BEDFORD iiVQUiREiI. ======== MOV. 5, 1858. Friday MoffStfiL ::=- ==- ■ AND FREE." - ==^nEß-Editor and Proprietor. PEOPLE'S MEETING. A meeting of the People will be held in the Oourt House, on Tuesday evening of Court week, (16tb Nov. next,) for the purpose of con sulting together, and congratulating the coun try over the recent brilliant victory in this Congressional and Legislative District, the State at large, and the glorious triumphs in Ohio, Indiana, lowa, Minnesota, Kansas, &c. Several speeches will be delivered on the oc casion. Let there bo a good turn out. Como one, Nov. 5, 1858. lUeuiiou! THE Brigade and Kcgimcntal commissioned of ficers of Ist Brigade, and 16 Division, P. M., are hereby ordered to meet as a board of Auditors, at the Court House in the Borough of Bedford, on Thursday the 18/A day of November, inst. at 10 o'- clock, A. M., to perform the duties required by the j act of Geueral Assembly, approved 21st day of j April, A. 1)., 1858, for the better regulation of the Militia ot this Commonwealth ; also all officers having in charge the accounts of the different com panies will appear and present the said accounts for Settlement on said day. LEMUEL EVANS, Brigade Inspector. Evausville, Nov. 6, 1868.-b. Mislaid or Lost. A manuscript Journal kept by William Maclay when a Senator in Congress in 1790-1. It was, some years ago, in the possession of the Reverend William M. Ilall, and may have been loaned by him when living in Bedford or Lcwistown. Any one having it, or a knowledge of it, is requested to hand over the book, or to communicate the infor mation, to Francis Jordan Esq., of Bedford, or to Georgo W. Harris, Esq., of Ilarmburg. J'a. Nov. 5, 1858.-c.