; and there are strong reasons for
believing that the penally iu this case has been
rigorously exacted.
The laws prohibiting all intercourse with
foreigners have been strictly observed for more
than two centuries, aud tbe most influential
princes of the Empire, together with a large
proportion of the Japanese population, were
strongly opposed to the radical changes which
it was justly anticipated tbe recent treaties
would introduce. If, moreover, the statement
be true that the Prince of Bitsu and the liberal
members ot tbe government, with whom the
treaties were negotiated, have fallen iDto dis
grace, and that the former members of the
Imperial Council, who were in favor of com
plete isolation, have been restored to power—
that fact alone would go far to substantiate the
rumor that the death of the Tai-Koou was
produced by violent means. All tbe informa
tion we have rooeived thus far tends to this
conclusion.— Baltimore Exchange.
T .iecrology for 1858 is distinguished by
on noted names, but upon the whole it may
be remarked that Death bus contented himself
with fewer "shining marks" than usual.—
Among American statesmen the most eminent
deceased for the year was Thomas H. Benton.
With him departed Senator Evans, of South
Carolina, Senator Henderson of Tex, ex-Sen
ator Bagby, of Alabama, General James Gads
den, of South Carolina, John A. Quitman, of
Mississippi, Thomas L. Harris, of Illinois, and
ex-President Anson Jones, of Texas. Among
lawyers have died Benjamin F. Butler and
Chief Justice Duer, of New York. Among
authors; Wm. H. Herbert, William Jay and
Madame Ida Pfeiffer. Among merchants,
Anson G. Phelphs, of N.York, and James Ad
ger, of Charleston. Among mechanics, Isaao
Newton aud Jobu P. Allaire. Among scien
tific men, Boodland, the naturalist, and Robert
Brown, the botanist. Among painters, Ary
Schaffer. Among sculptors, Edward S. Bar
tholomew. AmoDg theatrical characters, the
great Raobael and Lablacbe, the singers.—-
Among soldiers, Field Marshall Radetzky, of
tbe Austrian army, and Major General Perai
fer F. Smith, of the United States army.—
Among naval commanders, two American Com
modores, Mathevr C. Perry and T. Ap Catesby
Jones. Among philosophers, Robert Owen'—
Among prominent characters of the European
courts, tbe Duchess of Orleans, Medsebid
Pacha, Grand Vizier of Turkey, and Baron
Ward, (tbe Yorkshire Hostler,) Prime Minister
of Parma. Among other notorieties deceased
may bo mentioned Soyer the prince of cooks,
Dred Scott,whose name will b< a famous one in
the annals of the country, and Eleaacr Willi
ams, the reputed Bourbon.
pieces of bread for puddings; dry, or they will
Examiue your pickles, sweetmeats, and ev
erything put away.
A hot shovel, held over varnished furniture,
will take out white spots.
A bit of glue, dissolved in skim milk and
water, will restore rusty old crape.
Ribbons of any kind should be washed in
cold soap suds, and not rinsed.
If your flat irons are rough, rub them well
with fine salt, and it will make them smooth.
Oat straw is best for filling beds; should be
changed once a year,
if you are buying carpet, for durability,
choose small figures.
A bit of soap tubbed ou tbe binges of a door
will prevent their creaking.
Scotch snuff put on the holes where crickets
cotne out will destroy them.
Wood ashes and common salt, wet with wa
ter, will stop the cracks of a stove, and pre
vent tbe smoke from escapiug.
Green should be tbe prevailing color ot bed
hangings aud window drapery.
A gallon of strong lye put into a barrel of
bard water will make it as 6oft as rain water.
A formal fashionable visitor thus addressed
a little girl :
Glow arc you, tnv dear?'
•Very well, I thank you,' she replied.
The visitor then added, Now, my tear, you
should ask me how 1 am.'
The (hild simply aud honestly replied, -I
don't want to know.'
One might as well be out of the world as to
be loved uy nobody iu it,