AGRICULTURAL. From the, American Agriculturist. Feeding Horses—l Common Mistake. The practice of regulating the food of horses by the amount of work they are required to per form, is a good oil", if properly followed. For example, a horse when lying comparatively idle, as in winter, should have less solid food than amid the hard work of spring and summer.— Again: if a horse is about to be put to work of extra labor, it is well to fortify him for it by little extra feeding beforehand. Jfut the mis take we refer to is rho practice of over-feeding hiut an hour or so before putting him to work. If uu extra service is required of a horse, on auy particular day, and an extra feed is to be giveu hint, let hint have it the evening before hand, rather than in the morning an hour or two before being put to work. Why so? Be cause, if he is put to work >o soon after eating, his food does not become digested, and he is obliged to carry about with him a large mass of undigested fodder, which is rather a burden than a help to hint, if he is well fed the even ing before, ho lood is assimilated—changed to flesh and blood—and sends health atid vigor through the whole system. As a general rule, a working horse should be fed regularly, both as to the time aud the amount. HINTS ON BUTTER MAKING.— A lady in Schuyler County thinks, and rightly too, that there is no necessity for there being so much trash thrown upon the market under the name of butter, fcslie asks why cannot the western and midland counties of New York produce as good butter aud cheese, and get as good prices for it, as Orange eounty ? .ins. —Some of them cau aud do, though uot a little of the western product is sold under (he name of Orange coun ty butter. The truth is, the Orange county people for so long a time sent uniformly good butter and cheese, that a reputation was estab lished. Our correspondent is right, in conjec turing that most of the trash, amounting to about three-fourths of all the butter sold in the country, results from ignorance of the method of making it well. A little more knowledge on the part of the makers, would from the same milk, produce butter worth, to day, in the New York market, 25 cents per lb., wholesale, whereas iheir butter is now sold from 14 to 10 cents per lb. Our correspondent says she obtained for her butter the same price that has been paid for the Orange county product. We do not quite understaud her description respecting "churning the whole milk," and jet "adding one quart of boiling water to the cream." Any hints and sugges tionsjrn this topic will be gladly received.— Let us have a largo amount of experience from different persons, as all hints received will add to tire value of the proposed discussion, which wo hope will furnish the best views and practi ca! directions yet published.- lb. SWAMP LAND. —There is a special beauty about an object redeemed from positive waste and ugliness, and made to minister to human wants. There is a bit of swamp laud io view irutu our window, where three years ago we could nut walk without wet feet, aud which, from the creation down, had only borne brush and sour grasses. It is now thickly covered with a beautiful sod of herds-grass and white clover. It has been drained, and the surface is now as dry as upland. Last year the acre and a halt cut three tons of good hay, and this sea son it has pastured two cows from June to Sep tember, giving theui a full flow of milk, aud the feed is still good. The pasturage is worth at least twenty dollars. Muck enough has been taken from the ditches to pay the whole cost of reclaiming. Tinee years ago it was not worth thirty doilursj it is now worth three hundred, and will pay the interest on that sum.— lb. TAKE CAKE OF THE IMPLEMENTS.— AII kinds of farm implements aud machinery arc expensive, and with the best of cate and use must often be replaced by new ones. But their disability depends a great deal upon the man ner of using and keeping them. If never shel tered or painted they will work aud soou rot. The wood-work of all tools, it kept well paint ed and housed, will outlast much of the iron work. Wbeuever the sun opeus cracks in the t mbcr they should bo filled with putty and paiut Manufacturers declare that uot half the far mer. > know how to use machines, aud it is too trim for the interest of the latter; and eveu the maker of a machine is itable to suffer by the want of knowledge bun to manage on the part t'uo e who use them. Kjruiers should un derstand the principles upon which the con struction and operation of macbiues depend.— Every part of a machine which is subject to friction should he kept well oiled.— lb. here is uot a spider hanging on the wsll hut hath its crraud; tbero is uot a netile that growcth iu the comer of the church yam hut hath its purpose; there is not a sin gle iuscc! fluttering jo the breeze but accoui pU-hcth some divine decree; and 1 will never have it ibat , as near as I can remember, a small pimple made its appearance on my upper lip, which soon became enlarged and sore. I used poltices of sorrel, and a wash of blue, vitriol, with out effect. Finding the sore extending, I calb'd on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronuunced it CAN CER, and proscribed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I called upon J)r. Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset countv, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and gave me internal and external remedies —the latter consisting principally ofcaustie; but all to no purpose, as the disease continued spread ing toward the nose. I next used a preparation of arsenic, in the form of salve. This for a time checked the disease, hut the infl imation soon in creased. I next called upon Dr. Statler of St. Clairsville, Bedford county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a never failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever in checking the spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, th i disease had eaten away a greater uart ot my upper lip, and had attacked nose, when I went to Cincinnati, where I consulted Prof. R.S. Newton,of the Electio Medical College. He pronounced the disease --a cutaneous Cancer, superinduced by an inordinate use ot mercury.— lie applied mild zinc ointment, and gave internal icmcdies. My face healed up, but the inflamation was not thoroughly removed. In Febirny, 185 , he pronounced me cured, ami i lett for home. In April the disease again returned and so violent was the paiu . bat I could not rest at night. Late in May I returned to Ctnciiinuti, and again placed myself under the chaige of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained unlit September, during which time I e used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking ilie disease, tuic when I reiunud home there were still three discharging ulcers upon my face. 1 continued using Newton's preparations, and also medicine that i got from Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing until it bad cut off the left side of my uose, ihe gi cater portion of my left cheek, Ond had attacked my left eye. i bail given up all hope of ever being cured; since Dr. Ely said lie could only give relief; but that a cure was impos sible. In March, 1858, 1 bought a bottle of' Blood Scearclicr,' but I must confess that I had no faith in it. 1 was very weak when I commenced taking it; but 1 found that I gained strength day by day, and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third liottle was taken my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used a forth bottle,and I have l• Fleming A Wiley H-4- B. T.R. &P. R. Co. " Patrick Lcddy Eben Penneil A. R.Crane et al Bcnj. Mahony ct al " Solomon Spousler Jotiu S. Iletrick " Charles Smith Martin Helsel " Mary Barley Wm. C. Logan Esq. "D. 11. Hoflus Esq. Levi Ilardinger " J. C. Morgart John Weimer " James Carnell Wm. Border's use *" John Taj lor et al John Weimor's use " James Carnell David Ilelsel • John Long et al Maria McEidowny " Samuel Williams Lewis Johnson ' Amos Kobeuctt ot al Dr. John Getty " B trndollar be Aslicon, Joseph Barley " Jackson Stuckoy Joseph Filler " Law. Jamison T. McCauley & Co. " John Davidson & Co. G. D. Trout • John Feaster John C. Kahni " Hopewell CoalMron Co. Joseph Bergess " Wm. Kiseretal Proth'y's Office, Bedford, IS. H. TATE. October 22, 1858. J \EW UOODS ! Good \ews for the People! A LTHOUGII the prospects of the Railroad are J\. not very flattering, the friends of that enter prise have not yet quite despaired of u'timute suc cess. Hoping that the people will see that it is not only to their interest to have the road completed as soon as possible, but that they shoul 1 bear in mind that at REED sed to be about 2 years old, last spring, both ears cropped, and a hole in each—no ether marks—the owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Oct. 15, 1858. WM. BAREFOOT. For the Hair—Jockey Club, and new mown hay, pomatum*, genuine ox marrow, at Dr. Hani *. BIBFOKB IMOTIRSR. ( SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue or sundry wilts of Fi. Fh. to me
  • w: " ' i, Bedf.i.i Count r and taken in ex. cut! as ?! o prop rty ft 1 JOtill KoOillZ. | ALSO, One tract of land, containing 256 acres, more or . less, about 100 acies cleared and under fence, with a two story frame house, witn kitchen attached, and hack-house and other out-buildings thereon ! erected ; also some truit trees thereon ; adjoining j ands ol John Mills' heirs, Alexander Fletcher,! •Jacob C. Boon and others; situate in Monroe tp., ! Bedford County, and taken ill execution as the' propererty of Michael Miller. ALSO, Ore tract of land, containing 157 acres, more or i less, about 70 acres cleared arid under fence, with j a log house and barn thereon elected, adjoining j kinds of Nathan Kobison, Anthony Smith, Shio'l Jay and others; situate in Monroe township, Bed- i ford County, and taken in execution as the property i of Michael Miller. ALSO, One tract of land containing 4 acres, more or I less, and all (learcd an I un'er fence, uding lands of! John Cashuian, Jacoti Casliniau and the heirs of Dr. : Peter Shoenberger, ou the south and west— ALSO, All Defendants tight, title, interest, and claim, in and to one tract of land containing 12 acres, more or less, all cleared and under fence, adjoining lands of Jacob Casper, and heirs of Dr. Peter Shoenber ger, and others, and ah situate in Middle Wood •■erry Township, Bedford County, and taken in exe cution as the property of John W. Duncan." WM. S. FLUKE, s'criJT. Oct. 22, 1858. REGISTER'S SfITICE. I LL persons interested, are hereby notified that; .1 the following named accountants have filed j their accounts in the Register's office of . edford ■ County, and that the same will he presented to the j orphans' Court, iu and lor said County, on Tnes- | day, the 16th day of November, next, at the Court i Mouse, in Bedford. I Tite account of Anthony Smith, Executor of the ' i last will £c, of tionnah Ilaney, lat • ol Cumberland ; Valley Township, dee'd ; The account of Philip Evans, Guardian of liar- I ! rison Evans, of Monroe Township. The account of Jacob Keifler, and David Buyer, Executors of the last will ice., Christian Wcin ; brenncr, late of Middle Woodberry T awnship, ! dee'd. The account of Simon Kara, and Jeremiah i Weicht, Executors of the last will #c. of Charles | Weicht, late of West Providence Township, dee'd. j The accjunt of S. L. Russell, Executor of the j last will &c. of Mary Ann Davidson, late of Be l ! lord Township, dee'd who was adminirtratix of j Margaret Davidson, late of said Township, dee'd. S. 11. TATE, Register. Registers office, Oct 15, 1858. Bedford County ss. AT an Orphans Court held at Bedford, iuaud for ' the County of Bedford, on the 30th day olj August, A. D. 1858, before the Judges of the said Court. On motion of John Mower, Esq., the Court grant j a rule upon the heirs and leg d representatives of j Mrs. Sophia Mower, late of Colerairi Township, j dec'd ; to wit: Eliza, intermarried with Elijah Weaver, | residing in the State of Ohio, Rebecca, intermarri i ed with Joshua Filler, residing in Bedford County, i Nancy, intermarried with Jacob Moss, residing in ' Wood County, Ohio, Sarah, intermarried with Emanuel J. Diehl, and Elizabeth, intermarried i with Levi Kegg, residing in Bedford County Pa., j to he and appear at an Orphans Court, to he held : at Bedford, in and for said County, on the 3d Mou j day, fifteenth day, of Novembe, next, to accept or : refuse to take the real estate of said deceased, at ! the valuation which has been valued and appraised, 1 or show cause why the same should not be sold by ! order of the said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at Bedford, the first day of Sept. i A. D. 1858. SAMUEL 11. TATE, Attest, Clerk. ! W.h. S. Sheriff. Sept. 24. 1856. Administrator's Notice* IVOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration hare been granted to the subscriber, by the Register of Bedford County, on the estate of lliiuus O'Neal, late of West Providence Township, dee'd. All persons in debted to said estate are notified to make im mediate paymeut, and those hiving claims are requested lo present them duly authenticated for settlement. JONATHAN SNYDER, Oct. 5, 1858. MtwV. TAYNK'S Wrights, Bennett's and Dyott's pills at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. August 6, ISSB. UPWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. ' Ji Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment far the: relief of the *irk and dis tressed, afflicted irith Virulent and Epidemic diseases. rPO aj! persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases J such s SPER M ATOR HIKE A, SEMINF.L \\ KAKNKSS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA GLKKT, SYPHII.LIS, the Vice of ONANISM or SELF A RUSE:, j Ihe HOWARD ASSOCIATION', in view of tin awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual ; diseases, and the deceptions practised upon Hit j unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks ; severni years ago directed their Consulting Snr i geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their • name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment ol | this class of diseases, in nil their forms and ti give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all win ; apt Jy l.y letter, with a description of their condi i tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, c.,)nda in leases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI j CINKS FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless t< arid that the Association commands the highest i Medical skill of th age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, teel as surer! that their labors in this sphere of benevo lent tft'ort, have been 01 great benefit to the afflict | ed, especially to the young, and they have resoiv I ed to devote themselves, With renewed zeal, t( : this eery important hut much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report 01 I Spermatorihcta, or Seminal Weakness, the Vic. of Onanism, Masturbatiou or Self-Abuse, and nth : er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult j ing Surgeon, which will lie sent by mail, (iu i sealed I tter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, or. receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, b.r Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE K. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As ppciatiun, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel shia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEAKTWELL, President. GEO. F.UKCUILD, Secretary. Dec. 4, 1857 .-zz. DKT waltgys AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED, YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS! ONE small box of l'il's cures ninety-m e cases out of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mercury, ne odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a d#se; tasteless and harmless as water. Full directions are given, so that the patient can curt himself ascertain as with the advice of the most ex perienced surgeon, mid much better than with the advice of o' e of little experience in this class ol dis ease. „ SENT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. 1). Lb Walton. No. 154 North .Seventh St. bduw Race, i h'.ad Ipbia. .1 literal discount to the trdde. None oil in • without toe xcri'.teu sign dure of i). G. li u.l-JU.i l„j,ii: Ji.l. J'-. , 'it for Self-abuse, We.ukm.-ss, MO., is entirely .Liferent from the usual course.— Dr. W. lias cm ed liundteds who have tried others without benefit. The treatment is as certain to cure astne sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W. as above; giving a full history of your case, and you will bless the r the States of Pennsylvania, N. Jersey and Delaware These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of flinie and similar in appearance to Gas, and are claimed to be superior to ali other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion.—No offensive odor.—No smoke.-- Very easily trimmed.—As easily regulated as a Gas Light.—Can be adqitod to all purposes.—And better than all for a poor man.— 50 per cent cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. SOLE AGENOV ALSO, FOR KNAPPS Patent llosen and Coal Oil LAMP. KF"Larops, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and every ar ticle iu the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, jigent. No. 38 South SECOND Street, PHILAD'A. Sept. 10, 1858. BLOODY RUN FOUND A Y M ACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared, at their Foundry in Bloody Run, to till all orders for cast ings ofauy description for Grist and Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Apple Mills, Ploughs, and a'l things else in their line that may be ueuded in this or the adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 4 or 6 Horsepower, warranted equal if not superior to any made in the State. We keep coustuitlv on hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Points, shares and landsides, to tit all Woodcock or Seyler Ploughs in the County. Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Ctstings of our make may be had at Foundry prices at the store of Win Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Loudcrbaugh Si Pee, East Providence 'l'p., John Nycum he Son, Rays Hill. Times being hir I, we offer great induce ments to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and sub stantial manner, and all work warranted. Call and examine our work and castings and judge for yourselves. JOSIAII BAUGUMAN St BHO. March 20, 1858.-tf. TJJNTJCOJV JHQTIRXJ, Hertford, Pa. rpilE subscriber respectfully announces to the JL public that he has opened a Hotel, under the above name, iu the old and well known Globe buil ling, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will be happy to see all his friends, and the traveling pub lic generally. Persons attending Court aie re spectfully invited to give hiiu a call. He pledges himsell that he will do all in his power to render all his guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest de licacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms Will contain clean and comlprt ubte bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. O" Boarders will bo taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HORTON. Bedford, April 30. 1858. WJI. t. LOGAM, ATTORNEY IT LAW. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. WILL practice in the Courts of Fulton, Bedford and Franklin Counties. K?"Offlec on Main Street, opposite Speer's Hotel. September 3, 1858. AYER'S Clterry Pectoral and Jayne's Expecto rant at Dr. Ham's Drug and Book Store. August 0.1858.. ( THTEI W QUIR ER Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel Honse, by DAVID OVER. TERMS : ! If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid wi'.hin the year, $2.50 will be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar ] 1 earages are paid—except at the option of the ■ Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Advertisements not exceeding a square,(lo lines.) j inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro ! portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially | ordered for a given time will be continued until j forbid. A liberal deduction will be tnade to those j who advertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and | promptly and on reasonable terms. mm, TIN AND (0lPEIt WADE! MY friends and the public in general, are hereby informed that I now have and shall continue to keep on band, a large stock of almost every size ; and "pattern of cooking stoves, and parlor stoves I and coal stoves. Also, copper and brass kettles, tin and sheet iron ware, common and Russia stove pipe, fire boards, and tin ware of all kind made out ol the very best 1 and 2 y tin plate. Spouting made to order of the best double tin plate, and put up by .Mr. John Limdeiwan. who as a workman has no superior in lhe County. 1 would also call the attention of the public to to a new article of self-scaling fruit cans, the best that has yet been offered. Stove blackening constantly on hand. All persons in want of any of the above articles | will pftse call at the Old Stand, of the subscriber, lin Bedford,where (lie)'can buy on reasonable terms. 1 Old copper, brass, pewter and country pro .tice taken in exchange foi work. GEO. BLYMIKE. September 3, 1858.-3 m. New Jewelry. THE subscriber has opened out a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry— consisting in parte! BreastPins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, Ac. Ac. Call and see his stock. dl ' l4 DANIEL BORDER. DR. B.ITHARK¥ T) ESPECT FULL \ tenders his professional XL services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Iloffus. Nov. 6.1*57. TO HffIWKPBKS. . lIAKR 1, at the (. ha) j'rug and Book Store, has just received, a 1. rge assortment ol the lst flavoring extracts, together with Bak i: ' • el I .rtir, Saleratus, Ac., of ,be very best quality, all of which he will sell the lowest prices. Plastering Laths!! r l \l>KKSl;\K|> having erected X a Mill for sawing PLASTKJU>G LATHS on his premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price $ 1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. lonr. Other lengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St. Cliirsville. will be promptly attended to. r M. GRIFFITH. Union Tp., Feb. 16, 1854.-zz. JOB MANX, G. IL7SPANA7 T AW PARI N ERSIIIP.--The nntlerslgiKd ■ J have associated themselves in the Praticc of the Law, and will promptly attendto al bus'- nessentrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. [T7-Ortice on Julianna Street, three door* south otMengel ollnse and opposite the resi dence ofMaj. Tate. MANN \ SPANG June 1,—1864. tf. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. tender* his services to X*. the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be found (unless professionally en gaged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. Hummel's Premium Esxencc of Coffee CO! lEh made by it will have a more delicate ana nner oarer, and will he much more wholesome. It will also he clear wit hoi t requiring anything to clarity it. For sale by OSTEK. MANSPEAKEK & CARN. New Store, No. 1. Cheapside. June 18, 1858. K. I). BAKIL.II, ATTOKNBF IT LAW BEDFORD, PA., ' A\/ l j' L attend promptly and faithfully to all ** l jgal business entrusted to his care. on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied by S. M. Birclay, Esq., doe'd March 26, 1858. f M® I , U tl) ntUtml punrtn*Hv an.i cftfwfal!y to aH operations fn- ! j | trust -1 to li s ♦•are TA. HAVING purchased the Drue and Boat of Dr. S. D Scott, fau consUntly on ha n 7 at the old stand, a large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and re til, all of which will be sold on fair terms. Th assortment consists in part of ' Drugs and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Acids Pol and Oils, Window Class and Glass Ware' Tobn ' coandSegars Perfumery, Fancy Articles, sc. fa" Pateht Mhmcihes.— Having the regular agency for the sale of many of these medicines th.- tm' lie are assured that tbev are of the best; such have stood the test of time and experience an-i can be safely recommended as genuine ' viz Townwsnd's and Sand's Sarsaparilla, Wistar's Paisam of Wild Cherry. Ayer's Cherry Pecto-al M< fiat's Life Pills and Pbrjenix Bitters. Dr* Jayne's Family Medicines, Fuhustock s, Hoben sack'B and other vermifuge; Hoofland's Germaii Bitters, Ac., Ac. Constantly on hand a large stock of historic gcogiaphical, scientific, religious, poetical, schoo' and miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE RY, Cap, Post and Wrapping Paper, of every quality. Paper Hangings in great variety. \Vi n . dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality Pocket Books and Port Mennvies, Diaries, Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great varietv Soaps, Ac., Ac. " " * Lamps, and Camphine Oil and Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Wolffs' Scheidam Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and Ma deira Wines. Feb. 10, 1857. TIE K Valentine Steekman. PROPRIETOR. Boarders taken by the day week -ninth and year. April 25, 1856—tf (seilyg* Photographic Hallerv,