Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 21, 1859, Image 1

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    dRkSB ISK*HK• If' •*••-
For Ihe Inquirer,
SONG—To Sallie.
Beneath a tree, on a moss-covered bank,
IVhere a stream Hows flown the valley,
1 sit and muse of the things that tell
Of thee, my own loved Sallie.
CIIOHFS—Oh! thou'rt a charming spot,
Mv bower in the valley,
There, ulono, I muse on thee.
31 y beunio, bright-eyed Sallie.
t), there to while the hours away,
I love to loiter and daily,
Whilst the streamlet a song for :ne,
Of thoe, my own loved Sallie.
Cuoucs —Oh! thou'rt a cliiruii ig spo:, &c.
The sighing zephrys through the leaves,
With the throbs of my heart keep tally,
They seem to say—' most passing fair"
Is thine own idol—Sallie.
CUORCS—Oh ! thou'rt a charming spot, &e.
Oh ! oft' times when I (eel oppressed,
I here thy spirit rally ;
One thought ot tl*;e is Heaven to me,
My own, my dear loved Sallie.
CHORUS—Oh ! thou'rt a charming spot, &e.
Then, dearest, when at set of sun
The twilight's in the valley,
O, think of me -"neath the beechen tree,
Absorbed in thee, my Sallt-'.
CHORUS — OB! thou'rt a charming spot, &c.
Never be cast down by trifles: If a -pitor
breaks his web twenty tiuivs, twenty tim a will
he mend it again. Make up your mind to do a
thing, ami you will do it. Fear not if trouble
comes upon you ; keep up \our spin's though
the day may be a dark < tie —
"Troubles ucvir last forever,
The darkest day will pass away."
If the sun is going down, look tip. to the
stars; if the earth is dark, keep your eyes on
heaven. With God's presence iud Grid's pro
mise, a man or child in-.y be cheerful.
'Never despair when fog's iu the ai>,
A sunshiny meriting will come without warning.'
Mind what you run after! Never be content
with a bubble that will Lursf ; or a firewood
that will end iu Mm fee and darkness, ljui
that what you can keep, and which is worth
"Something starring that will siv
When gold au 1 silver fly away !"
Fight bard against a hasty temper. Anger
will come but resist it strongly. A spark may
seta house on fire. A fit of passion may give
you cause to mourn all the days of your life.
Never revenge an injury.
"He that revengetb knows no tvst ;
The meek possess a peaceful breast."
If you have an enemy, act kindly to him,and
tu;ke bim your friend. You may not win him
over at once, but try again. Let one kindness
bo followed by another, till ytnj have compass
ed your end. By little and by lit t lo great
things arc completed.
"Water falling day by day
Wears tho hardest rock away."
Aud so repeated kindness will soften a heart
of stone.
Whatever you do, do it willingly. A boy
that is whipped at -chool never learns Ids les
son well. A roan that is compelled to work,
eares not how badly it is performed. He that
pulls off blB coat cheerfully, stiips up bin clothes
iu earnest, and sings while he works,is the iu;ui
for mc—
"A cheerful spirit gets on quick ;
A grumbler iu th<* mud will stick.''
Evil thoughts aro worse enemies than lious
aud tigers, for we can get out of the way of
wild beasts—but bad thoughts win their day
everywhere. Keep your heads and hearts full
of good thoughts, thar bad thoughts may not
sud room—
"Re on jour guard, anj strive to pray,
To drive ali evil thoughts away."
The editor of tbo Now Orleans Advocate h'd
this iucident about the ravages of the yellow
fever in that city related to him by one of ti.e
Methodist pastors ;
The preacher was called a few Jays sinco to
attend the funeral of a young man. Uetore
his sickness he was a stout, buoyant, manly
youth. He was from the State of Maiue, and
had been here but a short time. He was at
tacked by yellow fever and soo-i died, with no
mother or relativo to witch by his bedside, ot
to soothe him with sympathy, which none but
those ot our "kindred blood" can feel or uiani
feat. Ho died among strangers and was buried
by them. When the funeral service was over,
*nd the strange frieud who had ministered to
mui was about to finally close the coffin, an oM
udy who stood by stopped them and >aid, "Let.
fa kiss him for Lis mother." We have yet to
""d the fi>-!,t tiiau or woman to whose e\ca this
s "upie recital has uot It ought teat?.
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &e., &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
One of our citizens who loves his joke about
as well as folks usually <lo, had occasion to visit,
one of the small towns in the interior {.art of
the State, and knowing that he would have con
siderable walking over muddy roads, he took
with him a pair of lung india-rubber boots.—
Ho arrived at his destination about nine o'clock
in the evening, and upon inquiry he fouud that
the only tavern in the plaoe was half a mile
from the station No conveyance was to be had
ar,d the toad was extremely muddy. Congrat
ulating himself on Having his long boots, he set
off, and found the mud so deep in sotno sqvts
that his boots were barely long enough! At
last he reached the hotel, but with awful mud
dy boots. After supper, he inquired the charge
fur lodging.
'•We usually charge," answered the landlord,
who also h\d some fun iu his composition,
"twenty-five cents, but if a man goes to bed
with such boots as them on," pointing to bis
customers feet, "w® charge him fifty cents.''
A very good idea, I shea Id think." return
ed the traveller.
After an hour's conversation, the lan Herd
showed hmi to his room, and they parted for
the night, mutually pleased with each other.—
The next morning; our friend arose late, and
inquiring for t? c !ir I! rl, learned that he was
gone Iruin home to aitend to some buslue.-s.—
After breakfast, he handed a dollar to the land
lords wife, saying:
"There i> filly cents for my supper Mul break
fast, an i fifty cents for :uy lodging."
"Twenty-live cents .is all we charge for lodg
ing,'' said the landlady.
"Yes," returned the .traveller, "under or
dinary circumstances! but HI this case, fiity
cents is not too much."
The strung -r depart® i,and the lady w s deep
in oonjciure as to what could be the circum
stance which required a man to pay double
price for lodging, wheu bet husband retu.u
. "lias that man who slept in the front cham
ber come down yet?" he asked.
"Yes," answered his wife, '-.and Le has gone
away, lie paid fifty cent ■ for his lodging, and
said, under the circumstances it was right."'
•The ueucc he did: exclaim J the luidhud,
limbing up stairs. wife toll owed to learn
'! • tti.i■ ig ot speli*;/anyo pje>u®rd.i4g# T and.
fi uua hi-r husband will t!ie bed-clothes turned
d. \vn, and tier best bed looking more lit to
plant potatoes in, tlr.n for any human being to
sleep in.
"You saw that man when he catue here last
night?" said the husb.ud.
"And you saw bis Luois, didu t vou?"
"Weil," said the 1 mdk-rd, "the infernal cuss
slept in "em."
A few days after, the traveler, ou his return
liuiLt 1 , put.up again at the same tavern. Neith
er himself uor the landlord said auytbtug about
the Loots, which were in about the same e mui
tion as ou the previous occasion: but the bar !-
lord looked daggers at hiui, aud eyed LL boots
with much anxiety. About tcu o'clock, the
traveller s-.iu he would retire. "And, by the
way, landlord," said ho, with a merry twinkle
iu his eye, -whit do you usually cnaige for
lodging? '
-"We charge," answered the 1 tudloid, with a
most tremendous emphasis, " tw&niy-jive cents.
Various amusing anecdotes aro related of
the poor Africans who were rescued from the
slaver Eclio by the U. S. brig Dolphin during
their brief sojourn in the port of Charleston:
Among the Echo's living cargo, every one
iff whom, he it remembered, were in the condi
tion iu which they entered the world, am? un
der no obligation to the tailors' or mamunia
kera' ait, was a woman who was distinguished
from the rest by her evident natural brightness
and her superior looks. Moreover, she w s
dressed —not, probabiy, after the fashion of
oar Broadway belles, but dressed differently
from her companions, nevertheless; ami iike all
true women, in such a condition, >hc felt and
..Do evinced her superiority. She actually had
on a pair of gloves, winch she wore at nii
hours, with evident pride in her costume, and
felt that she was in full 'tag'.' She was called
par excellence, 'the Queen,' and her story get
ting abroad at Charleston, some ladies request
ed and obtained permission for her to visit
A loose diess was accordingly furnished her,
to cover '.he oher deficiencies of the urifelis of
clothing, nn-i she was lauded from one of the
bouts an 1 conveyed to tho bouse of a promi
nent re.-ideut of CharLston. There, the ser
vant was ordered to dress the Qro eu in hoops,
broad enough for a dame of upper tendoin, aud
u flaunting gay dress. She was much aston
ished and pleased with the dress, but more
with the hoops, whijh slie would etidcavor to
catch assbo turned round and round, utteiing
outlandish cries. She alsi oxhibitod some m
clin t'.ion constantly to examine mure ciiiSely
intu the material beneath her outer dress, but
as gentlemen wcro proseut, she was prudently
prevented t'rotu gratifying this natural curios!,
ty. After spending some hoars nshoic, she
was convoyed to tho buselt by a nntuber ot her
The boat could not reach high water mark,
and lay some liitlo distance out in tho water.
The Queen shook bands all round with her
friends, and then going to tho water's edge,
surveyed the boat for an instant, after waving
a last adieu, suddenly hoisted dress, hoops, nu
clei clothes and all, liko a huge euubonuet over
her head, and quietly waded out to the boat.
This reversal oi the purposes of clothing star
tled the spectators, and there was a most sud
den mid laughable rush from the bcaoh.
We give the annexed incident ir. regard to
Rev. Zeb Twitehell, a Methodist clergyman in /
full at * d regafar standing, and a member of tho j
Vermont Conference:
At otio time l.e represented Stockbridge iu
the State Legislature. Zeb, says our inform
ant, is a man of fair talents, both as a preach
er and a musician. Ia ihe pulpit he is grave, ;
solemn, dignified, and a thorough systematic <
Hi'.rmonizer; but out of it there is no man liv
ing who is more full of fun and- drollery. Ou
one occasion he was wending his way towards
the seat of the Annual Conference of minis- j
ters, in company with r,o(Let clergyman- ,
Pa v tug a country inti, ho remarked to the oth- i
er clergyman—
"Tlie la-t time I sfnpp >J ..{ that tavern, I
.slept with the landlord's wife."
In utter ainczameo?, hi- ct tieil friend want
ed to know what he meant.
"I incan jus' what 1 -ay," replied Zeb; and |
or. went the two travel i s in utArokeu silence
until they reached the conference.
In the early part of the session, tho confer- j
enoc sat wi:b doors closed for the purpose of
transacting oomc private business, aud Gape- !
cialiy to attend to the animal examination of
each member's private character, or lathe. ... j
duct, daring the past year. Fur this purpose
tho clerk called Z :b's n
"Does any one know aught against tho char
acter of brothi-r Twifehcll during the past
year?" asked the bishop, who was ttie piosi- i
ding officer. j
After a moin nt'.s silence, Zab's traveling;
ooiiipauion rose with a be.-ut and grave
eoutiteoauai; sail ho ha 1 a duty to perform—
ou-} he owed to God and the church, and
io tuuteeif: ho mast therefore di-ch ;rgc it f. r-
Icasly, though ticuiblißgty. lie th ai related
what Zoo had told hiru while passing tho tav
cru, how be slept with the landlord's wife, cte. j
The grave body o. ministers were struck as j
with a thunderbolt, al'hugh a few B.aile i aud j
looked first at Z b, then upon the hishop.
knowingly, for they know better than tho oth- j
eis the chariot".!' ot the a cased.
The bishop eaLvd upon brother T. aud ask- j
ed him what he had to say ia relation to sosc- j
rieus a charge. Z:b rose, and said: \
"I did the deed! 1 <. ver be!" • j
TlivU- pausing ,witb.,a aw.ul surL.4U-aasw r 4 .
proceeded with a slow and solemn delibera- '
"There was one lit lo circumstance, tiowcv- i
cr, connected witli the i.if.tir, which I di<i not
naiue to the brother. It my not have much
weight with the conference, but although it
may be deemed of trifling importance, 1 will
state i'. When 1 slept with the landlord's
wile, as 1 told the brother, I kept the t vo: u
•'There's no place like home."
Thus tho poet once fcur.g, and every heart
responds to the truth of tho beautiful senti
ment. What tender emotions, warm feelings,
and hallowed recollections ciu-t r around the
words "No place like home."' It was the sen
timent which give beauty to the verse and life
to the song —that awakened ill the refined ami
undying sensibilities of the soul. Emotions
the most tender swell the bosom, as the heart
in warm affection, sighs for tho sanctity of
home. From its sacred altar goes ferth an in
liueucc that gives to life its beauty, its sweet
ness, and its charm, and around that altar lin
gers the hope of destiny; for in its educating
aud elevating influence is the safeguard of in
nocence and purity. And, as the evening and
morning orison ascends, God accepts tho sacri
fice, and sends down the rich fragrance of his
love to suffuse and imbue the hearts that min
gle in sympathy there.
Bu: this hallowed abode of iunuceuco, vu
tuo and piety— ibis borne of the aire ions—has
neon invaded by the spirit of tho ago; and amid
the interests aud excitements of life, the old
and sacred idea of home is fading away. Its
instruction —the germ of principle thut mould
ed the character—its influences that guarded
the aspirations and restrained the waywardness
of youth, and its hallowed recollections that
fiiied with delight the heart iu after life—
where arc they now ! Alas! how painfully is
it that tho old idea of hoiru is passing away,
its iueiruclioßS arc deemed unimportant; us
resuaiuiug influences tyrannical} aud in lou
der recollections And for this folly
aud luu.iuesa we forfeit ill that is precious iu
the noble and virtuous career of our sous and'
dauguters. The spirit, of the ago, which pants
tor uovc.ty and excitement, is undermining the
cuiiuro of family affection and iuliueuoe, uutd
tt.c sacred power of its tender scones are un
known uiiu uufelt by those who go forth to give
tone and character to Society. Thus itiey hast
en to enter upon the stage and mingle in the
business of life, iguoran'. of iis dunes, its ob
ligations, and us destiny—unrestrained and un
iuliueuued by the tender recollections of the
sanctity of home, lio-w deeply anxious ought
every parent to oe to impress the youthful
heart with u uudying lovo for homey urged, a*
ho is, by every tender motive, by ali that is de
sirable HI the blessings and fearful in tho dis
pleasure ot God, aud by all that is elevating
aud pernioucut in ttiosa lufluoticoa whose eweop
will be parallel with the stretch of eternity.—
Never let the ambitious forgot, or the wayward
tratnplo upon tbo suiiotity of heme; f>r it is tho
power of thut institution which God has own
ed and biessod, ami which must over give to
soe.cty uhariuter uud destiny.
A Distinguished American, writer iu writing
against what he considers a prevailing inclina
tion lo credulity, -ays that "the present gctio
ruiioa seem u race of gudgeous." 11a must
certainly except tho. babies, they mo only iuokors.
Well after dark 1 put up with u first rate,
j good natured fellow that I met at tho billiard
i tabU. I went in and was introduced to his
j wife* a fine, fat woman, looking as though she
livej on laffio,' her face was so full of fun.—
After a while, after we'd talked about my girl,
and clout the garden, and about the weather,
in cc>a.e three or four children jlaffiu' tiud skip—
pingAS merry as crickets, there was no candle
lit, but I couM see that tiiey were fine looking
fellows, and I starred for mv saddle bags, iu
whiei: 1 bad put a lot of sugar candy for "Hie
J children as I went along.
4J pf.'us here,' said I, 'you little rogue.; coino
here uud tel. me what your nsme is.'
Ti oldest oamo to me and says; My name
is Relt r jon-?.'
'Aud what's your name, sir V
'litib Jones.' '
T.,| u xt sai l his name was Bill Joucs, and
the "fourth sai l his name was Tommy Jones.—
I gave 'ctii sugar candy, and old Mrs. Jones
was sa tickled thai she laughed all the time.
Mr. Jones looked on, but didn't say much.
'Why,' says I, -'Mrs Jones, I would not take
a go.i deal for them four boys, if 1 had 'em,
:!■■ v •uc so b'.auitfu! and sprightly.'
tys she, laffin,' 'I set a good deal on
'ero, but we spoil 'eai too much.'
'No, no,' sujs T, 'they're well behaved chil
dren* and by gracious,' says I, protending to be
g tar (led by a striking resemblance between the
Loy.s and father, and I looked at Mr. Jones, 'I
tii ver did see anything equal to i',' say# 1,
'your own eyes, mouth, forehead, and perfect
picture of h ir, sir,' tipping the eldest ou the
I thought tii it Mrs. Jones wuld Lave died
l iffin, at that; her arms fell down by her tide,
and she shook the whole house.'
'Do you think so, Jlr. Smith ?' said she,
looking towards Mr. Jones, and 1 thought she'd
go off in a fit.
'Yes,' says I, '1 do really.'
'llaw, haw, haw,'says Mr. Jones, kind o'
laffii', *you are too hard ou ui°, now, with your
jo kes.'
; 1 ain't a jokiu' at ail,' says 1 ; Lney arc
bnuda.'tnc children, and do look wonderfully
Hhe y u.'
.J*- • then a gal brought a light in, and I'll
if the little trats didn't tu.a out to
be niggers, every one of em, mid ifheir Leads
curly all over. Mr. uud Mrs. Joues never had
any children, andthey pet ted them niggers as
playthings. 1 never felt so streaked as i did
when I fouud how things stood.
.7 jYt V) Yorker and a Prussian eaten up—
Ft r ht between the Cannibals and the United
.St tis ddarims.
The Uniud States ship VAudalia, GoaimaU'
der Siuoluir, arrived in purt on Friday, Iroui a
cruise through the South Pacific. Lieu'. J.
Dog an Brown gives us some interesting infor
mation about a deed of cannibalism and its
puuishmtut. While '.he Yatidalia was at
Uvolau, iu tbo Feejee islands, iuforwia'.ion was
, communicated to Oouiuiaudcr .Sinclair, by the
I OODSUI at T.evulia, that the inhabitants of Lo
i mati, on the islaud of Ways—a tribe of fero
cious cannibals—bad surprised a small vessel,
ami murdered, cookod aud eateu ihe crew
Thereupon, ;.u expedition consisting oi 00 uieu,
was fitted out, placed iu charge of Lieut. Oald
| well, with Lieut. Ramsey, of the marines, As
sistant furgeou Tiist and Master's Male, liar
let t, and sent against them. The natives re
fusing to give up the murderers, aud taking
advantage of their stiong position (a town
situated on the top of a high mountain, 1000
feet above the level of tbo sea) to defy the
puity sent Egaiust them, a Ending was affected
at daylight on the morning after reaching the
lelund ; uud after a most fati 6 uiug march of
several hvurr, over declivities, preoip.oes, rocks,
I ami through raviucs, the expedition arrived op
posite 'he town. X long halt wis made to re
fresh the men, who were almost prostrated by
their exertions.
After icaiing, the town was assaulted aud
carried by a flank movement, the natives fleeing
to the rooks and fustuessc* ; the tuwn was
nearly destroyed, 115 houses having been fired
aud consumed. Oct tho return of the expedi
tion tbey wore attacked iu t ho most furious man
ner in one of tbo ravines by 300 warriors, who
were repulsed with a heavy loss, after a severe
oetiouof about one-half an hour, tlm natives
! Ming nearly 50 in killed an I wounded, inclu
ding two o'' their principal chiefs. The Amer
icans had six wounded, and one very severely.
The seauieu auu marines behaved in the most
gaiiuut uuuuer. The anjuwdy ot their situa
tion (attacking a powerful tin.: courageous
mountain tribe iu their fastnesses) not moving
them, except perhaps to more steady and daring
oonduet. The Americans murdered aud eaten
were Louis 13rower, a Prussian, nutuiaiiied,
ami Ileory Homer of New Y'ork.— San irnn
cisco Herald
before a country squire tor s'euliug a hog, and
three witnesses hetng examined, swore that
they saw hitu steal it. A wag having volun
teered for Josh, knowing tho scope of the
squire's brain, arose and addressed him as lol
'Miy it please your lienor, I can establish
this man's innoeenee beyond tho shadow of a
doubt; for I have twelve witnesses ready to
swear that they did not sco btiu steal it.'
Tho squire rested bis head for a tew mo
mfiots up ttrf ''is baud, as if iu deep thought,
and then with groat dignity arose, and brush
ing back his hair, said:
"If there are twelve that did not see Lini
steal it, and only three that did,F discharge the
prisoner. Clear tho room."
A Catholic Priest Denounces them as Here
A correspondent writing from Shullsburg,
Wis., has the following :
"During the session of the County Board of
Supervisors for this county, at the November
term, there were some rich sceDes, one of which
claiißtj our serious attention. Some of the
lobby members got up a rcselotiou to appro
priate one hundred dollars for Roman Catho
lic purposes, which was rejected by one major
ity. At the evening session of the same day,
she Catholic priest came before tho board and
remarked :
"I suppose the reason why you refuse to
grant the appropriation is, that it is to beuefit
the Catholics; but I am rejoiced that such
things cannot always be, for there is a crisis
oomine, and sooner thau the people are aware
of. Yankeedom has Lad about its full sway
and others ore about to rule iu this country,
and then you, nor any set of base heretics, will
oare to refuse ns au appropriation for such
purposes." Some of the members of the Board
explained tlieu* reasons for voting as they did
on the question.
The priest then said pointing to one, "You
toted the appropriation on the ground
of the retrenchment, and you," pointing to
another, 'say you voted for it, but, having been
better informed, would, if necessary, vote
against it now. I suppose your information
consists in knowing that it is for tlie Catholics,
and that, you consider, reason enough for vo
tirg against it. Y"ou 1 never saw before ;
neither do I ever wish to sec you aguiu, and I
shall brand you an infamous scoundrel.'
During his remarks, La was several times
called to order, but toid them not to'interrnpt
him, as he was a scholar, and would not be
dictated to by a set of base beraties.'
'Tiiet Say.'—There is a decision in the last
volume of Gray's Massachusetts Reports, whieli
is at once sound morals an good law. A wo sued for slander, defended on the ground
thatshoouly reported. The Court held that to
r.pc it a story, which is Else and slanderous, no
matter how widely it may kavo bceojoirculated,
isattbe. peril of the ih>l>arrer. SKuder
cannot always be traced to its origin. Its
power of mischief is derived frotu repetition,
eve.i if a disbelief of the story accompanies its
relation. Indeed, this half doubtful way of
imparting slander, is often the surest method
resorted to by the slanderer to give currency to
his tale.
the Peace, seeing a parson mounted on a very
stately horse,riding between London aud Ilamp
stead, said to some gentlemen who were with
him, —
"Do you see what a beautiful horse that
proud parson has got? I'll banter iiim a little:
"Doctor," said he, "you don't follow the ex
auiplo of your groat Muster, who was LuorOly
content, to ride upon an ass."
"Why, really, sir," replied :Le patsou, "the
king lias made so uiar.y asses Justices that an
honest clergyman can hardly fiud one to ride,
if lie had a mind to it"'
Thursday uight, a negro from New LondoD,
Conn., named Albert Oorbyr, while at Croun's
groggery,Fivo Points,swallowed, for a wager of
s>lo, five pounds of tallow caudles, five of raw
pork,a pint of lamp oil, and a quart of whiskey.
Ho was shortly after found insensible iu the
street and sent to the station house, where a
physician attended and administered an ap
propriate dose. The glutton recovered after a
while, but laid his illuess to the Five Point
whiskey. He was committed to prison for ten
days, for drunkenness.
It is stated iu Southern papers that the yacht
Wanderer has landed ns many as thice cargoes
of negroes upon the Southern coast. The Au
gusta (Ga.) Sentinel says: "We learn ou good
autiioriiy that the original cargo consisted of
-i'2o, auJ that uot one of them died or was se
riously ill on the passage. It is supposed that
the Wanderer acted oDly as a decoy bout, and
that the vessel that brought tbetn is at large.
Litizens of our city are piobably interested in
the enterprise, and those brought up in the riv
er are supposed to be their share of tho spoils,
and have bocn distributed on their plantations,'
Mr. Gurley, Republican candidate for Con
gress in Cincinnati, was formerly a Universalis*
minister. One of his opponents was trying to
persuade an old Methodist not to vote for htui.
"Do you think you are furthering the cause
of religion," said he, "by voting for u Uni
versalis! —one who does not believe in hull?"
"XS," WHS the old Methodist's reply, "if,
by the time Mr. Guiley has leeu in Coogress a
year, he does not find out there is a hell, then
1 don't understand tho present Administration.
I shall vote for hitu."
Demand eor the Gospel.—Tbo pews in
Henry Ward Boeohm's church, Brooklyn, were
routed at uuctu n for the year, on Tuesday, and
brought §24,642 50, about §B,OOO more than
thev were sold lor last year. Very many who
were auxin as to obtain pews woie unable to
procure them. The competition among the
bidders was very (spirited. Mr. Beecher was
present dutiug the sale, and appeared to be de
lighted at the groat interest manifested by hie
congrcgaiiou to obtain good sents.
At ovcry heart there is a fountain of pure
water, and all meu at sometime taste its sweet
VOL. 3-2, NO. I
From the Genesee Farmer.
Is Stock Growing to be Recommended
in the place of Raising Grai^?
The two systems of stock-growing and rais
ing grain should go together OD all farms and
in all 3ituatious where stock and grain can be
raised. There may be places where the price
of stock is so low that it may be more profita
ble to raise grain; but even then stock-raising,
to some extent, will be found to pay better in
Iho end; for it must be apparent to all that con
tinually taking from our farms and returning
nothing to them, will be most ruinous to ibe
soil. We may, by applying lime, plaster, and
ashes, stimulate the soil to greater activity for
a while; but this wiil only prove the more ruin
ous in the end, for these articles only supply
the inorganic elements of plants: and if no or
ganic matter is returned in the shape of barn
yard manuio, oar crops of grain will by degrees
grow beautifully less; and then again, there are
some soils so springy and wet that grain cannot
be growu to advantage. On ail snch soils,
stock-raising of course should take the lead,
but as a general thing, the two systems should
go hand ip-hand. Many farmers who keep but
little stock, raise no more grain than others who
beep several head of cattle, horses, and sheep;
and selling ail the grain off their farms, and
sometimes even their hay aud coarse fodder,
and burning up their largo stacks of straw,
and in these and various other ways continual
ly drawing organie,uitter from the soil, aDd
oftentimes "wasting fragrance on the des
; ert air," their farms arc all the time growing
poorer; while others, who keep a large amount
of stock, consume some of their coarse grains
and all their fodder, make largo amounts of
manure, their farms arc all the time growing
better— enabling theui to raise more grain aud
keep more stock. There uiav be, and no doubt
is, a limit to this; but 1 have sometimes thought
that the more stock a nrm keeps, the more grain
he can raise, thus realizing more than a double
profit—a profit from Loth stock and grain, and
| also a profit from the increased amount cf both
stock and grain be is enabled to raise from coin
| biuing the two systems.
JYewfane, JW Y., JYOV. 1858.
-—About four years ago, I had my attention
called to the use of burnt clay as manure, by
an Englishman, who used the ashes of burnt
clay on his potatoes aod garden vegetables.—
The good results obtained by him induced me
to try the plan. Accordingly I burnt ten bush
els of ashes from good clay sods, aud applied
them to one-tenth of an acre of meadow land.
I sowed them broadcast, about the last August.
The effect was quite perceptible during the fall
and the next season the crop of hay was at
least one-third heavier than it was on a mead
ow adjoining, where there had bocc no manure
of any kind applied.
I was induced by my success on meadow land
to continue the use of burnt clay. I burned
two hundred bushels during the fall of 185G,
and sowed broadcast one hundred and fifty bush
els on one and a half acres of meadow land;
and the next spring I applied fifty bu9tiels to
half an acre of potato ground. The results of
the burnt clay on the meadow land was quito
as satisfactory as was my first trial of them, and
the results of the burnt clay on the crop of po
tatoes was equal to an increase of one-third
over half an acre adjoining, on which no ma
nure of auy kind was applied, both pieces re
ceiving the same amount of cultivation, and
were of the same variety of potatoes.
Beiug well satisfied wi;h past experiments in
the use of burnt clay, 1 burned four hundred
bushels, in the full of 1857, and during the past
season have used tiiem on meadow land, on po
tato ground, and on spring wheat. The results
on grass and on potatoes were equal to the re
sults previously obtained; but on spring wheat,
the effect# were not at all perceptible.
1 think its effects on grass and potatoes have
been equal to tho effects of plaster, if not more
so. 1 shall apply some of it on spring wheat,
next season, end I anticipate better results tbau
I obtained last season. I shall also continue
its use on meadows and potatoes, and shall try
jt on carrots, oats, and other crops, and watcb
the results with interest.
Hickory Bluff, Erie Co., .V. Y. 1858.—75,