Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 07, 1859, Image 2

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g' 1 . .1 . ■ -
Friday JA V T 1559-
D. OVER—Editor and Proprietor.
The Pennsylvania Legislature met on the 4th
inst. Hon. John Cresswell, Loco, of Blair,
was elected Speaker of the Senate, by a vote of
17, to 16 for Glenni W. Scofield, opp , and
Wui. 0. A. Lawrence, cpp. of Dauphin, was
elected Speaker of the House, by a vote of 67,
to 32 for P. A. Gritman, Loco.
The vote in opposition caucua for Speaker of
the House, was as follows:
Ist vote. 2d vote. 3d vote.
McClure, 23 24 30
Lawrence, 29 30 31
Chase, 11 9
Scattering, 3 3 3
The name of Mr. Chase was withdrawn after
the second vote had been taken.
It affords us much gratification that Mr.
Lawrence was selected. He is an upright, hon
orable man, aod will make an officer of whom
the opposition may bo proud.
We have not yet seen the Message of the
Governor, but will endeavor to lay it our
readers in our next.
The Auditors of this County met on Mon
day last to audit the accounts of the Treasur
er. There was u great contest for the Clerk
ship, au office with a salary of just §25 00!
John W. Lingenfelter, Esq., an old resident
of the County, and who (we know of nothing to
the contrary) was always a Locofoco, was an
applicant, and a person of the name of Meyers,
lately, we believe, sent forth from Somerset on
a pilgrimage, in search of employment of some
kind or other, was the other applicant for the
snug little bonum magnum of §25.00! The
said Meyers, it appears, lately turned up as
one of the publishers of the Gazette, and as he
is one of the renegades that left the Know
Nothing party, sud consequently could not
tun VP ,n ,h tlmun.- ~ county,
his claims for the sugar plum could not be set
aside iniirtly! Mr. Lingcufelter, who has
been Poor House Steward, and is au Attorney
far superior to the cast off rubbage from Som
erset, and who, also, looms up as the next can
didate for District Attorney, was not to be re
fused intirely, either ! Now, mark how i7i
guntly the Auditors, dear, good souls, and the
two talented applicants, who wished to serve
their country for a day or two, and the $25.00 •
compromised the matter, and the $25.00!
They agreed that both should be appointed
Clerks, and divide the plum between them,
$12.50 eath! What a wonderful appoint
ment! The whole wo:k, scarcely occupying
two daya, and yet the Clerkship is cut in two,
to help to feed a hungry patriot, who is wil
ling to serve in any parly for the loaves and
fishes —even though they be small loaves and
small fishes ! For the first time in the history
of the County, we believe, there have been two
Clerks to the Auditors! Next year,probably,
there will be some more applicants for the
Clerkship, and the Auditois, following the ex
ample of the illustrious Court House officials,
can manufacture a half-dozen clerkships out of
the one, and raise the salary too ! The Som
erset pilgrim, with $12.50 in his pocket, strut
ted tbe streets very consequentially for a few
days after—and well be might, for it was tbe
only trust of any kind he ever received from
any body, and be novr cbeiiabes tbe scriptural
maxim, that "a prophet is not without honor,
save In his own country and in his own
In the last Gazette, under tbe bead of "per
sonal," the bum sixpenny lawyer, who never
had a brief, sod never will, makes some very
serious threats, about our "proving our charg
es m Court," or "to make good iu a more sum
mary and less peaceable manner."
To tbe first threat we reply that a fellow
who libels-persons ir. almost every Dumber ef
bis paper, should be tbe last to threaten suits,
when tbe truth is forced home upon him in a
manner (bit don't favorably impress tbe com
munity in regard to bis past political life.
Io regard to "a mora summary ncd lc*a
peaceable manner," we have no fears, and feel
peifeotly easy, as this fellow has not the blood
>o attack any man openly and boldly. Judg
ing from his countenance, ho might with a blud
geon, do it behind one's back, in the bully
Brooks and Bill English sty le, however !
THE NEW CENT.—WE U/o indebted to a
friend in Philadelphia, for a couple of tbe new
cents. They Hie near (he size of (he last coin
of the sumo denomination, but instead of the
apology for an eagle on Le one side, ih-'re is
the head of an lodun giri. (Jn the reverse,
the wn-ash i* smaller; ard the coiD i* a little
thicker On the whole, the now cent is a de
cidca improvement.
NEW YEAU.— This is Our first number in the
New Year. Wo hope to send our paper through
out its entire length to all our old subscribers,
aod to inaDy new ones also. It should bo the
duty of our friends to use their influence iu se
curing a large circulation to (he INQUIRER; up-
OD it much depends. If the paper had as large
a circulation as it ought, Bedford County would
be always right, politically. We will send the
INQUIRER, gratis, for one year, to any one who
procures us five uew subscribers, with the cash
in advance. To all, we wish a happy year,
and that our slow friends may be more punctu
al throughout tbe present year.
timo ago, Mr. Isaac Clark, of Napier Township,
iu this Couuty, killed a cow which ho had fat
tened for beef. In her stomach wero found
over 160 nails and tacks of different sizes and
kinds—the points of some as sharp as nee
dles—also a piece of iron hoop, about 3 inches
in length. The nails were in bunches, sur
rounded by u kind of mucus. How she got
them is unknown. She was m good health,
and made firstrate beef, notwithstanding her
ostrich-like propensities. Tbe nails can be
seen at this office.
The Gazette of last week attempts to get up
a controvery between the different frieuJs of
the Bedford Railroad. We did not intend to
detract from the merits of aDy one on that sub
ject, but wo would simply remind thai paper
that a controversy might do no good for its par
ticular friend.
FILIBUSTERS. —The steamer Susan, wh : <v ,-r t
escaped with filibusters some days ago, was
wrecked on Glover's coral reef; the passengers
were saved, but the vessal was a total 10-s.
1 Tbe filibusters were brought to Mobile, by the
British steamer Basilisk, where the poor devils
were received wiih much joy by their friends.—
We hope this will end all such raids.
Senator Douglas has uist with very warm re
ceptions from his friends, on his way from the
South to Washington, at New York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, &■;.
Some people are at a loss to know what is a
legal tender of money. Most persons are great
ly in ertor in supposing thai cents are a legal
tender for any amount, and sometimes captious
people make large payments in copper coin,
which creditors suppose they ure obliged to re
ceive—from the fact that it is coined at the
mint, and bears the imcyess of t v ~ rT
upon it. brora the following, whioii is a synop
sis of the act of Congress upon the subject, tt
will be seen what is and what is not a legal
tender. Tbe law regulating the payment of
debts with coin, provides that tho following
coin be legal tender :
1. All gold coin ut their respective values for
debts of any
2. The half dollar, quarter dollar, half dime
and quarter dime, at their respective values for
debts of any amount under tive dollars.
3. Three cent pieces tor debts of any amount
under thirty cents; and
4. By the law passed at the last session of
Congress, we may add one cent pieces for any
amount under ten cents.
By the laws of Congress passed some four or
five years ago, gold was made the legal tender
for large amounts. Those who, to get rid of
large quantities of cents aud small coin, some*
times pay their bills with it, to tho annoyance
of the creditor, wiil perceive that there is a
stoppage to that antic by the law.
John Mitchell, the Irish refugee, has invent
ed a new name for the Democratic party. Af
ter noting the election of Gov. Meitae, of Mis
sissippi, on the platform of re-opening the slave
trade, says ;
•'What Southern statesman will next have
the pluck to plant himself on tho honest human
flesh platform* It is the true Democracy, fur
it will abolish monopoly; it is the best Know-
Nothingirm, for it wiil enable Americans to
rule America, (which the English and French
do at present,) and, more thau nil, it is the
truest humanity and justice towards both whites
and blacks."
descriptive and complete. We thank the Irish
demagogue for teaching us the words. —Pitts.
ORY. —It will be remembered that Jeff Davis
recently counseled the Sovereign State of Mis
sissippi to prepare for war. He told her Leg
islature to prepare 'fixed ammunition,' to con
vert muskets into Minnie rifles, to cast cannou,
and be ready to blow to tbe flinders of ever
lasting smash all the pesky Abolitiouists who
would dare to plant their feet upon tbe hullow
ed soil of that Sovereign Slate. Well, the
armory of this 'Sovereign State' has been ex
amined, and we are indebted to the Vicksburg
Whig for tbe followiug inventory of tbe 'cir
cumstance of,' discovered to be on hand:
4 fliut-lockjmuskets, all rusty, and no breech
es to at least two.
7 bayonets—rusty, with no points.
A piin of belts -scd scabbards, but no swords.
50 car ridge boxes.
Tho Whig add?:
"We hare now 5 Major Generals, 10 B'ig
adier Gonrrals, 00 Coluueis, 00 Lieutenant
Colonels, 00 Majors, aud wiil soon have 000
Cnp'ains, 1200 Licutenait*, 4SoO Sergeants
arm 4800 Cotporals. ve are happy to inform
thorn, however, that we have no privates—the
Legislature havmg dispensed with that useless
portica 3? tho arm/."
Ihe reteuiion by the Pope of the abduct i J
child Mortars, had its counterpart in a case
"tliniii latciy occurred in England. A Protes
tant British Sergeant of Marines, named Race,
who was killed in the Russian war, left his
children by will, to the care of their mother,
who was a Catholic, "feeling confident," he
said, "that .she would do justice to them as a
wife and mother." One of the children,named
Aliciu, was placed iu the Sailors' Orphan
Schooi, at llampstead. After a time her moth
er wisbed to retuovo her to a Catholic school,
but the former refused to give her up. The
child was brought, at the mother's instance be
fore the Court of Queen's Bench, by a writ of
habeas corpus, wbereupon Lord Campbell, de
livering the unanimous opinion of tbc court,
sa id—"We are bound, iu the discharge of our
duty, to order that the infant, Alicia Race be
now delivt-ied up to her mother." Notwith
standing this decision by the Chief Justice of
England, a bill in chancery was fifed by the
Bailors School Committee, praying the Chan
cellor to make the girl a waid in chancer),
and on the lltb of February last, the Vice
Chancellor adjudged that she should be brought
up iu the Protestant faith, appointed guardians
over her, and ordered her to be given up to tho
Sailors' School. It remains to be seen wheth
er tuc press, which, as a genera! thiug, spoke
very indignantly in reference to the Mortar#
case, will, iu the same manner, treat the Alicia
Itaco case. We await the course of the press
on this subject with some interest.—Pennsyt
We would hardly have thought that even a
Loco foco, in the fifty-eighth year of the nine
teenth century, could be found ready to attempt
to excuse the iuhuiuaii and dastardly outrage
of stealing a child from it* mother, by trving
to tiud parallels ii atrocity, •>
If tbe story related here be true, tho Vice'nor has done wrong; but there is no
kind of parallul iu the two eases. It appears
that the mother placed her child in the School,
and afterwards, no doubt at the instigation of
Jesuitical Priests, desired to place it in a Cath
loic School. In the other case a child was ta
ken and kept forcibly from its parents. Notte
but a Locotoco could be blind enough to tail to
see the difference. No one who has a >p>rk of
humanity in his heart can regard, with any feel
ings but those of scorn and detestation, the
out)age of the Church of Koine upon Mortara's
child. It was utterly inexcusable, aud no one
who dares to speak his mind freely, but must
condemn it. Were Locofoco papers not bound
baud and foot to the Juggernaut of Jesuitism,
they would be loud enough in condemning the
cruel act of those old-hearted Priests.—Dm
ly JWu-s.
The Two Parties.
To those who are io tho habit of regatding
the Democratic a* the dominant party in the
Uoion by uumbers, as it is by apportionment,
wo commend the following table, compiled from
the United States Census. The Republican
States, with their respective white Population,
are "• -- —• •
States, wiih their respective while population,
in the other. It will be seen that the white in
habitants of the ltepubiicau States outnumber
tboso of tbe Democratic States io the propor
tion of iv:o to one.
Maine, sf>l,Bl3[Msryland, 417,943
N. Hampshire, 317,450 Virginia, 891,800
Vermont, 313,40*2 N. Carolina, 533.008
Rhode Eland, 148,753 S. Carolina, 274,503
Connecticut, 363,099 Georgia, 521,572
Massachusetts, 985,450 Alabama, 426,514
New York, 3,048,325 Mississippi, 295,718
New Jersev, 465,509 Louisiana, 225,491
Peon's, * 2,258,160 Texas, 154,034
Ohio, 1,955,050 Arkansas, 162,189
Indiana, 977,154 Missouri, 592,004
Illinois, 846,034jTenuessee, 750,836
Michigan, 395,061' Kentucky, 200.000
Wisconsio, 304,757. California, 200,000
lowa, 191,881 Florida, 47,203
Minnesota, 200,000 Delaware, 71,169
13,530,650 6,422,418
Democrats aro fond of applying to their op
ponents the epithet of "Black Republicans," as
if they in some way derived their strength from
the African race. Wc suggest to them a care
ful examination of the above figures, winch show
that the Republican is pre-eminently the party
of tbe White Men of the Union, whilu the Dem
ocratic only maiutains its power at a!! by three
million blacks held in slavery, which it repre
sents in Congress and the Electoral College, al
though it will not allow them to vote either for
Electors or Congressmen.— Jilb. Eos. Jour.
We observe that the people of Virginia, op
posed to Mr. Letcher, iuciuding Whigs, Amer
icans, and disaffected Democrats, arc moving
towards tbe nomination of a candidate for Gov
ernor to oppose l)iui. It will be recollected
how fierce and unrelenting was the warfare—
the internal quarrel—regarding Letcher. The
Petersburg Convention, which brought him
forth, exhibited irreparable dissatisfaction. 1<
is positively kuown that the Democratic nomi
nee cannot carry the full strength of his party.
Tbc indications are almost certain that an op
position nomination will be.aiade; and this nom
inee to be a liberal, conservative Democrat.—
Uuder such circumstances, with proper unity
and an approved standard-bearer, with the De
mocracy fragmented, we see no good leason why
tiio opposition—or people's patty of Virginia,
if sucli it may be called—shout t not triumph.
Senator Douglas is expected in Washington
about the middle of January. The correspon
dent of the Press boldly charges a design up
on hostile panics to put him iu such a position,
uu his arrival at the Capitol, that ho will It-el
impelled to seud or uccept a challenge to fight
a duel! It is probable that the writer's fears
in 'his case have run aw 3 y with his judgment.
TLe St. Louis Republican of Friday declares
that there is no truth in tho rumor that Judge
Douglas, iu a pallio letter, declines being a
candidate) for tbc Picsidency. The editor of
the Republican has just returned from a South
ern 'our with the Senator, and importance is
attached to the disclosure on that account.
Secretary CoLL evidently uas his eye on the
great to be. He courts applause in the Sou:'..,
cad gets it to the skies. Tbe Southern Demo
cratic press endorse his Fiee Trade views, nnd
snub poor Buchanan. Mhyuuut Mr. Buch
anan resign?
anan, admitting the treasury to ho empty, and
recommending a change of the tariff in order
to replete if, nevertheless proposes the follow
ing rather expensive projects :
Purchase of Cuba §300,000,000
Aid to Pacific Railroads 100,000.000
Building W. r Steamers 5,00(1,000
Uccupriiou of Senora 6,000,000
War with Costa ltica 5,000.000
To keep open Central America 6,000.000
District of Columbia l,OUO,Ot'J
Other small items, such as compensation for
Amistad negroes, etc., we omit from this some
what formidable account.
Mr. Buchanan has been initiated into the
mysteries of tbc Tammany Society of N. York
war-dance, the painted face, and the song of
welcome. The pow-wow began iu duo form—
was held and concluded in the White House.
Mr. President loeked well with his venerable
face in war paint. Think of it, a President of
tbe United Statos with a painted face ' We
suppose the old chief will hereattcr "scalp" all
office-holders before be scuds them to the guil
A dangerous young widow of CO, iu Ludlow,
Mass., with four dead or discarded husbands,
has torn a young lad of 18 years from his af
flicted parents iu the same town, -aid taken
him to bed and board a* No. 5. TLJ patent*
locked up the boy, but mo widow was too
saiait for them, got him out, and fled with him
to Palmer, where they mariied. oiie Wrtir
clearly one of the widows.
ltobeit Rcnwick, E-q , of Baltimore, has in
his possession the sword presented bv Frederick
the Great ot Prussia to Washington, with the
complementary address, "From the oldest
General iu Europe to the greatest General ia
tbe worid," and a portion of the surveying in
s'ruuicn' used by Washington, when only 17
years i Id, on hi-perilous expedition to survey
north-western Virginia.
A good one is told of the President and u
committee who calicd upon bim about the tariff,
some fine ago. "Ah !" said his Excellency,
"if only G:ancy Jones ■.-.ere in Congress, ho
could do a great deal of good-for you." Why,
then," was the reply of one of the party, "did
ho resign his, and refuse to fulfill the
promises made before he was elected ?" Jones
was droppcu !
The price of n*frrcc-s in Georgia is up, very
high. Boys and men, common field hands, have
Utclv said lor $1,200 to $1,500, and girls at
$l,lOO to $1,300. T!iu SavauuaL Republican
says "bat tbe value of fieid I.suits may he esti
mated by the price of cotton; for instance, for
every cent a pound for cotton, a field baud will
bring cue hundred dollars.
it is sid liiHi ;!k. au*erdaient to thu Pacific
Railroad bill, introduced by .Mr. Fo-tcr rovi
dtng that it shall he built wholly uf American
iron, has ycaily increased the prospects of the
success of that measure, as it will probably
bring to itc. support the friends of a grna ad
ditional interest, by affording a luge am Uu.
of employment to the iron manufacturer*.
THE DEAD ALIVE—The Wheeling Times
states that a girl at the Hospital who had been
sick for sometime, died last Sunday. Owing
to the iucleiueucy of the weather, tho burial was
postponed uutil Tuesday, when cousciousnoa
returned to tho little creature aud she is now
ALBANY, Dee. 22.—The State canvassers*
have decided to refuse certificates of election
to six Congressmen recently elected from New
York city, because the icturus read "for mem
bers of Congress," instead of 'representatives
in Congress.
An exchange says that some of the shoo
manufacturers at Lynn, Mass., are now making
to order large quantities of ladies' skating
boots. They are made thick and strong and
shaped to receive the adjustment of the skate,
and arc cut BO as to reach above the uuklc.
A resolution recently offered in both branch
es of the Arkansas Legislature, instructing the
Senator* and Representatives to oppose the re
opening of the slave trade, was laid on (he
table, only two Senators an i fifteen Kcpresea
latives voting in the uegative.
The Richmond Enquirer has a severe editor
ial rivtcx of the me-sage of tho President, in
which it denounces with mush force too leaning
positions of that document, foreign and domes
Senator Stuart of Michigan has been degra
ded to tue ranks us well as Douglas, having
been deposed front the chairmanship of tbc
Committee) on Public Linda.
Tbc new Democratic paper, the Pennsylvania
State Sentinel, made its appearanoe iu Harrts
burg last Friday morning. It represents spn
ci.lly the views and policy of the State Admin
Recently, Francis litddy bit off the noee
of James W. Hunt in a fight in New York.—
Last Wedensuay the case was put to a jury,
which gave a verdict of $1,500 to the tuau
without a nose.
Some of the farmers of northern Ohi*> and on
tue borders of Indiana, have commenced the
breeding and raising of deer, and tbey bring
tbein to market ; heuco tbe plentilude of veni
At the Methodist conference in Columbia, S.
C., last week, Mrs. Singleton, aged 104 years
and who has beeu bltud for 60 years, was made
a life number of tbe soeie'y.
Lite ladies of Utiea, Now Tor 1 * -* "njoy- ,
ing iho 'pastime of sk' t'o-. Crinolines cu
"rockers" is said to be a most entrancing spec
tacle. .
it is announced tit Texas that Gen. Sam
llotLit n wilt Lv s candidate for Governor at
tin, next el Oct!')?). The General was defeated
by Gcv. Runnels at the iast election.
jflL SS m
cc -3 H Cf.
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a Jr o a o a
> > o 5 05 i *
•?% > • >
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 II 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 -29
30 31
EEH. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 II 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28
MARCH. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
APRIL. 1 2
3456 7 8 9
10 11 .2 13 ii 15 16
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MAY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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15 16 17 18 19 20 2"1
22 23 2 26 27 28
20 30 ca
JUNE. 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 l 1
12 13 14 15 10 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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JULY. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
AUGUST. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 IS 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
SEPT. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
15 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
OCT. 1
2345 C 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
• 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 25 27 28 29
30 31
NOV. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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PEC. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
II 12 13 II 15 16 17
10 19 20 21 22 23 24
-'5 26 27 28 29 30 3!
Tin; H/iiii: ;'is. '
BALTIMORE, J n. 4. 1859
FLOUR. Howard Street and Ohio Cuper
could not command over per bbl. Cl.y Mills
Super m.-ij be t|uo:ed. io the abseuee ■„t s L-,
at $4.87 iass 23 pci bbl. for standard to choice
br.;iid., uud EXT* Family Flour* as follow--:
Ohio Extra at §5.371; Baltimore city ground
I'-tnily and Extra is selling at <J>7.5O for the
former, and $6.50 for tho latter. In Corn
Meal wc cote sales to-Jay of 505 bbis. Ciiy at
$3.50, being a decline of 50 cts. per bbl., rn
on lust transactions. Rye Flour is slowly sel
ling at $4 per bbl., and Buckwheat Meal at
$2 124,52.374 per 100 lbs.,
GRAIN There were ouly 642 bushels of
feted sales of ordinary white Leing undo at
§l.2o*s 1.27; good do. held at $1.30*51.35,
and prime to choice at $ per bushel
Reds weir dull, and may be quoted a: sl.lsa
sl 25 for good to prime. Coin was less huovaut
and the offerings reached abcut 7,200 bushels,
with small sales of white at 60*66 cts. f.r damp
G3 cts. for piime, and yellow brougbi 70a72 cts.
per bushel. Of Oats there were 1,240 bu-tcls
oileieu, and Pennsylvania brought 47 cts. Or
Rye we quote Pennsylvania nominal at 55u86
cts., aod Maryland at 7275 cts. per bushel.
~ j-VIL JFE_ 2L AzTa3T
Uu tie 28th inst., l-y Rev. Gc rgo j>crk
stressci it the residence of :.o H . ie' father,
in Woouoeriy, Mr. J. il. I'U. BOisHOVV and
Eust week, the natue of the Rev. gcntic. ,u
who ntairiod the above cc pie, was aeciduntaily
oicitted. It's ail right now.
In Raincburg on Tuesday Jan , the 4(h, by
the Rev. B. F. Stevens at the M. K. Church,
in presence of a large audience, Mr. K. J. OS
BORNE, of MooroVillc, P ;.i.., to M.t.s E. V.
MANN of Clearapring, Ma.
Ou the 18th of December lust, by the Rev.
11. Ileckcriuau, HENRY HILLEOASS and Miss
JULIANA, daughter of Frederick Turner, all of
ilarrisou township.
December 18th, 1858, FRANK BARCLAY,
son of Dr. F. C. and Gcorgianna R. Reamer,
uged two years, five months, and nino days.
On the Friday following, Dnccmbcr 24th,
CHARLES, Son of E*py L. and Louisa Ander.-
sou, iu the seventh year of his age.
•'Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid
them not to corno unto me : for of such iS ibe
kingdom cf heaven."
"I shall go to him, but he shall tyoc return to
mc "
"My little one. my sweat one, tbo vouch is erni ty
Where oil I wiped the dews awny, which gathered
on thy hroV,
No more, amidst the sleepless niglu, I smooth thv
piiiow fair,
■ lis smooth iudeod, but lest r.o raore thy small, pale
feitutjs tb re."'
"My little one., my sweet on J, thou cuc.-i not corno
to mc,
But nearer drawt (ho numbered hour when I shall
go to thee ;
Aud thou, jwrcbanca, with seraph smile, anJ gold
en harp in hand
May'st come the lirst to welcome me, to our
Emmanuel's lind "
OF B<-~oii>ts and Expenditure!-, of the r ,
Hal! Association, from its orcuji*.#- „ " ,r *
lbol, to 31 Dccemlter 1858, inclusive. " " n
Cash paid in OH 870 ah ires of Capital
Stock, c, 09g
Aggregate of Rents received, 1,456,9 i '
Cjsh ftom insurance Comy-ay, 163 12
Miscellaneous, ' * 4Qo I 63408
Cash paid on purchase of Real Estate
iticiudirig iutvrrst, 54,420,03
Oa*h paid for Repairs, / 32.63
" " " Taxes, 26966
" " " Insurance, 129,00
" " " Dividends, 53,62
- < Miscellaneous, 67,00 1,241,81 35.662 7J
Balance, * T
TATE. ' Li *
Cash on hand as above, s
Due ot: Subscription to Capital Stock ' r 'f
Routs due from sundrv porsous
' ' * vijnjjQ
Balance due \V m. llarticv on purchase
money, r ,
Ir.t. from I March 1858. -w : lB
Sundry accounts for Repairs estimated at 39,00
* ;a 'i see Books at.J account* 0 f Sec
retary mid treasurer.
Bupiishcd by order of Tniutsea
I J ( ' Scc, 4'" JA'O. MOH'ER, P rest
OF the Receipts sr: Exp.uditur, aOl the B-1-
lord and Mov *,.,Tr.mpike Ho.I jUI „ ~r
fmia &y -nuar., 1.,v to u, •
day of January, lSj'J. a
T o Balance in the :iH-;ury.l B u - f - 0
io amount of toll Received i r ■ . I*oB, 1, m '- 7
$2.49; . ;
By Amort of Expenditures seme tim; SI j'•>
Balance in the tieasury at sctiiemcut in
eluding bad and uncurrei.t money, -'j.,',*}
-.0 ..iv.dend was ma le.
1 SCHELL, Treasurer.
The board adopt d tiie fiillosrics ilesc-'ution n
day, January 1859. '° a W
Jietclred, 1 hat the gate keepers of the Bedford
and Stoyatown Tnrup.keß Comnanyare h-re'-v
directed not to trust any parser. f..r"toll her-.-ut.. ;,
ana that suits be instituted againntatiy per ol j r j
shall attempt in any way to d.-fraud the ComViU
out of their toil, or small m-gU-ci, or ra'uae to t'j
to pa, toil a. any toll bouse of the Conirwnv
that John P Ree l, Esq., r ao-ae otner J" '- !,
employe.! to attend to auita for the ru.-"; ' "
sucf ! ct; and tho gito kc-epcu are 1* "4
to give notice to said Attorney or Treasurer i'.-.-si
dent 01 any one of the Manager* of the Cm I'UI •
of • ' offender forwitb j 3 person or by w.i ne.a'id
that this Rcaolulion be put lish&d in the n -d -j
papers. EM AN L'EL S TATLEK, Pre si.
Jan. i, 1859.
rc>R SALE r
8 ? •*. t # fcS BroWn Cou-.ry, Kansas. 3 mil
west ol Hiawatti i, on the old St. Jo. road, ~ud 18
a " < uP' U e on 'he Missouri River.
ALSO K. ACRES, Jo E-iies we a t of Atcivson. Kaa
sua. These are fine rolling prairie lands within leas
• nan a nule ol tun'or ni running ..ater. ALSO
1 / C? - E s, well tiiuhurfltt rind .<a:erei, i. 3t 1 ran
cis County, Missouri. ALSO io ACRES „eii Emtered
,ri otiiMy, Inuiiina.
An ! t lit? f. Ji j.v'irpr ; u ■>* ; L 3 .df ri C it ■ •
Aboutso AC a, tiuib-r. c- 1
] b ""F> 9 -"•■o L.,.f ■ ne.. to
Jmin Mvx erraus. At;;a ACRES : ed ia; i
" line.- Oeutnot Rv;uburg 1..11,0 iwd to S .nth*
amjiton. ALSO 439 acres, limi-er-lantl, in UnioD
Township, on B-.-bos Creek, ab.-ut 2 ruii.s aU>T*
Com-u' Saw-Viill. AIAO five-twelftba of a tract 205 acres and 148 perches ot Broad
top coal lend. ALSO 110 AC- - 3of first quality lime
stone land a half a mile south of Bedlord, known
as the Vendersuiitli Farm, 100 acres clear-d .1 nov
er lading spring of excellent Water,a tolerable bam.
ana small frame house.
For the present 1 may be found at Mrs. Cook's
WM. 32. lIALL.
lllditbiN Ko.!t6i
JX the matter of the Citation to tho Exacutois of
x the last will Ac., Dan'l WisegarTer, d-c : d the
uiideisigned. appointed Au ;itor to ascertain and
report vrhctbei any, and if any, whit part of the
lands should be sold,rented, &c., will attend to the
auties of his appointment at his Office in the Bor
ough of Bedford. onThursdiy the 10th day of
r eb.... rj next, when and tsliere all pci*sons inter
ested can attend. R. D. BARCLAY,
_J"' a * ' 1859- Auditor.
Aduiinisirßtor's Aoiice.
LEi fERS of Adoiiuhtration having been graat
cd to the undersigned, by the Regist r of the
< - , . r Pl' an! ' of Bedford county, upon the estate
*>• Kit.-xey Ake, late of Union towuaiiip, deceased,
all persons, therefore, knowing themselves in
debted to said estate arereqaostc to make imme
diate payment, aad thou having chJms will pre
sent th,m properly au'heuticated for settlement.
Jan. . iBo9. Adm'r.
luditor'N police.
IN tho matter of the vidafioß to lVm. Smith, ?d
-ministrator ol the estakb of Siixabeth Smith,
The un lerrgncd appointed an aaditor.te take
testimony aed report Uic fict* in tida.eia-, w-'i -t
-ten-i, for pn-poao r.t bii otfic.j in ittdi r ,on
butacl.iy, the 27th day oi January, inst., wk ,111
where ah persona interested ui iv tteti<|.
Jan. 7, 1857- JQOWEK .* u-1: 01 •
td.niiiiist Notirc,
LETTER'B of Admioiatrstfon Laving leen grant
ed 10 \he mbscriber, living in IV'cat ProviJi-u-'e
tp., on tjie Estate of Peir Jiarndplkr, late of iv est
I roviJ ence Township, dee'd all person- knowing
thems,elvt-8 indebted to said estate will make i>ay-
Rien (immediately, and those haviiigtelair-a ajrniost
tho same will present them p r op,wlv * authenticated
for settlement. JAS. M. BARNDOLLAR,
dRR- 7, 1859. Adm'r.
De Lnuaiico (uqiiirendo.
THE undersigned appointed by the Court of Cow
ui-'n Blcaao of Bedford County, to inquire
whether George Owe, of Union i ownsiiip, be a
Lunatic or not, Ac., will attend to tie du::,s of
his appointment at his Office in the Borough of
Bedford, on Tuesday the 26th day of January inst.,
wiien and all persona interested can utt- ud-
Jan. 7, 1559. Commissioner
ALL pcruna who are indebted tho subscriber,
either by note or bonk account, are hereby co
tified to make payment on or before iho 16th Jaau
ary inst. All those failing to attend to this maiier
will find their accounts in the hands of tho proper
officer lor collection. ISAAC LIFI'EL
Jan. 7, 1859-c.
J)r. Uairy'p Drug apd IRvk
D' If. ioo.l.
JAVN K St\ v rights, lieTactrt'ajid DjpoH's'pill"at
Dr. Hurry's Drug *wd Rook Slorr,
An? t 6,1H68