WHY HE DIDVf VOTE, ( __ _ i It will be reer-lleetei that Hettulor [lender s'n, of Texas, did uo: record bis vote upon :Li * ; Ki.uas Conference bill, an 1 that Liu silence ' occasioned Eotncsurprise at the measure. We | now find in the Aiii not vote on the bill at its passage. 0:i the rooming of the day the bill finally pssej, the President scut for in-*, and urn la such an earnest and strong appeal to tne to vote for the bill, and ai lin savin-- Lis X !mini>l rat on and the Democratic pir'.j of the North, as to induce me to leave, t'.-j iv-nate Chamber and not vote at aiR as I woai ; have felt bound t<> vote against the bit! if 1 hoi voted. We are an dnfortuuate people; and when wo will le r'> : e to present tLe question it! a shape to utiiu the tn •j jrity of ,ur people in standing by their rights is hard to t r.-e e. Wars, very truly, Hr SUE SON. j e ere certaitilj an "unfortunate people,"' j when t.f- i'.esid-n! of the l*nit)-i States can j so f"-r forget the dignify f his otfije, and the proprieties of public lib , hs to send for mem bers of Congress vitb a view of pe.sua ling them to violate their own jaigni tits. Who ;oes jut set iti this Inter n explana'iuit of whole scotc* of Deineer itio votes? It is the', patronage uf the goteiu ncnt brought iti con flict with the ftecdoiu of ci-ei ions.— Itorris- i bur* Ttle<*ritph,. Missouri- Frank Jll.-ir i; meeting his opponents b fore the people, eich auk an hour's speech at oocii appointment. Tne victory in every in stance, has be. u with Illuir who takes bold anti-slavery ground. Uf the Oaroudelct meet ing, the 'Democrat' siya : '•At the appearance of .Mr. Blair it w 9 very eviden', which was the fav. ri e with the crowd- j tits speech was the best effort of tho canvass. | We have heard many who were present say : that*they never listened to a mora compact, j logical and stirring effort. The crowd stood perfectly chtincd by the speaker's reasoning. ; bis gc- ticul i-ion and the clear ringing of bi v c.ce upon the night air. Mr. Blair's speech i tamed chit fly upon the "mud-sill" question. — j fils review of tne opinions of Senator II ui- ! moud, of South Carolina, 53 enforced in his j speech agaies; the white slaves of she North nd hi sarcastic handling of the two Missouri S niters were models of eloquence, ami told with wonderful effect up in the audience.— o;h.r portions of the speech wera equally pointed and ieiicitous. Ths cauviss, ft far, has been ui-st gratify i: zto the cause of free labor. Tiie people sctui to be .i-vau to t * *._ 1 r true interests, and , wii' u'. loubtcdly give a larger vote fur the ticket of the Free Democracy than ever be fore.*' CtiliilT PfiOCLHHTIOS. TY"H£BEAS the Honorable Fkascis M. Kim- VV mlll, Presi-aent of the several Courts of Com mon PI is in the counties composing the 16th Ju dicial District. and Justice of the Courts ol Over and Term nor. and Genera? J. d l> livery, for the j trial of capital and other offenders in the said Dis trict—and A.J. S.V iv ,xr and John G. Hartley, Esquires, Judges of the. C-ui ts of Common Pleas ana Justices of tiie Court of Oyer and Terminer. : and General Jail Delivery, for tae trial of all capi tal and other ofieaiars iu the county of Bedford— have issued their precept and to ;ne directed, for ■ 1. Ming a Court of Common Pleas, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at Beiiord, on MONDAY the 3-Jth day of August, next. Notice is hereby given to all the Justices ; of the Peace, tiie Coroner and Constables within the said county of Bedfctd, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, rec ords, and ;.i iisiti'Ds, examinations and other re naemhraoccs, to those tilings which to tl.eir ot£- ces and in that behalf appertain to be dote, and also they who will prosecute against the prisoners thai are or shall be i.i the J i;l of B • Itord county, to • then and there to prosecute agiiust thorn as shah ne jat. WILLIAM S. FI.UCK, Sb-riff. Sheriff's Offlce, Bedford, July SO, 1858. ' ! Auditor's Notice. illci undersigned appointed to distribute the b-.lii.ee in the bauds of Wui. M. ll.i l, Esq., adni'r of the estate of Arnos kaley, deu'd, among the cred- ; iters of eaid dec'U, will attend for that purpose, at Lis olr.ee. in Bedford, on Monday, the ISth day of . ugust, next, at 1 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons interested may attend, if they tr.luk p.'oper. JNO. MCWLR, .Auditor. July 30, IBbB.-c. iiit. ltd ii. Mmioii, / v F Lancaster City, late of PhilaJetphin, where \/ he has been In successful practice IV.I a nam- ; ber of years, received his education at the best Med- : ;ca. '.'viuge in th- Uaited States, an i had the ex perience and practice in the different il..spit-la tor ! several years, a meni.er of the Analytical Medical Institute of New York, aud late Surgeon of the ■ United Stats Navy, now offers himself to the pub- ; lie to attend ana professional calls. foe purest medicines always on lnnd direct from the Lest Laboratori-.s of ou: country, on i the B tarucol Gardens cf the woil 1. No pateut'uedicine ■ prescript aor recommended. Medicji.es used only which will not breax down the constitution, tut will j renovate the system from all injuries it has st...ta.u- • edfrommincr.il medicines. C'lnonic aud u.lffcuit ■ dUsuscs must be treated upon analytical principles, , which i to know and ascertain what disease is. Its nature and character require a kuowleigu of the chemical constituents ol every solid and fluid of tiie human body; the chang at.Vs. solids and fluids are capable of undergoing. To know what modi- j cincs to employ to cum diseases, requires a scow, ledge of the cneniical constituents ol all agents j employed iu medicine; and if vve ari- iu possession ; of this kuou ledge, it is possible to cure any disease- i —no matter of how Jong standing—arid leave the patient iu a healthy and perfectly cured condition. Melancholy, Aberra-iou, or that state of alienation ! and weakness cf the mind which raiders persons in e .t-able of enjoying the pleasures of performing duties of life; Dyspepsia; that distressing and fell d- stroyer of health and ha->piuess, under mining the constitution, and yearly currying thou sands to untimely graves, can most emphatically be ! cured. iiOcuruauau, in any furtn or condition, curoiiic or acute, warranted curable; Bpile] y or failing sicia-'s*; all chronic and stnblrii cases of Female Diseases radically removed ; Bait K Lieu in, j ana every dco-criptiou of ulcerations; Piles aud Scrolulous Diseases, which have baffle 1 all previ-.us medical sail can bo cured by my treatment, when the constitution is not exhausted. i do s y a 1 diseases (ves, Cimsumn.'toa) can be cured. 2Jr~ Ctnetr cured without the knife.. I will remain in my office on Wednesdays and 1 Satuhdays, troui 9 o'clock A. M., to accommodate ; patieuts from a distance, and con ult in the English I and German languages. Will make visits to any j distance if required. May be addr.-ssaJ by lottei, - ult-on B, contract-rs, and a variety of others who receive a satisfactory quid pro quo.—Phila. JVews. Gov. Packer has issued the death warrants of the following per.-pns: John Lutz, Alleghe ny county, to be executed Qclsbci Is?; Wm John Chirk, Mouton.r c<-., to be executed tember 2-4- h; Mrv l'wigs, Montour co., lo be executed October 22 1. Bedford fonafy, A T an Orph-ins* C-l - il residing in Bvlfiird .County, except Loui--a I unK.to be and appear at an Or, bins" Court i held at Be*lti>rc, i:i and for the County of B .-dfor.l, ! on the fifth Monday (30th day) of A. D., IBdS. to no-' pt or i-. fi-• to t ;ke the lien'- ..sts? ot | aai 1 dvc'd umi;. pos- d ot at the valuation,. -j, h i has lieep valued and appraised in pursuance ot a | writ of partition or valuation issued out of ours-.id Court, and to the Sh- riff of said County directed, or sh -w cause why the same should sot L.- sold. .In testimony whereof I have lier- - 1" unto set my hand, and the seal ui aa;d Court, at Bedford, this 7th day of M -y, A. D., 1838. Attest: SAM'L 11. TATE, Clerk. WM. S. i'LUE.E. Sh'ff. July 23, 16i3. j LlYon'fiß SiLE. 1 tnU'O choice lots of ground, situate en M dri I J. Street, in the Bon ugh of Schel'.aburg. Bea ferd C nut v. adjoining the resilience 01 Jelio : Smith, f..q , iiaving &u excellent BWELLINGr HOUSE, j STABLE, kc., thereon erected. ALSO—Three tracts o! flue limestonb'l tud, well I set with timber, containing one hundred acres in ! each tract, situate in Morrison's Co -e, South Wowl j berry Township, Bedford Co., ejoining ton Is ot • John K . Tt'.-tr and othe.s. ALSO—Two tracts of t.rnlMir Un 1. situate in t!ie ! StiUwcter District, Minnesota, containing re.-pect i ively 160 and 120 acres. ALSO—One tract of white pine timber i.uid, containing 9J9 acies. situate on the line . r the I Pittsburg and Conneilsville Knilrosd in A: 1 -ghvny j township. Somerset C unty, eighteen ruiies west ! i CumV'rlmd, having there-:i erect.-1 a lirge Dw.-i --| ling House, largo B luk Barn, Saw-Mid, tvc. ALSO—A number of tracts of timber Iids, in : Bedford and Fultou Counties. ALSO—Sever. 1 tracts ol iron ore m i coal .an i j in Bedford County, oil the line ol the Huntingdon ; and Broadtop liailroad. Terms easy. Apple to W. P. SCIIELL. Bcdfo) 1, July 10, '858.-f. Auditor's Notice, IN the Orphans' Court, in and for the County 'if Bedford. In the matter of the distribution of ; the ral.ince of funds remaining in the hinds of j David Patterson, one of the Executors of the list will, &c., of Wm. Patterson, d-ce.m-d, Jao. P. Keed appointed Auditoi to isceriain ;h- a.lvat.ce ments made to the heirs, au i report a distribution : cf said balance. The Auditor will attend to the duties of the above app.'iutment, on Saturday, the 14tn lay of August, next., at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. : at his • ffite, in the Borough of Bedford, when and where all persons interested c.fn attend if t soy see r-roj-Hii. JNO. P. REED, .•.'vdi/or. July IS, JBSB. Audiior's Notice. IN the Court of Common Pleas iu and fr the County of Bedford. In t e matter ■ f the ex ceptions tiled to the account of Samuel 11. Tate, i Esq., Assignee of Seusorn A Gephart, Jno. P. Hee-i appointed Auditor to rep rt upon the excep tions, siate an account, and report a distribution of the funds in tbe ban-is of trie Assignee, to and ; amongst the creditors, and the evidence. , The Aqtiitor will attend to the duties of the above appointment, on Monday, the 16th day of August, r.t-st, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of sail day, . at his 1 fficc, in ;he Borough of Bedford, when and whcteall par.i.-s i'lt*.rcHf'cd'can attci.d, if they see i proper. JNO. P. KKF.D, Auditor. July 16,. IJedfbrd Springs. 'r HIS 11-known and delightful summer R.-s irt | I is now opened for the reception of visitors, and i will lie kept open until the Ist of October. Tiie new and spacious Buildings erected last year ari now fully completed, and the whel • establish ; mcut iias i-e.-a furnished in superior style, and the 1 accommodations will lie of a chir .cUr not excelled in any part of the Tjni.ed States. Ihe Hotel will bo under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, wis se experience, c rteous Run ners and attention to his guests, give the amplest ■ assurance of comfort and kind treatment. The Company have made extensive r rigemcnts : to supply icalers and individuals with <-Bedford ; Wat r.'* by the barrel, carbog, and iu bottles, at tiie f.dl .wing prices, at the Springs, viz: ! For a barrel (rnulbeny ) $4 Ou Do (Oak) ' 300 iDo (mulberry 300 4Do (03K) 2 iff! Carboy, 10 gallons, 2 25 11-.til.-K, i pint per dozen. 1 60 The barrels are all car-fu.ly prepares, bo that i purchasers rn ty depend upon receiving tho Water tresh an i sweet. All com nunicalions should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL SI"KINGS CO., July 9, 1858.-f. Bedtord, Fa. i U'DITOK S NOTICE riXHE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' X Court of Bedford County, to distribute the m iicy in the hauls of John Cessna, Esq., adminis trator of tne estate of Abraham Sparks, doe'd, among creditors and heirs, will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office, m the Borough of Bedford, oa Thursday, the 221 day of.Jr.ly, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when mid where all j parties interested can atteiid. JNO. F. REEL), Auditor. July 2, 1868. UNO,COO lIR2CK WAITED, f JtHE School Directors of Bedford Borough will JL receive proposals from this Jato to the 15th of i July inst., for Thbee Hcndked and Ftrrv Thocs axd good building brick, one-halfto be delivered j this tall,and the other half next spring, not later than tbe first of June. Ciay ts be furnished by the ! Directors if dweiied, but everything else by the ma ker of the brick. July 2, 1858. Bazin' and Lubiu's Extracts for lite Handker chief Cologne Water, Ue., it Dr. Harry's, BEDFORD xNaUIRSR. STOP AMD LCOfi AT i TH CHAT EM6A.fi! ; THt: CRY IS STILL TiIKY ldE! 1 OSTKR. MANBPEAKEU & CARN respect fully present their sittcere thanks to tlu ir nu merous Iriends and patrons, for their very kin f sod liberal patronage, s.nco opening the "new STORE, and respectfully Leg leave to announce, that they are now rocciding aud opening the second supply of new SIMMER GOODS, em bracing a large and attractive assortment cf Staple u-i f Lain.es of ail descriptions j row 6J to 25 per yard. Lawns of various styles for oj its. per yard. An extensive assirlme t of beautiful prints ranging from 4to 121 cents per yard. Muslins of all prices au 1 qualities. A large .assortment of Lilies ar. i Misses, Gloves and llusit.-y from the low figure of 5 els. up. I'ore linen Handkerchiefs tor 5 cts., ant a full jar. l complete assortment of LADIES DRESS i GO )DS generally. 1 A la' ge a- I well selected assortment oft' S'JTILS, | a " d VESTINGS, Consisting in part of Blji k French and h'nglish Cfotlis, Bluo do do da. | Olive da do do. Black Cassinicrcs. ; BLck Doe Skies. i Far.c, French and American Cassiruercs- VESTINGS. Grenadines, plain and figu r -d. 9 ! Radzemiro da da Velvets da do and agr.-at variety of Morsi ilea Vesting!. Fancy Silk and Lawn Neck l ies, from CJ cents to C2s cents. A complete assortmcut of ladies and Misses BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Also 3 large assortment .'fens BOOTS and SHOES, j My assortment of GROCERIES can't be beat. Brown Sugir for GJ cts per pouui. Kirst rate Bp-wn Sugar for 8 " •> <• Extra do do " 1.) '■ <• *' White Sugar for 121, 14 and 15 *• •• '• First Rate Rio - Coffee for 12J " ■■ •' ! Fixtra do do " 15 " " I No. 1 Java do " 15 " '• ' Best N. O. Molasses >- 12| *• •• quart. G. .-il Syraip do " 12$ ■' -♦ Extra do • 18| < • •• Good Corn Brooms for a dime. Bacon by th-- pound. : CCy All of which wHI he sol 1 cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget to call at REPP'S XEIV ' S'l'tjßE, in Ander-.on's Row, one d jor cast of Cos ; na 6: Shannon's office, and opposite the Gazette i office G. W. RUFP. Bedford, April 36, 1833. fjnilh undersigned respectfully inform thi-r X trietids i.ny their action upon the organ re quiring relief. This is the important fact upon which Inh.-.ltioa is based. II the stomach is di seased we take medicine directly 114a the st miaeh. If the liir.gs are diseased, breathe or inhale medi cated vapors directly into t'-e lungs. Me icim-s are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inliai ition is the ap plication of this principle to tlie treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct acc< ss to those intri cate air cell" and tubes which lie out of reach of every' other means of administering medicines. — I'ho reason that consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, hasVe heretofore resisted a i treatment . has been because they bad never been approached ; in a direct manner by medicine. They wereintend ' ed to art upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach. Their action wis intended to be lo j eul, and yet they were so administered that they should act constitutionally, ex ending home 'date : and ptir.cjpa'i action upon the unoffending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within tlia lungs were unmo lested. -Inhalation brings the medicine in direct j coutact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its applicath a is so sim ple that it can bo employed by the youngest infant jor fi blest invalid. It dees not derange the sto- I inacb. or biteifire in the least degree with the ; strength, comfort, or business of the nationt. J OTHER DISEASES TREATED.—In relation j to the following I S'v-.tes, either whan conij i eaten with lung affections or exl; Ung alone, I also iuv i ■ | consultation. I usu-lly fla i them promptly ctirabi •• Prolapsus and all other forms of female com plaints, irregularities, and weaKness. Palpitation and other forms of Heart Disease ; Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, aud all other diseases iof stomach a,el bowels, &e. All diseases of the eye and a .r. Neuralgia. Epi ! L-psy, and all forms of nervuuj dis-ase. No ] charge for consultation S. D. HAULMAN, M. i). July 8, IfeoS. * oiieo of hiqiii-iflon. j "¥IS7 ULiibAS Michael Putt, late of Liberty M Town: hip. Bedford County, died, s -ized of ■ the follow; ag real est ate, viz: Fwotrui s ; situate in Liberty Township, afbrosru 1, o:lo Thereof ' the mansion tract, containing one hundrei and thirty-seven aen a and allowance, with a dwelling In use, barn, gristmill, saw uiill, and other in --' j ruvement* thereon erctti, adjoining Jauisof Henry Putt, Fockler and Jth-rs. One otb j er trier, a -joining the above, containing ten acres, ; with a tenant house and stable thereon—leaving a widow nanvd Elizabeth, and issue ten children, to | wit*; Jacob, since dead, having c-inv .-y • J his share to the 3i-.-titio er, Samuel, reai .itig in Illinois, Catha | rin-.\ intemiarri-xl with '.Villiam Eigirt, the peti -11 tier. William Putr. Elizabeth, int. ;• married with j Merry Savits. Mary, intermarried with George Rus el', Joseph Putt, Ros anna ir f rtuarriei with i>avid Russeli,Sarah an.l Susan Futt, the last named yet in'h' r minority. Notice is therefore given, thai i:i pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation to me hit eiea, 1 will prro *ed to hold sn inquisition or valuation on the sai l premises, on Wednesday, th*- 4;h d..v of Au- Igust, 18-58. WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. Sh ii.Ts Office, 1 B (iferd. July 2, 'SB. | | Notice cl Inquisition* WHEREAS Wm. limes, late of S uthampt-n Township. Bedford County, died se'z i of the fol lowing dest riled res! estate, t> wit: The n. iSrioo tract, contain!ug about four hundred and seventy acres, adj lining lands of Thomas Leisure. Joseph Bennett, Geo. Bar th low, John Feunet aui others Cue other tract, containing about 150 acres, ad joining lands of Hevekiah Tewell, George Tew*]!, David H u. il and others. One other tract con taining about 50 acres, adjoining lands of Wesley Peidew, and the n> vt described tract and others.— Also, the undivided one-third part of a tract con taining four hundred and seventy-four acres or thereabouts, adjoining lands of Jos yh Bennett, Wesley Perdew. and the hist above described tract, all situ rte in Southampton Tuwnsinp, Bedford County—leaving issue eight heirs to wit: V, ilfi.tta M. linn-s, Isaac LUE S, John limes, now aead. leaving two children, Mary an 1 Sarah liaitix, the last of vvh mi is a minor,and baa no gtnr i diau, Richard lams, who i. now- ia Allegheny Co., j Pa ,Moses and Aaron I Urns, the petitioners, and ] Jacob and ,Heery li inis. A ! xcept Richard reside i in Bedford County. i Notice is therefore given, that in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation to rue directed, I I will proocei to bold an inquisition or valuation on i the said pivniis- s, on Wedues lay, the 28th day of 5 July, 1858. when and where ail parties ii.t rested ni"r attend if they think proper. WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Bid ord, July J. 'OB. J Notice of lequisiiioa* fplIE hvi.s and leg 1 representatives of Mrs. : A Sophia Mower, iate of Golcr.iin Township, [ doe'd, viz: Eliza, intermarriel witbElijih Weaver, S :n the State of Ohio, Rebecca, intermirriei with Joshua Filler, Nancy, intermarried with Jacob • Nos* l , ia Wood County, Ohio, Sarah, iuterntturied : with Emanuel J. Die'nl, and E'.izibeth, intenuar i ried with Levi Kegg. are hereby notified tiiat an Inquisition to value and appraise the real estate of i said dee'd, viz. a house and lot in the Borough of ■ Rainsburg, adjoining Joshua Filler ami others, will 1 be held ou thr premises, on Monday, the 26th day of July, inst., when and where all may attend v.ho st-e pr->per. WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Bedford, July 2, 'SB. J \l MUSICAL : ill Pi.iuos, M clod tons, Brass Ilurns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always on hand. Bon is supplied at city i wholesale rates. We Keep always on hand a full assortment of all the new and fashionable music, which we .bail at our expense to any part of the country. N. B. Music ngedto order. SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chambersburg. Mercy 7, 1857. _ BEDFORDACiDEMV. . The Summer session of this Institution will commence ou Wednesday, April 21st The efficient County Superiutc-n ieut of the Pub lic Schools, Rev. H. Heckenitan, will assist in the itstructiou of youth during the coming Persons, therefore, wishing to pursue a course .<> , study with the view of preparing thern-v'ire ad- i teach iu our Common School#,'\ vautages in connection with tEirflN BAUDH, GKgjiGE W Principal. April 9, 1859. ~ . : _ _ 0 Just Keceired I FOR SALE—the celebrated GREEN- | xl. CASTLE GRAIN CRADLE—by June 11, 1858. G. W. HUPP. i IV CU* HI7.M. • GEORGE B. AMICK, surviving partner of the late firm of GEO. B. AMICK LAOTMEK, noti fies all persons Interested, that ti>e b-ioks of said dim remain in his hands for settlement, and that circumstances demand an immediate closing up of the business of said firm. Persons indebted or having settlements to make, are therefore request ed to call on the subscriber without delay. St. Cliiisvllle, June 11, 1858 -tf. The subscriber wl'l continue the mercantile busi ness at the old stand, where he will be happy to meet and supply the wants of his fVßaids and cus tomeis at all times. He will receive Ida couple of weeks a nev supply of seasonable goods, which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. GEO. B. AMICK. Alcinda W. Smith, i N<>. 23, August Terns, vs. > 1858, in the Cerumen Win. Bifith. Pleas of Bedford Co. Alias ou Libc lor Divorce. TVTOI OK is hereby given to .e Defendant iu 11 the tbove case tiiat a S f iem tUni a'i-i Subpoeu' n Libel for Divorce h lietn Issued, th last of sa writs is returnable 3 b August, 1858, and that t said Defend int is 1 quired to appear on < r bef.ll said day and answ.-i o the complaint of the PI i ,ff ssprornled for ov a■; of Assem bly. WM. S. FLUfiK, Juno 11, 1858. Sheriff. h iTi> 1 b 11 ® mWa eAi si e Sh op ! mi IE auligcribgr would most respectfully announce 1_ to the farming community, and public in general, that he stilTcoutinues to manufacture at bis shop, in Bedford,* Pa., the l'< lkg corn, or seeding in grain, Fanning J1 ills, Florae Rakes Lever tutting Boxes. Harrows and Wheelbarrov s, made to order. Alt the ab tveanictea vonstinfly on hand, aud sol i i n reasonille terms. ft II PA IP! ATI of ali Kinds of Machin *3, whether made here or els where, dor.e* ou the shortest no tice. C-stings for ail my machines and Ple '.ch.;, made at the Foundry of Mr. Mich tel. Bnnau, in Bedford, and will compare with any made in the State for atrvi.gth and durability LiL.iCl'SdllTlll. YO aotie to cfdqr. Ali my w.-rk wairetted to give satisfac tion. From a pist esperi-. nee of iw.-nty years in the Machine business, 1 fee! confident that I can give entire satisfaction to 11 who .nav favor tne with u call. Call and ex-mine my work before you pur chase elsewi: -re, as I ain determined to ] lease ;i}!. Horses, grair. of ali kin is. lumber aud iron, vtiii be taken iu exchaltge for w rk. PETi R 11. SHIRES. Machinist. Bedford, May 7, 180S -Bni DR. J. I*. ASRCOHI, fir uULD respectfully inform the public that be v v has located pcrmaneiitly at Hopew<-li, Bed fori C ur.ty. Fa., in the practice of medicine ai.i v-li'.-its the patronage of the citizens of Town and Country, he can be fou id at all tiuies at Cipt Beekw,'s Hotel, or at his office, lately occupied Hv Dr. 11. A Dorsey, dee'd. unless pro! ssioueby c-ngag-_d. Hopewell. JUUQ 11, 1858.-C* _ PiilLlf SiLE " OF AT RnT>hil!, Bedford CourFy, Pt. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans" C >cit of Bedford County, tiie undersigned will expose to sale, on the premises, at the public house of Wm. Snel!, on Ruys'iill, in t" st Providence Tuwa- | ship, on PP.iP.jy, the Sth day of AVGI'ST, next, tho i-uJividcd interest of Daniel and Catharine I Manspeaker iu the rc-a.! ctite of v.hich Jacob Sueil j died seized, being the same upon which the said j Wm. Snail now resides, containing one hundred acres, mora or less, 'ying on each side of the turn- | pike, and having thereon erected a large TH'O STORY FRAME JIOVSE, Frame Stable, and j othei buildings. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. TERMS -C .-h at the confirmation of the sale. O. E SHANNON, Guardian. sc. July 2, 1858-4:. LITEST SEWS FROM KANSAS, USB 1 mm sn rjVIE Vi-ry list arrival of SRING £c SUMMER J_ GOODS—bought at the right time, and in ihr i rigid manner, to ensure fabrics worth buyiug aud at feirpiices—REED t .UIKVICH deal not in humbugs, j clap-traps or baits, but on actual inspection, you 5 wilifinda heavy stock of A>lKiiH A\ & FOREIGV GOODS, of a very superior quality, and to b had at prices gratifying to the purchaser and remunerative to the sell r. Heed ft Minnich will have nothing to do with giving some goods away, and putting the "Tariff" 011 somewhere else—good merchandise aL : ways ensures sal-. ;, at living prices. Come end See. j bring your CASH aud if you oayiot g .-t aheap 5- cds say there i, no truth ia this adver tisement. Dry Goods, —Dress Silks, Robe a Quillas, dladonas. Organdy Lawns, Del :itus, Calicoes. Dress Goois, an! Trimmings, in great I'arieiy, i Bonnets, Ribbons. Giants. 11/siery, French and .-imer- j tcan Cloths and Cassinieres,Sunnier Clothes an I Jeans, \ Woolen and Canton Flannels, Sheetings, Muslim. Linens, for all purposes, Tu iUings, drillings, &c. Queen twarc assti Glassware, i an assortment unequalled in Bediord . , ISoote and gibq'if „,p Reed ft Minnich kn,ow hciv-t. They will apeak j shoes of Cat' ATJD CFO JEuIES, different qualities and prices, Syrups. and every artiela in this liua M e cannot enumerate all our goods. Call and we will show you free cf charge, aud le>l happy to do so. Call and you will find yourself at the right I place to buv. May 7, 1858. WHITE TEETH and a perfumed breath car i be accquired by using the "Balm of a ! Thousand Floweis." To be had at IB HAhEV.S. j March 6. 1857. THE IMS IXViLOuiTOIt, PREPARED BV DR. SAXFOHI). C'omponi.dcd Pb(''t-!y from tlMSi* I rs ONE OF THE BEST FCRGATIVE ASJ X LIVER MEDICINKi now oejorc tii- public, that nuts as ;t Cathartic, easier, milder, and inor eMail than any oilier med ; eiiie known. It is not only a Cali --he, lot a Liver remedy, -acting first on the Live* to eject its morbid matter, then on tho stomach ank bowels to carry otf that matter, the* accomphahisg two purposes effectually, without any of the painft.t feeling* experienced in the op erations of most CdA :rtics. It strengthen* the system at the same di;aa that' it purges It; and w hen taken dally i;i mo lerate doses. :!' i eB and Luild it up with huusu.il r<; idity ■ The Liver is one of the principal regulators ot ihd. : The stcrrwrk is almost entirely dfendent on the ; healthy actlnji oi 'he l.ivir foihie proper.per ;orm- I ai.ce ot its fu&ctioiWhen tie tomft*ch is at unit, tbe bowels \re at fault, and the whole wyktem ! sutlers In conseq uftme f one org sa—?... Xdvrr ' having ceased t- do tto duty. Fur the disease of" that organ, one of the* proprietors ha: made it Us study, in * practice of more than twenty years, to And Some remedy when-w.lb to counteract the ma ny derangements to v. hich It is liable. To prove thst this .re- tnedy is at last found, any person trouble with l iver Cctrplslnt ir. any o! its forms but to ir y a bottle,and conviction is certain. . . . These gums remove*- • all morbid or bad mat ter from the system, - supplying in their pjto a healthy flow of bile.invigorating ;iie slqlij ach, causing food to gest w< 1, purifying- j* Lluod, giving tone and health to the *ee--p machinery, retnvv,ngC5 'he causes 02 theocrn.' e-ae. and effecting a ri < dic.ii cure. Ildious attacks acurd, and, what;sV li ter, prevented ty ocsosional u of tr.a Liver Invigorat. r. Ond doV- al't*-r is sufficient to relievo thestoiaaoliaod provevt the food Tram rising ai_d souring. Only on • do3e take r—-i before retiring prevents uiglltuiare. T-r^ Only one dose takeiat night locsens tho bo wels gently ,nd curesV_3 costiveuess. Otie dose taken after' each meal wdi euro Dyspepsii. >a<- dose of two tea spoonsful will &!- w. ysr iieve Sick liead-.y~. ucbe. One bottle taken forr; ioaiale obstruction ru■ m 0...-, the cause of the- disease, an 1 makes a perfect .re. Oiiiy i.nc dose Lmmt-i~~Jjta|ely relieves Oholic, w Uiie One di.se-/teti repea-pcjted is a sure cure for | Cholera M rbus, and a—preventive of Cholera. One dose taken will prove! t this rtcar racce while it relieves all painful feelings. ZL7" Only cce bottle is n ded to throw cut of } he syst. m the eIT cts of m< due after 0..g sick ness. One botile taken for Jaundice removes all ye ; low nets or uanafur-1 color 1-oni the skin. One dose taken a short t.HSe b •;are eating give* vigoi to the a; petite and makes f. oil digest wop. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhoea ; in its worst lorn.s, while summer and bowel com i plaints yield almost to the first dose. One or tw o d t acs cures attacks caused by worms, while for woruiii in children, t:.ere is no safer cr ; speedier remedy in the w>. t!J, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the ab ; sorbents. if.' lake pleasure in r c>mm-t.dir.g tins inedi i cine as a preventive for Fever anl Ague, Chill Fe ver, and 11 Fevers of a Bilious Type. It nperatot with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. Ail who use it are giving their unanimous teati j mony in its favor. !T7~MIX Water in tbe Scuta with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Tie Liver Invigo.atar j Is a great scientific Medical Discovery, and is d.Jly : working cur s almost too great to o iieva. It cares as ii by raagie, even lie jirtl hue giving bene fit and seldom more than one bottle i 3 required to | cure any kind of Liver Complaint, fratn tbe worst , Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, ail of which &fo tue result of a Disease! Liter. TRICK OSC UOLZ.AH PES EOTTIV. DB . SASF /KB, Proprietor, I'lo Broadway, Y. Y. Soli ia Bedford by Dr. B. F. IIARHT, -r.d rr tailed by ail Druggists. June 11. SbZX.-zz. 1 BEUTfFIL HEAD OF RICK GLOSSY HAIR Cc;i-pie to iy ireierved TO THE GREATECT AGE. And who that ia grwould not hive it restored to former color or buid but would have tie growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but wuuli have it removed, or troubled wrh scrofuli, scald head, or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick bead ache, (neuralgia) but would b> cured. It will also remove all pita pies Jrotn the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will do ail this, see circular and the toil owing. Ass ABEOR, November 5, • >S<5 PROF. O. J. Wcor.— I have heard aucli said of tne wonderful effects of your llatr Restora tive, but having been so ofiau charted L-y quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, Jc. I wne nispes ed to place your Restorative in the same category with the th usand :vad one loud'y trumpeted quack remedies, until 1 met youia Lawrence c. unty s. m i months since, wheu you gave me such os ;:rauce as induced the trial oi your Restorative in my family—first by my goo 1 wif., wi ose h it i-ai b.*- coma very thin uid extirvly white, and b.;"v:c cx- Lnusti.ic na cf your hrg- boltles, h - htlr w.is r - stored n.-uly to its original lio iutiful brown coin-, and had thickened and become be.iuci/u! and glossr upon, and entirely ever the bead ; she conlinaosto use it, cot simply because of its beautifying efi'ecta upon the hair, but because of its healthful iuflu-- eacc upon the hes.l and niiu-1. O'itera of my family and liienls are using your Restoiative, with the happiest effects ; Uieceforo, my kepticisin and doui ts in reference to its churact - and v.,l ie are entirely removed ; and I can and do most cordially and confidentially recv.iiend i:s use by a',l wwould have their bair restored from white or gray (hv reason of sickness cr age.) to origin, il color an'l heautv, and by *ll j.pung persons who wotil 1 have their hair beautiful and glossy. V'TV tr'fiir and graicful'-y vours, hOL'JMON MANN FRIEND Woon; It was a long ti-n J aft T; I HIT.- you at B!isficld before I ,t ti:e bottle of Restorative fir which you gave ms an orar u[ior\ your agart i'-j Detroit, an 1 wii-n I got it we cone!it ;e ito try t: on Mrs. Mian's heir, as tiie surest te? of its power-* It has done all that you assured eat! weuU and otheis of ray family and friends. nessed its effects, are now using,<*nd. , a _ in® its use to others as etitilltrf to gid- iitioa youyltrulr. vours. Again, v-ry respect r." - S0L() -; tu j; MANN'. CARLTU;. lit. June 28, l8oi; t have used Frof. OJ. VPoo l'< Hair Restorative, and have admired its Wonderful effects. My hair was hecomi g. as I tb ugbt. prern iturelv gray, lint by the us • of his R .iterative .t has r sur.sed i;s original color, and, 1 hire no doubt, p. naiu.-nUy so. S BfiEticiE, fi-Seoator, 11. S. O. J. Wood &t CO , Inpriet >rs, d! 2 ti.oaiw y, N. It (;n rh* great N. Y. Wire Hailing Establish ment) an i 114 M arket street, St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Dr. iiarry. And sold by ail good Druggists. Ju'y 2, 18:>S.-3ui. WAtiO.S. THREE new two horse wagons .on hnd. work warranted—w ill bo sold ou a liberal credit—>i ex chanced for produce. A B CRAMER S Cb. Feb. 19. 185-t.