BEDFORD INQUIRER. BEDFORD, Pa. Friday Morning. J 4W. 21. 1859. "FEARLESS AND FREE." 9. OVER—Editor and Proprietor. More Misrepresentation. Ihr Gazette, (if last week has ait article re viewing Gcv. Pucker's Annuel Message, and attempts to be very severe on the Governor on account of Lis opposition to the infamous course of Buchanan in relatiou to Kansas. The Ga• zette, however, iu this article, misrepresents facts considerably wbeD it says that "tee find that a Democratic a J ministration has, virtually reduced our State Debt, in one year, the sum of twelve million of Dollars.''' T bat the iiuie Debt has been decreased that amount nithiu ihe year is correct, but it was not the Locofoco administration that accom plished this happy rpsult. It is well known, and the truth of history will bear us out, that the old Whig party of this State was always ! n favor of the Sale of the Public Works, which ho? accomplished this happy result.— Ihe people of this State, by a solemn vote, and by an immeuse majority, some fifteen years ago, decided that these Works should be sold. Anci why where they not then disposed off— .Simply for the reason that the Locofoco party defeated the wishes of the people. At several other times acts were passed by the opposition in favor of the sale, but in every instance, the wishes of the people, were defeated by the very same Locofoco'pait,.■ It is well known that Gov. Pollock used the whole power of his" administration Jo secure the passage of a bill tor the sale. The present bill was advocated and passed by the Americans aud Republicans. The late Senator from this district, IJon. Fr. Jordan used bis best efforts to secure the sale, and to him, a? much as to any oue in the State, are wo indebted for the result of the reduction of our State debt to the amount of Twelve Millions of Dollars! Ihe Locofoco leaders of ibis county denounced him in no measured terms at tLc time for the part be took iu the matter. The Gazetie koy s full well that its party, through the exertions of Jer. S. Black, Buchanan's Attorney General, and other lead ers of the party, attempted to defeat the pres eut bill for the sale before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. But, happily fotbe interests of the suffering tax-payer* of the State, hey wore ingioriomdy defeated. All honor to the eppositiou for the auspicious result. The State Debt has been " virtually reduced in one year, the sum of twelve millions of dol lars ! The great People's Party of the State scoured the result, in opposition to Locofoco ism, and to them be all the glory and honor of the reduction of the State Debt , which was solely contracted by Locofocoism. DIVISION OF THE COUNTY. We understand thai an effort is now being mode by a few interested parlies in Blair coun ty, and in Middle Woodberry township, in this County, to liavo that township annexed to Blair. Bedford Couuty has heretofore been unjustly dealt with, in having her best territo ry lopped off. She is now reduced to moderate siae, aud it would be unjust to still further re duce her territory. The majority of the peo ple of that Township would be opposed to it, aud out of that district not- ten men in the County would favor if. Our County is large ly iu debt, contracted as much for the benefit of that Township, us for any other part of the County; benee the injustice of the movement. We don't apprehond any serious effort before the Legislature on ibe subject, und presume Messrs. Schell, Williams and Walker,will have an eye on the matter THE LEGISLATURE. The Legislature has as yet been doing very little of a general character. We notice noth ing of interest to Bedford county among the proceedings. Mr. Schel! has introduced a bill rnto the Senate, prohibiting the issue, by the banks, of notes of a less denomination than twenty dollars. The evident object of this bill is political bunccrob. The result of the pas sage of such an act would be that onr State would be flooded with the worthless trash of other States, and not as the Gazette thinks, an increased circulation of gold and silver. We ore glad to record the fact that our rep resentatives, Williams ac I Walker, have in every instance in which the question bis come op, voted in favor of reducing the pay to SSOO. WANTED —An active, energetic man, to canvass Bedford Connty, for the sale of "Wash ington's -Account Book," one of the most re markable works over introduced to the public, being a foe simile of Uen. Washington's ac count with the Government during the Revo lutionary War, engraved from the origtoal, tiled io the office at Washington. For full particulars, address WM. M. POR TER, General Ageut for Pennsylvania, "Her ald" Office, Carlisle, Pa. Joseph M. Church, ooe of the American members of tho Legislature from Philadelphia, was most 1 ratally assailed on Friday last, in Harrisburg, by a bog-irotter, named Donovan, who has been claiming his scat. Not content with being rejected by the people of the dis trict in which he lived, he follows the gentle man of their choice to the Capital, and there challenges him to a duel, and upon the teturn of tho challenge, with a note expressing con tempt for its author, he assails Mr. Church on his way from the Capitol with a shillalah and horse whip. And upon his arrest, a pistol and billy were fouud upon bis person. Tho House very properly passed a resolution denying the Irish ruffian the usual privileges, and excluding him from the floor. NEW FIUM. —Dr. F. C. REAMER has taken into partnership, in the Drug and Book busi ness, Mr. SAMUEL J. WAT, who has been well known in Bedford, for years, as the courteous assistant of the Doctor. They are gentleman ly and accommodating, and the public will find them the right kind of men for that business. STATE TREASURER. Eli Slifer, former State Treasurer, was, on Monday last, elected State Treasurer, bj the Pennsylvania Legislator*, over Hon. H. S. Magraw, the pro'eut incumbent, by a vote of 80 to 4-3. Mr. Slifer heretofore made one of the best officers we ever had, and we are glad to record his present suocess over his oppo nent. BROADTOP. In another column we publish a statistical table, prepared for us, by John Fulton, Esq., Civil aud Mining Engineer of the Broadtop Rail Road Company, who has also been em ployed to survey the route for a Rail Road from Hopewell to Bedford. We take the lib erty of inserting the following extract from 1 Mr. Fulton's letter accompanying the state ment: '•The increase of the coal shipments of 1858 over that of 1857 is 27,000 tons; the demand, I believe, has increased in a larger ratio. The number of miners at work in 1857 was 161 now there are 261, with house capacity for 530. Several new openings are being made, and ex tensive improvements constructed for tho busi ness of this year. Price of coal at Hunting don, $1.50 to SI.BO per ton. "All the mines in this region are worked by drifts above water level, thus discharging the water opened by working; there has not been observed up to this any generation of deleteri ous gasses, and accidents to miners are of very rare occurrence. The steady iocrcaso of the shipments of coal from this region during the past year is the best testimonial that can he presented, as to its very superior quality and adaptability to the various uses in steam gen erating, and other purposes to which it has been applied." Col. A. K. MuClure of the House of Rep resentative at Harrisburg, has our thanks for various favors. The bight of impudence has been reached. Gov. Stewart has issued a requisition on Gov. Medary, of Kansas, for Capt. Montgomery, who is accused of certain unlawful habits, among others, taking the lives of Border Ruf fians and taking possession of their property. It is quite proper that violations of the law should be punished. It is essential to the peace of the Border that murderers should be punish ed. It has, however, been the custom of "the authorities" to reward with the patronage of the general government those who have dis tinguished themselves as murderers in the his tory of Kausas. Only now, when thero is reason to believe that a number of pro-slavery partisans have been killed by those who assume to be doing tho fighing of the Free State cause, has there been any symptoms of su active de sire in official circles to bring the red-handed men to justice. This time, the Governor of Missouri is greatly exercised. And the Gov ernor of Kansas displays a fatal facility for deepening the difficulty and making the old sore incurable. He is anxious for troops to put down the rebellion. The people of Kan sh, arc, however, quite tired of displays of military force among ihein. They loathe tho spectaole of a company of diagooos acting as illustrations of the beauties of" the Adminis tration's system of popular sovereignty. If the hordes of ruffians from Southern Missouri invade the neighboring portions of Kansas, and Gov. Medary makes a demonstration with dra goons, it is probable that ihe bloodiest picture in the book of Kansas is yet to be written.— Cin. Com. l'hc suggestions made by Mr. Buchanan, in Lis last message, relative to annexing Cuba to the United States, fall stillborn. We hopo that the American people are getting a proper regard for those who would seduce them into fillibustering by appealing to their cupidity.— Instead of culisiing the national appetite for addition to our territory, let men in position cultivate a love of country and a regard for national honor. We don't want to appear before the world as a nation of robbers aud pirates, as we should were we to follow the teachings of Buchanan's Oatend manifesto and the prac tice of bis southern slave trading friends.— May it not be hoped, that the nation is taking a sober second though' on these matters, and that we are returning to first principles, when national honor and patriotism were the glow ing sentiment* of the American heart t The Buchauau edi ors are not plcaed with Gov. Packer's Message. They think he has disturbed the barui:ny of the party by refer ring to the Kansas question ! They seem to forget that the President his been disturbing that harmony by proscribing every Democrat who would not bow down to bis despotic no tions relative to Kansas. Gov. Pucker is not willing to wear the chains of a master, and these Loco editors who find fault with him would show moro manhood were they more like Inns. BEDFORD mOUIRSR. The following are the standing committees of the Senate and House: SENATE. Finance—Messrs. Turney, Randall, Welsh, Coffey, Gregg. Judiciary—Messrs. bell, Brewer,Miller,Sco field, FiDncy. Accouu's—Messrs. Wright, Gazzam,Turner. Baldwin, Fetter. Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Welsh,Sehell, Penney, Shaeffer, Palmer. Pensions and Gratuities—Messrs. Finney, Blood, Harris, Keller, Francis. Corporations— Messrs. Wright,Steele,Sehell, Shaeffer, Gazzam. Library—Messrs. Brewer, Francis, Schin del. Banks—Messrs. Marselis, Schell, Gamut, Keller, Myer. Canals and Inland Navigation—Messrs. Steele, Mycr, Blood, Thompson, Miller. llaiiroada—Messrs. Randall, Craig, Steele, Coffey, Finney. Election .Districts—Messrs. Scofield, Marse lis, Parker, Thompson, Myer. Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Gazzaut, Nunemacbcr, Bell, Yardley, Parker. Education— Messrs. MilUr, Welsh, Sohindel, Penney, lardtey. Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures— Messrs. Fette |# Rutherford, Nuncmaoher, Bald win, Schindel. Militia— Messrs. Brewer, Blood, Fetter, Har ris, Sebaeffer. Roads and Bridges—Messrs. Nunenncher, Baldwin, Fetter, Rutherford, Thompson. Compare Bills—Messrs. Myer,Keller,Wright Fraucis, Yardley. Vioc aud Immorality—Messrs. Schindol, Francis, Palmer, Wright, Harris. Private Claims and Damages—Messrs. Sehell Craig, Steele, Shaeffer and Rutherford. Public Printing—Messrs. Keller, Palmer, Marselis, \ ardley and Craig. Public Buiidiogs—Messrs. Craig, Sehell and Turney. New Counties and County Seats—Messrs. Blood, Turney, Keller, Gregg and Sehell. HOUSE. V\ ays and Means—Messrs. Cuase, Lawrence, |\\ ashington,)Smith.(Berks,) M'Doweli, Green Thorn, W ilcox, Walborn, Wigton. Judiciary—Messrs. M'Clure, Irish, Goepp, Nill, Thompson, Ketrbum, Chase, Grituian, Graiz. Pension and Gratuities—Messrs. Dodds, Rose, Brodbead,Durbaraw,Zoller, llotteustire, Wolf. Claims— Messrs. Williams,(Bucks,)llariing, Laird, Wagonseller, Abbott, Witberow, Wolf- Agriculture— Messrs. Fearoo, Bryaon, Ber tolet, Shaeffer, Gallev, Dismount, Williams, of Bedford. El Mined and aont to market IN from the folllerles ~, {[,<> JJ .Srmi-hlt iinatnons Coal KHRIOII. with ptexnnt fact lit lea and eatlmatt-8 capacity for 18(5(1. ]I | Tons nett II Lr„gih Track, in aud out qf Minn. No. of ' No. Capucity 'tTupacity of) Estimated" Name Name Name sent to j; Outside Gang- Ali oilieri 'Railroad miners ! of with colliery in value of „ ®V of ° r I market in I Mlno way, parts, Total. siding, at miners' board- t0l " P I colliery fix -0 r ) Operator. Proprietor. ( 1858. j FKET. FKKT. FEET. Miles. Feet. FEET. work, j houses. ors. day. tines. Prospect. R.B. Wigton. H. A B. T. K. K. C. Co. | 11760 600 1)02 700 2302! 1102 ~0! 8! 26 100 S3~OOO J™ o Do - I>o. I 15604J 1015 18(10 28(H) 1 896 070 j 86| 16 60; 60 9,000 5* . {?.* 0 T? °" l>o. NR. H. Powel. 84182: 212 1810 O'OO 1 2878 925 76 ! v 18' 46; 2<>U 10,000 No. 8. binipson, Mogahan & Co. H.fttß. T.R.K.&C. Co. No. 4. R. B. Wigton. Do. Do. j { 1266 295 150 1711 I i 3,500 N°- 6 ; „„ „ , DO - 1 60 180 106 ij I 1,000 I owelton R. H. PoweL R. H. Powel. 6248 826 1781 3700 1 1027 684 14 1 14! 76 60 10,000 1 Barnet. Orbison, Dorris & Co. Orbison Dorris ft Co. 22765 707 8050 76(H); 2 607 ( 1120 35 10l 100 200 10,000 „. , . David Blair. H. 68. T.R.R, SiC. Co. & Blair. 7340 6IH) 1070 470| 2140j 702,' 25! 945 80 6,000 , Mooredaie, No. 1. • Semi-Anthracite Co. 87 777 1100 350 2227! 700 Do. No. 2., Amruerman k I'ersing. Do. Do. 1662 209 396 lOOj 705! 773 1 12 19 40 : 26 6,000 • Friendship. W. Cunimings, N Co. 10 1 206 206 2 10; ! ,000 k > |B. T. Improvement Co. B. T. Improvement Co. 2277 200 1060! 460; 1710! 604; U present iliem properly authenticated for settlement. JAS. M. BaR NDGkLLAR, Jan. 7, 1859. Adm'r. Auditors Notice. IN the matter of the Citation to tho Exceutoii of the last will of Dan'l W Uegarver, dee'd Oj undersigned, appointed Auditor to ascertain ana report whethei any, and if any, what part ol Wr lands should be sold,reuted, Ac., will attend to tlw duties ol h|s appointment at his Office In tho Bat ongh of Bedford, on Tbursd y tho 10th day (•' February next, when and whore all persons intei estod nu attend. V. D. BARCLAY, Jan. 7, 1859 Anldor